COURSE: Biology I. Grade Level/Unit Number: II: Unit Title: III. Unit Length: IV. Major Learning Outcomes: V. 1.00 Unit 3 Evolutionary Mechanisms 2 weeks (on a 90 min per day block schedule) The student will gain an understanding of The development of the theory of evolution by natural selection as related to the scientific process The hypotheses about the evolution of the first living things The evidence for the change of organisms over time – both fossil and biochemical evidence The steps in the theory of natural selection The current evidence for evolution seen in antibiotic and pesticide resistance The history of classification systems The changing nature of classification systems related to new understandings about the evolutionary relatedness of organisms The differences and similarities between eukaryotes and prokaryotes The characteristics that are similar and different among the Protists, Fungi, Plants, and Animals The use of dichotomous keys in classifying organisms Content Objectives Included (with RBT Tags): Objective Number 3.05 4.01 9 - 12 Objective Examine the development of the theory of evolution by natural selection including: Development of the theory. The origin and history of life. Fossil and biochemical evidence. Mechanisms of evolution. Applications (pesticide & antibiotic resistance). Analyze the classification of organisms according to their evolutionary relationships. The historical development and changing nature of classification systems. Similarities and differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. Similarities and differences among the eukaryotic kingdoms: Protists, Fungi, Plants, and Animals. Classify organisms using keys. Learner will develop abilities necessary to do and understand scientific inquiry. Goal 1 addresses scientific investigation. These objectives are an integral part of each of the other goals. Students must be given the opportunity to design and conduct their own investigations in a safe Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT RBT Tag B4 B4 1 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 laboratory. The students should use questions and models to formulate the relationship identified in their investigations and then report and share those findings with others. Identify biological problems and questions that can be answered through scientific investigations. B1 Design and conduct scientific investigations to answer biological questions. Create testable hypotheses. Identify variables. Use a control or comparison group when appropriate. Select and use appropriate measurement tools. Collect and record data. Organize data into charts and graphs. Analyze and interpret data. Communicate findings Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models of biological phenomena using logic and evidence to: Explain observations. Make inferences and predictions. Explain the relationship between evidence and explanation. B6 Apply safety procedures in the laboratory and in field studies: Recognize and avoid potential hazards. Safely manipulate materials and equipment needed for scientific investigations. Analyze reports of scientific investigations from an informed scientifically literate viewpoint including considerations of: Appropriate sample. Adequacy of experimental controls. Replication of findings. Alternative interpretations of the data. C3 B6 B4 VI. English Language Development Objectives (ELD) Included: NC English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standard 4 (2008) for Limited English Proficiency Students (LEP)- English Language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of science. Suggestions for modified instruction and scaffolding for LEP students and/or students who need additional support are embedded in the unit plan and/or are added at the end of the corresponding section of the lessons. The amount of scaffolding needed will depend on the level of English proficiency of each LEP student. Therefore, novice level students will need more support with the language needed to understand and demonstrate the acquisition of concepts than intermediate or advanced students. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 2 VII. Materials/Equipment Needed: Activity The Scientific Process and Evolution For LEP Activity Materials Group Sets of the cartoon cards from the website Laminator accessibility (optional) popular magazines for cutting out pictures, scissors, glue, construction paper Evolution Concept Map Poster paper Post-it notes Markers Fossil Comparison Activity Variety of fossils or pictures of fossils fossils AND pictures Video from Nova’s Evolution series or computers to access PBS Evolution website ability to display English subtitles/closed-captioning Rulers Tape measures Scales Stop watches (other measuring devices as needed) Graph paper Computers with Excel (optional) Pink and blue colored pencils Calculators with square root key Goldfish crackers (pretzel and cheese) Big bowl Small plates yellow and brown colored pencils graph paper Computer Lab or teacher computer with projection device Color copies of the Cytochrome comparison sheets Darwin’s Dangerous Idea Human Variation Measurement Fishy Frequencies Sex and the Single Guppy Molecular Connection Rat Island Poster paper Markers or crayons or colored pencils Pesticide Resistance Concept Map Check-Point 3 x 5 cards Poster paper Post-it notes Markers Common Names Versus Scientific Names Dichotomous Key Activity Biology- Unit 3 3 x 5 cards with pictures from website Scissors Copies of pages from website For shoe activity, odd shoes or pictures Colored pencils World map Tape DRAFT 3 Taxonomy Learning Guide Final Concept Map VIII. Poster paper Post-it notes markers Detailed Content Description: Please see the detailed content description for each objective in the biology support document. The link to this downloadable document is in the Biology Standard Course of Study at: IX. Unit Notes: This unit is focused on evolution as a significant theory central to understanding other biological concepts. In particular, this unit deals with evidence for the evolutionary process and with the mechanism of natural selection. The unit also includes applications of concepts of evolution such as antibiotic and pesticide resistance. This unit also includes classification systems and their relationship to understanding of the evolution of species. Specifically, students will gain an understanding of: The development of the theory of evolution by natural selection as related to the scientific process The hypotheses about the evolution of the first living things The evidence for the change of organisms over time – both fossil and biochemical evidence The steps in the theory of natural selection The current evidence for evolution seen in antibiotic and pesticide resistance The history of classification systems The changing nature of classification systems related to new understandings about the evolutionary relatedness of organisms The differences and similarities between eukaryotes and prokaryotes The characteristics that are similar and different among the Protists, Fungi, Plants, and Animals The use of dichotomous keys in classifying organisms In each unit, Goal 1 objectives which relate to the process of scientific investigation are included. In each of the units, students will be practicing the processes of science: observing, hypothesizing, collecting data, analyzing, and concluding. In each unit, Goal 1 objectives which relate to the process of scientific investigation are included. In each of the units, students will be practicing the processes of science: observing, hypothesizing, collecting data, analyzing, and concluding. The unit guide gives an overview of the activities that are suggested to meet the Standard Course of Study Goals for Unit Three. The guide includes activities, teacher notes on how to weave the activities into the content, and supplementary notes related to other issues such as preparation time and time to complete the activity. If a teacher follows this unit (s)he will have addressed the goals and objectives of the SCOS. However, teachers may want to substitute other activities that teach the same concept. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 4 Teachers should also refer to the support document for Biology at for the detailed content description for each objective to be sure they are emphasizing the specified concepts for each objective. Essential Questions for Unit Three: Following are the essential questions for this unit. Essential questions are those questions that lead to enduring understanding. These are the questions that students should be able to answer at some level years after the course. These questions are designed to incorporate multiple concepts. Students will work on answering these questions throughout the unit. Teachers are advised to put these questions up in a prominent place in the classroom and refer to them during the teaching of the unit. 1) 2) 3) 4) What types of evidence support the theory of evolution by natural selection? What are the theorized steps in the process of evolution by natural selection? What evidences of natural selection can be found in present day ecosystems? What is the relationship between classification systems and the evolutionary relatedness of organisms? Modified Activities for LEP Students: Those activities marked with a have a modified version or notes designed to assist teachers in supporting students who are English language learners. Teachers should also consult the Department of Public Instruction website for English as a Second Language at: to find additional resources. Computer Based Activities Several of the recommended activities are computer based and require students to visit various internet sites and view animations of various biological processes. These animations require various players and plug-ins which may or may not already be installed on your computers. Additionally some districts have firewalls that block downloading these types of files. Before assigning these activities to students it is essential for the teacher to try them on the computers that the students will use and to consult with the technology or media specialist if there are issues. These animations also have sound. Teachers may wish to provide headphones if possible. X. Global Content: Aligned with 21st Skills: One of the goals of the unit plans is to provide strategies that will enable educators to develop the 21st Century skills for their students. As much as students need to master the NCSOS goals and objectives, they need to master the skills that develop problem solving strategies, as well as the creativity and innovative thinking skills that have become critical in today’s increasingly interconnected workforce and society. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills website is provided below for more information about the skills and resources related to the 21st Century classroom. NC SCS Biology 1.03, 3.05 Biology- Unit 3 21st Century Skills Communication Skills Conveying thought or opinions effectively DRAFT Activity Scientific Process and Evolution 5 1.03, 3.05 & 4.01 1.01, 1.02. 