Henry County, Virginia Deeds

Henry County, Virginia Land Transactions & Wills
Abstracts of Henry County, Virginia Deed Books I and II, 1776-1784 (17 Feb 1776 through 22 July 1784);
Compiled by Lela C. Adams:
Book 1, pgs 15-17, (above book cited pg 2):
17 February 1777. William Blevins, Sr. of the county of Henry to Phillip Thomas of said county for the sum of
one hundred and ten pounds sells to Thomas 125 acres by estimate, it being patent granted William Blevins
bearing date March 10, 1756 in twenty nineth of the Reign. Beginning at a corner of Randolph & Companys on
the river (word river mentioned several times, but never named), [ Note: it is the Irwin River according to
patent-Diane] thence to John Blevins corner. Signed: William (X) Blevins, Agnes (X) Blevins. Agnes Blevins
wife of William Blevins relinquishes her right of dower to the land. [Note: Agnes was a Walling. This William
Blevins is the brother of Mary (Mrs. Elisha Walling Sr) – this William and Agnes may be the parents of Mary
“Polly” or Sarah “Sally” Blevins who married James Bowling b1756.-Diane]
Book 1, pgs 31-32, (above book pg 4):
27 March 1777. Peter Copland of the said county of Henry to William Blevins of said county for the sum of
sixty pounds, land it being on the waters of Bever Creek containing 120 acres beginning at a hickory of Patrick
Couths line crossing Little Beaver Creek, Great Beaver Creek. Signed: Peter Copland. Wit: William Blevins,
Jr., Grymes Hak, John Blevins.
Book 1, pgs 54-55, (above book pg 6):
10 April 1777. Samuel Burns of county of Henry to Phillip Broshurs (Broshears) for the sum of forty five
pounds land in Henry County on the south side of Smith River containing by estimation 45 acres, beginning at
Francis Gilley’s line on said river. Signed: Samuel Burns, Mary Ann (X) Burns. Wit: Russell Cox, Toliver Cox,
John Bolling.
Book 1, pgs 56-57. (above book pg 6):
14 January 1777. Henry Rice of Wataga Settlement to Thomas Edwards of the county of Pittsylvania for the
sum of five hundred pounds a tract of land lying in said Pittsylvania County and being on the Irvin (Smith)
River and Home Creek, it being 200 acres more or less. Signed: Henry Rice. Wit: William Edwards, Sr.,
Samuel Sweet, James (X) Edwards.
Book 1, pgs 79-80, (above book pgs 8-9 ):
20 October 1777. William Blevins of Henry County to John Cooper of same county for the sum of eighty
pounds conveys land on the waters of Beaver Creek containing 120 acres, lines: Patrick Coulls (?), Little
Beaver Creek. Signed: William (X) Blevins.
Book 1, pgs 105-106. (Above book pg 12):
14 January 1778. John Bolling and Rebecah his wife of Henry County to Jacob Stalling of Montgomery
County state of Maryland for the sum of seventy pounds sell 90 acres more or less on the south side of Smith
River. Signed: John Bolling, Rebecah Bolling. Wit: John Cox, R. Farguson, Mary Cox, James (X) Molley.
Book 1, pgs 110-111, (above book page 12):
24 October 1777. Benjamin Hicks and Martha his wife of Brunswick County to George Boling of Henry
County for the sum of five pounds sells 2 acres more or less on the north side of Marrowbone Creek. Signed:
Benjamin Hicks. Wit: Samuel Lanier, David Lanier, John King.
Book 1, pgs 186-187, (above book pg 23):
28 May 1778. John Rowland and Mary his wife of Henry County to George Hairston for the sum of two
hundred fifty five pounds conveys and sell a tract or parcel of land containing by patent 153 acres more or less
on the south side of Smith River…to near Grassy Creek…John Blevins line. Signed: John Rowland. Wit: Isaac
McDaniel, Baldin Rowland, Hezekiah (X) Salmon.
Book 1, pgs 268-269. (above book pg 77)
24 September 1782. Thomas Chowning of the county of Henry to John Kelley for the sum of fifty pounds sells
and conveys 61 acres of land on the south side of Smith River adjoining William Sams and on Drag Creek.
Signed: Thomas Chowning. Wit.: Sampson (X) Maxey, Henry (X) Mannon, Francis (X) Kington.
Book 1, pgs 270-271. (above book pg 77):
22 Aug. 1782. John Kelly of the county of Henry to William Rice of the same for the sum of ten pounds
conveys land on the north side of Smith River containing by estimate 76 acres more or less and joins Elkins
Signed: John Kelley.
