Template for Investment Feasibility Report

Investment Feasibility Report
题目/Topic: The Investment Feasibility analysis of XX
product in XX Area
团队名称/Team Name:
团队负责人/Team Leader:
电话/Phone Number:
学号/ID No.:
提交时间/Submission Date:2016 年 Y
The Investment Feasibility analysis of XX product in XX Area T
This investment feasibility is………...
Key words: Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Non Financial Services (NFS),
Small Industrial Development Organization (SIDO), Innovation
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 Overview on Macro Investment Environment .......................................................... 1
1.1 Geographic Description .................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Political Environment.......................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Economic Environment ....................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Social Environment ............................................................................................................. 2
1.5 Technical Environment ....................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER 2:Market Prospect Analysis......................................................................................... 2
2.1 Industry Development ......................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Investment Supported Policies ............................................................................................ 2
2.3 Supply and Demand Analysis ............................................................................................. 2
2.4 Main Influence Factors ....................................................................................................... 2
2.5 Market Forecast................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER 3:Market Competition Analysis .................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER 4:SWOT Analysis of an Investment ............................................................................ 2
CHAPTER 5:The Development Scheme of a New Investment Project ......................................... 3
CHAPTER 6:The Financial Feasibility Analysis of a New Investment Project ............................ 3
CHAPTER 7:The Risk Analysis of a New Investment Project ...................................................... 3
CHAPTER 8:Investment Recommendations ................................................................................. 3
References ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Appendices ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................................ 8
BDS–Business Development Services
BOT–Bank of Tanzania
BRELA– Business Registration and Licensing Agency
CAMARTEC–Centre for Agricultural Mechanization Rural and Technology
DFRC–Development Finance Resource Centre
List of figures
Figure 1.1 Map of Morogoro Region, Tanzania……………………………………….4
List of Tables
Table 1.1 The structure of SMEs in Tanzania………………………….…………….16
CHAPTER 1 Overview on Macro Investment
1.1 Geographic Description
The financial sector has changed significantly during recent decades. The higher
competitive pressure and a greater concentration of financial institution particulary
banks have diverse impacts on lending practices. The banks are focusing on building a
business model that focuses on growth and opportunities to develop new income
streams through new operational and profitability model. There have been greater
focuses for banks to promote a stable, diverse and well-functioning financial system,
which is capable of effectively servicing SMEs needs and working on the micro level
initiatives that directly, impact SMEs access to credit and non financial services.The
non-financial services such as entrepreneurship education training, business advice
and guidance, business assessments, consulting etc have been recently reformulated as
high quality demanded programs for SMEs in many countries, including Tanzania.
The needs of SMEs are beyond the pure provision of financial services. Developing a
successful SME banking is always difficult for financial institutions particularly banks
in emerging markets like Tanzania because there is a lack of reliable market and
SMEs information, and the difficulty of building a sound SME loan portfolio, which
bring serious challenges.
Figure 1.1 Map of Morogoro Region, Tanzania
1.2 Political Environment
The main objective
SMEs owners
Table 1.1 The distribution of samples
Questionnaire %Questionnaire %Questionnaire not
1.3 Economic Environment
1.4 Social Environment
1.5 Technical Environment
CHAPTER 2:Market Prospect Analysis
2.1 Industry Development
2.2 Investment Supported Policies
2.3 Supply and Demand Analysis
2.4 Main Influence Factors
2.5 Market Forecast
CHAPTER 3:Market Competition Analysis
The main objective
CHAPTER 4:SWOT Analysis of an Investment
The main objective
CHAPTER 5:The Development Scheme of a New
Investment Project
The main objective
CHAPTER 6:The Financial Feasibility Analysis of a
New Investment Project
The main objective
CHAPTER 7:The Risk Analysis of a New Investment
The main objective
CHAPTER 8:Investment Recommendations
The main objective
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