Annual Report of Institutional Progress

Annual Report of Institutional Progress
University Libraries
University of Georgia
1. Summary of Major Accomplishments
Student Learning Center. Construction of the Student Learning Center continues with
occupancy expected during the upcoming academic year. To assist in planning
for the operation of this building, a Student Learning Center Partnership Support
Group has been formed, representing the units that will actually occupy the
building including staff from the Vice President for Instruction, EITS, the
Libraries, OISD, and Student Affairs.
Special Collections Libraries Building. The Board of Regents added this building to their
list of major capital projects at their meeting June 11, 2002. In addition, the
Governor and the Legislature provided special planning funds for this project.
This building will cost $36M, with the Libraries raising one-third. To date, we
have raised $8.6M.
Development. The Libraries continue to make substantial progress in fund raising. This
past year, commitments and collections totaling $3,140,486 were received, a
significant increase over the previous year.
Electronic Reserves. This year, the Libraries began to offer a service to scan materials that
faculty request and place them into an electronic database available to students
enrolled in a given course. This new service has been very well received by
faculty and by students.
Increased Use of the Libraries. Circulation of library collections increased by 27% over the
previous year 451,637 and the number of people coming into the Main and the Science
Libraries increased by 14% to almost 1,600,000. At the same time, the use of electronic
resources continues to increase. While some have predicted that use of the physical
library would decrease with the advent of the virtual library, that is not the case.
Increased Efficiency in Acquiring/Cataloging Books. Following a revamping of
workflow, turnaround times for ordering, receiving, and cataloging books has
improved dramatically.
Improved Collection Control. Through a pair of projects, the Libraries have provided
improved access to its physical holdings. We added over 34,000 records of our
serial holdings to a statewide database thus making it easier for other Georgia
libraries to borrow materials from us. We also redirected salary savings into a
special project that greatly improved inventory control of the collection.
Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Working with the Graduate School, the Libraries
now accept theses and dissertations in electronic format. These will be cataloged
and made available through the online catalog.
New Online Databases. The Libraries continue to add new online databases and
electronic resources.
Digital Library of Georgia. This is a joint project with GALILEO that digitizes and
makes available books and primary sources that are important to Georgia history.
Selected collections added this past year include Joseph Henry Lumpkin Family
Papers, Baldy Editorial Cartoons, History of the University of Georgia by
Thomas Walter Reed, Cornelius C. Platter Civil War Diary, Barnard’s
Photographic Views of the Sherman Campaign, and Robert E. Williams
Photographic Collection: African-Americans in the Augusta, Ga. Vicinity ca.
Federal Publications. As the regional depository for federal documents for Georgia, we
were responsible for developing a new plan for how these documents are
collected and stored by libraries throughout the state. This plan was approved in
June 2002.
Georgia Writers’ Hall of Fame. This program was formally dedicated in a ceremony
attended by more than 100 guests including distinguished family and friends of
the honored authors and guest speaker Provost Karen Holbrook. The event
received news coverage in and out of Georgia.
Training. The Libraries offered almost 60 training programs to staff this year. Also of
note were the invitation by the Board of Regents to host two sessions on
document retention schedules for north central Georgia libraries; and the
invitation to conduct a workshop on facilitation skills for the staff of the library at
Columbus State University.
Interlibrary Lending and Borrowing. The richness of the UGA collection continues to
be reflected in a comparison of our lending/borrowing ratios. We continue to lend
more items than we borrow by a ratio of 5 to 1.
Map Collection. Map and air photo circulation increased by 10,000 items this year after
doubling the year before. This is being driven by commercial firms making heavy
use of this collection for planning real estate developments and other projects.
Media Department and Archives. Screenings of significant programs from the Media
Archives were held in conjunction with other units on campus.
Foot Soldier Project. In partnership with several departments on campus, the Richard B.
Russell Library has undertaken a project to document the lives of people who
worked on the front lines of the Civil Rights Movement. President Adams
provided a Venture Grant to complete documentation on Hamilton Holmes.
Baldy Cartoon Database. A large collection of cartoons from the collection of Clifford
Baldowski has been digitized by the Russell Library and made available through
the Digital Library of Georgia.
Legends of the Deadball Era. An exhibit based around the baseball card collection of
Senator Russell has received wide coverage and proved to be very popular.
Electronic Journals. The Electronic Journal Locator, a list of electronic journals offered
by the Libraries, increased from 25,700 entries in FY01 to 31,600 entries in
FY02, a 23% increase.
Access to Electronic Resources. A pilot project to integrate the databases offered by
GALILEO with those offered by the University Libraries has been successful and
is being improved and expanded to other libraries.
Wireless Network. Using funds from the Student Technology Fee, wireless local area
networks are being established in the Main and Science Libraries. In addition,
twenty laptops have been purchased for students to check out and use with the
wireless network.
