Evidence of Training - Dobcroft Junior School

Examples of Training and Enrichment Opportunities available to parents to
support their children’s learning
Autumn Term 2013
Lucy Shaw and James organised two coffee afternoons for parents of children with
Special Educational Needs.
We held an evening meeting for Year 3 parents about helping your child at home. Again,
this was well attended and well received.
Teachers held Parents’ Meetings from Y3 to Y6 in November. They were very well
English Parent Workshops were held in Y3 to Y6 so that they can better help their
children with home learning.
The Y3 parents were also invited to a Maths Parent Workshop led by Jacqui and James
to help parents understand the calculation policy. They were given information on how
we teach maths and ways to support their children at home.
Y6s and their parents were invited to a presentation by the Head, staff at Silverdale and
Y7 children as part of their transition work. This was followed by an open evening at
A P4C circle was run by Jan Hedge and Sally Hargreaves for parents and children so
that parents were informed about P4C and could see first hand how the sessions were
run. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the session and we received some very positive
feedback. Thank you to Mrs Hedge and Mrs Hargreaves for giving up their time to
arrange this.
Spring Term 2014
We held information evenings for parents of children going on the residential visits to
Austerfield (Y3), to The Oakes (Y4) and to Condover Hall for next year (present Y4).
We held an information evening about SATs for parents of children in Year 6.
A coffee morning was held for parents of SEN children where they could share
information with one another and receive updates from Lucy Shaw and James
Parents’ Evenings were held in February to inform them of their child’s progress. As
ever, these were extremely well attended.
In addition to Parents’ Evenings, attainment sheets were sent out to inform parents of
their children’s current attainment and progress and a review sheet was sent at the
end of term to highlight the efforts the children are making.
A parent questionnaire was held on Parents’ Evening to ascertain their perception of
parental engagement to feed into our action plan. As a result we will be looking at the
school website to make it more user-friendly, improving the signage around school,
paper copies for some permission slips and signposting to various courses in the
local community.
Another very enjoyable P4C (Philosophy for Children) Circle was held by Mrs Hedge
and Mrs Hargreaves one evening in January for children and their parents. This
enabled parents to witness for themselves how the P4C circles are run and the high
quality of discussions which are generated through the children.
Summer Term 2014
 We held a meeting for parents and children in Year 5 in preparation for the 2015
Paris visit / Adventure Week.
 We held an information evening for pupils and parents in Y4 for the residential
visit to Condover Hall in Shropshire in the autumn term.
 We held information evenings for parents of Y6 children going to Paris in 2014
 We held information evenings for new Year 3 parents.
 We held our parents and children’s evening when children bring parents to
informally look at their work at the end of the year and to visit their new
Parents of children in Y5 and 6 were invited to watch the Sex and Relationships
DVD that we show to children in these year groups.
An SEN coffee morning was again held by Dave Stokes and James Marshall to
discuss the new SEN Code of Practice.
A P4C workshop was held by Jan Hedge and Sally Hargreaves for parents and
children. This was the third one this year which helped parents to experience a
Philosophy Circle alongside their children.