LENGTH OF UNIT Weeks 2 –5 AugustSeptember Chapter 1: Welcome to the World Chapter 2: Five Themes of Geography CONCEPTS/SKILLS/ VOCABULARY CONNECTION TO CORE CONTENT/ POS Government SS-06-1.1.1 Cultures and Societies SS-06-2.1.1 Economics SS-06-3.1.1, 3.2.1, 3.4.3 Geography SS-M-4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.2.1, 4.4.3, 4.4.4, 4.2.2, 4.4.1, 4.4.2, Historical Perspective SS-06-5.1.1 Reading and Writing Standards KEY DETAILS AND STRUCTURE 1. Use article of the week. Provide statement/question, have students provide textual evidence from provided literature. 2. Article of the Week/primary sources 3. Bill of Basic geography Analysis of geographic factors Five geographic themes for interpretation and organization Geography Terms Archipelago, basin, bay, canyon, continent, delta, desert, forest, glacier, grassland, gulf, hill, island, isthmus, lake, mountain, ocean, peninsula, plain, plateau, rainforest, river, sea, valley, volcano Vocabulary Chapter 1 History, geography, government, citizen, economics, scarcity, culture, culture traits, culture traits, interdependence Vocabulary Chapter 2 Continent, absolute location, relative location, latitude, longitude, migrate, place, region, movement, HumanEnvironment Interaction, ACTIVITIES/ ASSESSMENTS/ RESOURCES ASSESSMENTS McDougal Littell: World Cultures and Geography *Learning Targets* Basic Geography Skills I can identify methods for determining location. This means I can describe absolute and relative location. I can identify different elements of a map. This means I can recognize important parts of a map and their meaning. I can demonstrate finding absolute location. This means I can show how to find absolute location using latitude and longitude lines. I can identify different types of map projections. This means I can recognize different ways of showing Earth on a flat map (Robinson and/or Mercator). I can interpret/identify the different types of maps. This means I can explain and recognize the purpose of individual maps. Chapter 1 Rights/Economics/Scarcity/Su pply and Demand CRAFT AND STRUCTORE 4. Text vocabulary/article vocabulary/implementing the use of dictionaries 5. Use of articles 6. Use articles cartographer, thematic maps, map projections, Mercator projection, Robinson projection. INTEGRATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND IDEAS 7. Implementing videos, graphs, and/or maps 8. Use articles PRODUCTION & DISTRIBUTION OF WRITING 4. Five themes of geography open response 5. Peer editing of five themes OR I can define social studies, and identify the five fields of learning that it draws from. This means I can tell the meaning of social studies, and list the five fields of learning that relate to social studies. I can list and define the five themes of geography. This means I can describe each theme individually. I can identify the impact of geography and government on people. This means I can recognize the effect geography and government has on society. I can define basic geographic terms. I can describe economics. This means I can list the three types of resources and three types of economies. Chapter 2 I can identify the relationship between place and region. I can describe the movement of people in the world. This means I can recognize reasons why humans move. I can describe human environment interaction. I can recognize how people interact with their environment (good and bad). I can identify the globe and its characteristics. I can explain the differences between maps and globes. I can describe how geographers use charts and graphs to display and compare information. Ch.2 United Streaming videos Geography basics, Maps, Globes, and graphs (quiz) Latitude and Longitude Five Themes of Geography *Activities* -Globes from the library- Locating cities on the globes using Latitude and Longitude -Crack the Code Activity