Books available at: Parvin (949)887-2127 - 100 Scholz Plaza #102 Newport Beach, CA 92663 – Books also available at: Lido Bookshop in Lido WWW.PARVINPROPHECY.COM – DIALOGUE WITH ROSE Village Newport Beach- Ketab Corp. in Westwood –Dehkhoda Book Store in Westwood( this bookstore is mysteriously shut down in 3/2007)) GOD IS A ROSE AND YOU ARE THE LEAVES – PEACE TAKES PLACE ONLY I EVENTS –THE POETRY OF PEACE –LAVENTINE CULTURAL CENTER UNIFICATION OF THE SPIRITS BEYOND AND USC –SATURDAY NOVEMBER 17, 2007 BOVARD AUDITORIUM, THE LIMITATIONS OF THE BODIES AND MINDS IN ROSE REVOLUTION OF USC – TROUSDALE PARKWAY - GOD IS A ROSE AND YOU ARE THE COMPASSION OF MIND-BODY-SPIRIT LEAVES – THIS WAS BEING IMPLEMENTED AND PROVEN AS IT HAS BEEN OVER AND OVER THROUOUT THE PAST 12 YEARS. WHAT WAS DIFFERENT POWER BALANCE AND FLIGHT TO THE SPIRIT FROM THE BODY AND MIND AN WAS THE OPEN ARM OF MR. JORDAN AND A BOARD MEMBER WHO GLOBAL UNIFICATION OF SPIRITS WIT INVITED ME IN AND PROMISED TO INVOLVE ME IN MY OWN LIFE WORK THE DIVINE AND HOLY SPIRIT AS ONE THAT IS SO CLOSE TO MY HEART AND SOUL AND BELIEVE AM THE ONLY FOR TRUE PEACE. TEACHER TO PROMOTE IT IN A TRUE SENSE TO THE YOUNG PEOPLE AND PEOPLE OF ANYONE WHO WANTS TO BECOME A CHANGE MAKER AS I INVITE THE YOUNG PEOPLE AND THOSE WHO ARE HEARD AND CAN ROSE REVOLUTION OF COMPASSION – INNER AND GLOBAL DIGNITY, FREEDO MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO PUT AN END TO THE GLOBAL AND PEACE AND OWER BALANCE FOR INDIFFERENTNESS, IGNORANCE AND PREJUDICE. INNER AND GLOBAL/UNIVERSAL LAWS OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND UNIVERSAL I JUST HOPE THIS WORLD GROWS UP FASTE RAND PUTS AN END TO HEALTH & EXCELLENCE – GLOBAL CRUSIFYING THE MASSIAH AND PROMOTING THE EMPTY SOLD OUT DEMOCRACY AND PEACE- LEADERSHI SOULS AND BODIES IN THE MIDDLE OF RADIO THAT MAKES THE LIE EXCELLENCE AND PEOPLE POWER – PROMOTION OF THE SOLD OUT MEDIA EVEN MORE UNBEARABLE AND EMBRACING DIFFERENTNESS AND INTOLORABLE. TH SINOW OF THE LIE AND ADULTRY IN THE PLACE OF DIVERSE UNITY – BRIDGE BETWEEN GIVING VOICE TO A WOMAN WHO HAS BRAUGHT A REBIRTH TO NOT CULTRES, RACES, RELIGIONS AND ONLY IRANIANS BUT TH WORLD IS NOT JUST DISTASTEFUL, BUT A DIRTY GENDERS FOR POWER BALANCE OLD AND OUTDATED PATTERNS OF POLITICS AND A DISGRACEFUL GLOBAL CONSPERICY THAT HAS COST GRAVE PAIN AND INJUSTICE RELATED ARTICLES & NEWS – TOWARD ME AND MY FAMILY AND CHILDREN. I ROSE TO BRING BACK THE RIGHT AND DIGNITY OF THE ORPHANS OF THE WORLD. I DID NOT THINK IT WOULD END UP AT THE COST OF THE RIGHT OF MY OWN THE GLOBAL EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE CHILDREN. THIS IS HOW WE MEASURE CORRUPTION OF THE WORLD STEMMING FROM THE ROSE PROPHEC AND FIND THE NEED FOR REFORM AND CHANGE NOT A LUXURY BUT A AND ROSE REVOLUTION OF COMPASIO NECESSITY FOR SAVING HUMANITY. AND PEACE AND FREEDOM PROGRAM OF THE ULTIMATE CHOICE AS INDIVIDUAL AND GLOBAL/UNIVERSAL YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN SHOWED TALENTS HIDEN FROM EVEN THEMSELVES THROUGHOUT THE CENTURIES AND HISTORY ESPECIALLY DESTINY MAKING IN IRANIAN (PERSIAN) FAMILIES AND THEIR YOUTH. TALENT AND MUSIC WAS BANNED FROM IRAN FOR 28 YEARS AND EVEN BEFORE THAT IT WAS 11/27/2007 – SUMMIT FOR PEACE – TOOK NOT A PRESTIGEOUS PROFESSION. I CHANGED THAT PATTERN BY PLACE VICTORIOUSLY – PERHAPS TEACHING THAT THE YOUNG PEOPLE MUST BE WHO THEY ARE AND DO BECAUSE IT LACKED THE FANATIC, WHAT THEIR PASSION IS WITH MY PIONEERING WORK OF SELF MAKING PEJUDICED AND ANGRY LUNETICS AND (KHOD SAZI VA SARNEVESHT SAZI) THAT FOR YEARS HAS BEEN MY LABELED AS LEADERS TO SET FIRE AND A LIFE WORK AND NO ONE UNDERSTOOD IT NOR SEEMED INTERESTED UNCOMFORTABLE ENVIRONEMENT UNTIL I ROSE AND WROTE NINE BOOKS IN 1994 ON A CALLING TO WHERE THERE COULD BE NO PEACE TAL CHANGE THE WORLD PATTERNS FROM DARK TO LIGHT AND FROM OR EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE. SAVERY TO FREEDOM AND EQUAL RIGHTS AND DIGNTIY FOR ALL THE CHILDREN OF HUMANITY. SEEING SHIVA ROSE DAUGHT OF A COUPLE THE THREE MEN WHO SPOKE, PERSIAN ARITISTS WAS A JOY ESPECIALLY THAT SHE SITED A POETRY PRESIDENT BUSH, MAHMOUD ABBAS THAT HIT HOME FOR ME– FOR 12 YEARS I HAVE BEEN CENSORED AND PALESTINE LEADER AND OLMERT THE SILENCED AND A BUNCH OF MICE AND SNAKES AND PUPPETS ARE ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER WERE CLAIMING MY LIFE WORK AND MY PROMOTER IS PROMOTING THEM EXCERCISING THE UNIVERSAL LAWS OF WHILE SLANDERING ME AND DENYING ME AND FRAMING AND HUMAN RIGHTS AND ROSE PATTERNS OF DEFAMING ME ONLY OUT OF FEAR OF LOOSING HIS TOXIC MAFIA EXCELLENCE MOVING TOWARD A LONG CONTROL AND POWER OR THE GREED OF WANTING TO C LAIM MY LASTING PEACE NEGOTIATIONS BY IDENTITY AND BECOMING ME. CLAIING TO BE IN LOVE WITH ME, NO FOCUSING ON GLOBAL FREEDOM THAT I ENEMY WOULD HAVE DONE WHAT HE HAS DONE TO ME. MY MISSION AND PEACE PROGRAM AND PRESIDENT BUSH’S LEGACY. HAD I NOT I HAVE FORGIVEN THIS MAN WITH THE LOVE I HAVE OF THE HOLY BEEN C ENSORED AND SILENCED IN MY SPIRIT INSIDE ME. BUT I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE END OF THE OWN DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY BY A BUNC CRUELTY OF THIS GROUP AND THEIR DENIAL OF ME AND THEIR DAILY OF JUVENILE DELINQUENTS WHO HAVE TORTURE AND SLANDER AND RAPING ME OUT OF MY INTELLECTUAL RAN WITH MY LIFE WORK AND DO NOT PROPERTY ONLY TO LAUGHT AND PLACE THEIR MISTRESSES IN MY GIVE ME MY CREDIT AND HAVE POSED IN PLACE. THIS TRULY HAS BEEN THE WAR OF GOD AND EVIL AND GOD GLOBAL SETTING AND AS PRESIDENT’S HAS WON WITH WATCHING THE NEWS IN THE SUMMIT TODAY AND ADVISORS CLAIMING MY IDENTITY AND PRESIDENT BUSH STANDING FOR GLOBAL DEMOCRACY AS THE WAY LIFE WORK, THERE WOULD NOT HAVE FOR LASTING PEACE AND HILARY CLINTON AND BORAK OBAMMA BEEN ANY WAR AND VIOLENCE. STANDING FOR MY UNIVERSAL HEALTH AND EXCELLENCE PROGRAM AND THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES HAVE EVOLVED AS WELL TO AS PRESIDENT BUSH INDICATED BECOME MORE GLOBAL THAN JUST NATIONAL FOR IT IS A GLOBAL RIGHTFULLY, THIS TALK WILL MAKE A FAMILY WE MUST CONSIDER TO FREE AS FREEDOM OF THE LIKE OF ME DIFFERENCE ONLY BECAUSE WE ARE BECOMES A HUMAN RIGHT ISSUE AND A CHECK AND BALANCE OF UNIVERSTANDING AND MUST DEMOCRACY IN MY DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY. UNDERSTAND THAT FREEDOM COMES FROM PEACE MAKING AND TRUE PEACE AFI- American Film Festival - the root of creation of AFI Project: 20/20- Rose ONLY COMES FROM GLOBAL DEMOCRAC Parvin Global Peace and Reform Program is being materialized in all life AS THE CHOICE GOVERNMENT OF GOD. dimensions from film and music to universities. From a calling of a woman THIS IS THE ROSE REVOLUTION. HUMAN whose life is dedicated to truth and peace and freedom and found Environmental KIND DESERVES TO BE FREE AND TO LIV Corruption is creating dark patterns in the world and we can change that by FREE WITH THEIR EQUAL RIGHTS AND changing the patterns of the organizations and industries that feed the people and DIGNITY. to create and motivate the people to have a larger purpose than their own self interest, the world is changing. FREEDOM AND PEACE IS THE GLOBAL RIGHT OF MANKIND. I HAVE A MISSION “AFI PROJECT: 20/20 is a unique cultural exchange program for filmmakers TO LEAD THE WAY WITH THE PIONEERIN designed to foster cross- Cultural understanding and respect while nurturing KNOWLEDGE I HAVE BRAUGHT TO SEE T filmmaking excellence. By engaging with audiences here and overseas, AFI IT THAT NOT EVEN A CHILD IS LEFT PROJECT: 20/20 filmmakers seek to promote cultural understanding and BEHIND. EVEN THOUG H I DO NOT challenge stereotypes, revealing both a respect for differences and a shared BELIEVE IN WAR AND VIOLENCE, I BELIEV humanity among cultures. PRESIDENT BUSH HAS HAD A GREAT INFLUENCE IN MY PEACE AND FREEDOM RPGRAM GETTING THE ATTENTION IT AFI PROJECT: 20/20 is an American Film Institute project supported by a MUST. WITHOUT HIM, THE BULLIES partnership of the US Department of State, The National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, the Institute of Museum and WOULD HAVE KILLED ME AND MY PEOPL WITHOUT ANYONE NOTICING WHILE Library Services and the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities. LIVING IN INDIFFERENCE THINKING THE ARE FREE. All this support for my life work that is being expanded not only in music and film but also universities with my pioneering Psychology of Excellence as a science of materializing all this evolutionary change and the technology of FROM A WORLD WIDE CORRUPT MAFIA Pattern Change Programming toward Cross Cultural Power Balance and thus EFFORT TO GET PRESIDENT BUSH heath, success, peace and excellence even changing genetics and their dark IMPEECHED TO FINALLY GIVING UP TO matters to the light, and I myself am exhausted of my finances because there is a MY PEACE PATH AND PROGRAM AND wall between me and those who are appreciating and materializing my life work. ADVISING THE PRESIDENT TO FOCUS My promoter has had a great deal to do with materializing my life work without ON GLOBAL DEMOCRACY AS THE ONLY my own name on it; spreading the Rose Leaves without the Rose is just as WAY TO TRUE PEACE, THOSE WHO DID impossible as the world existing without a creator. Who benefits from denying and NOT TAKE ME SERIOUS (MY PROMOTER hiding us? Those who claim to be god and/ or I who benefit from claiming my life MASSOOD KHOJASTEH, TURNED work stealing my identity and intellectual property for 12 years while collectively PREDETOR ON ME AND HIS GROUP OF TH censoring and silencing me defaming and denying me. The arrogant Supremacists REFORMISTS), LAUGHED AT ME, who have the power of mass promotion in a media that is filled with lie and no one HARRASSED ME DAILY, FAUGHT WITH M has the courage to challenge it without taking the risk of being taken off the air. EVERY STEP AS THEY STILL DO UNTIL THE REALIZED THE ROSE WAY IS THE ONLY TRUE PATH TO PEACE AND In a time like this I Rose to change the patterns of darkness to light and believe EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE TOWARD that even the devil can change and together we can change not only the patterns of humanity from dark to light but also create a new creation within which there GLOBAL DEMOCRACY HAVE MOVED TOO SLOW FOR MY SAKE WHERE THEIR would be no Power Imbalance among man and woman and different race and CENSORSHIP OF ME IS RISKING MY LIFE cultures and religions. My promoter had the external power and not my knowledge. I had the internal power and not his external power that has multiplies SPENDING MY LAST NIGHT IN A MOTEL by the credibility he is gaining by my life work and its proving to be better than ROOM STEMMING FROM EXHUSTED AND DRIED OUT FINANCES WHILE THEY ARE gold in not only creating excellence in humanity but also in creating prosperity PROSPERING FROM MY LIFE WORK AND that stems from building and not destroying and burning; it is through dialogue and Cultural Exchange and thus Power Balance, Freedom and Peace through PRESENTING THEMSELVES TO THE WORL film, music, theater and scientific exchange and not through war and violence. PHILANTROPISTS AND THE PRESIDENT’S And that is Rose Revolution of Compassion and Rose Universal Psychology of MEN AS PIONEER’S OF MY GLOBAL PEAC AND REFORM PROGRAM AND THE ROSE Health and Excellence. REVOLUTION OF COMPASSION AND ROS PIONEERING PSYCHOLOGY OF HEALTH I have been guiding my Global Peace and Reform Program from behind the AND EXCELLENCE. WITHOUT MY GLOBA lines for the past 12 years and some follow me with a conscience and some reap PEACE AND REFORM PROGRAM THAT IS the fruit of my life work and still deny me like the counselor at 670am KIRN SCIENTIFIC VISION, MISSION AND Farhang Holaquie who is prospering from claiming my life work while brain PHILOSOPHY AND TECHNOLOGY THAT I washing others and constantly suggesting to them to ignore and deny me as he HAVE SPENT A LIFETIME SPREADING AND also claims this science he has stolen from me is everything people need and there HAVE GONE ON THE CROSS FOR THE PAS is no god and he would not have anything to do with hearing people’s prayer and 12 YEARS TO SAVE IT AND THE EARTH the miracles that saves people after he was claiming there is no god now he is a FROM THE HANDS OF THE BULLIES AND believer of hell and the fire in it and thinks those who want their own intellectual POWER MONOPOLISTS AND TO GUIDE IT property in their own name are from hell and darkness he who has stolen it is the WITH MY EVERY BREATH AND DROP OF light. And that is after my 12 years of guidance of my own life work. BLOOD TO BRING IT TO THE RIGHT PATH FROM THE WRONG PATH IT COULD FALL At a time Deepak Chopra and Dr. Oz come to Larry King and say prayer works ANY MOMENT IN THE HANDS OF A because the power of hope and faith works and we cannot strip people out of their DICTATOR AND ATOMIC WEAPONS. own power within and drug them out of their own power of mind and their right to be angry at the corruptions that take them away from their right and dignity that like the demonstrations that are taking place today and the music and film that is /16/2007 – Los Angeles Times Article - Herb going toward dialogue for change, it can be put to a good use of changing patterns Alpert’s root of philanthropy for UCLA - $30 million for a Cross –Cultural School to and challenging the outdated and primitive patterns like adultery, cheating and highlight ethnic music. When I saw the articl lying and stealing and competitive rivalry and rewarding bulliysm and chauvinism on the cover of Los Angeles Times today, that exists in all walks of life that has rotted the roots of humanity. November 16, 2007, I was elated that from fil schools like AFI, American Film Institute to music schools in universities like UCLA to Dr. Chopra said God is a woman- in his 25th book that has been heavily inspired by my 800 book the first book I wrote out of nine books I wrote in one year I sent UCI’s Jordan School for Persian Studies and the list goes on in the past few years, the Ros him to do a review for me titled Pattern Change Programming; Creating Your Path and my Universal Psychology of Health Own Destiny; an Evo-Revolutionary Psycho-Spirituality of Being, he, knowing and Excellence and Rose Revolution of what he had taken out of my book and life work, graciously said god is a woman. I Compassion is being materialized. I just hope am sure that my promoter who controls where all these endowments should go and who should get them and who should breathe on earth, has come to his own true will not be too late for my son and I to live ou self not to be afraid or competitive with the power of a woman like me to hide me dreams and visions while being credited as we as the people who are waiting to see true as a fish in a fish tank as the movie of Jerri Mc. Quire suggests or not involving me leadership in humanity that is the source and th in my own Global Peace and Reform Program and keep sending me love/hate pioneer and the guide of all this before they songs in open mic., nights I go to by his bodies or through the air wave without cross our name for ever in censorship, denial realizing that dialogue must be Power Balanced in two ways; not me from a little and silence. public access television show and he with a thousands of my angels and his own pawns through all the medium that my scientific knowledge gives it prosperity and credibility. As Mr. Alpert so sensitively sees it and I am quoting from Los Angeles Times, “The landscape of music has changed so dramatical This war of god and evil with one woman and a devil with a thousands of mice in the last few years and the ways of making, and snakes on his shoulders to be his stunt men and women is not fair but we delivering and sharing music have become so cannot talk about fairness in a world taken over by man but we can say that true diverse, there need to be a new approach to evolution is promotion of the truth and not the lie colored and placed in the place music education. It is not that music has becom of the truth. And for a perfectionist like him that is taken him 12 years to diverse, and now we have to have a new understand and finally implement my life work through the animation of Persepolis approach to teaching it. Based on my Global and pour all the endowments in all centers, organizations and universities and Peace and Reform Program, peace and support and promote Hilary to say he is liberated, is not much of liberation or freedom as well as the survival, health and evolutionary change or the love he claims he has toward me! The war and the excellence of humanity depends on dance of the stars is truly to challenge the dark and outdated patterns on earth understanding and accepting different-ness an being promoted by the devil who has lost his own soul by his overindulgence and diversity and that is why we are promoting it to pour the rain-like light on the Rose patterns of god-like- ness teaching through all walks of life and not just music. responsible freedom and a step by step transfer of the power of the holy spirit in And that is a part of my Global Peace and me to create the same miracle for each and everyone on earth that chooses to Reform Program. Based on Rose Global Peac change their hearts and minds by letting me to plant a red rose in them and and Reform Program and Rose Revolution of together we create a Rose Garden without the Rat-like and Snake – like Toxic Compassion we must create Diverse Unity and Patterns. Leadership Excellence in the world and heal th The bottom line is that in the Rose Way everyone is a victor and together we can masses by teaching them to find their self and their god within and understand their different celebrate victory and there is no need for outdated, primitive patterns of ness so that we do not deny our selves or kill conspiracy or competitive rivalry. Together, we are the testimony of evolution of others for their different-ness but instead to man and god and the power Balance of man and woman on earth! Reclaiming celebrate ourselves and them in a new Rebirth earth by god does not mean killing the devil and his children who are the children that takes place in such Universal of god who ate the apple and are constantly eating the carrots handed to them for Understanding and acceptance. fast fame and fast fix. But it is to change his patterns and their patterns to say we can evolve without war and violence and in the one and only god’s grace! Just imagine what would have happened if I let these kinds of individuals take over And that is what is taking place in American in Iran and in the world as my global family i with their power monopoly and claim the earth without challenge. catching on to the Rose Revolution of Compassion that creates Rebirth of not only on 11/15/2007- Gypsy Den Open Mic., nights – I sang some songs together and at a time heart and souls but also the collectiv talked to the wonderful audience of Gypsy Den that seems with all the negative consciousness and rebirth of Nations. A long promotion have their own intuitive sense of the truth as the rest of the people who time ago I wrote a letter to President Bush and know who I am in spite of all the intentional negative promotion surrounding me in 12 years – and together we are changing the patterns of darkness coming from wrote about the Rebirth of Nations and Americ organized systems caught in outdated patterns resisting and trying to change as it and the step by step how to of that letter as I ha sent my books to President Clinton and Hilary is the dance of evolution; one step forward- two step back- god’s patience and and guided him in a step by step coaching shield around me has kept me forgiving and experiencing rebirth in every moment after the death of my faith in humanity in every torturous instance. through the dialogue through my e-mails how come to Power Balance and rebirth of his own get elected a second time and get a second - Give God the Glory - for Thanks Giving – Give god the glory and watch him and pray – you’ve never seen such circle of light – when god comes in and god is change in life by having a higher purpose tha came from inner wisdom and substance. at play - 2- Don’t cry for me my dear children – I never truly left you – in all my sorrow The young and the old can learn far more from a living teacher with a life time of developing and days of darkness- I kept my promise- don’t keep your distancescientific and spiritual path to the Truth than from a crucified one on the cross or a bunch o 11/15/2007-Mirror of The World –Rose’s Television show titled Parvin Prophecy clones and plagiarists who talk a good talk an – aired at Cox and Time Warner Cable in Orange County Public Access. in principal not even one day can walk the Teachings of Rose Revolution of Compassion. narrow path none other traveled. If Los Angele Times and CNN had an interview with me 12 11/1-11/11/2007- AFI- American Film Festival – years ago or during this time as I kept trying t Archlight- North Hollywood- Read the e-mails( get their focus on my pioneering work that wa Revelatory Letters) I have sent to know about it. getting claimed by all walks of life and everyon was being promoted by it but the true author wh could have influenced the world to come to 10/26/2007—THE ROSE PROPHECY – THE ROSE WAY – THE WAY OF peace and freedom and their lost right and UNIVERSAL PREDICTION PREVENTION, HEALTH AND EXCELLENCE – dignity without war and violence and so much Follow me to freedom, follow me – open your hearts and yet open your eyes and lives lost as a result of unspoken outdated, follow me – I am t he blueprint and the mirror of what you want to be- I have stifling and oppressive rules and those who reached in and touched the light- and I have brought it to you to become like me blindly follow them that has kept the majority o – for me to be free, for you to be free – born again free – I have gone on the the people unheard, silenced and censored whi cross of your ignorance to help you see – a bunch of bullies keep celebrating what they steal from others and claim as their own Who are you? Who you want to be? or the old patterns handed down to you treasures ruling the world with evil patterns. S throughout the history – I have brought you the science – I have learnt from it is not a coincidence that at t he same time a experience, personal and professional – years of following my spirit that teaches Alpert’s donation to UCLA’s Music School fo me – for you to become awakened, to become open, to become who you are – not a Cross- Cultural School Clown Robot held hostage by your own need to be free at the cost of anything that you dream to be – at the cost of health and excellence in you and in humanity – Rose Revolution of Compassion – Creating a tear down the walls – that keep you away from yourself and your god and your world with people who had their true self and true power and energy – the walls of addiction to power, to fast sex and fast fix Leadership Excellence and People Power tha and lie and cheat and the lie stories – hold my hand and fly with me to the height stemmed from their Self Knowledge and their of your destiny – where you can see me- you can see you and you can become a inner creative path of Godlike-ness from the change maker for our global family. With all that we have – with all that we lost – child within. To be true and to have a true self all that matters is inside of us – the treasure of being the power of light and love would teach people how to have their own and free rhythms and how to understand their own different-ness and that of others and that was Looking into the Bull’s Eye Every day and going to the last supper every night one tool to create a Universal Law of Being only to change the patterns of inhumanity to humanity. After coming back from Human and a Universal/Global Culture with the Gypsy Den last night where I sang In the Midst of Fire, you can have peace, if common language of heart where even god cou you know who you are and believe in higher power you can be at ease!, taking the understand and hear it and the prayers from th bus home with my already bleeding feet from walking enormous distances heart could be answered. My son and I had whenever it is late for the busses to go all the way to my destination and walking dialogue that way: he would wake me up with half hour as usual I spent another night at the little coffin like storage of the not yet playing the piano talking to me and closing th sold condo sanctuary of mine my brother had bought me for seven years to be able gap and tearing down the walls that different to do the impossible purpose of changing the Societal Patterns from dead spirited cultures between us create. to that of compassion. Yet having the choice of being at the open door club house for healing my injured feet in the sauna brought me back the lost hope for I was healing people from all over the world humanity and the day aside from the usual plot in a grand way for yet another teaching them to have their true self and hav attempt at humoring and framing me and proving I am not extra ordinary by dialogue within and with others through thei killing me by a global effort at ordinary making, with my dodges and smiles to creative means and inner wisdom and teachin carry on with my dignity in spite of all the rat scents, turned out to be a wonderful day. them to see that their different-ness is being labeled as schizophrenia when it was only As I was sitting and drinking the tea I make with hot water at the Balboa Village adjustment disorder. When I would work with Jack in the box (the yet another enhancement of that little village for me to take the them for a few sessions they would be balance place of My Father’s Village I wrote about in my book in 1994 that I wrote nine and back to the lives they were used to. But th books in one year to change the world’s lobe-sided patterns, ) tolerating the nasty society operated based on certain untold laws looks on the face of the little woman who has given me a hard time since she was the Jungle that the innocent and creative and th hired even though I keep paying extra all the time for the few times that the angel lambs would be the victims of the wolves and th bullies. If you were not big enough and bully manager gives me free meal since at times I have had no money not even the 85 cents that it takes for one hamburger they make especial for me with extra lettuce, enough and were not enrolled in football or di not drink or were not of a certain religious extra tomato and extra onion. But that girl keeps being one of the mice that seems background you would not be accepted in to be planted everywhere just to give me a hard time being a big mouth of schools let alone the society. defamation and slander against me with calculated vulgar of pawns and blind obedient of either their own ignorance or somebody else’s. The young dark and short haired girl was at all times staring at me. She yells things out and the My son was my motivation to change the worl manager says does not have a husband and that is why we think she is crazy. Not to fit sensitive souls that are different and thei having a husband is not a criterion for being or becoming crazy. In fact I have creative talent was not appreciated in a world seen not having a husband or wife often helps people to get ahead in their that bulliysm and chauvinism had taken roots purposeful lives if they have principals and missions that within it they must either from organized religions, dictatorships and be with someone with their vision and walking the same path with them or they will systems to families and schools and distract. But in unsaid Patterns of thinking in Chauvinistic Cultures especially environments and awarded the bully than the women without a husband could be seen as crazy. I am witnessing women who creative and creator. Now I see the patterns want to be married to rich men at any cost to themselves and humanity to the point changing and endowments and philanthropy of trying to impregnate themselves even when the man is still living at home with supporting the creative talents and minds that his wife and family. They go through strenuous surgery and sit in the middle to win want to become the bridge to heal and to chang the pot at the end of the rainbow with their wicked patterns that put mice and the outdated patterns as my son and I have don snakes to shame, wolves like lambs. My son Shaun was a bridge through his music bring peace between him and me and an understanding of our different-ness and make The Global Society and men are better off without this kind of lost soul prostitutes that an endearing strength than vulnerability t of money and fame and power that the bullies hide behind and create a meet market out of the church of Christ in order to keep t heir toxic control over the have a mother from a different culture he wante people and keep them ignorant and deceived and separate from their destiny to be to understand and respect without digging into free of all chains of slavery and addiction that has held them back from their own it. He did that by mixing the music and bridgin between the two. I would wake up in t he power. People must discern and not to have these women before they show ability mornings by his piano playing that was a uniqu to change their patterns and gain conscience, become a part of Societal Pattern creation between classical and Persian music Making in media, print and film let alone creating Idol Making and rape the root of tree of humanity once again since I have brought the knowledge of how to be and become free of these evil snakes that tried to even betray Christ and disgraced DIALOGUE WITH ROSE the name of eve from the beginning. Rose’s Cell Phone: (949) 887-2127 - P/O/Box The Village called after my book and my father’s village that I later on wrote my 3575 Newport Beach California - 92659 philosophy based on MY G LOBAL FAMILY AND THE ROSE VILLAGE that has become Hillary’s ticket for getting elected and the philosophy that goes along Send me e-mails if you want to give me with it that is the Rose Revolution of Compassion for all the orphans of the world feedback or want to participate in my dialogue that Rachel, yet another mistress of my promoter is working on with Hilary for for freedom and peace; internal and global o implementing my life work while I am censored and silenced and Rose Psychology attend my seminars for Self Excellence and of Heath and Excellence that is getting millions of dollars from just Iranians of Global Cultural Power Balance – for Self NIPOC and Orange County where I rose and brought a rebirth to Iranians and the Power, Relationship Power, Family Power, world by my Blueprint for Success and pioneering knowledge – where yet another Young Power, Therapist Power, Artist Power woman Farzaneh a new person in NIPOC who seems not to know who I am and I People Power, Leadership Excellence and am the one whose books and talks and life work has given their Festival of embracing Diverse Unity – finding yourself an Mehrgan the credibility they do not want anyone to know had the security to throw your multi-dimensions as Change and Choic me out- the security that seemed already filled with the plot of who I am to treat me Makers in your path and the Universal Path f like a terrorist while the terrorists are invited to universities to claim my life work Peace and Freedom from all addiction, bondage and slavery to fast fix and fast fame and identity – Living a life of purpose and Spiritual Succes with Substance. CORRUPTION AND MICHAEL CARONA THE SHERRIF OF ORANCE COUNTTY- THE SAME SECURITY THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TO HARRASS ME EVERY Join in Dialogue with Rose Parvin Counselor YEAR BY THIS ORGANIZATION AND 670 AM KIRN THAT PROMOTES IT- THE SAME Psychotherapist, teacher, healer, Miracle SECURITY THAT WORKS FOR SHERRIF MICHAEL CARONA WHO ALWAYS ENJOYS Maker, Creator, Poet, Political Analyst, Patter THESE FESTIVALS AND ATTENDS THEM – THE SAME MICHAEL CARONA WHO IS BEING INDICTED FOR CORRUPTION OF ACCEPTING MONEY FOR GIVING POWER AND Changer, Destiny Maker, Revolutionary – You Patterns, relationships and families, your wor PERHAPS SETTING PEOPOLE UP AS FAVORS OR CLOSING HIS EYES TO JUSTICE WHICH IS A LONG STORY THROUGHOUT MY 12YEARS OF PROPHECY OF EXILE IN MY will change, you heal and excel, and you can OWN FREE COUNTRY AND BEING CENSORED AND SILENCED AND MY LIFE WORK become a change maker uniting with her in BEING USED TO PROMOTE OTHERS AND BEING PROSPERITY FOR OTHERS AS MY THE changing the world, forever- I am the pionee RIVER OF MY FINANCES DRIED OUT BY BLOCKS OF DIRTY POLITICS AND POLITICAL of Pattern Change Programming and a new CONSPERICY. HOW I WAS TREATED IN MY OWN HOMETOWN AND DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY AND THE PATTERNS OF WAR OF GOD AND EVIL DURING THESE 12 YEARS Psychology of Excellence and FlyingRESEARCH ASIDE F ROM MY NINE BOOKS I WROTE IN 1994. Rose, a California Licensed Marriage, Famil I HAVE HAD A LUCRETIVE COUNSELING CENTER FOR YEARS SINCE and Child Counselor and Psychotherapist sinc 1982 AND BEFORE AS AN HONORABLE CITIZEN UNTIL MY PROMOTER CHOSE TO 1982- the founder and director of The Parvin COME AND PROMOTE MY WORK AND FELL IN LOVE WITH MY IDENTITY AND LIFE WORK FOR HIMSELF AND OTHERS. THE REST IS A 12 YEAR DOCUMENTARY OF TRUTH Center for Patterns of Excellence from 1982 BEYOND ALL T HE FABRICATED TRUTH BEING SOLD TO CLAIM MY LIFE WORK AND 1997 with a lapse of five years when from 199 IDENTITY. THE LAST CROSS ON THE SHOULDERS OF HUMANITY IS THE 2005 she was the Parvin Institute for Peace CONTINUATION OF CENSORHIP OF ME AND MASS PROMOTION OF THE MICE AND without Walls- she had a calling and a journe SNAKES AND PROSTUTIONS OF POWER AT THE COST OF MY LIFE AND PERSONAL/ to heal the world and become the mother of th PROFESSIONAL DESTINY AND THAT OF NATIONS AND HUMANITY. I LIKE AND SUPPORTED MICHAEL CARONA’S WORK IN MANY LEVELS SPECIALLY HIS WORK TO orphans of the world. And so she did. She wro FIND AND SAVE THE CHILDREN IN REGARDS TO THE AMBER ALERT. IN FACT I nine books in one year in 1994 and began a WROTE TO MICHAEL CARONA AND HELPED HIM IN FINDING SOME OF THOSE GIRLS. Prophetic Journey for 12 years and the worl is becoming a more evolved and a better plac BUT MAKING SOMEONE THE AMERICA’S STAR AND FOR HIM TO to live through the knowledge and the living DENY ALONG WITH OTHERS OF WHAT IS GOING ON IN HIS word she has been spreading in the world. TERRITORY AND DOMAIN AS FAVOR TO PEOPLE OF MONEY AND POWER HOWEVER CAN BE FORGIVEN, THE RESULT STEMMING The Rose Revolution of Compassion is the wa FROM IT IS A DETREMENT TO LAW & JUSTICE. AS IF SOMEONE WANTS TO of life to put an end to corruption of the mind PROMOTE THOSE HE KNOWS THEY DO NOT HAVE WHAT IT TAKES ONLY TO SHOW HIS MIGHT IN PROMOTION AND MISREPRESENATION OF FACTS. OR SOMEONE WHO PROMOTES THOSE HE KNOWS WILL FALL. OR SOMEONE WHO PROMOTES SOME TO REPLACE THE TRUE SHINNING STAR TO MAKE THE SYSTEM TO FALL OR WHATEVER DEPENDS ON THE SYSTEM LIKE SECURITY AND TRUE DEMOCRACY AS A RESULT OF SECURITY AND TRANSPARENCY. I WOULD LIKE TO FIND OUT ABOUT THE TRUE STORY OF THE DEATHS AND TRAGEDIES THAT HAPPENED WITH THE MURDERER WHO WROTE HIS NAME AS GOD AND HOW WAS IT THAT IT HAPPENED IN AMBROSA AND MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS THAT ONLY A TRAINED EYE INVOLVED IN THE SECURITY OF A COUNTY WOULD BE ABLE TO UNRAVEL. BUT MOST OF ALL, I WANT TO KNOW HOW DOES MICHAEL CARONA FEEL, KNOWING THAT I EVEN WROTE TO HIM ABOUT ALL THAT I WAS AND STILL AM GOING THROUGH IN MY DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY IN WHICH I AM AN HONORABLE CITIZEN OF, HOW DOES HE FEE ABOUT BEING THE SHERIFF OF A COUNTY WITHIN WHICH ROSE PARVIN HAS BEEN FOR 12 YEARS SILENCED, CENSORED, DEFAMED, FRAMED AND HER LIFE WORK RAPED OUT OF HER AND CLAIMED BY OTHERS AND SHE IS NOT EVEN A CHILD. IN FACT ROSE PARVIN IS A SCIENTIST COUNSELOR WHO HAS BEEN EXCEPTIONALLY ACTIVE IN CREATING REFORM, EXCELLENCE AND HALING OF THIS COUNTY AND NEWPORT BEACH AND THIS WORLD TO MAKE IT NEW AND FREE FROM ALL CORRUPTION. and the systems with corrupt minds and to bring Mind Power and philosophy of substanc and a higher purpose and Mind-Body-Spirit Power Balance. Rose is the pioneer of a new revolutionary and cutting edge psychology: Psychology of Prevention, Health, Excellenc and Flying. With the cutting edge technology Pattern Change Programming; Creating You Own Destiny; an evolutionary, revolutionary Psycho-Spirituality of Being. During the past 12 years I have focused in broadcasting and teaching healing and it has had tremendous impact not only in the world but in the Mental Health in general and universities that teach the mental health professionals. What seemed to be impossible and unknown and unbelievable is now being taught scientifically as a result of my nine I CAME TO CHANGE THE PATTERNS OF KILLING THE MASSIAH AND THE LIVING AND YET I MYSELF AM MIRACULOUSLY LIVING NOT BECAUSE OF books introducing a Psychology of Health an THE GREAT SECRURITY OF MY TOWN AND COUNTRY BUT ONLY BECAUSE I HAVE THE Excellence and the technology of Pattern HOLY SPIRIT WITHITN ME AND HAVE THE POWER BEYOND THE ORDINARY TO Change Programming to create one’s own SURVIVE AND EXCEL IN EVEN THE MIDST OF POLITICAL CONSPERICY AND destiny which is the ultimate choice program COMPETITIVE, PREJUDICUAL FIRE. THE