Book 1, pgs 281-283. (above book pg 78-79):
24 September 1782. John Kelley of Henry County to Samson Maxey for the sum of ten pounds sells 150 acres
on the north side of the River where Samson Maxey now liveth beginning at Rockhouse Branch and with lines
of William Rice. Signed: John Kelley, Winnafred (X) Kelley. Wit: Thomas Chowning, Frances (X) Kington,
Henry (X) Mannon.
Book 2, pgs 16-17, (cited book pg 47):
6 September 1780. Samuel Bolling of the county of Henry and his wife Abi to Guy Smith of the county of
Bedford for the sum of one hundred fifty pounds sell land on Snow Creek in the amount of 207 acres, it being
part of a 400 acre tract by patent granted Tully Choice 16 September 1775 and conveyed by Tully Choice to
Samuel Bolling by deed 28 March DCCLXXI beginning at William Hall’s corner in the old line. Signed:
Samuel Bolling, Abi (X) Bolling. Wit: Eusebus Hubbard, Amos Richardson, Philip Blassingame.
Book 2, pgs 26-27, (book pgs 48-49):
27 January 1778. Dillion Blevins of Henry County to William Graves for the sum of one thousand pounds
conveys land, all messuage, tenement, tract or parcel of land with the appurtences on the south side of Smith
River adjoining the other lands of said William Graves purchased of the said Blevins containing 116 acres by
patent granted Charles Harris. Joins a corner oak of Edmund Gray & Company on Smith River thence up the
River as it meanders unto Randloph & Company. Signed: Dillion Blevins. Wit: George Hairston, Alexander
Hunter, John Cox… The above recorded 27 January 1780.
Book 2, pgs 31-32, (book pg 49):
27 April 1780. John Rowland of the county of Henry to John Minter for the sum of one hundred sixty five
pounds land on the branches of Leatherwood Creek being 240 acres more or less joining Lomax and Acuff
lines. Signed: John Rowland. Wit: John Wells, Will. Blevins, George Hairstone.
Book 2, pgs 35-36, (book pg 50):
20 April 1780. Joseph Shores Price and Charity his wife of the county of Buckingham and William Dandridge
of the parish of St. Martin and county of Hanover for the sum of six thousand pounds a tract of land in Henry
County containing by estimate 530 acres more or less beginning on the north side of Marrowbone Creek.
Signed: Joseph Shores Price. Wit: Archibald Bolling, Thomas Lorton, Jane Bolling.
Book 2, pg 50-51. (book pg 52):
25 May 1780. James Poteet of the county of Henry to Benjamin Hubbard of the same for the sum of twenty
pounds sells and conveys 216 acres of land beginning at a chestnut on Pedegow’s (Pedigo) line also a white oak
on Daniel Ryan’s line. Signed: James Poteet.
Book 2, Pages 145-146. (book pg 65):
3 September 1781. Elizabeth Webb executrix and Merry Webb executor of the last will and testament of
Merry Webb, deceased to Philip Ryan, Elizabeth Webb and Merry Webb for the sum of two thousand six
hundred eighty pounds sell land in Henry County on the north side of Irvin River containing by estimate 150
acres. Signed: Elizabeth (X) Webb, Merry (X) Webb. Wit: H. Sanson, Richard Wilson, John Hall, John (X)
Book 2, Pages 147-148. (book pg 65):
3 September 1781. Elizabeth Webb and Merry Webb executors of Merry Webb, deceased to John Rea.
Witness that Philip Ryan for and in consideration of one thousand eight hundred pounds by the said John Rea
paid for land lying between Irvin River and Marriabone Creek, being 54 acres joining John Rice. Signed:
Elizabeth (X) Webb, Merry (X) Webb. Wit:…Swanson, Richard Wilson, John (X) Burgis, Phil Ryan.
Book 2, pgs 200-201, (book pgs 70-71):
3 November 1781. Lewis Morgan and his wife Christian and Thomas Morgain and his wife (?) both of the state
of North Carolina and county of Washington for the sum of two hundred fifty pounds sell and convey unto
Samuel Patterson a certain parcel or tract of land being the plantation the said Lewis Morgan formerly lived on
near the ford and mouth of Chestnut Creek containing 150 acres more or less. Signed: Lewis Morgain, Christian
Morgain, Thomas Morgain, Sarey Morgain. Wit: Tully Choice, Samuel Bolling, Jesse Kerby, William Choice.
Note: 26 March 1782 – Sarey Morgain listed as Mary Morgain in the Clerk’s recording.