2. Progress in Strategic Planning
Relation to University Strategic Plan
Following is a brief report on the progress of the University’s strategic plan in
relation to the Libraries, referenced by page number to the University’s plan.
“A library of the highest quality.” (p. 7)
Despite the financial problems facing the University and the state, the library has been
able to maintain the same levels of collection growth and service while at the same time
adding electronic resources, notably electronic journals. This has been possible through
the use of one-time funding and the re-allocation of resources.
“Strategic Direction 1 – Building the New Learning Environment” (p. 14 & p. 17)
 Electronic Teaching Library – This is a major component of the new Student
Learning Center which will open in 2003. Funding for additional staff is needed late
in FY2003, as is funding from the Student Technology Fee for computer workstations.
 There are over $6M in naming opportunities in the Electronic Teaching Library. To
date, these have resulted in about $150,000 in pledges and numerous proposals have
been placed before prospective donors. We should have greater success as the
building nears completion and prospective donors can view the interior.
Digital Media Lab – This facility was originally planned for the Student Learning
Center but was cut for budget reasons. The President has expressed interest in
finding space for it in a future building.
The Student Learning Center with its classrooms and the Electronic Teaching Library
will alter the nature of undergraduate instruction at UGA. The Provost has asked the
Vice President for Instruction, the University Librarian, the Chief Information
Officer, the Vice President for Student Affairs, and the Director of the Office of
Instructional Support and Design to constitute a steering committee for this building.
Special Collections Libraries Building (p. 11)
 The University Libraries are committed to raise $12M in private funds, or one-third
of the cost, toward the construction of this building. To date, $8.6M has been raised.
 The University Libraries are also raising a $10M endowment to support the building.
To date, $2.3M has been raised or pledged.
 Preliminary design of this building was undertaken in FY2001 using private funds.
 The Governor and the Legislature included $240,000 for the design of this building in
the FY2002 supplemental budget. This funding will be combined with private funds
to advance and refine the design of the building.
 President Adams presented this building to the Board of Regents in June 2002 and
they added it to the Regents list of capital projects. This ensures that it will be funded
as the state and the Regents work through this prioritized list.
Research Investment – Building the Collection (p. 22)
 This planning priority calls for the Library Materials Budget to be treated as a utility
and receive a 5% increase to the base budget each year to cover inflationary increases
in the costs of journals and other publications.
 To date, this has not happened and the budget remains at the FY1998 level.
 One-time funding has carried us through, but the gap between the budget and the
amount needed to continue our current level of acquisitions is widening to nearly
$2M. It is becoming increasingly difficult to close this gap with one-time funds.
 One-time funding from the Student Technology Fee and other sources should allow
the continued flow of books, journals, and electronic resources in FY2003. However,
inflationary pressure continues and, should the one-time funding disappear, we could
be forced to reduce purchasing by up to 20%. This would greatly restrict access to
scientific and scholarly communication for our students and faculty.
 For FY2003, the University was able to restore the 5% reduction set by the Governor,
restoring the base budget to its FY2002 level.
Report on University Libraries 2001/2002 Goals
Complete planning for the Student Learning Center. Planning for the library
component is essentially complete. A “partnership” of staff from the Libraries, EITS,
OISD, and Student Affairs is meeting regularly to discuss operational issues.
Design a wireless network in both the Main Library and the Science Library. Initial
systems were funded by the Student Technology Fee and are being installed.
Continue planning for Special Collections Libraries Building. The Board or Regents
added this building to their list of capital projects at their June 2002 meeting. Fund
raising continues and the Governor and Legislature have appropriated funding for
Complete remodel of the main floor of the Science Library. Much of the collection on
the main floor has been distributed to the upper floors, creating a more open space
with room for study and for using electronic resources.
Expand collection of electronic publications. The Libraries now spend over $1M per
year on electronic publications, an increase of 17% over the previous year.
University Libraries Goals for 2002/2003
Consider the right size for the Library Materials Budget. Despite welcome
allocations of one-time funds, the gap between the base allocation and the amount
needed to maintain current levels of acquisitions and services continues to grow.
Occupy the library component of the Student Learning Center. When this building is
occupied in 2003, the nature of library services will change dramatically.
Continue design of the Special Collections Libraries Building. Using funds
appropriated by the Governor and Legislature, and supplemented by private funds,
plans for this building will be advanced to the Design Development level.
Identify and implement appropriate assessment tools. Tools for improved assessment
of library services and collections are now available, e.g., LIBQUAL.
Investigate software to enhance access to electronic resources. Software is becoming
available that will allow searching across multiple databases, instead of conducting
many consecutive searches, and also will provide linking from citations in one
database to the full text in another.
3. Progress in assessing unit/area effectiveness
Increased Use of the Libraries. As mentioned above, circulation of library collections increased
by 27% over the previous year (from 356,374 to 451,637) and the number of people
coming into the Main and the Science Libraries increased by 14% to almost 1,600,000.