CONSPERICY OF MAFIA UNIFICATION VERSUS UNIFICATION WITH GOD AND GOODNESS IS SO THICK THAT THERE ARE anyone’s life. My philosophy of Power Balan FILMS MADE AGAINST MY SOLUTIONS WHEN THE CRISIS IS OBVIOUS NOW EVEN of Mind-Body and Spirit proving there is a THOUGH WHEN I ROSE AND WROTE NINE BOOKS ABOUT THE PROBLEMS AND spirit at a time no one believed it and the SOLUTOINS NO ONE HAD TAUGHT OF THE PROBLEMS LET ALONE KNOWING THE SOLUTIONS. THE FILM AND VIDEO OF A TEACHER AND STUDENTS PLAYING GUITAR connection with one another where even with SHOWING IN YOUTUBE.COM/LIONSFORLAMBS IN ARMOR FOR SLEEP THAT SAYS OUR the professionals the connection of mind and CITY DID NOT ASK FOR HELP WHEN THIS CITY HAS HAD ITS SHARE OF TRAGEDY AND body was not proven, are some of the THE WORLD IS BURNING BECAUSE A GROUP OF ARROGANT MEN DECIDED TO STEAL contributions of my Psychology of Health an MY LIFE WORK AND CLAIM IT NOT HAVING WHAT IT TOOK WITHIN THEM TO BE ME AND THUS THE RESULTS WERE A DISASTER. FROM PRESIDENT KHATAMI OF IRAN Excellence in nine books I wrote in one year i WHO WAS SOLD TO PEOPLE AS THE TIME PROPHET AND MY IDENTITY TO SHEEREEN 1994 with the first one as the mother book tha EBADI THE 2003 NOBLE PEACE PRIZE WITH MY PHILSOPHY AND EXPRESSSIONS AND in 800 pages teaches the scientific spiritual pa IDEALS TO TOM CRUSE AND HIS SCIENTOLOGY BEING PROMOTED IN IRANIAN of becoming human and god-like. RADION 670AMKIRN WITH MY PIONEERING KNOWLEDGE (WHEN EVERY IDEOLOLGY HAD FAILED THE PEOPLE AND PEOPLE HAD TURNED AWAY FROM EVERYTHING) WHILE I AM NOT ONLY CENSORED IN THAT RADIO, SILENCED AND DEFAMED BUT The war of god and evil she went through is HEAVILY SLANDEREDAND. victoriously won and the devil is changing an following her way after fighting with her and THE ROSE GLOBAL PEACE AND REFORM PROGRAM OF BRIDGING censoring, silencing and ridiculing her. The AND EMBRACING DIVERSE UNITY IS A CHOICE PROGRAM AND light and energy as I have proved exists even PATTERN LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE I PROVE SCIENTIFICALLY AND within us and can change the patterns of ou THE RESULT IS HEALING THE PEOPLE AND NATIONS AS IT IS genetics will take over the earth as each HAPPENING TODAY. BUT AS THEY ARE REAPING THE FRUIT OF MY LIFE WORK, individual takes responsibility to cleanse the TODAY, THEY ARE SABOTAGING ITS CREDIBLITY BY GOING TO EXTREMES IN temple of their body and mind and to create DELOWERE UNIVERSITY MAKING CLASSES OF BRAINWASHING MANDARTORY FOR Power Balance within to fly to the spirit wher THE STUDENTS OF THE DORMETORY SO THAT THEY CAN SAY IT DID NOT WORK the unity is. WHEN NOTHING SHOULD IN MY VIEW BE MANDETORY AND ALL CHOSEN HAVING THE KNOWLEDGE, ALL AND ALL ARE A MASS PROMOTION OFA MAN WHO CAME TO PROMOTE ME AND INSTEAD BECAME MY PREDETOR. IN THE SAME RADIO 670AMKIRN THE DIRECTOR CALLED ME AND MY SCIENTIFIC PIONEERING PSYCHOLOGY OF EXCELLENCE THAT IS BEING TAUGHT IN EVERY UNIVERSITY AND HAS ENLIGHTENED EVERY CHURCH AND MUSK TO EVEN VATICAN WITCHCRAFT WHILE THE EMPTY PROSTITUTE SELLING THEMSELVES TO MY PROMOTER SAT IN THE MIDDLE OF THAT RADIO AND PRETENDED LIKE THEY HAD PIONEERING KNOWLEDGE AND WHY NOT WAS WHAT THEY BELIEVED LIKE WHY NOT HAVING SEX WITH THE MARRIED MAN AND GETTING PREGNANT BY HIM AND LIE FOR HIM AGAINST A WOMAN SCIENTIIST AND HONORABLE TO THE PEOPLE AND AFFECT THEIR DESTINY BY BEING A BAD ROLE MODEL OF HUMANITY IF IT WILL GET ME FAME AND REICHES. Where god walks in, the devil walks out- be where god is – in the light of The Truth not th lime light of the lie – you need nothing but yourself and a cleansed temple for god to wal in and share the divine light with you – free yourself from the poison of the lie you live an surrender to god, to energy and to light. Happiness, Light, Love, Freedom and Peace are all one thing: God! Have a direct relationship with god and victoriously reclaim AND THE COUNSELOR IN THE SAME RADIO ( FARHANG HOLAQUIE) your own destiny! Clinical psychological, BEING PROMOTED FOR 12 YEARS CLAIMING MY LIFE WORK WHILE SAYING THERE physical, scientific spiritual and political WAS NO GOD AND ROSE APRVIN IS SHARLATAN LIKE JESUS CHRIST WHILE CLAIMING freedom! MY PIONEERING SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE OF PATTERN CHANGE PROGRAMING; CREATING YOUR OWN DESTINY; AN EVO-REVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOSPIRITUALITY OF BEING AND SELF MAKING, SPIRIT MAKING AND DESTINY MAKING WITH UNIVERSAL LAWS OF SUCCESS AND SPIRITUAL EXCELLENCE AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF POWER BALANCE AND NOW IN YOUTUBLE IN THE PAGE OF LIONS FOR LAMBS AND SLOGAN OF STAND FOR SOMEHTING OR YOU MAY FALL FOR ANYTHING IS PROMOTING FILMS THAT IN IT THEY FIND MEN AND WOMEN IN AFRICA DOING WITCHCRAFT AND THEY HAV WITCHCRAFT CLEANSING. EVERY PIONEER GOES THROUGH THE CRUCIFICTION TO BRING EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE. I AM NOT HERE WITH MY OWN IDEOLOGY. I AM HEAR TO BRING PEOPLE TO THEIR HIGHEST OF THEIR OWN MIND AND BODY POWER BALANCE AND HEALTH AND EXCELLENCE TO BE FREE OF THE MIDDLEMEN AND THEIR WEBS OF EVIL SEDUCTION AND ARROGANCE TO WANT TO ELIMINATE WHATEVER AND WHOEVER THAT THREATENS THEM TO LOOSE THEIR TERRITORIAL TOXIC MAFIA POWER AND THE POWE OF MONEY AND IN THIS CASE THE CREDIBLITY OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE HAS GIVEN THEM THE MORE POWER TO CONVINCE PEOPLE TO FALL FOR LIES AGAINST ME TO CLAIM TO BE ME. WHAT I HAVE EXPERIENCED IS WHAT GOD HAS EXPERIENCED AND THE HOLY SPIRIT WITHIN ME WANTED TO SCIENTIFICALLY PROVE THAT TO PEOPLE THROUGH ME. I WANTED TO PROVE THERE IS UNIVERSAL LAWS OF HEALTH, SUCCESS AND SPIRITUAL EXCELLENCE AND HAPPINESS FOR ALL. NOW I CAN ALSO PROVE THERE IS UNIVERSAL CONSPERICY AND MAFIA UNITY THICKER THAN BLOOD PROMOTED AND EMPOWERED BY THE HOLLYWOOD RELIGION THAT HAS ROTTED THE ROOTS OF HUMANITY AND WE MUST PUT AN END TO IT, NOW! Join in Dialogue with Rose Parvin Counselor Psychotherapist, teacher, healer, Miracle Maker, Creator, Poet, Political Analyst, Patter Changer, Destiny Maker, Revolutionary – You Patterns, relationships and families, your wor will change, you heal and excel, and you can become a change maker uniting with her in changing the world, forever- I am the pionee of Pattern Change Programming and a new Psychology of Excellence and Flying- The Miracle is Within – Rose is the Miracle Maker I am the Miracle Maker and the god sent you were waiting for- I will have a dialogue with you and your partners and family face to fac or over the phone and in two hours you will FOR 12 YEARS MY PROMOTER HAS BRAINWASHED EVERYONE THAT I AM SOME KIND OF A WITCH WHILE HE AND HIS PROSTITUTES AND MISTRESSES AND PAWNS OF A Delete all Blocks Patterns in your life and Sav DIRTY POLITICS OF STEALING FROM ME AND STICKING IT TO OTHERS AND FRAMING your Patterns of Joy and Mastery to fly to the ME THAT IS POPULAR BACK HOME IN IRAN AS THE EVIN PRISON BRAINWASHING AND height of your Chosen Destiny. Age, gender, MIND CONTROL WAY HAS BECOME THE KHOJASTEH WAY OF STEALING MY LIFE WORK AND CALLING IT HIS WAY AND WHILE BURNING MY LIFE WITH A WAR OF ONE color, race, religion and culture are irrelevan TO A THOUSAND SNKES OF HIS SHOULDER, CREATING FIRE AT LEAST IN FIRE.ORG in your level of evolutionary change and TO SABOTAGE MY GLOBAL PEACE AND REFOM PROGRAM THAT DIVERSE UNITY IS A materializing your vision of success, happines PART OF IT ONLY TO BE ABLE TO CLAIM IT BY MASS PROMOTION WHICH HE HAS OR RIDICULING IT TO BE FREE. WHAT IS HIS DEFINITION OF FREEDOM? BEING FREE TO and prosperity! Together, we will unite for a BE AN ADULTROUS PERVERT WHO CLAIMS TO BE IN LOVE WITH A WOMAN SCIENTIST higher purpose to free our Global Family from HE HAS TORE HIMSELF APART TO POSSESS HER SOUL DEAD OR ALIVE. FOR 12 YEARS the hands of the devil of oppression, obsession THEY SAT BEHIND THOSE MICROPHONES AND TOOK TURNS TO TEAR ME APART depression, rape, abuse, molestation and the WHILE C LAIMING MY LIFE WORK AFTER THEY RIDICULED IT AND CUTTING ME OFF Satanic Cycle of Victimization – SO THAT THEY CAN SELL THEIR VICIOUS LIES WISHING ME DEAD SO THAT THEY CAN SIT IN MY PLACE AND WITH THE BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS I HAD GIVEN THEM AND GUIDED THEM FOR 12 YEARS KEEP PLACING YOUNG AND EMPTY GIRLS AND BOYS IN A PREDICTION THAT HAS COME TRUE MY PLATFORM TO SELL NOT TO LOOSE THEIR TOXIC CONTROL OVER MY CITY AND MY DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY AND MY WORLD THAT ALL OF A SUDDEN FOR ME AND MY FAMILY AFTER YEARS OF HONORABLE LIVING HAD BECOME WALKING INTO HELL I LIKE THE WAY ROSE PARVIN SEEKS NOTHING WITHOUT GLOBAL WARMING. LESS THAN A GLOBAL SHIFT IN OUR DEEPEST PERSPECTIVES ON THE HUMAN CONDITION AND OUR CURRENT NEEDS. I KNOW HER BOOK WILL \YES. I DO BELIEVE YOU MUST BELIEVE IN SOMETHING OR YOU WILL BE FORCED HELP MANY PEOPLE- INDIVIDUALS AS WELL AS AND BRAIN WASHED INTO FALLING FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS HOLLYWOOD CREW GOVERNMENTS." Ernest Lawrence Rossi, PhD POSED AS JESUS CHRIST FROM KFI RADIO TO THE MOVIE SET. THEY KNOW THE SECRET NOW AND THE SECRET IS KEPT AND GUARDED RELIGEOUSLY WITHIN AND Editor of Psychological Perspectives and auth AMONG THEM ALL FROM THE POLICE DEPARTMENT’S SHERIFFS AND MAYORS AND of "The Psychology of Mind-Body Healing" GOVERNORS AND PRESIDENTS FORMER AND ELECT TO POPE AND POTTER. BUT and " The Collected Works of Milton H. WHAT I HAVE BRAUGHT IS EXACTLY THE OPOSITE WHAT THEIR LIE STORIES TELL: I Erickson MD 1994 HAVE BRAUGTH THE KNOWLEDEG THAT GIVES THE PEOPLE BACK TO THEMSELVES AND CREATES ENVIRONMENTS AND OCCEANS OF KNOWLEDGE WITHIN WHICH THE LIKE OF TOM CRUISE AND MEL GIBSON CANNOT PLAY JESUS WHILE THEIR OWN ROSE PARVIN’S PURPOSE, VISION JUVENILE DELINQUENCIES DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO CONTROL THEIR OWN MATERIALIZATION, PHILOSOPHY, BEHAVIOR..FOR YEARS I CURED AUTISM AND SCHIZOPHRENIA AND LEADERSHIP PSYCHOLOGY AND SCIENTIFIC BRIDGE EXCELLENCE AND SELF MAKING AND MULTI-DIMENSIONALITY NOT FOR MY PROMOTER AND HIS MICE AND SNAKES TO GET TO THEIR FAST FAME BY DEFAMING TO UNITE GOD AND MAN, ALL FIELDS ME; BUT TO CREATE A SAFE WORLD FOR MY CHILDREN AND THE COLOR BLIND IN RECOGNIZING THE CHILDREN OF HUMANITY. I WANT TO SEE MY PROMOTER DEMOTE THE TERRORISTS MULTIDIMENSIONALITY OF MAN, ROS HE PROMOTES INSTEAD OF HIS OBSESSION TO DESTROY THE TRUTH IN ME. RELIGION, A PATH WITHOUT WALLS AND PREJUDICE AS AN UMBRELLA Only if someone reads what I have written daily and go back a few years can see OVER ALL RELIGIONS TO UNITE the tragedies created against me that could not have happened in my free and HUMANITY AND THE ONE AND ONLY democratic country without the corruption of not just one or two department but GOD’S CHILDREN – ROSE RELIGON OF the root of democracy. True Democracy is Responsible Freedom not chaos of BEING HUMAN AND GODLIKE WITH being able to do anything no matter how unethical and immoral only if you can THECUTTING EDGE SCIENCE AND do it and only if you can twist and manipulate the law to your favor. Democracy TECHNOLOGY TEARING DOWN THE only breeds in democratic hearts and minds of each and every individual who WALLS OF THE RELIGION OF THE LIE know their right and dignity and possess healthy and Power Balanced MindAND HYPOCRACY – teaching people to live Body and Spirits to be able to discern what is The Truth and what is the Lie the height of their own destiny and become Story. As a divine and advanced scientist, healer, teacher and counselor I knew the answers and had worked on them all of my life to bring it scientifically to the change makers in the destiny of their nation creating a free world and living born again fre people of all walks of life that their own religious and governmental and of all addictions, chains and slaver, internall educational authorities had failed them. It does not mean I went against and globally religions and brought my own ideology. I only brought the living word to get rid of corruption and to let the people breath in and out and live free; something Freedom Rose that for Jesus and I became impossible in a corrupt and primitive world and society. Now for some bullies like my promoter to steal my life work and take I will plant a red rose in your heart and change your advantage of the primitiveness of the societies to make the woman the wicked and themselves god and Christ and run like rats and rabbits with my life work patterns from dark to light and bring you back to life - bo again free of all addictions - in an addiction free world & and fill the world with it so that they can cross my own name out of my society filled with energy and light-I went on the cross fo prophecy is just as primitive as what has happened at the time of Christ and the you to be free, to be born again free, to live free and to le war and violence around the world we daily see. That is why I rose to reform and live free - so sing with me the song of freedom - and dan it meant I cared about my democratic country and its maintenance of democracy to the prayer songs of the holy- freedom is rising, freedo as well as creating Democratic Excellence. No one else cared at the time and is rising Freedom Rose everyone stood against me and then everyone stole my life work and ran with it and all agencies that were supposed to protect me were and are assisting the THE ROSE WAY OF PEACE AND FREEDOM( INNE thieves and liars. Satin is far more organized than god. God’s angels are constantly seduced and sold out to satin and satin always uses love for god as a & GLOBAL) - SELF & SOCIETAL EXCELLENCE & GLOBAL CULTURAL POWER BALANCE – WE MUS credit to continue in silencing and censoring god out of god’s own creation and GO TO OUR ROOTS AND APPRECIATE OUR God’s direct relationship and dialogue with God’s People CULTURES IN ORDER TO TRULY BECOME UNIVERSAL SELVES; TO CREATE OUR OWN DESTINY AND TO BECOME CHANGE MAKERS OF OUR WORLD AND COMMUNITY AND THE DESTIN OF HUMANITY Michael Corona must step down and his case should not be fixed for him like many who are guilty and are walking on the street and that is a disgrace to democracy and the lost security of the innocents who rely on it and see nothing but unjust hypocrisy. Michael Coron must step down since in his time tragedies BY CREATING A GLOBAL CULTURE WE CAN SHAR OUR CULTURES WITH ONE ANOTHER AND have occurred that could not possibly have occurred under an ethical and just and reformed police department that would not have been willing to obey some corrupt EMBRACE DIFFERENTNESS AND DIVERSE UNIT AND CREATE POWER BALANCE BY LEARNING CIA man who thinks he is god and god will not intervene as they sing the song in THAT WHICH IS DIFFERENT IN OUR WORLD AND KFI in the Jesus Christ Program. Arrogance and corruption and bullism is the COMMUNITY- BY CREATING A UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY WE TEAR DOWN THE WALLS OF kind of ignorance my friends that knows no color jus as being the child of god PREJUDICE AND POWER MONOPOLY AND knows no color. These corruptions of all walks of life for the first time was written PROMOTE THE ROSE RELIGION OF BEING HUMA in my book titled Pattern Change Programming; creating your own destiny; an WTH DIRECT RELATIONSHIP WITH THE GOD evo-revolutionary Psycho-Spirituality of Being. WITHIN WHILE WE CAN APPRECIATE OUR TRADITIONS WE ARE BORN AGAIN AND SET FRE The corruption of the churches and the priests who taught they are god and acted as god and molested the children whose parents did not even believe them when they said what father had done to them until they got old and came to my little heaven called The Parvin Center for Patterns of Excellence long before anyone cared about change and reform was also written in my book. That is when I taught them that the Miracle was within them and became the mother who believed in them and healed them when many psychotherapists could not have and would not touch such cases if they could help these stolen and raped souls of the orphans of god. And it was I who ultimately took it upon herself on a calling to let the world know about what had happened to them. THE BLUE ROSE OF PEACE – WELCOME T ROSE SOCIETY – BECOME CHANGE MAKERS OF YOUR DESTINY, YOUR RELATIONSHIPS AND FAMILY, YOUR WORLD AND YOUR SOCIETY OF A FREE WORLD AND GLOBAL FAMILY LVIING WITH TIME APPROPRIATE HUMAN RIGHTS LAW IN GLOBAL DEMOCRACY AND PEACE WITHIN AN PEACE WITHOUT WAR AND VIOLENCE UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY AND A CULTURE WITHIN WHICH WE CAN ALL LIVE ADDICTION, So that means I am pleased the Pope called for the reform of all churches since my PREJUDICE FREE WITHOUT THE WALLS OF letter asked him to start from home. After I wrote to him and sent my books, Pope SEPARATION FROM OUR EQUAL RIGHTS, ACCES John Paul went around the world and begged for forgiveness of assisting Hitler in AND EARNED OPPORTUNITY EMBRACING DIVERS UNITY WITHOUT LOOSING OUR IDENTITY - Holocaust. Bullies help bullies and that is how the root of humanity was rotted and I had a calling to change the patterns of this tragedy. As long as we do not have a standard and Universal Laws of Leadership Excellence to enforce through United FREEDOM ROSE –THE MIRACLE ROSE Nations and nationally for our societies as I have proposed in my books and my 12 FREEDOM FROM - RISE WITH ME TO THE HIGHT OF YOUR OWN CHOICE DESTINY AND year teaching and guidance of my Global Peace and Reform Program, we will be BECOME A CHANGE MAKER OF THE DESTINY O too late after each tragedy that could have been prevented. And I am pleased the OUR GLOBAL FAMILY TOWARD GLOBAL CHANG courts found priests who molest and rape the soul of the young children guilty and OF PATTERNS FROM DARK TO LIGHT AND TOWAR GLOBAL PEACE AND DEMOCRACY WITHOUT WA power did not buy his intimidating way to freedom of victimization. And I am AND VIOLENCE happy to see the particular Anti-Christ church harassing the funeral of a young soldier because they believed he was gay, guilty of prejudice. ROSE PSYCHOLOGY OF EXCELLENCE, ROSE PHILOSOPHY OF POWER BALANCE OF MIN What has the world become my friends? In what color, what race or what gender BODY-SPIRIT AND GLOBAL AND UNVIERSAL HEALTH PREVENTION AND EXCELLENCE & selling ignorance of lack of compassion, prejudice, cruelty, war and violence would be just and fair? You know one bully, you know them all and their cross is FLYING- ROSE PAROPHECY, ROSE RELIGION AN ROSE PARTY BEYOND ALL PREJUDICE AND your cross for there is always a bully looking for a pray and although the level is FANATICISM AND CORRUPUT POLITICS OF POWE different, the act is the same Evil and Dark Pattern. I saw the crisis and the MONOPLY problem of humanity and the dead spiritedness on earth and I knew the solutions, the answer and the true order of reform in all walks of life and dimension and step MOTHER THERESA FED THE HUNGRY by step brought them to my colleagues who were ordered to tear me apart and BODIES - MOTHER ROSA FEEDS HUNGR steal leaf by leave and feather by feather and those who were suppose to be there for my security and that of my children assisted them to find me as the little lamb on the cross that they have accepted as the fish on the cross and have it on display at the Lady of Mount Carmel Church on 15th street in Newport Beach by the pier. MINDS AND SOULS THERE ARE NO UFO’S - IT IS JUST US AND W I rose to bring reform of all organizations and walks of life just as my father did that and was almost killed before he retired and did not accept the higher status job and went and bought the EBRAHAM ABAD meaning Abraham’s Village in Iran two hours away from Meshed where I along with my sisters and brothers spent our summers and read one book a day and learned the way of life beyond corruption to the simple truth of self and the universe. Rose Village and Rose Society of Health and Excellence based on meritology and not ideology is what was shaping and being programmed in my Father’s Village. MUST LEARN HOW TO EXCEL, BE FREE, LIVE FREE AND LET OTHERS LIVE FREE! IF YOU SAW ANY UFOS, KNOW IT IS A PART OF STOR MAKING OF HOLLYWOOD AND A CONGRESS, GOVERNEMT OR MEDIA AND PRINT THAT IS SOLD OUT BY THE DICTATORSHIP OF THE EAST THAT HA JOINED HOLLYWOOD TO MAINTAIN STATUS QUE O LIE STORIES BY THE DEVIL’S GROUP THAT IS PAID TO POUR DIRT OVER THE MIRACLE OF ME WHILE CLAIMING MY LIFE WORK AND EATING THE FRUIT O THE ROSE TREE BY THOSE WHO HAVE LEARNT TO BULLY OTHERS OUT OF THEIR RIGHTS AND DEFAM THEM OUT OF THEIR DIGNITY NOT TO HAVE TO CHANGE THEMSELVES AND JUST BECAUSE THEY CA HIDE BEHIND THE DIRTY SKIRTS OF PROSTITUTES AND NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PATH THEY MUST TAKE TO BE HUMAN! THE ROSE WAY I TO FLY ABOVE THE WALLS OF HYPOSCROCY AND MEDIOCRITY WITH THE CROSS AND TEACH YOU HO TO! Eve is the same as Yahove, heaven is underneath the mother’s feet the Ancient Persian Culture says where she pioneered Woman God and not Women Hoare, and the missing link of creation interpretation and correction after the Mind Power. Men and women are the two wings of a holy bird and their balance of power is significant in Global Survival and Health and Excellence. But in severe case of chauvinistic groups or individual trying to plant toxic humor to terrorize the character of the individual woman especially if she is an intelligent scientist and a spiritual being as I have experienced, I myself am called crazy even though I am a scientist, healer and counselor think if people want to look crazy and harass others they can be in any position and do so. THE ROSE SOCIETY – JOIN ME IN THE ROSE SOCIETY - A TRANSPARENT SOCIETY O These are the Mouse Walls placed between people and the leaders who matter to BEING HUMAN WITH HUMAN MERIT AND VALUE People Power Destiny Making of nations toward choices of peace and democracy MOVING TOWARD PREVENTION, HEALTH AND EXCELLENCE – AN EVOLUTIONARY REVOLUTIO and reclamation of their rights and dignity. But the manager who is very nice OF COMPASSION HEALTH AND HEALING BEYON more than makes up for it. But if few want to build a Civil Society that is healthy ALL WALLS OF HYPOCROCY AND MEDIOCRITY O SOCIETAL POLITICAL POWER MONOPOLY AND and preventative, we must understand and learn about the mistakes and sins of history and not repeat them again and keep circling around the cross of ignorance CONSPERICY AND BEYOND ALL RACE, RELIGION COLOR OR GENDER – TO BE HUMAN IS TO BE we create for Messiah of the time by living in a jungle of the animal patterns where FREE, RESPONSIBLY FREE AND THE MEANING O t he corrupt and ill-minded and ill- patterns survive and become famous and the FREEDOM IS IN ITSELF: FREEDOM – DEFENITIO true healers and teachers become homeless as I have been for the past two weeks OF PEACE IS ITSELF: PEACE – DEFENITION OF LOVE AND COMPASSION IS ITSELF: NONwhich that too seems t o be at ease since the friend of my friend has offered my SELECTIVE LOVE AND COMPASSION friend’s patio for me to stay at the ocean front large chase not to be harassed by DEFENITION OF JUSTICE IS A TRUE POWER mice and snakes. BALANCED CIVILIZATION –DEFENITION OF HEALTH IS ABSENCE OF DISEASE AND IGNORANCE Mice and snakes like the mouse in 670amKIRN that as if she has been hired just to lie and harass me and with her vulgar unethical, illegal, immoral and regressive WHERE THERE IS LIGHT, THERE IS NO DARKNES patterns of mouse-like leech clinging onto the married man who is her boss who is AND WHERE THERE IS FREEDOM THERE IS NO my promoter and a silent partner of the radio among other things constantly SLAVERY OR OPRESSION OF THE INNOCENCE – putting herself for sale to take my place as the woman whose science and spirit of EVERY INDIVIDUAL AND EVERY SOCIETY AND compassion is bringing a rebirth to the world and yet her forgiveness does not NATION CAN CLAIM ANYTHING BUT THE ABSENC OF THAT CLAIM IN THEIR RPESENCE OR THE seem to change the unjust societal corruption that is as thick a shell of denial as RPESENCE OF THAT CLAIM IN THEIR PRESENCE denial of holocaust by Ahmadinejad the President of Iran in order to justify his THE SCIENTIFIC WITNESS OF THEIR TRUTH AND AUTHENTICITY own cruelty on the 60 million people of Iran who are drown in hunger and poverty and homelessness and drugs and do not need to loose their security by a big mouth bully presidents whose need for his own security has made him forget that religion MOTHER ROSA FEEDS HUNGRY MINDS of god is religion of protection and service of people not enhancing atomic AND SOULS - MOTHER THERESA FED weaponry. THE HUNGRY BODIES - I FEED THE HUNGR MINDS AND SPIRITS IN POVERT`Y OF COM0PASSIO KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH AND CONSIENCE NECESSA The woman in the middle of 670 am KIRN being inappropriately and unjustly TO BE CALLED HUMAN. WHAT ALVEN TUFFLER promoted to take my place in my Global Peace Program by those who want THINKS SHOULD BE DEFINED IN YEARS TO COME, FELT NECESSARY TO NOT ONLY DEFINE IN NINE President Bush impeached, democracy sabotaged and god denied and disgraced while my life work is benefiting all and they go on and preach and give speeches BOOKS BUT ALSO BRING STEP BY STEP SOLUTIONS T PREVENT AND MOVE TOWARD HEALTH, HEALING and write books and articles about it and get awards and accolades and credibility AND EXCELLENCE IN 1994. THAT HUMAN BEING IS to sell trash programming and get away with it as this radio does and yet my own LIVE BEING WITH CONSIENCE AND COMPASSION, MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT INDEPENDENT IN name is crossed from it brutally to manipulate my life work and use for power INTERDEPENDENCE WITH OTHERS, GOD WITHIN AN monopoly instead of Global Spiritual Success and Peace and freedom without war THE UNVIERSE- PEOPLE ARE CITIZENS OF THE and violence. WORLD AND MUST LIVE FREE, RESPONSIBLY FREE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD - THE ROSE SOCIETY - AN ADDICTION FREE SOCIET For seven years they put this woman and pushed her into the tired people’s homes – FREE OF ALL DRUG, ALCOHOL, PAIN inappropriately to create ordinary making of the reform group and crossing my CHAIN AND OPPRESSIVE SLAVERY name out of my own peace and reform program. She sat there and kept saying choose me and she and the staff and even the plagiarizer counselor kept defaming and slandering me saying things like I am old and I am a witch and if I did not THE ROSE WAY - THE NARROW WAY OF TRUT have a snake in my sleeves I would not have written poetry. My promoter wanted AND SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH FOR to promote trash as his way of antedating fanaticism. And trash selling is a part of ETERNAL SPIRITUAL SUCCESS - AN EXCELLENC SOCIETY OF LEADERSHIP PATTERNS OF empowering fanaticism. The woman is not only a bad symbol of Iranian girls but EXCELLENCE; OF GLOBAL CULTURE, UNIVERSA also a pawn of devil if not the devil herself who for seven years is using my SPIRITUALITY - FOR AN ADDICTION FREE WORL & SOCIETY promoter for her own needs assisting in denial and censorship of me by those who do not want true democracy in America or globally. They just want a presentation A PROPHETIC JOURNEY OF A SPIRITUAL of it and are threatened by a woman like me with a scientific knowledge and Global Peace and Reform Program and Christ like Patterns and principals and an SCIENTIST – A TRUE DOCUMENTARY OF A SCIENTI MASSIAH BEING RAPED OF HER INTELLECTUAL Iron Rose determination to preserve our democracy and bring it toward the truth PROPERTY AND GLOBAL PEACE AND REFORM and promote teach and preach it along with the truth of self and society and PROGRAM AND PIONEERING GROUNDBREAKING PHILOSOOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY AND SCIENTIFIC universe and Destiny and Miracle Making onto other countries for People Power SPIRITUAL PATH FOR 12 YEARS IN HER OWN FREE and people Participation and away from indifferent-ness of their own destiny and AND DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY AND THELAND OF FRE that of their world and Leadership Excellence of service and not abuse of power SPEECH BY THE ELETE COMMUNITY SHE GUIDED and tragic conflicts of interest. TOWARD EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE AND EXCELLENC AND HOW SHE CHOSE T O MAKE THE CROSS OF THEIR IGNORANCE AND CRUELTY AS HER PLATFOR This model is the symbol of the rotted roots of an ancient culture and the TO FLY AND TEACH HOW TO FLY TO THE HIGHT OF courageous women whose patterns of truth, wisdom and compassion made them HER DESTINY AND THE DESTINY OF HUMANITY – LIVING WORDS & LIVING LESSONS OF A TRUE ROL the God Mother of nations like Mitra and before Christ was born brought Mithraism that is in secret files of Vatican believed Mitra is indeed Marry; the MODEL IN ALL LIFE DIMENSIONS- THIS IS NOT JUST ROSE, IS TIME ROSE, FREEDOM ROSE – THIS IS NO Holy Spirit and god who brought Jesus Christ to life on her own will to change the MY STORY, THIS IS THE STORY OF WOMEN patterns of a regressive chauvinistic society with a man who learnt compassion, THROUGHOUT THE HISTORY – BULLIES CROSSED wisdom and courage from her revolutionary mother. These and 12 year guidance HER NAME OUT OF HER OWN PROPHECY AND WRO THEIR OWN NAMES WHILE THE ABSENT PRESENT of it has given it the credibility to shine in the community for people to tolerate GUIDED THEM TOWARD THEIR OWN REBIRTH AND uneducated and without conscience people who are soldiers of a chess game of EXCELLENCE FROM THEIR DEAD SPIRITED censorship and defamation of the true hero and leader by someone who wants her IGNORANCE & INHUMANITY - SHE BELIEVED IN identity or wants to satisfy his toxic humor and need for his sociopathic narcissism THEM MORE THAN THEY BELIEVED IN THEMSELVE and Global Control. These courageous Holy Spirits have led me during my lifetime AND KNEW THE HANDED DOWN AND OUTDATED PATTERNS OF CRUELTY OF IGNORANCE HAD KILLE and throughout the past 12 years as a part of my Global Peace and Reform THEIR SPIRIT AND PUT ASSHES ON THEIR INTERNA Program for a New World Order and a new Covenant where the Christ in me FIRE- ON THE CROSS OF GHEIR IGNORANCE SHE DAILY POURED THE RAIN ROSE OF HER LIGHT AND forgives all sins and gives all the angels good and bad a second chance at KNOWLEDGE UPON THEM AND BRAUGHT THEM becoming human and Christ-like and delete patterns of harming others for self REBIRTH interest. Even the devil can change but not with mass production of claiming my life work and sticking them onto every one else and denying me and coloring me PROPHETIC LETTER WRITING –REVELATORY – dark to keep a toxic and poisonous control. THOUSANDS OF REVELATORY LETTERS AND E- And today the couple I see there all the time and now I remember they even introduced themselves and said they were publicists a long time ago and I gave one of my books to them and yet never pushed for anything and I forgot about it, came and sat next to me and the woman abruptly asked if I would like to go to one of their dance gatherings in January and then brought her publicists of Southern California Journal to me and said I should be contacting IRWIN ZUCKER whom I had years ago after a couple of years I had written my books contacted and he wanted the money I did not have. But David and Margo felt he had since done a lot of things for them voluntarily and suggested him to me. What was very refreshing was that she then immediately had my picture taken by her MAILS HAVE BEEN THE GUIDING LIGHTS OF THE WORLD LEADERS AND ORGANIZATONS FROM VATICAN TO THE WHITE HOUSE OF AMERICA AN FROM THE UNITED NATIONS TO IRAN IN ORDER TO CHANGE THE REGRESSIVE PATTERNS TO PREVENTION, HEALTH AND EXCELLENCE PATTERNS OF RESPONSIBLE FREEDOM COMPASSION LOVE AND PEACE FROM MIND-BOD SPIRIT TO GLOBAL HARMONEY AND HEALTH ON EARTH. ROSE PARVIN IS THE PEACE CREATOR, COUNSELOR, and POWER BALANCER, CHANGE CREATOR & HEALER - TRANSFERING THE GOD POWER FROM WITHIN. AUTHOR OF NINE PIONNERING BOOKS IN ONE YEAR ON A CALLIN TO BECOME THE MOTHER OF THE ORPHAN WORL WHERE CHILDREN ARE KILLING CHILDREN AND MOTHER AND CEMENTED HEARTS GLOBAL CONSPERICY OF POWER MONOPOLY AND MASSIAH I ignore all that the corrupt power is trying to do to cross my name from my own KILLING IS FAR MORE DANGEROUS THAN prophecy by the adversity and negative promotion creating around me that has CEMENTED EARTH AND GLOBAL WARMING –dried out my finances for 12 years slowly and choose to trust those who come to ROSE IS THE PIONEER OF PREVENTION, HEALT give me a hand and lift me as I have lifted nations with the light and knowledge of AND EXCELLENCE PSYCHO-SPIRIITUALITY – PSCYHOLOGY OF EXCELLENCE AND FLYING MY GLOBAL PEACE AND REFORM PROGRAM, MY SCIENTIFIC MIND-BODY-SPIRIT POWER BALANCE THAT POUR KNOWLEDG, THE ROSE WAY AND THE ROSE PROPHECY. I believe we LIGHT IN YOUR TEMPLE SCIENTIFICALLY AND can stand together and be victors and I would like to see humanity freed from the CURES YOU OF ALL ADDICTIONS AND GIVES YO TO FLY FROM YOUR BODY AND YOUR dark patterns once and for all to breathe fresh air of god’s essence with grace. WINGS MIND TO YOUR SPIRIT WHERE THE UNITY WITH Singing day and night to change patterns is a significant tool for inner cleansing GOD POWER IS WHERE YOU CAN FIND AND and global cleansing of the dark patterns that enter our personal or Global Travel CHOOSE YOUR DESTINED DESTINY AND BECOME Zone. And my faith in humanity is being born again to be restored after a 12 year CHANGE MAKERS OF NATIONAL AND GLOBAL DESTINY TOWARD PEACE AND RESPONSIBLE falling without a parachute to crash and dying on the cross only to write and FREEDOM WITH TIME APPROPRIATE HUMAN preach about it to young and old in a Rose Prophecy and a documentary of truth RIGHTS LAWS BEYOND ALL OUTDATED MAN-MADE RELIGION TO INDIVIDUAL AND GLOBAL EQUA not to give up your faith and hope and not to give in the midst of fire! RIGHTS AND DIGNITY AND TRUE DEMOCRACY – THE ROSE WAY TO PEACE AND FREEDOM; INNER The Highest priest, too, was a Gypsy King- the sermon on the mount –For a few AND GLOBAL BY PATTERN CHANGE PROGRAMMING days I have been singing a revelatory song about The Highest Priest wherever I go CREATING YOUR OWN DESTINY AND BECOMING CHANGE MAKERS OF THE DESTINY OF OTHERS I on “ deliver me my lord from the Evil Eyes of mice and snakes who are YOUR COMMUNITY AND NATION GLOBALLY. POET everywhere block, frame and defame me – and I hear from inside of me: Christos OF FREEDOM IS FREEDOM ITSELF –THE the Highest Priest - you will succeed defeating the beast- on the mountain top you KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH WITHIN, THE UNIVERSE sing – everyone is having or preparing for the feast –you will sing and tell the AND THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY AND CHANGING PATTERNS OF REGRESSION TO truth – you will defeat the con artist – you will defeat t he terrorist – Christi the THE PROGRESSION, SEPARATION TO UNITY, Highest Priest – Shinning the light of knowledge and spirit – darkness must changeDEPENDENCY TO INTERDEPENDENCE, ABUSE TO or be defeated – when it changes it joins the light – even serves the Destiny’s SELF AND SOCIETAL POWER TO CHANGE DARK Knight – Holy Rose Water is poured on the Rose Leaves crumbled from the chill- MATTERS TO LIGHT BY POWER TRANSER CREATING TRANSPARENCY WITHIN, UNIVERSALL on another last supper – Rose drinks the poison as the wine, knowingly – hoping AND GLOBALLY. brother and said this is the kind of picture that goes into this journal. It was even more wonderful that she invited me to a MUFON meeting they go to every month and suggested I could sell my books there. for the devil’s patterns changing – after 12 years of sorrow way – and she becomes victorious-pushing the devil back in the least –believing in a life with a purpose RAPPTURE OCCURS FIRST FROM THE has its ups and downs – but in the end the truth will win - with the living words of BODY AND MINDS TO THE SPIRITS OF the truth – like the holy rose water pouring - as the weapon and the answer - is the THE BELIEVERS AND ANGELS OF GOD mother of the high priest. FOR THE UNITY WITH GOD SPIRIT, POWER AND ENERGY TO SOAR TO THE 10/25/2007 - Gypsy Den Open Mic Nights – In the Midst of Fire - Every HEIGHT OF YOUR DESTINY AND Thursday night I go to Gypsy Den to sing and preach in the middle of singing. It is REACHING THE ULTIMATE DESTINY OF my way of changing the patterns of music, changing mind patterns and planting a MAN CLAIM YOUR LANDS FROM THE MEDIA red rose in their heart while changing their patterns from dark to light. It was an MAFIA CORRUPTION AND MASS PROMOTION OF intense night since I had not slept very well and was even witch hunted for a few THE LIE – GET MICE AND SNAKES OUT OF YOUR days and everywhere I went there was one trap and last supper or mouse waiting ROSE GARDEN OF LIFE AND BECOME THE OF YOUR OWN DESTINY WITH GO for me to drag me down where they were: dirt. But I kept my patterns of pushing SHAREHOLDER AS YOUR WINGS EVEN ON THE CROSS OF them to fly with me high to the height of their destiny where there is no corruption, INHUMANITY YOUR CAN FLY IN POEWR AND GRACE OF GOD WITH DIGNITY – DO NOT SAY WH prejudice and no dirt without getting dirty or getting drown into theirs. ME- MAKE THE CURSE YOUR BLISS - MAKE THE CROSS YOUR PLATFORM AND SOAR, ETERNALLY And I am happy to say all that is changing by the minute beginning Thursday IN ROSE DESIGN AND PROGRAMMING, EVEN THE night after the usual everyone coming and singing their songs telling stories that DEVIL ENDS UP WORKING FOR GOD AND THUS was supposed to be addressed to me but it was a one way