Chapter 1
definitions: anatomy, physiology
hierarchy of levels: molecules, cells, tissues, etc. (types of tissues, 11 systems)
what are the 6 life functions?
what is homeostasis?
How do negative and positive feedback loops function? examples of each.
Anatomical position; body directional and regional terminology
Know all body planes & cavities (examples of organs in each cavity)
All membranes: which layers are visceral, parietal, examples of each
Chapter 2
definitions of matter & energy (potential & kinetic)
Atoms: protons, neutron, electrons, atomic #
Elements - 4 main elements of human body
Covalent, ionic, and hydrogen bonds characteristics of each
Solutions, solvents, solutes, what is the main solvent in the human body?
Chemical reactions: dehydration synthesis, hydrolysis, exchange, oxidation/reduction
- Factors effecting rate of reactions i.e. particle size, temp, concentration, catalysts
Inorganic compounds
- characteristics of acids & bases. what does each release in solution? how does each
effect pH?
- pH scale and H+ ion concentrations , pH<7 or pH >7 indicates?
Organic compounds
- carbohydrates: what are monosaccharides, what are disaccharides? (what
monosaccharides form them?) what are the types of polysaccharides? what is the
main function of CHOs? each gram of CHO provides ___ kcal?
- lipids: are insoluble in_____? each gram of fat provides ___ kcal? Triglycerides are
hydrolyzed into? functions of lipids?
- proteins: functions (structural and functional) 4 kcal/gram. how many amino acids
are there? what are the characteristics of amino acids? what are peptide bonds?
what are the 4 levels of protein structure? characteristics of fibrous & globular
proteins and examples of each. how are proteins denatured?
- nucleic acids: DNA & RNA characteristics and differences. structure of a nucleotide:
bases, sugars, and phosphate
ATP: function ADP/ATP reaction
Chapter 3
Structure of the plasma membrane. what is the purpose of cholesterol? why are the
phospholipids important? what are the functions of the cell membrane? types of proteins
(integral vs. peripheral) found in cell membrane and functions
Glycocalyx: what is it, functions of it, & what are glycoproteins? why are they important?
Membrane junctions: types & characteristics of each
What are villi and microvilli? what do they do?
Understand the movement of materials into/out of the cell & examples of each: diffusion,
facilitated diffusion, filtration, osmosis, active transport processes (endocytosis, receptormediated endocytosis, exocytosis, sodium-potassium pump)
What sustances should not leave via filtration?
Tonicity: what happens to red blood cells when placed in isotonic, hypertonic, & hypotonic
Organelles -functions of ribosomes, mitochondria, rough vs. smooth endoplasmic reticulum,
golgi apparatus, lysosomes, perioxisomes, centrioles
Nucleus and components, what does the nucleolus do? what is chromatin? what can and
cannot pass through the nuclear envelope? Why?
Cell reproduction: mitosis: all phases, be able to identify stages on slides.
What are oncogenes? definition of a tumor, benign, malignant, which are cancerous? what
does that mean?
DNA replication and protein synthesis all phases: know triplets, codons, anticodons, what
happens during transcription? and translation? what does DNA polymerase and DNA ligase
do? and RNA polymerase. Types & functions of RNA
Chapter 25 – Metabolism
Anabolic vs. Catabolic
Oxidation-reduction reactions, what happens?
Substrate-level phosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation which produces the most
ATP, where do each occur?
CHO Metabolism: glycolysis to TCA (Krebs) cycle to ETC: all end products of each, # ATP
produced for each and total
 What hormone is necessary for glucose to enter a cell? how does it enter the cell?
what is the importance of the first step (forming glucose six phosphate?), how many
NADH molecules formed during glycolysis? how many during the TCA cycle? Where
is FADH2 formed? How many ATP does the ETC form for every FADH2? and NADH?
 Definitions of glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis: which organ stores the
most glycogen? where does gluconeogenesis occur? know when each of these
would happen
Lipid Metabolism: glycerol and FA metabolism: all as discussed in class how is glycerol
broken down? and fatty acids? how many ATP from each? lipogenesis, lipolysis, ketones
(prod. from rapid lipolysis) what is the problem with the ketones?
Protein Metabolism: oxidation of AA, where occurs: by products- what happens to them?
How are AA stored?
Be familiar with the diagrams
Chapter 28
meiosis: the end result? how is it different from mitosis? how similar? what happens?
What are the sequence of events that occur during spermatogenesis and oogenesis?
Where does oogenesis occur? when does it begin? when does it stop? what are the end
products for it?
 Steps in the ovarian cycle
Where does spermatogenesis occur? when does it begin? what are the end products?
Chapter 29
Development: What happens at fertilization?
 Look at the development from a fertilized egg (first cleavage division) through
blastocyst and implantation.
Know DNA structure; chromatin vs. chromatid
Define genotype and phenotype, and dominant and recessive
Be able to predict inheritance by using a punnett square
What is involved with genetic variation: why does it happen?
What is sex linked inheritance? What diseases/disorders are associated with it?
Describe the Human Genome Project; what advances have been made in the past decade?