Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion (SECSOR) American Academy of Religion Society of Biblical Literature American Schools of Oriental Research Southeastern Regional Meeting 2007 March 16-18, 2007 Sheraton Nashville Downtown FRIDAY AFTERNOON, March 16 2:00-8:00 pm Registration – Front Lobby 6:00-8:00 pm Book Exhibits – Ballroom 1 & 2 Business Meetings – All Meetings will be conducted in Davidson Room A 2:00-3:30 pm Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion AAR/SBL/ASOR Joint Executive Committee 3:30-4:00 pm AAR/SBL/ASOR (SECSOR): Joint Business Meeting All members of the societies are invited 4:00-4:30 pm SBL/SE Business Meeting All members of the society are invited 4:30-5:00 pm AAR/SE Business Meeting All members of the society are invited 5:00-5:30 pm ASOR/SE Business Meeting All members of the society are invited FRIDAY EVENING, March 16 6:00-8:00 pm AAR: American Religion I Suite 5A Theme: Contributions to the Study of American Religion: Honoring the Work of Charles H. Lippy Sean McCloud, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Presiding Panelists: John Corrigan, Florida State University Kathleen Flake, Vanderbilt University Amanda Porterfield, Florida State University David G. Roebuck, Dixon Pentecostal Research Center, Lee University Respondent: Charles H. Lippy, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga AAR: Arts, Literature and Religion I Suite 5B Theme: Hybridity (I): Thinking About Religion on the Borders Carolyn M. Medine, University of Georgia, Presiding Chad Chapman, Vanderbilt Divinity School Everything Will Be Alright: A Look at Theology in the Middle of Things SBL: Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament I Suite 6A Alice Hunt, Vanderbilt University, Presiding Meagan Bishop Moore, Wake Forest University The Role of Hebrew Bible in Archeological and Historical Notions of Ethnicity Chris Paris, Vanderbilt University Judges 14:4 and the Interlopers of the Biblical Narrative Janell Johnson, Mercer University It was the Best of Times and the Worst of Times: Competing Characterizations of Solomon's Reign in 1 Kings 9:26-10:29 Jonathan Huddleston, Duke University Who Will Take Ruth the Moabitess? Competing Readings of Ruth 4:1-12 AAR: History of Religions I Suite 4A Theme: The Practice of Islam: Multiple Perspectives Herbert Berg, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Presiding James R. Newell, Vanderbilt University Postcolonial Intersections of Worldly and Spiritual Power Set to Music: Qawwali at the Urs of Hazrat Babajan of Pune Richard McGregor, Vanderbilt University Sufism and the State: Aesthetics and the Ritual Assertion of Power David Damrel, University of South Carolina Upstate Islamic Mysticism and Dissent in the Contemporary West: The Return of the Gold Dinar Anisah Bagasra, Claflin University Muslim College Students in America: A Diverse Voice in the Religious Landscape SBL: New Testament I Suite 4B Theme: Discourses on the body/anthropology Diane Lipsett, Wake Forest Divinity School, Presiding Joel Green, Asbury Theological Seminary Perspectives from the New Testament and Evolutionary Psychology on Freedom, Responsibility, and the Problem of Original Sin Jerry Sumney, Lexington Theological Seminary The Resurrection of the Body in Paul Alan P. Sherouse, Vanderbilt University Paul and the Politics of Disability Shelley H. Woodruff, McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University Paul’s Use of “Body” in His First Letter to the Corinthians AAR: Philosophy of Religion and Theology I Suite 6B Theme: Philosophical and Theology Engagements with Modern Philosophy Mark S. Medley, Campbellsville University, Presiding Carl Hughes, Emory University Pseudonymity, Ideality, and Performativity in Practice in Christianity: Rethinking Westphal’s Religiousness C Christy Flanagan, Florida State University Reconsidering Christian Dualism: Luther, Feuerbach, and Sinnlichkeit Todd Gooch, Eastern Kentucky University Feuerbach’s Later Views on Religion: A Belated Response to Van Harvey Robert Gall, West Liberty State College Hume, Heidegger, and Rorty: Religious Belief and the Meaning of Being AAR: Religion, Ethics, and Society I Suite 7A Theme: Topics in Ethical Theory Ted Smith, Vanderbilt University, Presiding Karen V. Guth, University of Virginia Discipleship and Resistance: Bonhoeffer and Yoder on the Christian Use of Violence Chad Michael Wayner, University of Virginia To See Rightly or Harmonize Well? Iris Murdoch, Moral Perfection, and Musical Harmony J. Cayenne Classen-Luttner, Emory University Activism and Victimhood in Ethical Responsibility Matthew Bersagel Braley, Emory University Documenting a Disease: Varieties of Moral Discourse in the Global Response to HIV/AIDS AAR: Women and Religion I Davidson A Theme: Educating the Public on Women, Religion and Sexuality Monica A. Coleman, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Presiding Monique Moultrie, Vanderbilt University Hagar’s Legacy: Living to See God in the Faces of Latin American Women Hilda R. Davis, Faith Initiative, Tennessee Department of Health Public Spaces: A Determinant of Personal Health Kenneth H. Hill, African Methodist Episcopal Church Womanist Pedagogies in Educating the Public of the Church Jane Carol Redmont, Guilford College The College is the Public: Promoting Religious Literacy with Race, Gender and Sexuality 8:15-9:30 pm AAR/SBL/ASOR: Plenary Session -- Ballroom Brian Pennington, Maryville College and Kenneth Hoglund, Wake Forest University, Presiding Announcements of Student Awards Presidential Addresses: AAR: George Shields, Kentucky State University On the Limits of Disenchantment: Postmodern Conversations with Umberto Eco and C.S. Peirce SBL: Emerson Powery, Lee University The Bible & the Slave Narrative 9:30-11:00 pm Conference Reception – Pinnacle Room SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 17 7:00-9:00 am AAR/SBL: Women’s Caucus Religious Studies Breakfast Legislative Terrace Workshop: “Women, Writing and Voice.” See Newsletter Program Notes for description Business Meeting 8:00 am-6:00 pm Registration Book Exhibit Front Lobby Ballroom 9:00-10:45 am AAR: African American Religion I Suite 5A Theme: Language, Literature, and Religion Ronald B. Neal, Claflin University, Presiding Nicole Renee Phillips, Vanderbilt University From Stigmata to Affection: How the Racial Epithet “Nigger” Is Altered in “Liminal” Space Amy E. Steele, Vanderbilt University Relational Ethics: An Analysis of Eliade’s Observations of Profane and Sacred Space in Toni Morrison’s Beloved Natasha N. Coby, Vanderbilt University Empathy in Octavia Butler’s Parable Series AAR/SBL: American Biblical Hermeneutics I Suite 5B Theme: Biblical Readings in the Century: Looking Back Finbar S. Benjamin, Oakwood College, University of Birmingham, Presiding Jerry A. Gladson, Colombia Theological Seminary and First Christian Church, Decatur, GA Heresy? The Charles Briggs Case after a Century Nathaniel Samuel Murrell, University of North Carolina Wilmington A Century after Albert Schweitzer’s Quest, Where is the Historical Jesus? Sarah Rollens, University of North CarolinaWilmington Jesus the Appositive Constructions: Theoretical and Methodological Problems in Current Historical Jesus Research Eric Douglass, Randolph-Macon College Identification with Characters in Reading Narrative ASOR/SBL: Archaeology and the Ancient World I Davidson A Theme: ASOR Presidential Address John Wineland, Kentucky Christian University, Presiding Milton Moreland, Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee Christian Artifacts in the Public Sphere: the James Ossuary and the Legitimation of Faith in the Modern Media AAR: Arts, Literature, and Religion II Suite 6A Theme: Hybridity (II): Music Kelly Williams, University of Georgia, Presiding David Horace Perkins, Vanderbilt University “Hell Yeah!”: Pairing Southern Religion and Punk Aesthetics in the Construction of American Gothic Music Clayton L. McNearney, Marshall University Performance in Search of an Identity Adam Ware, University of Georgia “True Echoes Sewn from Old Cloth”: Billy Corgan’s Inheritance of Blake’s Fragmented Vision SBL: Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament II Suite 6B Dwayne Howell, Campbellsville University, Presiding Sean Burt, Duke University The Contradiction of Genre in the Nehemiah Memoir Robert Wallace, Shorter College Davidic Voice, Mosaic Remembrance: The Narrative Effect of Psalms 101-103 Mitchel Modine, Drew University The Great Turn Turns Twenty-One: A Sketch of Jeremiah Studies Since Carroll, Holladay and McKane Blance Yan, McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University A Second Look at Exodus 3:13-15 AAR: History of Christianity I Suite 7A Theme: Theology Michael B. Simmons, Auburn University Montgomery, Presiding Peter Beck, South Baptist Theological Seminary Reviving Jonathan Edwards: A Biographical and Bibliographical Survey of the 20th Century Nathaniel J. Napier, McAfee School of Theology John Calvin and Menno Simons: Varying Conceptualities of Church/State Relations and Ecclesiastical Discipline Liberty Stewart, Emory University Revelation and Transformation: Schleiermacher's Use of Plato as a Response to the Romantic 'Bible Projects' Business Meeting AAR: History of Religions II Suite 4A Theme: Contemporary Hinduism in India and the United States Jeffrey Lidke, Berry College, Presiding William Harman, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga The Suicide Bomber Becomes a Goddess: Women, Theosis, and Sacrificial Violence in South Asia Eric J. Rothgery, Eckerd College Devi Visits Tampa: A Case of Possession at a Mahakumbabhishekam Consecration Ritual Lola Williamson and Devparna Roy, Millsaps College Intersection of Hindu and American Values and Practices Among Immigrant Indians in Jackson, Mississippi Business Meeting SBL: New Testament II Theme: Bodily Functions--Eating, Touching, Gender, Status Shelly Matthews, Furman University, Presiding David H. Sick, Rhodes College The Cenae of Petronius’ Trimalchio and John’s Jesus Lynn Myrick, Vanderbilt Divinity School A Feminist Reading of Luke 7.36-50: Liberating the “Sinful Woman” Janelle Peters, Emory University Anthropology and Angelology in the Gospel of Matthew John B. Weaver, Emory University Ancient Nobility and the Anthropology of Faith in Acts 17 Suite 4B AAR: Philosophy of Religion and Theology II Suite 7B Theme: Postliberalism, Postmodern Theology, and Theological Aesthetics Mark S. Medley, Campbellsville University, Presiding Ian Curran, Emory University Narrative and Analogy in Gerard Loughlin’s Telling God’s Story Jacob Goodson, University of Virginia Kant and the Nature of Doctrine Kristine Suna-Koro, Emory University Symbols in Postmodernity: On the Possibility of Apophatic Symbolism J. David Belcher, Vanderbilt University “Silent Music” and “Sounding Solitude”: A Theological Aesthetics of Perpetual Transit Business Meeting AAR: Religion, Ethics, and Society II/Academic Study of Religion and Pedagogy I Theme: Embodied Pedagogy Margarett P. Aymer, Interdenominational Theological Center, Presiding Panelists: Brendan Ozawa-Silva, Emory Univeristy Tina Pippin, Agnes Scott College Valerie Bridgeman-Davis, Memphis Theological Seminary Michelle Tooley, Berea College Davidson B 11:00-12:00 noon Plenary Session -- Ballroom 4 Brian Pennington, Maryville College, Presiding Dr. Charles Haynes, First Amendment Center Religious Liberty, Public Schools, and the Future of American Democracy 12:15-2:00 pm AAR: African American Religion II Suite 4A Theme: Engaging Black Popular Religion Ronald B. Neal, Claflin University, Presiding Kathleen Hladky, Florida State University Trinity Broadcasting Network: Media and the Word of Faith Movement Mark Nickens, Averett University Amorbearers in the African American Church Tamura Lomax, Vanderbilt University “Woman Thou Art Loosed!”: Releasing the Black Female Body from the Bonds of American Popular Religion AAR: American Religion II Suite 4B Theme: Dress, Diet, and the Production of American Religion Lynn S. Neal, Wake Forest University, Presiding Andrew Smith, Vanderbilt University The Breastplate of Righteousness: Symbols, Society, and the Christian T-Shirt Joseph Williams, Florida State University The Business of Charismatic Healing Anne Blue Wills, Davidson College