AAR: History of Religions I

American Academy of Religion
Society of Biblical Literature
American Schools of Oriental Research
Southeastern Regional Meeting 2005
March 11-13, 2005
Adam’s Mark Hotel
Winston-Salem, NC
12:00 noon-4:00 pm
Workshop on Service Learning
Conveners: Joe Favazza and Michael McCain, Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and
2:00-8:00 pm
Book Exhibits
4:00-5:30 pm
Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion
AAR/SBL/ASOR/SE Joint Executive Committee
6:00-8:00 pm
SBL/ASOR: Archaeology and the Ancient World I/New Testament I (joint session)
Theme: Death and Burial in the Ancient World
Jim Pace, Elon University, Presiding
Christopher B. Hays, Emory University
 Chirps from the Dust: The Affliction of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:30 in its ANE Context
F. Scott Spencer, Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond
 “Let the Dean Bury Their Dead” and other Imperious Calls to Follow Jesus in the Synoptic
Michelle Clark, Mississippi State University
 Ancestor Worship, Israelites, and the Late Bronze/Iron Ages
AAR: Arts, Literature and Religion I
Theme: Writing Religious Meaning
Carolyn M. Medine, University of Georgia, Presiding
Drewry Morris, Auburn University
 Cotton Mather's French Treatise Une Grande Voix du Ciel
Elizabeth Tanner, University of Georgia
 A Teche(-nique) of Reading: Working Toward Writing as Revealing
SBL: Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament I
Theme: Recent Introductory Textbooks of the Hebrew Bible: the Authors’
Bryan Bibb, Furman University, Presiding
Barry L. Bandstra, Hope College
 Reading the Old Testament: an Introduction to the Hebrew Bible
Marti J. Steussy, Christian Theological Seminary (editor)
 Chalice Introduction to the Old Testament
Don C. Benjamin, Arizona State University
The Old Testament Story: an Introduction
AAR: History of Christianity I
Richard Penaskovic, Auburn University, Presiding
Bernadette McNary-Zak, Rhodes College
 I Can See Clearly Now: The Gift of Discernment in the Teachings of Abba Ammonas
Jordan Smith, Florida State University
 The Martyr and Ascetic as the Bridegroom and Bride in Origen’s Thought
Ulrike Wiethaus, Wake Forest University
 Psychograms of Space: Mapping Mystical Experience in the Works of Gertrud of Helfta (12561301/02)
Business Meeting
AAR: History of Religions I
Theme: Embodied Religious Experience in South Asia
Brian K. Pennington, Maryville College, Presiding
Katherine C. Zubko, Emory University
 Embodying Bhakti Rasa in Bharata Natyam: An Indian-Christian Interpretation of Gayatri
Mantra through Dance
David Norton Need, Duke University
 Rendering the Body: Etherealization and Body Language in Vedic Literature
Craig Danielson, University of Virginia
 Embodiment, Ritual, and Rebounding Violence in Śaiva Siddhānta
AAR: Philosophy of Religion and Theology I
Theme: Science, Religion, and Ethics I
George W. Shields, Kentucky State University, Presiding
David K. Goodin, McGill University
 The Nature of Faith: A Defense of Rationalist Knowledge in an Age of
Scientific Knowledge
Lucas F. Johnston, University of Florida
 The Quest of Purpose: The Use and Abuse of Evolutionary Theory in
Steven A. Benko, Independent Scholar
 Complexity and Ethics
AAR: Religion, Ethics, and Society I and Women and Religion I (joint session)
Theme: Body, Matter, and Place I
Margaret P. Aymer, Interdenominational Theological Center, Presiding
Amy Levad, Emory University
 The Lived Christian Body: Appropriating Iris Marion Young for Feminist Christian Ethics
Gavin Van Horn, University of Florida
 Wild Women and Men: Embodiment, Religion, and Wilderness
Grace Y. Kao, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
 Feminist (In)consistency in the Treatment of Bodies: Fetal, Female, and Non-Human Animal
Emily Askew, Carroll College
 Africa as Body, Self and Landscape in African Women’s Theology
8:15-9:30 pm
AAR/SBL/ASOR: Plenary Session
Tina Pippin, Agnes Scott College, and Nancy L. deClaissé-Walford, McAfee School of Theology,
Announcements of Student Awards
Presidential Addresses
