Poetry Terms Test for High School Students

Poetry Terms Test
Section I: Match the following terms to their definitions.
_____ 1. Alliteration
a. comparison using like or as
_____ 2. Personification
b. repetition of initial consonant sounds
_____ 3. Rhyme Scheme
c. a literary work written in verse format
_____ 4. Simile
d. a writer’s voice and attitude in a piece
_____ 5. Quatrain
e. language that appeals to the senses
_____ 6. Narrative Poem
f. a stanza or poem made up of 4 lines, usually with a definite rhyme
_____ 7. Poetry
g. regular pattern of rhyming words
_____ 8. Jargon
h. nonhuman objects are given human characteristics
_____ 9. Tone
i. nonsense words; specifically used for an occupation
_____ 10. Imagery
j. a poem that tells a story and has a plot
Section II: Match the following terms to their definitions
_____ 11. Paraphrase
k. the feeling created in the reader by a literary work or passage
_____ 12. Repetition
l. use of any element of language more than once
_____ 13. Rhyme
m. the study of the rules for the formation of grammatical sentences
_____ 14. Couplet
n. poetry that occurs when there is more than one speaker
_____ 15. Implied Metaphor
o. a pair of rhyming lines in a poem, considered a unit
_____ 16. Syntax
p. to put something into your own words; short and concise
_____ 17. Symbol
q. a type of emotional, song-like poetry
_____ 18. Lyric Poetry
r. anything that stands for or represents something else
_____ 19. Assonance
s. repetition of sounds at the end of words
_____ 20. Dramatic Poetry
t. a comparison of two unlike things, but they are not specifically
stated or explained
_____ 21. Mood
u. repetition of vowel sounds followed by different consonants in 2
or more stressed syllables.
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Section III: Match the following terms to their definitions
_____ 22. Stanza
v. a formal division of lines in a poem; considered a unit
_____ 23. Rhythm
w. word choice: vocabulary, vividness of language, etc.
_____ 24. Metaphor
x. central message or insight into life revealed through a literary
_____ 25. Figurative Language
y. The general term for literary techniques that portray differences
between appearance and reality, or expectation and result.
_____ 26. Irony
z. a comparison that does not use ‘like’ or ‘as’; one thing is
spoken of as if it were something else
_____ 27. Diction
ab. greatest point of interest; changing point of the story
_____ 28. Theme
ac. writing or speech not meant to be interpreted literally; used to
create vivid impressions by setting up comparisons
_____ 29. Anticlimax
ad. uniform or patterned recurrence of a beat in a line of poetry
_____ 30. Climax
ae. a reference to a real person, place, thing, event, etc. in a
work/piece of literature
Section IV: Identify the poetic term that is used.
____ 32. Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore.
a. personification
b. alliteration
c. simile
d. metaphor
____ 33. After a long weekend, the young girl tells her friend, “I haven’t seen you in twenty years.”
a. simile
b. euphemism
c. hyperbole
d. onomatopoeia
____ 34. The bee buzzed by my head.
a. onomatopoeia
b. personification
c. metaphor
d. rhythm
____ 35. Loneliness is being without a true friend.
a. rhythm
b. metaphor
c. euphemism
d. simile
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____ 36.The is as country as a turnip green.
a. hyperbole
b. diction
c. simile
d. alliteration
Section V: State whether the following statement is True or False
____ 37. True or False: The boy isn’t short. He is vertically challenged. This is an example of a simile.
____ 38. True or False: The house opened its arms to us. This is an example of personification.
____ 39. True or False: Juliet’s mother thought she was crying over Tybalt, but we knew she wasn’t. This is
an example of irony.
____ 40. True or False: “I can’t forget. I can’t forget,” said the student. This is an example of a metaphor.
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