Book 2, pgs 226-227. (book pg 73):
23 July 1782. George Hairston of the county of Henry to John Sneed for the sum of one hundred pounds sells
and conveys 200 acres more or less on both sides of Joincrack Creek, it being the lower tract of the tract of land
that Silas Ratlif now lives on beginning at an oak, the line that Robert Jones’ executors of Daniel Ryan Estate
run between William Ratlif and Darby Ryan and James Edwards line, Benjamin Hubbard and Wards line.
Signed George Hairston.
Book 2, pg 304. (book pg 81):
Inquisition. Inquisition for the Commonwealth of Virginia indented and taken 18 January 1783 before John
Fontaine, John Sanford, George Sanford, William More, William Swanson Jr., Jared Burch, John Alexander,
George Reynolds, Robert Pedigrue, Reuben Nance, John Acuff, John Conaway, John Minter, William Tackitt,
Joseph Gravely, Thomas Willson, Philip Bushears, James Melton, Daniel Wilson, Francis Cox, Sampson
Maxey and Thomas Edwards. William Rice of the county of Henry was lawfully seized in his messuage on
Smith River which land said Rice leased in 1775-76 for ten years in succession to Humphrey Scoggins and in
1781 said Scoggins leased the remainder of the ten years lease to Major John Hampton of who said William
Rice as the jury determined by lawful contract purchased three years being the remainder of the said lease
which expired 1 January last and therefore possession of land should be the priviledge of the said William Rice,
but a certain Nimrod Morris with strong hands hold possession from the first of January and continues to hold
same and doth keep out said William Rice to a great disturbance of the peace of the Commonwealth.
Book 2, pgs 421-423, (book pg 94):
26 February 1784. Phillip Thomas and Mary his wife to George Hairston for the sum of one hundred thirty
pounds sells land containing by patent 337 acres more or less on the Smith River on the south side beginning at
Randolph & Company line, John Blevins corner, to first station: was patented to William Blevins, Sr., being
125 acres, survey made by Phillip Thomas. Signed: Phillip Thomas.
Book 2, pg 485, (book pg 102):
29 September 1783. James Edwards of the county of Henry to Rowland Salmon for the sum of thirty pounds
sells and conveys land on the waters of Smith River containing 142 acres, beginning at Sellires (sic: Silas)
Ratlif’s corner, Benjamin Hubbard’s line, John Sneed’s line. Signed: James (X) Edwards, Elizabeth (X)
Edwards. Wit: Benjamin Hubbard, Jesse Hubbard, James (X) Bramer, Siles (X) Ratlif.
Book 2, pg 513. (book pg 105)
23 July 1784. Joseph Bowling of the county of Henry to John Cox for the sum of twenty seven pounds ten
shillings sells land on the head of Chestnut Creek, a branch of Town Creek, with line of John Donelson,
crossing Cole’s Road and contains 264 acres. Signed: Joseph (X) Bolling.
(book pgs 106-111). A list of surveys made of Henry County from June 10, 1779 to June 10, 1780 by John
Dickenson and his associates:
(Many names listed)
Ralph Elkins, 206 acres on Beavers waters
(many names)
John Blevins, 277 acres on Horsepasture Creek
(many names)
James Elkins, 168 acres on Grassey Creek
(more names)
Richard Kerby, 111 acres Sycamore
(more names)
Andrew Rea, 102 acres on Grassey Creek
(more names)
John Rea, 700 acres on Smith River
Abstracts of Henry County, Virginia Deed Books III and IV, August 1784 – June 1792 (compiled by Lela C.
Book 3, pgs 211-212, (above cited book pg 29):
27 April 1786, George Hairston of Henry County to Stark Brown of the same for fifty pounds sells land on the
north side of Smith River being 50 acres more or less joins land of Christopher Boling, Sr. old line, where he
did live. Signed: George Hairston. Proved and recorded 27 April 1786.
Book 3, pgs 334-335, (book page 45):
11 August 1787. Inquisition taken at the Delivery House of John Forsil (?) on Leatherwood to view the body of
Charles Sprouse, late of Henry County then and there being dead and upon the oaths of John Wells, foreman,
Samuel Johnson, Edward Smith, James Morton, John Booth, John Acuff, Francis Cox, Thomas Letchworth,
Alexander McCullock, Reubin Nance, Josiah Dennis, John Minter, Thomas Chapman, John Phillips, John
Haley, William Acuff, John Acuff Jr, William Mitchell, Thaddeus Salmon, John Oldham, Joseph Marthely,
James Bowling, Henry Jones and James Haley to determine how Charles Sprouse came by his death. That one,
J. Forisice Jr late of Henry County not having God before his eyes but being seduced by the instigation of the
devil on the 10th of August, felloniously, vollintary and of his malice forethought, with a gun made of iron of a
value of thirty shilling, held in his right hand in and upon the belly of said Charles Sprouse below the navel shot
a brace of lead, of which wound the said Charles Sprouse died instantly. The Jurors do say that the said J.