fabricated story telling CHANGING PATTERNS FROM DARK TO LIGHT – YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN, YOUR PAIN BECOMES that had broken my heart for the past several years. When I sang and preached, JOY AND MASTERY AND YOUR DARK PATTERNS everyone was listening and everyone heard and the patterns had already changed. FADE AWAY – JUST STAND WITH ME UNDER THE People came to me afterwards and thanked me for singing and talking about what LIGHT I did. I sang the song I had sang at Alta and aired in my television show Thursday night at 5 channels 3 of Cox Pubic Access. ROSE PARVIN, M.A. CALIFORNIA LICENSED MFT AND BEYOND ANYTHIN In the Midst of Fire By Rose written in 2004 and Self Edited in 2007 ORDINARY AND COMMON TOWARD TH ULTIMATE OF DIFFERENTNESS AND POSSIBLITY IN MANKIND – PEACE CREATO WITH THE MIRACLE WITHIN, BEING IT, TEACHIN IT, TRANSFERING IT- -THE GOD POWER – I AM NO In the midst of fire – we can have peace- If we know who we are – and we believe ONLY AN EXCEPTIONALLY SKILLED PSYCHOTHERAPIST AND HAVE PIONEERED – in the higher power – we c an be at ease – I walk on water and fire – inside me is CUTTING EDGE SCIENTIFIC TECHNOLOGY BUT the source of light – the light of the life giving – the higher power – I am planting a ALSO HAVE A HEALING POWER WITHIN ME THAT red rose in every one’s heart and changing their minds to different patterns from SURRENDER TO AND IT IS FROM THAT HEALING dark to light – In the midst of fire – we can fly higher and higher - beyond all the POWER AND WISDOM I HAVE DROWN AND TEAC AND GUIDE OTHERS. toxic air - of the ignorant with toxic words – in their mouth- constantly like a gun - on fire – My sin is my intelligence – as an author, creator, counselor and teacher- PARVIN PROPHECY IS THE ROSE WAY O DIALOGUE AND POWER TRANSFER OF SPIRIT AND SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE FOR PEOPLE POWER AND LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE UNIVERSAL LAWS OF SUCCESS & SPIRITUAL EXCELLENCEROSE PARVIN GLOBAL PEACE & REFORM PROGRAM TOWARD GLOBAL DEMOCRACY AND LASTING PEACE WITHOUT WAR AND VIOLENCE – A NEW CREATION AND A NEW CIVILIZATION WITH A NEW CULTURE AND LANGUAGE CREATING ROSE GLOBAL FAMILY, ROS SOCIETY AND ROSE RELIGION OF BEIN In the Midst of Fire – we can have peace- if we know who we are – and we believe HUMAN – ROSE SCIENTIFIC /SPIRITUAL in a higher power – we can be at ease. In the midst of fire! Think of the higher 21 years of Parvin Center for Patterns of Excellence; a counseling center teaching patterns of change toward Peace, Power Balance and Excellence – 9 books in one year in 1994 – first one 800 pages titled Pattern Change Programming; Creating Your Own Destiny; an evolutionary -revolutionary Psycho-Spirituality of Being – teaching a step by step Rose Revolution of Compassion, peace and freedom, inner and global – Yes my friends, Mehrgan means the place of birth of Mehr and Mehr means compassion – To be Mitra the woman God Mother and symbol of compassion does not mean smiling at everyone to be accepted and take someone else’s place without any root of your own or any substance – It means the calling and a life of being a healer and a teacher to bring peace, compassion, love and unity on earth for all the children. KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH OF SELF, THE WORLD power and suddenly pours on you – the Holy Rose Water – I walk on fire and AND THE UNIVERSE CREATES PATTERNS OF water – in my hands the holy rose water – to pour on the god’s flowers the rose LIGHT AND DELETES PATTERNS OF DARK leaves of the Rose Garden – to keep them from burning and from the chill – let us CREATING PEOPLE POWER AND LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE AND MIND-BODY SPIRIT POWER predict and prevent in order to protect – God’s children no matter what age, BALANCE WITHIN WHICH ONE C AN FLY TO THE gender, race, religion or color HIGHT OF ONE’S OWN CREATIVITY AND POWER AND CREATE ONE’S DESTINY AND BECOME CHANGE MAKER IN THE WORLD’S DESTINY 10/23/2007- THE FISH ON THE CROSS: They finally accepted me in church. Indeed, we are creating The Rose Evolutionary Revolution. I went to church on LEARN HOW TO BECOME FREE SCIENTIFICALLY 15th street on my usual 12 YEAR walk to the library of the town I have lived in for AND SPIRITUALLY- LEARN HOW TO FLY WITH TH over thirty years and now I am a Gypsy King like million Persians; an orphan CROSS OF INGORNACE OF OTHERS AND MAKE without parents; a king without a castle and a citizen without a home and a healer THAT YOUR PLATFORM FOR CHANGE TOWARD and a teacher and a miracle maker who herself is a fish on the cross and out of EXCELLENCE IN YORUSELF AND IN YOUR GLOBA FAMILY – WHEN YOU CANNOT CHANGE YOUR water. All My own life in storage, the library is a second home to me to use the ENVIRONMENT PHYSICALLY, YOU CAN TRANSFE computer and pour the rain of knowledge and information on those who want to POWER FROM WITHIN AND CHANGE IT WITH YOU live free for us all to reclaim our freedom and dignity and our liberty and true POWER OF MIND AND SPIRIT- FOCUS ON ANYTHING WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT WITHIN, WIL democracy of a nation under God and not under dog; the want to be! CREATE CHANGE LET ALONE WITH HAVING TH KNOWLEDGE TO CHANGE - YOU CAN ALSO BECOME A CHANGE MAKER FROM OUTSIDE OF At church, I read the songs that were jumping on me to talk to me making me THAT SYSTEM BY GIVING KNOWLEDGE AND forget my tired feet from so much walking and my broken heart from so much pain BECOMING A ROLE MODEL OF FREEDOM OF MIN I have had to carry while still singing for the sake of my spirit and freedom of AND ACTION – THIS IS HOW I AM AFFECTING humanity. A woman came and asked me: are you going to be here? They told me to CLOSED CIRCUIT AND DICTATORIAL SYSTEMS stay until someone comes. I was going to say someone has come years ago and no FROM OUTSIDE OF THEM – I ALSO GO INSIDE AN ROLE MODEL FREEDOM OF MIND AND ACTION – one seems to not only care but they want to put this spirit back to coffin and HANGE IS INEVITABLE AND THE DIRECTON OF worship the dead after repeating their murder. But I realized I had to go to the CHANGE STEMS FROM THE POSITIVE ROLE library and I had already spent an hour at church. So, I told her that I would be MODELS THAT ARE AVAILABLE – YOU HAD THE leaving soon. She decided to stay till someone came. Thinking perhaps I will stop POWER BUT YOU HAD LOST IT THORUGHOUT TH CENTURIES OF VICTIMIZATON- I ROSE IN A on my way back and talk to her. CALLING FROM WITHIN TO TRANSFER THE POWER WITHIN ME FOR YOU TO GAIN YOUR OW I walked to the back of the Holy Room. In the back of the room I saw the special INNER POWER – LAYERS AND LAYERS OF HANDE place they had like a shrine with a FISH ON THE CROSS. I had never seen the DOWN PATTERNS HAD LEFT NOTHING BUT DAR MATTER INSIDE YOU – PATTERNS OF IGNORANC kindest thing done for me since they have called me a fish and in the Mission HANDED DOWN – I BRAUGHT YOU THE Impossible movies of Tom Cruse or was it in another film of his they made me the KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH AND HOW TO FIND fish in the tank while they gave my character who proposes the Reform Program to THE TRUTH - TRUTH HAS ALWAYS BEEN THERE A GOD AND YET NO ONE WAS ABLE TO SEE IT the young girl in the movie. In Fact in 670 am KIRN they promote a Christian BECAUSE THEY WERE BLINDED BY THE PATTERN Science Program for half an hour on Sunday since I said my promoter is Anti- OF IGNORANCE – THE HANDED DOWN PATTERN Christ of the Christ in me. Tom himself is one of my want to be clones as a prophet THAT BLOCKS THE LIGHT OUT OF FEAR OF BEIN FOUND OUT – I TAUGHT YOU THAT YOU ARE of my life work and a victim of my now a famous promoter and producer CHILDREN OF GOD – THAT YOU ARE THE ROSE influencing films like Crash with a scenario Oscar and it was about my Peace LEAVES HOWEVER DIFFERENT, YOU HAVE A Program and the song in the end was telling the flower to let us go home meaning MOTHER WHO CARES ABOUT YOU AND ALL THE let us claim your Peace Program and put Rafsanjani in power or we will continue ORPHENS OF EARTH – I ROSE TO END THE on creating clones of you and denying and silencing and censoring you. The same ALIENATION FROM THE SELF AND SOUL AND TH PAIN AND THE SUFFERING THAT IT CAUSED – promoter of mine who gives everyone the suggestion that makes them look like THOSE WHO DENY ME NEED TO GET TO THE arrogant supremacists as he himself is getting credibility with my Global Peace TRUTH OF THEIR OWN SELF TO STOP DENYING M and Reform Program and 12 year of guidance while denying me: the true author. I WHILE THEY ARE REAPING THE FRUIT OF MY am sure if I stay live he will say as he did already that it turned out good for me TREE OF KNOWLEDGE AND CLAIMING TO BE ME BRAUGHT LIGHT AND TRUTH FOR ALL- NOT FO and if I die he will claim my life work with all the mice and snakes who have SOME FOR THEIR POWER MONOPOLY AGAINST helped him defame me with a carrot for all to be the Rose Leaves without the Rose; THE PEOPLE AND ME- ROSE GLOBAL FAMILY AN the Rain Drops without the rain; the waves without the ocean. THE ROSE SOCIETY IS BEYOND ALL WALLS OF PREJUDICE AND POWER MONOPLY AND FOR AL BELIEVES IN EQUAL RIGHT AND DIGNITY AND Tome Cruz went on the road and pretended to be a prophet and scientology ACCESS TO EQUAL OPPORTUNITY- A CHILD updated their material as they were informed and Tom criticized his friend Brook HUNGRY IN A VILLAGE IS THE SIN OF THE ENTIR Shields for using drugs for depression and jumped on Opera’s coach to show he GLOBAL FAMILY- SPIRITUAL SUCCESS IS SUCCES can fly! In fact inviting David Becom was another work of a thief to collect on my WITH A PURPOSE OF MAKING A DIFFERENCE VERSUS THE SUCCESS AT ANY COST TO OTHERS Blueprint of Success without giving me the credit along with all the Nobel Peace THE PATH OF THOSE WHO SAY WHY NOT? I CAN S Prize Winners who won with my character and life work for Dialogue for Global I WILL- MURDERURS CAN MURDER SO THEY DO Peace and Democracy without war and violence. It is one thing to have the lifetime SHOULD THEY? WHAT IS THE RIGHT OF ANOTHE IS NOT YOURS TO TAKE, ALWAYS REMEMBER! experience as I have had and write nine books to reform all the walks of life PARVIN INDIVIDUAL, RELATIONSHIP including psychiatry and drug pushing and those who become addicts not by the AND FAMILY AND GLOBAL PEACE AND drug pushers on the street but by the licensed ones in the million dollar offices, its REFORM PROGRAMS – DIALOGUE AND another thing for an actor to go around lecturing people not to use drugs and attack the psychiatrists who do some good in for Time and Action Appropriate KNOWLEDGE FOR PEOPLE POWER AND LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE TOWARD Drug pushing they do. GLOBAL DEMOCRACY AND UNIVERSAL As Richard Gear kissed the woman from India and was almost sued when the SPIRITUALITY – EQUAL RIGHTS, ACCES mafia power kicked in after the ridiculous promotional suggestion caused him his OPPORTUNITY AND DIGNITY FOR ALL PATTERN CHANGE PROGRAMMING; credibility as a compassionate, wise and balanced man of class and character. CREATING YOUR OWN DESTINY – Although lately they call me the Fisherman; a connotation that carries a great deal FINDING YOUR MIRACLE WITHIN- YOU of rumor and slander to switch my identity with that of my promoter who has been LEADER WITHIN, AND YOUR GOD fishing me for 12 years and wants my Global Peace and Reform Program, my WITHIN. TIME PROPHET & CHRIST IN M identity and my spirit it seems and is willing to take it from me dead or alive even – ASK THE ROSE FOR THE TRUTH SHE ONLY though he has claimed to be in love with me and the only thing he wants in the KNOWS- SHE IS NOT JUST A ROSE – SHE IS TIME world is me while he is not even available and is a married man with mistresses ROSE – FREEDOM ROSE - I PLANT A RED ROSE I who have fished him for many years trying to take my place at any cost to me or YOUR HEART AND CHANGE YOUR PATTERNS FRO DARK TO LIGHT AND CHANGE THE DARK MATTE humanity. Alta Coffee Shop –Tuesday nights Open Mic.,10/21/2007- The Prince’s Ball & the true Cinderella - Mehrgan Festival in Valley – The true alternative for success is democracy and freedom and a freedom of choice to people. Booths of Democracy and Monarchy with the Prince of Persia along with what people wanted to see in a simple and warm fashion was demonstrated. I remember that the first time I told Prince Reza Pahlavi to become the torch holder of democracy and be elected for ten years and then let the people who will learn what democracy is and with the knowledge of creating democratic minds and hearts will be able to participate in the own destiny making and that of OF THE UNIVERSE WITH POWER T RANSER WITH OUR COLLECTIVE POWER OF THE LIGHT I HAVE CHANGED MEDIA SYSTEMS THAT HAVE BEE MEANINGLESS AND DICTATORIAL SELLING ONLY SUPERFICIAL LIE NEWS AND STORIES AND I HAVE AFFECTED CHANGE IN PATTERNS OF LEADERSHIP AND PEOPLE OF COUNTRIES AS WELL AS MY OWN COLLEAGUES EVEN THOUGH MY REVOLUTONARY PIONEERING WORK IS BEING CLAIMED BY OTHERS AND IS BEING USED BY OTHER COUNTRIES FOR CHANGE AND I MYSELF HAVE BEEN BLOCKED BY TH their own nation, he said you are the only person who thinks that way. He said others want their shah. And that is what has kept many Persians out of the country and influenced by dictators back home who brain wash the people that there is no other alternative when the alternative has been presenting itself like a while elephant in the middle of the room full of the rest of the animals wanting to grab a piece of the action and opportunity that my Global Peace and Reform Program has offered and willing to not only deny me but censor and silence me when they know well I am the answer for a peaceful democracy in Iran without war and violence and for bringing the people of Iran who live away from their homes like Gypsies around the world in order to participate in their own destiny and that of their country. Prince Reza Pahlavi and I are that alternative to bring together and unite the country around a Universal Spiritual Leader and a National, Cultural Leader the large Cat in the Map needs to have in order to grow into democracy without war and violence. Until the Persians around the world are not invited to go back home and participate in the affairs of their own country, I do not consider that régime a legitimate one that wants Iran and God only to itself and a few who have the money to dictate to60 million people drown in hunger and drug addiction and prostitution that they need atomic weaponry and they should wipe Israel out of the map and because no one takes them serious endanger the interest of the people by selling out pieces of Iran and giving away the rights to the Persian Golf and the Islands and the Oil and all the ancient treasures that end up in museums around the world to make the neighbors happy and have allies to continue their dictatorship and hypocrisy. Perhaps if they were not too fast in dishonoring the agreements the Shah had made specially with Russia in their mutual vested interest they would not have had such a hard time keeping the rights of the Persians in t heir own country The country of God’s régime must open its doors to all the people and let them participate in their land and have the choice if they want to live in another country so that they would be more appreciated instead of looked at as a strangers and as burden where they are worth treasures that from them is raped and stolen. Tragic Wind and Fire- Perhaps that is why they do not invite me to speak for my people in any of the organizations that have been taking roots since I rose and wrote nine books in one year that brought not only Iran back on t he map but also challenged the dictatorship and the hypocrisy and the danger of atomic weaponry as well as the danger of dictators like Saddam in that part of Our Global Family. They are willing to place empty and opportunist want to be uneducated girls and lying puppets and clones in my place only not to loose control of their own power in the shadow of an internal power of a woman who has spent her whole life to bring them the Blue Print of Success in every life dimension. POWER OF THOSE LOBYISTS AND PROMOTERS OF FAKE DEMOCRACY OVER TRUE DEMOCRACY LIKE IRAN, I AM STILL AFFECTIVE IN CREATING MAJOR CHANGE- MY PROMOTER WHO ENDED UP BLOCKIN MY VOICE AND DEFAMING ME BECAUSE OF FEAR O ONE WOMAN’S INTERNAL AND POLITICAL POWER WITH MY PIONEERING WORK HAS BEEN AN AFFECTIVE CHANGE AGENT IN SPREADING MY PEACE PROGRAM THROUGH OTHERS, GLOBALLY THIS IS A TRUE EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE SPECIALL IF HE REMOVES THE BLOCKS FROM MY VOICE BEIN PROMOTED NATIONALLY AND GLOBALLY SINCE TOXIC EXTERNAL MAN POWER HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE RAPIST OF WOMAN POWER AND EVEN IN BIBLICAL MAN MADE BOOKS THE SIGNIFICANCE AN THE POWER OF WOMEN IS NOT ONLY UNDERMINE BUT CALLED DEMONIC WHEN MENTIONED. EVEN VIRGIN MERRY WAS NOT GIVEN THE CREDIT FOR BEING MOTHER AND TEACHER OF JESUS CHRIST. LATELY THESE PATTERNS OF IMBALANCE OF POWE IS CHANGING BECAUSE OF MY 12 YEAR FOCUS AND THE IMPLEMENTATIONS OF MY SCIENTIFIC GUIDANCE AND TEACHING THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. POET OF FREEDOM IS FREEDOM ITSELF – LEARN HOW TO BE FREE – BORN AGAIN FREE, SCIENTIFICALLY - TIME ROSE – FREEDOM ROSE – ROSE SOCIETY OF ADDICTION FREE- PIONEER OF PATTERN CHANGE PROGRAMMING; CREATING YOU OWN DESTINY; AN EVO-REVOLUTIONARY PSYCHO SPIRITUALITY OF BEING – PSYCHOLOGY OF PREVENTION, HEALTH AND EXCELLENCE - PIONEE OF DIALOGUE FOR PEACE AND GLOBAL PEACE AN REFORM PROGRAM – LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE, PEOPLE POWER, DIVERSE UNITY AND A GLOBAL CULTURE WITHIN WHICH ALL SPEAK AND LIVE ON LANGUAGE FOR A NEW CIVILIZATION BEYOND ALL RACE, RELLIGION, CULTURE AND GENDERLANGUAGE I HAVE CREATED FOR A NEW CULTURE OF HEALTH AND EXCELLENCE –AN ADDICTION FRE CULTURE JUST AS THE PAST MASSIAH AND PIONEERS OF CHANGE AND HEALING WITH NOW KNOWLEDGE FOR PEACE AND EXC ELLENCE OF MAN HAVE EXPERIENCED, I WENT ON THE CROSS OF IGNORANCE OF MAN TO CHANGE THE SOCIETA PATTENRS WITH MY PIONEERING SCIENTIFIC SPIRITUAL TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY SO YOU CA BE FREE AND LIVE FREE – FREE FROM ALL ADDICTIONS AND BONDAGE – ALL CORRUPTION AND CONSPERICY AGAINST YOUR RIGHTS AND DIGNITY – I TORE DOWN THE WALLS AND RACE The tragic of the Gone with the Wind of Santa Ana that is the witness to the RELIGION AND COLOR BARRIERS AND BLOCKS T man’s lack of prevention and prediction and when someone like me predicts gets BRING YOU A NEW BIRTH WITH THE SCIENCE O the slander that the one who predicted caused it whereas the one’s who politicized HEALING AND HEALTH AND EXCELLENCE OF TH it caused it and had an obvious agenda as they did for 9/11 and in none of the HOLY SPIRIT IN ME THAT IS THE MIRACLE WITH ME AND I CAN TRANSFER THE POWER ONTO YO above there was no prevention involved. The Imbalanced Wind begun that day TO FLY TO THE HEIGHT OF YOUR EXCELLENCE and reminded no matter how much man thinks the world affair are in his hands, LIKE ME – THE ROSE WAY IS THE WAY OF the Mother Nature wants to express her unhappiness at the man brain washing and BECOMING WHO YOU ARE AND TEACHING YOUR HOW TO GET TO WHERE YOU WANT TO BE AND interpreting the wind as political playing even with the wind and wave and the GIVING YOU THE KNOWLEDGE TO BECOME C water and fire to win at any cost to the people who are the only one’s who pay the HANGE AGENTS OF NOT ONLY YOUR OWN DESTIN price. BUT THAT OF YOUR NATION, FAMILY AND SOCIETY – More than Global Warming and the Iraq War, the Patterns of our Political I AM THE SOURCE OF HEALING AND THE Whirlpool of conspiracy must “get elected to Die” and get deleted and if the PIONEERING KNOWLEDGE –I AM THE SOURCE O group of Systems wants to sing “Elect the Dead” we can evolve enough to stop LIGHT AND MY CALLING IS TO MASS HEAL AND worshipping the dead and kill the living while we are stealing the identity of POUR MY LIGHT ONTO THE DARKNESS – I AM someone else and her life work and call ourselves artists or whatever hat that we HEALING NATIONS AND GOVERNEMENTS AS WEL put on. I am a predictor, preventer, healer and teacher and preacher and in all AS INDIVIDUALS AS DR. ERNEST ROSSI PREDICTE that I have surrendered to the Holy Spirit inside me which is nothing but the light IT IN 1994 AS HE REVIEWED MY FIRST BOOK OU OF NINE I WROTE IN ONE YEAR ON A CALLING T of the heavens and has taught me how to be the Holy Rose and plant a red rose in BECOME THE GLOBAL AND UNIVERSAL MOTHE everyone’s heart and change their patterns from dark to light and change the dark OF THE ORPHANS OF GOD ON EARTH- I HAVE matter of earth and the universe into the light matter with the help of the angels ALREADY CHANGED THE PATTERNS OF ALL RAC and those who have learnt what it means to have a higher purpose and know the AND RELIGION AND NATIONS AND I HAVE HAD HELP DOING THAT THROUGH MY TELEVISION light when they see it in young or old in age that does not matter only the wisdom SHOWS AND THE ANGELS WHO HAVE FOLLOWE of the Third Eye or the ignorance of the blind obedient and they recognize the MY WORK AND MY PARTNER IN MY PROPHECY TH Living Word when they hear it. So, when I went to the Alta on Tuesday Open Mic., MAN WHO CAME TO PROMOTE ME BUT CROSSED nights to sing my revelatory message from the Holy Spirit inside me I sang In the MY NAME OUT OF MY OWN GLOBAL PEACE AND REFORM PROGRAM AND WITH MY GUIDANCE Midst of Fire – We can Have Peace – and Tyler and Steven accompanied me with HELPED SPREAD THE ROSE LEAVES WITHOUT the Sitar and Drum. It was all at the moment decision and we all came together to GIVING ME ANY CREDIT TO DO MORE MIRACLE make music with my lyrics. I treasure what comes from the Holy Spirit inside me FOR THE MASSESS INSTEAD OF IMPRISONING M POWERS IN POLITICAL POWER MONOPOLY and that is why I have devoted 12 years of my life to surrender of that light to pour it like the Holy Rose Water on the children and the flowers of God I call the Rose Leaves teaching them and mothering them and help prevent them from the burning I KNOW HOW TO HELP YOU HEAL AND EXCEL- I HAVE THE PIONEERING KNOWLEDGE, THE POWE or the chill. AND THE CALIFORNIA LICENSE AS A MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPIST I HEAVE HELD SINCE 1982 AS A FOUNDER DIRECTOR OF PARVIN CENTE In the Midst of Fire FOR PATTERNS OF EX CELLENCE UNTIL 1997 WHEN I BECAME THE ROSE INSTITUTE FOR PEAC AND FOCUSED ON CREATING HEALTH AND By Rose written in 2004 and Self Edited in 2007 EXCELLENCE IN THE DISEASED SOCIETY AND WORLD AS A GLOBAL MOTHER I HAD A CALLIN In the midst of fire – we can have peace- If we know who we are – and we believe FOR – I WROTE NINE BOOKS IN 1994 THAT HAS BECOME THE BIBLE OF HEALTH AND – in the higher power – we c an be at ease – I walk on water and fire – inside me is EXCELLENCE AND A GUIDE TO MAKING A SENSE the source of light – the light of the life giving – the higher power – I am planting a OUT OF YOUR HOLY BOOKS AND HOLY HEROES red rose in every one’s heart and changing their minds to different patterns from UNTIL THEN ALL RACE AND RELGION AND CULT dark to light – In the midst of fire – we can fly higher and higher - beyond all the AND PHILILSIOPHIES HAD FAILED HUMANITY – CHILDREN WERE KILLING CHIDLREN AND toxic air - of the ignorant with toxic words – in their mouth- constantly like a gun MOTHER – SEA OF BLOOD ROSE EVERYWHERE on fire – My sin is my intelligence – as an author, creator, counselor and teacher- INDIVIDUALS AND PARENTS BECAME ORPHANS BECAUSE THERE WAS NO TO CARE –AT THAT TIM ROSE ROSE AND THAT IS THE WAY THE TRUE 21 years of Parvin Center for Patterns of Excellence; a counseling center STORY GOES – THIS IS NOT JUST A ROSE – SHE I teaching patterns of change toward Peace, Power Balance and Excellence – 9 TIME ROSE –FREEDOM ROSE – SO ASK THE ROS books in one year in 1994 – first one 800 pages titled Pattern Change FOR THE T RUTH SHE ONLY KNOWES – SHE IS NO Programming; Creating Your Own Destiny; an evolutionary -revolutionary JUST A ROSE – SHE IS TIME ROSE – FREEDOM ROSE- FOLLOW ME TO FREEDOM FOR FREEDOM Psycho-Spirituality of Being – teaching a step by step Rose Revolution of ROSE Compassion, peace and freedom, inner and global – Yes my friends, Mehrgan means the place of birth of Mehr and Mehr means compassion – To be Mitra the ROSE WAY THE ROSE SOCIETY & THE ROSE woman God Mother and symbol of compassion does not mean smiling at everyone THE VILLAGE FOR PEACE & FREEDOM TOWARD to be accepted and take someone else’s place without any root of your own or any EXCELLENCE – A NEW CREATION OF BEING substance – It means the calling and a life of being a healer and a teacher to bring HUMAN AND GODLIKE - I WILL PLANT A RED ROS IN YOUR HEART AND CHANGE YOUR PATTERNS peace, compassion, love and unity on earth for all the children. In the Midst of Fire – we can have peace- if we know who we are – and we believe in a higher power – we can be at ease. In the midst of fire! Think of the higher power and suddenly pours on you – the Holy Rose Water – I walk on fire and water – in my hands the holy rose water – to pour on the god’s flowers the rose leaves of the Rose Garden – to keep them from burning and from the chill – let us predict and prevent in order to protect – God’s children no matter what age, gender, race, religion or color Cinderella and the step father: Any way this was truly a Cinderella story where I FROM DARK TO LIGHT – I WILL LEAD YOU TO CHOISE OF YOUR DESTINED PATH & WILL GUID YOU TO BECOME CHANGE AGENTS OF YOUR OW DESTINY, THAT OF YOUR RELATIONSHIPS AND FAMILY AND NATIONS, RACE AND RELLIGIONS T GO TO YOUR ROOTS, EMBRACE IT AND FLY TO TH HEIGHT OF YOUR DESTINY AND HOLD HANDS WITH THE GOD WITHIN BEYOND THE COLOR OF YOUR SKINS IN THE DIVINE UNITY OF YOUR WHITE SPIRITS- I HAVE CHANGED PATTERNS OF INDIVIDUALS, FAMILIES, LEADERS AND NATION WITH MY SCIENTIFIC PIONEERING KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY OF PATTERN CHANGE miraculously was given 20 dollars by a doctor neighbor of mine who saw me at the PROGRAMING; CREATING YOUR OWN DESTINY; A EVOLUTIONARY REVOLUTIONARY PSYCHObottom of my financial glory sleeping in a coffin with no money and gave me 20 SPIRITUALILTY OF BEING AS THE ROSE WAY AN dollars. I immediately realized that I could go to that Festival now which needed A NARROW PATH OF TRUTH IN WHICH ALL CAN exactly that much if some miracles in the way happened that I count on since it WIN, THEIR SINS FORGIVEN AND THEY CAN BE BORN FREE TO LIVE FREE OF ALL THEIR always does and this time too, it did. I tool a bus for 4 hours to get to Woodland ADDICTIONS, PAINS AND CHAINS OF BONDANGE Hills since my white Mercedes has turned into a cabbage years ago while my TO FEAR AND IGNORANCE WITH THE KNOWLEDG clones have been buying Mercedes with the prosperity they experience by my life OF SELF MAKING, SOCIETAL MAKING AND SPIRI work while they still defame and deny me. But I went and was invited in by the MAKING TOGETHER WE CAN CREATE A GLOBAL FAMILY EMBRACING DIVERSE UNITY UNIVERSA young girl who accepted one of my books as the token of her rarely found compassion from me and I was happy to see the unity of the alternatives being SPIRITUALITY AND TIME APPROPRIATE LAWS O HUMAN RIGHTS BEYOND ALL RACE AND RELIGIO shown on the side of the Kabob in a much more friendly way than the one in IN GLOBAL DEMOCRACY AS THE GOVERNMENT O Orange County by NIPOC even though the one in Orange County was far more GOD; THE ONE AND ONLY WHO WANTS PEACE, DIGNITY AND SPIRITUAL SUCCESS WITH involved and a lot more work had gone into it. UNIVERSAL LAWS OF SUCCESS AND SPIRITUAL EXCELLENCE FOR ALL HER RAINBOW CHILDRE My favorite singers in both Festival made my broken heart to heal and realize OF UNIVERSAL HUMANITY NOT JUST A FEW where there is devil one can also find the angel; we just must be miracle makers OPPORTUNISTS WHO WANT TO SUCCEED AT AN and physician of the heart that is diseased because of the cement of the lie and turn COST TO OTHERS THAT CREATE IMBALANCE AN UNJUST SOCIETAL PATTERNS OF POWER it into the Holy Rose Water of the truth to heal the wounded hearts for them to let MONOPOLY BY THOSE WHOSE JUDGEMENT IS the Rose grow in the Rose Garden and be the Constant Gardener of the Rose IMPAIRED YET THEY CAN BUY POWER WITH MONEY – TOGETHER WE CAN CREATE Leaves to be! I believe in the core of being that can change patterns and was the first person who criticized the author of the Bell Curve Noble peace Prize Winner DEMOCRATIC MINDS AND ACTIONS BEYOND AN BULLISM AND HITLERSHIP AND GIVE BACK THE for saying whites have superior genes than blacks in the first book from my nine POWER TO THE PEOPLE AND DEMAND books I wrote in one year in 1994 titled Pattern Change Programming; Creating LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE AND FREE AND EQUA SOCIETAL ACCERSS TO ALL Your Own Destiny; an evo-revolutionary Psycho-Spirituality of Being that has become the Bible of Psychology and all walks of life. I suppose it can become a I AM “THE SECRET” THE ABSENT PRESENTfairy tale if my promoter leaves his habit of finding a replacement for everyone THEMULTI-DIMENSTIONAL SCIENTIFIC and finds a logical to deal with brainless, education less and conscience- less he SPIRITUAL BEING- I AM THAT I AM AND can fill with his own dark patterns of uniting to keep Rose out from the Rose ACCEPTING ME AND MY DIFFERENTNESS WILL Garden and instead he stands beside me and see what an extraordinary pioneering BLISS THE WORLD AS SHE EMBRACES DIVERSE knowledge and guidance he has been given as much as he has taken, to create a UNITY – GOD IS DIFFERENT FROM ALL AND YET masterpiece with the help of all the angels good and bad, and with all the patterns GOD IS IN YOU AND YOU ARE MADE OF GOD – OPEN YOUR EYES AND EXPERIENCE THE dark and light, to create the change toward Universal Excellence and Unity. UNKNOWN WITHOUT FEAR FOR FEAR IS THE EV OF OUR TIME AND THE CASUSE OF ALL VIOLENC AND WAR 10/16/2007- Rose TV Show at the Time Warner Public Access. Every Monday I make television shows at Cox Public Access where I produce as well as direct and edit my dialogues with others in my studio in Newport Beach and /or the locations KNOWLEDGE IS EVERYTHING. SO I WILL GIVE YO THE KNOWLEDGE YOU NEED TO CHOOSE YOUR where the event is. I do all that for free. The station does not give me money and DESTINED PATH AT YOUR WILL IN ORDER TO, does not ask for money. Public Access is one of the most beautiful bridge and tool TOGETHER WE PUT AN END TO BONDAGE AND of democracy where it takes the true leaders to their people instead of other media SLAVERY OF THE INNOCENT CHIDREN OF THE that bridge with money and take the unwanted programs and push people to like ONE AND ONLY GOD AND GIVE THEM BACK THEI LAND, THEIR RIGHT AND DIGNITY RAPED FROM them by repetition. A couple of times a month I make television shows at Time THEM BY THE BULLY OF THE TIME- I WENT ON Warner Public Access studio where I record straight when it is rolling and in one THE CROSS FOR YOU TO BECOME FREE- FREE O setting of four hours I make two new DVDs and transfer three from my DVDs; a ALL ADDICTIONS AND SINS- FREE F ROM ALL LIE AND MANIPULATIONS PUT UPON YOU BY THE PA total of 5 shows for the month. The making of the television shows that are REGRESSIVE PATTERNS OF YOUR SIGNIFICANT Documentary of Truth. Paul the director of the studio for the Buena Park setting OTHERS AND THE BULLIES WHO LIVE WITHIN AN helps me record onto the DVD directly as I talk. The evolutionary change seems to WITHOUT YOU – THE LEADER, THE HEALER AND GOD ON THE CROSS CREATES THE MIRACLE be happening in all t he areas of my prophetic Journey as well as the open mic., WITHIN YOU- I WILL PLANT A RED ROSE IN YOU nights at Alta and Gypsy Den. HEART AND CHANGE YOUR PATTERNS FROM DAR TO LIGHT - I WILL OPEN YOUR EYES AND EARS 10/13-14//2007 –Mehrgan Festival; Rebirth of Mitra; Rebirth of Earth- Victory WITH THE LIVING WORDS AND POETRY WITHIN of Light over Darkness –At the Destiny Making Time of the world and our country ME THAT POURS FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT IN ME AND YOU WILL BECOME FREE UNDER THE DIVIN we must all rise and step up and be counted and responsible for our presence in RAIN AND YOU WILL BE PURIFIED OF YOUR SIN denial of the truth or absence because of the thick shell of denial and censorship of AND DISEASE IN THE HOLY OCCEAN OF THE our media that worships the The true and the original creator is the light – the DIVINE SPIRIT THAT HAS RETURNED TO COMFOR clones and copies are the darkness unless they acknowledge the light, follow the YOU TO FEEL LOVED, SECURE, IN HEALTH AND I PEACE HEALING FROM YOUR WOUNDED AND light and stand under the light – free from the lies that had rotted the roots of ALIENATED SOULS TO SURRENDER TO THE LIVIN being human and with all the pretty colors of rainbow it ahs no substance, no WORDS AND ESSENCE OF THE WHOLY EXISTANC TO BECOME THE ROSE LEAVES OF GOD AND conscience or grace. What becomes the wall between people and their true leaders UNITE AND BECOME WHOLE IN THE GARDEN O and healers is evil and must be deleted and torn down not as it is in corrupt and THE RETURNED COMPASSION, JUSTICE, FREEDOM, POWER BALANCE, AND INNOCENCE A regressive societies and communities that worship the dead or the idols and prostitutes and kill the God and the living . We cannot deny someone and follow IF YOUR ARE BORN AGAIN FREE TO LIVE FREE O ALL SUFFERING AND PAIN WITH YOUR BODIES her footprints and guidance and claim her life work. Let us change the regressive AND MINDS FLYING TO YOUR SPIRITS WHERE TH patterns of crucifying the messiah and becoming the false prophets for profits. And UNITY IS WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR ETERNAL LIFE IN TRINITY we must stand for our dignity and right under the most victimizing situations as the bull fighter looks into the eye of the bull we must do so in order to take back from YAHOVA MEANS HOLY HAVA MEANING HOLY EV the bully what is stolen. I attended two days of Festival of Mehrgan experiencing the challenge of tearing down the walls of denial and corruption, the joy of togetherness, the mastery of being the solution in a problematic environment and unity of independent yet interdependent minds, bodies and spirits toward the evolutionary change and true Rose Revolution of Compassion was the evidence of 12 years of consistent work toward creating Pattern Change toward light and love and freedom and peace and excellence versus the darkness of oppressive and repetitive patterns of dictatorship and victimization in communities, societies, cultures and the world in general that the word change creates fear and intimidation and only the modification of that can be achieved in any level to satisfy the people and their leaders in a gradual educational and by role modeling the blueprint for success in multi-dimensional levels not to become success at any cost to compromise the ethical-spiritual success among individuals and nations. IT MEANS EVE IS THE MOTHER OF MAN AND TH CREATOR: THE HOLY MOTHER FROM WHOM WA BORN THE HOLY SON. DOESN’T IT MAKE MORE SCIENTIFIC SENSE THAN HAVING EVE COMING FROM THE BONE OF GOD WHO IS A MAN? – THE MAN MADE WORLD AND RELIGION HAS CHANGE ALL BOOKS TO RAPE WOMAN OF HER RIGHT AN TRUTH IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN THE TOXIC CONTROL AND POWER ON EARTH. THE EVOLUTIONARY JOURNEY I WENT TRHOUGH PROVES IT ALL RIGHT HERE AND NOW FOR THE PAST 12 YEARS – I WENT THROUGH THE WAR OF GOD AND EVIL AS THE STAR WARS; ONE WOMAN AND A MAN AND A THOUSANDS OF SNAKES AND MICE ON HIS SHOULDERS I HAD TO HEAL TO TAK OVER THE EARTH AND GIVE IT BACK TO PEOPLE FREED FROM THE PRISON OF IGNORANCE AND PREJUDICE TOWARD THE ULTIMATE EMBRACIN OF THE DIFFERENTNESS AND DIVERSE UNITY – PROVING ACCEPTING DIVINITY AND TRINITY, SCIENTIFICALLY. The Blueprint for Spiritual Success in an spiritless world- I have been and am that blueprint and have guided those who can see and at times those who cannot see toward the light of change and sometimes I feel I have dragged them while THE MULTI-DIMENSIONALITY OF MIND-BODY AN holding the cross of ignorance of man, bleeding from the thorns and knives of SPIRIT IN AN ADVANCED, EVOLVED AND resistance stuck in my heart and soul and while not only the carpet but the earth EXCELLED BEING - PARVIN PROPHECY- MOTHE being pulled right from under me by those who say let it be, let it be and want to OF THE WORLD - TIME PROPHET – FREEDOM RO - AUTHOR OF GLOBAL AND UNIVERSAL FREEDO suffer in their black holes of ignorance and the dirt that surrounds it and yet fear & PEACE PROGRAM- PEACE CREATOR - AUTHOR the change of flying together to the top of our Chosen Destiny instead of living like OF PATTERN CHANGE PROGRAMING; CREATING the Homeless Gypsy Kings around the world with our home take over by the devil YOUR OWN DESTINY; AN EVO-REVOLUTIONARY of dictatorship and dark patterns of lack of compassion and freedom and justice PSYCHO-UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY OF BEING FO INDIVIDUAL AND GLOBAL REBIRTH AND that only breathes in the absence of god, a real living breathing god and absence HEALING- NEW CREATION WITH THE WORD AN of true democracy on earth. That is why my calling was to become the Mother of NEW SCIENTIFIC-SPIRITUAL INTERPRETATION the Orphans of God in the Spiritless World before all the flowers