Moral Fabric: The Ethical World of “Project Runway” Respondent: Sean McCloud, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Business Meeting AAR/ASOR/SBL: Archaeology and the Ancient World II, AAR: History of Religions III Theme: The Dead Sea Scrolls: Recent Research Byron McCane, Wofford College, Spartanburg, South Carolina, Presiding Jodi Magness, UNC, Chapel Hill, North Carolina The Current State of Qumran Archaeology Kenneth L. Hanson, Ph.D., University of Central Florida, Orlando, Fl. Qumran, the Ancient Hasidim and the Epistle of James Suite 5B SBL: Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament III Suite 6A Theme: A Look at Recent Books That Help Us Teach Nancy deClaisse-Walford, McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University, Presiding J. Dwayne Howell, Campbellsville University Phyllis Trible and Letty M. Russell, ed., Hagar, Sarah, and Their Children: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Perspectives (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2006) Valerie Bridgeman Davis, Memphis Theological Seminary Jacquelyn Lapsley, Whispering the Word: Hearing Women’s Stories in the Old Testament (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2005) Wayne Ballard, Carson-Newman College Richard E. Rubenstein, Aristotle's Children: How Christians, Muslims, and Jews Rediscovered Ancient Wisdom and Illuminated the Dark Ages (Orlando: Harcourt, Inc., 2003) Stephen Parrish, Memphis Theological Seminary Walter Brueggemann, The Land, 2nd ed., Overtures to Biblical Theology (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2002) Trent C. Butler, Christian Board of Publication Iain Provan, V. Philips Long, and Tremper Longman III, A Biblical History of Israel (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2003) David G. Garber, McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University J. David Pleins, The Social Visions of the Hebrew Bible: A Theological Introduction (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2001) AAR: Academic Study of Religion and Pedagogy II Suite 6B Theme: Thomas Tweed’s Crossing and Dwelling: A Theory of Religion: Implications for Doing and Teaching Religion Margarett P. Aymer, Interdenominational Theological Center, Presiding Panelists: Cheryl Kirk-Duggan, Shaw Divinity School Brian K. Pennington, Maryville College Bruce Lawrence, Duke University Respondent: Thomas A. Tweed, University of North Carolina AAR: History of Judaism I Suite 7A Theme: Education Beyond Religion Jamin C. Carlisle, University of Tennessee, Presiding Hans Arneson, Duke University ●Martyrdom as Fitting Drama in 4 Maccabees Andrew Durdin, Georgia State University ●Ritual Lost: The Abolition and Representation of the Sotah Ritual in M. Sotah 9:9 Jessica Carr, Florida State University ●Post-Holocaust Theology: Heschel’s Tradition Responds to Rubenstein’s Radical New Theology Jamin C. Carlisle, University of Tennessee ●A Brief History of Jewish Fundamentalism: From the Six Day War through the Rabin Assassination SBL: New Testament III Suite 7B Theme: Ethical and Hermeneutical Issues Vicky Phillips, West Virginia Wesleyan, Presiding J. Mark Blackwell, Francis Marion University Hermeneutical Models in Moral Debate: Assessing Current Views on the Bible and Slavery Jason Jones, Vanderbilt Divinity School Reading Revelation in the light of the Holocaust G. Noel Schoonmaker, Vanderbilt Divinity School The Jerusalem Collection and Paul’s Pecuniary Politics Leah Payne, Vanderbilt University How the Gerasene Demoniac Got Saved: Translating and Reinterpreting Luke 8:36 as a Story of Salvation AAR: Philosophy of Religion and Theology III Davidson A Theme: Democracy: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives Mark S. Medley, Campbellsville University, Presiding Mark Ryan, James Madison University “Reviewing the Reviews”: Assessing the Conversation on Theology and Democracy Begun by Jeffery Stout’s Democracy and Tradition John E. Senior, Emory University Beyond Democratic Anxiety: A Christian Theological Approach to the Circled Self Dan Miller, Syracuse University Extension of