September 5th and 6th God Redeems

September 5th and 6th
Bible Passage: Genesis 1—3
(Creation and the Fall)
God Redeems
Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God,
keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who
love him and keep his commandments.
Deuteronomy 7:9
15 minutes
30 minutes
10-15 minutes
5 minutes
Pre-service music loop/Free play- 5:45 p.m., 8:45 a.m., 10:30 a.m.
Anticipate// 15 min.
1. Welcome- 6:00 p.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:45 a.m.
Host: Hey everyone! Welcome to Segullah Clubhouse…especially the new 1st graders! We are so glad that
you are here and in your brand new grades! It’s time to connect with your small group leaders this morning!
Find your small group rug and talk about the “connect” question on the screens. Then, listen to your small
group leaders for a fun activity! Clean up and find your small group rug!
CG: Connect Slide (with b/g music)
2. Connect Question
If you could design and grow your own tree, what would it look like and what would grow on it?
(Example: a purple and green tree that grows gummy bears)
3. Intro Activity: Barking, Neighing, and Crowing
• Animal cards (see Resources)
• scissors
• Connect Activity slide (see Resources)
Print and cut apart the Animal cards. Make sure you have enough cards so each child gets one (and make sure
each animal has a match within your group).
Hand a card to each child. Tell the kids that when you say, “Go,” they should make the sound of the animal on
their card, and they should try to gather with the other kids making the same sound. The kids can’t talk to each
other; they can only make the animal sound on their card! The first animal group to find all its members wins.
Celebrate// 30 min.
4. Countdown to Large Group- 6:15 p.m., 9:15 a.m., 11:00 a.m.
CG: Countdown
CG: Rules Clip
Host: The countdown to large group is on! Go ahead and clean up your small group rug and find a seat with
your small group leaders for Large Group time! We are going to get started very soon.
Host exits. Worship Leader and team enters at the end of the rules clip.
5. Worship
Worship Leader: Hey everybody! Welcome, my name is _____! My team and I are so excited to hang out
with you today. Today we are going to find out that God created everything in the whole world! That means he
made us too… He is a great big God! Today is the day God has made and we are going to thank him for that in
this next song! Let’s stand up and sing together!
SFX: Today is the Day
Worship Leader: This next song will sound familiar to those of you in 2nd-5th grade. But don’t worry 1st
graders- we are excited to teach it you! Remember when I said that our God is so big! That’s what this next
song says- (do motions while you say the lyrics) My God is so big, so strong, and so mighty, there is nothing
that my God cannot do! Have kids say that phrase and do the motions with you a few times. That’s right, our
God is BIG and can do anything! Remember that as we sing this next song!
SFX: My God Can
Worship Leader: Thanks for worshipping with us. Give your neighbor a high five and have a seat!
Worship team exits and sits with the kids. Host enters.
6. Bible Verse/ Offering/ Timeline
Host: My God is so big, so strong, and so mighty! I love that song! I know a verse in the Bible that tells us
that God is not only big, but he loves us! Check it out on the screens. Watch the verse animation with the kids;
please note below that the verse cards for the game are divided out by week to learn the verse one portion at a
CG: Bible verse animation
“Know therefore that the LORD your God is God (Sept 5/6 cards);
He is the faithful God (Sept 12/13 cards),
Keeping his covenant of love (Sept 19/20 cards)
to a thousand generations of those who love him( Sept 26/27 cards)
And keep his commandments.” Deuteronomy 7:9 (October 3rd and 4th cards)
*For the week of October 10/11 (remember and celebrate/review weekend) please use all of the cards in
the game.
Over the next few weeks, we are going to work on memorizing this verse. Since it is a very long verse, we are
going to learn it one phrase at a time. This week we are going to practice the first phrase:
“Know therefore that the Lord your God is God”. Wow! Did you know that the God who made the whole world is
our own God! That means the great big God who made the world cares about us! That is so cool! To help you
remember this first phrase, I’m going to teach you some motions.
Watch this:
“Know therefore” (point with both index fingers to your brain)
“That the Lord your God” ( point with right index finger to heaven)
“is your God” (point with left index finger to heaven)
Now, stand up and do it with me! Have kids stand and lead them through it 3 times. Now, let’s do it in
slowwwww motion. Lead kids in slow motion one or two times. Now, let’s do in fast forward! Lead kids in fast
forward one or two times. Great Job! Now it’s time to put this phrase of our verse together with a fun game! I
need girls and boys to play our game! Choose names out of the Clubhouse Crew buckets for the relay game.