freeze from the FREEDOM ROSE SPIRIT MAKER - YOU ARE BORN chill of the absence of compassion and my mission was and still is Rose Revolution AGAIN FREE OF ALL YOUR ADDICTIONS, SINS AN OUTDATED PATTERNS - CREATOR OF PEACE AN of Compassion, a Universal Prevention, Health, Excellence and Spiritual Success FREEDOM WITHIN AND WITHOUT AND THE and Universal Time Appropriate Laws and Leadership Excellence and People MIRACLE WITHIN. ROSE SOCIETY; PARVIN Power for a Global Democracy without war and violence and lasting peace on INSTITUTE FOR PEACE CREATION – I AM earth through dialogue through film, music, theater, science and true politics in THE INSTITUTE WITHOUT WALLS– I ROSE AT A order to prevent and avoid the dark and bitter experiences and the back lashes of TIME THAT CHILDREN WERE KILLING CHILDRE AND MOTHER. AFTER HAVING A COULSEING 9/11s and bombing and atomic weaponry in 21 st Century. CENTER FOR 21 YEARS I HAD A CALLING TO USE THE SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE I WAS USING ON THE PEOPLE FOR HEALING TO USE FOR THE A United World & United States of Iran-A democratic Iran with true election GLOBAL FAMILY AS A WHOLE AND BECOME THE Choice - Throughout my citizenship in United States of American since 1971 I felt MOTHER THE EARTH NEVER HAD. GOVERNMENT democracy is the most wonderful commodity to introduce to the world. Never TEACHERS, PREECHERS AND EVEN HEALERS DI before now do I believe that since what I have accomplished in the past 12 years NOT HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE I HAD BY would have been impossible in any land with the absence of a democratic system. EXPERIENCE AND THE MIRACULOUS POWER OF However imperfect, democracy and god hand in hand do miracles and I have lived THE HOLY SPIRIT AS THE COMFORTER FROM WITHIN ME THAT HAD BEEN POLISHED BY THE that in my Prophetic Journey and calling in 1994 to write nine books in one year TEST OF TIME AND EXPERIENCE AND I WAS as I did and to publish them as I did publish three and to promote the truth and the HEALING PEOPLE WITH IT FROM ALL OVER THE Scientific Path of Truth within individuals, relationships, families, nations and the WORLD. I REALIZED AS I HEAL THE INDIVIDUAL world as Our Global Family. Let us together rise and create a true democracy in AND FAMILIES THEY STEP INTO A WORLD FULL OF SHARKS THAT RAPES THEM OF THEIR RIGHT our United States of America and maintain it and take it to the rest of the world as AND DIGNITY – PEOPLE ARE HELPLESS UNDER a gift to exchange with others with dialogue to embrace different-ness and GOVERNEMENTS THAT ARE DICTATORS AND Universal Values and perfect our democracy where elections and the system of PREECHERS THAT ARE RAPISTS AND TEACHERS THAT DO NOT KNOW WHO THEY ARE AND democracy does not fail us by walls of hypocrisy and lobbyism and everyone who PARENTS WHO DO NOT HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE T is in this country learns how to treasure independent minds and bodies and LOVE THEMSELVES LET ALONE THEIR CHILDRE becomes a democratic mind-body spirit entity and mass promotion of freedom and AND A WORLD THAT IS DEAD SPIRITED AND peace within and without can become the daily prayer of our schools in teaching PEOPLE HAVE LOST COMPASSION AND LOVE FO children Patterns of Prevention, Health and Excellence for the future of humanity. THEMSELVES AND ONE ANOTHER THE HEALTH GOES ON THE CROSS OF IGNORANCE OF OTHER God bliss democracy and existence of God on earth for a more spiritual, ethical, THUS I MADE THE WORLD AND THE SOCIETY AN moral and nurturing path of change toward excellence. I have lived to experience HER LEADERSHIP AS THE PATIENTS TO HEAL WHILE CREATING PEOPLE POWER WITH this in a spiritless, godless world and my calling was to change the patterns and so SPREADING THE ROSE LEAVES BY ROLE it is; The patterns are changing and the world is becoming better f or it. MODELING TO TRANSFER THE POWER OF THE LIGHT AND THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE OF THE SELF AND SOCIETAL AND THE UNIVERSE TO CHANGE THE PATTERNS OF DARKNESS AND BY SHEDDING TH LIGHT CHANGING THE NATURE OF THE DARK MATTERS IN INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES, IN NATIONS AND THE UNIVERSE. – Freedom Rose: Only the truth will set you free. Only the truth will set you free; only truth will bring true freedom for you and me. Truth arrives in transparency. Not even death will take my truth away from me. Meet me at the Bridge of Truth, there I will show you true history. There I will show you true love. For true love is compassionate wise, it is just; it must. The flames, the fire, the ashes are all a part of love, to bring together the spirit of you and I, the bodies may die in vein and the bodies may separate as strangers drown in societal gain, but the spirits, the spirits ROSE PROPHECY: THE PROPHETIC will always remain; rising together in unity. For the bodies and minds to come JOURNEY THAT TOOK 12 YEARS AS THE together, you must evolve and rise up to your spirit where you and I will be TIME PROPHET( THE CHRIST IN ME FOR AL together and so will the solution for the unity. Let us free the rose garden from the RELIGION WAS BORN AGAIN) TO CLAIM THE LAN mice and snakes that become the walls between you and I and tear down the roots AND THE WORD ( THE KNOWLEDGE) TAKEN AWA AND STOLEN AS IT IS HAPPENING ABOUT ME – of love, freedom, unity and humanity. GLOBAL CRISIS IS A GLOBAL CONSPERICY THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE CHRIST IN ME) NOT ONLY PREDICTED IN 1994, BUT ALSO ROSE TO So, hold my hand and follow me to freedom, to the height of the mountain of our PREVENT BY WRITING 9 BOOKS OF STEP BY STE destiny – to the Rose Addiction Free World and Society- the only addiction is PREPARING THE WORLD AND THE SOCIETY worshiping the true god and the miracle within me – I will plant a red rose in your TOWARD THE DAY AND THE ROSE WAY OF SPIRI heart and change your patterns from dark to light and the darkness will no longer TRAVEL AND UNITY – THE GROUP OF REFORMER STOLE MY PEACE PROGRAM FOR THEIR OWN be I will transfer the power of the Holy Spirit in me onto you and onto our global POWER MONOPOLY – EVEN THOUGH I GUIDED family. Iran will be born again free and so will the rest of our enslaved children of THEM TOWARD EVOLVING AND FORGAVE THEM our global family. So sing with me the song of freedom: freedom is rising, freedom THEY DID NOT STOP THEIR CONSPERICY AGAINS is rising freedom is rising; Freedom Rose! And that’s the way the true story goes; ME- OF DENYING ME AND CLAIMING TO BE ME AND MY PROMOTER PROMOTING MY CLONES AN freedom rose. PLAGIARISTS AND BLOCKING MY VOICE IN THE WORLD AND MY OWN COMMUNITY – I HAVE LOS EVERYTHING IN MY WAY OF TEACHING FLYING Rebirth of Mitra, Maria Rosa and a Born Free Persia, world and America. I WITH THE CROSS FOR YOU TO BE BORN AGAIN believe Iran must go through her evolutionary change toward freedom and unity FREE SCIENTIFICALLY, SPIRITUALLY, SOCIETALL as United but Interdependent States of Iran as the Persians and Iranians who live AND POLITICALLY. THE COMFORTER IS HERE – inside and outside of Iran must within their selves’ experience. This is a part of BELIEVE EVEN THE DEVIL CAN CHANGE BY TH Global Peace and Reform Program I wrote f or in a fifty page poems and verse to LIGHT BEING SHED ON THE DARK PATTERNS – KNOWLEDGE IS EVERYTHING Nader Naderpour our famous poet in May of 1999. Naderpoour was one of my supporters before he died from heart attack stemmed from the stressful MY SCIENTIFIC REVELATIONS AND environment that lacks appreciation, tolerance, respect, gratitude and nurturance KNOWLEDGE IS CHANGING THE WORL for the sensitive minds and extraordinary scholars. Off course this is changing AND NATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS over time as I proposed to change the patterns of worshipping the dead and killing THAT NEEDED MASSIVE REFORM AND the living for the sake of evolutionary change in humanity. THUS IT HAS FREED THE PEOPLE FROM THE BONDAGE OF IGNORANCE AND Mehrgan: Rebirth of Mitra: Universal Woman God Mother-The Source of Light VICTIMIZATION THAT STEMS FROM IT of Knowledge of God over the darkness of ignorance and evil deception The RELIGIONS THAT ARE FANATIC MUST CHANGE I challenges and the triumphant of a prophetic journey to bring a rebirth to a ACCORDANCE TO MY PHILOSOPHY OF POWER nation, culture and creating a united world. The first day I was ordered to leave BALANCE AND PATTERN CHANGE TOWARD TIM APPROPRIATE HUMAN RIGHTS LAWS FOR the grounds by Farzaneh at NIPOC accompanied by the security who apologized HUMANITY TO BECOME SAFE FROM THE HAND from me the day after and I was able to buy the ticket the day after and have a OF IGNORANT LEADERS WHO IN THE NAME OF wonderful time meeting people who expected to see me there as this Cultural GOD AND OTHER AUTHORITERIAN LABELS AND Rebirth and Revival is the effort of 12 year of being who I am and nine books I POSITIONS ABUSE AND MISUSE THEIR POWER AN wrote and those who followed me to help blossom the dead culture and nation with THUS VICTIMIZE OTHERS. CHILDREN AND YOUT the help of my promoter who has censored and silenced me and promoted others ARE THE MOST VULNERABLE IN OUR WORLD AN MUST BE PROTECTED FROM THE HANDS OF TH with my life work and with my guidance. PREDETORS WHO IN THE EYES OF THE INNOCEN CHILD THEY COME ACROSS AS FRIENDS. THE When there is ignorance, arrogance and fear, even in democratic environments WORLD MUST BECOME A FRIENDLY WORLD THA WITHIN IT CHIDLREN AND ADULTS CAN BE people are not safe and the glass ceiling is very low for those who matter while THEMSELVES AND BREETH WITHOUT LOOSING empty people are put in their place to become the pawn of Toxic Mafia Bull’s THEIR INNOCENCE AND GRACE. THAT IS MY Power whose toxic power will be no more when a woman like me sheds light on MISSION AND VISION AND I HAVE BRAUGHT TH TOOLS TO CREATE A NEW CREATION AND the darkness of his addiction to control and power! While I can understand the CIVILIZATION WITHIN WHICH PEOPLE CAN FLY pain and suffering even the people in power go through if they are not all TO THE HEIGHT OF THEIR EXISTANCE AND COM converted into sociopathy of no conscience at all, and while I understand that no TO INTERDEPENDENCE VERSUS DEPENDENCE one had the knowledge to do the right thing, I believe I have been giving that AND COME TO UNITY VERSUS ALIENATION FROM knowledge for the past 12 years to a group that have done nothing but reaping the THEIR SELF AND THEIR GOD WITHIN AND THE fruit of my life work and denying me and torturing me by their censorship and ONE AND ONLY IN THE UNIVERSE. FOR THE PAS 12 YEARS I HAVE, THROUGH MY TELEVISION denial and lies and slander that has closed all the doors on me. I am a very SHOWS AND GOING ON AIR IN RADIOS THAT powerful woman and through public access television shows I am alive and having NEEDED REFORM AND CHANGE AND THE MASSE NEEDED KNOWLEDGE AND ROLE MODEL OF a voice miraculously. COURAGE, FAITH, DIGNITY CLARITY AND SELF AND SOCIETAL AND SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE TH But my war of god and evil is a real one and the Rose Revolution of Compassion WORLD BY COPYING AND EVEN PLAGIARIZING M and yet no one seems to be responding to my calling for them to step up and tear AS I HAVE GUIDED THEM HAS BECOME A BETTE AS I ROSE TO CHANGE THE PATTERNS O down the walls of censorship and denial. The Corrupt CIA must have a lot of WORLD. DARKNESS TO LIGHT I WENT ON THE CROSS OF power over the media and governmental agencies as well. And that is something IGNORANCE OF THE MAN WHO CAME TO we must change and we must change the sold out president long before they PROMOTE ME AND BECAME MY PREDETOR become presidents by the power and money of lobbying that even buys the CIA so INSTEAD AND WITH HIS TOXIC SOCIETAL POWE CENSORED AND SILENCED ME AS HE RAPED ME that we can reclaim our democracy, preserve it and send it to the world as our gift. OF MY EVERY LEAVE AND FEATHER CLAIMING T Become Change Makers and a part of the solution, not the problem: stop denying BE IN LOVE WITH ME WHILE PROMOTING the reality and the truth in order to evolve and create Societal Excellence and open HIMSELF AND MY PLAGIARISTS AND UNEDUCATED, OPPORTUNISTS WITHOUT and free world and communities. Read my revelatory verses, poems, songs and CONSIENCE GIRLS AND BOYS WHOL WERE letters. God is speaking through me with the living words for you to become free: WILLING TO DO ANYTHING AT ANY COST TO born again free! Then no one can manipulate the world as dictators like Hitler and ANYONE FOR FAME, MADE ME BLEED BEHIND their mice and snakes: the sold out slaves of hypocrisy!! THE LINES OF MEDIA AND ORGANIZATIONS THA DENIED ME WHILE CLAIMED MY LIFE WORK WIT THE HELP OF THEMAN WHO CAME TO PROMOT The next day I went to the Festival the Security apologized from me and I was able ME AND BECAME MY GLOBAL PREDETOR. MY to enjoy myself around the people I rose for to set free. I saw the artists who EVOLUTIONARY REVOLUTION OF COMPASSION supported me and politicians who wanted to be on my side. All this is also created AND SCIENTIFIC SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE AND GUIDANCE HAS HELPED EVOLVE EVEN THE DEV by my promoter who is evolving yet still sitting on the wall. The booth of the WHO WANTED TO WIPE ME OUT OF THE FACE O Kirdestan the young couple who have been my supporters since Ahoromenat is the THE EARTH TO BECOME ME BY THE Birth Place of Mitra and is in Kordestan called the place of the Sun. RECOMMENDATION OF EVIL COUNSELORS WHO ENJOYED BEING PROMOTED BY HIM WITH MY SCIENTIFIC LIFE WORK AND THOSE WHO WERE When I wrote my nine books in one year, the first one 800 pages, I defined WILLING TO SEE ME BURRIED ALIVE TO BE ME problems of the world as the World Crisis and as a result of lack of balance of the world and I step by step in the Rose Revolution of Compassion I introduced I AM THE HEALER AND THE GLOBAL LEADERS scientific solutions to the problem the first one was The Rose Revolution of ARE MY PATIENTS AND PEOPLE ARE TH ORPHAN Compassion itself: planting a red rose in every heart and changing their patterns IN NEED OF REBIRTH, HEALING AND EXCELLIN AN ADDICTION FREE LIVES WITH SEL from dark to light and having a movement to create the light which the first step of LEADING KNOWLEDGE, SELF POWER AND POEWR Self Making and Societal Making and Destiny Making and the first break is the TRANSFER OF LOVE AND TRUTH FROM THE HOL truth; truth of the individuals within their self and the Societal Truth and then the SPIRIT AND THE SCIENTIST IN ME TO CREATE TH MIRACLE WITHIN - I AM A TEACHER AND A Universal Truth that sets you free and sets the world free of all addictions of the lie COUNSELOR – I TEACH YOU HOW TO BE BORN and the corruption that has rotted the roots of humanity. My guidance for 12 years AGAIN FREE –FREE FROM ALL ADDICTIONS AND step by step is leading the world and individuals within it toward the Universal SINS- ALL CHAINS AND PAINS - A PROGRAM YOU Truth and Universal Prevention, Health and Excellence that is the Rose pioneering OWN REBIRTH AND BECOME A CHANGE MAKER I THE REBIRTH OF OUR GLOBAL FAMILY TOWARD PEACE AND DEMOCRACY THAT IS ONLY MATERIALIZED IN THE BRIDGE OF TRUTH AND TRANSPARENCY – LET US UNITE FOR LIBERATIN One of the politicians I met was a man in the Armenian’s booth NOT JUST MEN AND WOMEN BUT LIBERATING HUMANITY TOWARD CHRISTLIKENESS AND who had drafted my vision of United States of Iran that I had EVOLUTIONARY EXCELLENCE. MY LEGACY IS written in 50 pages to Naderpour in two small proposals as A Republic and as A HEALING THE WORLD AS A HEALER OF OUR Constitutional Monarchy. He was the first person who was interested in making GLOBAL FAMILY IN ROSE PIONEERING PROGRAM something happen with letting the person who is behind all this evolution be heard. OF GLOBAL BRIEF THERAPY – SOLUTION I suppose the walls are being tore down and the doors are being open and the FOCUSED – DEFINITION OF CRISIS – PROGRAM O fears of a woman scientist and her internal power versus their external power is SOLUTIONS AND MATERIALIZATION BY POWER TRANSFER IN MULTI-IMENSIONAL TIME TRAVE coming to balance. I have empathy for those who want to meet others half way. AND NATURAL HYPNOSIS OR SPIRITUAL FLIGHT Only after 12years of being censored and cloned after my tolerance level for FROM BODY AND MIND TO THE SPIRIT FOR THE mouse walk toward me while wolf like taking from me is over. Armen talked about UNITY WITH THE CREATOR AND THE MIRACLE WITHIN Psychology of Excellence and Flying. possibilities of Organization making and talked about the Zorastrians needs for leadership. I said Zoroaster is the man who stole Mitra the God Woman and God Mother’s Gotha and said she was just an angle and sat in her place just as it is I AM ON THE CROSS SO YOU BECOME FREE – MY CROSS OF INJUSTICE COULD BE YOURS IF YOU being replayed by my promoter’s plot against me and my life work. But I like IGNORE THE TRUTH IN ME – A MAN WITH GOOD Zoroastrians principals and I myself without aiming at promoting Zoroastrians INTENT DOES NOT NEED EMPTY MICE AND have lived that life of the Truth and Right Mind- Right Deed and Right Patterns SNAKES AROUND HIM WHILE SILENCING AND which you might translate right as light and not right or left –but the center and BLOCKING THE SCIENTIST AND MASSIAH HE IS RAPING INTELLECTUALLY FOR 12 YEARS OUT OF balance and the right thing instead of doing things from the right side. Every side HER PEACE PROGRAM AND PROPHECY – EMPTY has its vulnerabilities and we must create the balance and choose what is right and MICE AND SNAKES ARE THE KNIVES ON INNOCEN PEOPLE’S HEART BECAUSE THEY ARE WILLING T not what is in the right or in the left or in the East or in the West. LIE AND DEFAME AND STEAL AND COMMIT ADULTRY AND LIVE LOYALLY IN CONSPERICY FO I was able to talk to a small group of people about myself and what has happened POWER AND MONEY WHILE PURE AND to me as the radio and television cut me off since everyone is puzzled by t his INTELLECTUAL PEOPLE ARE NOT WILLING TO tragedy and the lies fly off the pawns of power constantly to brain wash the people COMPROMISE THEIR RIGHT AND DIGNITY- THEY BLEED ON THE CROSS FOR PEOPLE TO LEARN to maintain t he hypocrisy of following me to the tea and silencing, censoring, HOW TO BE HUMAN AND CHRIST-LIKE WHILE TH defaming and slandering and lying about me and keeping me away from all DEVIL’S CHILDREN RIDE ON THEIR BLEEDING organizations where my plagiarists and clones who should give me the credit for SHOULDERS, FREE. THE MASSIAH SHOULD NOT what they keep taking from me and instead they are promoted only if they keep GO ON THE CROSS IF WE HAVE CIVILIZED, ADVANCED AND EVOLVED SOCIETIES AS I AM denying me or even slandering me. This is why my finances is dried up for my GUIDING AND LEADING THE WORLD TO BE. promoter and his little mice and snakes keep saying to people they are being victorious and I have lost or am lost while they are reaping the fruit of my life YOU MUST CLAIM YOUR RIGHT AND DIGNITY AN work and my guidance yet deny my existence like they deny god so that they can PROTECT OUR FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY FROM TH reap the fruit of my life work and claim to be god and they are not ashamed or HANDS OF THOSE WHO PLAN IMPEACHMENT OF PRESIDENT, CREATE WARS AND POWER quiet about it. Holaquie the counselor constantly claims my life work and says STRUGGLE IN IRAQ FOR DEMOCRACY TO LOOSE there is not god and Karimi Hakak says only if we prove there is no god and CHEAT IN ELECTIONS, AND THE DEMOCRATIC Fozan Zaini who claims my Destiny Making and is now married to Nayeri who CONGRESS WANTS TO GET EVERYONE OUT OF A was heading some Persian Studies in Harward and was talking about my Spiritual COUNTRY THAT COUNTS ON THEM TO BRING Excellence Model even though he is a quantum Physics graduate and Abas Milani THEM DEMOCRACY, AND RAPE A SCIENTIST MASSIAH OUT OF HER INTELLECTUAL PROPERT says we do not need Emam Zaman who is the Time Prophet and we can create our AND SILENCE AND CENSOR HER, ( ALTHOUGH I own destiny and does not say he has learned Destiny Making from my books and HAVE MY TELEVISION SHOWS THANKS TO my guidance. Then they bring Ahmadinejad to talk about Emam Zaman the Time DEMOCRACY AND I AM ALIVE THANKS TO THE Prophet and associate me with him and ignorance and fanaticism while they are GOD IN ME) ALL TO PRESERVE THEIR OLD AND OUTDATED PATTERNS OF POWER MONOPOLY AN reaping the fruit of my cutting edge technology and pioneering Psychology of CONTROL OVER THE PEOPLE AND DICTATORSHI Excellence. On the other hand they frame me that I want Iran to be bombed when I REGEMES FOR SELF INTEREST AND SOCIOPATH OF POWER. THE RELIGION OF DEVIL OPRESSES talk against Ahmadinejzad’s arrogance and ignorance and lack of safety of the TOWARD DARK PATTERNS AND CONTROLS, world as a result of it while they themselves are supporting Ahmadinezad and SILENCES AND KILLS FOR EXTERNAL POWER AN Rafsanjani who are all on one side of the Isle when it comes to maintaining their RELIGION OF GOD TRANSFORMS TO LIGHT WITH power and jeopardizing the security of the world and Iranian People for it. INTERNAL POWER. TIME PROPHET ALL RELIGIONS ARE WAITING So all this goes back to why are they censoring me and bringing Rumi out of the seven hundred year old pile of dirt after seven hundred years and celebrating him, FOR, IN EXILE IN HER OWN FREE COUNTRY ON THE CROSS OF IGNORANCE OF MAN IN a man instead of Mitra the Woman God in her Rebirth which is the Festival of CENSORSHIP, SILENCED AND TERRORIZED AND Mehrgan for the God of Compassion who is indeed Marry and Christ as I MALICOUSLY RAPED OUT OF MY INTELLECTUA experience in the Holy Spirit within me as the Mother, Child and the Holy Spirit ; PROPERTY. YET IN THIS C ROSS I AM TEACHING precisely because Rumi is dead and I am the living who stands from freedom and HOW TO FLY WITH THE CROSS BY TRANSFERING POWER, TEACHING AND GUIDING THE ROSE WA dignity and reclaiming the name of Christ for all as the Time Prophet and the OF ROSE REVOLUTION OF COMPASSION, SELF/ promised one of all religions who has chosen me as the challis to have a direct SOCIETALAND GOD KNOWELDGE THAT CREATE relationship with the people and end corruption going on that has rotted the roots MIND-BODY-SPIRIT POWER BALANCE THROUGH of humanity in the name of each and every religion and ending hypocrisy of war AN EVOLUTIONARY REVOLUTION TO CHANGE PAST PATTERNS AND EMBRACE NOT ONLY SELF and violence and terrorism in the name of god in every nation and every region. I AND OTHERS BUT TO BECOME CHANGE MAKER am a woman scientist whose spirit is the Holy healing spirit and all she has done is OF THE SOCIETY AND THE GLOBAL FAMILY that she had a calling to share that spirit and the healing power of that spirit with EMBRQACING DIVERSE UNITY AND CREATING A the rest of the Planet Earth. I have not come from another planet, I am not a ghost UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY BECOMING CHANGE AGENTS AND AMBASSADORS OF TEACHING ACT and I am not a witch or all those lie stories spread by the CIA in order not to loose OF SELF LOVE AND LOVE FOR OTHERS FOR A control and power when people gain power from one woman and her scientific REBIRTH AND CHANGE OF PATTERNS FROM DAR Spirit instead of just them taping into her and keeping her silenced, censored and TO LIGHT WITHIN AND CHANGE OF PATTERNS O defamed while trying to change her character and putting others in her place they THE EARTH AND UNIVERSE CREATING POWER BALANCE WITHIN WHICH PEACE AND FREEDOM can control like the little lying, vicious mouse that has done surgery all over her FOR ALL AND FOR ALL EQUAL RIGHTS AND body and nose to look pretty sitting in the middle of the radio 670 am tomorrow DIGNITY IS CREATED. GOING BACK TO THE ROOT OF THE SELF AND CULTURE OF YOUR OWN YOU Sunday October 21st in Festival of Mehrgan is going to get the seven constant CAN CLAIM BACK YOUR IDENTITY LONG LOST IN promotional gimmicks my promoter does to color people from the woodwork Rosy ALIENATED WORLD AND SOCIETY THAT ONLY pouring my light on them while coloring me dark with their sins and dark patterns REWARDS THOSE RUNNING IN THE RAT RACE O for his own self interest. I understand and have empathy for him fearing my INHUMANITY FOR FAST FAME AT ANY COST TO THEMSELVES OR OTHERS WITHOUT THEIR intelligence being a chauvinist but when he calls himself a socialist pushing Hilary CONNECTION WITH THEIR CREATOR THEY ARE with my Universal Health and Excellence and still denies me to the point of LEAVES FALLEN FROM THE ROSE TREE OF DIVIN homelessness and death row I write about it. LIFE ON THE GROUND OR AT THE MERCY OF TH WIND. ROLE MODELS WHO HAVE NO SELF AND This is a war of God and Evil and if I do not turn that evil into an angel he is going SOUL HAVE CREATED THE CRISIS CAUSED BY POWER IMBALANCE ON EARTH. to kill me and this guidance has taken 12 years within which he has evolved enough only to claim my Global Peace and Reform Programs as his own I HAVE BRAUGHT A SCIENTIFIC PROPHECY A D pretending to be me and put his mice and snakes in the place of me in a more KNOWLEDGE OF THE ROSE WAY TO BRING UNIT refined and slick way. I forgive but do not forget and no should the Holocaust TO THE SEPARATED SOUL OF THE ORPHANS FRO THEIR TRUE MOTHER. I HAVE SPENT 12 YEARS victims or the Armenians even though the recognition given to Armenians was PARENTING THOSE WITHOUT A PARENT FROM another political trick at this time by my promoter’s people: whoever that gets LEADERS AS BULLIES, SOCIOPATHS AND fooled by the song and dance and lies of the dictators of the East. Without war and DICTATORS OF THE WORLD WHO ARE THE violence they could have brought democracy to the world and they chose to have a VICTIMS OF A WORLD THAT REWARDS THEM IN circus full of my clones and plagiarists so that they get the credit and not me at the THEIR LONELY WAY IN WHICH AROUND THEM cost of tragic events that could have been prevented during the past 12 years and ARE EMPTY FOLLOWERS AND PAUNS AS THEIR AGENTS OF THEIR RELIGION OF THE DEVIL TO the ones that could be prevented if they stop denying and censoring and silencing LIE, CHEAT AND STEAL AND KILL FOR THEM IN me. THE NAME OF LOYALTY TO GOD, COUNTRY, PART OR THE MAFIA FAMILY THEY ARE IN USUALLY WITH A COMMON PURPOSE OF KILLING THE ENEMY; THOSE WHO OPPOSE THEM OR SEE THROUGH THEIR WHIMS. 10/12/2007- FRANNET.COM- THE BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS AND THE RAIN – MAKER - I attended a conference for franchising businesses and it was very interesting. There I found that my signs and expressions and vision is being applied and followed like a bible as I have written and lived as the Blueprint for WHAT I HAD DONE FOR YEARS FOR INDIVIDUAL RELATIONSHIPS, FAMILIES, ORGANIZATIONS, Success and that is what the conference was advocating and introducing and CORPORATIONS AND MY COMMUNITIES, I BEGA bridging the successful businesses to take a step higher and franchise and DOING TO CREATE A REBIRTH ON EARTH; nationalize and globalize their business. As I have been in my lifework as the HEALING THE WOUNDED EARTH. I TORE DOWN Blueprint for Success the Destiny Maker and the Spirit Maker and the Rain Maker THE WALLS OF DENIAL OF A WORLD IN DENIAL SPECIALLY THE PERSIAN COMMUNITY THAT WA as you who follow me have read or heard about it in my books, website and DYING INSIDE IN OPRESSIVE PATTERNS OF FEA literature, pouring the rain of my knowledge and the light of the Holy Spirit AND ANXIETY FROM HAVING BEEN DICTATED AN throughout the world and being multiplied by those who have monopolized my life OPRESSED FOR DECADES AND THE DICTATORS work for their own benefit like my promoter’s group that is also multiplying by the TRAVELING WITH THEM EVEN IN THIS FREE COUNTRY. THE TOOLS OF A DICTATOR IS TO power of the pioneering knowledge I have brought to this world by the power of SILENCE, TO RAPE, TO CENSOR, TO MANIPULATE the Holy Spirit in me and the power of the life time commitment I have had to TO COPY AND TO PLAGARIIZE, TO LIE, TO CHEA polish myself and learn the scientific technology and method to teach it, heal AND STEAL, TO DEFAME AND TO ORGANIZE others with it and to promote it. GROUPS AGAINST THOSE WHO HAVE INDEPENDENT MIND AND ACTION AND ARE INTELLECTUAL ENOUGH NOT TO BECOME OBEDIENT FOLLOWERS OF USUALLY ONE The people behind the FRANNET.COM seem very ethical and moral and I am sure PURPOSE; MORE CONTROL AND POWER FOR TH they will promote and help franchise only the best. What I really enjoyed in that DICTATOR. HITLER HAD SUCH FOLLOWERS AND conference which I will bring excerpts of it into my television show was the HEY MADE HITLER BECAUSE HE WAS JUST A warmth and hospitality and openness of those in charge. They treated it as a family LONELY BOY ALIENATED FROM HIM HATING HI meeting and not a business meeting and gave all a welcomed feeling to be there. I OWN INNER ANXIETIES AND FEARS. THROUGH THE TOOL OF MY PIONEERING PSCYHOLOGY I got to speak about my television shows and my philosophy that promote and CALL PATTERN CHANGE PROGRAMMING franchise businesses that help others succeed and excel and come to their own CREATING YOUR OWN DESTINY I HAVE health and balance as I am doing and not a drug pushing and alcohol pushing EXPLAINED STEP BY STEP IN MY 800 PAGE BOOK WROTE IN 1994, AND TRHOUGH THE TOOL OF business that takes away the power of the individual and people and nations for DIALOGUE THROUGH MUSIC, MY DOCUMENTAR some t o treat them as slaves. I also met the business that called itself The Rain Maker. The gentleman who called himself the Rain-Maker said that he had learned that from The Native Indian Culture. The first time I heard about the Rain-Maker was in an Indian from India movie in Iran when I was four years old. The entire tribe would play t heir drums and pray for rain and they had a wise old person who led them to their prayer. In my revelatory songs and poetry when I called myself the Rain Maker it was not from a conscious and calculated taught but my revelatory poetry is from the spirit inside me and my surrendering to my spirit that heals me and others I connect with pours the living words using me as the bridge. TELEVISION SHOWS I HAVE BEEN CREATING AN PRODUCING WEEKLY, I LED THE WORLD TOWAR CHANGE AND WATCHED THECHANGE TO HAPPE IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE. MY PROMOTER, THE MAN WHO CAME TO PROMTE ME AND YET SILENCED AND CENSORED ME AND PROMOTED MY CLONES HELPED MY PROPHECY AND PEACE PROGRAM SPREAD AROUND THE WORLD BUT WITH ABSOLUTE DENIAL OF ME AS T HE AUTHO AND CREATOR AND ROLE MODEL OF THE ROSE WAY HE CALLED HIS WAY. THE SATAN I WORKED TO TRANSFORM TO ANGEL HE ONCE WAS THROUGH PATTERN CHANGE; A MAN WITH A LO OF DARK POWER WITHOTU THE KNOWLEDGE O SELF AND THE WISDOM I HAD BRAUGHT, THE LOST WISDOM ABAS MILLANI WROTE ABOUT YE HE TOO AS THE GROUP CONSENSUS DENIED TH WOMAN WHO BRAUGHT IT BACK ONCE AGAIN. HAD A MISSION AND PROPHACY AND PEACE PROGRAM FOR MY GLOBAL FAMILY FOR A REBIRTH AS MY CALLING FROM MY INNER SOU LED ME, THEY WANTED TO STEAL IT TOWARD POWER MONOPOLY. In my teaching others for their healing and excelling to the higher levels of being I have taught them to surrender to their inner soul and write verse or poetry. I hear these days others give hypnotic suggestions to the people and use this technique. If the person has gone through Mind-Body-Spirit Power Balance their revelatory poetry, music or verse is not only healing to themselves but also to others. But if the person is going through deep cleansing of a dark soul and Dark Patterns of Depression and alienation of the Soul and the Self it helps healing them and it helps others going through similar path to identify with the work of the person and ALL THIS TIME FALSE PROPHETS, CLONES AND feel they are not alone or learn from it and excel. I believe I have a franchise worthy treasure inside of me that I have been the Blueprint for spreading and multiplying. It takes a trained eye and my promoter has found the treasure for the past 12 years if not more and it is time he helped franchising me but first giving me my Global Voice so that I can be the Blueprint for Success that I must be, globally. I was approached to franchise when I was a young therapist healing others from all over the world not knowing that I had the Holy Spirit and the Christ inside me. I did not accept it then since I knew I had a jewel inside me that needed to be treated with velvet gloves and treasured instead of using as a commodity. Now I believe my calling is to spread the power of that jewel and be committed to teaching others to find it by my planting a red rose in their hearts and changing their patterns from dark to light I believe we c an transform the dark earth into the light of heaven. PLAGIARISTS OF ME ARE BEING PROMOTED BY THE MAN WHO CAME TO PROMOTE ME, DAILY AFTER HAVING A COUSELING CENTER FOR 21 YEAR AS A CALIFORNIA PSYCHOTHERAPIST AND HEALING THE PEOPLE WHO CAME TO ME FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD WITH MY PIONEERING PSYCHOLOGY OF PREVENTION, HEALTH AND EXCELLENCE I CALL PSYCHOLOGY OF EXCELLENCE AND FLYING, I HAD A CALLING FROM THE CHRIST WITHIN ME TO BECOME THE MOTHER OF THE WORLD AND BRING REBIRTH T EARTH AND SAVE IT FROM THE DEADSPIRITNES THAT WAS TAKING IT TOWARD DESSTRUCTION. WROTE 9 BOOKS IN ONE YEAR IN 1994 AND PUBLISHED THREE AND BEGAN TO PROMOTE M INNER TRUTH AND MIRACLE WITHIN WHICH WA THE ROSE WAY OF HEALING THE WORLD AND TH SOCIETY AS MY PATIENT IN NEED OF HEALING AND BRING BORN AGAIN ADDICTION FREE AND FREE OF SIN. The Rose Way is not an easy way but a life time way of life. Unfortunately my promoter has already tapped into and is clone making and benefiting from it and yet using the overnight success pattern to those who have not established patterns AN EXCELLENCE SOCIETY OF LEADERSHIP of light and only have colored themselves rainbow is a dangerous business. Hero PATTERNS OF EXCELLENCE; OF GLOBAL CULTURE, UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY making and leader making by promoting a lie and hiding the truth is just as bad as slandering and defaming the truth; they both damage the true author and leader FOR AN ADDICTION FREE WORLD & SOCIETY and healer and the blueprint f or the true success and compassion on earth and although my scientific knowledge will plant the seed of faith in the people but the disappointment from the fraudulent and fake and sometimes Evil Idols who have PARVIN INSTITUTE FOR PEACE CREATION – I AM been willing to do just about anything to replace the truth and how they have come THE INSTITUTE- A NON-PROFIT CORPORATION FOR PEACE CREATION THORUGH BROADCASTIN to where they are promoted to is a tragic disappointment. But that has been AND TEACHING SELF/SOCIETAL KNOWLEDGE FO SELF/SOCIETAL EXCELLENCE AND GLOBAL happening in the world where the truth is feared and the true author of the truth is CULTURAL POWER BALANCE – APPRECIATING AN feared and thus the false idols, false prophets and mice and snakes can easily take EMBRACING THE CULTURAL ROOTS OF OUR the place of the real and change the destiny of an individual and a nation or NATIVE CULTURE AND SHARING THAT WITH nations. I believe we are all born free and deserve lives based on responsible OTHERS AND BECOMING UNIVERSAL CHANGE freedom and dignity. My calling as a mother and my purpose in life is to teach and MAKERS IN THE DESTSINY OF THE WORLD WE L IN. provide the knowledge of truth and the Seal of Compassion that provides environments and societal civility for people to live free; born again free. JOIN ME IN RE-INSTITUTING PARVIN INSSTITUT FOR PEACE; A NON-PROFIT COROPRATION AND INSTITUTE WITHIN WHICH WE CAN BROADCAS SELF/SOCIETAL KNOWELDGE TO NATIONS TEACHING THEM HOW TO GO TO THEIR ROOTS AND SHARE THEIR CULTURES WITH OTHER NATIONS AND CULTURES AND BECOME UNIVERSAL AND CHANGE MAKERS IN THE DESTINY OF THEIR OWN CULTURES AND NATION AND THAT OF OTHERS. 