淡江大學92 學年度第二學期期中考試命題紙 考試科目: 資訊管理 開課

考試科目: 資訊管理
考試日期: 4 月 14 日 第一節
本試題共 四 頁
准帶項目請打「O」否則打「X」 1、須加發計算紙請在試題內封袋備註。
印刷份數 214 份 計算機 課本 筆記
三 年 B、C 班 命題教授簽章: 何錦堂助理教授
企管 系
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3、印刷格式請勾選: (√ )二張 A4 併成一張 B4 印刷。
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淡江大學 92 學年度第二學期期中考試命題紙
考試科目: 資訊管理
考試日期: 4 月 14 日 第一節
本試題共 四 頁
准帶項目請打「O」否則打「X」 1、須加發計算紙請在試題內封袋備註。
印刷份數 214 份 計算機 課本 筆記
三 年 B、C 班 命題教授簽章: 何錦堂助理教授
企管 系
(不填寫者扣 5 分)
2、本命題紙為 A4 大小,內容多時可以較小字體繕打。
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【說明:請依座號奇偶數之別,各寫奇偶數之題目,並將答案直接書寫於試題紙上,每題 3%】
1. ( b ) Information systems are __________ systems.
a) behavioral b) sociotechnical c) technical d) optimizing e) efficient
2. ( e ) Maintaining the organization's financial records is a business function of:
a) manufacturing and production. b) finance. c) human resources. d) sales and marketing. e) accounting.
3. ( d ) A major problem raised by the development of powerful, inexpensive computers involves not technology but:
a) the use of computer games during work hours. b) proprietary information. c) the maintenance of a stable workforce.
d) management and organization. e) capital budgets.
4. ( d ) A major change in the relationship between information systems and organizations is:
a) the level of interest in information systems within all employee groups has increased.
b) the decreased dependence on mainframe systems.
c) that there is increased competition between the two.
d) that managing systems today involves a much larger part of the organization today than it did in the past.
e) that newer organizations have an edge over older ones.
5. ( e ) A broad-based understanding of information systems that includes behavioral knowledge about organizations and individuals using
information systems as well as technical knowledge about computers is called:
a) computer literacy. b) MIS literacy. c) technology literacy. d) management literacy. e) information systems literacy.
6. ( b ) The global availability of the Internet has fueled the growth of:
a) new laws against pornography. b) electronic commerce. c) new tariffs and tax laws worldwide. d) free trade. e) the universal use of the English language.
7. ( c ) Managers need __________ to monitor the status of internal operations and the firm's relations with the external environment.
a) office systems b) knowledge systems c) transaction processing systems d) high-volume model data e) policy data
8. ( c ) Management-level systems are information systems that support the:
a) long-range planning activities of senior management. b) knowledge and data workers in an organization.
c) decision-making and administrative activities of middle managers. d) day-to-day processes of production.
e) elementary activities and transactions of the organization.
9. ( b ) __________ describe(s) information inputs to an MIS system.
a) Aggregate data b) High-volume data c) Design specifications d) Analytic models and data analysis tools e) Documents and schedules
10. ( a ) The rapid communication of changes in product design is one way information systems can facilitate:
a) supply chain management. b) collaborative planning. c) outsourcing. d) JIT inventory practices. e) managerial efficiency.
11. ( d ) ______ generally provide answers to routine questions that have been specified in advance and have a predefined procedure for answering them.
a) TPS b) ESS c) DSS d) MIS e) ALS
12. ( b ) From an economic standpoint, information system technology can be viewed as a:
a) capital expenditure. b) factor of production that can be freely substituted for capital and labor.
c) cost of doing business in any environment in today's global economy. d) transaction mediator. e) product or service in itself.
13. ( d ) Information technology plays a critical role in helping organizations:
a) maintain the existing bureaucratic structure. b) work with nonroutine tasks. c) develop better-educated employee groupings.
d) perceive environmental change. e) determine critical value chain orientations.
14. ( e ) "Garbage can" models of decision making are models that:
a) result from competition in bargaining among the organization's interest groups and leaders.
b) are based on decisions being shaped by standard operating procedures.
c) take into account the structural and political characteristics of an organization.
d) believe that organizational decisions are forced by unexpected environmental factors.
e) believe that organizations are not rational and that decisions are accidental solutions to problems.
15. ( a ) In Simon's model of the stages in decision making, the implementation stage is described as:
a) putting the decision into effect. b) determining possible solutions to the problem. c) reporting on the outcomes of the decision.
d) deciding which solution to apply to the problem. e) identifying and understanding the problem.