Relay supplies will be provided. Show kids what to do and lead the game. When game is completed, read the
verse together with motions.
CG: Bible verse slide with music
That game was so much fun! Good job. To help you work on the verse over the next few weeks, each of you
will get a Bible verse card to take home… here it is! Show them the card. You can use this as a bookmark at
school, put it on your fridge at home, or even on your bathroom mirror. Just make sure you put it somewhere
you will see it each day! Your small group leaders will give it to you before you go home today.
Next, we are going to pray and give our offering to God.
SFX: Offering slide with soft music
Did you know that God loves for kids like you to know about him?! We give our money so that more kids can
learn about God. If you have your offering out, go ahead and hold it up. Everyone else, put two hands up, put
them together, and bring them down. Let’s pray.
“Dear God, thank you for our offering. Please help other kids to know you. In Jesus’ name Amen.” Ok, let’s
send our offering to God today. Dismiss girls to the offering mailbox then the boys.
Since today is the first weekend of our new school year, we have some new things to share with you! This
school year we are going to travel through our Bibles hold up a Bible and discover the “Big God Story”! How
many of you have seen a timeline before? Good! We are going to have our very own timeline here in Segullah
Clubhouse… The Big God Story timeline! Take a look!
CG: Big God Story Master Timeline
This school year, we are going to travel through the “Big God Story” timeline and learn so much together. Now,
let’s start at the very beginning of our Bibles and see what part of the Big God Story we are going to learn about
today. When the animation begins with the lights dimmed, host moves to the Bible Board lever.
Dim the lights.
SFX: Timeline Animation
After animation, please display for Host:
CG: Timeline Slide (specific)
Wow! We are going to start at the very beginning of the Bible and our Big God Story Timeline with the story of
Adam and Eve. Where is that story found in the Bible? Let’s find out! Countdown with me as I flip the Bible
Board, 3…2…1…flip the lever and worship team member will flip the board backstage. Wow! Genesis 3:1-13.
p.22& 23 in the Action Bible. If you have your own Bible get that out now and find our page. If you need a
Bible raise your hand and a leader will bring you one.
CG: Bible time slide Genesis 3:1-13 p.23 in the Action Bible
Give time for the Bibles to be passed out, repeat the reference and page numbers a few times.
Host: Now that everyone has a Bible, if you need help finding your page, raise your hand and someone will
help you. Fourth and Fifth graders, if you found your page already, help those around you. Give time for the
Bibles to be passed out, repeat the reference and page numbers a few times. When you sense the kids are
ready, read the verses. Now, we’re going to turn our attention to today’s storyteller who has been studying the
Big God Story over in our Segullah Clubhouse library. Please welcome _________.
Host exits. Storyteller enters through the library/ bookshelf door.
7. The Big God Story: God Redeems
Bible Passage: Genesis 1—3
Storytelling Technique: Reader’s Theater
• slides: Night Sky, Ocean, Tree Leaves, Daisies, Seashells, Whale Fin, Ram Horn, Sunset, Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil (see Resources)
• Large crosses (3, made out of wood or cut from brown butcher paper)
• Optional: stools for actors (4)
Print four copies of The Big God Story section to act as a “script” for the volunteer actors: Adam, Eve, God, and
the serpent (use worship team members). Highlight each person’s part. Place each script in a black binder so
it's easy to hold and turn pages. Consider asking someone with a loud, booming voice to speak the part of
God. Inform the worship team members that they will be participating in a reader’s theater version of this
narrative. Encourage them to add their own flair to the characters.
Set up the crosses along the wall in different areas of your space. Consider placing stools in the center of the
stage for the actors. If it’s an option for you, adjust the lighting to illuminate the actors while leaving the rest of
the stage dark.
STORYTELLER: Today I’m going to tell you the beginning of a story. We won’t be able to finish the
story today; in fact we will tell this story all year long. Each time we gather together, you may have a
different person sharing a different part of the story, but there is one very important thing to remember
… it’s all the same story with one main character. It’s His story and He is the hero. He is unlike anyone
or anything else and He is good—always good. Who is it that I am speaking of? Allow kids to answer.