10/10/2007- I met Doctor August David Accetta, M.D. who wears many hats but the most important one is that he has founded and opened up a museum in Fountain Valley that is Christ Focus. I look forward to see the museum soon. It is interesting that I lived the first nine years of my life in H.B. Fountain Valley and my children were born in Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach while I began my center in Newport Beach first in Mariners building with Dr. Steven Smith before 1982 while I also had an office in Beverly Hills, then I had an office in 320 Superior with a Dr. Sheffer who was a forensic man and then I founded the Parvin I will plant a red rose in your heart and change your Center for Patterns of Excellence in 1982 in Newport Beach Westcliff Dr. in the patterns from dark to light and bring you back to life - bo Penthouse where I began my weekly seminars and had internship training and a again free of all addictions - in an addiction free world & staff of great management and mental health professionals from psychiatrists to society filled with energy and light-I went on the cross fo MFTs until I bought the building in 412 31st Street in Cannery Village and that you to be free, to be born again free, to live free and to le was all about healing toward focused solution toward health and excellence and live free - so sing with me the song of freedom - and dan to the prayer songs of the holy- freedom is rising, freedo seminars for change. is rising Freedom Rose 10/11/2007- The Woman Power at the Orange County Fair Expo Sept 28-30- THE EPIC OF A TIME PROPHET AND HER JOURNE RISE AS A WOMAN AND FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT AND DIGNITIY WITH MICE AND SNAKES OF -NEW CREATION, NEW WORLD ORDER & REBIRT YOUR LIFE – CLAIM YOUR RIGHT AND CHOOSE YOUR PARTNER AS A WING TO THE HOLY OF EARTH BIRD AND TAKE NOTHING LESS THAN WHAT YOU DESERVE OUT OF LIFE EVEN WHEN YOU ARE HANDED A CHEATERS HAND OF A LIER AND A THIEF WHO WANTS IT ALL FOR THE EPIC OF A TIME PROPHET AND HIMSELF. EVEN THE DEVIL CAN CHANGE SO DON’T GIVE UP AND STICK TO YOUR PRINCIPLES AND BELIEVE IN YOUR SELF AND GOD FOR WHEN ALL FAILS, YOU CAN HER JOURNEY IN MULTI-DIMENSIONS OF PSYCHO-UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL REMAIN DIGNIFIED AND BOLD AND GODS HANDS ARE THERE FOR YOU TO HOLD - At SOCIETAL IN TIME TRAVEL THAT TOOK 12 the time women were being stoned in countries like Iran and in our own YEARS IN THE ABSENT PRESENCE OF THE democratic country women were only the supporting actors in congress and the ROSE AND MATERIALIZATION AND White House, I rose and wrote nine books to change the lob sided patterns of IMPLEMENTATION OF HER GLOBAL PEACE AND REFORM PROGRAM TOWARD politics and life in the planet earth in general. Today, we see that women in Iran GLOBAL DEMOCRACY WITHOUT WAR AND have come out of their shell of fear and subordination even though the religion VIOLENCE THAT SPREAD AROUNDTHE WORLD WITH THE HELP OF HER ANGELS says you must be a subordinate. AND HER PARTNER IN HER PROPHECY: THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS HER MISSION It is one thing to be the wings of the holy bird in relationships but men and women IS TO TRANSFORM INTO AN ANGEL WITH must become partners in life and not the bully and the victim or young and old theTHE POWER TRANSFER OF HER CHRIST WITHIN AS HER LIGHT AND HER ESSENCE prostitute and the pray syndrome. The prostitute is the young woman who catches NEW CREATION, NEW WORLD ORDER & a man usually a man of other women for security and wealth and is calculative REBIRTH OF EARTH and cold about it to the point of planning to destroy the other woman and the pray is the man who has a mouse in the place of a partner and will soon resent the Iran Rosa calculative act that lacks compassion and a good role model as a dignified human being for others and thus for him and her children to come, lacks education, Don’t cry for me Iran e Man - I never truly conscience, ethics, morality or commons sense and psychological health. left you- in all my sorrow – and times of exile – I kept my promise – don’t keep your distance- I kept my promise – don’t kept your distance – rise Cross of Ignorance of man and society on a pioneer revolutionary woman. What with me and let’s fly together – to free the tired I have had to deal with on top of the 12 year constant tireless malicious sinfulness people – to let the world know – you can do better- keep your independence – be efforts of those who are among those I rose to free and they ended up lying about me daily and defaming me only to sit in my place like mice, snakes and leaches tointerdependent – United States- free minds and actions- free all the prisoners- democratic my people with dishonesty and deception at a time of potent Destiny Making forgovernment – with song and dance of angels – nations, was and still is the lack of ability and flexibility and openness for will stop the sanctions - I kept my promise – don’t kept your distance accepting diverse unity to the degree that a woman rises with Christ-like patterns and miracles and pioneering work t hat changes patterns of all life dimensions. Men including a man who came to promote me saw that and taught why not be I kept my promise – don’t keep your distancehim and with his group claimed my life work and slander and censor and don’t let anyone to dictate you – you are a free bird- no one can cage you –you and I are one – terrorization of me for 12 years has been going on consistently. let us fly as one - we are universal beings – children of mitra – maryam and rosa – no one can cage you – you and I are one – I kept my If I only raise the bar of men accepting women as true partners in all life promise – don’t keep your distance – don’t stay dimensions I have created Power Balance and Global Solutions in a world of silenced- do not stay silenced – let us sing and Power Struggle as the Global Crisis. A pioneering scientific psychology of health dance and excellence, a holy spirit within to whom I have surrendered to and a world filled with men with patterns of chauvinism and bullisym within which a woman cannot have a life like Christ with apostles without being labeled or face unethical and at times illegal expectations that only qualifies the mice and snakes to steal one’s destiny and feel no sense of responsibility for being sociopaths because of the lack of conscience, I rose and claimed back not only the stolen land by the devil but also the share of partnership of what was stolen in a multidimensional process that was personal and at the same time prophetic affecting the masses who are waiting for a messiah to follow to their lost and stolen right, dignity and freedom . 10/11/2007 - The Young Power-9/26/2007 The Welcoming day of UCI students and the process of creating the Young Power by embracing individuality and identity while embracing Diverse Unity and Bridge of Dialogue thus creating People Power and Leadership Excellence which is the core of Rose Global Peace and Reform Program. GOD IS A ROSE AND YOU ARE TH LEAVES. I witnessed my mission materialized before me where in UCI in booths next to one another were young people different from one another in race, religion and culture and they were embracing that and were also willing to hear reinterpretation of the outdated laws and rules that had rotted the root of humanity and partnership of man and woman like in case of Mormons and several wives that Moslems share and it truly is only for when there was wars and not enough men and no longer applies in 21st Century. This new interpretation is not taking away from the holy books but it complete and perfects it as god wants to see the children evolve beyond even their messengers in their process of purification toward being and becoming whole and godlike. The young showed capacity to become a part of the Global Family while saving their own cultural uniqueness and different-ness letting others let go of the fear of different-ness and thus let go of killing what is not like them or running or staying away. Regardless of the hypocritical politics and the conspiracy and games by the dictators of the time, the young can be approached, taught and role modeled and rely upon changing their patterns as the knowledge of the truth and politics is compassionately dictated to them and they are encouraged to be involved in the affair of their societal progression and evolutionary change. Although we can hope this opens the path way to isolated and dictatorial societies toward open and free societies, we must not give the credit to the dictators and thus enhance and encourage dictatorship God is a Rose & You are the Leaves; it is as true as it is simple. The miracle is within and can create it in every moment against the harsh reality of Power Struggle of Light of the inner power and the Darkness of Un-disciplined and compassionate-less External Power. In a civilized world and open society they must be able to work together hand in hand as the wings of a holy bird instead of raping the internal jowls and pearls of the messiah scientist and running with it claiming it and drying out the ocean of light of humanity. I see the slow signs of Power Balance of these contradicting phenomena I have been working towards all of my life; let us all pray and work toward its completion for the sake of humanity. Every moment of my life is filled with miracle from the god within me that puts the external powers at awe and in faith of following and standing besides me; miracles that undue the theatrically rehearsed games of the harsh and outdated patterns of reality only to bring the lost souls alienated sheep’s of god obediently following the devil of fast fame back to mother, back to the light and transparency of nurturance and love of a mother watching, listening, not interfering but offering the choice and thus changing the patterns of dark to light reminding them there is a source and a creator above the clowns that paints the town bringing them back the faith and transferring the power pouring them over all the children to see, to be and to once again be born again; born dignified and free. The process of learning how to evolve as the Rose Leaves of Humanity without the Power Struggle and competitive rivalry only competing with your own past moments toward excellence and mirroring humanity in any age, race, gender, color, religion or governmental preference. From schools and universities we learn the way of life and politics as we watch our role models actions and words we shape the destiny of the future of the world and humanity for a global freedom and a lasting peace with equal rights and dignity for all under the grace of god that is love, t hat is justice, that is freedom and peace. Let our children see leaders rising to work together instead of back stabbing one another only to be elected by tools of the power of democracy and knowledge of truth of themselves, their society and the universe instead of the power of hypocrisy. THE BRAVE ONE - I saw the film “Brave One” of Jody Foster last night. Although it touched the core of humanity and the pain of being raped of one’s sense of security, rights and dignity and thus happiness, it vindicated my rising for Rose Revolution of Compassion and bringing in the language of wisdom and compassion and love as the bridge to the dialogue between god and man and to delete the primitive inhumane patterns and teach individuals and nations how to deal with their pain and suffering of injustice; definitely not through more injustice even in a world that justice seems to be a sleepy, manipulated or sold out character by the monopolizers of power and their green money and lack of power of the people and the support that is necessary to change the patterns of corruption and darkness to the light of truth and justice. But individuals, communities and nations can regain power through togetherness of the minds, bodies and spirits in the war of god and evil so that this Time Prophet who is the prophet number 12 coming in the 21st century can heal the wounded earth and teach how to be all over again to the lost sheep of humanity. It is one thing to be touched by the cruelty and inhumanity and be sensitive and skilled to do something about it especially when it is for others in a larger scale, is another to destroy the image of the woman (at a time women must all step up to raise the lopsided image and come to Power Balance with men not though being like men but through being who they are) than to become a killer in the pretense of getting justice only to pour dirt over the messiah who creates justice by shedding light and giving life and the knowledge of living versus the act of killing. I have faced and lived that for 12 years; the injustice of the competitive rivalry against me as a pioneer of a new scientific psychology, technology and philosophy that has changed patterns in all walks of life and has evolved and advanced the world from dead spiritedness and blind following of the dead ends and failed throughout history loosing the faith of the people toward a rebirth of earth and the earthlings under the light of the knowledge and the holy spirit in me that has religiously rain like poured it on the children of god throughout the universe. And even when I am dead on the floor picks me up and puts me in front of a phone to give the messages to raise the bars and standards and to bring back the faith or when I am homeless and lost everything in the way and sleep in a one by two tomb like box maintains within me the power to stand high and not give in to the devil ways of manipulation and bullism and brutal injustice to take from me and by slander and defamation and ordinary making of me and promoting my clones and plagiarists to block my way building walls of deception and corruption between my people and me that is only torn down by t he unity of all of us against such dark patterns. The Rose Journey is about dialogue through film, music, theater, science and becoming the blueprint of giving out from within what is pure and light and energy for all to win versus killing everyone who has not arrived to the Ideal Platform desired by decision makers who are usually not qualified to make any decisions yet have the power or the power is given to them from behind the curtains to become the wall against those who have something to say and it will make a difference in a world that all dictators want to remain in power and are spending a fortune to do that and to get rid of the woman who wants to bring Power Balance and for all the people and Leadership Excellence for the leaders to serve versus to abuse the people. I am on the cross of ignorance of man for my revolutionary change patterns and programs toward the light and freedom. Jesus Christ went on the cross for the same reason not because he was not smart enough to join the mafia gang of manipulative and monopolizing power. The powers of time are not in power because they have compassion and they have taught of the ways to serve the people. I have brought a technology and scientific vision and mission and the motivation for the powerful to serve the people while becoming powerful and maintaining it with spiritual success and not success at any cost to humanity and anyone in the way of getting there. Where are the Clowns? The old politics of I will delete anyone that is in my way must be deleted and the humane respect and regard for the right and dignity of others take the place of the theatrical clown act of stealing, lying, raping, plagiarizing, clone making and creating idols with pseudo qualifications and toxic power only to say there is no god we are god and we all at the same time got the message from the ET and that is the secret. Instead become willing to share power with me as the pioneer of the Rose Way of winning for all with Spiritual Success and Universal Laws of Success and Spiritual Excellence and have me be the witness to your evolutionary change with honor as a tough love yet compassionate and wise Universal Mother. There is honor in following a woman for 12 years, fighting with her and then recognizing her way is indeed The Way versus coming to dinner to promote a revolutionary leader and healer of the world and decide she is a woman and I will block her way and claim her way and have her and have my cake and eat it too and just because I am a bully and I can I will fight her every step of the way and ridicule her and when I realize she is right I will claim her identity and ridicule her anyway and put mice and snakes in her place and block her way with my toxic and inappropriate power anyway. Why not? Life is a survival of the fittest and this is the Hollywood Jungle. But then again my promoter is working his hardest to use my knowledge and credibility toward claiming my identity and defaming me in mass promotion of what he has learned from me in a twisted way for himself and others and against me. If I was not making change in significant global way, who would care to build such big walls against me? See, it is not all about me it is all about you and how much you can evolve and grow not to need to hear it from me! And the beauty of Scientific Prophecy is that the pretense does not work. The bird is the flight and the book and the creator is the living word pouring out of me! 10/10/2007-Open Mic., Alta Coffee Shop in Newport Beach – Ironically, Alta is on the street of the Parvin Center for Patterns of Excellence, the center I founded and directed since 1982 until 1997 that I became the Parvin Institute and Center for creating Global Peace and Reform toward Global Freedom without war and violence and what my television shows focus on through Rose Dialogue for scientific-Spiritual Pattern Change toward Health and Excellence through film, music, theater, poetryI have been singing and reading my revelatory poetry in open Mic., nights that have gained quite a bit of following now, in order to change the patterns of music toward purposeful and meaningful lyrics instead of nonsense and sex and war and violence. Last night for the first time I felt it was a truly collaborative Artistic Performance without any planning. When I was ready to perform Tyler and Steve came and performed a long with me and it turned out to be in Perfect Harmony. Tyler, the young man whose Sitar performance I was impressed by and more than that I was impressed by his sensitivity. When I was having a dialogue with him for my television show he told me that he had lost his mother and I wanted him to feel he was not alone and his mother never left him as I felt that inside me. Steve, the young man who sang only one song about the Holy night and the Promised Child after for years I was ridiculed for bringing spirituality into the Coffee Shops and places of Open Mic., he seemed to be supportive and now with his drum playing he showed the same support. It was all revelatory and I had not even rehearsed the song I sang let alone doing any rehearsal together. My son wanted to be the bridge between cultures and classic and pop music and I had build him an sound proof studio as he and his bands and later he himself as a composer and piano and guitar player used to put together his spiritual lyrics and music and wanted to convey the message of time for change of patterns from corruption to light and reform and freedom of the spirits from the bondage of preconceived notions and expectations of the times. He was the president of his Music Club at the Newport Harbor High and I became the Booster Parent President to change the patterns of lack of appreciation of music student and football student worshipping in schools since it was truly hurtful to the students . The music department was the support group of all the football activities and games they were the marching band at every game and were not getting the appreciation as musicians and wonderful human beings in a society that worships football and has paid the price for raising insensitive bullies in a kind of a fame that the rules are success at any cost to humanity. All of my life I played soccer with my brother’s friends and felt as in my book Pattern Change Programming; Creating Your Own Destiny that I wrote in one year in 1994 to change the patterns of the world, I wrote that soccer was a more humanistic game versus football that was animal like and raised killers as it was an accurate prediction and preventive thought and vision pattern. Promotion of Soccer is one of the positive patterns for the sports. Off course even in a game like Soccer the individual behind the mask of the Doer must be a person of principal of Being human and not want the have success at any cost but find the activity he or she is involved with as a part of his process of becoming the best he can. Musicians are even more sensitive human beings than soccer players and must be appreciated in schools. Simply because they are creative and have a talent that hopefully springs out of their inner soul. Although for the most part in Hollywood Industry like the politicians is sold out to a middle- man bully or a lobbyist that will use and abuse that talent for self interest and an agenda far from the sensitivity of the creative person and that is a dangerous phenomena that must be investigated and understood to increase the Light Societal Patterns and shed them rain-like over the Dark Patterns and free the society from the webs of the spirit killers, democracy sabotagers, voice silencers intellectual property and mind thieves and rapists, once they learn how to empty and cleanse their temple within they can scientifically pour the Light Rain Within and create the Miracle Within and pour that on those thirsty flowers who are drying and dying loosing their souls or get raped of their rights and dignity by the chill of societal shallow role modeling and dangerous sociopathic cruelty. Rose Self Making and Societal Making, Spirit Making and Destiny Making original Programming and Scientific Technology with depth and soul will change those patterns and will and has been teaching the change of patterns to the Societal Leaders who were searching for the light and the answer even though they did not have the knowledge and did not know where to find it they did not rest until they did. Even if they go astray, these people will return to their God Mother and find their path from which they serve humanity. I know that even the devil can change and become the angel he once was. I know because I have been working with the gods of earth who believe their toxic powers and money make them qualified to replace god and by taking and claiming my life work and scientific knowledge but even they become a part of the light as they are guided by me toward the light. My son’s vision as a musician was to create a Cultural Bridge and the Musical Bridge between the classic and pop music and with his piano he played every morning waking me up that sounded like Persian and classic he tore down the walls of the cultural differences and I felt my son knows me without knowing my culture I was brought up in as a Persian who came to this country when she was 21 and had her schooling and children and career and rebirth here in U.S. I feel the pain of his absence in my open mic., nights because it was him with the passion and he has stopped doing all that and denies his mission because of the pain he watched me go through and after believing me for so long and telling me mother you are a Flowing River, what you have inside keeps pouring out and no one can steal it from you forever, he fears pursuing his own passion when he sees his powerful mother blocked of the voice and platform she deserves while others are claiming her life work and are being promoted, it blocks his own flowing river. I rose to change the patterns of darkness to light for my children and all the god’s children and I am happy that it is materializing even though my family and I paid a heavy price for the walls of outdated patterns of ignorance and darkness, fanaticism, prejudice lack of knowledge and limited vision and faith in being human that keep humanity from breathing and blossoming. God is a Rose and you are the leaves and with your togetherness we are and we will keep changing the patterns. So keep embracing different-ness and diverse unity and pour out the light of your spirit from the cleansed temple of your body to make a difference. 10/2007- Mehrgan: Time of rebirth of the Time Prophet, the prophet of time.10/13&10/14/2007 MEHRGAN- Ahooramenat is the birth place of Mytra the Sub located in Kordestan that is being promoted as t he Persian Fall Festival is actually the birth of Mytra the Persians Woman God of the Lost Wisdom and Compassion on earth. The birth of Mytra and Mehrgan is in Ahooramanat the birth place of god of mehr and Mytra in Kurdistan; where I was born in the last day of the presence of my parents in Kurdistan due to my father’s governmental work. The Mehrgan Event is one of the most historical events of an ancient culture; Mehrgan means the birth of Mytra the god of mehr which means compassion, truth, justice freedom and love. In fact by awakening the spirit of Mytra in my native people of the origin of my birth I have brought them to a rebirth of Mind-body and Spirit where one tears down t he walls of limitation of the body to create Mind Power and fly to the spirit within which the unity with god and thus godlikeness is not just possible but a promise that my teaching gives to all the people of all race religion and color or gender for you are all the children of god and god does not choose to pour the light of compassion on a certain color, religion or race. Christ is Christ of all and not just Christians and his spirit and the spirit of the holy from within me who is a scientist in mind and a spiritual leader in spirit and at heart. Governments could rule with justice if they were led by the true prophets and messengers of god. But there has not been any government ruled by man following and surrendering the living words of god; the one and only that we all can share together and do not have to have war over. Yet there has been a denial of Mytra since I rose and brought the Iranian community back to their own ancient culture by men who fear loosing their control. I will be present to answer all questions unanswered and or copied and claimed after. Last year it was focusing on Sirius the Great’s birthday and this year is for Molana or Rumi the great Poet of his own time. Go and enjoy the bridge Persians create on that day as a part of my Global Peace and Reform Program of dialogue through film, music, theater, culture, science and sports spirituality and all multidimensional path of life, in order for the different cultures and nations to get to know the common and the not so common patterns about one another and share the strength of knowing instead of fear of the darkness of not knowing and thus developing prejudice and fanaticism that creates wars and terrorism and censorship and defamation and slander toward even the like of me who has spent more than half of her life to create healing to the wounded planet and the orphan mothers and children of god who have lost their faith in themselves and god and others since the teachers have not walk the talk and did not have the knowledge of the truth that I have brought in order to heal and change. I became the bridge for others to walk toward one another. I sat on the cage and the cross of ignorance of man so that the world becomes free of the addiction of fast nests! Go enjoy it and ask them why Rose Parvin does not have a booth here if you don’t see me officially\y there. Do not let them to worship mice and snakes and idols and kill their teacher and scientist, the poet and the healer this time. Happy Ramezan, Roshashana and Yum Kippur- Religious Holidays can become a Universal Spiritual Event free from all addictions, prejudice and pain and toward an evolutionary revolution of compassion that bridges between the separated children of god as the Rose Leaves of Unity, complete and whole within and interdependent together and without. Hold my hands and let us fly together to the height of our destiny and become the true change makers of the patterns of history and save humanity from the outdated chains of hypocrisy. 10/4/2007- Dialogue with Qwen at UCI at the Equal Opportunity and Diversity at The Berkeley Place – As we discussed issues that would be interesting for my television show in Cox ( Thursdays at 5pm channel 3, 30,31,96 depending on where you live and Time Warner Public Access channel 3, 95,96,97,98 with working on bringing back channel 3 to Newport Beach for PA) and hoping to have a dialogue with Prany Sananikone the director of the Diversity Relations and Educational Programs at UCI, Qwen Black the Assistant Director of the program was delightful when I ran into the suite 4500 like a child in a candy store because I saw the word Diversity behind the door and knew there I will find some of the Rose Leaves I am looking for. I was delighted to see a much needed, sensitive and evolutionary department where women find skilled and compassionate people who are willing to listen to them in a world of men that a young woman is a victim of being beautiful and bright and intelligent specially when they are from a different cultural background within which women even are men worshippers and have little value for their own power of the holy spirit and god within, there is a safe window to bring peace to one’s world not at the cost of their dreams and integrity and identity of being exactly who they are no matter how different and how diverse in a world so fearful of differentness and diversity that even our counselors talk about it as a phenomena people at large must be cautious about. For a woman like me who went on the cross of ignorance of man for 12 years to materialize her Global Peace and Reform Program that a dimension of it is creating Diverse Unity and the right and dignity that comes with that diversity for the diverse and the knowledge and the education for the not so diverse to embrace the differentness and not to fear it so that those who are different do not go on the cross of ignorance as I did. Off course as I told Qwen I always look up at things without naiveté and my visionary and pioneering Psychology of Health and Excellence and Flying has very little Blind Optimism and is a step by step knowledge, experience and years of wisdom of both in a very uncommon way that offers a common sense language and way of life that not only brings a Universal path of Preventive life, but also Universal Health and Excellence that can place man and woman side by side to one another as the wings of the holy bird and as dance partners and not against one another as the environment that the old and outdated traditional patterns and programs suggest and encourage. As Qwen was so helpful to me to give me leads to contact the Religious Diversity Forum and the upcoming Fair that is being planned in November 3 rd., and the Peace Building Program that some of my Persian friends work there andI keep reminding them of the Diverse Unity and Equal Opportunity for the Creator and author of this multidimensional program of freedom and peace that rose as I had a calling from within to become the mother of the world in 1994 and ended up in my writing nine books in one year and publishing three to materialize the Rose Revolution of Compassion and create an open and civil society and the world within which in it every individual and child’s right and dignity matters and does not become the victim of any political wind and storm of any bully’s power monopoly and rape may it be of the nature of physical or intellectual property in an advanced and compassionate society within which just because we can possess does not mean we should allow ourselves to and the Rose Assier Parvin’s ninth book of Pattern Changes; Universal Laws of Success and Spiritual Excellence gives us the narrow path of being human above all race and religion or gender. I told Qwen that in a world that even in my democratic country a woman like me with all my power and skills is not safe in maintaining her copyrighted life work, It is disturbing to think of the young students and women who are not in my situation and must live in a world that caters to the chauvinistic and the bully with inappropriate toxic power and money. I am glad we have evolved to create such departments within which we can further sensitivity, conscience and compassion for the relationships to become more based on freedom and partnership and not benefitting the mafia of dictatorship. And I believe that men and women and the world is ready for such bridge of just love as I have spent all of my life toward that advancement to humanity and for the past 12 years I have not been alone in materializing such dream and mission. Spirits reaching out to one another at UCI-In my sky, there is room to fly for everyone- there is no need for pulling one another down. One woman’s vision being materialized by angels who were watching god and a bridge who crossed them over. I stopped to say hello to my colleague Ms. Nasrin Rahimieh at the Dr. Samuel Jordan for Persian Studies, another Rose Leaf of honor and Humble Pride and dignity of Persian Culture and ancient wisdom that was missing in this country and around the world and it is materializing since I rose and brought a scientific tool and knowledge for evolutionary change and bringing nations back to their roots and cultural identity so that they can become truly universal not just lost souls – And the vision and mission is materialized by the philanthropic compassion and interest of Mr. Masseeh as Chair and Director of this school for Persian Studies. Unfortunately, Ms. Rahimieh was too busy and even though the young assistant reminded her of the presence of the woman who rose and wrote nine books in 1994 and her 12 year of guidance and motherhood of her scientific prophecy, mission and vision has brought back the pride and search for Persian Identity back a to the people who has been so abused by their own dictator leaders that they did not even want to admit they were Persian not even when they made large campaign contributions to the elections of the democratic process of their host country. Off course I do not expect the Persian studies would also include some of the good ancient and compassionate Persian Patterns that have been lost for decades under the pressures of the rat race and fame at any cost of the Western societies and the brutalities of the dictators of time and understood the process of making appointments as a Director and Founder of Parvin Center for Patterns of Excellence a very successful counseling center I ran since 1982- 1997 that I began my mission of creating compassion, diverse unity, leadership excellence and people power in the world and Parvin Institute for Peace that was to operate based on broadcasting The Rose Global Peace and Reform Program and the scientific-spiritual knowledge that is being taught in every church, musk and university claimed by others. The miracle is that when man breaks your heart with his lack of sensitivity and competitive rivalry, god kicks in and brings back the faith in humanity. This process of victory of light over dark is what I have not only been the witness to, but also have been advocating, showing, teaching and promoting for the past 12 years more than ever in my life for I would not have been alive without it. There is a god and there is justice and the Rose Leaves reach out to the mother and the source of their nurturance and creator of the knowledge spreading around the world in order to become whole and no more feel the sense of self alienation in spite of the negative propaganda and constant brainwashing of some true sociopaths like the counselor that claims my life work every day for the past 12 years and encourages people to deny me and does not miss a chance to slander and defame me and god by claiming my scientific knowledge, tool and technology proving there is no god and anyone believing it is a charlatan because if there is any god he would not come down to earth and leave it alone for us to monopolize his powers against humanity and to our own self interest. So, as I was walking out after signing my book for the young assistant so that at least she reminds Ms. Rahimieh of who I am and helps tearing the wall of denial for self interest or just group pressure to cross my name from my own creation and prophecy that the man who came to promote me is responsible for powerful promotion without attaching my own name on it let alone denying, censoring and silencing me for the past 12 years that has brought to shine another miracle of democracy: public access and the power of god that people of Western society with all their technological advancement believe in and those like Mr. Holaquie and Mr. Kareemiye Hakak that are reaping the fruit of my life work and the holy spirit in me are so against it and actively seek and try to deny there is a god and see that as the end of their problem of having to give me the recognition as the author and creator of what has given them their new rebirth, acknowledgment, credibility and prosperity. But there again this is evolutionary changes of patterns of humanity; the sinful I am transforming to the responsible free. This is a change from my own hypothesis at t he beginning believing the nature of man is sinless and that there is a miracle and gym inside every man. I still would like to believe that and certainly have more faith in man than he has in himself otherwise I would not be censored and silenced stemming from his fear of inadequacy and insecurity and lack of self discipline or golden patterns and rules of ethics within. The law of jungle is inappropriate in a civil society and a world that claims can act as god and then in the smallest acts of being human and self judge fails to demonstrate any signs of advancement in being above animals let alone being god. I believe in primitive societies image of god is in how much can you bully others and take their right and dignity away and rape them of their even copyrighted intellectual property they have come to share with the world so generously and willingly. As I was walking out of the Jordan School of Persian Studies broken hearted and knowing that if we had evolved the way I wished I should have been invited with honor to give seminars and teach and not been witnessed to the Mickey mouse operation of a group effort to deny me and bring me from the back door so that no one knows there is a woman and a born Moslem from Iran whose rebirth in U.S. since 1971 and her inner holy spirit regardless of the religion she was born in and her evolutionary change as a life time student of truth and excellence