AAR: Corrie Norman, Converse College
 Foodie Faith: Spiritual Hunger in Gourmet America
SBL: Joel B. Green, Asbury Theological Seminary
 Boorish Dolts at the City Center: Pentecost, Babel, and the Shaping of Christian Community (Acts
9:30-11:00 pm
Conference Reception
7:30-8:45 am
AAR/SBL: Women’s Caucus Religious Studies Breakfast
Monica A. Coleman, Bennett College, and Vicki Phillips, West Virginia Wesleyan College, Presiding
Business Meeting
Department Chairs’ Breakfast
Herbert Burhenn, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, Presiding
8:00 am–6:00 pm
Registration/Book Exhibits
9:00-10:45 am
AAR: Academic Study of Religion and Pedagogy
Jennifer Manlowe, University of West Georgia, Presiding
Peter Judge Winthrop, University of South Carolina
 Teaching a Writing Intensive Course in Religious Studies
Jennifer Eaton, Vanderbilt University
 Sunday School Students in Southern College Classrooms: Developing Critical
Thinking, Comparative Methods, and Compassion in a World Religions Course
Thomas B. Ellis, University of South Carolina
 Of “and” and “of”: The Politics of Grammar and the Study of Religion
Russell Kirkland, University of Georgia
 Teaching Taoism in the 21st-Century World Religions Course
AAR: African American Religion I
Theme: Myths, Legacy, Race, and Religion
Sandy D. Martin, University of Georgia, Presiding
Sylvester A. Johnson, Florida A&M University
 The Myth of Ham and the Problem of History in 19th-Century African
American Christianity
Ronald B. Neal, Claflin University
 Religion, Education, and Public Leadership: Benjamin Mays and the Legacy of the Brown Era
Respondent: Sandy D. Martin, University of Georgia
SBL/ASOR: Archaeology and the Ancient World II
Theme: Texts, Scribes, and Epigraphy in Ancient Israel
Milton C. Moreland, Rhodes College, Presiding
Christopher A. Rollston and Heather Dana Davis Parker, Emmanuel School of Religion
 Southern Levantine Scribal Traditions: The Ammonite Epigraphs
Ryan Byrne, Rhodes College
 The Business End of the Scribe in Iron Age Israel
Mark A. Chancey, Southern Methodist University
 Written Languages, Oral Languages, and the “Epigraphic Habit” in Ancient Galilee
Jason Kalman, McGill University
 Writing Between the Lines: Rabbinic Citations and Recollection of the Hebrew Bible
AAR: Arts, Literature, and Religion II
Theme: Embodying Peace
Amy Flynn, University of Georgia, Presiding
John Randolph LeBlanc, University of Texas at Tyler, and Carolyn M. Medine, University of Georgia
 Telling Stories and Making Peace: Martin Luther King’s Stride Toward Freedom and Desmond
Tutu and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Jordan Rothacker, University of Georgia
 The Virgin of Guadalupe: Guerilla Cultural Warfare and the Maintenance of Peace
Lia Mallini, University of Georgia
 Creating a New Body of Truth in Israel
Katherine Daley, University of Georgia
 Who Would Jesus Bomb?: Christian Narrative, Identity, Violence, and Walker Wink’s Work on
Jesus’ Third Way
SBL: Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament II
Theme: Recent Introductory Textbooks of the Hebrew Bible: the Reviewers’
Nancy L. deClaissé-Walford, McAfee School of Theology, Presiding
Tim Crawford, Bluefield College
 Reading the Old Testament: an Introduction to the Hebrew Bible
Brian Alderman, Emory University
 Chalice Introduction to the Old Testament
Joseph Scrivner, Samford University
 The Old Testament Story: an Introduction
AAR: History of Christianity II
Bernadette McNary-Zak, Rhodes College, Presiding
John Charles Duffy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
 Mark Noll’s God: The Theology and Politics of Evangelical Historiography
Richard Penaskovic, Auburn University
 Martin Luther as Spiritual Director
Mikhail M. Kulakov, Dialogue Foundation
 The Infinite Diversity of Persons: Individual Personality in the Ascetical Theology of St. Feofan
the Recluse (1815-1894)
SBL: New Testament II
Theme: Theological and Philosophical Studies
Emily Cheney, Athens, Georgia, Presiding
C. Kavin Rowe, Duke University
 Acts 2:36 and the Gospel of Luke: Christological Continuity?