the “Democratic Revolution” as Participation in the Becoming of God AAR: Religion, Ethics, and Society III/American Biblical Hermeneutics and Religion II Suite 5A Theme: Intelligent Design in the Public School System Grace Y. Kao, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Presiding Patricia Turrisi, University of North Carolina, Wilmington Creationists-and-Evolutionists-Continue-to-Engage-in-Loud-Public-Display-of-Hostility: A Philosopher Examines Why Fighting about Human Origins is an Oddly Compelling Pursuit Lawrence Bruce Cahoon, University of North Carolina, Wilmington Deconstructing Intelligent Design: Evidence for the Supernatural? Kirk Wegter-McNelly, Boston University Naturalism as Idolatry: The Theology behind Intelligent Design Respondent: Brian Mooney, Johnson & Wales University AAR: Women and Religion II Davidson B Theme: Religion and Feminism in Science Fiction Amy E. Steele, Vanderbilt University, Presiding Joshua Braley, Vanderbilt University Diana Wynne Jones’ Dalemark Quartet: A Resource for Creatively Engaging Polytheism James H. Thrall, Duke University Battlestar Galatica’s Women of Faith Mary Beth Byram, Independent Scholar Superman Returns: A Feminist Response to an Iconic Film 2:15-4:00 pm AAR: History of Christianity II Suite 6A Theme: Early Christianity Michael B. Simmons, Auburn University Montgomery, Presiding Travis E. Ables, Vanderbilt University Augustine: A Pneumatology of Christian Knowledge David J. Dunn, Vanderbilt University What Good is Sex?: An Aporia in Augustine's Anthropology Shannon Grimes, Meredith College Under a Star-Spangled Banner: The Politicization of Astral Religion in the Roman Empire Lee M. Jefferson, Vanderbilt University Augustine the Scholar: The Contribution of North African Church Tradition to Augustine's Theology of Baptism AAR: African American Religion III Theme: Race, Religion, and Theology in the Public Square Charles W. McKinney, Jr., Rhodes College, Presiding Suite 4A Larry O. Rivers, Vanderbilt University James Hudson: Tallahassee Theologian and Campus Activist Crystal D. Gregory, Vanderbilt University Kelly Miller Smith and the Nashville Movement Dennis C. Dickerson, Vanderbilt University Archibald J. Carey, Jr.: Background Benefactor to the Civil Rights Movement Respondent: James M. Lawson, Vanderbilt University Business Meeting AAR: American Religion III Suite 4B Theme: Voting and Violence: Religion in American Democratic Life Charles Israel, Auburn University, Presiding Ryan A. Neal, Anderson University Political Theology and Voting Patterns: Church and State in Recent U.S. Presidential Elections (2000 & 2004) George B. Thompson, Jr., The Interdenominational Theological Center American Democracy, Cultural Feudalism and Religious Community Tori C. Lockler, The University of South Florida Radical Religious Groups and Government Policy: A Critical Evaluation Ginger Stickney, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Violent Faith: Construction of the Mormon Fundamentalist ASOR/SBL: Archaeology and the Ancient World III Suite 5B Theme: “Reel Archaeology”: Recent Uses and Abuses of Archaeology in Film and Television James Pace, Elon College Presiding Byron McCane, Wofford College Is this the Show or a Commercial for It?” National Geographic’s “Science of the Bible” Respondents: Jodi Magness, UNC, Chapel Hill & Milton Moreland, Rhodes College AAR: Arts, Literature, and Religion III Suite 5A Theme: Hybridity (III): Otherness in Contemporary Culture Megan R. Summers, University of Georgia, Presiding Victor Cyrus-Franklin, Interdenominational Theological Seminary The Passion of Huey Freeman: Black Theology and Cultural Re-presentation in Aaron McGruder’s The Boondocks Katherine Daley-Bailey, University of Georgia Sympathy for the Devil: Identifying With the Criminal Other in Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood Business meeting SBL: Hebrew Bible/Old Testament IV/ New Testament IV Theme: When the Good Book is the Textbook: Bible Courses in Public Schools Sandie Gravett, Appalachian State University, Presiding Suite 6B Panel Members: Mark Chancey, Southern