Forsice at the time of committing the murder had goods and chattels contained in the inventory following: Nine
negroes, Harry, Kadrick, Kate, Henry, Will, Judah, Mildred, Peter, Dinah (infirm), 7 horses, 15 head cattle, 12
sheep, 22 hogs, 2 feather beds and furniture, 3 plows, 7 hoes, 3 axes, 10 pewter basins, 9 pewter dishes, 18
plates, spoons, a crop of corn and tobacco growing, a quantity of wheat, rye and oats. Recorded 11 August
Book 3, pg 401, (book pg 54):
19 November 1787. Harrison Hobard of Henry County to Humphrey Posey of the same for twenty pounds sells
40 acres, it being the plantation whereon Joseph Bolling formerly lived on the south side of Smith River,
beginning at the mouth of Bowen’s Creek. Signed: Harrison Hobard. Wit: William Witt, Thomas Posey, John
Smallman. Proved 14 April 1788.
Book 3, pgs 418-419, (book pg 57):
15 Nov 1787. James Williams and William Brown of Henry County to Francis Northcut of Charlotte County for
the sum of one hundred pounds sell and convey 150 acres on both sides of the west side of a fork on
Leatherwood Creek…being part of a tract formerly granted by patent to Thomas Bolling of Charlotte County;
joins the lines of Robert Pedigo, John Haley and the Widow Williams. Signed: James Williams, William
Brown. Wit: John Acuff, Samuel Johnson, Robert Stockton. Reuben Nance, Nathan Northcut. Proved 9 June
A Pole kept for John Marr at an Election held for Henry County, Virginia at the Courthouse on Monday, the 9th
day of April 1787:
Names are numbered as follows:
2. Thomas Bolling
13. James Bowling (disd) Note: should this be “disp” for disputed?
14. Jesse Elkins
22. Benjamin Hubbard
70. John Philpott
75. Joseph Bolling
[this list goes up to number 223]
A Copy. Teste: J. Waller for J. Lyon
A poll taken of a section of Delegates at Henry County Courthouse the 9th of April 1787 for Abraham Penn,
27. William Bolling (disputed)
65. Joseph Bolling
110. John Bolling (disputed)
[Note: There are 220 names on this list.]
A copy.
Teste: Samuel Staples, Clerk
A poll taken on the election of Delegates held at Henry County Courthouse on the 9th April 1787 for Thomas
Cooper, Esquire:
6. James Boldin (disputed)
11. Benjamin Hubbard
30. William Bolling (disputed)
80. John Philpott
119. John Bolling (disputed)
(there are 217 names on this list)
Taken by Samuel Read. A Copy. Teste: J. Waller for James Lyon.
Book 4, pgs 85-86, (book pg 85):
9 April 1790. Henry Sumpter of Henry County to Thomas Bolling of the same, for the sum of twenty five
pounds conveys a tract of land on Rock Run Creek of the Smith River containing 100 acres. Signed: Henry
Sumpter. Wit: James Baker, Charles Smith, Samuel Critchfield, George Reiors(?). Proved 28 Apr 1790.
Book 4, pgs 129-131, (book pg 90):
21 June 1790. Elizabeth Anthony, Mark County, Georgia to Zackeriah Philpott of Henry County for and in
consideration of two hundred fifty pounds sells and conveys land on Beaver Creek by estimate 370 acres, joins
Ambrose Jones. Signed: Elizabeth Anthony, Mark Anthony, Bowlin Anthony. Wit: Thomas Cooper, John
Barksdil, Thomas Stovall, John Wheat. Proved 26 July 1790.
Book 4, pp 131-133: (book pg 90):
14 Mar 1787. Benjamin Hubbard of Henry County to James Oakes of the same for and in consideration of
thirty five pounds paid by James Roberts of Henry County conveys 124 acres (said land was granted to
Thomas Grisham by patent at Williamsburg and recorded in Pittsylvania County) …located on the south side of
Smith River. Signed: Benjamin Hubbard. Wit: Gabriel Roberts, William Rice, Mary[sic: this should be
Nancy] Rice. Proved 26 July 1790.