Ruben Dupertais, Centre College
 The Rhetorical Function of Philosophical Imagery in Acts
James W. Barker, Vanderbilt University
 Repetition and Revelation 12: Toward a Non-Teleological Reading of Revelation
AAR: Philosophy of Religion and Theology II
Theme: Faith, Paradox, and Subjectivity
George W. Shields, Kentucky State University, Presiding
Christy Flanagan, Florida State University
 The Dynamics of Alterity and Subjectivity in The City of God
Nathan Jennings, University of Virginia
 The Paradox of the Eschaton in the Life of the Saint: De Lubac’s
Eschatology of Anagogy
Derek Malone-France, Duke University
 Faith, Tolerance, and Anxiety
11:00 am-12:00 noon
Plenary Session
Tina Pippin, Agnes Scott College, Presiding
Irene Monroe, Harvard University
 A Discourse of Suspicion: Que(e)rying the Exodus Rhetoric of the Endangered Black Man in
Black Liberationist Theologies
1:15-1:50 pm
AAR/SBL/ASOR/SE (SECSOR): Joint Business Meeting
AAR/SE, SBL/SE, and ASOR/SE Business Meetings (immediately following)
All members of the societies are invited.
2:00-3:45 pm
AAR:African American Religion II and Arts, Literature, and Religion III (joint session)
Theme: The Body in Biblical Parable and Womanist Christology
Carolyn Medine, University of Georgia, Presiding
Margaret Aymer, Interdenominational Theological Center
 Examining the Body: Frederick Douglass and the Parable of the Good Samaritan
C. L. Nash, University of Edinburgh
 Reconstructing the Cult of True Womanhood: A Christological Womanist Response
Kathleen O’Connor, University of South Florida
 African-American Islam and Rap: Five Percent Teachings on Supreme Mathematics
Respondent: Carolyn Medine, University of Georgia
AAR/SBL: American Biblical Hermeneutics and Religion, Ethics, and Society II (joint session)
Theme: Environmental Ethics
Laura Stivers, Pfeiffer University, Presiding
Paul J. Medeiros, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
 Teaching Environmental Ethics
Samuel Murrell, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
 Roots Ethics: A Challenge of Responsibility from Communities of Jah
Rebecca Todd Peters, Elon University
 Teaching Environmental Ethics as Transformative Praxis
Tina Pippin, Agnes Scott College
 Nuclear Apocalypse
SBL/ASOR: Archaeology and the Ancient World III
Theme: Presidential Address
Byron R. McCane, Wofford College, Presiding
Jim Pace, Elon University, President, ASOR/SE
 What We Can Learn from Pottery
Respondents: Joe D. Seger and James W. Hardin, Mississippi State University
SBL: Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament III
Theme: The Deuteronomistic History
Don Polaski, College of William and Mary, Presiding
Jenna Abel, Vanderbilt University
 Samson: An Israelite Hero?
Matthew Schlimm, Duke University
 Verifying Divine Regret: 1 Samuel 19:18-24 as Negation of 1 Samuel 10:10-12
J. Dwayne Howell, Campbellsville University
 Images of a King’s Relationship with His Soldiers: a Character Study in the
David Narratives
Andrea Ogier, Wake Forest Divinity School
 Relieving Delilah: Three Women and the Betrayal of Cultural Distinction in
Judges 14-16
AAR: History of Judaism I
Theme: Second Temple Judaism and Beyond
Gabriele Fassbeck, University of Alabama, Presiding
Kenneth L. Hanson, University of Central Florida
 Reproof Before Witnesses: Qumranic Evidence of Ancient Halakha
Gabriele Fassbeck, University of Alabama
 Jubilees’ Patriarchs and Some Religious Guidance for Early Jewish Families
David Dault, Vanderbilt University
 Martin Luther and Saadya Gaon: Two Interpretive Moments
SBL: New Testament III
Theme: Hearing (All) Voices in New Testament Interpretation: Who’s Speaking and
Who’s Listening?
