Term_2_memo as at 26 Mar - Geylang Methodist Primary School

Address: 4 Geylang East Central Singapore 389706 Tel: 67486746 Fax: 67488980
Website: http://www.gmsp.edu.sg
26 March 2013
Dear Parents / Guardians,
SUPER Updates : Thank you for your generous donations for the bi-annual Methodist Walk 2013!
The sum raised will continue to add on to the SUPER fund-raising efforts! Thus far, we have only
managed to raise 13% of the required $2.1 million for our school’s upgrading project. At present,
we are finalizing the designs for the new classroom block and Indoor Sports hall, as well as the
learning Trail, playground, 200m running track and enhanced rooms to support more activities
when our school goes single session in 2016! It is a most exciting time ahead as we continue to
tap on this SUPER project to build a stronger sense of belonging to GMSP with our pupils,
teachers and stakeholders like you.
We thank God for the high increase of supportive parents who attended the various Learning Fests
organized in Term 1. I hope you are now more empowered to support your child’s learning. There
will also be more opportunities for you to find out about your child’s progress in school with the
planned meet-the-parents sessions at the end of this term. We are confident that these sessions
will help you understand your child’s learning needs and will help support you in guiding and
teaching him / her at home. Do make the time to meet the teachers of your child to better support
the school efforts in providing a holistic education for our pupils.
Do partner the school to support your child’ growth well by participating in the activities organized
by SFE (School Family Education) and Dads for Life.
Safety is a key concern at GMSP and we appeal to parents to drop off your child at the designated
car-park so as not to cause unnecessary traffic congestion or accidents in front of our school gate
where many pupils are using the pedestrian crossings and bus stops too. In addition, please be
reminded that for pupils’ safety, they are not allowed to leave school premises if they are required
to stay behind for extra lessons or activities after school dismissal. We strongly encourage our
pupils to take the healthy set meals in school to cultivate good eating habits from young. We seek
your strong co-operation on the above matters at all times.
Do keep us in your prayers as we continue to grow in stature with God and man this year,
Becoming a school of excellence at GMSP is not about achieving the best grades, but about
becoming the best we can be, given the talents and strengths that God has given us, and it is
therefore our duty to learn well and serve well in order to bring glory to God’s school- GMSP.
“You, therefore, must be prefect (growing into complete maturity of godliness in mind and
character, having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity) as your Heavenly Father
is prefect.” Matthew 5:48 (AMP)
A copy of the Term 2 calendar and Programme Highlights is attached herein for your reference.
Mrs Rina Liang
The information herein is for your perusal:
Strategic Thrust 1: GMSP Learner (Academic Excellence)
The P6 completed their CA1 in Term 1 Wk 9. Below is the mean score of the whole cohort. This
information will help you gauge the performance of your child in relation to the rest of the P6 pupils.
(i) P6 CA1 2013 Performance
(1 child absent
without MC)
(1 child absent
without MC)
Mean mark
Foundation Foundation
English (18) Maths (46)
Foundation Foundation
Foundation Foundation
Malay (2)
Tamil (1)
Mean mark
(1 child absent
without MC)
(1 child absent
without MC)
* for foundation subjects, a pass means getting more than or equal to 30 marks.
(ii) Semestral Assessment 1
The schedule for all levels (except P1/P2) is given below to facilitate your child’s preparation for
the exam.
English & Mother Tongue Oral Examination (P3 to P4)
English & Mother Tongue Oral Examination (P5 to P6)
Higher Chinese Oral Examination (P5 to P6)
English Language Paper 1 (P3 to P6)
Mother Tongue Paper 1 (P3 to P6)
English & Mother Tongue Listening Comprehension (P3 to P6)
Higher Mother Tongue Paper 1&2 (P5 & P6)
English Paper 2 (P3 to P6)
Math (P3 to P6)
Mother Tongue Paper 2 (P3 to P6)
Foundation Mother Tongue Paper 1 (P5 & P6)
Science (P3 to P6)
23/4 & 26/4
22/4 & 25/4
(iii) Holistic Assessment ( P1 and P2 )
Aligned with the recommendations of Primary Education Review and Implementation (PERI)
committee, the school will be focussing on the development of the child by building one’s
confidence and desire to learn. With holistic assessment, we will be adopting a balanced approach
to assessment that includes both assessment of learning (AoL) which evaluates if curricular
outcomes have been achieved and assessment for learning (AfL), which involves the use of ongoing formative assessment to support learning. We will be using a range of appropriate
assessment methods to better support your child’s holistic development.