Book 4, pg 133, (book pgs 90-91):
27 July 1790. Elisha Wallin of Hawkins County, North Carolina hereby appoints his beloved friend Stephen
Lyon his attorney to recover by law a certain negro man slave by the name of Jack who was plundered from
John Roberts in the time of the last war by Daniel Carlin. Signed: Elisha (X) Wallin. [Note: this is probably
Elisha Jr - Diane]
Book 4 (1789-1792), Page 187, (book pg 97):
(.....) 1791 - Joseph Hancock, of Henry County, Va., to William Fuson of the same for the sum of fifty pounds
sells a parcel of land situated and lying on the waters of Smith River, containing 109 acres, joins John Ward.
Signed: Joseph (X) Hancock. Wit: Nathan Hall, Joel Hubbard, Charles Foster. (No date of recordation).
Book 4, pgs 243-244, (book pg 104):
3 Mar. 1791. Samson Maxey of Henry County to Joseph Goodwin of the same for the sum of thirty five pounds
sells land on the north side of Smith River and Rock House Branch with the lines of John Kelly and William
Rice containing 150 acres. Signed: Samson (X) Maxey. Wit: George Waller, Joseph Martin, David Lanier,
James Armstrong, James Anthony. Proved 25 April 1791. …Susan Maxey, wife of Samson Maxey releases
right of dower.
----Book 4, pgs 247-248, (book pgs 104-105):
30 Sept 1790. Benjamin Posey of Henry County to Stanwix Hord and John Hord of the same for the sum of
forty pounds sell 106 acres by survey dated 13 Dec 1773, 62 acres part thereof surveyed by Christopher
Bolling (since sold to Benjamin Posey) on both sides of Smith River, with lines of William Cox and Adams.
Signed: Benjamin Posey. Susannah Posey. Wit: same as above (Previous deed witnesses were: James Baker,
William Bristow, William (X) Frasher, Samuel Critchfield, Thomas Posey, Alexander Frasher). Proved 25 April
Book 4, pgs 290-291, (book pg 110):
16 Aug 1791. Thomas Bolling of Henry County to Joseph Corn of the same for the sum of thirty pounds sells
and conveys a tract of land containing 100 acres more or less on Rock Run Creek. Signed: Thomas (X)
Bolling. Wit: Tunstall Cox, Henry Lyne, James Officer. Proved 29 Aug 1791.
Book 4, pgs 302-303, (book pg 112):
31 Oct 1791. Stark Brown to Joseph Martin all of Henry County, for the sum of fifty pounds sells and conveys
land on the Smith River on the north side, by estimate 50 acres ….below the field fence formerly occupied by
Christopher Bolling, Senr. across to the low grounds to George Hairston’s line on the hill side….to a line on
the river bank opposite a small island. Signed: Stark Brown, Tabithia (X) Brown.
Book 4, pgs 358-359, (book pg 120):
31 July 1792. Bond of James Rea and George Hairston his security. The said James Rea has obtained
authority of the Court of Henry to perform marriages.
Book 4, pgs 361-363, (book pg 120):
5 Sept 1792. William Robertson of King William County, Virginia to Peter Hairston of Stokes County, North
Carolina for the sum of three hundred fifty pounds sells and conveys land in Henry County, Virginia on the
south side of Smith River containing 742 acres being part of a a 1,142 acre tract granted William Robertson
(which I have deeded the residue of 400 acres to James Rea). Land goes to a branch near the place where the
Baptist baptize near the Meeting House to a main branch that leads thru James Rea’s plantation and down a
branch called the north fork of the Marrowbone Creek joins Doctor George Gilmors line. Signed William
Robertson. Wit: George Hairston, Abner (X) Rea, Thomas Graves, Absalom Rea…MEMO: Part of the 742
acres is claimed by William Rice and part by Nathan Hall, should these claims be considered to be valid I,
Peter Hairston shall not have any recourse for damage against William Robertson. Signed: George Hairston
attorney for Peter Hairston. Proved 24 Sept 1792.
(Book pgs 4,5,12,13,22,23)
At a meeting of the Commissioners at Henry Courthouse on Tuesday the 14th day of July 1778, present:
Edmund Lyne, Abraham Penn and William Tunstall. Jonathan Hanby and William Smith returned their
account, Hugh Armstrong and Abraham Byrd, the same Mordecai Hord and John Barksdale, the same. And the
proceeding of the assessors aforesaid as follow, to wit:
(book pgs 4-5):
(Many names here, alphabetical order) then:
Blevins, John Jr.
Bailey, Thomas
Blevins, William, Sr.
Bouldin, Joseph
Blevins, Dillion; William, Jr.