Increasing use would suggest increased effectiveness. Evidence suggests that use is
increasing because we are improving the ease of use.
Reference Questions Asked. Th number of reference questions asked at the public service
desks remains steady, despite the increased availability of electronic services.
Increased Efficiency. Through workflow analysis, we are reducing the number of days it
takes to order, receive, and catalog books and other materials. For example, it
now takes less than 5 days to order or receive a book. The time to catalog an item
has also improved dramatically.
Use of Electronic Journals by Faculty. A survey of faculty in the sciences and social
sciences revealed that the electronic journals offered by the Libraries are being
heavily used. Faculty responded that their use of journals breaks down roughly
into thirds: one-third to the library print copy, one-third to the library electronic
version, and one-third to their own or departmental copy. This is remarkable in
that earlier studies have invariably found a much higher reliance on personal and
departmental copies. This suggests that the electronic versions provided by the
libraries match personal copies in convenience and thus are used heavily.
Interlibrary Borrowing. Borrowing turn-around time for books and copies (measuring from
when the user submits a request until the material arrives in our library) was
shortened to an average of 7.4 calendar days from the 8.4 calendar days reported
last year. Photocopies of journal articles and book chapters had the best record—
6.25 calendar days. This is due to the ability to receive copies electronically and
to pay (when necessary) electronically. This has been especially effective when
dealing with our increasing trade with foreign countries such as China, Denmark,
and Australia. Borrowing delivery time of copies to our users was also improved
since we can electronically forward articles to the student or faculty member
instead of relying on Campus or USPS mail.
Expenditures for Electronic Resources. Expenditures for electronic journals and other e-
resources increased by 17% to $1,072,006. Given the lack of a budget increase
since FY98, this increase either reallocation of use of one-time funds. Usage of
these resources is increasing dramatically.
4. Retention and Graduation Rates -- Not applicable
5. Overall health of the Libraries
Library Collections. Total holdings surpassed 3.8M volumes, placing the Libraries 36th
among the 111 academic members of the Association of Research Libraries
ARL Ranking. The Libraries ranked 29th in ARL membership index, a loss of one
The following factors will affect the overall health of the Libraries and need to be
monitored closely. (These are essentially the same concerns that were listed last year.)
Cost of books, journals, and electronic resources. More and more electronic
resources are being published every year. However, despite this and despite the
general impression that print is a fading medium, more books are being published
every year. At the same time, the cost of journals continues to escalate at rates
above 10% per year and electronic means of publishing do not yet provide any
relief from these increasing costs. This is an especially critical problem because
the base budget for books and journals was not increased for FY99, FY00,
FY01, or FY02. We continue to appreciate the one-time funding that has been
forthcoming from the University Administration.
Salaries. According to the most recent survey of the 111 academic library
members of the Association of Research Libraries, the median salary for
librarians at the University of Georgia has dropped from 63rd in FY2000 to 75th in
FY2001. It should be pointed out that the overall ranking for the Libraries is 29th
out of these same 111 institutions in the ARL membership index. It is doubtful
that any other unit on campus that ranks this high among its peers would also rank
so low in median salaries compared to the same peer group. Additional attention
to salaries would be welcome before market pressure begins to hamper
recruitment and retention. The same applies to staff salaries as well as librarians.
Staff Turnover. Staff turnover has improved over the previous year. In FY01, the
Libraries hired 91 staff and saw 41 leave. In FY02, the figures are 36 hired and
33 left. Of those that left, only two cited dissatisfaction with their situation. Most
left because of a life or career change. Lower turnover is likely tied to the slow
6. Summary/Outline
 Student Learning Center. Construction of the Student Learning Center continues
with occupancy expected during the upcoming academic year.
 Special Collections Libraries Building. The Board of Regents added this building to
their list of major capital projects at their meeting June 11, 2002.
 Development. Commitments and collections totaling $3,140,486 were received.
 Digital Library of Georgia. This joint project with GALILEO continues to grow.
 Georgia Writers’ Hall of Fame. This program was formally dedicated.
 Foot Soldier Project. The Russell Library’s project to document the lives of those
who worked on the front lines of the Civil Rights Movement in Georgia.
Strategic Planning – These were the top five goals for the year, all accomplished:.
 Complete planning for the Student Learning Center.
 Design a wireless network in both the Main Library and the Science Library.
 Continue planning for Special Collections Libraries Building.
 Complete remodel of the main floor of the Science Library.
 Expand collection of electronic publications.
 Increased Use of the Libraries. Circulation increased by 27% over the previous year and the
number of people coming into the Main and the Science Libraries increased by 14%.
Increased Efficiency in Acquiring/Cataloging Books. Turnaround times for ordering,
receiving, and cataloging books has improved dramatically.
Interlibrary Lending and Borrowing. By 5:1, we lend more items than we borrow.