1.03 & 3.05 1.03 & 3.05 Goal 1, 3.05, 4.01 Goal 1, 3.05, 4.01 1.03, 3.05, 4.01 1.03 & 3.05 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 3.05 & 4.01 4.01 Goal 1, 3.05 & 4.01 Biology- Unit 3 When presenting information, distinguishing between relevant and irrelevant information Explaining a concept to others Interviewing others or being interviewed Computer Knowledge Using word-processing and database programs Developing visual aides for presentations Using a computer for communication Learning new software programs Employability Skills Assuming responsibility for own learning Persisting until job is completed Working independently Developing career interest/goals Responding to criticism or questions Information-retrieval Skills Searching for information via the computer Searching for print information Searching for information using community members Language Skills - Reading Following written directions DRAFT Rat Island Dichotomous Key Rat Island Dichotomous Key Taxonomy Learning Guide Human Variation Measurement Activity Rat Island Rat Island All activities All activities Fossil Activity Dichotomous Key Taxonomy Learning Guide Rat Island Sex and the Single Guppy Pesticide Resistance Common Names vs. Scientific Names Taxonomy Learning Guide Most of the activities can be presented as opportunities for students to follow written directions. The teacher will have to work with most students to develop this skill over time. The following activities are well suited to developing skills in following directions: Human Variation Measurement Activity Fishy Frequencies Molecular Connection Dichotomous Key 6 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 3.05 3.05 & 4.01 4.01 3.05 & 4.01 Goal 1, 3.05 & 4.01 1.02, 3.05 & 4.01 3.05 & 4.01 Identifying cause and effect relationships Summarizing main points after reading Locating and choosing appropriate reference materials Reading for personal learning Language Skill - Writing Using language accurately Organizing and relating ideas when writing Proofing and Editing Synthesizing information from several sources Scientific Process and Evolution Evolution Concept Map Video: Darwin’s Dangerous Idea Fishy Frequencies Sex and the Single Guppy Rat Island Pesticide Resistance Pesticide Resistance Taxonomy Learning Guide Common Names vs. Scientific Names All activities All the activities All the activities 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 3.05 & 4.01 Documenting sources Developing an outline Writing to persuade or justify a position Creating memos, letters, other forms of correspondence Teamwork Taking initiative Working on a team Rat Island Most of the activities are designed to be done and discussed in teams. The following activities are well suited to developing team interdependence skills: 1.01, 1.02, 1.03 & 3.05 1.01, 1.02, 1.03 & 3.05 Biology- Unit 3 Thinking/Problem-Solving Skills Identifying key problems or questions Evaluating results DRAFT Common Names vs. Scientific Names Taxonomy Learning Guide Concept Mapping Evolution Concept Map Human Variation Measurement Activity Rat Island Pesticide Resistance Human Variation Measurement Activity Sex and the Single Guppy Human Variation Measurement Activity 7 Fishy Frequencies Activity Molecular Connection Pesticide Resistance Developing strategies to address problems Developing an action plan or timeline Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 8 XI. Unit Guide: Evolutionary Mechanisms Total: 10 - 90 min days ENGAGE: This activity (The Scientific Process and Evolution) engages the student in understanding how the scientific process works. Each group of students will be given a set of cards with cartoon pictures (a blend of The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood). The teacher will keep one card from each set. Each group will try to reconstruct a logical story (hypothesis) from the cards (evidence). Then groups will present their stories. Finally, the teacher will give the students one more card (a new piece of evidence). Students will adjust their stories (hypotheses) to fit the new evidence. All materials and discussion of process are found at the website listed below. Guiding Question: How is the scientific process applied to studying the process of evolution? Before the activity: Teachers should explain to students that they will be using a cartooning activity to better understand the processes of science and their application to studying evolution. Focus Objectives: 3.05, 1.02, 1.03, 1.05 Activity Time: 60 minutes Preparation Time: Teachers will find all materials at the website listed below. There is a complete teacher explanation. The cartoon cards and student handout are also available. The cartoon cards can be printed in color, laminated, cut and saved for future years. After the activity: Teachers should lead students in a discussion of science. The emphasis should be on science as a process of observing and gathering evidence, then forming and testing hypotheses that explain the evidence. When new evidence is found, hypotheses sometimes must be rejected or changed. Teachers should then make the connection to evidence that supports the theory of evolution by natural selection. LEP Alternative to Cartoon Activity USING EVIDENCE TO SEQUENCE PHOTOS Provide various popular magazines. Allow students to cut out 5 pictures of people at various life stages (baby, small child, teenager, adult, senior citizen). Students should glue the pictures onto construction paper in the correct order. Students should write examples of the EVIDENCE they used from the pictures to put them in order. o Examples of EVIDENCES—must be observable in photo, nothing about behavior, cognitive abilities! o Baby-small size, shorter bones, fine hair o Child-larger than baby, smaller than teenager, muscles and bones allow walking, skull larger o Teenager-bones longer, muscles defined, secondary sex characteristics (maybe not in all photos) Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 9 o Adult-bones longer, hair color/texture, fat deposits characteristic of males/females o Senior-shorter stature, condition of teeth, hair color/texture After posters are complete, allow students to share their pictures and EVIDENCES with a neighbor. Relate the activity to the scientific process. How do scientists gather information on which to base their theories? Language (ELP) Objectives for LEP students: Write examples of evidence observed in various magazine pictures. Discuss how the evidence can be used to put the pictures in sequence from oldest to youngest. Discuss how scientists use evidence to formulate theories. EXPLORE: Students will be given a list of words (or they can generate their own list). They will work in groups to create concept maps of the process of evolution by natural selection. This concept map will be returned to them and adjusted with their new knowledge at the end of the unit. For LEP students: Lead a class discussion to define the concept map terms PRIOR to asking students to complete the map. Have the students write the definitions in their notebooks and allow them to refer to the definitions as they work. Circulate among the groups as they work on their maps. Guide their work with questions like: “Why did you choose to connect those two terms?”, “Are the links you made the only way these words/concepts relate?” Allow students to verbally explain their maps to you and to other groups. Extension: Students use their concept maps to write a paragraph about evolution. Guiding Question: What are the connections among the major concepts in the theory of evolution? Before the Activity: Explain to students that they will be creating a concept map. If the students have not done concept maps in previous units, they will need to be taught how to construct a concept map (see Unit 1). Focus Objectives: 3.05, 1.03 Language (ELP) Objectives for LEP students: Discuss as a class with teacher support. 10 BiologyUnit 3 content area-related vocabulary/concepts DRAFT Write definitions of words for concept map. Discuss words and their relationships with a partner. Listen to teacher’s explanation of how to complete a concept map. Evolution Concept Map Following is an example of the words that could be given to students for creating their concept maps. See Unit One for more detailed concept map instructions. Methods for doing concept maps include: 1. Use of Inspiration Software – requires a site license. 2. Place words on post-it notes and let students place these on poster board. 3. Students simply write the words on poster board and create the connections. 4. Use group white boards and white board pens. (Note: large pieces of tile board – available at Lowes or Home Depot can be purchased and cut into poster board sized pieces to make smaller boards that can be used by groups. WORD LIST Evolution Fossils Biochemistry Reproduction Environment Adaptations Natural Selection Allele frequencies Species Variation Other words that could be added now or later: Antibiotic Resistance Pesticide Resistance Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 11 Geographical Isolation Anatomical Structures Fossil Dating Activity Time: 45 minutes Preparation Time: Teachers will need to get materials ready – post-it notes and poster paper or a computer lab with concept mapping software. After the Activity: Explain to students that they will be examining evidence supporting the theory of evolution and performing related activities. At the end of the evolution unit, they will return to their concept maps and adjust them according to what they have learned. EXPLORE: Teachers will use a real fossil collection or pictures of fossils for this (Fossil Comparison Activity) activity. Students will be given some open-ended questions to help them learn about how fossils are used as evidence for evolution. For LEP students: Limit the number of fossils to 8-10. If possible, provide real fossils AND pictures of the 8-10 you select. Have students sketch the fossils prior to answering the questions and provide them with background information about the organism, its environment, its approximate age. Select questions from the list provided in Fossil Comparison Activity that correspond to the fossils you have selected. Allow students to work with a partner and use the background information you provided to answer the questions on notebook paper. Guiding Question: How can fossil evidence be used to understand evolution? Before the Activity: Explain to the students that they will be going to various stations, examining fossils, and answering questions. Let them consult with each other; the discussions can be very productive. Give them a quick lesson on ratios if you are going to have them estimate the width of a megalodon jaw. Focus Objective: 3.05, 1.05 Language (ELP) Objectives for LEP students: Sketch fossils and write organisms’ names, environments, and ages. Listen about selected fossils. BiologyUnit 3to background information DRAFT Read questions related to specific fossil examples. Study fossils and pictures to write answers to questions. Discuss fossils and pictures with a partner and with the teacher. 12 Activity Time: 60 minutes Preparation Time: Teachers will need to set out the fossil stations or copy pictures (in color) from a website such as the one listed below. Safety: Remind students that the fossils are very old. If you use real fossils, the students should be very careful. Don’t let them handle the fossils over the floor, but have them hold the fossils over a table. Note: This is an example of possible questions used for a specific fossil collection. Sample Fossil Questions NAME____________________________ 1. (Collection of shark’s teeth) Shark teeth are commonly found at the bottom of the ocean, but other parts of the shark are rarely found there. Suggest a reason for this. 2. (fossil leaf – carbon imprint) What type of fossil is this according to how it was formed? What environment would these organisms have lived in? 3. (cast of fossil univalve) How do you think that this fossil formed? What kind of environment did it live in? 4. (piece of fossil wood) What does this sample have in common with wood? What does this sample have in common with rock? 5. (rock with several fossil plant parts – carbon film) Fossil evidence suggests that much vegetation found in Canada today is similar to what was found 14,000 years ago in our area. Suggest an explanation for this. 6. (strange seed pod from the tropics) Is this a fossil? Why or why not? 7. (Insect in amber – with stereoscope)How might this arthropod have been preserved so completely? 8. (mold of fossil bivalve) What kind of fossil is this according to how it was formed? Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 13 What kind of environment did this organism live in? 9. What is the common name of this fossilized organism? What used to live in the tiny holes? 10. (fossil feces from dinosaur) Do you have any idea what this might be? Hint: It came from one end of a dinosaur. 11. (fossil wood) Is this an example of actual remains or replaced remains? Explain. 12. (arrowheads) What are these? Are they fossils? Why or why not? 13. (fossil coral and a rock with fossil fern) If the coral fossil was found in a deeper stratum of rock in the same general location as the fern fossil, which do you think is older? 14. (fish fossil – carbon film) How do you think this fossil was formed? I thought Wyoming was where “the deer and the antelope play.” Why was this fossil found there? 15. (fossil shark vertebrae) What part of the anatomy of a large animal do you think this fossil came from? This was an ocean-dwelling organism. Any guesses? 16. (ammonite – mold and cast – fit together) Is this fossil a mold or a cast? Explain. 17. (varnished blowfish – recent) Is this a fossil? Why or why not. 18. (three thigh bones – one rock replaced, one recent, one plastic) One of these is a fossil. Which one? Explain. 