Retrospectiv Clinical Trial on Treatment with Fenofibrat – “ Lipanthil” in Dyslipidemia of Coronary Disease Patients Alexandra Crişu Bota*, I. Maniţiu*, Liliana Coldea*, M. Crişu** * “Victor Papilian “ Faculty of Medicine Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu ** The Clinic of Cardiology , the Clinic County Hospital from Sibiu ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to estimate/consider the effect of fenofibrat –„Lipanthyl” treatment, (daily dose 200 mg) on 52 dislipidemic patients suffering of coronary artery disease – myocardial infarction, with or without diabetes mellitus. The investigationwas carried out between 2002–2003, on patients with myocardial infarction which were divided into groups of age, sex, urban or rural environment, presence of diabetes mellitus, of dislipidemia and other risk factors such as obesity, stress, sedentariness. The study used the HER of the clinical hospital and data were analysed with SPSS.The obtained results indicate the favourable effect of fenofibrat–„Lipanthyl” for these patients. It equilibrates the lipid risk factors: both through producing the diminution of T cholesterol and triglycerides and increasing of the HDL–C– group in hypercholesterolemia as well as in mixed dislipidemia. The fenofibrat treatment lowers the cardiovascular risk at the patients with decreased HDL–C and at the diabetic and nondiabetic coronary disease patients. INTRODUCTION Dyslipidemia represents one of the most frequent metabolism disorders met in the case of diabetes mellitus. Dyslipidemia refers to both quantitative and qualitative modifications of lipids and blood lipoproteins. The first are characterized particular by atherosclerotic dyslipidemia: - the increase of LDL - the increase of triglycerides - the decrease of HDL The qualitative modifications refers to : - postprandial hyperlipidemia - the increase of LDL of type B - the increase of LDL glycosylated and oxidated The cardiovascular risk due to the dyslipidemia in the diabetes mellitus is greater than to the general population. THE AIM The study was retrospectively done on 52 coronary patients (34 males and 18 females), the average age 63,98 years old (between 40 and 85 years old). From this group 21 patients were suffering of diabetes mellitus and 17 patients with arterial hypertension. The parameters taken into account were: sex, age, urban or rural environment; the level of cholesterol, of triglycerides, of HDL; the level of inflammatory tests (ESR- erythrocyte sedimentation rate, fibrinogen and RCP- reactive C protein); the presence of diabetes mellitus and other risk factors such as: arterial hypertension, obesity, stress and sedentariness. RESULTS AND METHODS The Electronic Health Record System of the cardiology clinic was used in order to extract the selection of the cases that entered in the study. The data analysis was realized with the SPSS program. The study was retrospectively done on 52 coronary patients (34 males and 18 women), the average of age of 63,98 years old (between 40 and 85 years old). From this group, 21 patients were suffering of diabetes mellitus and 17 patients with arterial hypertension. The parameters taken into account were: sex, age, urban and rural environment; the level of 1 cholesterol, of triglycerides, of HDL; the level of inflammatory tests (ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, fibrinogen and RCP- reactive C protein); the presence of diabetes mellitus and other risk factors such as arterial hypertension, obesity, stress and sedentariness. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS From the 52 patients, 65% were males and 35% females – table no. 1. One observed an increased prevalence of the coronary disease at males – figure no. 1 Table no. 1 Distribution on sexes Sex Male Female No. of cases 34 18 Percentage 65% 35% 35% Male Fem ale 65% Figure no. 1 Distribution on sexes Table no. 2 Distribution depending on urbane or rural environment Environment No. of cases Percentage Urbane 42 81% Rural 10 19% 19% Urban Rural 81% Figure no. 2 Distribution depending on urbane or rural environment More than 60%of the patients studied were over 60 years old – table no. 3, figure no. 3. Table no. 3 Distribution depending on age Age No. of cases 40-60 years 18 Over 60 years 34 Percentage 35% 65% 2 35% 40-60 years Over 60 years 65% Figure no. 3 Distribution depending on age Taking into account the myocardial infarction localization, the distribution of the patients was: 16 cases of anterior myocardial infarction, 7 cases of inferior - lateral myocardial infarction, 16 cases of inferior myocardial infarction and 13 cases with other localization (profound septal, inferior and right ventricular, posterior- inferior- lateral, lateral, non-Q ) table no. 4 Table no. 4 Distribution depending on myocardial infarction localization Localization No. of cases Percentage Anterior 16 31% Inferior-lateral 7 13% Inferior 16 31% Other localizations 13 25% Other localizations Inferior Inferior - lateral Anterior 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 To be noticed that the most frequent localizations were those fore and inferior – figure no. 4 Figure no. 4 Distribution depending on myocardial infarction localization The studied coronary patients had different types of dyslipidemia such as: mixed dyslipidemia (38,46%), hypercholesterolemia (61,53%), with an average value of cholesterol