That’s right, God. This is the true story of God. Before we get started, let’s stop and ask God to teach
us today. Lead kids in Prayer.
In the beginning, everything was completely dark. Pause. And God was there. He had always existed,
and He always will. Pause. Then, one day, God began to create. He created the starry night sky (Tech:
Cue Night Sky slide), the big, salty ocean (Tech: Cue Ocean slide), the shimmering leaves on the trees
(Tech: Cue Leaves slide), the white petals on daisies (Tech: Cue Daisies slide), the tiny seashells on the
shore (Tech: Cue Seashells slide), the fins on the blue whale (Tech: Cue Whale Fin slide), the horns on
rams (Tech: Cue Ram Horn slide), the swirls of colors in the sunset (Tech: Cue Sunset slide)—everything
we see on earth. And God called it “good.”
Because God saved the best for last, He created the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve, on
His final day of creation. He called them “very good.” God placed Adam and Eve in a garden in the
middle of four rivers, and the garden was very beautiful and full of good things to eat and animals to
play with. The garden was called Eden.
Life was good for the man and the woman in the garden. They had a perfect relationship with God!
They walked and talked with God. Adam and Eve found plenty of fruit to eat on the trees, and had the
important responsibility of taking care of the garden. God even asked Adam to name all of the animals
in it. The only thing Adam and Eve were forbidden to do was eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of
Good and Evil in the middle of the garden. (Tech: Cue Tree slide.) God told them that if they ate from it,
they would die.
One day, as Eve stood in the garden by this very tree, a serpent approached and said,
SERPENT: Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?
EVE: We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the
tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die’ (Genesis 3:1–3).
STORYTELLER: The serpent lied to Eve.
SERPENT: You will not certainly die … For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened,
and you will be like God, knowing good and evil (vv. 4–5).
[STORYTELLER, direct kids to open their Bibles and follow along.]
STORYTELLER: Eve might have stood there looking at the tree for a moment. The fruit looked good,
and she was curious as to what it would taste like. Then she made a choice! Because she believed the
lie told to her by the serpent, she took a piece of fruit from the tree and bit into it. Then she gave it to
her husband, Adam, and he also took a bite.
Once Adam and Eve ate from the tree, they realized that they were naked! That’s why the tree was
named the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They now knew things they hadn’t known before,
and their innocence was gone. For the first time, they felt shame. Adam and Eve quickly gathered
leaves to cover their bodies. Soon after, they heard footsteps in the garden. It was God!
[STORYTELLER, encourage the kids to open their Bibles and follow along in Genesis 3:9–13.]
The Lord God called to the man.
GOD: Where are you?
ADAM: I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.
GOD: Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to
eat from?
ADAM: The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.
STORYTELLER: Then the Lord God said to the woman,
GOD: What is this you have done?
EVE: The serpent deceived me, and I ate.
Actors exit the stage.
STORYTELLER: At the moment Adam and Eve ate the fruit, “sin” entered the world. What is sin?
Encourage the kids to answer; interact with their responses. Sin is when we disobey God and turn away
from Him. God is holy—He is perfect and without sin. Because He is perfect and holy, He cannot exist
with sin. Now that sin was a part of people’s lives on earth, everything changed. The relationship God
shared with people changed. Adam and Eve were the first people to face the very serious
consequences of sin. One of those consequences was that they had to leave the garden, live separated
from God, and die someday. All people who came after Adam and Eve had these same consequences.
But God is so good. He made a promise that one day He would send a Redeemer who would forgive
and pay the price of our sin completely through His perfect love. Walk to and stand by one of the crosses
as you tell this next part of The Big God Story. The Redeemer is Jesus. Many hundreds of years after
Adam and Eve left the garden, God sent His only Son, Jesus, to live on earth as a man and die on a
cross as the sacrifice for our sins.
Born as a baby, just like you and me, Jesus grew up and lived a life free from any sin. He became the
ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Three days after Jesus died, He rose from the dead! It is the biggest
miracle that has ever happened. Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we have been redeemed. He
paid the price of our sin. He redeems us. Jesus made it possible for anyone who chooses to put her
faith in Him to have a perfect relationship with God again. Share a personal story of a time in your life
when God redeemed you.