B. Diane Wudel, Wake Forest University Divinity School, Presiding
Michael J. Brown, Candler School of Theology, Emory University
Mary F. Foskett, Wake Forest University
Daniel M. Patte, Vanderbilt University
Emerson Powery, Lee University
AAR: Philosophy of Religion and Theology III
Theme: Science, Religion, and Ethics II
George W. Shields, Kentucky State University, Presiding
Kevin O'Brien, Emory University
 Nature, Morality, and the Environment: E. O. Wilson and James
Gustafson on Science and Religion in Ethics
Matthew W. Charlton, Vanderbilt University and Garrett-Evangelical
Theological Seminary
 Technology and the End of Grace
Jeffrey Pugh, Elon University
 The Space Between: Ancient Wisdom for a Scientific World
AAR: Religion in America I
Theme: The Other Religious America
Lawrence Snyder, Western Kentucky University, Presiding
Kerry Mitchell, College of Charleston
 Managing Spirituality: Public Religion in National Parks
Cyrus Luhr, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Representations of Vedanta Hinduism at Greenacre and the Development of New Thought, 18941913
Kenny Smith, Georgia State University
 Key Social and Economic Factors in the Successful Integration of a Wiccan Coven in a Potentially
Hostile Community
Respondent: Julie Byrne, Duke University
4:00-5:30 pm
AAR: Arts, Literature, and Religion III
Theme: Christianity and Popular Culture
David C. McDuffie, University of Georgia, Presiding
W. David Hall, Centre College
 Who’s Left Behind?: Christian Apocalypticism in Contemporary Culture Debates
D. Gregory Sapp, Mercer University
 Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ: A New Gospel in Film
Conrad Ostwalt, Appalachian State University
 The Passion of the Christ: The Mortification of the Body and the
Sacred Feminine
AAR: History of Religions II
Theme: Religion, Body, and the State
John M. Thompson, Christopher Newport University, Presiding
Brett Wilson, Duke University
 Engaging the Qur’an in Turkey: Ethics of Interpretation among Alevis
Jeffrey L. Richey, Berea College
 I, Robot: The Body as Machine in the Liezi
Zeff Bjerken, College of Charleston
 Re-Placing Bodies into a Utopian Space: Mandalas, Monarchs, and the Mission Civilisatrice in
Buddhist Tibet
SBL: New Testament IV
Theme: Studies in the Gospel of Luke
F. Scott Spencer, Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, Presiding
Brittany E. Wilson, Duke University
 Women in Ministry: Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-42
Rohun Park, Vanderbilt University
 Revisiting the Parable of the Prodigal Son for Decolonization: Luke’s Re- configuration of oikos
in 15:11-32
Maria Mayo Robbins, Vanderbilt University
 “Father forgive them,” for I Cannot: Reading Luke 23:34 as a Palliative for
Victims of Violence
AAR: Philosophy of Religion and Theology IV
Theme: Process Philosophy of Religion and Theology
George W. Shields, Kentucky State University, Presiding
Lewis S. Ford, Old Dominion University
 On Locating God with Respect to Spacetime
Mark S. Medley, Campbellsville University
 Knowing the Triune God: The Practice of Participating in God’s Life
George W. Shields, Kentucky State University
 On the Current Status of Process Philosophy and Theology
AAR: Religion, Ethics, and Society III
Theme: Sexual Ethics
Darla Schumm, Hollins University, Presiding
Howell Williams, Florida State University
 “Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin”: The Ex-Gay Debate and Religious Hatred
Anthony Michael Petro, Emory University Law School
 Reconciling Agency: Christians, Queers, and the Dilemma of Hate Speech
Elizabeth A. Barre, Florida State University
 How Adam Knew Eve: Pleasures of the Body and Pleasures of Knowledge in the Sexual Ethics of
Thomas Aquinas (AV request: overhead projector and screen)
Edwin Bagley, Wingate University
 Ambiguity and Choice in Middlesex
AAR: Religion in America II
Theme: Strategic Uses of Religion in Southern Race Politics
James P. Byrd, Jr., Vanderbilt Divinity School, Presiding
Joe Coker, Princeton Theological Seminary
 From “Brothers in Black” to “Black Beasts”: Prohibition and the Decline of Racial Attitudes
among Southern White Evangelicals, 1880-1915
Douglas Thompson, Mercer University
 The Most Segregated Hour
Andrew Stern, Emory University
 Catholic-Protestant Relations in the Antebellum South