Map Collection. Map and air photo circulation increased by 10,000 items this year
after doubling the year before.
Electronic Journals. A list of electronic journals offered by the Libraries, grew from
25,700 entries in FY01 to 31,600 entries in FY02, a 23% increase.
Use of Electronic Journals by Faculty. A survey of faculty revealed that the electronic
journals offered by the Libraries are being heavily used.
Expenditures for Electronic Resources. Expenditures for electronic journals and other eresources increased by 17% to $1,072,006. Given the lack of a budget increase since
FY98, this increase either reallocation of use of one-time funds. Usage of these
resources is increasing dramatically.
Overall Health of Unit
 Library Collections. Total holdings surpassed 3.8M volumes, placing the Libraries
36th among the 111 academic members of the Association of Research Libraries
 ARL Ranking. The Libraries ranked 29th in ARL membership index, a loss of one
 Escalating cost of journals, and electronic resources. This is our biggest problem
because the base budget for books and journals has not increased since FY98.
Individual Accomplishments
Abolins, Ruta.
Director of the Board, Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA).
___________. Hosted a panel on Digital Video Asset Vendors for “Managing Digital
Video Assets” Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, August 15-16, 2001.
___________. Presented a paper on “Moving Image African American Web Resources”
at the Association of Moving Image Archivists Conference, Portland, Oregon, November
6-10, 2001. Also so served as Chair of the Volunteer Committee.
___________. Member, Women’s History Month Committee, University of Georgia.
Baxter, Brad.
Technical Coordinator, GALILEO Statewide Project.
______. Member, GALILEO Technical Operations Sub-Committee.
Renee Blakey
Input over 1,000 publication patterns for the CONSER Publication Pattern Pilot Project,
1/3 of the total number of patterns input for the entire national project. She was
recognized nationally by the CONSER Coordinator and the Pilot Task Force.
Buss, Carla.
Chair, ACRL/Instruction Section/Preconference Task Force, American Library
Association's Annual Conference, Atlanta 2002. "Instruction for First Year
Undergraduates: Developing
Strategies to Facilitate Their Transitions".
_____. Member, ACRL/Instruction Section/Advisory Council. ALA Midwinter
(January 2002) and Annual (June 2002) Conferences.
_____. American First Ladies and First Ladies: A Biographical Dictionary. Book
reviews, Reference and
User Services Quarterly, 41 (3), Spring 2002, pp.
_____. Oxford Reference Online. Review, forthcoming, Reference and User Services
_____. Referee, College & Research Libraries News.
_____. Presenter, Library Program, Winter School, Rock Eagle, January 23, 2002.
_____. Presenter, library demonstration for Clarke County School District, Board of
Education, Resource
and Technology Center, April 17 and May 17, 2002.
_____. Working with Gwinnett Center to establish LYRIC (Library, Reference,
Instruction and
Collections) group to facilitate interaction between the Athens and
Gwinnett campuses.
Cannon, Regina
Special Libraries Association
Strategic Planning Committee, Food, Agriculture and Nutrition Division
Georgia Library Association
Judge, Community Science Fair
Campbell, John.
“Staying Focused – Development of a Web-Based Marketing Research Assignment at the
University of Georgia,” presentation at the Information Strategies Conference, Fort
Myers, Florida, November 15, 2001.
Cetwinski, Tom
1. Facilitation Skills, Board of Regents Staff, February 18, 2002.
2. Facilitation Skills, Columbus State Library Staff, March 11, 2002.
3. Chair, Academic Library Division of the Georgia Library Association/Georgia
Chapter of ACRL, Academic Paper Presentations. COMO Annual Conference, Jekyll
Island, October 31 – November 2.
Clayton, Bill. Member, GALILEO Technical Operations Sub-Committee.
______. Member, GIL Cataloging Committee, Liaison from GIL Steering Committee.
______. Member, GIL Steering Committee.
______. Member, OIIT Strategic Plan, Strategic Objective 2.1 Team, April-May
Cohen, Nadine.
Treasurer, Bibliographic Instruction Group (BIG), Georgia
_______. Co-coordinator, BIG Spring Meeting, “Information Literacy: What’s It All
About?,” Mercer University-Atlanta, May 17, 2002.
_______. Presenter, library demonstration for Clarke County School District Board of
Education Resource and Technology Center, May 29, 2002.
_______. “Pestalozzianism”, “San Francisco State College Strike of 1968-69”, “Student
Non-Violent Coordinating Committee” entries in the Oryx Dictionary of
Education (forthcoming).
_______. “California Higher Educational System” entry in the Dictionary of American
History. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, forthcoming.
Compton, Margaret.
Secretary of the Board, Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA). Began her
duties in June 2002 after the previous Secretary stepped down.
___________________. Attended “Managing Digital Video Content Workshop,”Atlanta,
Georgia, August 15-16, 2001.