淡江大學 92 學年度第二學期期中考試命題紙
考試科目: 資訊管理
考試日期: 4 月 14 日 第一節
本試題共 四 頁
准帶項目請打「O」否則打「X」 1、須加發計算紙請在試題內封袋備註。
印刷份數 214 份 計算機 課本 筆記
三 年 B、C 班 命題教授簽章: 何錦堂助理教授
企管 系
2、本命題紙為 A4 大小,內容多時可以較小字體繕打。
3、印刷格式請勾選: (√ )二張 A4 併成一張 B4 印刷。
( )依 A4 原稿印刷。 ( )放大成 B4 印刷。
16. ( e ) A business that aggregates content or applications from multiple sources and sells them to third-party Web sites is called:
a) a portal. b) an online community. c) a virtual seller. d) an ISP. e) a syndicator.
17. ( b ) Companies are realizing substantial cost savings from:
a) online storefronts. b) Web-based customer self-service applications. c) up-to-date competitive analyses.
d) customer communities. e) confidential customer information.
18. ( e ) Internet technology alone:
a) provides a good business strategy. b) allows better management for any company. c) makes older business strategies obsolete.
d) can be a substitute for an effective business strategy. e) is not a substitute for an effective business strategy.
19. ( b ) Businesses can waste thousands and even millions of dollars building and maintaining a Web site that fails to deliver the desired
results if they are unclear about their online strategy and its relationship to:
a) the speed with which business is conducted on the Internet. b) their overall business strategy.
c) their security requirements. d) their ability to obtain supplies for their products. e) their customers.
20. ( b ) Advances in data storage techniques and rapidly declining storage costs have:
a) been a boon to offshore companies. b) made the routine violation of individual privacy both cheap and effective.
c) created more secure data banks. d) made new solutions to ethical problems possible.
e) created congressional interest in evolving laws to protect them.
21. ( b ) In the information age, the obligations that individuals and organizations have concerning standards of data and system quality
for the protection of individual rights and the safety of society falls within the moral dimension of:
a) property rights. b) system quality. c) accountability and control. d) information rights and obligations. e) quality of life.
22. ( b ) Each of the United States federal privacy laws listed below is a general law except the:
a) Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986. b) Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998.
c) Computer Security Act of 1987. d) Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act of 1982. e) Freedom of Information Act, 1966 as Amended.
23. ( c ) A compiler:
a) is the language the computer executes. b) is a set of programs written for specific functions performed by end users.
c) is special system software that translates a high-level language into machine language for execution by the computer.
d) is written in a high-level language that must be translated into machine language to be executed by the computer.
e) is a set of generalized programs that manage the computer's resources
24. ( e ) XML is a:
a) hybrid language providing more flexibility than the popular language in current use.
b) language that delivers only the software functionality needed for a specific task.
c) page description language for creating Web pages and other hypermedia documents.
d) language that combines data and program code.
e) general-purpose language that describes the structure of the document and supports links to multiple documents.
25. ( b ) Multiprocessing:
a) allows many programs to share a computer system's resources at any one time through concurrent use of the CPU.
b) links together two or more CPUs to work in parallel in a single computer system.
c) handles programs more efficiently by breaking down the programs into tiny sections that are read to memory only when needed.
d) limits the size of the program in memory to 640 KB.
e) is an arrangement permitting many users to be connected to a CPU simultaneously.
26. ( b ) The power of computer hardware and software has grown much more rapidly than:
a) the ability of organizations to purchase the technology. b) the ability of organizations to apply and use the technology.
c) worldwide Internet usage. d) governments can control. e) telecommunications technologies.
27. ( a ) The fact that information technology is rapidly declining in cost and growing in power:
a) does not easily translate into productivity enhancements. b) cannot continue. c) is not true in less-developed countries.
d) is an easy way to increase profits. e) is not matched by a corresponding increase in employee computer capability.
28. ( a ) __________ describe(s) information inputs to an ESS system.
a) Aggregate data b) High-volume data c) Design specifications d) Analytic models and data analysis tools e) Documents and schedules
29. ( d ) KWS are:
a) strategic-level systems. b) management-level systems. c) operational-level systems. d) knowledge-level systems. e) transaction-level systems.