We can get a taste of this perfect, redeemed relationship while we’re living here on earth. And
someday, in heaven, we will get to see God face-to-face. There will be no more sin, no more death, no
more hurting. It will be wonderful beyond anything we could ever imagine!
Before we get the end of the story, we need to see what happens throughout the entire Big God
Story—and we’ve only just begun. Get ready, because next week there may be some cloudy skies …
and you might want to bring your umbrellas.
Transition into worship response by inviting the worship leader to come up and lead kids in a time of
responding to God.
RESPONSE// 10-15 min.
*Kids will practice response in large group this week with the help of small group leaders.*
• Leaf cut outs
• Pencils or pens
• Tape
• Poster board (3 sheets)
• Marker
• Quiet instrumental worship music
Using the leaf-making supplies, make at least one green leaf per child.
Write "Forgiveness" on one poster board, "Thanksgiving" on the second, and "Hope" on the third. Tape each
sign near one of the crosses along the walls.
Worship Leader: God redeems. He frees us from sin and offers us the gift of eternal life with Him. Today we’re
going to have a chance to respond to our God as we think about these amazing truths.
If you feel you need forgiveness for your sin, or for anything that makes you feel ashamed, visit the
"Forgiveness" cross and write or draw prayers of confession to God on the leaves. If you’re comfortable, tape
those leaves to the cross. As you stand near or sit near the cross, remember that God redeems. Take some
time to pray and talk to God about the things you drew or wrote on the leaves.
If you’re feeling thankful for the forgiveness God offers us because of Jesus’ death, you may want to visit the
"Thanksgiving" cross. His death paid for our sins so we could have a relationship with God. At the cross today,
spend some time thanking Jesus for what He did for you when He redeemed you. If you want, write or draw
your thoughts on a leaf and tape it to the cross as an expression of thanksgiving for Jesus’ amazing gift. Spend
some time talking to God, thanking Him for His grace and forgiveness.
Perhaps you're rejoicing in the hope of being in heaven with God someday. If so, you may choose to visit the
"Hope" cross. Respond to the hope God offers us by writing or drawing your thoughts or prayers on a leaf and
taping it to the cross. Spend some time talking with God and praising Him for the ways He has redeemed you.
SFX: Instrumental Music loop
Give the kids a moment to pray and ask God how He would lead them to respond. Then allow the kids to
stand and write their prayers or thoughts on the leaves and attach them to the various crosses. Leaders, help
to guide the kids as they respond. Ask if they have questions, need prayer, or want to talk about anything
they’ve heard. Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead the kids as they respond. Consider playing instrumental worship
music quietly in the background.
As you sense this time is coming to a close, gather the children together and end this time in worship.
SFX: Forever Reign
After worship song is over, the worship leader prays, seats kids, and exits.
Host enters and dismisses kids by grade to their small groups for a verse of blessing, host please explain the
blessing activity below.
BLESS & DISMISSAL // 10 min.
Small Group Leaders
Children are blessed through a prayer of commission, a portion of
Scripture, or words of encouragement and guidance.
One at a time, turn to each child, say his name, and read one of the following verses over him. If you have
more than six children in your group, feel free to look up additional verses describing God’s love so each child
can receive a different blessing. Or repeat the verses as you feel led.
Blessing Verses (also found in the Resources):
• Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that
is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:39)
• For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish
but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
• God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)
• But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were
dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. (Ephesians 2:4–5)
• This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live
through him. (1 John 4:9)
• The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he
will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17)
HomeFront Weekly: Be sure to send home the HomeFront Weekly for next week’s lesson! This pre-teaching
tool for parents encourages families to spend time in God’s Word together before children arrive at church.
After blessing verses, the host will share any announcements written on the take home Fridgenote.
Host: Don’t forget your Homefront Weekly Family to learn what we will talk about in the Big God Story next
week! This is for you and your parents to talk about at home together. Hold it up. So cool! Also, don’t forget
your Bible verse card I told you about! We will keep learning the verse together! Also, don’t forget these
important announcements on your Fridgenote (read the fridgenote). Now, it’s time for ticket drawings! Draw 1
red and 1 blue ticket. Wow! Thanks for coming today! Leaders please stand and kids stay seated for a safe
and fast pick up. See you next week!
SFX: Post service music loop