Methodist University Steven McKenzie, Rhodes College Matthew Collins, Society of Biblical Literature others TBA AAR: History of Religions IV Theme: The Contemporary Study of Islam Richard McGregor, Vanderbilt University, Presiding Suite 7A Rachel Scott, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Conceptions of the Past and Visions of the Future: The Islamic State, Secularism, and the Ulama Herbert Berg, University of North Carolina at Wilmington Islamic Origins and Christian Origins: Scholarly Reinventions and Reinterpretations of Founder Figures Juliane Hammer, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Speaking Out: American Muslim Women Writers between Faith, Community and Public Opinion Bruce Lawrence, Duke University The State of the Study of Islam in the Southeast Business Meeting AAR: Philosophy of Religion and Theology IV Suite 7B Theme: Panel Discussion of Paul DeHart’s The Trial of the Witnesses: The Rise and Decline of Postliberal Theology Mark S. Medley, Campbellsville University Presiding Curtis Freeman, Duke Divinity School Philip D. Kenneson, Milligan College William C. Placher, Wabash College Response: Paul DeHart, Vanderbilt University AAR: Religion, Ethics, and Society IV Davidson A Theme: Education, Pluralism, Democracy Laura Stivers, Pfeiffer University, Presiding Victor McCracken, Emory University Home Schooling, Religion, and the Dilemma of Liberal Democratic Education S. David Cox, Vanderbilt University Hospitality as an “Attitude of Mind:” The Moral Implications of Human Sociality for Public Education in a Pluralistic Society Business Meeting AAR: Women and Religion III Davidson B Theme: Religious Roots, Models and Complexities in Marriage Michelle Voss Roberts, Rhodes College, Presiding Todd Green, Vanderbilt University “Sent from Home”: Reconciling the Callings of a Deaconess and a Woman in Nineteenth-Century Sweden Sanford H. Groff, Jr., Duke University Unraveling Desire: The Relational Image Dei, Engrafting Women and Sanctifying Marriage Samira Mehta, Emory University Judy Blume: A Window on the Interfaith Marriage Dilemma from the Standpoint of the Young Adult Novel Business Meeting 4:30 pm-6:00 pm Freedom First Concert—First Amendment Center Shuttle available—See Newsletter for details 6:00 pm-7:00 pm Reception hosted by the First Amendment Center—See Newsletter for details SBL Student Advisory Group/On-Campus Student Representative Planning Session 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Davidson A Diane E. Curtis, Presiding SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 18 7:30-8:15 am Section Chairs’ Breakfast Rebecca Todd Peters, Elon University and F. Scott Spencer, Baptist Theological Seminary in Richmond, Presiding 8:00-11:00 am Registration Book Exhibits Suite 3 Front Lobby Ballroom 1-2 8:30 am-12:00 noon Consultation on Teaching Feminism/Womanism Davidson A For a detailed description of this consultation, please see the Newsletter Program Notes Margarita Suarez, Meredith College and Letitia Campbell, Emory University, Presiding 8:30-10:15 am AAR/SBL: American Biblical Hermeneutics III Suite 4A Theme: Bible, Music, and Popular Culture in Elvis’ Country? Nathaniel Samuel Murrell, University of North Carolina, Wilmington, Presiding Kent L. Britnall, Emory University Negotiating a Little Bit of Everything: Reflections on Teaching an Experimental Course in Religion, Film, Biblical Studies and Feminist Theory Rosa Turrisi Fuller, University of North Carolina, Wilmington The Evolution of the American Opiate: Alienation in the Age of Secularization and Mass Culture Theodore W. Burgh, University of North Carolina, Wilmington Is God Funky or What? Business Meeting: What’s on for 2008? ASOR/SBL: Archaeology and the Ancient World IV Suite 5A Theme: Recent Research in Archaeology John Wineland, Presiding Megan Bishop Moore, Wake Forest, Winston-Salem, NC The Archaeology of the Ancient Near East: Israel as a Case Study Annie Bullock, Emory University, Atlanta Georgia Up to Gates of Hell?: Reconsidering the Meaning of the Ploutonion at Eleusis Patrick Scott Smith, Republic, MO A More Complete Picture