淡江大學 92 學年度第二學期期中考試命題紙
考試科目: 資訊管理
考試日期: 4 月 14 日 第一節
本試題共 四 頁
准帶項目請打「O」否則打「X」 1、須加發計算紙請在試題內封袋備註。
印刷份數 214 份 計算機 課本 筆記
三 年 B、C 班 命題教授簽章: 何錦堂助理教授
企管 系
2、本命題紙為 A4 大小,內容多時可以較小字體繕打。
3、印刷格式請勾選: (√ )二張 A4 併成一張 B4 印刷。
( )依 A4 原稿印刷。 ( )放大成 B4 印刷。
30. ( b ) Knowledge-level decision making:
a) is a function of senior management. b) evaluates new ideas.
c) provides judgments, evaluation, and insights into the problem definition. d) often uses ESS. e) requires advanced degrees.
31. ( d ) Lowered __________ is/are a major benefit of the Internet to consumers.
a) data storage costs b) transaction costs c) information asymmetry d) search costs e) credit costs
32. ( e ) Advances in data analysis techniques for large pools of data make it easy for companies to:
a) protect themselves from data theft. b) create congressional interest in evolving laws to protect them. c) create more secure data banks.
d) use information systems for their core production processes. e) derive detailed personal information about individuals.
33. ( b ) Fourth-generation report generators:
a) contain preprogrammed modules that can greatly speed development.
b) extract data from files or databases to create customized outputs in a wide range of formats not routinely produced by an information system.
c) retrieve data from files or databases and display them in an illustrative format.
d) support requests for information that are not predefined. e) generate program code with fewer instructions than conventional languages.
34. ( e ) The Globalization Challenge has and will require the development and design of:
a) cross-cultural accounting and reporting structures. b) transnational business processes.
c) specialized and widely varied technology platforms that communicate across national boundaries. d) both A and C above e) both A and B above
35. ( d ) Market research and pricing are functions of:
a) finance/accounting systems. b) human resources systems. c) manufacturing/production systems.
d) sales marketing systems. e) decision support systems.
36. ( e ) The behavioral view of organizations emphasizes group relationships and:
a) values. b) abstract rules and procedures. c) structures. d) both A and B above e) both A and C above
37. ( a ) When a large firm uses an extranet to link to its suppliers and other key business partners, a(n) __________ is created.
a) private industrial network b) intranet c) Web marketplace d) channels center e) personalized supply chain
38. ( e ) The ethical "no free lunch" rule states that:
a) if an action cannot be taken repeatedly, then it is not right to be taken at any time.
b) one should take the action that produces the least harm or incurs the least cost.
c) one can put values in rank order and understand the consequences of various courses of action.
d) if an action is not right for everyone to take, it is not right for anyone to take.
e) everything is owned by someone else, and that the creator wants compensation for his work.
39. ( a ) The construction of software programs by selecting and arranging programming objects rather than by writing program code is the basis of:
a) visual programming. b) Java. c) HTML. d) fourth-generation programming languages. e) XML.
40. ( c ) The use of information systems can help small organizations:
a) develop teamwork. b) cross-train employees. c) look like large ones to potential customers and clients.
d) develop a global market for their products. e) maintain highly complex and revealing records and reports.
41. (○) The digital firm is able to conduct business across boundaries almost as efficiently and effectively as it can conduct business within the firm itself.
42. (○) At each level of the organization there are information systems supporting the major functional areas of the business.
43. (○) An organization is more stable than an informal group in terms of longevity and routineness.
44. (○) Order fulfillment is often the most expensive operation in electronic commerce.
45. (╳) Rapid technological change does not mean that the choices facing individuals will also rapidly change.
46. (○) Integrated software packages provide a set of the more general-purpose software tools and eliminate redundant data entry and data maintenance.
47. (╳) Knowledge is data that have been shaped into a meaningful form.
48. (╳) In the order fulfillment process, the sales department generates the invoice.
49. (○) In a postindustrial society, the shape of organizations should flatten because professional workers tend to be self-managing.
50. (○) Intranets are useful in all the major functional areas of business.
淡江大學 92 學年度第二學期期中考試命題紙
考試科目: 資訊管理
考試日期: 4 月 14 日 第一節
本試題共 四 頁
准帶項目請打「O」否則打「X」 1、須加發計算紙請在試題內封袋備註。
印刷份數 214 份 計算機 課本 筆記
三 年 B、C 班 命題教授簽章: 何錦堂助理教授
企管 系
2、本命題紙為 A4 大小,內容多時可以較小字體繕打。
3、印刷格式請勾選: (√ )二張 A4 併成一張 B4 印刷。
( )依 A4 原稿印刷。 ( )放大成 B4 印刷。
51. Nicholas Carr has claimed that ”IT doesn’t matter”. What’s your point of view ? (5%)
52. Please write down the potential privacy issues about RFID application. (10%)
53. Please depict the framework of business model according the discussion board on web. (10%)