19. (trilobite) Fossils of this type are common. Why are fossils like these and like shark’s teeth more abundant than other fossils. 20. (any kind of fossil cast) What kind of fossil formation is this? What kind of organism was it? 21. (reproduction of a megalodon tooth and a modern shark jaw plus a ruler) This is a fossil shark’s tooth. Looking at the shark jaw and the given measurements of jaw width and tooth length, estimate the width of the jaw that the fossil tooth came from. 22. (plant fossil) How was this fossil formed? Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 14 Certain fuels are often associated with an abundance of these organisms. Cite two examples of these fuels. 23. (fossil barnacle) Relatives of these organisms live today – often on boat bottoms. What do you think these are? 24. (fossil pig molar) Was this animal a herbivore or carnivore? Explain. 25. (one fossil mold and one carbon film fossil) Describe the difference in the ways that these two fossils were formed. 26. (fossil rock with a branch and some leaves) Are the branch and leaves in this fossil from the same type of organism? Explain. 27. (large rock with many fossil bivalves and univalves) How many fossil organisms are here? What kind of environment do you think they once lived in? 28. (fossil clam and seed pod of same shape and size) One of these is a fossil. Which one and why? 29. Fossils of this type are very common. Can we say that these organisms are therefore more abundant than other organisms that lived at the same time? Why or why not? 30. (two vertebrae – one very heavy and one very light) Lift both of these fossils. How do you explain the difference in weight? Which is probably oldest? Why? 31. (fossil fish vertebrae) What part of a marine skeleton are these? After the Activity: Explain that fossils were very early evidence of evolution and that today, scientists still analyze and study fossils to better understand the evolution of specific species. When discussing fossil formation, help students understand that how a fossil is formed tells something about the environment that the organism lived in. EXPLORE: The first hour of “Darwin’s Dangerous Idea” (a NOVA video from the Evolution collection) will be shown. Questions to guide the viewing are provided. There are video clips and associated activities that can be found at the website noted. This website is excellent. It is tied to the complete series of videos (8 hours) in the Evolution series – PBS. For LEP students: Use the modified version of video questions that follows. Discuss key terms BEFORE viewing the video. Be sure students write definitions/explanations. Put English subtitles on while video is playing. Biology3 DRAFT StopUnit the video and discuss answers to questions as they arise. 15 Guiding Question: How did Darwin develop his idea about evolution by natural selection? Before the activity: Explain that this video is a dramatization of part of Darwin’s life, including his research and journey on the H.M.S. Beagle. Darwin’s Dangerous Idea – Part1 Video Guide – Evolution Series Name_____________________________ 1. What were some of the amazing things that Darwin found in South America? 2. How did Darwin explain the great variety in the beaks of the finches that were found on the different islands of the Galapagos? 3. Darwin proposed that the evolution of species was like a branching “tree of life.” What did he mean by this? 4. What is the scientist, Schneider, hoping to learn as he and his team explore a remote region of rainforest in Ecuador? 5. How did the leaf-like praying mantis probably evolve ? 6. How might hummingbirds of different beak lengths have evolved? 7. What is the tool that Smith and Schneider used to study hummingbirds that Darwin never had? 8. How does the information from “selective breeding” (of dogs, for example) support Darwin’s ideas about natural selection? 9. Darwin marries Emma Wedgewood. His brother advises him to keep his theory to himself and not tell Emma. Why? Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 16 10. Darwin read Malthus’ book about populations reproducing exponentially. How did he use this information in his idea about the “struggle for survival?” 11. How does our experience with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, support Darwin’s idea of evolution by natural selection? Darwin’s Dangerous Idea – part 1 Video Guide – Evolution Series We will watch the video together. We will stop and discuss the answers for each of the following questions. Pay close attention to the organisms and the explanations. First, we need to define the following terms. You may write the definitions on the back of this sheet or on a piece of notebook. Key Vocabulary: Galapagos Islands finch tortoise adaptations evolution natural selection variations survival beak remote region selective breeding exponential population growth HIV and AIDS struggle for survival Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 17 12. List/Describe/Draw 3 amazing things that Darwin found in South America? 13. According to Charles Darwin, why do the Galapagos finches have different beak shapes? 14. Darwin proposed that the evolution of species was like a branching __________. 15. What is the scientist, Schneider, hoping to learn as he and his team explore a remote region of rainforest in Ecuador? 16. How is the leaf-like praying mantis adapted for survival? 17. How might hummingbirds of different beak lengths have evolved? 18. What is the tool that Smith and Schneider used to study hummingbirds that Darwin never had? 19. How does the information from “selective breeding” (of dogs, for example) support Darwin’s ideas about natural selection? 20. Darwin marries Emma Wedgewood. His brother advises him to keep his theory to himself and not tell Emma. Why? Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 18 21. Darwin read Malthus’ book about populations reproducing exponentially. How did he use this information in his idea about the “struggle for survival?” 22. How does our experience with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, support Darwin’s idea of evolution by natural selection? Focus Objective: 3.05 Language (ELP) Objectives for LEP students: Discuss content area-related questions with a partner. Discuss key terms as a class. Write definitions of key terms. Listen to video and write answers to questions. Activity Time: 90 minutes (with discussion) Preparation Time: The only preparation time involves copying the student question sheet. Ideas for discussion can be found at the website below. If a teacher does not have this video, there are many video clips on line that can be used in place of showing the video. Note: The website has excellent video clips from the video series and these can be used for this discussion without actually owning the video series. Click on Teachers and Students and then click on Teacher’s Guide. Finally click on Web Resources under Unit 2. After the activity: The teacher should lead students in a discussion of Darwin’s life, journey, and conclusions. The teacher should emphasize the evidence that Darwin found to support his ideas. ELABORATE: In this (Human Variation Measurement Activity) activity, students will measure a multitude of thumbs. They will create histograms from their measurements. This activity will be linked to an understanding of the role that variation plays in the process of evolution by natural selection. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 19 Guiding Question: What is the value of variation in the process of evolution? Before Activity: Teacher will explain to students how to make sample measurements and also how to create histograms. The teacher also needs to explain to students that this activity will be focused on variation in human traits. Focus Objective: 3.05, 1.02, 1.03 Language (ELP) Objectives for LEP students: Use modified lab sheet that follows. Discuss content area-related terms as a class with teacher support. Write definitions of key terms. Read laboratory procedures to complete activity. Explain hand span measurement and purpose of activity to 50 people from whom data is gathered. Discuss data and concepts with a partner. Write complete sentences to answer analysis questions. Discuss concept of variation with partner and with teacher. Read and manipulate data to create graphs of results. Activity Time: 90 minutes Preparation Time: The teacher will need to have measuring devices available – rulers, tape measures, or other items. Graph paper should also be made available to students. There are excellent graph paper websites that can be used to produce graph paper for copying. The questions will also need to be copied. The website below contains all the instructions, questions, and other helpful information. For LEP students: Use modified lab directions and data sheet below. Provide the data sheet for each student. Have students gather measurements for 50 people. Students should do this for homework over 2-3 nights. Provide rulers for students to take home and return to you. After data is gathered, students should make a bar graph on the sheet provided. Guide students through answering the first set of questions on the student sheet. Omit the Visualization of Data section. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 20 Variation Lab Purpose: To observe, measure, and analyze variation in organisms and create a graphical representation of that information. Background: Look around the room at your fellow students and you will see that everyone is not the same. People come in all different shapes and sizes. These differences are called variation. All populations of organisms have variation. Some variation comes from what the organism inherits from its parents. Other variation is caused by differences in the environment. For example, a plant might grow larger in a sunnier environment. In this lab we will investigate human variation in hand span. Key Vocabulary: variations hand span inherit environment advantage disadvantage axis (axes) internal external Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 21 Materials: metric rulers 100 people—about half male, half female---no one under 15 years old graph paper pink and blue colored pencils or crayons Procedure: 1. Spread your hand flat on a table stretching out the distance from you thumb to your pinkie as far as possible. 2. Measure the distance from the tip of your thumb to the tip of your pinkie. Round to the nearest centimeter. 3. Record. 4. Collect data from 50 people. You should measure 25 females and 25 males. Do not measure anyone under 15 years of age. DATA FOR FEMALES measurement in cm 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 number of persons at measurement DATA FOR MALES measurement in cm 10 11 number of persons at measurement 5. Make a bar graph of your data. Graph the males and females separately. Color the male bars blue; color the female bars pink. 6. Check your graph to be sure that: a) it has a title. b) the axes are both labeled. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 22 c) label printing is clear and a good size. e) the axes are a good length and scale for your data. f) the males are blue, the females are pink Analysis Questions: 1. Define the term variation in your own words. 2. Describe the pattern of variation in your population. 3. What causes the variation in hand spread that you have observed. 4. Describe a situation in which a larger hand might provide an advantage. 5. Describe a situation in which a smaller hand might provide an advantage. 6. List at least ten characteristics that vary in human populations. Try to think of some that are internal rather than externally visible. 7. Why is variation an advantage to the population overall? Note: As an extension of this activity, students can compare the sizes of hominid skulls with the following online activity: In order to do this lab, it is beneficial to have actual skull casts for the students to measure (perhaps purchase one per year and use drawings to augment the collection). Large calipers are also needed and students should be cautioned about careful handling of the casts. After Activity: Students should discuss the questions at the end of the activity that focus on the reasons for variation in populations and what the adaptive advantages might be. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 23 ELABORATE: In this activity (Fishy Frequencies), students will be introduced to the concept of the HardyWeinberg Equilibrium and will connect evolution to the shift in allele frequencies over time. Students will “prey” upon little goldfish and pretzel fish crackers – at first without selection, and then with selection. They will compare the change in allele frequencies when they look at class data. For LEP students: Teacher should read and understand all background information provided with the lab. Use the modified version of the lab sheet with students. Complete activity as described in modified version. Guiding Question: What are the relationships among variations in a population, selection, change in allele frequencies and evolution? Before Activity: The teacher should go over the instructions for the activity and make sure that students understand where they need to be random and where they need to “select”. Fishy Frequencies Fishy Frequencies (with Hardy-Weinberg) XI. NC Standard Course of Study Goals and Objectives: Biology Competency Goal 2: The learner will develop an understanding of the continuity of life and the changes of organisms over time. Objective 2.06: Examine the development of the theory of biological evolution including: The origins of life, patterns, variation, and natural selection. Teacher Notes: This activity shows allele frequencies changing over time as a result of selection and remaining stable without selection. It can be done with or without using the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium equation depending on the needs of your students. Two different sets of activity sheets are provided so that you can choose. The Hardy Weinberg equilibrium equation allows you to figure out the frequency of alleles and genotypes from the frequency of observable phenotypes in populations that meet the conditions for Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium. These conditions include an infinitely large population, random mating, and no selection, mutation, migration or genetic drift. Of course, no real population completely fits these conditions. When a population or sub-population is not in equilibrium, population biologists can study the factors affecting the distribution of alleles. If your students do the activity using the Hardy Weinberg equation they can see how population biologists estimate the number of organisms heterozygous for a trait from the number of organisms with the recessive phenotype. You can also relate the Hardy Weinberg equation to Punnett squares and use this as an opportunity to show students an application for squaring binomials. Punnett squares can be used to calculate expected phenotype frequencies for populations as well as the expected ratios from individual crosses. You can also take the opportunity to discuss the conditions for equilibrium and in what ways this simulation does and does not meet these conditions. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 24 If you decide that your students are not ready to learn the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium equation, you can do this same activity and have the students simply calculate the percentages of brown and gold fish in successive generations. By conducting the simulation twice (once without selection and once with selection) students will see changes in percentages and you can help them understand that this means a different percentage of each allele – in other words, allele percentages will have changed over time when a population responds to selective pressures. In either case, one important difference is to be sure students note between this simulation and selection in a natural setting is that in this case the population experiencing selection is being replenished from the “ocean” which is not experiencing selection. This activity can be done using actual edible fish crackers or it can be simulated with paper fish or other materials. You will need a place for each group to provide their data in order to calculate the class data. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 25 Fishy Frequencies Introduction: Understanding natural selection can be confusing and difficult. People often think that animals consciously adapt to their environments - that the peppered moth can change its color, the giraffe can permanently stretch its neck, the polar bear can turn itself white - all so that they can better survive in their environments. In this lab you will use fish crackers to help further your understanding of natural selection and the role of genetics and gene frequencies in evolution. Background: Facts about the “Fish” 1) These little fish are the natural prey of the terrible fish-eating sharks - YOU! 2) Fish come with two phenotypes - gold and brown: a) gold: this is a recessive trait (ff) b) brown: this is a dominant trait (F_) 3) In the first simulation, you, the terrible fish-eating sharks, will randomly eat whatever color fish you first come in contact with. (There will be no selection.) 4) In the second simulation, you will prefer to eat the gold fish (these fish taste yummy and are easy to catch) you will eat ONLY gold fish unless none are available in which case you resort to eating brown fish in order to stay alive (the brown fish taste salty, are sneaky and hard to catch). 4) New fish are born every “year”; the birth rate equals the death rate. You simulate births by reaching into the pool of “spare fish” and selecting randomly. 5) Since the gold trait is recessive, the gold fish are homozygous recessive (ff). Because the brown trait is dominant, the brown fish are either homozygous or heterozygous dominant (FF or Ff). Hardy-Weinberg: G. H. Hardy, an English mathematician, and W.R. Weinberg, a German physician, independently worked out the effects of random mating in successive generations on the frequencies of alleles in a population. This is important for biologists because it is the basis of hypothetical stability from which real change can be measured. This also allows you to figure out the frequency of genotypes from phenotypes. You assume that in the total population of fish crackers, you have the following genotypes, FF, Ff, and ff. You also assume that mating is random so that ff could mate with ff, Ff, or FF; or Ff could mate with ff, Ff, or FF, etc. In addition, you assume that for the gold and brown traits there are only two alleles in the population - F and f. If you counted all the alleles for these traits, the fraction of “f” alleles plus the fraction of “F” alleles would add up to 1. The Hardy-Weinberg equation states that: p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 This means that the fraction of pp (or FF) individuals plus the fraction of pq (or Ff) individuals plus the fraction of qq (ff) individuals equals 1. The pq is multiplied by 2 because there are two ways to get that combination. You can get “F” from the male and “f” from the female OR “f” from the male and “F” from female. If you know that you have 16% recessive fish (ff), then your qq or q 2 value is .16 and q = the square root of .16 or .4; thus the frequency of your f allele is .4 and since the sum of the f and F alleles must be 1, the frequency of your F allele must be .6 Using Hardy Weinberg, you can assume that in your population you have .36 FF (.6 x .6) and .48 Ff (2 x .4 x .6) as well as the original .16 ff that you counted. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 26 Procedure 1: 1) Get a random population of 10 fish from the “ocean.” 2) Count gold and brown fish and record in your chart; you can calculate frequencies later. 3) Eat 3 fish, chosen randomly, without looking at the plate of fish 4) Add 3 fish from the “ocean.” (One fish for each one that died). Be random. Do NOT use artificial selection. 5) Record the number of gold and brown fish. 6) Again eat 3 fish, randomly chosen 7) Add 3 randomly selected fish, one for each death. 8) Count and record. 9) Repeat steps 6, 7, and 8 two more times. 10) Provide your results for the class. Fill in the class results on your chart. Procedure 2: 1) Get a random population of 10 fish from the “ocean.” 2) Count gold and brown fish and record in your chart; you can calculate frequencies later. 3) Eat 3 gold fish; if you do not have 3 gold fish, fill in the missing number by eating brown fish. 4) Add 3 fish from the “ocean.” (One fish for each one that died). Be random. Do NOT use artificial selection. 5) Record the number of gold and brown fish. 6) Again eat 3 fish, all gold if possible. 7) Add 3 randomly selected fish, one for each death. 8) Count and record. 9) Repeat steps 6, 7, and 8 two more times. 10) Provide your results for the class. Fill in the class results on your chart. FINALLY: Fill in your data chart and calculations, prepare a graph showing the frequency of the alleles in each generation (see directions in analysis question 1) and answer the analysis questions. PART 1 - Without selection CHART (without selection): (Partners) generation gold brown q2 q p p2 2pq q2 q p p2 2pq 1 2 3 4 5 CHART (without selection): Class generation gold brown 1 2 3 Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 27 4 5 PART 2 - With Selection CHART (with selection): (Partners) generation gold brown q2 q p p2 2pq q2 q p p2 2pq 1 2 3 4 5 CHART (with selection): Class generation gold brown 1 2 3 4 5 Analysis: 1) Prepare one graph using both sets of class data (without selection AND with selection). On the “x” axis put generations 1-5 and on the “y” axis put frequency (0-1). Plot both the q and p for both sets of class data. Label lines clearly (without selection AND with selection). 2) In either simulation, did your allele frequencies stay approximately the same over time? If yes, which situation? 3) What conditions would have to exist for the frequencies to stay the same over time? 4) Was your data different from the class data? How? Why is it important to collect class data? 5) With selection, what happens to the allele frequencies from generation 1 to generation 5? 6) What process is occurring when there is a change in allele frequencies over a long period of time? 7) What would happen if it were more advantageous to be heterozygous (Ff)? Would there still be homozygous fish? Explain. 8) In simulation 2, what happens to the recessive alleles over successive generations and why? 9) In simulation 2, why doesn’t the recessive allele disappear from the population? Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 28 10) Explain what would happen if selective pressure changed and the recessive allele was selected FOR? 11) What happens if the sharks only eat very large fish that have already reproduced? What happens if they eat small gold fish, before they have a chance to reproduce? 12) In what ways did these simulations represent real life? How were the simulations different from real life situations? Fishy Frequencies Introduction: Understanding natural selection can be confusing and difficult. People often think that animals consciously adapt to their environments - that the peppered moth can change its color, the giraffe can permanently stretch its neck, the polar bear can turn itself white - all so that they can better survive in their environments. In this lab you will use fish crackers to help further your understanding of natural selection and the role of genetics and gene frequencies in evolution. Background: Facts about the “Fish” 1) These little fish are the natural prey of the terrible fish-eating sharks - YOU! 2) Fish come with two phenotypes - gold and brown: a) gold: this is a recessive trait (ff) b) brown: this is a dominant trait (F_) 3) In the first simulation, you, the terrible fish-eating sharks, will randomly eat whatever color fish you first come in contact with. (There will be no selection.) 4) In the second simulation, you will prefer to eat the gold fish (these fish taste yummy and are easy to catch) you will eat ONLY gold fish unless none are available in which case you resort to eating brown fish in order to stay alive (the brown fish taste salty, are sneaky and hard to catch.). 4) New fish are born every “year”; the birth rate equals the death rate. You simulate births by reaching into the pool of “spare fish” and selecting randomly. 5) Since the gold trait is recessive, the gold fish are homozygous recessive (ff). Because the brown trait is dominant, the brown fish are either homozygous or heterozygous dominant (FF or Ff). Procedure 1: 1) Get a random population of 10 fish from the “ocean.” 2) Count gold and brown fish and record in your chart; you can calculate percentages later. 