has created a miracle within her that is transforming the world and she must not be hidden in veil of the lie and denial but must be celebrated as a blueprint for fulfillment of the promise from god to man and from woman to man; that mother will return and claim back the name and the right and dignity of all the children regardless of their sex, race, religion or gender as god wants to give that message through the miracle in me; in a woman. So, see my friends, I made myself the best subject of my own vision, mission and prophetic studies and without the acknowledgement of who I am and with all this denial and slander against me all this cemented, stony buildings and cemented stony hearts are only the false prophets if not fake people trying to be me with the help of a man who came to promote me and ended up promoting my life work with my 24 hour in 12 year focused and committed to excellence to the point of self sacrifice, guidance, without me. Again, as Jesus said, you cannot go to father in heaven without passing through me as the key to the heaven. These biblical words in old books had lost their meaning until a woman rose and walked the prophetic talk and it all stood under the light with me as the witness to all the angels witnessing it clearly in transparency: There is a god and there is justice and there is a truth and the path that we must walk or this planet will self destruct with disgrace. So, as I went toward the elevator, a beautiful and intelligent woman walked in too wanting to get her cigarette break, Njeeri Wa Ngugi the Director of Counseling Center that they have built in that same Berkley Place that counsels faculty and staff; another vision and Time Appropriate Laws of Human Right for advancement in education I had discussed that teachers must have t heir c counselors from grade school and kindergarten to Universities since the teacher of my child and yours must be whole and healthy before he or she can figure out count how much and count many. Ms Ngugi and I had such a warm dialogue that she invited me to her office and introduced me to her staff and since our talk was unfinished by a phone call we decided to reschedule to have a videoed for television dialogue. Well, once again by the elevator we met yesterday on October 3rd, and she had just come back from a trip that day. I was able to give her a copy of my book Pattern Changes; Universal Laws of Success and Spiritual Excellence the ninth book I wrote in 1994 in one year to her as she noticed it in my hand as I gave a copy to Qwen. Aside from the fact that meeting people of substance is a cause for celebration especially in such absence of coincidental elements, did they know that it all started with the vision of one woman to have a better world for her children and the children of the world or the spirits of angles find one another and reach out to each other even if they are not told the relationship is deep and multidimensional in nature and the attempt for unity is that of unification with the source! Somehow calculative or uncalculatively the universe is making the wrong right for all sakes concerned since god’s plan and program is perfect not in obsession with details but in excellence and it will prevail amidst all calamity and outdated and old political plans. Politics of the truth and Power Balance for the People Power and Peace and true democracy and the process of being and becoming above the process of doing is what people deserve to experience and need to have above and beyond all clever rat race law of the end justifying the means. Victory of god over devil and light over dark is just that; the process of tearing down the walls that separates the children of god from god and makes them the blind obedient slaves of man and sets them free to be not for the pleasure of man but for their own power of light and choice of destiny independent but interdependent beings who refuse to be the pawn of hypocrisy and mediocrity as the followers of Hitler did and change their own patterns not to become enablers of evil patterns of the dictators and Hitlers of the time and to become physically, mentally and spiritually free; responsibly free. This is the scientific process of born again from all addictions and slavery. EVENTS – I Am the Event: As my television shows create the blueprint for change of patterns and gives the knowledge of the truth of self and societal patterns and that of the universe, organizations are formed and heroes are created in a larger scale with my Global Peace and Reform Program and in my place. The reason it has not worked toward true peace and democracy so far is because evolution is not overnight and clones and plagiarists are not the true creator and prophet and while we censor the true creator, we cannot claim to be on the side of freedom or peace but the presentation of it. There is only one author and creator and it takes only a small public access television program, nine books in one year and 12 year guidance to spread t he rose leaves while the leaves are given large promotion, the rose is still beneath the veil of ignorance of the devil trying to turn to an angel while claiming to be me defaming me and placing the fake flowers in the place of me. All wars and crisis and tragedies are created by this presentation of love and peace while there is a spiritual warfare going on one woman peace creator to an army who tries to come to the peace and freedom within in order to understand, know and become one with the true creator. The quantity of what we do is not of significance but the quality of the intent and authenticity over pretense! And that is why the messiahs of time go on the cross for; for the leaves to become one with the rose and carry the same essence. Leaves that fall away from the rose perish as the alienated bodies that are away from their mother and creator; it is this separation that creates internal and external war and violence for one away from god is one away from the self and the soul of humanity as a whole! It is my intent to create a civil society within which promoters were just that; promoters without conflict of interest, those who are in charge of security were not manipulators of politics, power and history and with the scientific knowledge I have brought them to learn how to be human they would not cheat humanity of her destiny and the world would be so transparent and clear that the people would have enough knowledge and power not to allow such injustice of making me watch others on platforms that I should be speaking from just because a clown takes pleasure out of ridiculing me while reaping the fruit of my life work and getting credibility from me. Everywhere the woman is defamed and her image traumatized in one way or another while the world is benefiting from this Global Universal Mother. But then when there is a crisis and they blame me for it while they have twisted their own arms to take my place, steal my words and sell others with it, I, like god, say don’t ask me to hold you in the grace of my spirit! 12 year of forgiveness on the cross and still bleeding with the ignorant knife of the arrogant bully is disappointing! But from the tomb I rise every dawn and sing the song of follow me even though my promoter thinks he has provided me the light I am under, if it was not for the light of my knowledge and the credibility of my Global Peace and Reform Program he would still be in the black hole promoting Rafsanjani and begging people to go home to repair the airplane parts and no one would be willing to admit they are Persians or Iranians let alone going back home. Why? Because they needed a healer and a true author and creator with pioneering philosophy to have a new interpretation of the world for them and their identity and what they could call home in order to belong in the world as their home and feel accepted in their own home and not to allow any manipulator take it away from them in the name of god or religion or government! To belong, we must find the gem and the miracle within that no one can take it away from us and when all is taken away we still have what it takes, within! 10/4/2007 - Open Mic., night at Gypsy Den- Amidst the obese, then there was light –I sang Freedom Rose and before my eyes, freedom rose – At Gypsy Den they all celebrated with me the liberation of man for accepting the woman not as the bone but the back bone for himself and humanity and celebrate Diversity and accepting different-ness to the point that he can accept god does not appear in men only but the holy spirit by nature is a feminine and nurturing nature and the Christ in me could not do anything without the holy spirit in me. And that alone is worth all my pain and process of crucifixion and going on the cross of ignorance of man; to free man from his own cage of addiction and slavery. The power of truth is so much that tears down all walls of manipulation and Man-Made blocks to keep me away and stripped naked from my rights and dignity. But I see a significant change in these open mic nights and that is that the ridiculing me is no longer a part of the program. In fact I have gained quite a bit of followers among young and old and they are coming to their own truth and gaining courage and becoming brave enough to go up there and speak of their belief and faith and not care to be bombarded with labels of fanaticism but being able to feel they are accepted in a world that if you are not a naked woman or a clown, you must be a terrorist only because you believe in the integrity of humanity and are real. I go to these places religiously and even embrace those who go up there and are ordered to ridicule me in the process of ordinary making of my Global Peace and Reform Program and bringing compassion to the dead spirited world and bring peace and Global Freedom without war and violence but with creating an open society and an excellence society and a world within which we can become Universal Beings and adhere to Universal Laws of Being Human and if we can, beyond. Since 1994 and my calling and writing nine books in one year to become the mother of the world, I lost everything toward this Prophetic Journey; my $30,000 income as a counselor healing people from all over the world and my training programs for the Psychology and Counseling Interns and I lost my homes and center surrendering to my spirit and promoting the truth that was to heal the dead spirited earth. My brother saved me in 1999 by buying a sanctuary for me to heal from loosing my wealth and I continued toward healing the world in every way I could from reforming radio/ television to film and music by focusing in changing patterns and being an absent present; censored yet involved. I go to these places by sometimes changing four busses especially when I go to L.A. or going to produce or edit my television shows. When I lost everything because of my focus toward my revolution of compassion in the world to prevent the tragedies I had predicted and to create a better world as my calling from within had scheduled for the rest of my life for me I welcomed every place that would give me a voice and there were not many in my profession or outside of it. Open mic nights became one for the past several years that I could feel the democracy and freedom I came here for and could also help heal the world outside my office in my Rose Parvin Institute without wall: the society and the world. By changing the patterns of music from war and violence and from empty repetitive lyrics I could change one dimension of the food that the children and the young were fed and thus change their patterns from dark and outdated handed down by the old programmers to the light of knowledge of truth and change patterns of humanity toward evolutionary excellence and true freedom. Among my very tight program that starts every day after I go to the health club and do my exercises and swim at 5 am and by seven I am out creating new life patterns, teaching and demonstrating them without thinking how much I will receive that day for for the past 12 years I have not had a source of income; my clients and patients who came to me were ethical and generous and those whose life I touch daily and are prospering by me becoming leaders and getting awards are in denial of even letting people who is the source of all t his change and evolution. In fact they are going through all the hardship to defame me, deny me and slander me and claim that all this change was there to begin with or they all got up one day and they all got it by osmosis as in the book The Secret. So, as the world is becoming a richer and more compassionate world, I am dried out of my financial wealth and that is the tragedy that must stop. We cannot afford to repeat our sins and mistakes of history and call ourselves advanced human beings by just coloring ourselves Rosy and lie our way to the bank by raping someone else from her intellectual property and the destiny that could make an even bigger difference in our own mediocrity of pretending to be free. FREEDOM FREEDOM IS NOT A BELL RINGING, FREEDOM IS NOT A BIRD SINGING, FREEDOM IS MY HEART AND SOUL THAT IS FREE- FREEDOM IS LOVE, UNCONDITIONALLY – FREEDOM IS GLOBAL DEMOCRACY – I WILL PLANT A RED ROSE IN YOUR HEART AND WILL CHANGE YOUR PATTERNS FROM DARK TO LIGHT – I WILL PLANT THE ROSE SEEDS OF LIGHT AND COMPASSION AND PULL THE WEEDS OF DARKNESS AND DESTRUCTION – ALL MY LIFE I SARCHED THE TRUTH – IN MY SOUL I FOUND THE DRUMMER BOY PLAYING – IN PRISON OR ON THE CROSS OF IGNORANCE OF MAN – YOU ARE FREE WITH ME –YOU CAN BE SORROUNDED BY ENEMY – WITH ME YOU ARE FREE – YOU NEED NO ONE BUT ME – NOW I SING YOU THAT SONG MY DRUMMER BY SINGS ME – IN PRISON OR ON THE CROSS OF IGNORANCE OF MAN – YOU ARE FREE WITH ME – YOU NEED NO ONE BUT ME – SO SING WITH ME THE SONG FOR FREEDOM – LET FREEOM RISE AND LET FREEDOM BE – AND SING WITH ME – FREEDOM IS RISING – FREEDOM IS RISING, FREEDOM ROSE – AND THAT’S THE WAYTHE TRUE STORY GOES – FREEDOM ROSE – ROSE ASSEER PARVIN - 2005 MIRROR OF THE WORLD I AM THE MIRROR OF THE WORLD - I HAVE A STORY TO BE TOLD – A TRUE STORY - I HAVE LIVED THROUGH – A NEW CREATION – WITH ALL THINGS NEW – WAR OF EVIL AND GOD – TO THE END – TO SHED THE LIGHT – TO CREATE GOOD INTENT – IS WHAT I DO – TO CHANGE MY DESTINY – AND THAT OF THE WORLD – AND MAKE IT NEW – TO BRING NEW WORLD ORDER TO CHAOS – TO CREATE BALANCE OF POWER –AMONG PARTIES, RACES, RELIGIONS AND NATIONS – TO CREATE A NEW CULTURE – THAT EMBRACES DIVERSE UNITY WITH GRACE – TO BRING PEACE WITH ROSE REVOLUTION OF COMPASSION –WITHOUT WAR AND VIOLENCE – TO CREATE UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY FOR PEOPLE POWER – AND GLOBAL HEALTH AND EXCELLENCE – FOR THE RAINBOW CHILDREN OF HUMANITY – THOSE WHO WILL STOP THEIR SINS – AND I FORGIVE ALL T HEIR SINS – THAT IS CALLED ROSE RELILGION – BEYOND ALL WALLS OF PREJUDICE AND FEAR – AND SEPARATION OF NATIONS – FROM ONE ANOTHER – THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD – WHATEVER YOU CALL IT – JUST BECOME ROSE – LIKE – FOR YOU TO KNOW AND LOVE YOURSELF – AND CAN LOVE ONE ANOTHER – ROSE PARVIN 7/22/2004 9/28&9/29/2007- WOMEN POWER - WOMEN EXPO AT THE ORANGE COUNTY FAIR - HEAD TO TOE EXPO – where women came out of their shell and celebrated being women, selling business to women, encouraging women and feeling good about it. 9/26/2007 – THE YOUNG POWER AT UCI WELCOMING WEEK-The Young Iranians, Moslems, Christians and Latinos, students from all walk of life next to one another in booths learning how to recruit and become change makers of their own destiny and that of their root culture, race, religion and government beyond and above the politics as usual. I watched my Global Peace and Freedom Program unfold before me and I hope there will be a day that we truly embrace one another’s different-ness and a woman no longer goes on the cross of ignorance of man for her diversity and differentness and her extraordinary intellect that from the holy spirit within she inherits. I plant a red rose in your hearts and change your patterns from dark to light and will build Rose Domes of Freedom and People Building in the Place of the atomic power domes of People Burning. 9/25/2007- OPEN MIC NIGHT AT THE ALTA COFFEE SHOP IN NEWPORT BEACH 9/20/2007 - Gypsy Den –Gypsy King goes to Gypsy Den - Cermon, Song and music performance – Those who believe in me and my prophetic healing power were happy to see me and among those who were there to ridicule me and ordinary make the extra ordinary and deny my cutting edge pioneering contribution in the world, after 12 years of non-believing and testing me finally have come to understand and appreciate and believe in me for this past 12 days of homelessness has proven to them that my powers are inside me and what is on the outside t hat I had and enjoyed was the icing on the cake. So I am succeeding to change the patterns that stubbornly and ignorantly were persisting among those ordered to discourage me from my path and to deny and humiliate it. I treated them as my wounded children consistently and they are beginning to show change and softness and compassion for themselves and thus for me and I see signs of creation of faith and rebirth. 9/18/2007- Alta Coffee Shop -Dialogue through Music on open mic night –I sang and discussed that the veil does not take away freedom of mind as much as being naked does not buy anyone freedom of any kind. Miracles do not happen in exhaustion. But they do happen anywhere and anyhow when one believes in him or herself and surrenders to the holy spirit within as I have done for the past 12 years. Becoming a Gypsy King and homeless having the opportunity to see the universe as my true home has had its moments. But all and all it not only has given me faith but also to those who believed this act truly will take away my powers. They were wrong. My power s are within me and as I daily for the past 12 years am raped of my Rose Leaves and fathers, denied of my existence and witness to others being promoted by my life work while slandering me and defaming me claiming my identity drinking my blood in any way possible, others experience what I experience within: she is in this world and not of this world and thus her strength does not depend on what she had externally, but what she c carries, internally! 8/25/2007 - On line with Homa Sarshar at Radio 67 - 670amKIRN – I was able to talk to Homa Sar Shar in her once every six month letting the people give her feedback about her show. I said to Homa Sarshar after introducing myself that “bombing countries or making bombs is not the way to creating peace. A woman rose and brought a science of Self Making and Destiny Making and Societal Excellence and this did not exist in Iran with her ancient culture or in America with her democracy and advanced technology. My promoter spread my Global Peace Program and Life Work and to show us his own power silenced and censored me while benefiting from my life work and guidance. That is something we must also get through and get together to create People Power and freedom for our people. If you do not stop censoring me, and as a woman and a Jewish woman understand that as long as we censor and deny one another and holocaust and not accept each other’s different- ness even in a woman scientist who has brought us rebirth, where will we be? ” I believe only half of my words were heard and I was once again cut off. Negative promotion and cutting a woman scientist from even a public line while promoting her plagiarists and clones and filling the radio with uneducated girls and boys without conscience is a silent crime of century happening at this destiny making time of our world that needs true order and not chaos being sold as order. Homa Sarshar is one of the people who has had her rebirth by my rising and writing nine books in one year in 1994 and challenging to change the old and outdated patterns and bring a rebirth to Iran, to American and to the world by bringing a new pioneering knowledge and Psychology of Excellence of Self Making, Societal Making and Destiny Making that is creating a dialogue toward People Power and Leadership Excellence beyond and above the laws of any nation or their dictatorship government or religion to bring the people together as the Rose Leaves to Unity with god and one another embracing differentness of one another in the Rose Revolution of Compassion. And I myself am on the cross of ignorance of man for lack of acceptance and respect and honor for my differentness even though my every leave and feather and dimension and vision and words is torn from me and stock to others. I am either being worshiped like god and treated as god being kept in silence putting mice and snakes in my place or called all words of slander such as the ones they used for Princess Diana or any woman who ever rose to create change if there were any others. This is the ultimate challenge of evolution of man to achieve and for that we are already experiencing promotion of women; Hilary Clinton as President and others around the world and yet I myself am not given the proper and deserving platform or recognition for the work being used and prove to bring global unity, prosperity, excellence and bliss for all concerned. People of all nations must be taught and then expected and I have been teaching for the past twelve years and every day finding from the spirit within me the path to love and forgiveness for others! And that is the ultimate purification and blossoming and excellence of the soul one can experience. On the other side, confession and repentance instead of putting one’s sins onto the teacher’s shoulders for another crucifixion is necessary for a culture or nation to move on and evolve in a true sense. Other people who came on line and expressed their opinion, except for one person did not have anything to say about her show and instead they were voicing their opinion about the issues concerning Iranians in Iran and all over the world abroad. They were giving her and the radio the message that they are oppressed and want freedom and want to have time to talk instead of all day long hearing non-related issues and programs that do not affect them or do affect them and yet they do not have the choice to respond. People are oppressed and like god and I, silenced. The whole town is taken over by a group that keeps going from one television and one radio to another and gets promoted and gets invited to organizations that promote those they are permitted t o promote. Even though there are many organizations and radio televisions opened since I rose and wrote nine books in one year in 1994 to bring freedom and an addiction free world and society, there is still a cultural wall of censor and limitation by my promoter who has the power to bully from behind the curtain as the external power promoting my life work as the source and the internal power and yet keeps me silenced and censored to keep his power monopoly over my people and I. This is the regressed and old pattern created in third world countries and now brought here and has to change. People must have the choice and power to create their own communities and thus their own destiny and that of their world and nation. My promoter still continues to use my Global Peace and Reform Program to his advantage and promote others with it while I am still censored and silenced by his influence and the dictatorship he exerts that is common in third world country old and outdated patterns that must be put an end to and must be deleted. If a powerful woman like me can be censored and silenced in my own free country who is the advocate of freedom and democracy in America and the world globally, who else is being censored, defamed and silenced who does not have as much power and societal skills like me to be able to get heard by having television shows in public access as I have? This is not only a true test of democracy but humanity as a whole and a challenge and potential to change its dark and outdated patterns to the light patterns of open dialogue and transparency. Ms. Sarshar did not enjoy this freedom of opinion by the people and decided that in six month she will create boundaries and limitations when she opens lines for people to only give her opinion of her programs and perhaps only give her praise which is the only thing for which the Iranian media has tolerance for and is open! In s regressed society such as this, I have created a miracle with the evolutional changes taking place even though I myself am still on the cross and others like a Farhang Holaquie claim my life work and defame me daily promoted by my promoter for 12 years! 7/27/2009- FRANK SONTAG –KLOS RADIO - UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH – A COUPLEOF DAYS AGO I SAW RICK AGAIN, A MAN I SEE ON HIS BIKE DURING MY WALKS ON THE BEACH FOR YEARS WHO STOPS HIS BIKE RIDE TO TELL ME HOW MUCH HE APPRECIATES MY BOOKS, AND HE TOLD ME I SHOULD MEET WITH FRANK SONTAG AND APPEAR ON HIS RADIO SHOWS THAT AIR ON SUNDAY NIGHTS 12P.M. -5A.M. IN KLOS. HE SAID HE IS SPEAKING THURSDAY NIGHT AND I DECIDED TO GO AND MEET HIM AND BREAK THE EVIL WALL OF CENSORSHIP THAT IS PUT UPON ME BY A GROUP OF JUVENILE DELINQUENT BOYS IN MY PROMOTER’S GROUP, THE MAN WHO HAS ENDED UP BEING MY PREDETOR AND THE MORE I FORGIVE HIM FOR HIS SINS, THE MORE SLICK HIS EVIL WAY OF CONSTANT RAPING ME OUT OF MY LIFE WORK AND PROMOTING OTHERS WITH IT WHILE DEFAMING ME IN THE SAME BREATH GETS,) THAT HAVE FOR 12 YEARS ENJOYED MY LIFE WORK AND GLOBAL PEACE AND REFORM PROGRAM HAVE DECIDED THAT THEY WOULD RATHER CLAIM IT THAN LETTING THE WORLD KNOW THEY ARE FOLLOWING A WOMAN SCIENTIST MASSIAH WHO AHS GUIDED THEM FOR 12 YEARS WHILE THEY HAVE EACH CLAIMED A DIMENSION OF HER BY THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF HER PROMOTER WHOSE PATTERNS ARE OLD AND OUTDATED CHOVENISM, BULLIYSM AND NEED FOR CONTROL AND APPROVAL AND ARROGANT SUPREMACY OF A SOCIOPATH WHO HAS RELIED ON HIS MONEY FOR TOO LONG TO REMEMBER THE LIGHT AND TRANSPARENT PATTERNS OF IF NOT GODLIKENESS, HUMANITY. FRANG SONTAG WHO SEEMED TO HAVE EVOLVED A GREAT DEAL DURING THE PAST TEN YEARS OF HIS LIFE AND HE SINCERELY ADMITTED IT TOO, HAD A LOT OF GOOD THINGS TO SAY; ALL FROM A 200 PAGE BOOK OF A MAN NAMED BO TITLED DEEP, SIMPLE HE CALLED HIS TEACHER WHO SEEMED TO HAVE READ MY BOOKS AND WRITTEN (EVEN IN THE NAME OF RUMI) FROM MY LIFE WORK AND COPYRIGHTED PHILOSOPHY AND PIONEERING BREAKTHROUGH PSYCHOLOGY OF EXCELLENCE AND FLYING I WROTE NINE BOOKS ON TH FIRST ONE AN 800 PAGE BOOK TITLED PATTERN CHANGE PROGRAMMING; CREATING YOUR OWN DESTINY; AN EVOLUTIONARY, REVOLTUIONARY PSYCHOSPIRITUALITY OF BEING..THIS IS WHAT DEEPAK CHOPRA DID WHEN I SENT HIM MY BOOKS TO REVIEW AND HE CAME UP WITH A 100 PAGE BOOK IN A MONTH AND SHOWED UP IN LARRY KING SHOW AND CLIMED MY LIFE WORK AND THE REST IS HISTORY OF MY LIVING ON THE CROSS OF INGORNACE OF A MAN WHO CLAIMES TO BE IN LOVE WITH ME AND WANTS ME BARRIED ALIVE IN MY OWN FREE COUNTRY. I TOLD RICK THAT WHEN YOU FIND YOUR CHILDREN STOLEN, NO MATTER WHAT CLOTHING THEY PUT ON THEM, YOU KNOW THEY ARE YOUR CHILDREN. AND I FOUND MY CHILDREN IN THE HAND AND MOUTH OF WOLVES FOR SO MANY YEARS THAT WHILE THEY WERE CLAIMING THEM THEY CONSTANTLY DEFAMED ME AND ENCOURAGED THIS MAFIA CULT TO DENY MY EXISTANCE. SOCIOPATHS LIKE FARHANG HOLAQUIE WHO IS GIVEN CART BLUNCH WITH TL CLAIM MY LIF WORK IN IRANIAN MEDIA OF IRAN SIMA WITH THE HELP OF SHAHRZAD ARDALAN AND THEN IN 670 AMKIRAN FOR THE PAST SEVEN YEARS; THE RADIO THAT BREATHES MY LIFE WORK AND HAS PROSPERED WITH MY CONSTANT GUIDANCE WITH MY PROMOTER BEHIND IT ALL AS THE SILENT PARTNER TO CALMENSON’S OVER 30 STATIONS THAT MOST ARE SPANISH AND ONE IS IRANIAN. IF HE IS NOT A SILENT PARTNER HE SURE HAS HIS TOXIC POWER OVER THE ENTIRE NATIONAL AND GLOBAL MEDIA AND AS A LOBBYIST WITH OLD MONEY HAS HIS HANDS IN NOT ONLY THE ELECTIONS BUT ALSO THE CIA’S CORRUPT MISCHIEF. LAST NIGHT TOO, FRANK’S MAIN MESSAGE WAS BUSH BASHING AS USUAL IN THESE UNIVERSALIST CHURCHES THAT I HAVE ATTENDED NOW FOR THE SECOND TIME. THE FIRST TIME I WAS INVITED TO HEAR A MAN NAMED JIM MAR A YEAR OR TWO AGO LAGUNA OR MISSION VIEJO WHEN THEY ALSO HAD BRAUGHT A FLYER OF OLD WOMEN IN BLACK STANDING ON CORNERS AND CLAIMING TO BE ACTIVISTS OF FREEDOM. THESE TOXIC HUMORS COMING FROM MY PROMOTER HAS HUNTED ME FOR THE PAST 12 YEARS AND IS A CLASSIC FOR EVERY SOCIOPATH WHO IS SERVING LIFE IN PRISON. THIS ONE FOUND ME AND ASKED TO PROMOTE MY LIFE WORK AND BECAME MY PREDETOR INSTEAD. FRANK WAS NICE AND AT THE END TOLD ME THAT HE IS NO LONGER DOING HIS INTERVIEWS BUT HE APPRECIATED MY DIALOGUE WITH THE GROUP AND WANTS TO SEE IF WE CAN DO SOMETHING TOGETHER. MY CONTRIBUTION TO THE GROUP WAS CLEARLY COMING AS THE TEACHER OF FRANK AS I ALSO SAID TO HIM THAT I AM THE TEACHER OF YOUR TEACHER AND WHAT HE AHS QUOTED AS THE WORDS OF RUMI ARE ALSO MY PIONEERING LIFE WORK AND NOT THE OLD POET THAT DEEPAK CHOPRA DUG OUT OF SEVEN HUNDRED YEAR OLD DIRT TO COVER HIS FOOTPRINTS FROM MY BOOKS. IRANIANS THEMSELVES WHO HAD LSOT THEIR CULTURAL IDENTITY UNDER THE TORTURE OF FANATISIM AND IGNORANCE OF MOLAS AND BEFORE THAT THE WESTERNIZATION UNDER THE SHAH THAT HAD LEFT THEM WITHOUT THEIR OWN CULTURAL GIFTS LIKE RUMI THINKING THEY WOULD BE OLD FASHIONED IF THEY READ RUMI. MY BOOKS THAT HAVE UNCOVERED OLD AND DEEP WISDOM UNKOWN TO MAN WITH PIONEERING TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY THAT REVOLUTIONIZED NOT ONLY PSYCHOLOGY BUT EVERY DIMENSION AND FIELD, HAS CREATED ENOUGH DEPTH AND HAS SIMPLIFIED MYSTICISM TO A DEGREE THAT THE IRANIANS APPRECIATE THE LIKE OF RUMI WHO WOULD HIMSELF STAND BEHIND ME IF HE WERE ALIVE AND HAS ENABLED THE LIKE OF FRANK TO BECOME SPEAKERS OF UNIVERSITIES WITH PRACTICALLY TO HIS OWN CONFESSION NO EDUCATION ABOVE HIGH SCHOOL. AS I TOLD HIM AND CONGRADULATED HIM AND IN ANSWER TO A MAN WHO SAID HOW CAN WE GET TO WHERE YOU ARE, FRANK BRINGS FAITH TO MY WORK THAT AS I HAD PROMISSED ONE DOES NOT NEED TO HAVE HIGH DEGREE OF EDUCATIO AND CAN BE AT ANY AGE TO C REAT CHANGE BY THE TECHNOLOGY OF PATTERN CHANGE PROGRAMMING AND ALTHOUGH MANY CHANGE BECAUSE THEY ENCOUNTER TRAGEDY, TO ME EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE I HAVE PIONEERED ENABLES CHANGING GENETICS AND CHILDREARNING AND EVEN MARRIAGES THAT ARE EVOLVED AND ARE EQUIPED WITH THE PREVENTIVE, HEALTH PATTERNS AND PROGRAMS OF EXCELLENCE WHICH IS FAR FROM PERFECTION. PERFECTION IS THE GOAL OF THE DEVIL TO COLOR EVERYTHING ROSY WHILE THERE IS DIRT UNDERNEATH AND THE ROSE REVOLUTION OF COMPASSION BY ME WORKS FROM THE GENETICS OF BEING HUMKAN AND CHANGES THE PATTERNS IN A NEW CREATION OF SOULS AND SPIRITS IN THE DEAD AND CORRUPTED MINDS AND BODIES. OFF COURSE IN KFI’S GEORGE NOORI’S PROGRAM THEY ARE BRINGING PEOPLE TO ASSOCIATE MY PSYCHOLOGY OF FLYING WITH VAMPIRE FLYING AND THEIR OWN DRINKING OF MY BLOOD FOR 12 YEARS CLAIMING MY LFE WORK TO VAMPIRE BLOOD DRINKING. JUST AS THEY CREATED THE 9/11 TO SABOTAGE MY LIFE WORK OF GLOBAL FAMILY AND UNITY AND IN IRANIAN TELEVISION THEY SHOWED IT AND AIRED IT WITH SONGS THAT WERE AS USUAL ATTACHING T HEIR SINS TO ME WHILE POURING MY ROSE WATER OF SPIRITUAL LIFE WORK ON THEMSELVES AND THEIR MICE AND SNAKES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MEDIA THAT WERE WILLING TO LIE AGAINST ME AND RIDICULE ME AND EVEM LATER AS MY PROMOTER BECAME MORE CREDIBLE BY MY LFIE WORK AND GLOBAL PEACE PROGRAM PRODUCING F ILMES AGAINS ME WHILE UTILIZTING THE MIRACOLE OF MY SCIENTIFIC AND SPIRITUAL FINDINGS FOR PROFIT AND POWER MONOPOLY. THEY HAVE PROVEN TO THEMSELVES AND ME THAT WITHIN ME THERE IS A SPIRIT FAR MORE POWERFUL THAN THEIR CONSTANT POWER STRUGGLE AND ILLEGAL, UNETHICAL AND IMMORAL AND UNJUST MAFIA CONSPERICY OF UNDERGROUND KNIFE STABBING AT ME WITH A THOUSAND SNAKES ON MY PROMOTER’S SHOULDER FROM BEHIND THE DIRTY SKIRST OF THE PROSTITUTES AND MICE WHO WERE WILLING TO DO ANYTHING FOR MONEY. THEIR CHARACTERS WERE STOCK ON ME IN THE POWERFUL SKILL OF MY PROMOTER AS A DEFAMER AND SLANDERER AND MY VIRTUES LIKE ROSE LEAVES STUCK ON THEM. I HAVE DIED EVERY DAY AND BEEN BORN AGAIN AND MY FRESHNESS OF SPIRIT OF FORGIVENESS AND PARTNERSHIP WITH MY OWN ENEMIES IS A MIRACLE AND THEY CANNOT EVEN STAND THAT FOR REMINDS THEM OF THEIR OWN SINS AND INFERIOR PATTERNS THEY DEALTH WITH ME. ALL THOSE PATTERNS CAN CHANGE AND I HAVE BRAUGHT THEM TO BRING EQUALITY TO THE WORLD IN THE ROSE SOCIETY; A SOCIETY ADDICTION FREE OF ALL EVIL PATTERNS OF DARKNESS AND INHUMANITY. 7/25/2007-KFI RADIO – JOHN ZIGLER SHOW – JOHN ZIGLER WAS HAVING A DIALOGUE WITH WILLIAM OBDELL WHO USED TO WRITE IN THE RELIGION SECTION OF DAILY PILOT AND HAD TURNED AGAINST ORGANIZED RELIGION AFTER INVESTIGATING IT. JOHN WAS USING WORDS THAT WERE MY PHILOSOPHY AND BILL WAS TALKING ABOUT WHAT I HAD WRITTEN ABOUT AND EXPERIENCED WHICH IS HAPPED ALL THE TIME THROUGHOUT THE PAST 12 YEARS SINCE MY PROMTER LOVES TO PROMOTE MY CLONES. ANYWAY, JOHN WAS CALLING BILL’S EXPERIENCE AS THE EVOLUTIONAL SPIRITUALITY WHICH IS THE ROSE PHILOSOPHY OF EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHO-UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY STEP BY STEP TALKED ABOUT IN MY 800 PAGE BOOK TITLED PATTERN CHANGE PROGRAMMING; CREATING YOUR OWN DESTINY. I WENT ON PUBLIC AIR AND VALIDATED WILLIAM OBDELL AND JOHN’S DIALOGUE ABOUT ORGANIZED RELIGION AND SAID THAT IN PARVIN CENTER FOR PATTERNS OFEXCELLENCE I USED TO SEE MANY CLEINTS AS A PSYCHOTHERAPIST WHO WERE DAMAGED BY PRIESTS MOLESTATION AND WHEN I HAD A CALLING IN 1994 AND WROTE NINE BOOKS IN ONE YEAR ( JOHN SAID IN AMAZEMENT: NINE BOOKS?