Bolling, James
Bunch, David
Bolling John, Jr.; John Sr.
(many more names)
Blevins, Willoughby
Bouding, William
(many more names)
Bolling, Christopher, Jr.
Burnett, Charles
Bradberry, Joseph
Bolling Christopher, Sr.
Byrd, Samuel
Bolling, Anthony
(more names)
Bolling, William; James
(more names)
Bolling, Joseph
Bocock, John
Bolling, Archibald
(more names)
Bolling, Samuel
(more names)
Bolling, John
Bolling, William –Dbl. tax
[end of this list – I didn’t copy the entire list, too many pages-Diane].
Addition to the list from Joyce:
1778 Tax list of Henry Co., VA (published by Lela Adams. The persons are
arranged by 1st letter of last name, so not possible to learn who were neighbors.]
[tax assessors instructions say double tax imposed upon persons who have not
taken the Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance to this State]
Some additional names beside Bolling for listing Diane sent on 1 Apr 2005
Joseph Cloud, Sr.
Thomas Cooper, Jr.
Joseph Cooper
John Cooper
Thomas Cooper, Sr.
William Cloud
William Choice
Tully Choice, Sr.
Tully Choice, Jr.
James Edwards, Jr.
Isham Edwards
William Edwards
Thomas Edwards, Jr.
William Edwards, Jr.
Thomas Edwards, Sr.
James Edwards, Sr.
John Farguson, Sr.
John Farguson, Jr. – Dbl. tax
Joseph Farguson
Solomon Felps
William Hall
Eusebus Hubbard
David Haley
Archs. Hughes, Col.
Blackmore Hughes
Thomas Hubbard
Benjamin Hubbard
Joel Harbour
Esais Harbour – Dbl. tax
Miles Jennings
Thomas Rae – Dbl. Tax
James Rae, Sr.
James Rae, Jr.
John Ray
John Rae, Blacksmith
William Rae – Dbl. Tax
(Rest of this list cannot be found. Back sheets lost, so cannot see Taylors)
New list:
(book pg 13):
An alphabetical list of the taxes or pound rate imposed on the different persons property in the County of Henry
and delivered to John Salmon, Sheriff of the said County to collect for the year 1779.
The following are extracted from the list 1779 list:
Bolling, Joseph
Bolling, Samuel; Samuel for Guy Smith
Bolling, James
Bolling, John; Christopher, Senr. [Christopher Sr appears to be living with John??]
Blevins, Willoughby
Bolling, William; James
Blevins, William, Jr.; William, Senr.; John; Dillon
Bouldin, Joseph
Bolling, John
Bailey, Thomas
Bolling, John, Senr.; John, Junr.
[end of this list – once again, I didn’t copy entire list- Diane]
Additions to the list from Joyce:
(added to 1779 by Joyce Poole 4/8/2005)
1779 Tax list of Henry Co., VA (published by Lela Adams. The persons are arranged by 1st letter of last name,
so not possible to learn who were neighbors.]
[tax assessors instructions say double tax imposed upon persons who have not taken the Oath or Affirmation of
Allegiance to this State]
Tully Choice, Senr.
Tully Choice
William Choice
Joseph Cooper
John Cooper
Thomas Cooper
William Cloud
Joseph Cloud
Jason Cloud
Abel Edwards
Arthur Edwards
Thomas Edwards
James Edwards
William Edwards
William Edwards, Jr.
Thomas Edwards, Jr.
Edmund Edwards
Isham Edwards
James Edwards, Jr.
John Farguson
John Farguson, Nichoas’s Cr.
John Farguson, Jr.
William Farguson
Joseph Farguson
[Solomon Felps in 1778 is Solomon Phelps in 1779]
Lamford Hall
Jesse Hall
Isham Hall
William Hall
David Haley
Harrison Hubbard
Blackmore Hughes
Nathan Hall
John Hall
Easias Harbour
Joel Harbour
Benjamin Hubbard
Thomas Hubbard
David Harbour
Joyce Harbour
John Hall
Archaleus Hughes, Col.
John Hall
Miles Jennings
Solomon Phelps [was Felps in 1778]
James Rea, Senr.
William Rea
Andrew Rea
James Rea, Junr.
John Rea
Thomas Ray
James Taylor
George Taylor
James Taylor
William Taylor
George Taylor
(book pgs 22-23)
An alphabetical list of Tax in the County of Henry for raising a supply of money for the Service of the United
States. Delivered to Archaleus Hughes, Esq., Sherif of the said County to collect, due the 20th day of February
Extracted from the list:
Bolling, John
Blevins, Dillion
Blevins, John
Bolling, Archilbald
Bouldin, Joseph
Blevins, William, Jr.; William, Sr
Bolling, William
Blevins, Willoughby
Bolling, Christopher, Senr. [Christopher Sr living by himself again?]