The weighting will be as follows:
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Information about your child’s progress will be communicated through mid-year and end-year
report cards. You will also receive information through a portfolio containing pieces of your child’s
work which reflects his/her progress and achievements in the various areas of learning. Qualitative
comments in the portfolio and on your child’s work will be able to tell you about his/her strengths
and areas where he/she can improve. Pupils’ portfolio for P1 and P2 will be shown to parents
during P1 and P2 Meet the Parent session.
(iv) Alternative Assessment (P3 to P5)
There will be an alternative assessment for P3 to P5 pupils. The alternative assessment will
constitute 10% for P3 to P5.
Mother Tongue
Oral Performance Task Performance Task Performance Task Oral Performance Task
Oral Performance Task Performance Task Performance Task Oral Performance Task
Oral Performance Task Performance Task Performance Task Oral Performance Task
(v) New Examination Fee Structure for PSLE
The Ministry of Education is implementing a new examination fee structure. Students who are
Singapore Citizens will enjoy the lowest examination fees.
The 2013 PSLE examination fees are :
Singapore Citizens
Permanent Residents
International Students
Pupils who are Singapore Citizens and on the Ministry of Education’s Financial Assistance
Scheme and MCYS’ Public Assistance Scheme will automatically receive further help with a 75%
and 100% subsidy respectively for their national examination fees.
(vi) Single Session for P1 – P2 on Friday, 5 April 2013
The MOE Excelfest will be on Friday, 5 April 2013. The teachers (AM and PM) will be going on
a learning journey in the afternoon. The school will function as single session for all P1-P6 pupils
except P3 pupils. P3 pupils will be having e-learning at home. On-line work will be set for them.
All pupils will have to attend school from 7.10 am to 1.00 pm except P3 pupils. ALL activities in
the afternoons will be cancelled. No pupils will be in school in the afternoon.
Strategic Thrust 2 : GMSP Citizen (Character Excellence)
(i) School Health Service Team (All pupils)
The School Health Service (SHS) Team will be visiting our school from Friday, 5 April to
Thursday, 11 April to conduct routine health check-up for our pupils. Please ensure that your
child submits his/her Health Booklet to the form teacher by Thursday, 28 March. To ensure every
pupil undergoes a thorough health check by the SHS team, further checks may be rescheduled to
another time, later in the year, if the need arises.
(ii) Annual School Sports Carnival (P3 to P6)
The Annual School Sports Carnival for P3 to P6 pupils will be held on Friday, 12 April 2013 at 8
a.m. at Toa Payoh Stadium. All P3 to P6 pupils are expected to be present in school on that day
except those with medical reason(s). They are to be in PE attire and to report to school at the
stipulated time: P6 pupils at 6.30 am; P5 pupils at 7.00 am; P3/P4 pupils at 7.30 am.
All pupils will be dismissed at 1.00 pm in the school.
P1 and P2 pupils are not required to come to school on Friday, 12 April 2013.
They will have their Lower Primary Sports Day on the eve of Children’s Day.
(iii) NAPFA Test (P4 to P6)
The NAPFA test for P4 to P6 pupils will be conducted from Monday, 15 April to Thursday, 2 May.
The testing of the 5 stations and the run/walk will be done during the P.E. period (refer to schedule
Strategic Thrust 4 : GMSP Link (PARTNERSHIP with School)
(i) Meet-the-Parent Session
The school places great emphasis on the Home-School Partnership which is vital to our pupils’
holistic development. We have arranged for a Meet-The-Parent Session (Individual Consultation
for P1-P2 Semester 1 feedback; P3– P5 SA1 feedback) for you to meet the teachers to further
strengthen this partnership. Below is the schedule.
8 am to 4 pm. Based on Appointment with teachers. E-Learning Day P3-5
More details will be given at a later date.
Wednesday, 8 am to 3 pm Based on Appointment with teachers. Homework Day P1-2
29 May More details will be given at a later date.
School as usual for all P6 pupils
On the day of the Meet-the-Parent Session for that level, pupils will have their homework /
E-learning from home and will not come to school.
