Keywords - National Union of Teachers

Student information sheet
ANC centenary 2012
Key words
Afrikaans: A language derived from Dutch, recognised as an official language in 1925 and
was further developed with the rise of Afrikaner nationalism and apartheid.
Afrikaner: Dutch term for ‘native of Africa’ refers to white people who speak the Afrikaans
Apartheid: Meaning ‘apartness’ in the Afrikaans language, apartheid was a policy of racial
segregation introduced by the National Party in 1948. Apartheid laws introduced separate
areas for blacks and whites in places such as public buildings, sports grounds and toilets
and also divided black South Africans by tribe, each confined to a separate 'homeland'.
Bantu: A term used to describe a family of languages spoken mainly in southern and
eastern Africa. During apartheid, the term “Bantu” was used as a derogatory term for black
Bantustans: Also known as ‘homelands’, the Bantustans divided black Africans into ten
groups; each assigned a homeland. The homelands constituted only 13% of the land for
approximately 75% of the population. 3.5 million black Africans were forcibly removed to the
Bantustans causing widespread poverty.
Civil disobedience: Non-violent actions often used to try and change government policy or
legislation without resorting to violence. Until 1961, the ANC leaders, including Nelson
Mandela, believed that civil disobedience was the best way to challenge apartheid.
National Party: A political party representing the interests of the Afrikaner people. The
National Party came to power in 1948 in South Africa and introduced apartheid.
Pass (also known as a dompas): Identification papers for African men and women with racial
classification and other personal information. The government used passes to restrict
movement of black people. Passes criminalised millions of ordinary South Africans.
Township: black residential area on the outskirts of South African cities created by the white
United Democratic Front (UDF): founded in 1983 as an umbrella body that unified
numerous unions, youth, religious and sport organisations to oppose apartheid. It affiliated
with the ANC and led mass protests and boycotts throughout the 1980s.