Unit D: Integumentary System Terminology List 1. adipose 2. arrector pili 3. cortex 4. dermis 5. epidermis 6. gland 7. hair follicle 8. keratin 9. matrix 10. medulla 11. melanin 12. melanocytes 13. papilla 14. papillae 15. root 16. sebaceous gland 17. sebum 18. shaft 19. stratum corneum 20. stratum germinativum 21. subcutaneous 22. sudoriferous gland Disorders and Related Terminology 1. acne 2. albinism 3. alopecia 4. athlete’s foot 5. basal cell carcinoma 6. boils (carbuncles) 7. first degree burn 8. second degree burn 9. third degree burn 10. dermatitis 11. eczema 12. excoriation 13. genital herpes 14. herpes simplex I (cold sores) 15. impetigo 16. melanoma 17. pruritis 18. psoriasis 19. pustule 20. ringworm 21. rule of nines 22. scabies 23. shingles (herpes zoster) 24. squamous cell carcinoma 25. tumor 26. ulcer (superficial and decubitus) 27. urticaria (hives) 28. vesicle 29. warts (verrucae) Appendix MD04.01A Summer 2005 D.12 Matching Anatomy – Integumentary System Name_______________________ Class_________________ Directions: Date_______________ Match the term in Column A with the appropriate description in Column B. Write the correct letter in the blank provided. Column A Column B _____1. Epidermis _____2. Melanin _____3. Subcutaneous _____4. Shaft _____5. Keratin _____6. Dermis _____7. Sudoriferous _____8. Hair Follicle _____9. Arrector Pili _____10. Matrix _____11. Dermatitis _____12. Melanocytes _____13. Albinism _____14. Papillae _____15. Cortex _____16. Root _____17. Sebaceous glands _____18. Sebum _____19. Papilla _____20. Alopecia a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) t) nonliving protein substance they produce a thick, oily substance caused by an absence of melanin outermost covering cells that contain skin pigment considered the true layer of skin adipose layer the part of the hair implanted in the skin inflammation of the skin contains capillaries that nourish the hair follicle the outer cuticle layer of the hair shaft can have a black, brown or yellow tint another term for nailbed smooth muscle causing “goosebumps” protrudes from skin surface baldness permanent ridges of the skin tube that holds the hair root lubricates the skin, keeping it soft and pliable sweat gland Appendix MD04.01B Summer 2005 D.13 ANSWER KEY: Matching Anatomy – Integumentary System 1. d 2. l 3. g 4. o 5. a 6. f 7. t 8. r 9. n 10. m 11. i 12. e 13. c 14. q 15. k 16. h 17. b 18. s 19. j 20. p Summer 2005 D.14