Baker, James
Bolling, Samuel
Bolling, James
Bolling, Joseph; James; William [this is interesting-Diane]
Bolling, John, Senr.
(end of this list for the B’s)
[Note: Christopher Jr is present in 1778, absent in 1779 and 1780].
Additions to the list from Joyce:
(added to 1780 by Joyce Poole 4/8/2005)
1780 Tax list of Henry Co., VA (published by Lela Adams. The persons are arranged by 1st letter of last name,
so not possible to learn who were neighbors.]
[tax assessors instructions say double tax imposed upon persons who have not taken the Oath or Affirmation of
Allegiance to this State]
Joseph Cooper
John Cooper
Thomas Cooper
Jason Cloud
Tully Choice, Senr.
William Choice
Tully Choice
Isaac Cloud
James Edwards
William Edwards
James Edwards
Isham Edwards
Thomas Edwards, Jr.
Edmund Edwards
Thomas Edwards
Abel Edwards
Arthur Edwards
Joseph Farguson
Brittain Fuller
John Farguson
John Farguson, Jr.
John Farguson
William Farguson
Elisha Harbour
Archaleus Hughes
John Hall
Blackmore Hughes
Nathan Hall
John Hall
John Hall
Esaias Harbour
Joel Harbour
Harrison Hubbard
David Hailey
Merry Hall
William Hall
Isham Hall
Lansford Hall
Jesse Hall
Eusebus Hubbard
Thomas Hall
Miles Jennings
Andrew Ray
James Rea, Jr.
William Rea
James Rea, Senr
John Rea
John Rea
David Ray
James Taylor
George Taylor
William Taylor
-------------------------------Abstracts of Deed Books V & VI, Henry County, Virginia; Oct 1792 thru Dec 1805, (compiled by Lela C.
Adams, 1999):
Deed Book 5, pgs 11-12
18 Jan 1793
Joseph Martin of Henry County to William Holt of the same for the sum of Sixty pounds sells and conveys 50
acres on the north side of Smith River…more fully appears in a deed of Starkey Brown to Joseph Martin dated
31 Oct 1791. Lines: below field formerly occupied by Christopher Bolling, Senr. and line of George Hairston.
….possession day and date mentioned.
Signed: Joseph Martin.
Wit: none.
DB 5 pgs 105-106
18 Feb 1794
Henry Sumpter of Henry County to Thomas Bolling of the same for Thirty pounds sells 100 acres on Rock
Run Creek… fork paths, one called Bakers and Goings Wagon Road and other Cox path to “Bool” (Bull) Mtn
Rd that is called John Coxes Rd to the other end of the path wich is known as John Cox School House path.
Includes the house that Jesse Lawless now lives in and the School House.
Signed: Henry Sumpter
Wit: none.
DB 5 pgs 107-108
29 Oct 1793
John Collier of Pittsylvania County to Charles Dickerson of Henry County for the sum of Twenty pounds sells
351 acres, by survey 17 Mar 1772 on the branches of Leatherwood Creek joins: James Blevins, Christopher
Signed: John (X) Collier
Wit: Thomas Dickerson, Senr., William Thomas, Benjamin Thomas
DB 5 pgs 242-243
23 Jan 1796
Pr: 25 Apr 1796
Thomas Chowning of the county of Henry to John Davis of the same for the sum of Twenty pounds sells 50
acres…lines: James Boling, the mouth of the long branch on Little Turkey Cock Creek.
Signed: Thomas Chowning
Wit: William Hewlett, Thomas Wilson, William Mitchell.
DB 5 pgs 248-249
25 Apr 1796
Pr: 25 Apr 1796
James Rea and Molly Rea his wife of Henry County to Abner Rea their son for One hundred forty pounds sells
land on the waters of Smith River and Little Marrowbone Creek, part of two tracts that the said James Rea
puchased of Andrew Rea and a Mr. Robertson.
Signed: James Rea
Wit: none
DB 5 pgs 256-257
29 Mar 1796
Pr: 26 Apr 1796
Thomas Bolling of Henry County to John Cox, Jr of the same for Thirty pounds sells 100 acres more or less on
the branches of Rock Run, Goings Wagon Rd, Cox’s Path to Bull Mountain Rd. that is called John Cox’s road,
John Cox School path, the house that Jesse Lawless lives in and the School House.