________________. Conceived, organized, and managed panel presentation “Storage
and Management of Color Slides and Transparencies,” Society of American Archivists
(SAA) Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., August 27-September 2, 2001
________________. Attended Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) Annual
Conference, Portland, Oregon, November 6-10, 2001. In addition Margie is a Member of
Conference Committee, Awards Committee Chair, and served as a Panel Chair .
Conger, Joan.
Presented "The GALILEO Comparison of EBSCOhost and Proquest Product Suites," at
the GLA/COMO 2001 meeting.
_______. Co-founder of GETSM Electronic Resources Librarians group.
_______. Co-founded ERIL, Electronic Resources in Libraries, a nationwide professional
network of electronic resource librarians.
_______. “The GALILEO Comparison of EBSCOhost and ProQuest Product Suites.”
The Georgia Library Quarterly, 39(1) Spring 2002: 11-17.
_______. Co-presenter “Assessing Full-Text Aggregator Databases” 2002 SOLINET
Annual Membership Meeting.
Coscarelli, William F.
Athena Grand Opera Company Guild, Vice President/President Elect
(a UGA School of Music & Classic Center collaboration)
Northeast Georgia Chapter, American Guild of Organists, Treasurer
Prague Advent Choral Festival, participated as organist/chorister with the Trinity
Community Choir which performed four concerts in Prague, 23-28 November
Curtis, Susan.
“Cooperative Reference: Is There a Consortium Model?” Reference and User Services
Quarterly, 41(3) Summer, 2002: 38-43.
_______. Chair, Cooperative Reference Committee, Reference and User Services
Division, American
Library Association, 2001-2002.
_______. Member, GIL Reference Committee
_______. Member, GALILEO Reference Committee
_______. Program Facilitator, “Preparing for Digital Reference,” Panel Presentation,
GOLD Annual
Conference, Athens, Georgia, August 3, 2001.
Devaney, Sheila.
Book Reviewer, Library Journal.
_______ . Cochair, Archives Committee, Georgia Library Association.
_______. Cochair, Special Libraries and Information Services Division, Georgia Library
_______. Member, Dance Librarians Committee, ARTS Section, ACRL.
_______. Member, Executive Board, Georgia Library Association.
_______. Member, Membership Committee, Literatures in English Section, ACRL.
_______. Peabody Awards Judge.
_______. Poster session presenter, "Virtual Reference : Off Campus Techniques for an
Setting," ALA Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, June 16, 2002.
_______. Presenter, "All Aboard for Virtual Reference, " 30th University System Annual
Conference, Rock Eagle 4-H Center, Eatonton, Georgia, October 25, 2001.
_______. Presenter, "Knowledge is Power and Fashionable Too: Popular Culture and the
Librarian, "
GLA Annual Conference, Jekyll Island, Georgia, November 1, 2001.
_______. Scholarship Recipient and Participant, Institute for Information Literacy,
August 3 - 8, 2001, SUNY Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh, New York.
Elkins, Linda.
Compiler, AMIA Compendium of Moving Image Cataloging Practice, published jointly
with Society of American Archivists, Summer 2001.
__________________. Presented an invited paper at Annual Conference of Society of
American Archivists, Washington, DC, September 2, 2001.
__________________. Presented SAA Liaison Report at Cataloging and Documentation
Committee meeting at Annual Conference of Association of Moving Image Archivists,
November 2001.
Fay, Robin
Judge, George Foster Peabody Awards
Field, Susan C.
Continues as Chair of the Committee on the Georgia State Plan
for Federal Depository Libraries.
____________. Attended the Federal Depository Library Conference
meeting held in October 2001 in Alexandria, DC.
____________. Attended the Federal Depository Library Conference meeting
held in Mobile in April 2002.
Griffith, Eric.
Member, GALILEO Electronic Resources Access Study Group.
_______. Interviewed for Athens Banner-Herald article, “Get info about Athens on new
UGA Web site,” November 21, 2001.
Fitzpatrick, Phil. Member, GALILEO Technical Operations Sub-Committee.
______. Sun Administering Security for Solaris [tm] 2.x class (SC-300).
______. Sun Hardware RAID and T3 Storage Systems Administration class (ES255).
Gants, Susan.
Member, GALILEO Technical Operations Sub-Committee.
______. Member, ARCHE Civil Rights in Atlanta working group.
Garner, Jim.
Sun Disk Management with DiskSuite [tm] class (ES-220).
______. Sun Hardware RAID and T3 Storage Systems Administration class (ES-255).
______. Sun Solaris 8 System Administration I class (SA-237).
______. Sun Systems Fault Analysis class (ST-350).
Hartle, Diana.
Newsletter editor. Upper Oconee Watershed Network News.
ACC Library Board, member
Holt, Kelly.
