This is the references for caffeine consumption in college students

This is the references for caffeine consumption in college students.(Candow, Kleisinger, Grenier,
& Dorsch, 2009; Capek & Guenther, 2009; Cotton; David, 2004; Digdon, 2008; Digdon &
Rhodes, 2009; Doyle; Erikson; Johnson-Greene; Kauffman, Lopez, & Chen; Landrum &
Meliska; Lotshaw, 1996; MacPherson et al., 1996; Malinauskas, Aeby, Overton, CarpenterAeby, & Barber-Heidal, 2007; Marczinski & Fillmore; R. Page & Goldberg; R. M. Page, 1987;
Park et al., 2008; Peeling & Dawson; Scheiwe, 2003; Sherman, Nelson, & Steele, 2000; Smith,
Sturgess, & Gallagher; Vener & Krupka; Venuti & Chambliss; Venuti, Conroy, Landis, &
Chambliss; Watters, Martin, & Schreter)
Candow, D. G., Kleisinger, A. K., Grenier, S., & Dorsch, K. D. (2009). EFFECT OF SUGARFREE RED BULL ENERGY DRINK ON HIGH-INTENSITY RUN TIME-TOEXHAUSTION IN YOUNG ADULTS. Journal of Strength & Conditioning
Research (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), 23(4), 1271(1275).
Capek, S., & Guenther, R. K. (2009). CAFFEINE'S EFFECTS ON TRUE AND FALSE
MEMORY. Psychological Reports, 104(3), 787(789).
Cotton, J. L. Caffeine Ingestion, Misattribution Therapy, and Speech Anxiety. Journal of
Research in Personality, 14(2), 196.
David, G. (2004). The Buzz in Higher Education.(caffeine consumption by college students).
The Chronicle of Higher Education, 50(31).
Digdon, N. L. (2008). Circadian preference and college student beliefs about how to cope with
sleepiness. Biological Rhythm Research, 39(5), 417(410).
Digdon, N. L., & Rhodes, S. (2009). Methods used to cope with sleepiness may perpetuate
sleepiness in college students with an evening type circadian preference. Biological
Rhythm Research, 40(2), 129(116).
Doyle, K. A. The relationship among caffeine consumption, eating disorder symptomatology,
and food deprivation in college students. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B:
The Sciences and Engineering, 60(3-B), (1).
Erikson, G. The Effects of Caffeine on Memory for Word Lists. (20).
Johnson-Greene, D. A Survey of Caffeine Use and Associated Side Effects in a College
Population. Journal of Drug Education, 18(3), 211.
Kauffman, S. M., Lopez, D., & Chen, J. The Relationship Between Alcohol, Caffeine, and Peer
Pressure in College Students. 2.
Landrum, R. E., & Meliska, C. J. Caffeine Use and Extroversion. (13).
Lotshaw, S. C. e. a. (1996). Illustrating caffeine's pharmacological and expectancy effects
utilizing a balanced placebo design. Journal of Drug Education, 26(1), 13-24.
MacPherson, J., Sternhagen, S., Miller, T., Devitt, M., Petros, T. V., & Beckwith, B. (1996).
Effect of caffeine, impulsivity, and gender on the components of text processing and
recall. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 4(4), 438.
Malinauskas, B. M., Aeby, V. G., Overton, R. F., Carpenter-Aeby, T., & Barber-Heidal, K.
(2007). A survey of energy drink consumption patterns among collegestudents. Nutrition
Journal, 6, 35(37).
Marczinski, C. A., & Fillmore, M. T. Clubgoers and their trendy cocktails: Implications of
mixing caffeine into alcohol on information processing and subjective reports of
intoxication. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 14(4), 450(459).
Page, R., & Goldberg, R. Practices and Attitudes Toward Caffeinated and Non-Caffeinated
Beverages. Health Education, 17(5), 17.
Page, R. M. (1987). Perceived consequences of drinking caffeinated beverages. Perceptual and
Motor Skills, 65, 765-766.
Park, N. D., Maresca, R. D., McKibans, K. I., Morgan, D. R., Allen, T. S., & Warren, G. L.
(2008). Caffeine's Beneficial Effect on Maximal Voluntary Strength and Activation in
Uninjured but Not Injured Muscle. International Journal of Sport Nutrition &
Exercise Metabolism, 18(6), 639(614).
Peeling, P., & Dawson, B. Influence of Caffeine Ingestion on Perceived Mood States,
Concentration, and Arousal Levels during a 75-Min University Lecture. Advances in
Physiology Education, 31(4), 332(334).
Scheiwe, H. (2003). Caffeine Confessions. Campus Life, 61(7), 112(111).
Sherman, D. A. K., Nelson, L. D., & Steele, C. M. (2000). Do Messages about Health Risks
Threaten the Self? Increasing the Acceptance of Threatening Health Messages via SelfAffirmation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26(9), 1046-1058.
Smith, A., Sturgess, W., & Gallagher, J. Effects of a low dose of caffeine given in different
drinks on mood and performance. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and
Experimental, 14(7), 473(410).
Vener, A. M., & Krupka, L. R. Caffeine Use and Young Adult Women. Journal of Drug
Education, 12(3), 273.
Venuti, J. P., & Chambliss, C. Effects of Substance Use Education Programs: A Cross-Cultural
Comparison of Student Use. (16).
Venuti, J. P., Conroy, M., Landis, P., & Chambliss, C. Effects of Substance Use Education
Programs: Gender Differences in Student Substance Use. (10).
Watters, P. A., Martin, F., & Schreter, Z. Caffeine and cognitive performance: The nonlinear
Yerkes-Dodson Law. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 12(3),