(ii) Use of erasable ink pen
The school would like to bring to your attention the use of erasable ink pen by your child. Pupils
who have used erasable ink pen found their answers on the worksheet being ‘erased’ when placed
under the sun for a period of time. Pupils have been advised not to use erasable ink pen. The
school bookshop has been alerted and has stopped selling erasable ink pens to the pupils.
(iii) MOE Financial Assistance Scheme / School Financial Assistance Scheme
The Ministry of Education provides financial assistance to needy Singapore Citizen students. From
March 2012, a pupil is eligible for MOE FAS if the monthly gross household income does not
exceed $2,500 or per capita income does not exceed $625 per month. (Household members
include parents, unmarried siblings and grandparents of the child as well as other dependents
living in the same household)
FAS recipients are not required to pay school fees and standard miscellaneous fees. FAS
recipients are also eligible for free textbooks and school attire. In addition, pupils sitting for PSLE
need only pay 25% of the examination fees. All pupils can opt to pay their 2nd Tier miscellaneous
fees from their Edusave account.
Pupils who wish to apply for the scheme can obtain the application form from the General Office.
All application forms must be submitted together with the relevant documents.
If your family requires additional financial assistance, you may apply for the school FAS. You can
also obtain the application form from the General Office. All relevant documents must be submitted
together with the application form.
Strategic Thrust 1 – GMSP Learner (Academic Excellence)
Speak Good English Movement (SGEM)
The above movement aims to promote the usage of Good English at all times. It will be held from
25 March – 28 March, with a variety of activities planned for pupils to be engaged in.
P3 Maths & Science Trail @ the Zoo
P3 pupils will have their Maths and Science trail at the zoo in Term 2 Week 3. They will apply their
problem solving skills and Science process skills when they study more about animals in the zoo.
3HO and 3JO
- 9 April, Tuesday
- 15 April, Monday
3CH and 3GR
- 16 April, Tuesday
3DI and 3FA
-17 April, Wednesday
Chinese Recitation
A Chinese Recitation will take place for each level in April. All pupils are trained in recitation skills
and given opportunity to showcase their talents. We hope that our pupils will learn to appreciate
the beauty of language, and the arts of recitation.
P3 – P5 Remedial Classes
Selected pupils will be asked to attend remedial classes on the 1st week of the June holidays.
The school will notify you of the date and time of the remedial classes if your child has to attend.
We seek your support to allow your child to attend these remedial classes and to refrain from
taking your child out of the country on the first week of June.
P6 Supplementary Classes
P6 pupils will be having their supplementary classes on the 1st week of June holidays. Targetted
remedial for selected P6 pupils will commence on the last week of June holidays. This is in
preparation for the coming PSLE. Details will be given out at a later date. Please make holiday
plans for week 2 and 3 only and ensure that your child attends these supplementary / targetted
remedial classes.
Conversational Chinese Malay
52 pupils are learning Conversational Malay and 52 pupils are learning Conversational Chinese.
These classes which are conducted on every Wednesday from 1 to 3 pm will be on-going.
However, as pupils have to revise for their SA1 exams there will be no classes on 8th May. There
will also be no classes on 29th May as it is Meet the Parents Day.
P3 / 4 Enhancing Writing Skills Workshop (Optional)
Pupils will be introduced to important story elements and to story structure using graphic
organisers. They will be introduced to the importance of sensory-descriptive images in writing and
will be given practice in writing ‘Show and not Tell’ sentences and paragraphs.
The workshop will be carried out during the school holidays in June. More details will be provided
at a later date.
P3 / P4 Mathematics ThinkTank Programme (Optional)
This programme aims to help pupils develop good habits of mind, namely systematic thinking and
creative thinking through investigative tasks. Different methods will be taught to help them
evaluate their answers.
P5 Mathematics Olympiad (Selected pupils)
This is a 15-hour Olympiad Training for selected P5 pupils. The training aims to expose pupils to
advance Mathematics and stretch them in analytical, heuristic and logical thinking.
P5/6 Steps to Writing and Writing with Style (Optional)
This programme focuses on helping pupils to fine-tune and develop their writing. Pupils are
encouraged to organise their ideas and to practise writing stories with interesting beginnings as
well as story endings. Pupils will be exposed to specific writing strategies which help them improve
as writers.
P6 Mathematics Multiple Approaches to Problem Solving (Optional)
This is a 10-hour programme for P6 pupils in preparation for PSLE. The workshop focusses on
using different approaches to solve Math problems.