Respondent: Nancy Hardesty, Clemson University
Business Session
AAR/SBL: Undergraduate Papers I
Theme: Authoritative Voices
Bernadette McNary-Zak, Rhodes College, Presiding
Jeff Shade, Wingate University
 The Immediate Absolute: Kierkegaard and Children’s Bibles
Erin Keys, Elon University
 The Practical Impressions of Feminist Theology on the Life and Thought of the Christian Church
Daniel Tidwell, Lee University
 Art as Metaphor for Theology in the Voice of the Other
John Penniman, Elon University
 The Politics of Reconciliation: A Reassessment of Political Theology
5:30-7:30 pm
Reception hosted by Wake Forest University
Sawtooth Center for the Visual Arts
7:00-8:15 am
Section Chairs’ Breakfast
George Shields, Kentucky State University, and Emerson Powery, Lee University, Presiding
8:00-11:00 am
Registration/Book Exhibits
8:30-10:15 am
SBL/ASOR: Archaeology and the Ancient World IV
Theme: Archaeology and the Biblical World
Joe D. Seger, Mississippi State University, Presiding
Megan Bishop Moore, Emory University
 Objectivity and Questions of Evidence for Interpreting Archaeology and Writing History
Ben Reynolds, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
 What Has Jericho to Do with Qumran?
Steven H. Werlin, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
 The 2004 Excavations in the Roman Fort at Yotvata, Israel
Ingrid E. Lilly, Emory University
 Habitus and the Theory of Practice: Moving Beyond Frederik Barth Towards Defining Ethnicity
in the Iron I Highlands
Paul F. Jacobs, Mississippi State University
 Archiving as Research Design
SBL: Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament IV
Theme: The Writings
Nancy L. deClaissé-Walford, McAfee School of Theology, Presiding
Matthew Goff, Georgia Southern University
 Can the Qumran Psalms Scroll Shed Light on the Issue of Biblical “Wisdom
Joseph Scrivner, Samford University
 Composition and Theology in Proverbs 1-9
Cameron Howard, Emory University
 Border Crossing: Narrative Functions of Eunuchs in the Book of Esther
Chris Paris, Vanderbilt University
 Searching for a Constant in Lamentations
SBL: New Testament V
Theme: Literary Studies in the Gospels
Richard Vinson, Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, Presiding
Heather McMurray, Vanderbilt University
 Plotting Herod: Imitating Saul Traditions in the Infancy Narrative of Matthew
Gregg Morrison, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University
 Revisiting Mark 9:1: The Hinge of Mark’s Central Section
Susan E. Hylen, Emory University
 The Character of “the Jews” in John
AAR: Philosophy of Religion and Theology V
Theme: Religious Movements and Religious Pluralism
George W. Shields, Kentucky State University, Presiding
Kip Eliola, Emmanuel School of Religion
 The Holy Spirit and African Indigenous Churches
Kenny Smith, Georgia State University
 Stories and Signals in Alternative Religious Movements
Quentin Pearson III, Wake Forest University
 Upayakausalya: Upaya and Its Function in Religious Pluralism
AAR: Religion, Ethics, and Society IV
Theme: Body, Matter, and Place II
Rebecca Todd Peters, Elon Univeristy, Presiding
Julie Meadows, Emory University
 Many Worse Things to Know: The Ethics of Knowledge in Charles Frazier’s Cold Mountain
Matthew Bersagel Braley and Katy E. Shrout, Emory University
 Protest as Religious Practice in the Global Justice Movement
Laura Stivers, Pfeiffer University
 Placeless Bodies of Economic Globalization
Ted A. Smith, Emory University
 Finney’s Eyes: Practices of Sincerity and the Authority of Celebrity
AAR: Religion in America III
Theme: Public Religion: Shaping Past and Present America
Kathleen Flake, Vanderbilt University, Presiding
Jennifer Graber, Duke University
 Discipline, Not Punish: American Christians and the Advent of the Prison
Anne Blue Wills, Davidson College
 These Confused States: American Civil Religion
and American Christianity in the 2004 Presidential Election
Jason Bivins, North Carolina State University
 Fear and Identity in Conservative Evangelical Politics
Respondent: David R. Bains, Samford University
AAR: Women and Religion II
Theme: (Pro) Creative Discourse
Heather Nicholson, Florida State University, and Monica A. Coleman, Bennett College, Presiding
Troy Wheelhouse, Interdenominational Theological Center
 Adam Knew Eve: A Text of Terror?