Member, American Library Association, New Members’ Round Table, Local Arrangements
_______. Member, Georgia Library Association, Awards Committee.
Hope, Ann
Member, ALA/ALCTS Leadership Development Committee
Member, ALA/ACRL/CMDS Education Committee
Member, GIL Cataloging Committee
Member, GIL UC/UB Committee
Co-presenter, ALA Summer 2002 Conference, GOLD, GALILEO, OCLC and SOUL the University of Georgia Library’s move toward full union listing, to OCLC’s Union
List Users Group
Co-presenter, Universal Catalog, to University System of Georgia Librarians at Macon
State College, Georgia Perimeter College, and the University of Georgia (September 11
and 20, September 18, and November 11, 2001 respectively)
Hottenstein, Tara.
Accepted into the Clinical Psychology PhD program at the University of Kentucky for
Fall 2002
__________. Conducted SGML training session for UTK Hoskins Library staff, Sept.
Houston, Jacquie.
Member, Paraprofessional Task Force, GLA
_______. Chair, Paraprofessional Division, GLA to Dec. 2001
_______. Member, African Studies Institute Interest Group, UGA
_______. Member, Darl Snyder Lecture Committee, African Studies Institute, UGA
African Studies Institute, UGA "Public Service and Outreach" Award, 2002.
_______. Presenter, GIL at Georgia Tech Library, June 27, 2002.
Hughes, Martha Tanner.
Completed 300 Level Certification for Voyager System Administration.
Hughes, Neil
Fiscal Officer, Music Library Association Board
Past Chair, Southeast Chapter of the Music Library Association
Chair, Nominating Committee, Music OCLC Users Group
Hurst, Anne S.
Special Libraries Association
Membership Chair, Food, Agricultural, and Nutrition (FAN) Division
Vendor Relations Chair, FAN Division
Member, Georgia Chapter
Contributor to Food for Thought
Special Libraries Association annual conference, Los Angeles, June 2002
American Libraries Association, meeting on Phase IV of NEH/USAIN National
Preservation Plan for Agricultural Literature (Georgia’s participation has been approved
and funding available July 2002)
Pursuing BS in horticulture
Jedlicka, Beth
Co-presenter, Do You Speak MARC? MARC for Beginners, Georgia Council of Media
Organizations Conference
Co-presented, Knowledge is Power, and Fashionable Too: the Image of Librarians in
Popular Culture, Georgia Council of Media Organizations Conference
Co-chair, Georgia Library Association, Technical Services Interest Group
Chair, ALA/ALCTS/CCS Policy and Research Committee
ALA/ALCTS/CCS Representative to the ALCTS Planning Committee
Taught SCCTP Basic Serials Cataloging Workshop under the auspices of SOLINET
Karras, Gabrielle
Chair, Georgia Library Association, Professional and Continuing Education Interest
Judge, George Foster Peabody Awards
Co-presenter, Do You Speak MARC? MARC for Beginners, Georgia Council of Media
Organizations Conference
Kelly, Kevin
Trinity Luther Church, Director of Music, 1989 –
Trinity Community Choir, Director, Prague Advent Choral Festival
Athens Chamber Singers, Director, 1995 Killens, Caroline.
ALA/ALCTS/AS Excecutive Board, secretary
ALA/ALCTS/AS/Research & Statistics Committee, member
GIL : GALILEO Interconnected Libraries Committee, Acq/Ser Committee, member
Ladner, Peter
Awarded Master of Education, Spring Commencement, 2002
Langford, Will.
Habitat for Humanity, Madison County
Marquardt, Jenifer
Presenter, Evaluating Global Change Queue Proposals, Southeastern Voyager User
Group Meeting, August 2001
Presented program on authority control in Voyager and use of MARCIVE for authority
control to University System of Georgia librarians at Macon State College, Georgia
Perimeter College, and the University of Georgia (September 11 and 20, September 18,
and November 11, 2001 respectively)
McClusky, Duncan
Special Libraries Association
Public Relations Officer, Environment and Resource Management Division
Listserv manager, ERMD
Keep Tift Beautiful Advisory Board
Dixie Wheelchair Athletic Association Games
Southern Regional Administrator, Georgia District, Circle K International
McMurry, Nan
"Elderly Pioneers: The Georgia Newspaper Project and Georgia
Historic Newspaper Database," presented to the ALCTS Newspaper Users
Discussion Group, American Library Association Conference, Saturday, June 15, 2002.
Miller, Mary.
Attended “Managing Digital Video Content Workshop,”Atlanta, Georgia, August 15-16,
______________. Member, King Week Committee, University of Georgia.
______________. Member, Black History Month Committee, University of Georgia.
______________. Served as a Peabody Awards Judge, Winter 2002.
______________. Hosted panel and screening for Women’s History Month, University
of Georgia.
_______________. Recipient of the 2002 Leslie Keith Bates Recognition of
Excellence Award for service to the University of Georgia Office of Minority Services &
Miller, Stephen.