Strategic Thrust 2 : GMSP Citizen (Character Excellence)
Junior Leaders’ and Prefects’ Investiture
The Prefects’ Investiture will be on Thursday, 28 March. It is a ceremony whereby these student
leaders are officially appointed as junior leaders / prefects of the school. Parents of these student
leaders will be invited to grace the occasion.
P3 Initiative and Teamwork workshop for Class monitors (June holidays)
It is a customized leadership workshop for class monitors, enabling them to think before making an
important conversation or decision, to appreciate the differences in people and to enjoy working as
a group. It also allows them to take necessary actions (i.e. to be proactive) and be involved in
group discussions and assignments.
Public Speaking workshop (P5 prefects & CCA leaders)
It is a workshop to equip P5 prefects and CCA leaders in public speaking skills (eg presentation
skills). This will help them perform better when given the platforms to speak at school level.
DJ Presentation skills workshop (P4 prefects & CCA leaders)
It is a workshop whereby P4 prefects and CCA leaders learn and understand how to make a radio
presentation, how to use their voices for radio presentation and to use it as a tool to spread
information and to engage their audiences. The training will include basic scripting tips,
interviewing skills and sequencing of show preparation. This will help them perform in platforms
through their CCA and school events.
P4 Confidence workshop for Class Monitors (June holidays)
It is a customized leadership workshop for class monitors to build their self-confidence, inculcate in
them a “Just Do It” attitude, and enable them to display a sense of selflessness and team spirit.
BB Annual Camp (1 to 3 June 2013)
The objective of this year’s camp is to provide the boys with platforms to work in teams and
exercise leadership qualities. Boys will also get to bond with their officers through games and
outdoor activities.
GB Annual Camp (1 to 3 June 2013)
The theme for this year GB camp is "I am a Shining Star" abstracted from Philippians 2: 15. “so
that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked
generation. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky”.
JRS Rope-Skipping Competition cum Exchange Workshop
In conjunction with Jump Rope Singapore, our niche CCA, the Rope-Skipping Club will host and
co-organise a one-day Creative and Speed Competition for selected pupils from invited schools on
Friday, 7 June 2013. The rope-skippers will get to interact with one another and share creative
rope-skipping skills and routines, building camaraderie and sportsmanship through the friendly
exchange workshop.
Project Ignite, Instill & Inspire (i3) June 2013 to Cambodia
I3 is an international learning platform for GMSP Pupil Leaders and Lead Artists & Musicians to
share their leadership and artistic skills with the less fortunate in Cambodia. I3 aims to ignite GMSP
pupils’ passion to serve in a larger community and instill the school values through meaningful and
reflective activities. I3 also aims to inspire them to be compassionate leaders who are skilled in
their art forms and are able to lead the flock. I3 truly embodies the concept of servant leadership
and our pupils’ creed: Enter to Learn, Depart to Serve.
To raise funds for the trip, we will be conducting various art workshops (Batik, Ceramics,
Scrapbooking and many more) for parents and selling some art and crafts products made by our
pupils. The funds raised will help to defray some of the costs for trip and purchase of instruments
(recorders and keyboards) and art materials to share with the Cambodian pupils. Do look out for
the details of the various workshops which will be given out at a later date!
Strategic Thrust 4 : GMSP Link (PARTNERSHIP with School)
PALs (Parents are Loving Supporters)
PALs will be recruiting parent volunteers to help in the school various activities especially the
coming Sports Carnival to be held on Friday, 12 April. Interested parents, please contact Mrs
Tracy Chew, Vice-Chairman of PALS. Her email address is gmspsfe@gmail.com
DADs for Life
Dads for Life will be organising a Father-Child workshop in the school on Saturday, 25 May. A fee
of $3.00 will be charged for each person. Details to the workshop will be out at a later date.
School Family Education
SFE has a wide collection of books on parenting and they are available on loan to all parents and
staff in the school. Please refer to the list of titles attached with this memo. If you are interested in
borrowing any of these books, you can drop by the SFE office on the following days and time:
Mondays and Wednesdays from 12.00 noon to 2.00 pm.
Parenting Workshops organized by SFE (School Family Education)
No. Date
Saturday, 9.00 to
20 April 11.00 am
Venue Cost
GMSP $5 per pair
(1 parent
and 1
Love in a Bottle – a
hands-on workshop
for both parent and
child to learn how to
plant a terrarium in a
bonding workshop
The details to the workshop and a registration form are attached and we encourage you to sign up
for the above workshop that will enrich you in your relationship with your children.