of Herod's Harbor: Concerning, Hydrodynamics, Hydrolics and More Physical Features John Wineland, Kentucky Christian University, Grayson, Kentucky An Impressive Outpost on the Fringe of the Desert: Muydabi, Jordan AAR: Arts, Literature and Religion IV Suite 5B Theme: Women and Religion Carolyn M. Medine, University of Georgia, Presiding Emily Cheney, Athens, Georgia Turning Back and Towards: Naomi’s and Ruth’s Grieving and Retrieving Amy Flynn, Washington, D. C. Writings From Women on Sexuality and Faith in Contemporary American Religious Movements Ivy Campbell, University of Georgia The Honeybee, Mary, and the Goddess Amanda Smith, University of Georgia The Daughters of Israel Celebrate: Mothering in the Tale of Jephtah’s Daughter Megan R. Summers, University of Georgia Religion in the Kitchen: Redefining Women’s Work in Miriam’s Kitchen and Laundry, Liturgy, and Women’s Work SBL: Hebrew Bible/Old Testament V Suite 6A Joint Session with Arts Literature and Religion and American Biblical Hermeneutics Theme: Teaching the Bible as/in arts (literature, music and visual art) Presiding Shannon Zellars-Strohl, Florida State University The Book of Job and its Post Modern Versions Kent L. Brintnall, Emory University Negotiating a Little Bit of Everything: Reflections on Teaching an Experimental Course in Religion, Film, Biblical Studies and Feminist Theory Robin Gallagher Branch, Crichton College Teaching Proverbs Via a Play AAR: History of Religions V/Academic Study of Religion and Pedagogy III Theme: Best Teaching Practices for World Religions Survey Courses Rachel Scott, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Presiding William Harman, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Jeffrey Lidke, Berry College Steven Ramey, University of Alabama Jeffrey Richey, Berea College Suite 6B SBL: New Testament V Suite 4B Suzanne Henderson, Salem College, Presiding Ben White, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Out of the Stalemate: The Construction of Paul as a Key to Understanding the Origin of 3 Corinthians Aubrey Watkins, Union Theological Seminary Paul, Moses and the Apocalypses: Re-reading 2 Corinthians 3 Trey Gilliam, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Mark’s Preexistent Jesus? Peter J. Judge, Winthrop University John 5: A healing, the Sabbath, and the Historical Jesus Joseph Poon, McAfee School of Theology Historical-Critical study of Revelation 20.1-6 AAR: Philosophy of Religion and Theology V Suite 7A Theme: Intersubjectivity, Exclusivity, and Forgiveness George Shields, Kentucky State University, Presiding Wesley Barker, Emory University Signifying the Other through Undying Sacrifice Kerry Mitchell, College of Charleston The Impossibility of Intersubjectivity: Transcendental Theory and the Social Matthew S. Cooper, Arizona State University Alston, Evidentialism, and the Epistemic Status of Exclusivist Religious Claims Keith Starkenburg, University of Virginia Interpreting Arendt on Forgiveness: Unfilled Hope and Expectant Possibility AAR/SBL: Undergraduate Session I Suite 7B Theme: The Task of Interpretation Bernadette McNary-Zak, Rhodes College, Presiding Erin Culp, Elon University “Is Lilith Fair?: Contemporary Reinterpretations of a Historical Myth Alex Hargrove, Western Kentucky University The Spirit Molecule and the Isiac Mysteries Jimmy Hoke, Furman College “Lost in Translation:” Sexual Morality in 1 Thessalonians 4.1-8 David McClendon, College of William and Mary “Presenting the Dead Sea Scrolls: The Shrine of the Book and Israeli Identity” 10:30-12:15 AAR: American Religion IV Suite 4A Theme: Alternative Approaches to American Denominationalism James P. Byrd, Vanderbilt University, Presiding Alyson Dickson, Vanderbilt University “The Doom of the Saloon:” Southern Baptist Temperance Efforts as a Form of Popular Religion Jennifer Bushnell, Vanderbilt University Myths Among the Methodists: Mythic Thinking in the Narratives of Early American Methodist Preachers Matt McCullough, Vanderbilt University The Pulpit in American Religious History Cindy K. Wesley, Lambuth University Immigration and Ethnicity