Presentation on Digitization and Digital Library Administration and Management Issues,
SOLINET Annual Meeting, Spring, 2002
__________. Presentation on the Digital Library of Georgia, GLA/COMO meeting, Fall
__________. Panel presentation, “Archivists as Digital Librarians,” Society of American
Archivists Annual Meeting, 2001
Morris, Susan
Chair, Georgia Library Association Academic Library Division 2000-2001
Presenter, GLA, October 2001, represented ACRL/ALD at the New Members
Roundtable” The Maze of Acronyms: Finding your way through the vast world
of library associations.”
Member of the GLA Executive Board, 2000-2001
Member of the GLA ALA 2002 Planning Committee
Chaired the GLA Hubbard Scholarship Raffle Committee at the GLA booth
during ALA
Co-presenter at ALA, June 16, 2002, OCLC Union List Users’ Group: "GOLD,
GALILEO, OCLC and SOUL-The University of Georgia Library's move toward
full union listing."
Chair, GIL ILL Committee
Member of the GIL UB/UC Task Force
Co-facilitator at GIL Users Group Meeting, May 23, 2002, Middle Georgia
College at the joint Circulation and ILL functional group sharing session
Chair, ASERL ILL Reciprocal Agreement Oversight Committee
Representative to ARCHE ILL/Circulation Committee
Received certificate upon completion of ARL /OMS online course “Measuring
Library Service Quality,” June 25-August 3, 2001.
Nalley, Lawton.
ACC Recreation Program, Bishop Park, Soccer, coach.
Nash, Amanda.
Member, Technology Working Group, Virtual Reference Project, ASERL.
_______. Presenter, "All Aboard for Virtual Reference, " 30th University System Annual
Conference, Rock Eagle 4-H Center, Eatonton, Georgia, October 25, 2001.
Nielsen, Kristin.
Co-presenter, “eCore: The Library Skills Online Tutorial You’ve Been Waiting For,”
GLA Annual Conference, Jekyll Island, November 1, 2001.
_______. Presenter, “Understanding the ACRL Standards for Information Literacy,” BIG
Spring Meeting,
Mercer University-Atlanta, May 17, 2002.
_______. President, Bibliographic Instruction Group (BIG), Georgia.
_______. Member, Membership Committee, Instruction Section, ACRL.
_______. Fact-Checking Coordinator, New Georgia Encyclopedia.
_______. Co-Instructor, UNIV 1109, “Resources for Research,” Spring Semester, UGA.
Pereira, Monica.
Member, Conference Program Planning Committee, Science & Technology Section,
_______. Member, Conference Committee, Georgia Library Association.
Pollock, Rod
Chosen to participate in the 50th anniversary special project conducted by the Library of
Congress, Geography and Map Division from July 9-August 10, 2001
Reidenbaugh, Patrick.
(coauthor with Joan Conger). The GALILEO Comparison of EBSCOHost and
Product Suites. Georgia Library Quarterly 39 (1): 11-17.
_______. "Recent Studies in French Linguistics". Comparative Romance Linguistics
Newsletter, Spring
_______. Instructor, FRENCH 1001 and 1002. University of Georgia Independent Study.
Rowland, Lucy M.
Special Libraries Association
Awards Chair, Biomedical and Life Sciences Division
Contributor to Biofeedback
Member, Georgia and North Carolina Chapters
Member, Social Sciences Division
Society of Sigma Xi
American Society for Microbiology
New York Academy of Sciences
American Planning Association
Congress for the New Urbanism
International contact, Initiative on Formation of Student Chapters
The Seaside Institute
Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, 26th edition, 1999-2000
Congress for the New Urbanism X, Miami Beach, 2002
CNU Councils (by invitation), Santa Fe, 2001, Charleston, 2002
Editor in Chief The New Urban Post
Editor, NUP II On Gentrification and NUP III On Environmentalism
Rowland, Lucy M. and Emily Talen. “Academic Articles about New Urbanism,” on CNU
website. (updated annually)
Rowland, Lucy M. “Dissertations Related to New Urbanism,” on CNU website (updated annually)
Guest lecturer, Land Use Law, School of Law, October, 2001
Guest lecturer, Dwelling and Community, College of the Environment and Design,
February, 2002
External referee for Promotion and Continuing Status Committee, University of Arizona,
October 2001
Received written acknowledgement for research performed for two poster sessions and
one presentation:
Flatt, William P., William J. Payne, Nancy L. Canolty. “Jules Reiset (18181896)—a Nineteenth
Century Space Age Respiration Physiologist and Chemist.” History of Physiology
American Physiological Society, New Orleans, April 2002.
Payne, William J., Nancy L. Canolty, William Flatt. “Reiset’s Experimental
Revelation of
Denitrification: Closure of the Nitrogen Cycle.” History of Physiology Group,
Physiological Society, New Orleans, April 2002.