MOE ExCEL Fest 2013
MOE ExCEL Fest is an annual event that celebrates innovative practices in schools and allows
parents and members of the public to find out more about the latest developments in our education
MOE ExCEL Fest 2013 will be open to the public on 6 April 2013 (Saturday) at ITE College
Central (2 Ang Mo Kio Drive). The theme for MOE ExCEL Fest 2013, Passion for Learning,
Character for Life, turns the spotlight on the initiatives in a student-centric and values-driven
education for our children, to prepare them to meet the challenges of the future.
Parents are invited to attend the Exhibitions, Seminars and Sessions to learn more about topics
selected specially for parents. Join us to learn about:
 Insights into latest teaching practices and developments in various subjects at the Primary and
Secondary level;
 Creative strategies to develop your child to become a confident, self-directed and reflective
 Pedagogical approaches that you can use to support your child in learning; and
 Perspectives on parenting to nurture parent-child relationships.
Internationalisation Programme 2013
Pupils involved
CIP to
P4 and P5
Cambodia selected pupils
It is an international learning platform for GMSP
Pupil Leaders and Lead Artists & Musicians to
share their leadership and artistic skills with the
less fortunate in Cambodia. I3 aims to ignite GMSP
pupils’ passion to serve in a larger community and
instill the school values through meaningful and
reflective activities. I3 also aims to inspire them to
be compassionate leaders who are skilled in their
art forms and are able to lead the flock. I3 truly
embodies the concept of servant leadership and
our pupils’ creed: Enter to Learn, Depart to
NAPFA Test – 1.6km (P4 – 6)
Mon (15/4)
4 HO, 6 FA
4 GR
4 FA
6 HO, 6 KI
5 CH
Tue (16/4)
4 JO
5 GR
4 DI
4 CH
5 FA
Wed (17/4)
5 PA
4 KI
6 JO
5 HO, 5 JO
5 DI
Thu (18/4)
6 CH
6 LV
5 KI, 6 DI
6 GR
5 LV
NAPFA Test – 5 stations
Wed (24/4)
5 PA
4 KI
6 JO
5 HO, 5 JO
5 DI
Mon (29/4)
4 HO, 6 FA
4 GR
4 FA
6 KI
5 CH
Tue (30/4)
4 JO
5 GR
4 DI
4 CH
5 FA
6 LV
5 KI, 6 DI
6 GR
5 LV
Thu (2/5)
6 CH
Information is accurate as on 26 Mar
Dear Form Teacher,
2013 Term 2 Memo – Response Slip
I, _______________________, parent/guardian of ______________________
(Name of Parent/Guardian)
(Name of Pupil)
hereby acknowledge receipt of the memo dated 26 March 2013.
(Please tick if you are interested in the following activities)
No. of people attending the workshop: _________
I am interested to attend the SFE parenting workshop on Saturday, 20 April. Please contact me.
I am interested to attend the DADs for Life workshop on Saturday, 25 May. Please contact me.
I am keen to participate in the upcoming SUPER (School Upgrading Project).
Please contact me. Please fill in the details attached.
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature
Contact No : ________________________
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUPER (School Upgrading Project)
Support / Donation for School Carnival and Fun Fair 2013, Saturday, 31 August – Your strong support is
greatly appreciated.
Please help us by donating items decided by your child’s class or volunteering your services on that day.
Cash donations are also welcomed. Above all, we want to invite you and your family members to come and
join us on this special day.
You can help the school in the following:
Outright cash / cheque donation * of
(i) $100
(ii) $200
(iii) $500
(iv) $1,000
(v) others _________________
Tick where necessary
We would be most grateful if you can send all donations via cheque to GMS Management Board Support
Fund. For donations above $100, a general fund receipt will be issued. If you require tax exemption,
kindly send all donations via cheque to Geylang Methodist School Primary.
Donation in kind
(i) food items
(ii) prizes for games
(iii) clothings, shoes, books, household items etc for jumble sale
/ Flea Market
Mann a stall
Type of stall ________________________________________________________
If you would like to help out in any other ways, please let us know :
Parent’s Signature
Contact No. of parent __________________________________
Please contact or email Mrs Molly Soong, Vice Principal at Tel : 67486746 (O) or molly_soong@moe.gov.sg
for further queries if needed.