Corse outline Course unit title Name and title of lecturer Level of course Semester ECTS credits Student’s working hours Prerequisites Financial Markets and Investments Laima Urbšienė Cycle 1 6 5 Contact hours 48 lectures 24 seminars 16 practical classes laboratory classes consultations 8 Independent work 82 Total 130 Micro and macroeconomics, accounting, corporate finance, fundamental of statistics Language of instruction Lithuanian, English Objectives of the course Learning outcomes To develop the knowledge and skills expected of a finance manager, in relation to investment and raising funds as well as the knowledge and skills needed to manage personal portfolios. Methods of studies: Lectures, Developed abilities: seminars/workshops, business situation analysis (case Practical abilities: studies), independent theoretical studies, individual develop in candidates the skills reasonably expected from a tasks, consultations. finance manager responsible for a business finance function. Provision of knowledge on: Explain the theoretical and practical aspects of the functioning of financial markets. Develop the financial instrument management skills and abilities to operate the main concepts, characteristics, principles, theories, models and functions, and to efficiently apply the same for a personal financial portfolio management. Introduce students to the fundamentals of financial markets: market participants, Assessments methods principles, methods and objectives of the organization and functioning of financial markets; the organizational structure of a financial market: participant, financial institutions and intermediaries, authorities regulating the operations of securities markets and institutions organizing trading in securities, 1 develop the skills to form an investment portfolio from different financial instruments taking into account the risk, return rate and liquidity factors, as well as investment objectives, and allocating the funds between debt and equity securities and other financial instruments; manage temporary disposable cash flows investing the same into money market instruments; authorities regulating financial markets and organizing activities thereof; securities and other financial instruments. Develop the understanding and knowledge in the area of securities as a means of fund raising and an investment object, and the organization of public trading in securities. Introduce students to the authorities participating in and organizing the public trading market, financial institutions and public trading intermediaries, principles, methods and objectives of market functioning. Develop the understanding and knowledge in collective investment undertakings, their variety, characteristics and related risks. Develop an ability to form an investment portfolio of different financial instruments having regard to the acceptable return rate and liquidity factors. Develop an understanding in and knowledge of foreign exchange markets. Teach to calculate currency cross rates, assess risk and introduce to risk minimization measures. objectives and functions of such institutions. methods of trading in and settlement for securities with particular focus upon the organization of public trading in securities; securities and other financial instruments, their characteristics with a special focus on the risk and return ration and their usage utilization select the most efficient solutions for the acquisition and disposal of securities and acquire the same; formulate a corporate financing strategy selecting between banking financing (different short-term and long-term banking products) and the funding facility by issuing equity or debt securities and placing the instruments for private or public offering; efficient market hypothesis (EMH) and valuation of shares; assess the risk factors related to securities and other financial instruments (units of investment funds, units of pension funds); carry out effective investment appraisal and evaluate alternative sources of business financing; forecast the debt securities price development having regard to the changes in the market interest rates; evaluate business possibilities; alternative financing investment funds, principles for the organization and functioning of investment funds, their diversity, classification and assessment; foreign exchange markets, participants of such markets and currency quoting; exchange minimization and 2 efficiently select an investment fund having regard to the tolerable risk, also asset allocation and returns, analyze the investment fund performance ratios and be able to assess the inherent risk; select a pension management company and a pension fund according to securities allocation; the nature and types of risk and approaches to risk management; calculate the currency crossrates, assess the currency risk; risk measures buy and sell currency, establish arbitration the currency exchange cross- possibilities; rate, assess the currency risk and forecast the currency rate development in a long-term perspective having regard to macroeconomic indicators; explain risk management techniques in business; hedging techniques for foreign currency and manage the currency and price interest rate risks. change risk by selecting individual derivative financial instruments. Cognitive skills: Understand the complexity and the risks of a financial market, understand the impact of the market upon the value of the financial assets portfolio and corporate funding. Transferrable