Cabaniss, Harvey, and William J. Payne. “Nitric oxide: you can’t leave home
without it.”
(presented both at a conference in Budapest and at the Georgia Society of
Sea Island, June, 2002)
President, Jeannette Rankin Foundation Board of Directors
Athens Clarke Co. Planning Commission
Athens Clarke Co. Transition Advisory Committee on Land Use Plan
Clarke Co. Democratic Committee and Executive Committee
Democratic Party of Georgia, State Committee member
Leadership Athens, Lunch and Lead, “Contributing to Athens-Clarke Co. in the Area of
Land Use Planning” presented November 15, 2001
Senior Leadership Academy, Athens Community Council on Aging, “Volunteer
Opportunities in Land Use Planning,” presented February 14, 2002
Shedenhelm, Laura.
Participated in “Managing Digital Video Assets” Conference, Atlanta, August 15-16,
_______________. Served as a Peabody Awards Judge for radio news and documentary
programs, Winter 2002.
_______________. Editor of the Latin American Information Series, an online
publication sponsored by the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library
Materials and hosted by the UGA Libraries.
________________ and Bartley A. Burk. “Book Vendor Records in the OCLC
Database: Boon or Bane?” Library Resources & Technical Services 45:1 (January 2001),
10-20. This article won Best of LRTS Award, announced in Spring 2002.
________________. Presented paper “Revolutions on the Radio: People and Issues
Related to Revolutionary Movements in Latin America, Audio Gleanings from the
Peabody Awards Collection” at SALALM XLVII, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, June
1-4, 2002.
________________. Served as Chair of Membership Committee for SALALM.
Stanley, Deborah.
Member, GALILEO Electronic Resources Access Study Group.
_______. Search Committee Member for new Instructional Technology Department
Faculty Member.
Taylor, Lisa
Presented paper, Making It Familiar : an Intertextual Analysis of Valdimir Maksimov’e
novel Proshchanie iz niokuda, American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East
European Languages in New Orleans, December 2001
Contributed article Ob elektronnoi knige (I ne tol’ko) : iz amerikanskogo opyta to Kniga,
jul’tura, obshchestvo (Sankt Peterburg : Institut kul’tury, 2002)
Trap, Diane.
"University of Georgia Libraries Handheld Users' Guide." Poster Session, ALA Annual
Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, June 17, 2002.
Trotter, Bob.
Completed 400 Level Certification for Voyager System Administration.
______. Coordinator, University of Georgia GIL (GALILEO Interconnected
Libraries) Service site.
______. Member, Endeavor/USG/Wisconsin Universal Borrowing Task Force.
______. Member, GIL Technical Committee.
______. Member, GIL Universal Borrowing Policy Committee.
______. Member, OIIT Strategic Plan, Strategic Objective 1.4 Team, April-May
Tuggle, Susan.
Presenter, “Georgia Government Publications,” State Documents Librarians’ Conference:
Western States, Scottsdale, Arizona, April 23, 2002.
_______. Presenter, “Georgia Government Publications Database on GALILEO,” ALA
Conference, GODORT Program: Innovation in State Government Information
Services, Atlanta, Georgia, June 17, 2002.
Van Scoyoc, Anna.
Member, Membership Committee, Georgia Library Association.
_______. Intern, Teaching Methods Committee, Instruction Section, ACRL.
_______. Presenter, Poster. “Reducing Library Anxiety in First-Year Students: The
Impact of ComputerAssisted Instruction and Bibliographic Instruction,” ALA Annual Conference,
Atlanta, Georgia,
June 15, 2002.
_______. Peabody Awards Faculty Judge.
Williams, Gayle
ARL Coordinator of Latin American Partnerships, Title VI grant (.20 time appointment),
October 2001-September 2002.
Received SALALM's José Toribio Medina Award at the 2002 meeting for Index Guide to
Latin American Journals (Austin: SALALM, 1999).
Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials: Subcommittee on José
Toribio Medina Award, 2002-2004; Task Force on SALALM's 50th Anniversary, Chair,
"History in the Making: Coverage of the Cuban Revolution and Its Aftermath in the UGA
Libraries Peabody Awards Collection." Paper delivered at the 47th annual Seminar on the
Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, May
31-June 6.
"International Resource Sharing: The ARL Latin Americanist Research Resources
Project." Paper delivered at the IFLA/SEFLIN Summit on Library Cooperation in the
Americas, Miami, FL, April 17-19.
LAPTOC demonstration and presentation on the ARL Latin Americanist Research
Resources Project at the Main Library, Florida International University, Miami, FL, April
Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies: Annual Report, 19981999. Austin: SALALM Secretariat, Benson Latin American Collection, The University
of Texas at Austin, 2002.
Wheeler, Carol
Coordinator/Presenter, workshop on documents processing for GIL documents
automation group from Georgia Southern University, Athens, GA, May 10, 2002.