Emily A. Holmes, Emory University
 Flesh Made Word: Tropes of Natality in Mystical Écriture Feminine
Joshua Braley, Vanderbilt University
 A Comparative Study of Different Races and Faiths: The Scientific Study of Religion and Early
Feminist Theology in The Woman’s Bible
Amy Levad, Emory University
 The Lived Christian Body: Appropriating Iris Marion Young for Christian Feminist Ethics
Respondent: Tina Pippin, Agnes Scott College
Business Session
10:30 am-12:15 pm
AAR: Arts, Literature, and Religion IV
Theme: Shaping Faith
Meizhu Du, University of Georgia, Presiding
Melissa Johnston-Barrett, Emory University
 Suffering and Polyphony in Schleiermacher’s Christmas Eve: A Dialogue
John Mazaheri, Auburn University
 Illusion and Faith in the Sad Fortunes of the Rev. Amos Barton
Mary Ellen O'Donnell, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
 "Children of Ceremony": Reverent and Sinful Bodies in American Catholic Memoirs
Wesley Barker, Emory University
 To Abelard, the Philosopher, Heloise, Lover of Wisdom: Reading Erotic Difference
AAR: History of Judaism II
Theme: Jewish Thinkers and Doers
Gilya G. Schmidt, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Presiding
Zion Zohar, Florida International University
 Peace as a Divine Flow ("Shefa") in Jewish Mysticism: The Case of the Book of
the Zohar
Jerome E. Copulsky, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
 Leo Strauss, Gershom Scholem, and the Theological-Political Predicament of
Modern Judaism
Gilya G. Schmidt, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
 The Localization of Rural Southern German Jews in the Nineteenth Century
Business Meeting
AAR: History of Religions III
Theme: Personal Transformation and Radical Embodiment
Jeffrey L. Richey, Berea College, Presiding
David Nikkel, University of North Carolina at Pembroke
 The Body in Tradition
Elijah Siegler, College of Charleston
 Ambassadors of the Dao: Energy Tourism and the Experience of the Other
John P. Thomson, Christopher Newport University
 Embodying the Dharma: A Close Look at What the Buddha Never Taught
SBL: New Testament VI
Theme: Pauline Studies
Patrick Gray, Rhodes College, Presiding
Jeffrey D. Jay, University of Chicago
 Thinking the Thought of Death With Paul: His Earnestness and Ours
Suzanne Watts Henderson, Salem College
 Taking Liberties with the Text: The Colossians Household Code as Hermeneutical
Rodrigo Morales, Duke University
 God, Wisdom, and the Spirit in the Wisdom of Solomon and 1 Corinthians
AAR/SBL: Undergraduate Papers II
Theme: Embodied Religion
Lisa R. Holliday, University of Kentucky, Presiding
Elizabeth Dunnam, Rhodes College
 Christian Asceticism: The Christian Faith in Action
Diane E. Curtis, Kennesaw State University
 Corpus Christi, Sanctus Christi: The Monophysite/Orthodox Battle for the Divinity of the Second
Ann Marie Leonard, Elon University
 The Lives of Catholic Workers: Finding Refreshment in a Life Filled with Serving Others
Emily Shore, Elon University
 Finding a Home: Lesbian Women Reconciling Their Sexual Identity with the Church