skills: analytical thinking; team work; personal development. Students are encouraged to apply the knowledge they acquire in the formation of a company‘s financing strategy, or in compiling a company’s financing strategy or personal investment portfolio. This requires not only the general and analytical knowledge in the area of financial markets, but also some special competences such as disclosure of personal approach and formation of personal skills in analyzing the current market situation, skills in applying the knowledge while working individually or in a team. The course will dedicated to developing the skill to collect and generalize the necessary information, present the information with some critical assessment, substantiate one‘s opinion or proposals and be able to 3 represent the team. Teaching methods Lectures, seminars/workshops, business situation analysis (case studies), independent theoretical studies, individual tasks, consultations. Course unit content Lectures will include a presentation of the organizational structure and participants of financial markets, regulating and supervising authorities, legal environment, principles, methods, objectives of the organization and functioning of a financial market, methods of trading in and settlement for securities markets with a particular focus to the organization of public trading in securities. Analysis of securities and other financial instruments, their characteristics with particular focus on return rate and risk ratio, as well as their utilization Discussion of investment funds, their organization and functioning principles, their characteristics, diversity and classification. Students will be introduced to foreign exchange markets, their participants, objectives, currency quoting, and measures to minimize the currency risk and arbitration possibilities. The course will specifically emphasize the applicability aspect: The discussion of the most important subjects and themes will include some practical tasks (collection of market data from public information, and related calculations), analysis of received results, interpretation and assessment of the results on the basis of actual examples from financial markets. Significant attention will be dedicated to different kinds of group practical tasks and presentation of the results. The practical tasks will facilitate the strengthening of systemic and logical thinking skills. Topic title Contac t hours Independent study h Assignments 2 Introductory lecture 10 1. Introduction to financial markets 4 10 1 Financial Markets Problems Quiz Assignment 1. Enterprises and the ways of raising capital Assignment 2. Fill in the tables about the different types of markets and trading ways. Gr. 1.2. Listing requirements Assignment 10 2. Securities and other financial instruments 20 Gr. 1.3. Current financial crisis Assignment TESTS 2.1. MM instrumentsQuiz 2.2. Debt securitiesQuiz 2.3. EquitiesQuiz 2.4. Derivatives Forwards and futuresQuiz 2.5. OptionsQuiz ASSIGNMENTS for INDIVIDUAL WORK 2.1.-2.2. Comparison of Debt InstrumentsFile 2.3. Comparison of Forwards ir FuturesFile 2.1. Comparison of money market instrumentsAssignment 2.2. Comparison of money market instruments and bondsAssignment 2.3 Comparison of Forwards and FuturesAssignment 10 3. Collective investment undertakings 20 3.1A . Investment Fund Value CalculationsAssignment 3.1B. CIU Market In LithuaniaAssignment 3.2A. CIU Comparrison (Lithuanian)Assignment 3.2B. CIU ComparrisonAssignment 3.3.A. ProblemAssignment 3.3.B. Problem Assignment 5 3.4. ProblemsAssignment 3.6. Investment portfolio Workshop 3.6. Investment portfolio Excel file for teacher evaluationAssignment 3.1.Gr. Presentation. Main investment objects and main limitations of Special CIUAssignment Assessment of a financial instrument portfolio. Investment instrument efficiency parameters. 4. Foreign exchange market 8 12 8 20 Individual portfolio preparation and evaluation 4.1.A. Homework Quiz 4.1.B. Homework Quiz 4.1.C. Homework Quiz 4.2. Cross Rates Quiz 4.3. Buy-Sell, Cross rates Quiz 4.4. Purchasing Power Parity Quiz 4.5. Interest Rate ParityQuiz 4.6. Foreign Exchange Arbitrage 4.1. Retail and Wholesale FOREX market 4.2. Big Mac Standart 48 82 Reading list, no more than 5 sources Year of publishing Authors and title of the publication Publishing house 2009 Brown, K.C., Reilly F.K. Analysis Investment and Management of Portfolios South-Western Cengage Learning 2008 2011 Gitman L.J., Joehnk M.D. Fundamentals of Investing. Madura, Financial Institutions and Markets Pearson 6 2010 2010 2007 Steiner R. Mastering Financial Calculations Sounders, A. & Corenett M.M. Financial Markets and institutions. Rose Peter S. Money and capital markets Additional reading Year of publishing Authors and title of the publication McGraw-Hill Irwin Publishing house Prentice Hall Levy H. Fundamentals of investments Valdez, S. & Molyneux P. (2010). Global Financial Markets. Palgrave Macmillan 2010 Pilbeam K. Finance &Financial Markets Tests, written answers to questions, calculations, reports and Assessment requirements presentation, Assessment criteria Practical abilities, Cognitive skills, Transferrable skills 2008 2010 The composition of final accumulative mark The accumulative mark consists of three parts: Interim examination 25% + final examination 25% + tests 20% + discussions, home assignments 20% + portfolio 10%. Course outline arranged by Dr. Laima Urbšienė Approved by the Study Program Committee Date, Chairman’s signature 7