Signed: Thomas (X) Bolling
Wit: none
DB 5 pgs 278-279
1 Sept 1796
Pr: 26 Sept 1796
Thomas Graves of Henry County to George Hairston of the same for the sum of Sixty pounds sells 50 acres it
being part of a tract Graves purchased of Dillian Blevins and said Blevins sold part to William Blevins, Senr
before said Graves made his purchase, the land was formerly owned by Philip Thomas, it is plantation where
Daniel Newman formerly lived on Smith River.
Signed: Thomas Graves
Wit: Jacob Lindsay
DB 5 pgs 286-287
Pr: 1 Nov 1796
Henry Sumpter of Henry County to George Hairston of the same for One hundred pounds sells by estimate
1,000 acres on Rock Run Creek waters and branches of Smith River which was granted Henry Sumpter by
patent 1 Mar 1781 patent for 1,404 acres, 3 tracts sold heretofore to Absalem Adams, Thomas Boling, Joseph
Signed: Henry Sumpter, Agnes Sumpter, wife of Henry Sumpter releases her dower right.
DB 6 pgs 69-71
10 May 1796
Pr: 26 Mar 1798
Charles Dickerson of South Carolina, formerly of Henry County, Virginia, to George Hairston for the
consideration of Fifty pounds sells by estimate of the Patent 351 acres on the branches of Leatherwood Creek,
joins the lands of James Blevins and Christopher Boling.
Signed: Charles Dickerson
Wit: Jacob Coolley, H. Salmon Jr, Edw. Delozear, Robert Dickerson
At a Court 1 Mar 1796 this indenture proved and ordered to be certified and afterwards at a Court 26 March
1798 recorded.
Henry County Virginia Will Abstracts Vol. I & II, 1777-1820, (abstracted and compiled by Lela C. Adams, pub.
Book 1, page 201, (above cited book pg 28):
Acct estate John Blagg with William Tunstall Exor.
Pd: Daniel Haskins, John Aylette, John Salmon, Dr. Rheyms, Merry Webb, Thompson Dickinson, William
Swanson, Nicholas Darnold, William Craghill, John Wells, Larkin Tarrent, Lewis Gwilliam, Joseph Bowling,
William Clark, James Tarrent, John Cox, Pittsylvania Co., George Elliott, Barnards, William Fleming, Hugh
Innes, Watts.
Book 1, page 258 (above book pg 36):
Inv. est John Henry 21 May 1796
Negros: Frank, Eave, Sam, Molly, Namon, Sally, 6 horses, cattle, furniture T:377.8. by David Lanier, J.
Alexander, Joseph Bouldin.
Book 1, pp 264-266 (above book pg 37):
Acct Mordecai Hord, Ret 28 Nov 1796
Pd: Chadwell for taking care of the cattle in Powells Valley; John Redd, Samuel Crutcher, A. Hunter and wife;
suits Hords exors vs Davis; Benajmin Dillen vs the Exors; Hords Exors vs Rickman; Hords Exors vs Brice
Martin; E Jarvis, Spencers Exors, William N. Venable, Jimmy James, William McRoberts, John Henderson,
Francis Preston, Benjamin Dillen, Brice Martin, Clerk of Montgomery Co; Sheriff of Patrick, William Turner;
William Hord for 3 journeys to S.C. gone 34 days; Thomas Jett going to Charleston 21 days and 17 days to
Statesborough, S.C. Stanwix Hord a legatee, John Walton.
Rec’d of: William Elkins, Samuel Keeth, William Shelton, William Rowland, Christopher Bouldin, Peter
Book 2, pp 273-274 (above book pg 83):
Acct Benjamin Rea, Sept Ct 1815 with George Hairston, Admn
1801 – Pd Clerk of Henry Co; William Reamy, William C. Rea, Francis Cox, Russel Cox, William Francis,
Reubin Payne, John Reamy, John Keene, Mildred Rea. Pd each legatee 7.18.10.
Bonds on: Milly Rea widow, John East, Thomas East, Joseph East, Wilson Rea, Benjamin Harrison, James
Bowling, James Rea, William Rea, John D. Rea, John Wash, Richard Rea, John Kernal, Russel Cox, Reubin
Payne, Charles Worham, George Gilley, Henry Carter, Thomas Nunn, Richard Cox.
To each legatee sum of 7.18.10, Legatees: Mildred Rea, widow; Reuben Rea; Nancy Rea; Kitty Rea; Henry
Rea; Patea Rea; Sally Rea.
Research by Diane Hubbard Jones