in the Development of American Denominations: The Case of the German Baptists in North America SBL: Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament VI/History of Judaism II Suite 5A Theme: Second Temple Biblical Interpretation Kathryn McClymond, Georgia State University, Presiding Bryan Whitfield, Mercer University Second Temple Jewish Readings of the Spies’ Stories Thomas S. Cason, Florida State University Narrative Prosthesis and the Disabled Male Body in the Literature of Second Temple Judaism Kelly Whitcomb, Graduate Theological Union/Jesuit School of Theology The Traditions of Joshua 5:2-12 AAR: History of Christianity III Suite 5B Theme: Medieval and Modern Christianity Michael B. Simmons, Auburn University Montgomery, Presiding Shelia McCarthy The Passion of Christ: On the Necessity of the Sacraments for Salvation and Healing Timothy P. McConnell, University of Virginia Prosper of Aquitaine's 'Call of All Nations’ Bernadette McNary-Zak, Rhodes University Defining Discernment: Remembering Serapion of Thmuis AAR: History of Religions VI Suite 6A Theme: Interpretations of Islam in the Contemporary Era Juliane Hammer, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Presiding Youshaa Patel, Duke University The Perils of Pluralism: The Problem of Muslim Assimilation into Modern Societies SherAli Tareen, Duke University The Tensions Between Mysticism and Rationalism in Islam: A Northern Indian Perspective Hussam Timani, Christopher Newport University Rethinking Islam: The Road to Interfaith Dialogue Aisha Y. Musa, Florida International University Hadith After God and His Ayat: An Examination of Muslim Challenges to the Authority of the Hadith AAR: Philosophy of Religion and Theology VI Suite 6B Theme: Creation, Science, and Process Theism Mark S. Medley, Campbellsville University, Presiding David C. McDuffie, University of Georgia Process Theism, Environmental Ethics, and a Christian Theology of Ecology James R. Wilson, Union Theological Seminary God the Creator from Nothing: God and Creation in the Work of Robert Neville and Lewis Ford Charles F. Smith, Thomas Nelson Community College Incarnation and Evolution AAR: Religion, Ethics, and Society V Suite 4B Theme: Hot Topics in the Public School System Melissa Snarr, Vanderbilt University, Presiding Annie Blakeney-Glazer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill The Lord in the Locker Room: Religion and Physical Education in Public Schools Lee Ann Bambach, Emory University Accommodating Muslim Prayer in the U.S. Public School Shannon Dunn, Florida State University Veiled Contradictions: A Critical Examination of Western Feminist Discourse as it Applies to the Foulard Debate AAR: Women and Religion IV Suite 7A Theme: The Religiosity of Mother/hood Tamura A. Lomax, Vanderbilt University, Presiding Monica Smatlak Liao, Vanderbilt University The Renovated Domesticity of Conservative Protestant Home-Schooling Mothers Emily A. Holmes, Emory University Mother Tongue: The Maternal Semiotic in Hadewijch’s Marian Spirituality Jodi Belcher, Vanderbilt University Kenotic Subjectivity and Motherhood: A Theology of Pregnant and Postpartum Bodies AAR: Academic Study of Religion and Pedagogy IV Davidson B Panel Discussion: Beyond the Eisegesis Polemic: Pedagogical Implications of Fernando Segovia’s Decolonializing Biblical Studies: A View from the Margins. Panelists: Michael Joseph Brown, Emory University Sandie Gravett, Appalachian State University Maisha Handy, Interdenominational Theological Center Respondent: Fernando F. Segovia, Vanderbilt University AAR/SBL: Undergraduate Session II Theme: African Christianity: Postcolonial Perspectives Isabel Mukonyora, Western Kentucky University, Presiding Theodore Harden, Western Kentucky University Theorizing about the Growth of Christianity in the African Context Suite 7B Kathleen Smallwood, Western Kentucky University Who do you say that I am?: Analyzing African Christology Andrew Skaggs, Western Kentucky University Fire Falls in Africa Special Demonstration Section Dave Smith, Appalachian State University An Introduction to BibleWorks7 Davidson A