Unidad 6A Español 1 Worksheet 1

Unidad 6A Español 1 Worksheet 1
A. Translate
paintingalarm clockbedroomnight table-
B. Give the opposite
bonitograndepeorderechaC. ¿De qué color es...?
el sol es ________________
la lechuga es _______________________
las uvas son _________________________
la naranja es _____________________
blanco y rojo=
blanco y negro=
rojo y azul=
amarillo y azul=
D. Conjugate the verbs Dormir and Poder
E. Translate
1. The painting is on the wall.
2. The videocassette is to the right of the VCR.
3. They sleep in the same bedroom.
4. I sleep to the right of the lamp.
5. We can run.
6. She can listen to music.
8. His walls are blue.
9. Your dresser is brown.
10. I have ugly curtains, a TV set and a DVD player.
F. Pg. 283 Book Act. 21
7. I can make the bed.
Unidad 6A Español 1 In Class Worksheet
A. Give the opposite
1. feo2. grande3. peor4. a la izquierda5. negroB.
¿De qué color es...?
el sol es ________________
el agua del océano es _______________________
la manzana es _________________________
los plátanos son _____________________
la pared es ______________________(una combinación de blanco y rojo)
una combinación de blanco y negro __________________________
Las cortinas son _____________________________(una combinación de rojo y azul)
C. Conjugate the verbs dormir and poder.
D. Fill in the blank with poder.
1. Mis padres ______________________preparar la comida.
2. Todos ___________________venir a la fiesta.
3. Maria ______________________montar en bicicleta.
E. Fill in the blank with dormir.
1. Yo ___________________en mi cama.
2. Tú ____________________ en tu dormitorio.
3. ¿Quién ________________________?
F. Translate the following sentences.
1. The TV set is to the left of the lamp.
2. I sleep in my own bed.
3. We can play football.
4. His walls are blue.
5. Your dresser is white.
6. I have a DVD player and a VCR.
7. You all (inf) can make the bed.
8. The mirror is on the wall.
9. Maria sleeps in her sister’s bedroom.
10. The rug is blue.
Unidad 6A Español 1 Worksheet 2
A. Answer the following comparative/superlative questions in a complete sentence.
1. ¿Cuál es la clase más difícil para ti?
2. ¿Cuál es tu clase menos interesante?
3. ¿Cuál es tu mejor posesión?
B. Translate using the comparative.
1. Ana is prettier than Sara.
2. The blue wall is better than the yellow wall.
3. For me, English is less interesting than Spanish.
4. Paco and Sam are younger than Ana.
5. I am older than Raquel.
C. Translate using the superlative.
1. “24” is the best!
2. Your DVD player is the most important possession for you.
3. Paco is the worst student in the school.
4. I have the worst alarm clock.
5. His closet is the biggest.
6. Marta and Ana are the nicest girls in the class.
7. The blue rug is the smallest in the house.
Unidad 6A Español 1 Worksheet 3
A. Answer the following comparative/superlative questions in a complete sentence.
1. ¿Cuál es la clase más interesante?
2. Para ti, ¿Cuál es el peor programa de televisión?
3. Para ti, ¿Cuál es la mejor película?
4. ¿Cuál es tu posesión más importante?
B. Translate using the comparative.
1. The color black is worse than the color green.
2. The DVD player is better than the VCR.
3. “Monk” is less interesting than “24.”
4. The mirror is bigger than the night table.
5. Mrs. Houck is older than the students.
6. The boys are more intelligent than the girls.
7. Your book is worse.
C. Translate using the superlative.
1. Mrs. Houck is the best teacher!
2. I have the worst stereo system.
3. The bookshelf is the biggest thing in the bedroom.
4. Purple and red are the prettiest colors.
5. She is the least interesting.
6. They are the nicest.
Unit 6A Review Worksheet for the test
A. Listening
Pg. 115 in the Packet – we will do this in class tomorrow
B. Reading
-Read and answer the question on pg. 295 #3 in the book
C. Vocab
-you will have to translate 5 of 8 vocab words on the test
D. Poder and Dormir
(on the test you will be filling in the blank with these 2 verbs)
Mis padres ___________________en el dormitorio.
Mi hermana no ______________dormir si hay luz.
E. Answer 5 questions
1. ¿Cuál es tu clase más difícil?
2. ¿Cuál es tu color favorito?
3 comparative translations
The stereo system is smaller than the bookshelf.
Pete and Steve are older than Paco.
La lámpara roja es más fea que la lámpara rosada.
G. 3 superlative translations
1. They are the prettiest girls in the school.
2. The CD is the least important possession in my room.
3. Mary is the worst student!
H. 5 Misc. translations
1. Pete can ski. I can not ski.
2. The lamp is next to the dresser.
3. We sleep in the same bed.
4. She has a rug in her room.
5. I have my own TV set.