( I TAUGHT TO MYSELF THAT WAS THE EASY PART, THE HARD PART WAS THAT I HAVE BEEN CENSORED ANDSILENCED FOR 12 YEARS AND THIS IS THE FIRST REBIRTH IN NATIONAL RADIO FOR ME ASIDE FROM MY PUBLIC ACCESS TELEVISION SHOWS SINCE MY OWN PROMOTER HAS THE POWER TO PROMOTE MY CLONES AND PLAGIARISTS AND SILENCE AND DEFAME ME AND EVERYONE KNOWS AND NO ONE SEEMS TO HAVE THE COMPASSION TO UNDERSTAND WHAT A SILENT CRIME THIS ISBUT I DID N OT SAY ANY OF THAT AND INSTEAD SAID YES AND IN MY BOOKS THAT WAS TO REFORM ALL DIMENSIONS I WAS THE FIRST PERSON WHO CONFRONTED THE CORRUPTION OF THE ORGANIZED RELIGION AND CHURCH AND EVEN WROTE ABOUT THE VATICAN THAT HAD PARTICIPATED IN SUPPORTING AND RECOGNIZING HITLER AND WHEN THE POPE READ MY BOOK HE WENT ON TOUR AROUND THE WORLD AND BEGGED FOR FORGIVENESS OF THE SINS OF THE CHURCH. JOHN SAID SOMETHING VALIDATING AND MENTIONING THAT ALL THAT IS A LONG STORY FOR OUR SHORT TIME. I SAID BUT THE CHURCHES WERE NOT AT FAULT SINCE THEY DID NOT HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH AND HOW TO APPLY IT AND THAT IS WHY THEY SINNED. I HAVE BRAUGHT THE KNOWLEDGE IN MY BOOKS IN 1994 AND MANY HAVE LEARNT BY NOW. I ALSO SAID IN MY WEBSITE AND TELEVISION SHOWS OF PARVIN PROPHECY ANY RELIGION THAT IS PREJUDICED IS NOT A TRUE RELIGION. JOHN THANKED ME AND SAID MY WORDS FEEL LIKE POETRY TO ME. I THANKED HIM AND SIAD I LIKE HIS RADIO SHOW. I HAD SENT HIM AN E-MAIL ASKING HIM TO INTERVIE ME AND TEAR DOWN THE WALLS OF CENSORHIP AND POLITICAL HYPOCRACY MY PROMOTER HAD CREATED AGAINST ME SO THAT HE AND HIS GROUP CAN CLAIM MY GLOBAL PEACE AND REFORM PROGRAM AND SILENCE AND DEFAME ME. WHAT I HAVE GONE THROUGH DURING THE PAST 12 YEARS IS ONLY WHAT THE GOD WITHIN ME HAS BEEN ABLE TO ENDURE AND FORGIVE AND STILL LOVE MY OWN ENEMIES AS MY CHILDREN WHO HAVE BEEN GUIDED AND EVOLVED BY ME. BY THE POEWR OF DEMOCRACY THAT I HAVE HAD MY PUBLIC ACCESS TELEVISION SHOWS THAT AIRS ALL OVER ORANGE COUNTY AND GOING ON AIR OF 670 AM KIRN THE IRANIAN RADIO THAT HAS ALL IT’S CREDIBLITY BY CONSTANT ALL DAY LONG IMPLEMENTING MY KNOWLEDGE AND GLOBAL PEACE AND REFORM PROGRAM AND THOSE WHO HAVE FOLLOWED IT AND GUIDE THE PEOPLE AND THE YOUNG PEOPLE WHO NEED GUIDANCE AND ALL THEY GET IS A DIMENSION OF ME AS THE CARROT TO STAND AGAINST ME AND DENY ME. ALL THIS IN THE NAME OF LOVE AND YET THE VICTORY IS BY ME SINCE MY PROMOTER HAS HAD TO FINALLY FOLLOW MY GUIDANCE AND EVEN THOUGH I AIRED IN MY TELEVISION SHOW THE DIALOGUE I HAD WITH HIM IN 2004 ASKING HIM WHY IS HE TEARING MY EVERY WORD AND ROSE LEAVES AWAY FROM ME AND STICKING IT TO OTHERS AND PROMOTING THEM CONSTANTLY WHILE HE HAS BLOCKED MY VOICE, CENSORED AND SILENCED ME AND DEFAMED ME IN THE NAME OF LOVE AND HE SAID: IT TURNED OUT GOOD FOR YOU DIDN’T IT? I AM SURE IT IS NICE THAT SOMEONE IS INTERESTED IN POURING MY WORDS AND VISION AND KNOWLEDGE OUT IN THE WORLD BUT IT WOULD BE HEALTHIER AND MUCH MORE CONSTRUCTIVE IF HE PROMOTED MYSELF TO DO WHAT MUST HAVE BEEN DONE LONG AGO. BUT EVEN AFTER THIS CONFESSIONAND MANY AFTER THAT AND HIM DROPPING IN UNANNOUNCED TO VISIT ME, I AM STILL BEING DEFAMED, CENSORED AND SILENCED AND HIS MICE AND SNAKES STILL ARE EVERYWHERE HARRASSING ME EVEN WHEN I GO TO ALTA COFFEE SHOP TO SING AND GIVE MY MESSAGES AND CHANGE THE PATTERNS OF MUSIC AND FILM AND OUR SOICETY SO THAT THE WORLD DOES NOT GET FILLED WITH LOST SOULS LIKE PARIS HILTO AND LINSY LOHAN AND OTHERS LIKE HER OR EVEN THE OLDER ONE’S THE PARENTS WHO HAVE DISGRACED PARENTHOOD AND ARE MAKING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO BECOME THE IDOLS OF OUR YOUNG CHILDREN. JUST AS THE SPORTS AND THE LIKE OF O.J. SIMPSON THAT ARE CREATED BY THE FOOTBALL RELIGION THAT MAKES ME IN ONE HAND HAPPY THAT BECKHOM IS PROMOTED TO COME AND PROMOTE SUCCOR AS I WROTE IN MY BOOK THAT I PLAYED SUCCOR IN MY YOUNG AGE WITH MY BROTHER’S FRIENDS AND BELIEVE IT IS A MORE HUMANE SPORT THAN FOOTBALL. BUT I AM NOT HAPPY THAT OUR SOCIETY GETS THESE DISTRACTIONS AND MUCH MORE OF THE NOT SO GREAT KIND AT A DESTINY MAKING TIME THAT OUR WORLD IS CRYING OUT FOR A ROLE MODEL AND HEALER AND LEADER THAT I HAVE BEEN AND YET JUST LIKE GOD I HAVE BEEN MONOPOLIZED BY THOSE WHO WATCH AND LEARN FROM ME AND KEEP ME SILENCED AND KEPT FROM THE MASSES WHO I WANT TO HEAL AND I HAVE A CALLING TO HEAL. BUT THEN AGAIN THIS IS THE VERY CRISIS OF HUMANITY OF AGES BETWEEN MAN AND WOMAN THAT EVEN THE HOLY BOOKS HAVE EITHER KEPT WOMEN INCLUDING VIRGIN MERRY FROM THE RECOGNITION OF BEING THE TEACHER OF HER OWN SON LET ALONE REVOLUTIONARY WOMAN WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT IN HER CHOSE SUCH ABMITIOUS AND DIVINE DESTINY FOR HER SON AND SACRIFISED FOR IT. BUT THE BOOKS AND THE SOCIETY WRITTEN AND MONOPOLIZED BY MEN HAVE ALL PICTURED WOMAN AS WITCH AND SATAN AND THE REST IS A HISTORY THAT ITS LACK OF ACCURACY IS PROVEN BY ME FOR THE PAST 12 YEARS. LIVE EARTH – GLOBAL WARMING CONCERTS – I CREATED A NEW CREATION IN 12 YEARS THAT SHOULD HAVE TAKEN SEVEN DAYS HAD I NOT BEEN CENSORED AND SILENCED AND MY CLONES HAD NOT TAKEN MY PLACE. AS I HAVE SAID GLOBAL WARMING IS SINGIFICANT TO RAISE CONIOUSNESS AND CHANGE THE SELF INDULGENT PATTERNS OF OUR WORLD BUT THE CEMENTED HEARTS ARE FAR DANGEROUS THAN THE CEMENTED EARTH IN PATTERNS OF DESTRUCTION OF THE WORLD IN THE DESTINY MAKING TIME OF OUR HISTORY. UFORTUNATELY WE MUST BE CAREFUL THAT OUR INTENT IS CLEAR IN ALL OF OUR ACTIVITIES AND PATERNS THAT SEEM LIKE SERVING THE PEOPLE AND NOT MISUSE IT TO MANIPULATE AND BRAINWASH THE PEOPLE AND STEAL THEIR VOTES IN AROUSING THEIR EMOTIONS IN A PERFECTLY HUMANITERIAN EVENT AND THEN BRINGING THEM THEIR FUTURE CHOICES FOR LEADERS THAT THE LOBIYESTS AND DECTATORSHIP REGEMES HAVE CHOSEN FOR THEM IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN THEIR STATUS QUE AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE WELFARE OF THE PEOPLE OR THE EARTH. ALSO MANY IF NOT ALL OF THESE ACTIVISTS SUCH AS MICHEAL MOOR HAVE STOLEN MY ISSUES FOR REFORM AND HAVE NOT EVEN BOTHERED TO GIVE ME THE CREDIT BECAUSE THEY MAY NOT EVEN KNOW ME AND THE ONE WHO KNOWS ME AND SPREADS MY LIFE WORK WHICH IS THE MAN WHO CAME TO PROMOTE ME IS GAINING THE POWE RAND CREDIBLLITY FOR MY LFIE WORK AND I AM CENSORED AND SILENCED AND DEFEMAED AND TORTURED AND RIDICULED GLOBALLY AND DAILY BY THIS MAN’S SOCIOPATHIC EVIL INTENT OF POURING DIRT OVER ME AND STEALING MY IDENTITY HAVING PROMISED HIS BODIES TO KEEP ME SILENT SO THAT T HEY CAN PROSPER AND CLAIM MY LIFE WORK AND GAIN GLOBAL NOTORIETY WHILE EVEN MY WEALTHY FAMILY AND MY BROTHER WHO SAVED ME BY BUYING A CONDO IN NEWPORT BEACH FOR ME WHEN I LOST EVERYTHING IN MY PROPHETIC JOURNEY OF BRINGING REBITH TO EARTH AND A NEW CREATION BY BRINGING THE SCIENCE OF CLAIMING INDIVIDUAL AND GLOBAL LOST FREEDOM AND INTEGRITY HAS BEEN PUT UNDER PRESSURE TO EVEN HAVE TO SELL THIS LITTLE CONDO AT THE SAME TIME THAT MY TELEVISION PROGRAMS ARE A TOTAL SUCCESS AND VICTORY POURING LIGHT OVER DARKNESS OF GLOBAL CONSPERICY BRINGING OUT THE TRUTH THAT MR. MASSOOD KHOJASTEH WITH HIS OWN VOICE IN ANSWER TO MY QUESTION THAT WHY DID YOU CENSOR AND SILENCE ME FOR 12 YEARS AND PROMOTED MY PLAGIARIZERS AND CLONES TOLD ME THAT IT TURNED OUT GOOD FORYOU DIDN’T IT? WHREAS I HAVE LOST EVERYTHING AND HE HAS BECOME THE BIG CLOW AND THE GLOBAL DOG THAT SPELS GOD IN REVERSE THAT IS SUCH AN EXPERTISE OF MR. KHOJASTEH AT LEAST IN REVERSING HIS CHARACTER WITH ME IN FILMS LIKE LA VIE EN ROSE AS AN ADDICT TO TOXIC HUMOR AND FILTHY FAME AT ANY COST TO OTHERS. DEMONSTRATION OF THE YOUNG IRANIANS AT THE FEDERAL BUILDING – 7/7/2007 – I ROSE TO PREVENT T HE KILLING OF THE YOUNG BECAUSE OF THE IGNORANCE OF THE OLD AND YET MY CENSORSHIP HAS CAUSED TRAGEDIES LIKE KILLING AND IMPRISONING OF THE YOUNG STUDENTS WHO HAVE BEEN INSPIRED BY ME AND MY PHILOSOPHY OF FREEDOM OF MIND AND BODY AND SOUL AND ROSE IN STRIKES THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN PEACEFUL AND YET IN A DICTATORSHIP COUNTRY THERE IS NO SUCH A THING UNLESS IT IS PUT UP AND SET UP BY THE REGEME FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSES LIKE WHEN THEY LINE UP BEHIND PRESIDENT AHMADI NEZAD IN IRAN TO SUPPORT ATOMIC WEAPONRY WHILE THERE ARE 60 MILLION PEOPLE IN HUNGER AND POVERTY OF MIND AND BODY AND SOUL DROWN IN DRUGS AND PROSTUTITION ARE ALIENATED FROM THEMSELVES AND EACH OTHER AND HAVE NO TRUST OF THEIR GOVERNMENT FOR THEIR OWN SECURITY AND WELFARE LET ALONE TO TRUST THEM IN THE GLOBAL AFFAIR AND WELFARE OF THE WORLD. EVERYONE KNOWS THAT THE GOVERNMENT OF IRAN HAS NO INTENTION OF SUPPORTING THE IRANIAN PEOPLE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF IRAN AND IS SELF SERVING IN EVERY ASPECT EVEN WHEN IT SEEMS LIKE A COMPASSIONATE REACHING OUT IT IS ALL PROMOTIONAL AND NOTHING ELSE. SO WE MUST NOT ASSUME THAT THIS REGEM HAS EVOLVED UNTIL WE SEE SOME FUNDAMENTAL SINCERE CHANGE IN THE PATH OF DEMOCRACY. UNFORTUNATELY I COULD NOT ATTEND SINCE OUR BUS SYSTEM IS IN STRIKE AND OUR OWN DEMOCRACY IN DANGER OF LUNETICS WHO ARE USING AND ABUSING NOT ONLY MY PEACE PROGRAM BUT ALSO THE BASIC TRUSTING SYSTEMS OF DEMOCRACY AGAINST DEMOCRACY TO SHOW THEIR MACHO POWER AND BULLIYSM THAT HAS OPRESSED A POWERFUL SCIENTIST AND COUSELOR AND AUTHOR LIKE ME WITH GLOBAL DEFEMATION AND BLOCKS OF MY VOICE THAT IS ONE OF THE MOST DISGRACEFUL PHENOMENON IN THE WORLD ESPECIALLY WHEN A FEW CYCLERS WHO COME FROM IRAN GET GLOBAL MEDIA AND ATTENTION COMING AND PROMOTING MY GLOBAL PEACE PROGRAM OF ACCEPTING AND EMBRACING DIFFERENTNESS AND DIALOGUE OF EPACE AND BECOMING BRIDGE THORUGH PEOPLE POWER BEYOND THE LEADERSHIP AND DICTATORSHIP OF REGEMES.THERE IS SOMETHING FUNDAMENTALLY WRONG NOT ONLY IN OUR IRANIAN COMMUNITIES BUT ALSO IN NATIONAL AND GLOBAL MEDIA AND FILM AND PRINT. WHO ARE THEY TAKING ORDERS FROM? OBVIOUSLY NOT FROM THOSE WHO REGARD THE RIGHT AND INTEGRITY OF PEOPLE WHO MATTER LIKE ME AND EVEN THOUGH MY LIFE WORK IS BECOMING SO POPULAR AND IMPLEMENTED THORUOUT THE WORLD, I MYSELF AM CONSIDERED EVEN LESS THAN TWO CYCLERS WHO HAVE COME FROM THE REGEM OF IRAN TO SAY WE ARE BETTER THAN YOU AND CAN BE HUMAN AND REACH OUT WHILE YOU HAVE NO DEMOCRACY IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY NOT EVEN RESPECTING THE FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS OF YOUR OWN CITIZENS. WE SAW THIS EVEN IN DEMANDS OF THE CONGRESS FOR POURING UP TO 50 MILLION ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS INTO CALLIFORNIA INFRINGING THE RIGHTS OF MILLIONS OF LEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND LAWFUL CITIZENS OF THIS COUNTRY ONLY TO NOT ONLY SABOTAGE PRESIDENT BUSHES FREEDOM LEGACY BY CREATING CHAOS AND BRINGING 50 MILLION VICTIM VOTES FOR DEMOCRATS AND PUT AND END TO REPUBLICANISM AND THUS TO VALUES AND SPIRITUALITY SO DEAR TO THIS COUNTRY THAT WE ARE THE NATION UNDER GOD AND NOT UNDER DOG, BUT ALSO TO DISTRACT HIM OF GLOBAL FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY WHICH IS THREATENING IRAN’S REGEME AND THEIR 28 YEAR OF GLOBAL DICTATORSHIP WITHOUT BEING QUESTIONED BY ANYONE IN THE HUMANITERIAN GLOBAL COMMUNITY MR. GIMMY CARTER INCLUDED IN THIS HYPOCRACY WHICH OFF COURSE HE RECEIVED A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE FOR IT LIKE SHEEREEN EBADI WITH MY LIFE WORK AND MY PEACE PROGRAM AND MY IDENTITY. AS HAPPY AS I AM FOR THOSE CYCLERS TO MAKE IT HERE WITH ALL THE CHEERS LIKE MR. GANJI AND HOLLYWOOD, I HOPE WE DO NOT MOVE TOO LATE TO EVOLVE ENOUGH TO GIVE A HOLY BIRD AND HOLY ROSE ON THE CROSS ENOUGH WATER AND VOICE NOT TO KILL HER WITH OUR CRUELTY WE SO CLEVERLY HIDE UNDER THE VEIL OF LOVE BEING THE CLAWN OF ZODIAC WITH TOXIC HUMOR AND OUTDATED PATTERNS OF POURING OUR PIOSON ON THE PEOPLE WE LOVE AND WE HATE OR ARE INTIMIDATED BY OR HAVE COMPETITIVE RIVALRY TOWARD & CALL IT ART OR HUMANITERIAN WORK! BECAUSE IT IS THESE PATERNS OF EVIL POISON THAT HAS CREATED SUCH A CHAOTIC WORLD VICTIMIZED BY A FEW BULLIES THAT ARE OUT OF CONTROL OF THEIR OWN PATTERNS & HAVE ENOUGH POWER TO CREATE TRAGEDIES AROUND THE WORLD & BREAD HEARTS & LIVES & INTERFERE IN THE DESTINY MAKING TIME OF THE WORLD ARROGANTLY & IGNORANTLY WITHOUT ANYONE STOPPING THEM RESPONSIBLY. AMAHASTI’S REBIRTH AT WESTWOOD MORTUARY – MAHASTI DIED FROM CANCER BUT SHE LIVES FOREVER IN HER SONGS– I BELIEVE THESE SENSITIVE SOULS HEART BREAKES AND DIES LONG BEFORE THEIR BODIES BECAUSE THEY LIVE A LIFE OF BEING HELD HOSTAGE BY THE GLOBAL INHUMANITY AND LACK OF COMPASSION FOR THE LIKE OF THEM WHO HAVE LIVED GYPSY LIKE LIVES AWAY FRO MTHEIR HOME BECAUSE OF A DICTATORIAL REGEME THAT FOLLOWS THEM EVERYWHERE EVEN IN A FREE COUNTRY. 5/27/2007 – Young Iranian’s first networking at Cal.Tech. to utilize Rose Parvin Peace and Reform Program – Leadership Excellence for the young people learning to find their Leader within as my vision since I rose and wrote nine books in 1994 to put an end in the young people’s suffering and alienation of the self and society that did not accept them or understand their different-ness and rejected them and thus accompanying with the culture that did not accept the creativity of the young people and just wanted to be doctors or lawyers, even if they did achieve high status they suffered within. In this conference that unfortunately only twenty to thirty people gathered they were to learn how to see themselves as leaders and tap into their leader within The response of the young people was the most interesting to me that truly wanted to hear from me and they had not been allowed to invite me because of censorship going on in the entire Iranian and American community because of the bullyism of my promoter who came to promote me and instead took 12 years to promote my clones and plagiarists and the censorship has damaged my standing in my community since when I am not promoted with my life work others run with it especially when someone powerful is supporting them. Someone must ask my promoter massood khojasteh why is he spending so much time and money to censor, copy and defame me while he is the best one to know how he himself has a significant hand in spreading my life work and he knows more than anyone how it has helped humanity and how it would help far more if people especially young people hear it from the true author and creator of this revolutionary pioneering knowledge. I would like to stand beside my colleagues like Mr. Nayeri to create more substantial knowledge for the young people I rose to save from absence of knowledge and living in the darkness alienated from their self and others. Mr. Nayeri was very general as others were in introducing the science I pioneered that has given quantum physiques meaning as it has given meaning to everything else I have touched. Dr. Nayeri showed a film that shows his insider access to Iran regeme and the middleman they have hear that has his fist of oppression on me as he had it on my people until I rose and now I am in the cage as I have set them free. Then Mr.nayeri said we have to start with ourselves. This divine statement was what I said in 1982 or 85 when Prince Reza Pahlavi met with the Persians Elete in Hilton Hote. Then as a very successful and young psychotherapist with pioneering scientific knowledge and technology and as a political activist when Iranians did not even know what a true meaning of a political activist is, I said what we must do is to come to a Diverse Unity and come to our root and our own identity so that we can heal and become not only a part of a global community but also become change makers in the destiny of our country of origin. All presenters there were people who had me as role model to grow and change and succeed from being intern to psychologist (Foojan Zaini) claiming my life work of destiny making and a higher purpose to life having me for 12 years as role model to succeed without giving me credit that would put an end to this silent crime going on for 12 years against me. Another presenter was Sheereen Noravi from being a Persian language teacher in 670amkiran radio to psychologist claiming my life work. 670amkiran is a radio that was founded by the silent partner Massood Khojasteh the man who came to promote me and instead stole all my vision and life work brutally and silenced and defamed me. It is a radio that owes all her credibility to my life work and guidance while denying me and promoting my clones and promotes a counselor who daily claims my life work and is a part of denial and defaming me. Susan Khatami another worker of 670am kirn claims to be the promoter of the young people when I rose and brought the attention of the world to the children and the young who were crumbled under the fist of those who did not care about them but using and denying them as they are used to as bullies without compassion and still addicted to their habit. This radio holds the power monopoly over not only the Iranian community but also over the American politics as it arranges silent voting systems and selection among the organizations that are made only to be used to look democratic and yet hold the patterns of dictatorship of plagiarism, censorship and denial of those who matter( for power monopoly to be maintained) and insider catering. This fake hero making while they say t hey don’t need heroes is constantly going on in order to maintain the status quid of power monopoly and lie story of history making using my findings but twisting them to cater to their self interest as by my resistance to swim with the sharks and maintaining my dignity on the cross is widening to include everyone but me! I only hope the world gains enough meaning and substance to tolerate a woman scientist and does not allow the bullies censor and defame her any further. I did see a positive change by being invited to speak the next time and the knowledge of the young people that among them there lives a woman scientist who has written nine pioneering books at a time no one even read one a year. I rose to bring the young people their rights and dignity by giving them the knowledge to claim their own destiny and the choice of the patterns of the destiny of the world they live in. and to change the patterns of society and the world for them and to teach them the pioneering knowledge I have brought for them not to follow the past patterns following the bullies blindly only because that’s where the money is and that is what they are allowed to and told to do with the order of the toxic intelligence that has had his oppressive fist on the Persian community and the world forever and end up repeating the societal toxicity of prejudicial censorship and mafia gang of insiders. I do not want my knowledge to be spread without my rightful copyrighted claim on it since this way it leaves room for territorial possessiveness and manipulations that have rotted the roots of our nations and our world. It is very painful to see my clones and plagiarists standing up t here and being promoted and acknowledged so unjustly when I myself am suffering from being blocked of my platform and rightful promotion. This shows our society and world with all the evolutionary change there is still a great deal of regressive patterns that need to be dealt with and the light shed upon them. 5/19/2007- Re-imagining Iran- UCI – I am proud that by raising compassion and dignity of individuals and their autonomy I see more philanthropists in the world especially Iranians like Mr. Messiah who has founded the Persian Studies in UCI. the reform group gathered to redefine Iran as Rose Global Peace and Reform Program has proposed – In my books in 1994 I wrote about step by step evolutionary revolution of compassion and reform in all dimensions from individual to relationships to families, nations and different race, culture and religion. My science and technology of Pattern Change Programming; Creating Your Own Destiny allows the new definitions and interpretations of the past in order to create a new civilized society and world. I was happy to be invited to speak the next time. My promoter Massood Khojasteh who seems to have his hand in everything in this country and world and has become more powerful and credible since he came to promote my life work, wants everyone to just see me as a newcomer so that he can claim my life work and my identity and share it with his group. I have pushed him enough to keep widening the circle and stop being such a power monopolizer he has been in the past. But evolution and change is not easy and this is what it takes every one thousand years; For someone to rise and change patterns with now knowledge and the way of truth and be crucified by those in power who want to possess her or his identity and claim her way. I want to change all these patterns so that we can become civilized and breathe and accept and respect one another and no one can block anyone’s way by the power of money or toxic power of bulliysm or toxic intelligence. Kareemi Hakak who is the director of the Persian Studies in Maryland was trying to c convince people saying that if we can prove there is no god we can be in much better shape. Off course I told him even Einstein said at the end of his work he stood behind the door called god and he said he believed there was such a thing as god. But our arrogant socialists want to use and misuse and abuse my scientific knowledge and claim it and then claim there is no god and they are god whereas I brought that pioneering knowledge from the god inside of me. I know I will never get an objective or fair critique from these gentlemen since they all have been promoted with my scientific knowledge and cannot stand to see me. Kareemi was talking about transferring the Persian culture to other cultures or America and that is exactly what a part of my global peace and reform program is. In fact power transfer is a science and technology I have pioneered to be used in many dimensions. Kareemi Hakok himself was and is a very good critique of Persian Literature and now he is more powerful by using the knowledge I have pioneered. They all have positively evolved and that is what I wanted to see for I believed in them more than they believed in themselves. Yet can we overcome and get through the prejudicial and mafia like damper they have put on me by my promoter who claims to be in love with me and all I have seen from him so far is his patterns of psociopathic and sadistic cruelty and competitive rivalry, chauvinism and envy of me. He has acted like a step mother would act in a Cinderella movie. As if the more they see my internal power and forgiveness they get angrier. Now they are even putting the young people against me by promoting them with my lifework without acknowledgement of the creator. This is so primitive and cruel and it has taken 12 years. I never realized the depth of rotted-ness of the root of humanity when I took on the mission I chose by my calling. But I was witnessing the pain and suffering of the people who were affected by it. I underestimated the power of evil and he underestimated the power of god in me. I suppose we both have gained respect f or one another now and can come together amicably. 5/29/2007- Couples Conference – Erickson- Hayat Anaheim 4/28/2007- QUEEN FARAH PRESS CONFERENCE – BEVERLY HILLS HOTEL SPONSERED BY AMIR THE FAMOUS DESIGNER – REGARDING CYRUS THE GREAT FOUNDATION FOR YOUTH WHICH IS TO GIVE THE YOUNG PEOPLE ROLE MODELS FOR THEIR CREATIVE ENDEVERS AND PROVIDE THEM WITH SKILLS WHICH IS ANOTHER PART OF MY PEACE PROGRAM FOR THE YOUTH. 4/19/29,2007- NEWPORT BEACH FILM FESTIVAL- HEART OF AN EMPIRE AND SEMINAR OF SINEMOTOGRAPHERS 4/17/2007-PREVENTION OF TRAGEDIES LIKE VIRGINIA TECH., - SELF EXPRESSION BY CREATIVE EXPRESSIVE TOOLS – A CRISIS PREVENTIVE TOOL –ANGER IN A SONG OR A POEM IS FAR MORE CIVILIZED THAN A GUN IN THE HANDS OF A SELF ALIENATED YOUNG MAN – WE MUST NOT ONLY MAKE OUR SOCIETIES AND SCHOOLS SAFE FROM HAVING DANGEROUS WEAPONS BUT ALSO TEACHING OUR YOUNG PEOPLE HOW TO EXPRESS AND UTILIZE THEIR ANGER BY BECOMING CHANGE MAKERS TOWARD EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE OF ENVIRONMENTS INSTEAD OF BECOMING DESTRUCTIVE WEAPONS OF THE DEVIL - ALTA COFFEESHOPOPEN MIC., EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT I SING AND TAPE OTHER MUSICIANS, SINGERS AND SONGWRITERS FOR MY TELEVISION SHOW PARVIN PROPHECY WHICH IS SUCCESS AND SPIRITUAL EXCELLENCE THORUGH DIALOGUE THROUGH ALL DIMENSIONS. I TALKED ABOUT HOW THE YOUNG MAN IN VIRGINIA TECH., MASSOCARE COULD HAVE FOUND HIS BALANCE IF HE HAD A WAY OF SELF EXPRESSION LIKE MUSIC TO CONNECT WITH HIMSELF AND OTHERS. READ THE COLUMN ON THE RIGHT ON TELEVISION SHOW FOR MORE INFORMATION. 4/12/2007- UCI FILM – STRANGER THAN FICTION – BY HELMS – It turned out to be another as Helms had put it in his shirt, TRAIL OF DEAD as the TOXIC HUMOR of Massood Khojasteh my promoter in his journey of stealing my identity and prospering by it as he manages to terrorize and defame me and in fact kill me with his Hoax biographical lies about me just to claim my identity and Peace Program and my every hair and feather and be the Zodiac Clown and Murderer of me. Interpretations and commentary in the right column the Rose Television Shows 4/7/2007- 670am KIRN Radio Iran - I went on air of the program of Homa Sarshar and shared my lifework with those who had for 12 years plagiarized and censored and defamed me and said we have all had a share in this evolutionary change and since media freedom causes evolution in societies I hope we see that in this radio that should be called Rose Parvin Radio 670 am since my work is promoted in it in the name of others by my own promoter Mr. Massood Khojasteh, and I said it was the war of god and evil and the Zahak and snakes on his shoulders that we must turn to an angel. I hope there was sincere change in those who have drank my blood and claimed my every word and still cannot see me having my rights and credits and voice and words heard by the people from myself. This change is a lie if this injustice continues by mafia conspiracy against the true author and creator of this global change and rebirth. LAST DAY OF NOROOZ - SEEZDEH BEDAR – At the Irvine park as usual Iranians had gathered but it was not usual. Moslems and Christians next to one another, still neither one believing in each other’s god but having evolved to believe there is only one god and that is the god of unconditional love without prejudice for all. Christians were much kinder and invited me to eat with them and the woman who had given me a Rose painting, Frida was there who gave me a ride home. The Pastor of the Iranian Church said he watched my television show all the time. Iranian Moslems were claiming my pioneering work and still in denial of me. My work of a lifetime is getting spread even though there is still the denial of myself agreed upon by the group that my promoter promotes while silencing me to claim my identity. He orders songs asking me to call him Jesus Christ in order to him to give me the right to my own Prophecy and Peace Program he wants to claim. I have made him the Joseph of my Global Family and have forgiven him for 12 years of censoring and defaming me yet still waiting for his true evolutionary change to acknowledge me as even the partner to what he claims while the knowledge is mine and 12 year of guidance behind walls of radio/television which has become the prison by censorship of me and promotion of my clones and plagiarist. Now after the hostage taking of ahmadinejad the world should realize what I have been through in my own free country by those who have brought their dictatorship with them from the East while enjoying the fruit of my lifework and claiming to be Liberals wanting to promote and invest in Hilary Clinton’s Presidency. Hilary will not break the Glass Ceiling of the Land for she herself is a part of it. As long as these elite give me the credit for my Global and Universal life work while enjoying the stolen fruits, we will not have true democracy or end the Global Hypocrisy. The man who wants to claim my identity keeps promoting Mamas while denying the true Mother of the World he came to promote to begin with. Persian New-Year ( Norooz or Norouz) in Westwood – Sunday March 25th. It was very nice to see my Peace Program materializing and Diverse Unity of Iranians accepted by our host country to the point that they acknowledged the Norouz and Mayer Vialaregosa came and spoke for the people. I am also very pleased that Iranians are involving themselves as suggested in my life work and Peace Program with the host country and are crossing the bridge of Multidimensionality of their wings and Multi-Cultural Power Balance as t hey went through the purification of finding their self as my psychology of Self Making and my role modeling to change patterns of a rotted root of an ancient culture through victimization of decades by teaching a new Universal Culture of Being Human and changing the patterns of being through role modeling to affect all medium from politics to film, music and even genetics. The Rose System of computer- like man in Mind Power and objectivity while possessing compassion and conscience is the new man and a new creation created by my surrendering to the true scientist in me; the holy spirit and the comforter who healed people for years as a counselor in Parvin Center for Patterns of Excellence but let me know there is a higher purpose than healing prosperous people and creating success in the comfort of my center. When I had my calling to become the mother of the world an change the patterns of the alienated selves from not only their self and their culture and roots but also from their true mother, their god, I sad down and wrote nine books in one year and guided even my own plagiarists to be able to create the same results by teaching and materializing the Rose prophecy of creating RoseLike leaves as the Universal Christ and Time Prophet in me is the Rose and leaves are the children of god from all race, religion, culture and gender as the orphans of the Mother God. In ancient Persian we had God Mother Mitra that is the same as the Virgin Marry the Mother, Son and the Holy Spirit in one and that is what I brought for not only Iranians to re-build their identity and culture but also to the world as a whole for America is my other home within which I grow up to own all my dimensions. The science of Pattern Change Programming is the Rose Revolution of Excellence that is materializing in an Evolutionary Revolution of Compassion that covers both Creation and Evolution of the Scientific-Spiritual Dimension. Persian New Year ( Norouz or Norooz)- March 21st – in the morning - They let me for the first time after years to once again go on line and read my prophetic poetry for my people bringing them knowledge, hope, faith and healing of their mindbody-spirit from the wounds of centuries of lack of peace, freedom and bondage and victimization of denial of their identity and dignity as respected and dignified human beings while in the ancient Persia we had God Mother and God Woman Mitra – With my pioneering knowledge and healing power of the Holy Spirit within me I have braught back the spirit of Marry and Mytra in my Multi-dimensional life bringing Persians and the world as a whole back to their root and identity and giving them knowledge of self making and destiny making to create a Global Culture to share their Diverse Unity within that culture of acceptance of differentness and Universal Spirituality. Today, as a result the world celebrates the Persian New Year with the Iranians who no longer hate themselves and are alienated from their culture of origin and thus have been able to truly become universal people sharing their culture with the world and their host country. I have had angels supporting me while being held back by the Mafia of Toxic Power of old school and machinery Dictatorship they are controlled and some are brainwashed to stand against me even though I have freed them from the oppression existing that had silenced the entire Iranian community for 28 years while stoning them in Iran. One song I am treated as God and another song I am called sinner and dirt only because of Manic Depression of a man in power and his corrupt counselors like Farhang Holaquie who advise him to burry me alive so that they can plagiarize my life work and whose credibility is from every leave they have taken from me and the angels they have stolen from me while they have blocked my every way with the same toxic power to become me. I would like to thank Mr. Khojasteh for his obsession toward me and interest in my prophecy he calls love and call him a partner and shareholder and the Joseph of my Global Family only if he stops crossing me of my own Peace Program and prophecy putting empty headed opportunists in my place drinking my blood daily as wine while trying to break the glass. My living words of guidance and poetry are my blood, revelatory and by my committed focus and surrender to the Holy Spirit in me he spread in the world and promotes and now has Opra behind a tape called Secret that the author of all that pioneering knowledge is me. This is his way of pouring dirt of ordinary making over me while claiming my Peace Program with his group of reformists. A part of overcoming the dark patterns is shedding light over the dark patterns and blocking the power it carries by the mass promotion of the lie. This is very hard for me since I love the evolutionary change I see in my people and the world and even my enemies but this tragedy must stoop or they will get away with murdering me as it has been done before throughout the history. I want to change the Dark Patterns of the Mafia of Toxic Power into the True Power of Light of interdependence and cooperation and unity to enhance the chance and will and choice of the people of Iran for True Liberation, Peace, Freedom and Democracy. the Mafia of Toxic Power (existing in every minority leaking into our democratic country and holding democracy hostage as well) reported the time wrong – another political corruption and brainwash of the people in order to create lie stories giving credit to the puns conspiracy against the truth and Rose Prophecythe Documentary of the Truth–the true creator of rebirth of earth and Iran and America and the world through her Peace Creation and mission is behind the lines whereas uneducated without conscience with dark intent and energy sitting in the middle of media for seven years viciously talking rumors and acting unethical and illegal against me being promoted with sending all artists and singers around her just as the Bible says and the Koran ( Boz Akhvash) as a part of a mass promotion of plan of the anti Christ inside me by the arrogant supremacist man who fell in love with my identity and feared my inner power and knowledge and intelligent and raped me from my life work and rights for 12 years only to maintain his toxic power and gain global credibility with my Peace Program and Identity; a tragedy repeated in history at the time of Jesus Christ by Herod the King with Toxic Humor and Ignorant Sociopathy. The epic of creating a Global Spiritual and Cultural Rebirth with the new psychoUniversal Spirituality and the Holy Spirit in me creating a new creation by the light and the power of the knowledge and the holy spirit (Time Prophet) me and reinterpretation of the multi-dimensions of the world and the way of life and my constant the war of God and Evil and God’s Victory ultimately creating Global Peace and Freedom for all as Rose Revolution of Compassion and Psychology of Excellence and Flying step by step takes you to the truth of your self and the universe and god in my nine books I have written in 1994 and my consistent guidance for the past 12 years. Rose Revolution of Compassion is step by step materializing my knowledge of Self and Societal Making and Destiny Making and Leadership Excellence and standard of Christ-likeness and People Power through Dialogue of individuals, nations and races, religions and cultures through film, music, and science and a Global Cultural Spiritual Language regardless of the Devil’s constant war against me and then following my path and calling it his way denying me of my Global Voice crossing my name out of my own prophecy. The man who came to promote me (Massood Kkhojasteh) and became my predator and has taken over the world with Toxic Mafia Power and the credibility he has gained by my pioneering new science and technology and Global Peace Program and system of materializing it and my guidance of 12 year on the cross of his ignorance stealing my identity and reaping the fruit of my life tree while censoring and silencing and terrorizing my character by mass defamation. Radio KIRN is another entity led by him in which I am censored and even defamed while my life work is being promoted by others. The notion and vision that was that of mine I shared with him when he came to promote me; creating Global Bridge through Radio-Television for People Power and Leadership Excellence and Dialogue through film, music and theater to change patterns of cultures and races and religions and create Self-Making and Societal Making and Destiny Making; the knowledge and power he is misusing to brainwash the people toward self interest and power monopoly. Child International Gala at the Irvine Hyatt Regency and Anoosheh Ansari and Rudy Bakhtiar and Shaharzad Ardalan – I was the Cinderella again and the Step Mother had made sure I would not be included in what is created as a result of my pioneering work behind the veil of censor. I am the one who rose and brought a new revolutionary and pioneering knowledge that gave a new focus, attention and significance to children, the youth and their future to be different from the past and yet from all the organizations that only rose since I rose and went on the cross to bring freedom, I am censored and blocked out of all organizations that were born by my pioneering work. Even the couple that were functioning and I had spoken in them as a guest of honor bringing them my pioneering work like NIPOC refuse to recognize me ordered by the higher toxic power. I am wiped out of the map as I have brought Iran back in the map. Off course before the ignorant leaders have disgraced it once again. The fear of the power of the one woman and her knowledge and Holy Spirit within her or the arrogant supremacy of one man typical throughout the history is a dark pattern that is the root of the imbalance of earth and must change and we are witnessed to the change of patterns in the past 12 years stemming from my constant guidance. Today, at a Radio Show by Homa Sarshar at 670am KIRN, Homa Sarshar who was at the Gala interviewed both Rudy Bakhtiar and Anousheh Ansari. I did not hear what Anoosheh Ansari said since I was attending a gathering held by 640am KFI by Bill Handel who is an attorney at that radio station. Later on I heard she had said somewhere that from above the earth in space she saw no walls separating nations or people, colors, races or religions. Exactly what I have been writing, talking about and singing while they cut me off only to shoot someone up the space and when she comes down to give her my words to repeat instead of myself. I did not have to go to space to see that with my spiritual third eyes and vision for peace and a new civilization. Many astronauts far more qualified to have philosophical minds went to space and did not come up with these words let alone Ms. Ansari who is a young woman of a culture that has been gypsy-like around the world without a country with a government that does not recognize it’s own citizens let alone having any respect for existence of other nations without the denial of their suffering and pains. A country and nation that in spite of the ancient culture that had Woman God Mytra, they stone women, rape them of their rights and dignity drowning them in prostitution and poverty, send them to other countries for prostitution and slavery and do not recognize their right any more than for children. Where was Ms. Ansari to say anything about her philosophical point of view for the past 28 years that all of a sudden her love for going to space, coming back and becoming another Idol to worship for the innocent people who are amazed why their scientist, counselor who has held these philosophies all her life and has healed people from around the world as her life mission and purpose not just as an opportunist using a fad all of a sudden to jump on the band wagon of becoming an activist of humanity and peace which seems so wide spread and as wonderful as it is to see that it is sad to have such a paper doll world created by a man and his group who want to cross my name out of my own Peace Program, prophecy and mission not to loose their toxic power on the innocent people to whom and me they owe their credibility and power and should pay us what t hey have made out of us instead of keep spending making movies in which they have defamed me while prospering out of my idea and vision and identity that they so cleverly have stuck to empty women and men they want to bring to fame for their own self interest. I came to free my people of the world and give them back their lands and bring them back their rights and dignity raped