3) Eat 3 fish, chosen randomly, without looking at the plate of fish 4) Add 3 fish from the “ocean.” (One fish for each one that died). Be random. Do NOT use artificial selection. 5) Record the number of gold and brown fish. 6) Again eat 3 fish, randomly chosen 7) Add 3 randomly selected fish, one for each death. 8) Count and record. 9) Repeat steps 6, 7, and 8 two more times. 10) Provide your results for the class. Fill in the class results on your chart. Procedure 2: 1) Get a random population of 10 fish from the “ocean.” 2) Count gold and brown fish and record in your chart; you can calculate frequencies later. 3) Eat 3 gold fish; if you do not have 3 gold fish, fill in the missing number by eating brown fish. 4) Add 3 fish from the “ocean.” (One fish for each one that died). Be random. Do NOT use artificial selection. 5) Record the number of gold and brown fish. 6) Again eat 3 fish, all gold if possible. 7) Add 3 randomly selected fish, one for each death. 8) Count and record. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 29 9) Repeat steps 6, 7, and 8 two more times. 10) Provide your results for the class. Fill in the class results on your chart. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 30 CHART (without selection) Partners: Generation gold brown % gold % brown brown % gold % brown brown % gold % brown 1 2 3 4 5 CHART (with selection) Partners: Generation gold 1 2 3 4 5 CHART (without selection) Class: Generation gold 1 2 3 4 5 Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 31 CHART (with selection) Class: Generation gold brown % gold % brown 1 2 3 4 5 Analysis Questions for Percentage Method: 1) Prepare one graph using both sets of class data (without selection AND with selection). On the “x” axis put generations 1-5 and on the “y” axis put percentage (0-100). Plot both the gold and brown for both sets of class data. Label lines clearly (without selection AND with selection). 2) In either simulation, did your percentages stay approximately the same over time? If yes, which situation? 3) What conditions would have to exist for the percentages to stay the same over time? 4) Was your data different from the class data? How? Why is it important to collect class data? 5) With selection, what happens to the percentages from generation 1 to generation 5? 6) What process is occurring when there is a change in percentages over a long period of time? 7) What would happen if it were more advantageous to be heterozygous (Ff)? Would there still be homozygous fish? Explain. 8) In simulation 2, what happens to the gold fish over successive generations and why? 9) In simulation 2, why don’t the gold fish entirely disappear from the population? 10) Explain what would happen if selective pressure changed and the gold fish were selected FOR? 11) What happens if the sharks only eat very large fish that have already reproduced? What happens if they eat small gold fish, before they have a chance to reproduce? 12) In what ways did these simulations represent real life? How were the simulations different from real life situations? Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 32 Fishy Frequencies LEP Version---omit Hardy-Weinberg portion. Data sheet for students has been modified. Fishy Frequencies Introduction: Understanding natural selection can be confusing and difficult. People often think that animals consciously adapt to their environments - that the peppered moth can change its color, the giraffe can permanently stretch its neck, the polar bear can turn itself white - all so that they can better survive in their environments. In this lab you will use fish crackers to help further your understanding of natural selection and the role of genetics and resulting phenotype in evolution. Key Vocabulary: natural selection consciously adapt environment genetics phenotype genotype prey recessive dominant simulate (simulation) random (randomly) birth rate death rate population artificial selection record bar graph line graph frequency Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 33 Background: Facts about the “Fish” 1) These little fish are the natural prey of the terrible fish-eating sharks - YOU! 2) Fish come with two phenotypes - gold and brown: a) gold: this is a recessive trait (ff) b) brown: this is a dominant trait (F_) 3) In the first simulation, you, the terrible fish-eating sharks, will randomly eat whatever color fish you first come in contact with. (There will be no selection.) 4) In the second simulation, you will prefer to eat the gold fish (these fish taste yummy and are easy to catch) you will eat ONLY gold fish unless none are available in which case you resort to eating brown fish in order to stay alive (the brown fish taste salty, are sneaky and hard to catch). 4) New fish are born every “year”; the birth rate equals the death rate. You simulate births by reaching into the pool of “spare fish” and selecting randomly. 5) Since the gold trait is recessive, the gold fish are homozygous recessive (ff). Because the brown trait is dominant, the brown fish are either homozygous or heterozygous dominant (FF or Ff). TRIAL 1---WITHOUT SELECTION 1) Get a random population of 10 fish from the “ocean.” 2) Count gold and brown fish and record in your chart. 3) Eat 3 fish, chosen randomly, without looking at the plate of fish 4) Add 3 fish from the “ocean.” (One fish for each one that died). Be random. Do NOT use artificial selection. 5) Record the number of gold and brown fish. 6) Again eat 3 fish, randomly chosen 7) Add 3 randomly selected fish, one for each death. 8) Count and record. 9) Repeat steps 6, 7, and 8 two more times. 10) Provide your results for the class. Fill in the class results on your chart. TRIAL 2---WITH SELECTION 1) Get a random population of 10 fish from the “ocean.” 2) Count gold and brown fish and record in your chart. 3) Eat 3 gold fish; if you do not have 3 gold fish, fill in the missing number by eating brown fish. 4) Add 3 fish from the “ocean.” (One fish for each one that died). Be random. Do NOT use artificial selection. 5) Record the number of gold and brown fish. 6) Again eat 3 fish, all gold if possible. 7) Add 3 randomly selected fish, one for each death. 8) Count and record. 9) Repeat steps 6, 7, and 8 two more times. 10) Provide your results for the class. Fill in the class results on your chart. FINALLY: Fill in your data chart and prepare a bar graph and a line graph showing the numbers of gold and brown fish in each generation. Answer the analysis questions. TRIAL 1 YOUR GROUP---WITHOUT SELECTION Biology- Unit 3 CLASS---WITHOUT SELECTION DRAFT 34 GENERATION GOLD BROWN GENERATION 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 TRIAL 2 YOUR GROUP---WITH SELECTION GENERATION GOLD GOLD BROWN CLASS---WITH SELECTION BROWN GENERATION 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 GOLD BROWN GRAPHS: Making your BAR GRAPH: 1. Use both sets of class data---WITHOUT SELECTION and WITH SELECTION 2. On the X-axis put GENERATIONS 1-5 3. on the Y-axis put NUMBER OF FISH. 4. Draw BARS to represent the CLASS DATA 5. Color the bar representing the gold fish YELLOW 6. Color the bar representing the brown fish BROWN 7. Make sure you TITLE your graph. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 35 Making your LINE GRAPH: 1. Use both sets of class data---WITHOUT SELECTION and WITH SELECTION 2. On the X-axis put GENERATIONS 1-5 3. on the Y-axis put the NUMBER OF FISH 4. Plot the points for WITH SELECTION on your graph. 5. Draw a line to CONNECT the points. 6. Plot the points for WITHOUT SELECTION on your graph. 7. Draw a line to CONNECT the points. 8. Clearly label the lines WITH SELECTION and WITHOUT SELECTION 9. Make sure you TITLE your graph. QUESTIONS FOR ANALYSIS ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES ON YOUR OWN PAPER 1. In either simulation, did the number (frequency) of gold and brown fish stay approximately the same over time? If yes, which situation? 2. What conditions would have to exist for the numbers (frequencies) to stay the same over time? 3. Was your data different from the class data? How? Why is it important to collect class data? 4. With selection, what happens to the numbers (frequencies) of GOLD fish from generation 1 to generation 5? 5. What process is occurring when there is a change in the numbers (frequencies) over a long period of time? 6. In TRIAL 2, what happens to the BROWN fish over 5 generations and why? 7. Explain what would happen if selective pressure changed and the BROWN fish were selected FOR? 8. What happens if they eat small GOLD fish, before they have a chance to reproduce? 9. In what ways did these simulations represent real life? How were the simulations different from real life situations? Focus Objective: 3.05, 1.02, 1.05 Language (ELP) Objectives for LEP students: Discuss content area-related terms as a class with teacher support. Write definitions of key terms Read laboratory procedures to complete activity. Discuss data and concepts with a partner. Write complete sentences to answer analysis questions. Discuss concept of variation with partner and with teacher Read and manipulate data to create graphs of results. Activity Time: 60 minutes Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 36 Preparation Time: The teacher will need to copy the student handout and make sure that the fish crackers, paper plates, and large bowl are gathered for the activity. Students will also need access to a calculator with a square root key. Safety: Make sure that students don’t actually eat the goldfish that they “prey” upon. You can provide a clean bag of goldfish for eating, if you wish. You can save the “used” goldfish from year to year (in the freezer) and then provide fresh goldfish for students to eat separately from the lab activity. After Activity: The teacher should collect class data and help students graph the allele frequency changes with and without selection. Students should discuss the relationship between evolution by natural selection and the “shift in allele frequencies” that occurs. ELABORATE: This activity (Sex and Single Guppy) is found online. There are teacher notes, data sheets and discussion questions to go with the activity. The activity will help students understand the role that sexual selection plays in natural selection. For LEP students: Use Sex and the Single Guppy Lab Worksheet that follows. Discuss key vocabulary BEFORE completing simulations. Be sure students write definitions of key vocabulary. Use a projector and work through all trials with the students. Allow time for explanation and discussion as you work. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 37 SEX AND THE SINGLE GUPPY The purpose of this activity is to analyze how guppy populations change over time. The simulation activity allows you to start with a pool of guppies and your choice of predators, you will be able to watch what happens to your guppy population and how the introduction of predators can affect the guppy's phenotype (appearance). The simulation will help you understand what pressures drive guppy evolution. Key Vocabulary: Write the definitions of the following words BEFORE you do the activity analyze guppy, guppies, guppy’s simulation population predators phenotype pressures evolution bright drab common name scientific name origin habitat stream hypothesis Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 38 Open the Guppy Sex Simulator!!! Introduction: 1. If bright colors attract predators, why do you think guppies are so colorful? 2. After viewing the guppy gallery, pick the fish you find most interesting. What is the fish’s common name, scientific name, origin and average size? Describe the phenotype (colors) of the fish you chose. 3. After viewing the predator gallery, pick the fish you find most interesting. What is the fish’s common name, scientific name, average size and origin? 4. View the guppy’s habitats, what habitat conditions would affect the predator populations? Endler’s Discovery and Variations of Guppy’s in Pools 5. Who is John Endler? What did he study and where did he study it? 6. For each of the three stream areas, describe the guppy coloration: Pool 1: Pool 2: Pool 3: 7. Develop your own hypothesis about guppy coloration. The hypothesis should answer the questions: Why do guppies in different areas of the Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 39 stream have difference in coloration? (You can choose from the list on the simulation, or make up your own) Guppy Simulation % of Brightest Guppies (10 generations) % of Bright % of Drab % of Guppies Guppies DrabbestGuppies (10 generations) (10 generations) (10 generations) Trial 1 Guppy: Even Mix Predators: 30 Rivulus Trial 2 Guppy: Even Mix Predators: 30 Rivulus, 30 Acara Trial 3 Guppy: Even Mix Predators: 30 Rivulus, 30 Acara, 30 Cichlid Trial 4 Guppy: Mostly Bright Predators: 30 Rivulus Trial 5 Guppy: Mostly Drab Predators: 30 Rivulus, 30 Acara, 30 Cichlid Summary 8. Describe how predators influence guppy coloration. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 40 9. Was your hypothesis correct, use your data to explain your answer. 10. What does it mean that “male guppies live in a crossfire between their enemies and their would-be mates”? 11. Why do you think guppies in different areas of the stream have different coloration? 12. What would happen to mostly drab guppies that were placed in a stream with very few predators? 13. What would happen to brightly colored guppies that were placed in a stream with many predators? Guiding Question: What is the role of sexual selection in evolution? Before Activity: The teacher will need to show students how to use the website and explain the instructions for the activity. Focus Objective: 3.05, 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.05 Language (ELP) Objectives for LEP students: Discuss content area-related terms as a class with teacher support. Listen to and read descriptions of guppies. Verbally explain the results of various situations created in computer simulation. Read laboratory procedures to complete activity. Write results of simulation situations in data table. Discuss data and concepts with a partner and with teacher. Write complete sentences to answer analysis questions. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 41 Activity Time: 90 minutes Preparation Time: The teacher will need to copy student materials and arrange for a single computer (for a teacher led activity) or for a computer lab. All materials as well as the activity are found at the website listed below. The teacher should be familiar with the website. The teacher might want to decide ahead of time which matings the students should do. Click on “for Teachers” and then click on Teacher’s Guide. Click on Web Resources under Unit 4. Then click on “How Does Evolution Work”. You will be doing the “Flashy Fish” activity. Note: Another set of teacher materials may be found at After Activity: The teacher should have students discuss their results as a class. The teacher should reinforce the role of sexual selection in evolution and help students link sexual selection to genetic traits and allele frequencies. ELABORATE: This activity (The Molecular Connection) will help students understand the biochemical evidence for evolution and how it connects to other types of evidence. Students will compare the amino acid sequences in cytochrome c for a variety of species and then see how those comparisons fit a given cladogram (phylogenetic tree). For LEP students: Review protein structure, translation, amino acids, mRNA. Have pictures of rhesus monkey, kangaroo, snapping turtle, bullfrog, lamprey, and tuna available. Use list below. Discuss key vocabulary BEFORE completing activity. Have pictures/diagrams available. Be sure students write definitions of key vocabulary. Allow students to work in pairs/small groups. Model the counting of amino acid differences. Allow students to mark on their cytochrome C sheets. Allow time for explanation and discussion as you work. Molecular Connection-LEP Key Vocabulary: amino acids proteins cladogram cytochrome C anatomical features Biology- Unit 3 paired appendages dorsal nerve cord notochord spinal column DRAFT amnion mammary glands placenta foramen magnum bipedalism 42 Guiding Question: How is biochemical evidence used to determine evolution relationships as modeled in a phylogenetic tree? Before Activity: The teacher should explain how to create a cladogram and what a cladogram shows about the relationships among organisms. Focus Objective: 3.05, 1.02, 1.03, 1.05 Language (ELP) Objectives for LEP students: Discuss content area-related terms as a class with teacher support. Write definitions of key terms Read directions to complete activity. Discuss data and concepts with a partner. Write complete sentences to answer analysis questions. Make oral and written predictions about evolutionary relationships based upon cladograms. Discuss the role of biochemical evidence in understanding evolution. Activity Time: 60 minutes Preparation Time: Teachers will need to copy the student handouts. Teachers will also need a class set of the cytochrome c sequence page. These pages can be placed in clear page protectors or laminated in order to be used in future years. The website below has all of the handouts and information needed for this activity. Click on “for Teachers” and then click on Teacher’s Guide. Click on “Web Resources” under Unit 3. Go to “In Depth Investigation” and Click on the “Molecular Connection”. After Activity: Students should review as a class what they have learned about the organisms whose sequences are being compared. Students can discuss whether this information fits their predictions and whether it would be confirmed by other data. EXPLAIN: This activity (Rat Island) involves putting students in groups and giving them a description of a particular island. Each group of students will design a rat that would be able to survive and thrive on their particular island. Students will present their “rat creations” to the class and explain the adaptations that were selected for (or against) over time. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 43 For LEP students: Allow students to work in pairs/small groups. Give each group an island description. Modified descriptions follow. They include simpler language and bold-faced key terms. One member of the group should read the description out loud. Repeat as many times as needed. Ask group members to discuss each of the words in bold print. They should make a written list of any words they do not understand or questions they have. Circulate among the groups to define words and/or answer questions about island descriptions. Once students understand their island descriptions, ask each group to brainstorm BEFORE they draw. They should consider questions like: Where does our rat live? What does it eat? Is there any competition for resources on the island? What special structures does our rat need and why? Students should take written notes on their discussions. Be sure to remind students that they must be able to explain HOW their rat EVOLVED into its present form. Students should draw and color the island habitat AND their rat species. Label the diagram with key words from island descriptions and brainstorming notes. Groups should present their posters to the class and orally describe the habitat and rat. They should be prepared to answer questions from classmates and teacher. Include notes from group discussions in grading. Guiding Question: What is the relationship between environments and adaptations of organisms? Before Activity: Teacher should review the steps in evolution by natural selection. The teacher should emphasize the “correct” language in describing the process of evolution. The stress should be on natural variations, changes in environment, natural selection of particular variations, passing on to offspring of the favored variations, and shifts in allele frequencies over time. Tell students to avoid language such as “rats needed to acquire a particular adaptation.” Focus Objective: 3.05, 1.03 Language (ELP) Objectives for LEP students: Discuss content area-related terms as a class with teacher support. Listen to and read descriptions of island habitats. Discuss key terms related to descriptions and write additional questions. Discuss group’s questions with one another and with teacher. Orally brainstorm ideas related to island habitats and rat survival. Write notes on brainstorming session. Draw and label a poster using vocabulary from island description and brainstorming discussions. BiologyUnit 3 DRAFT Orally describe poster and answer questions during group presentation. 44 Activity Time: 90 minutes Preparation Time: Teachers will need to make class sets of the island descriptions for students to use – one island per group. Students will also need poster paper and crayons, colored pencils, or markers. Instructions and island descriptions can be found at the following website. Note: The website above describes the activity and gives four island descriptions. It is recommended that the teacher write at least 2-3 extra island descriptions in order to keep the groups small. As an alternative, teachers could give the same island to two different groups. It is interesting to see what two groups can do with the same description. RAT ISLAND DESCRIPTIONS ISLAND A The island is mostly flat, with a few small hills. The ground is soft dirt, and several species of shrubs (small bushes) grow towards the center of the island. There is no animal life on land; but there are many kinds of fish in the water. The island is surrounded by a coral reef which keeps the predators out. The shore is sandy and no algae grows there. Fresh water is available. ISLAND B The island has many rocks along the shore. Tide pools form in the rocks when the waves wash over them. The tide pools host crabs, snails, small fish, and starfish. Algae grow all around the island; however, there is very little in the tide pools where the various animals feed. The current is quite strong along the rocky outcrops where the algae grow best. Fresh water is available. ISLAND C The island has little plant or animal life. A few species of cactus live in the dry soil. A large cactus-eating tortoise lives on the island. A species of very large bird nest on the island annually. They build their nests on the rocks, and protect their eggs from the sun by standing over the nests with outspread wings. The nests are always found on the windy side of the island which is somewhat cooled by offshore breezes. ISLAND D The island is an extinct volcano. Vegetation on the island changes with the altitude moving up the volcano. Grasses grow at the base. Further up the slope the grasses Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 45 give way to low shrubs. Half way up, the island becomes quite lush; tropical plants and trees dominate the landscape. At this altitude, the island experiences frequent rain showers. There are two species of birds that inhabit the island. One is a raptor which preys upon the smaller birds. The other eats fish in the waters approximately one mile offshore. Both nest in trees. After Activity: The teacher should reinforce the language of evolution. The teacher should stress the complexities of this process and make sure students understand that “Rat Island” activity is simply allowing them to model the adaptations that might evolve in a particular environment. ELABORATE: Two activities (The Formulation of Explanations: An Invitation to Inquiry on Natural Selection and Pesticide Resistance) and have been given that address the development of pesticide resistant strains of flies. These are modern evidences of evolution. Either activity would be appropriate for teaching about this topic. The activities at the websites below will allow students to extend their knowledge of evolution and understand how some organisms have become resistant to pesticides. Students will be able to answer how pesticide resistance (or antibiotic resistance) provides evidence for evolution. Guiding Question: How does pesticide resistance (or antibiotic resistance) provide evidence for evolution? Before Activity: Teachers should explain to students that there are modern examples of selection that give us a model of how evolution works. The Formulation of Explanations: An Invitation to Inquiry on Natural Selection The activity above is designed to lead students in understanding how pesticide resistance occurs in organisms. For LEP students: Use these modifications with The Formulation of Explanations: An Invitation to Inquiry on Natural Selection. Give students written copies of “to the student” sections. Have students read them out loud to each other or to the class. Allow students to write on their copies and underline key words. After reading, roleplay the “to the student” portions or use diagrams/props to facilitate understanding. For each section, students must write their possible explanations and orally explain them to the class. Have a class recorder write them on chart paper. Allow time for discussion and reporting to class. If time allows, give students a similar problem (antibiotic-resistant bacteria, pesticideresistant weeds) and have them do a short skit. They should use props and have a written script. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 46 Pesticide Resistance In this activity, students are actually involved in a game simulating the development of biological resistance to a pesticide. Focus Objective: 3.05, 1.01, 1.03 Activity Time: 90 minutes Preparation Time: Teachers will need to copy student materials. The materials and instructions can be found at the two websites listed above. After Activity: Teachers should discuss with students the environmental problems associated with pesticide resistance (or other resistances that are brought on my human activities). Teachers should also help students connect the development of pesticide resistance to the evolution of organisms over long periods of time. Teachers should also discuss with students antibiotic resistance as a similar model of the evolutionary process. There are many articles on various bacteria that have developed widespread resistance to antibiotics (for example, MRSA). EVALUATE: Students will go back to their original concept maps and modify them to fit their new knowledge. Guiding Question: evolution? What are the connections among the major concepts in the theory of Before Activity: Explain to students that this is the next step in the concept map process. Focus Objective: 3.05, 1.03 Activity Time: 30 minutes Preparation Time: Teacher needs to put out the materials for finishing concept maps. Note: The teacher may want to add more words to the original list. After Activity: Have students post their maps in the classroom or present them to the rest of the class if there is time. ENGAGE: Ask the students, “Is a guinea pig a really a pig? Is a sea horse really a horse?”. Allow time for answers. Instruct students that oftentimes, common names (such as guinea pig and sea horse) Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 47 are misleading. Because of this fact, organisms are given scientific names that are identifiable around the world. EXPLORE: In this (Common Names vs. Scientific Names) activity students will try to imagine what an organism looks like when given its common name. Students will then research the scientific names of various organisms and discover the value of scientific nomenclature. For LEP students: Allow students to work in pairs/small groups. Give each group 2-3 organisms from the list. Students should discuss the name with their partner(s) and agree upon what they will write and draw. Students should provide a written description of the organism and a sketch of what they think it looks like. Each group should share at least one of its organism descriptions and drawings with the class. For part 2, allow students to print what they find in their research. Lead discussions about whether or not their research matches their original descriptions/sketches. For part 3, provide pictures of the organisms and ask students to match them with their common names. Discuss the importance of scientific names and point out the problems with common names. Students should write complete sentences in paragraph form to answer the conclusion questions. Guiding Question: What is the value and purpose of scientific nomenclature? Before Activity: Explain to students that they will be given a list of organisms (common names) and they need to try and figure out what kind of organism each one is. Common Names vs. Scientific Names Part 1: The following are common names for certain organisms. For each, describe the organism based on its name. What kind of organism is it? What does it look like? (You could draw a picture to illustrate your description). Sea Cow: Guinea Pig: Sea Horse: Kangaroo Rat: Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 48 Tufted Titmouse: River Horse: Camel Cricket: Prairie Dog: Sea Cucumber: Sea Lion: Lady Slipper: Queen Anne’s lace: Jack in the Pulpit: Stinkhorn: Pitcher Plant: Crown of Thorns: Worm Snake: Catamount: Cheeselog: Antbear: Nature’s Mistake: Sand Puppy: Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 49 Part 2: Look up the organisms on the first page. You can use books or internet sites. Find all the scientific names that you can and write them next to your descriptions? How close did your original descriptions come to the actual organism? Part 3: Some of the organisms listed in part 1 have other common names. See if you can determine what organism in part 1 corresponds to the list of alternate names given below. ____________________: Panther, cougar, painter cat, puma, mountain lion ____________________: Armadillo bug; doodlebug; woodlice ____________________: American dogwood, false box, arrowwood, white cornel ____________________: Aardvark ____________________: Naked Mole Rat ____________________: Wild Carrot Part 4: 1. 2. Questions Describe the value of giving scientific names to living organisms. Why do some organisms have so many common names? Focus Objective: 4.01 Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 50 Language (ELP) Objectives for LEP students: Discuss common names of organisms with group member(s). Write descriptions of organisms based upon their common names. Sketch organisms that match written descriptions and group discussions. Orally explain 1 organism and its description to the class. Listen to presentations made by classmates. Orally ask questions. Use computers to research organisms. Match pictures of organisms to their scientific names by studying the words in their names. Write complete sentences in paragraph form to answer the conclusion questions. Activity Time: 30 minutes Preparation Time: Teacher will need to copy the hand out for students. After Activity: Lead students in a discussion of the differences in their answers. Get them to think about the value in each type of organism having a scientific name that is the same across the world. Teacher Notes: Below is a list of organisms and their respective common and scientific names. (Just so you wouldn’t have to research them.) Common Name Scientific Name Description / Discovery (if applicable) The Flowering Dogwood, American Dogwood, Cornelian Tree, False Box, False Boxwood, Florida Dogwood, Indian Arrowwood, Nature's Mistake or, White Cornel Cornus florida, syn. Benthamidia florida a species of dogwood native to eastern North America, from southern Maine west to southern Ontario and eastern Kansas, and south to northern Florida and eastern Texas and also in Illionis, with a disjunct population in eastern Mexico in Nuevo León and Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 51 Veracruz. Stellar’s sea cow Hydrodamalis gigas guinea pig, cavy Cavia porcellus sea horse Genus Hippocampus Big-belly seahorse Hippocampus abdominalis Lesson, 1827 (New Zealand and south and east Australia) Winged seahorse Hippocampus alatus Kuiter, 2001 West African seahorse Hippocampus algiricus Kaup, 1856 Narrow-bellied seahorse Hippocampus angustus Günther, 1870 Barbour's seahorse Hippocampus barbouri Jordan & Richardson, 1908 Pygmy seahorse Hippocampus bargibanti Whitley, 1970 (West Pacific area (Indonesia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, etc) False-eyed seahorse Hippocampus biocellatus Réunion seahorse Short-head seahorse Hippocampus breviceps Giraffe seahorse Knysna seahorse Hippocampus borboniensis Kuiter, 2001 Duméril, 1870 Peters, 1869 (south and east Australia) Hippocampus camelopardalis Hippocampus capensis Bianconi, 1854 Coleman’s Pygmy Seahorse Hippocampus colemani Kuiter, 2003 Tiger tail seahorse Hippocampus comes Cantor, 1850 Crowned seahorse Hippocampus coronatus Temminck & Schlegel, 1850 Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT Boulenger, 1900 52 Hippocampus denise Lourie & Randall, 2003 Lined seahorse Hippocampus erectus Perry, 1810 (east coast of the Americas, between Nova Scotia and Uruguay) Fisher's seahorse Hippocampus fisheri Jordan & Evermann, 1903 Sea pony Hippocampus fuscus Rüppell, 1838 (Indian Ocean) Big-head seahorse Hippocampus grandiceps Kuiter, 2001 Long-snouted seahorse Hippocampus guttulatus Cuvier, 1829 Eastern spiny seahorse Hippocampus hendriki Kuiter, 2001 Short-snouted seahorse Hippocampus hippocampus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean) Thorny seahorse Hippocampus histrix Kaup, 1856 (Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, and the Far East) Pacific seahorse Hippocampus ingens Girard, 1858 (Pacific coast of North, Central and South America) Jayakar's seahorse Hippocampus jayakari Boulenger, 1900 Collared seahorse Hippocampus jugumus Kuiter, 2001 Great seahorse Hippocampus kelloggi Jordan & Snyder, 1901 Spotted seahorse Hippocampus kuda Bleeker, 1852 Lichtenstein's Seahorse Hippocampus lichtensteinii Kaup, 1856 Bullneck seahorse Hippocampus minotaur Gomon, 1997 Japanese seahorse Hippocampus mohnikei Bleeker, 1854 Monte Bello seahorse Hippocampus montebelloensis Kuiter, 2001 Denise's pygmy seahorse Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 53 Hippocampus multispinus Kuiter, 2001 High-crown seahorse Hippocampus procerus Kuiter, 2001 Queensland seahorse Hippocampus queenslandicus Horne, 2001 Longsnout seahorse Hippocampus reidi Ginsburg, 1933 (Caribbean coral reefs) Half-spined seahorse Hippocampus semispinosus Kuiter, 2001 Dhiho's seahorse Hippocampus sindonis Jordan & Snyder, 1901 Hedgehog seahorse West Australian seahorse Hippocampus Weber, 1913 spinosissimus Hippocampus subelongatus Castelnau, 1873 Longnose seahorse Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach, 1814 White's seahorse Hippocampus whitei Bleeker, 1855 (east Australia) Zebra seahorse Hippocampus zebra Whitley, 1964 Dwarf seahorse Hippocampus zosterae Jordan & Gilbert, 1882 (Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean) Northern spiny seahorse Kangaroo rat Dipodomys californicus Tufted titmouse Baeolophus bicolor River horse Hippopotamus amphibius massive thick-skinned herbivorous animal living in or around rivers of tropical Africa Camel cricket Subfamily Rhaphidophorinae- camel crickets: United States Diestrammena asynamora Brunner, 1888 Subfamily Tropidischiinae — camel crickets: Canada Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT Scudder, 1869 54 Prairie dog Genus Cynomys About 14 other genera in subfamily Gunnison's Prairie Dog Cynomys gunnisoni White-tailed Prairie Dog Cynomys leucurus Black-tailed Prairie Dog Cynomys ludovicianus Mexican Prairie Dog Cynomys mexicanus Utah Prairie Dog Cynomys parvidens Sea cucumber Sea lion Lady’s slipper Class Holothuroidea contains sea cucumbers. There are approximately 1150 species of sea cucumbers. A sea lion is one of many marine mammals of the family Otariidae. Cypripedium Cypriepedium acaule Aiton Moccasin flower Queen Anne’s lace Wild carrot, bishop's lace Daucus carota Venus fly-trap Dionaea muscipula Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Bog onion, Brown dragon, Indian turnip, Wake robin or Wild turnip Arisaema triphyllum Stinkhorn, The Phallaceae, or stinkhorns, are a family of basidiomycetes Notable species: Biology- Unit 3 Phallus impudicus, the common stinkhorn Phallus hadriani, (sometimes considered as a subspecies of Phallus impudicus) DRAFT 55 Phallus ravenilii Phallus indusiatus (syn. Dictyophora indusiata), Chinese "bamboo fungus," eaten as a food in southwestern China Crown of thorns The families Nepenthaceae and Sarraceniaceae are the best-known and largest groups of pitcher plants. Euphorbia splendens Crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci Pitcher plant As mentioned above there are over 1800 species and many are undiscovered. Some of the better known starfish include: Blue sea star Japanese sea star Carpet sea star Eleven-armed sea star Pincushion sea star Comb sea star Crown of thorns sea star Worm snake or Blind snake Carphophis amoenus Panther, Catamount, Cougar, Painter cat, and Puma, Mountain lion felis concolor Woodlice vary throughout the English-speaking world. They include: "armadillo pill bug" (usually applied only to the genus Armadillidium) Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 56 bug", "cheeselog" (Reading, Berkshire), "doodlebug" (also used for the larva of an antlion) rolypoly", "potato bug", "roll up bug" , "slater" and "sow bug". Aardvark or Antbear Orycteropus afer Binturong or Bearcat Arctictis binturong Naked Mole Rat or Sand Puppy Purple Frog or Pignose Frog Birds Heterocephalus glaber American Robin Dark-Backed Robin Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis class Aves, subphylum Vertebrata, and phylum Chordata Turdus migratorius T. m. nigrideus northern-nesting subspecies ELABORATE: There are many dichotomous key activities that can be done to help students understand how organisms are classified or identified. Two websites containing dichotomous key activities are provided below. For LEP students: Use shoe activity found on website listed below. Allow time for discussion among students and with you. Have students copy the key they created in their notebooks. After the key is created, give each group a unique shoe or picture of one (ice skate, slipper, scuba flipper, ballet shoe, etc.) that they must fit into their scheme. Each group should explain to the class how they decided to add their special shoe in and why. Ex: We put the ice skate in the sneaker kingdom because it has laces like sneakers. We put the slipper in the flip flop kingdom because you can just slip it on. We had to make a new kingdom because this shoe is unlike any of the others. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 57 Guiding Question: How can organisms be identified using a dichotomous key? Before Activity: The teacher should reinforce the value of organizing living things with a taxonomic system as discussed in the previous activity. The teacher should briefly explain how to use a dichotomous key and do one organism as an example. Focus Objectives: 4.01, 1.02 Language (ELP) Objectives for LEP students: Discuss shoe classification with classmates and teacher. Write a dichotomous key to classify shoes. Discuss placement of a unique shoe into the kingdoms created by the class. Orally explain the placement of the unique shoe. Activity Time: 45 minutes Preparation Time: Decide on a dichotomous key activity. If the following website is used, then student materials will need to be copied. The cards can be laminated for use in future years. Note: The following website has instructions for doing a dichotomous key using student shoes. (classification of shoes) Great activity for LEP students The teacher could buy a variety of pasta or use pictures of various kinds of pasta and let students work in groups to develop a dichotomous key for their pasta collection. This website has a dichotomous key that uses actual organisms (pictures). After Activity: Students should review the process of using a dichotomous key by actually using a key that involves real organisms. See website above. For LEP Students: Be sure to provide an opportunity for students to identify unknown objects with a real dichotomous key. Stress that all of the vocabulary in a given key is not necessarily important. What is important is the actual USE of the key. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 58 ELABORATE: Students will build upon their knowledge of characteristics of organisms and dichotomous keys to compare/contrast organisms from the three domains and the six kindgoms. This guide (Taxonomy Learning Guide) will help students learn about the characteristics of various kingdoms and the taxonomic levels. Guiding Question: What are the characteristics of organisms in various taxonomic levels? Before Activity: Teachers should go over the various taxa and briefly explain the divisions to the students before they attempt the learning guide. For LEP students: Review vocabulary: prokaryote, eukaryote, multicellular, unicellular, autotroph, heterotroph, cell wall, and chloroplast. Provide textbook references, posters, computers for finding information. Group students into 6 groups. Assign each group 1 of the kingdoms to research. Allow students to report their findings to the class. Make a wall size chart similar to the one below. As each group reports fill in information. Be sure students complete the chart in their notebooks. Keep wall chart up as you complete the unit. Characteristics of Domains and Kingdoms Taxonomy Learning Guide DOMAIN KINGDOM Cell Type (eukaryotic or prokaryotic) Cell Wall Presence or absence? Composition? Chloroplasts Bacteria Eubacteria Biology- Unit 3 Archaea Archaebacteria Protista DRAFT Eukarya Fungi Plantae Animalia 59 Number of cells Mode of Nutrition (heterotroph or autotroph) Examples For LEP students: Explain that the chart below provides classification information about the organisms. If possible, provide pictures of each of the organisms. Stress to students that they do not need to memorize the taxa names. They need to COMPARE the taxa of the organisms to answer questions. Lead group discussion about the questions. Have students write answers to the questions in their notebooks. They should use complete sentences and include content vocabulary wherever appropriate. Characteristics of the Taxon Groupings Golden Lemur Taxon Human Tiger Praying Mantis Dogwood Domain Eukarya Eukarya Eukarya Eukarya Eukarya Kingdom Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Plantae Phylum or Chordata Chordata Chordata Arthropoda Magnoliophyta Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 60 Division Class Mammalia Mammalia Mammalia Insecta Magnoliopsida Order Primates Primates Carnivora Dictyoptera Cornales Family Lemuridae Hominidae Felidae Mantidae Cornaceae Genus Hapalemur Homo Panthera Mantis Cornus Species H. aureus H. sapiens P. tigris M. religiosa C. florida Analysis Questions: 1) If you compared cytochromes of these species, which would be most similar? Unlike? 2) Which two species are most closely related? Explain. 3) Which three species are most closely related? 4) Which organism is least closely related to all of the others? 5) Which taxon has the fewest types of organisms? Explain. Focus Objective: 4.01, 1.03 Language (ELP) Objectives for LEP students: Discuss content vocabulary. Listen to class discussions. Research information about 1 kingdom and discuss it with partner(s). Write necessary information in chart. Orally report findings to class and write information on wall chart. Write information from wall chart on notebook chart. Discuss how classification information may be used. Use content vocabulary in written answers to analysis questions. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 61 Activity Time: 30 minutes Preparation Time: Teachers will need to make copies of the learning guide. EXPLAIN: Instruct students to explain the answers to the questions from the lab to other students. After Activity: Discuss the questions and answers with the students. EVALUATE: Students will complete their concept map, including information about evolution and classification. For LEP students: Allow students to refer to all information in their notebooks as they work. Circulate among the groups as they work on their maps. Guide their work with questions like: “Why did you choose to connect those two terms?”, “Are the links you made the only way these words/concepts relate?” Encourage additions/revisions based upon what they have learned. Allow students to verbally explain their maps to you and to other groups. Ask students to concentrate on explaining the additions/changes they made and why. Extension: Students use their concept maps to re-write the paragraph they wrote at the beginning of the unit. Guiding Question: What is the relationship between concepts of evolution and our understanding of relatedness of organisms? Before Activity: Explain to students that they will be combining their understanding of evolution and their new knowledge of taxonomy into one concept map that links the ideas of both areas. Objective: 1.05 for LEP students: Focus Language (ELP) 4.01, Objectives Discuss words and their relationships with a partner. Explain concept map links to teacher and other students. Use completed concept map to write a paragraph about evolution. Activity Time: 30 minutes Preparation Time: Teacher will need to set out the materials for completing the concept maps. After Activity: Lead a class discussion where students share their concept maps linking ideas of evolution and taxonomy. Be sure to address any areas of the concept maps that are weak and/or incomplete. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 62 Sample Assessment Questions Goal 3.05 1. What type of fossilized remains would provide the greatest evidence of an organism’s diet? a. Hip Socket b. Cranium Bones c. Femur Bone d. Teeth 2. Which combination of factors provides the greatest potential for evolutionary change in a species? a. Small population and no natural selection b. Large population and no natural selection c. Small population and the occurrence of natural selection d. Large population and the occurrence of natural selection 3. During the past decade, doctors have noted the appearance of several super bugs, which are bacteria that show multiple resistances to antibiotic. The development of these super bugs has been linked to the overuse of antibiotics. Which of the following is the best explanation for the increase in the appearance of these super bugs? a. Use of the antibiotic has caused a random mutation that allows the bacteria to be resistant. b. Use of the antibiotic has caused a random mutation that allows the bacteria less resistant. c. Use of the antibiotic has created an environment where only bacteria that have a random mutation that conveys resistancy survive and reproduce. d. Use of the antibiotic has destroyed all bacteria which has allowed for the appearance of the super bugs. 4. The description of the earliest life forms as being anaerobic is based of the absence of which gas from the early earth atmosphere? a. carbon dioxide b. free oxygen gas c. methane d. free hydrogen gas Goal 4.01 1. In which kingdom would an eukaryotic, multi-cellular and autotrophic organism be classified? a. Eubacteria b. Fungi c. Animalia d. Plantae 2. Which classification taxon includes organisms that are able to mate and to produce fertile offspring? a. kingdom b. species c. family Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 63 d. order 3. Using the following classification information, which two organisms are the most closely related? Classification Taxon Examples Kingdom- Animal dolphin, house cat, songbird, lynx, wolf, earthworm, butterfly, hydra Phylum- Chordata dolphin, house cat, songbird, lynx, wolf Genus- Felis house cat, lynx Species- Felis domastica house cat a. b. c. d. house cat and dolphin lynx and house cat songbird and house cat wolf and house cat Modified Sample Assessment Questions Words in bold print are key words. Pay close attention to these words when reading and answering questions Goal 3.05 1. Which fossil provides the best evidence of an organism’s diet? a. vertebrae (backbones) b. cranium (skull) bones c. leg bones d. teeth 2. Which combination of factors provides the greatest potential for evolutionary change in a species? a. small population and no natural selection b. large population and no natural selection c. small population with natural selection d. large population with natural selection 3. During the past decade, doctors have noted the appearance of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics (medicine). The development of these bacteria has been linked to the overuse of antibiotics. Which of the following supports this idea? a. Use of the antibiotic has killed all bacteria. b. Use of the antibiotic has killed the bacteria that are genetically resistant. The non-resistant bacteria have survived and reproduced. c. Use of the antibiotic has killed the bacteria that are genetically non-resistant. The resistant bacteria have survived and reproduced. Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 64 According to scientists, the earliest life forms on Earth were anaerobic. This suggests the absence of which gas from Earth’s early atmosphere? e. carbon dioxide f. oxygen g. methane h. hydrogen gas Goal 4.01 1. Which kingdom contains eukaryotic, multicellular heterotrophs? e. Eubacteria f. Fungi g. Animalia h. Plantae 2. Which classification taxon includes organisms that are able to mate and to produce fertile offspring? e. kingdom f. species g. family h. order 3. Use the classification information below. Which two organisms are the most closely related? Classification Taxon Examples Kingdom- Animal dolphin, house cat, songbird, lynx, wolf, earthworm, butterfly, hydra Phylum- Chordata dolphin, house cat, songbird, lynx, wolf Genus- Felis house cat, lynx Species- Felis domastica house cat e. f. g. h. house cat and dolphin lynx and house cat songbird and house cat wolf and house cat Biology- Unit 3 DRAFT 65