of 221,15mg% (98-485mg%) and hypertriglycerides (23%) with an average value of 194,26mg% (471676mg%). Low values of HDL was present at 66% of the patients (an average value of 44,56mg%) - figure no. 5 3 38,46% Mixed dyslipidemia 23% Hypertriglycerides 61,53% Hypercholesterolemia 66% Low HDL 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Figure no.5 Distribution depending on the type of dyslipidemia Hypercholesterolemia was present more frequently at male patients (25 cases), at female patients (7 cases), the same data were found in the mixed dyslipidemia - 12 cases at male patients and 8 cases at female patients – table no. 5, figure no. 6 Table no.5 Distributions depending on the type of dyslipidemia and sexes Type of Dyslipidemia Males Hypercholesterolemia 25 Mixed Dyslipidemia 12 Females 7 8 25 20 15 Hypercholesterolem ia 10 Mixed Dyslipidem ia 5 0 Males Females Figure no.6 Distribution depending on the type of dyslipidemia and sexes From 52 patients, 21 patients were found with diabetes mellitus (47%), 6 patients with obesity (14%), 17 patients with high blood pressure (39%)- figure no.7 14% Obesity 39,00% Arterial hypertension 47% Diabetus mellitus 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Figure no. 7 Distribution depending on associated risk factors 4 50% At normo-ponderal patients (88%) prevailed hypercholesterolemia, at the obese patients (12%) prevailed mixed dyslipidemia. There were 3 cases of obese male patients and 3 cases of female patients. From the 21 patients with diabetes mellitus, there were 14 male patients and 7 female patients. From the diabetes mellitus patients, 6 of them had dyslipidemia. The patients with a precarious glycemic control (57,5%) were found more frequently having mixed dyslipidemia while at those with a good and acceptable glycemic control prevailed hypercholesterolemia. Concerning the inflammation tests, 14 patients (30%) were found with increased values of the ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), fibrinogen and RCP (reactive C protein)- table no. 6, figure no.8 Table no.6 Distribution depending on the inflammation tests’ presence Inflammation tests No. of cases Percentage Normal 38 73% Increased 14 27% 27% Norm al Increased 73% Figure no. 8 Distribution depending on inflammation tests’ presence In the studied group one found other associated affections such as: 8 cases of pulmonary affections; one case of neurological, ocular and endocrine affections; 4 cases of renal affections; 2 cases of digestive affections – table no. 7 Table no.7 Distribution depending on the associated affections Associated Affections Pulmonary Neurological Ocular Endocrine Renal Digestive No. of cases 8 1 1 1 4 2 Percentage 15% 1% 1% 1% 8% 4% The therapy associated to Lipanthyl on the studied group was as follows: in 36 cases thrombolysis, in 39 cases converting -enzyme -inhibitors, in 17 cases beta-blockers, in 45 cases nitrates, in 2 cases blockers of calcium channels, in 48 cases antiaggregants and anticoagulants and in 8 cases other therapies. – table no. 8 Table no. 8 Distribution depending on the therapy associated to Lipanthyl Associated Therapy Thrombolysis Converting- enzyme- inhibitors Beta-blockers Nitrates 5 No. of cases 36 39 17 45 Percentage 70% 75% 33% 86% Blockers of calcium channels Antiaggregants and anticoagulants Other therapies 2 48 8 4% 92% 15% To be noticed that most of the cases benefited from thrombolythic therapy, the therapy of acute myocardial infarction being a complex therapy in which each class of drugs brought its benefits in the atheroma plaque’s stabilization or in influencing the other factors involved in cardiac pathology. CONCLUSIONS The control and evaluation of dyslipidemia must be a major object in the medical attendance of the persons with coronary disease. The most frequent dyslipidemia in the studied group was: hypercholesterolemia (61,53%) with an average value of cholesterol of 221,15mg% (98 – 485mg%), followed by mixed dyslipidemia (38,46%) and hypertriglycerimia (23%) with an average value of 194,26mg% (47 – 1676mg%). Low values of HDL were present at 66% of the patients ( an average value of 44,56mg%) The patients with precarious glycemic control (57,5%) were more frequently found with mixed dyslipidemia while at those with a good and acceptable glycemic control prevailed hypercholesterolemia. At normo-ponderal patients (88%) prevailed the hypercholesterolemia and at the obese patients (12%) was more frequently found the mixed dyslipidemia. By treating dyslipidemias with Lipanthyl one significantly improves the level of cholesterol and triglycerides, together with the increase of HDL at the patients with hypercholesterolemia and mixed dyslipidemia. The treatment of dyslipidemias with Lipanthyl influences the morbidity and the cardiovascular mortality at the diabetic and non-diabetic patients. BIBLIOGRAPHY : 1. Aeonson D., Rayfield E.J., Chesebro J.H. – „Mechanisms determining course and outcome of diabetic patients who have had acute myocardial infarction”, Ann Intern Med., 1997, 126 : 296-306. 2. Lefebvre A.M., Peinado-Onsurbe J., Leitersdorf I., et al. – „Regulatinon of lipoprotein metabolism by thiazolidinediones occurs through a district but complementary mechanism relative to fibrates”, Arterioscler Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 1997, 17: 1756-64. 3. 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