out of them not for a few opportunists to create their lie stories of their choice to suit their narcissistic self interests. I do not mean Ms. Ansari is narcissistic but I do believe those who ignore, deny censor and defame me globally me with the credibility they have gotten by my life work only to create clones of me and plagiarize my work and even open universities to sell my work as their own with fake dates like my Advanced Evolutionary philosophies and Mind Power as the last Darwinian Missing Link I found in Virtual Library of Commonwealth Open University which the idea of it is even from my Parvin Institute for Peace without Walls only money can buy and mass produce and mass promote everything and in the absence of conscience not give an ounce of credit to the true author, creator and inventor which is something I have found those who come to promote people’s work do often. I heard Ms. Rudy Bakhtiar telling the listeners exactly my words I repeat enough in my television shows to make even the deaf and the blind understand and to tear the wall of denial put up by those who do not want my words, philosophy and Peace Program and knowledge coming out of my own mouth simply because they are afraid of the power it gives me and fear that their toxic external power will be in danger. I keep telling them there is room for everyone and everyone can be a winner in the Rose Way. But they are from the old school and old regressive patterns of competitive rivalry of stealing my way, calling it their way and even though they have had to come my way tooth and nail to make it look like there are the victors and make me look like a looser by their toxic power of blocking my way in an unjust, unethical and illegal way of censorship and defamation and lie promotion. So Ms. Baktiar who I like very much as a news person in Fox television but she is no philosopher or political analyst. In fact the last time she was interviewed by Mr. Hejazi the Persian coordinator of this radio she was asked questions like the fact that they know she rides bike and she said you must have heard that from someone very close to me. And that was supposed to make the Iranians who were and still are very tired of Idle Making and preferential access made available by opinion of only one man who happens to dislike too much intelligence and seriousness and likes to be the Zodiac Clown while taking my every leaf and sticking them to others climbing my Peace Program and identity laughing at justice for all very bluntly. But I am happy that he, the man who is supposed to promote me but instead promotes others with my every living word, feather and leaf, has finally in surface at least come to agreement with my Peace Program. Ms. Baktiar said for the fist time how Iranians are going through hell in Iran with poverty and even though it is their right to have atomic weaponry under the current regime this is not safe and we must hope for regime change. This was fought for a long time when it has been heard by me for years. In fact they called me all names against Iran where I am the one who rose and wrote nine books in 1994 to bring Power Balance and Freedom and Peace to the world and my revolution of compassion of dialogue through music, film and other artistic and scientific walks of life taking cultures back to their roots and acceptance of their identity to once again their love themselves and accept themselves and share the buried and hidden wealth of their strength and creativity with the world. But in a chauvinistic and manipulative world the pioneering leader and true teacher seems to still get the cross instead of being able to change that primitive pattern and move on to the 21st civilization and creation she has brought. At the KFI gathering I laughed a lot at remarks of Bill Handel who should truly promote himself as a comedian because he is very funny and much nicer in person. But I was looking for a way to market my books and get a voice to broadcast the wealth of my knowledge for a fee I deserve to get in order to get out of the whirlpool of injustice dug against me and find a way to bring my Peace Program home without getting burnt any further and make right the wrong done to me for 12 years while not spending my time in legal actions in America in which only the rich and the bully get richer and the innocent must spend even more time to prove her case. And that is only when a powerful attorney accepts the case and does not get bought out by the bully. I met some helpful people who hopefully will open some doors for me and together we can prevent any further cross of injustice in my war of stars one to a thousand opportunist snakes on my opponent’s shoulders and he himself who wants to make a kind of a deal with my life work and my blood to prove how much of a bully he can be. He is not a good dancer for a dance of stars and not a fair negotiator, His motto is I take it and you get it back if you can or catch me if you can; exactly by the Steven Spielberg’s film. If we do not catch him, in Barky he will lie as much as he desires and will laugh at the democratic justice! I told you my friends, the bird is the flight and now you see that even the President of our democratic country is not immune from the cross they had carved for me. Apparently these clowns do not like democracy to go to East. They just like to bring their product of 4 wives for every man to the West! A challenge for every man to avoid getting seduced into! Only if they realize no real man would appreciate a harem full of empty women since no real woman would accept such a condition for intimacy. Thus throughout centuries men have been alone even in the midst of crowd and felt alienated and disappointed at women and women have been hurt by the superficial intimacy and partnership they have had from men. We must standardize Patterns of Health and Excellence as offered in Rose Prophecy and my books and along with democracy sell it to the East. Bad habit is addiction and obsession and good habit and pattern is discipline to build character so needed in leadership. SUNDAY FEBRUARY 11, 2007 3-5– GENERAL DEMONSTRATION AT THE FEDERAL BUILDING TO FREE IRAN-IRAN DEMOCRACY REFORM IRAN PROGRAM - I ATTENDED THE EVENT ORGANIZED BY UCI PEACE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, DEFENDERS OF IRAN DEMOCRACY & THE REFORMISTS – SATURDAY FEB.3,2007-4-7 – IT WAS A POSITIVE STEP TOWARD DIALOGUE WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE UNITING THE PEOPLE TO MOVE FORWARD – ALTHOUGH THE INTENT MUST BECOME TRANSPARENT AS TO REFORM TOWARD PEOPLE POWER AND DEMOCRACY AND NOT TOWARD DICTATORSHIP POWER GLOBALLY! THE BREAKTHROUGH WAS THAT IT WAS A CIVILIZED MEETING – AND ALSO THE REFORMISTS ADMITTED THAT I AM THE AUTHOR AND CREATOR OF GLOBAL PEACE AND REFORM PROGRAM AND MY PROMOTER WHO PROMOTES EVERYONE WITH MY WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS, PHILOSOPHY AND MISSION AND IS STILL DENYING AND DEFAMING HAS IMPLEMENTED THE GROUP WITH MT CONSTANT GUIDANCE FOR THE PAST 12 YEARS WITH ME ON THE CROSS OF IGNORANCE OF FEAR OF A WOMAN WITH SUCH POWER, VISION AND SCIENTIFIC SPIRITUAL TECHOLOGY FOR MATERIALIZATION – I WAS ABLE TO SPEAK AT THE GATHERING FOR A FEW MINUTES AND DEFINED THE WORLD REFORM AS I HAD CREATED IT MYSELF IN THE NINE BOOKS I WROTE WITH THE C ALLING AND THEMISSION OF CREATING GLOBAL REFORM TOWARD PEACE AND FREEDOM – I SAID REFORM MEANS CHANGE OF PATTERNS TOWARD FREEDOM AND PEACE NOT MAINTAINING STATUS QUE( ADI-SAZI) AS MR. AMIRAHMADI STATED AS THE PURPOSE AND HAS BEEN THE EFFORTS OF MY PROMOTER ( OTHERWISE I WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN SILENCED, PLAGIARIZED, TORTURED, CLONED AFTER AND DEFAMED WHILE MY PLAGIARISTS AND CLONES WERE HIGHLY PROMOTED. I ALSO SAID THAT REFORM MUST TAKE PLACE FROM WITHIN EACH AND EVERY INDIVIDUAL BEFORE THEY ARE ABLE TO CREATE REFORM IN OTHERS. THE FACT THAT THIS GROUP UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF MY PROMOTER MR. MASSOOD KHOJASTEH DENIED MY EXISTANCE F OR 12 YEARS AND KEPT COPYING MY EVERY WORD AS IF I MYSELF WAS NOT QUALIFIED TO DELIVER MY OWN MESSAGE AND MISSION TO OTHERS, WAS NOT ONLY AN ACT OF REFOM BUT A BLOCK TOWARD A TRUE REFORM. I ASKED THAT THE NEXT TIME THEY HAVE THEIR MEETINGS AND WANT TO TALK TO PEOPLE ABOUT REFORM I HOPE THAT THEY INVITE ME AS WELL. AND TO MY ASTONISHMENT AFTER 12 YEARS, IN A VERY CIVILIZED MANNER THEY ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED THAT THEY WOULD INVITE ME THE NEXT TIME. HALELUYA, ALAH O AKBAR, THANK GOD FOR T HIS EVOLLUTIONARY CHANGE! BUT THE MOST IMPORTATN THING IS THAT WE NEED CHANGE AND REFORM. THE PEOPLE OF IRAN AND THE WORLD DESERVE IT TO BE REAL. YEARS OF BLOODSHED WAS NOT SO THAT WE CAN HAVE A FEW RADIO TELEVISIONS HERE AND THERE AND PROMOTE OURSELVES INDIVIDUALLY FOR THE OPPORTUNITY AND ACCESS THAT A LIFETIME OF VISION AND MISSION AND KNOWLEDGE AND PURPOSE ALONG WITH 9 BOOKS IN ONE YEAR BY ME HAS CREATED IT. I DID ALL THAT FOR PEOPLE TO GAIN THEIR RIGHT AND DIGNITY AND ALL THE ORPHANS OF THE WORLD WOULD HAVE PEACE, FREEDOM AND SECURITY AND PROSPERITY. I WOULD GO ON THE CROSS I WENT ON FOR ANOTHER 12 YEARS IF IT LEADS TO LIBERATION FOR ALL HUMANITY AND NOT JUST A FEW CHOSEN AT THE COST OF MY PEOPLE AND ME. THERE ARE 60 MILLION CHILDREN AND YOUTH IN IRAN DROWN IN POVERTY, PROSTITUTION AND DRUGS. I AM SURE THEY WOULD NOT STAND BEHIND MR. AHMADINEJAD FOR DEVELOPING ATOMIC WEAPONRY AS THE PRIDE OF THEIR COUNTRY OR EVEN AS THEIR RIGHT. THE RIGHT OF EVERY COUNTRY IS FREEDOM, PEACE, PROSPERITY AND DIGNITY AND NOT AT THE COST OF OTHERS. FOR A PRESIDENT OF A COUNTRY TO BULLY THE WORLD AND DENY HOLOCOST AND THEN WANT TO HAVE THE CREDIBLITY TO HAVE EVERYTHING HE WANTS TO DO IS ONLY A SIGN OF IGNORANCE. WE HAVE A CHANCE TO CREATE TRUE CHANGE IN IRAN AND THE WORLD TOWARD A CIVILITY AS I HAVE BEEN TEACHING AND PREECHING FOR THE PAST 12 YEARS AND HAVE GUIDED AND WRITTEN THE GUIDELINES STEP BY STEP. IT HAS BEEN A WAR OF GOD AND EVIL OF MEN WHO RAN WITH MY LIFE WORK AND WANTED TO DENY ME TOO, LIKE HOLOCOST. BUT INSTEAD OF CROSSING ME, WE MUST CROSS THE WORLD AND THE PATTERN OF DENIAL AND STOP GIVING THE MICROPHONES TO THE LIKE OF HOLAQUIE TO PLAGIARIZE ME WHILE D EFAME AND TERRORIZE MY CHARACTER AND STABBING THE PEOPLE AND THEIR FAITH BY CLAIMING MY KNOWLEDGE AND SCIENCE. WE MUST REFORM OUR OWN MEDIA IN OUR COMMUNITY AND THE WORLD TO CREATE ANY REFOM ELSEWHERE. DENYING A SCIENTIST AND A SPIRITUAL LEADER AND AUTHOR OF THE REFORM AND PEACE PROGRAM FOR 12 YEARS AND THEN FOR MR. MIRAHMADI TO CLAIM WE HAVE NO LEADERS SO WE MUST PUT UP WITH A LEADER WHO IS CAUSING SO MUCH DANGER NOT ONLY TO IRAN BUT TO THE REST OF THE WORLD, IS NOT WISE NOR A SOUND JUDGEMENT. I AM SURE THESE PEOPLE WORK UNDER A GREAT DEAL OF PRESSSURE AND I HOP TOGETHER WE CAN LIFE T HAT PRESSURE AND BRING MORE TRANSPARENT AND DEMOCRATIC ORGANIZATIONS TO THE PEOPLE SO THAT WE CAN CREATE TRUE C HANGE AND NOT JUST A PRESENTATION OF CHANGE. WHAT I HAVE BRAUGHT TO THE WORLD IS NOT ORDINARY NOR IT HAS COME TO THE MIND OF MANY AT THE SAME T IME THE WAY MY PROMOTER WANTS TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE. WHAT I HAVE GONE THROUGH IS NOT ORDINARY EITHER. IT TAKES AN EXTRAORDINARY PERSON TO BRING SUCH A WAY OF LIFE AND POLITICS OF LIVING THAT THE WORLD BLOSSOMS THE WAY IT IS. I ALSO APPRECIATE ALL THOSE WHO HAVE FOLLOWED ME AND FORGIVE MY PLAGIARISTS AS LONG AS THEY ACKNOWLEDGE THE SOURCE. I NEED MY VOICE AND CREDIBLITY IN ORDER TO MAKE GREATER CHANGE IN A DEEPER SENSE AT A TIME THE WORLD NEEDS FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY, PEACE AND THE COMOPASSION AND THE TRUTH AND THE LEADER AND SPOKSPERSON FOR IT THAT CAN BRING T HAT ABOUT IN A TRUE SENSE AND NOT WINDUP DOLLS ON THE SHELVES PUT UP BY THE LOBBYISTS AND INTEREST GROUPS WHO BENEFIT FROM KEEPING PEOPLE ENTERTAINED AND SLEEP WHILE THEY COLLECT FROM THEIR VOICE AND THEIR SIGNATURES AND THEIR RIGHTS WITHOUT CONSIENCE AND GRACE. PERSIAN FILM FESTIVAL-FESTIVAL OF NOOR (LIGHT WITHOUT THE LIGHT) FEBRUARY 1ST. ASK 670AM KIRN ABOUT IT –ASK THEM IN FESTIVAL OF NOOR (LIGHT) WHERE IS NOOR (I WHO BRAUGHT THEM THE LIGHT OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND PEACE PROGRAM AND CREATED A REBIRTH FOR THEM THROUGH MY PROGRAM OF DIALOGUE OF PEOPLE AND NATIONS THROUGH THE BRIDGE OF MUSIC, POETRY, FILM, THEATER AND SCIENCE. I AM VERY HAPPY TO OBSERVE AND WITNESS T HE REBIRTH OF MY CULTURE OF ORIGIN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF MY PEACE PROGRAM WHICH IS CELEBRATING IT WITH THE HOST COUNTRY AND OTHER NATIONS FOR EMBRACING DIFFERENTNESS, PEOPLE POWER AND DIVERSE UNITY. I WITNESS THAT TELEVISION SHOWS ARE ADHERINGTO MY REVOLUTION OF COMPASSION OF NOT SO MUCH LOOSING THEMSELVES IN FICTION BUT TO BE A PART OF CHANGING THE BITTER REALITY AND BRIDGING TOWARD A NEW, EVOLUTIONARY AND MORE CIVILIZAED WORLD, SOCIETY AND NATIONS. MY DOCUMENTARIES ARE DOING JUST THAT; NOT ONLY KEEPING ME ALIVE AND MY PEACE PROGRAM AND VISION AND MISSION HEARD, BUT ALSO IS TEACHING SELF AND SOCIETAL POWER BALANCE AND PATTERNS OF FREEDOM OF ALL ADDICTIONS AND OUTDATED PATTERNS THAT NOT ONLY VICTIMIZES INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES, IT CAUSES VICTIMIZATION WITHIN THE WORLD AND OF NATIONS. THESE PATTERNS SUCH AS BULLYISM AND NEED TO CONTROL AND TERRORISM OF NOT ONLY BODIES BUT ALSO MINDS AND SPIRITS MUST CHANGE. THESE PATTERNS CAN BE CHANGED THROUGH APPROOPRIATE ROLE MODELING THRUGH From: ROSE PARVIN WWW.PARVINPROPHECY.COM 100 Scholz Plaza # 102 Newport Beach, California 92663 (949) 722-2925 To: Mark Ammeli Attorney at Law Dear Mark, 8383 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1038 Beverly Hills California FILM AND THEATER BY SHOWING THE ROOT OF THE CRISIS AND PROBLEMS AND THEN ENACTING THE SOLUTIONS. THIS IS ALSO A PART OF MY PHILOSOPHY OF POWER BALANCE AND PSYCHOLOGY OF EXCELLENCE AND IS MATERIALIZED BY MY TECHOLOGY OF PATTERN CHANGE PAROGRAMING. IRANIAN NATION AND CULTURE ISREVIVING BY A GROUP BEING BORN AGAIN TRHOGUH MY PEACE PROGRAM AND PARTNERSHIP OF MY PROMOTER HOWEVER HAS BEEN VICTIMIZING IT ME AS THE LAST OUTDATED PATTERNS OF CHOVENISM AND BULLYISM THAT IS SO ACCEPTED IN OUR CULTURE TO CENSOR AND SIELNCE THE TEACHER TO HAVE POWER MONOPOLY OVER THE PROPHETIC LESSONS AND THE ROSE PROPHECY. YET THEY HAVE BEEN IN THE PATTERN OF HOLDING CINDERRELLA HOSTAGE ON THE CROSS OF THE DEVIL OF IGNORANCE AND GREED AND POWER MONOLY AND SEND THE STEP SISTERS AND FILL THE MEDIA, MUSIC AND VIDEOS AND FILMS WITH DEFEMATION OF ME WHILE PROSPERING FROM MY PEACE PROGRAM AND LOVE AND GUIDANCE THAT IS GIVEN TO THEM FOR YEARS, FREELY. ALTHOUGH I HAVE BEEN SO CENSORED THAT THE INTENT HAS BEEN TO MAKE HEROES OUT OF MY CLONES AND PLAGIARISTS, THERE ARE ANGELS WHO STILL SING AND WRITE FOR ME AND KEEP THE ROSE WAY CLEAR FROM TOO MUCH TRAGIC HYPOCRACY. SO IF I AM THERE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN THE EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE OF THE GROUP THAT IS HOLDING ALL THESE EVENTS – OTHERWISE ASK THEM WHERE IS THE WOMAN WHO BRAUGHT YOU A REBIRTH FROM ABSOLUTE CULTURAL, SPIRITUAL AND POLLITICAL DEATH? I AM THE GATE OF HEAVEN AS CHRIST SAID – THOSE ORGANIZATIONS THAT DO NOT ACCEPT ME, BRING THEIR CORRUUPTIONS INTO TRANSPARENCY- THE DEVIL IS HOLDING THE GATE OF THE WORLD AND MY ANGLES AND WANTS TO BE ME SO HE KEEPS ME OUT OF MY OWN NEW CREATION AND PROPHECY- AS THEY DID TO JESUS THEY SHOUTED KILL THE MASSIAH AND THE KING AND SAVE THE THIEF – I HAVE BEEN GUIDING THEM FOR THIS NOT TO HAPPEN – THE DEVIL IS MUCH TOO ARROGANT AND HIS LOVE HE CLAIMS FOR ME HAS NOT BEEN ENOUGH TO OVER COME HIS LUST FOR WANTING TO BE ME. I HOPE HE CHANGES FOR ALL SAKE – OR WE WILL HAVE A FAKE DEMOCRACY AND EVOLUTION IN OUR GLOBAL COMMUNITY. MY CROSS SAVED YOU FROM YOURS –DO NOT REMAIN INDIFFERENT TO THIS TRAGEDY. I FORGIVE ALL UNDER THE CLAUSE OF IGNORANCE AND AM HAPPY FOR THE EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE. YET IN ANY TRAGEDY WE MSUT FORGIVE BUT NOT FORGET LIKE IN HOLOCOST THAT IRONICALLY THE SAME PEOPLE AND THEIR LEADERS DENY. DENIAL OF TRAGEDIES ONLY CAUSES THEIR REPEAT. CIVILIZED NATIONS AND COMMUNITIES TEAR DOWN THE WALLS OF DENIAL AND EXPRESS COMPASSION AS I HAVE TAUGHT THORUGHOUT THE PAST 12 YEARS; OF LOVING THE SINNERS YET NOT LOVING THE SINS. Brief Therapy Conference December 7-10, 2006 Hyatt Regency Garden Grove (Anaheim) Orange County – Milton Erickson Foundation Phoenix Arizona-The truth will always prevail and in this conference the truth of my pioneering work that has been kept from others for 12 years, prevailed. Dr. Rossi who reviewed my book in 1994 was there and in his class I was able to share with him and other professionals in his class that his predictions about my book and my work has come through . In fact it I need someone trustworthy to repr Everyone knows by now that what Massood Khojasteh came to promo promoted himself and his group cl silent crime and sign partnership p 1995 when he came to me to prom and thank him for it as well. Yet he me. Please let me know if you would lik right to legal action against him if You and I go a long way back. We at the time of need for support. I be people of conscience who are know and justice there should be no con nor should you knowing the silent Your friend, Rose Parvin 7/31/ Kevin Martin, FCC Federal Communications Commiss Dear Mr. Kevin Martin, I have sent many letters to FCC at ignored my going on the cross of i Global Peace and Reform Program me to promote me ended up to be of his toxic power of silencing, cen my plagiarists and clones with my criminal activity and terrorism of m have contacted and written to this crime that is affecting not only my destiny of nations and this man’s p bully as long as you can. I have lo as me this is a disgrace to the ent Intelligence can create a commun impeach the president and silence this in one of my nine books I wro delinquents whose competitive riv ethics has blinded them. In order 8/1/2007 Dear BBB Board of Directors, For years, to be exact, 12 years I Media Group especially for the pas Systems. Please go back to your f silenced, slandered, defamed and plagiarists and clones are promote work is victorious but this mafia m Please raise the standard of the m Plagiarism of copyrighted work for silencing a scientist who has guide seemed he himself and his evolution of his work was heavily influenced by my work. Dr. Rossi is one of the prominent pioneers of believing in Mind-Body connection when not many professionals believed in Mind-Body connection. As I shared with the class and Dr. Rossi agreed, at the time I wrote my book titled Pattern Change Programming; Creating Your Own Destiny; An EvoRevolutionary Psycho-Spirituality of Being, which introduced a pioneering Psychology of Prevention, Health and Excellence, a Technology of Pattern Change Programming to affect all life dimensions as well as genetic restructuring, and philosophy of Power Balance from Mind-Body Spirit in individual to all life dimensions such as relationships, families as well as Power Balance of cultures, race and religion among nations, people and their leaders, still not many believed in such thing as Mind-Body connection or the existence of spirit. Today they are teaching all that in universities. I have spent 12 years not only teaching all t hat from behind the curtains of censorship and plagiarism of my work, but also am healing nations by not only teaching self knowledge and destiny making and becoming a role model and blueprint for it, and through dialogue with others through film, music and theater as my Global Peace and Reform Program, but also through mass healing through technique of focus and the power of the holy spirit in me they call Neuron Mirroring. I called it plain Mirroring and Power Transfer from my spirit to that of others which has healing and pattern change affect even in the genes. Dr. Rossi, too, has advanced his work to Neuroscience of Creativity, Brain Growth and Healing in Psychotherapy presenting Neuron Mirroring and spiritual healing and their affect in genetic pattern change or visa versa. It was an introductory class and only theoretical and examples showed nothing but what seemed more like Rogerian Psychotherapy. If you do not have the power to transfer your spirit onto others, the work seems very superficial and ineffective. Dr. Rossi is an ethical one among professionals who has supported my work and has accepted the influence of my pioneering work and I am grateful for his generosity. There are those professionals and outside profession who have taken on my work and given it fancy names and have not given me the credit due so that I can go on influencing my world without going on the cross as my contributions are recognized among others. Jeff Zeig the Director of the Institute is also a very ethical professional and the evolving change in these conferences toward what I call standard patterns of leadership are the credit given to him directly. I was received graciously with my advertisement of my book and my work in the syllabus and my books were in display for sale. For this I have special thanks to Inga the angel that made me happen in the Syllabus. Those who heard me speak in Dr. Rossi’s class or at the closing ceremonies briefly, expressed they felt I should have been a presenter at the conference. You can observe these in my DVDs from my television shows titled Parvin Prophecy This is the second time in this year that I am coming out of the shadow of a global conspiracy to be censored and silenced while my work is being claimed by others globally. My work has political impact as my Global Peace and Reform Program and my notion of Dialogue for Global Peace and Democracy without war and violence is creating fundamental change in patterns of nations and rebuilding their rotted roots from bullyism and lack of self knowledge I have brought. I have guided the reformers and all those who claim my work throughout the past 12 years and hope to be recognized for my work in 2007 in a civilized and professional fashion with grace. I am sending my proposals for the year 2007 and I hope you will see me there. For so many years I have submitted proposals for the Annual Conferences of my 670amKIRAN 7/31/2007 670amKIRAN A BRANCH OF LOTUS COMMUNICA MR. MASSOOD KHOJASTEH MR> KALMENSION AT LOTUS COM MR. PALEY: MANAGER MR. HEJAZI: COORDINATOR DEAR MASSOOD KHOJASTEH I AM WRITING TO YOU TO PUT ON PAP YEARS AGO AND SENT TO YOU IN ORD CAME TO PROMOTE ME WHICH IS THE POSTPONING HAVE COST ME MY LIFE REFORM PROGRAM IS BEING SPREAD THAT WITH ME. FROM 670AM KIRAN T MODEL OF THE GLOBAL FAMILY TO N PSYCHOLOGY OF EXCELLENCE AND P THEATER AND PATTERN CHANGE PRO SHOWING THE EVOLUTIONARY FRUIT AND ROLE MODELING FROM BEHIND ORDER TO CLAIM MY LIFE WORK AND AFFORDED YOU SINCE THE TIME THA AND THEAT IRAN WAS DEAD AND EVE TENSION CREATED BY THE REGEME A EVERYTHING FROM MUSIC TO FILM A PIONEERING PSYCHOLOGICAL TOOLS YOU ARE PROMOTING WITH MY EVER EVERY TIME YOU HAVE COME TO SEE EMPTY PROMISES THAT HAS LED TO F WORK IN ALL LIFE DIMENSIONS FROM RADIO/TELEVISIOIN ALL BEING APPLI SLANDERING, FRAMING, DENYING, CE OBSESSIVELY FOCUSING AND IMPLEM ALL DIMENSIONS, THIS PUTTING ME O PLATFORM AND ACCESS AND PUTTING THAT MUST STOP NOW. IT HAS DAMAG AND HAS DAMAGED ME FINANICALLY DECEIVED BUT THE RATIONALIZATIO OUTCOME FOR POWER MONOPOLY IN OF HUMANITY TOWARD HEALTH AND FOR ALL THE CHILDREN AND NOT JUS I BELIEVE YOU HAVE EVOLUVED ENO ENOUGH TO GIVE ME THE CREDIT FO LEARN PARTNERSHIP TO CHANGE PAT WAS POURED ON YOU AND I ROSE AN TO AMERICA AND THE BRIDEGE BETW PATTERNS OF LEADERSHIP TOWARD A WITHOUT WAR AND VIOLENCE AND W TRUST ON OTHERS. AS YOU CAME TO PROMOTE ME AND PEACE AND REFORM PROGRAM YOU F AND CENSORING AND SILENCINGAND PATTERN NOT FIT FOR SOMEONE WIT CHANGE YOUR PATTERNS OF CONSTA IDENTITY AND BEGIN TO GIVE ME BAC CHOICE WITHOUT YOUR CONSTANT M THEM THOSE WHO ARE SOLD OUT TH THEM AND IS A ROLE MODEL FOR THE INNAPPROPRIATE ROLE MODELES YO own profession of Marriage, Family and Child Counseling and Psychotherapy and in-spite of my clear pioneering books, and contributions to the filed as a result of those and beyond it into changing and healing masses with my Global Peace and Reform Program and my extraordinary professional practice in the Mental Health Profession since 1982 ( as a licensed MFT at the Parvin Center for Patterns of Excellence healing, teaching and supervising others, and before that as a young intern with exceptional healing power ability to create change,) my proposals were rejected. I believe this to be the result of lack of evolutionary change even in my own profession to appreciate pioneering work of the revolutionary person such as myself and having the comfort zone of repeating the ordinary. Although those influenced by my work or my plagiarists are being welcomed, I myself have yet to enjoy the right to present my own work to my colleagues. There is something wrong with this and it must change. Second Annual Spirit Recovery Conference November 8-11, 2006 Desert Princess Resort Palm-Springs (Cathedral City) This was a miraculous surprise and generous invitation at the last minutes for me to exhibit my books and speak and even sing for the professionals attending the seminar. It was alcohol and drug recovery seminar but a much more advanced one. Since I have not ever had any addiction but to the truth, it was my place to be there. Specially that my books offered pioneering path to cure of addiction of any kind by the process of Self Knowledge and Mind-Body-Spirit Power Balance and Power Transfer from the Holy Spirit in me. Those who heard me speak or those I had a chance to speak to briefly said they felt god spoke through me and they were able to heal in matters of a few minutes from lifetime anxieties, guilt and fear. You can watch these in DVDs of my television shows Parvin Prophecy; Universal Laws of Success and Spiritual Excellence through Dialogue of all dimensions. Special hanks to Lee Mc Cormick the founder and Josie Henderson. ROSE ASSEER ALIZADEH PARVIN - A CALIFORNIA LICENSED MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPIST, A SCIENTIST AND A SPIRITUAL HEALER AND LEADER I WILL PLANT A RED ROSE IN YOUR HEART AND CHANGE YOUR PATTERNS FROM DARK TO LIGHT AND TOGETHER WE WILL CHANGE THE PATTERNS OF THE WORLD FROM DARK MATTER TO LIGHT AND CREATE A GLOBAL CULTURE OF BEING HUMAN TOWARD AN EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE TO BECOME GODLIKE WITH UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY OF BEING BORN AGAIN, FREE FROM ALL CROSS OF BONDAGE, VICTIMIZATION, IGNORANCE, FEAR, AND ADDICTION. HELLO MY FRIENDS, I DIED ON THE CROSS OF IGNORANCE OF THE DEVEL AND I AM BORN AGAIN BY THE POWER OF GOD IN ME. I HAVE RETURNED TO SHED THE LIGHT ON ALL DARKNESS AND EVIL AND SET YOU FREE.FOR I KNOW ALL THAT HAS KEPT YOU IN BONDAGE ON EARTH THAT IS TAKEN OVER BY THE DEVEL AND I HAVE ALL THE POWER TO BEWTOWED IN ME TO TRANSFER THE POWER OF GOD IN ME TO YOU AND DISPOWER THE ENEMY. THERE IS A GOD AND THERE IS A DEVEL AND I HAVE LIVED IN AN UNJUST WAR WITH THAT DEVEL AND A THOUSAND SNAKES ON HIS SHOULDERS FOR THE PAST TWELVE YEARS. MY BEING ALIVE IS A MIRACLE IN AND OF ITSELF. YET I HAVE TAUGHT MY ENEMIES HOW TO FLY FROM THE CROSS AND WITH THE CROSS AS I MYSELF HAVE USED THE CROSS OF MY OWN AS MY PLATFORM TO BRING BACK THE LOST TRUTH ON EARTH. The Rose Parvin New Creation Fallow Me to Freedom! Let Freedom Rise & Let Freedom Be! Sing the Song of Freedom with MeFreedom Is Rising, Freedom Is Rising, Freedom Rose Pattern Change Programming is... A Path of Success & Spiritual Excellence for a Self born again free and Governed by Universal Laws of Power Balance, of Time Appropriate Laws & Inner Ethics, Non-Selective Compassion & Wisdom - And this is Rose Parvin's Revolution of Compassion and Psycho-Spirituality of Being in philosophical vision and approach of Power Balance Therapy In Scientific Psychology of Excellence, Flying & Prevention in the wings of the advanced technology of Pattern Change Programming to free humanity. This Rose is not Just a Rose She is The Time Rose -The Bird Is The Flight itself, for you to become yourself YOU FOR FAME AND SECURITY AND D THEIR MOUCELIKE EATING AT THE RO TRANSPARENCY AND THE DESCIPLINE HUMAN RIGHTS AND DIGNITY INSTEA ALTHOUGH I HAVE FORGIVEN ALL WH ME INCLUDING YOURSELF, MY BOOKS PLAGIARISTS WHILE I SHOULD ENJOY MEDIUM I BRAUGHT TO REBIRTH BY M IF YOU AND THOSE WHO HAVE RAPPE CONSICENCE STEMMING FROM WISDO AND HELP OTHERS EXCEL INSTEAD O TRAGEDY ONCE AGAIN. I AIRED A DIA AND YOU HAVE SEEN IT IN MY DOCUM DIALOGUE THAT WHEN I ASK YOU WH THESE YEARS YOU RESPOND THAT IT RIGHT; MY GOING ON THE CROSS OF BECOME A SERVANT INSTEAD OF THE AND MY GOING ON THE CROSS BRING DIMENSION I HAVE SUFFERED ILLEGA MAKE THE WRONG RIGHT. IT IS TIME FROM ME. 7/31/2007 ASSEER V.S. ASSEER DEAR JUDGE, I DID NOT RECEIVE 30 DAY NOT PLAINTIFF’S SOSTER. I HAVE NEVER P GRATEFUL FOR HIS BUYING THE CON ME AFTER I LOST EVERYTHING IN MY WOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD. AFTER HAV CALLING TO BECOME THE MOTHER O YEAR AND HAVE TELEVISION SHOWS ( GLOBAL PEACE AND REFORM PROGR TO BLOCK MY VOICE AND DEFAME, C GUIDANCE OF THE GROP IS VICTORIO LOST MY HOMES, CENTER AND I USED I HAVE WORKED VERY HARD T FILM AND SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE O CHANGE. HE IS ALSO PROMOTER OF R REVOLUTION OF COMPASSION AND P DICTATORSHIP REGEMES INSTEAD TO GLOBAL FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY SPREAD MY MISSION WHILE PUTTING RIVALRY SEEN THROUGHOUT HISTOR I AM HAPPY MY BROTHER HAS B SEVERAL HUNDRED THOUSANDS DOL THOUSAND DOLLARS” FROM THE SAL FINANCIALLY AND I WANT TO HELP H COMING TO FRUITION WITH MR. MASS MY VOICE GLOBALL WHILE PROMOTIN CREDIBLITY HE HAS RECEIVED AND C 12 YEAR GUIDANCE. (I AM NOT IN A LA I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO RECEIVE A STORES AND LIBRARIES ARE FILLED W CLAIM MY PIONEERING ADVANCED PS PATTERN CHANGE PROGRAMMING US BALANCE FOR UNVIERSAL HEALTH, E FREEDOM FREEDOM IS NOT A BELL RINGING, FREEDOM IS NOT A BIRD SINGING, FREEDOM IS MY HEART AND SOUL THAT IS FREE- FREEDOM IS LOVE, UNCONDITIONALLY – FREEDOM IS GLOBAL DEMOCRACY – I WILL PLANT A RED ROSE IN YOUR HEART AND WILL CHANGE YOUR PATTERNS FROM DARK TO LIGHT – I WILL PLANT THE ROSE SEEDS OF LIGHT AND COMPASSION AND PULL THE WEEDS OF DARKNESS AND DESTRUCTION – ALL MY LIFE I SARCHED THE TRUTH – IN MY SOUL I FOUND THE DRUMMER BOY PLAYING – IN PRISON OR ON THE CROSS OF IGNORANCE OF MAN – YOU ARE FREE WITH ME –YOU CAN BE SORROUNDED BY ENEMY – WITH ME YOU ARE FREE – YOU NEED NO ONE BUT ME – NOW I SING YOU THAT SONG MY DRUMMER BY SINGS ME – IN PRISON OR ON THE CROSS OF IGNORANCE OF MAN – YOU ARE FREE WITH ME – YOU NEED NO ONE BUT ME – SO SING WITH ME THE SONG FOR FREEDOM – LET FREEOM RISE AND LET FREEDOM BE – AND SING WITH ME – FREEDOM IS RISING – FREEDOM IS RISING, FREEDOM ROSE – AND THAT’S THE WAYTHE TRUE STORY GOES – FREEDOM ROSE – ROSE ASSEER PARVIN - 2005 MIRROR OF THE WORLD ROSE PARVIN 7/22/2004 I AM THE MIRROR OF THE WORLD - I HAVE A STORY TO BE TOLD – A TRUE STORY - I HAVE LIVED THROUGH – A NEW CREATION – WITH ALL THINGS NEW – WAR OF EVIL AND GOD – TO THE END – TO SHED THE LIGHT – TO CREATE GOOD INTENT – IS WHAT I DO – TO CHANGE MY DESTINY – AND THAT OF THE WORLD – AND MAKE IT NEW – TO BRING NEW WORLD ORDER TO CHAOS – TO CREATE BALANCE OF POWER –AMONG PARTIES, RACES, RELIGIONS AND NATIONS – TO CREATE A NEW CULTURE – THAT EMBRACES DIVERSE UNITY WITH GRACE – TO BRING PEACE WITH ROSE REVOLUTION OF COMPASSION – WITHOUT WAR AND VIOLENCE – TO CREATE UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY FOR PEOPLE POWER – AND GLOBAL HEALTH AND EXCELLENCE – FOR THE RAINBOW CHILDREN OF HUMANITY – THOSE WHO WILL STOP THEIR SINS – AND I FORGIVE ALL T HEIR SINS – THAT IS CALLED ROSE RELILGION – BEYOND ALL WALLS OF PREJUDICE AND FEAR – AND SEPARATION OF NATIONS – FROM ONE ANOTHER – THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD – WHATEVER YOU CALL IT – JUST BECOME ROSE – LIKE – FOR YOU TO KNOW AND LOVE YOURSELF – AND CAN LOVE ONE ANOTHER – VICTORY IT IS VICTORY - WHEN YOU REACH YOUR HEIGHT – IN YOUR PROPHECY – MISSION OF CREATING GLOBAL SELVES , GLOBAL FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY – TO GIVE A NEW BREATH OF KNOWLEDGE TO PEOPLE AND WATCH THEM BE BORN FREE – WHEN YOUR REVOLUTION OFCOMPASSION – BEARS FRUIT – AND YOU CAN SEE – LET US BE VICTORS TOGETHER – IN SINGING AND WALKING THE PATH – AND PRAYING FOR PEACE AND GLORY, ETERNALLY! – IT IS VICTORY – IT IS VICTORY – IT IS VICTORY – TO BE BORN AGAIN, FREE – AND WATCH OTHERS – TO BE BORN AGAIN FREE- WITH ROSE REVOLUTION AND ROSE PROPHECY – IT IS VICTORY- IT IS VICTORY- IT IS VICTORY. Let Rose Revolution of Compassion Globalize, Let Love Win, Let The Sun Rise – let the light shine- let the truth prevail – I will not be silenced I will not compromise – I have gone on the cross – I have self sacrificed – for people to be born free – I have died and been born again – from my knowledge of the self and the soul, new creation is materialized. Angels helped and so did you – I am the messiah and not you! You be an angel instead of the devil – Give me back to my people and drop the veil. Open t he doors of the world and let me in – the gates of PREVAIL FINANCIALLY AS WELL AS I H MONEY DURING THE TIME I NEED TO HELP HIM SELL THE HOUSE. I BELIEV GIFT TO TURN THINGS AROUND! I MUST ADD THAT WHEN MY BROTHER AND HAVE ME MOVED THERE FIRST B WANTED TO BUY ONEAND WAS FACIN TELEVISION SHOWS AND DOCUMENTA HAVE HELPED ONE ANOTHER IN THE A CONSISTANT PATTERN THAT MY WIS SHOULD BE THE SAME NOW HAD I NO LIFE WORK AND IDENTITY AND SILEN heaven are in my words and in my pen! Love is not enoughyou must love yourself to love others – otherwise what you give is like thorns and not the flowers – I plant a red rose in your hearts and change your patterns – from dark to light you fly and with me you become the change agents that change the dark matters – we claim back t he universe together from the devil of darkness – through teaching patterns of true love and compassion and freedom and justice Love is not enough - Loving actions are not lies, deceptions and conspiracies that to the soul body and mind are tough. You are on my bleeding wings and denying - I am bleeding and you are laughing –I am teaching and guiding and you are defying – you are coming my way only to claim my identity and spread my leaves to pour dirt over me – I am on the cross of your ignorance and you are constantly lying – the mice and snakes have told you that you can be me – be whoever you want to be but why at the cost of me – you are reaping my life tree and raping me of my every leave – where is love that you claim – that all you take me to others you give-Idol worshiping and God killing must stop – From my scientific knowledge you and your group gain credibility – you have proven me by multiplying me – I could have planted spirit and conscience in them that you did not – otherwise they would not have been denying me Rose Parvin, From the desk of (949)887-2127 Moving Sale – All furniture must go! French Antiques! Lowest priced! My friends, I am moving. The condo I live in which belongs to my brother will be sold. He saved me seven years ago when I lost my center and homes and 30,000 /month in my Prophetic Journey writing nine books in one year in 1994to create Global Peace and Reform toward Global Democracy and freedom without war and violence and an addiction free world and society. My television shows are making a global difference. If you are interested in purchasing the condo, if you have a condo available for sale for me to move into that is worth at $300,000 let me know. 1. Painting , ( Dr. Newman’s) Ocean and boats in Newport Beach ( large) $ 400 2. Woman ( Silk Screen) white wash frame) large $ 800 3. Painting ( water and jungle) – green antique $ 200 4. Patio furniture ( Brown wicker) 4 pieces with pillows$ 100 5. Marble Dinning table ( Italy) green 6. Love Seat – white – antique $ 100 7. “ “ 8. 9. table ( end) marble Bedroom set– French Bombay ( six piece) $1700 10. Ittalian dinning room divider 300 11. Love Seat 2 ( high back – floral) 12. Love Seat ( high back) $ 13. Dinning table chairs ( 6 ) SOLD $ 250e 14. Cabinets off white, bedroom (2) SOLD 15. Antique chairs brown leather (two) $ 150e 16. Antique chairs white wash(two) $ 150e 17. 100 seminar chairs – cloth brown and beige perfect folding $ 12e 18. book case ( large) English $1500 19. book shelf ( small secretary) $ 300 20. Bedroom set– French Bombay ( six piece) $1700 21. Italian dinning room divider $1700 22. Love Seat 2 ( high back – floral) $ 300 23. Love Seat ( high back) $ 300 24. Cabinets off white, bedroom (2) SOLD $ 100 25. Antique chairs brown leather (two) $ 150e 26. Antique chairs white wash(two) $ 150e 27. 100 seminar chairs – cloth brown and beige perfect folding $ 12e 28. book case ( large) English $ 700 29. book shelf ( small secretary) $ 100 30. desk ( Italian large – with wood and bronz) $2000 31. desk (Antique – wood) SOLD $ 200 32. Silver set – Family Tea Set –hand Made in Sheeraz best offer 33. Silver wear – Family set – hand made in Sheeraz “ “ 34. Persian Rugs – two large from Kerman and Torkaman “ “ 35. Small Rugs “ “ 36. Many other prints with beautiful professional frames- tablesshelves$50 or less 37. Other art work and furniture available by appointment f `