April 20th, 2010
VA Long Beach Healthcare System, Long Beach, CA
Members in Attendance: Dan Bauman, Judith Caspellan, Rebecca Chumbley, Mabel Dea, Larry
Gunsalus, Lisa Gunther Lum, Kevin Kaneko, Mike Nakao, and Pamela Saelak.
I. Meeting called to order at 6:50 P.M. by 2010 President Rebecca Chumbley.
II. Minutes from March 16th, 2010 meeting were reviewed and approved. Approved minutes
were sent to CSHP office via email at
III. Old Business
a. Cabrillo Marine Aquarium Earth Day was on April 17th, 2010. Our chapter hosted
a booth from 10am – 12 pm on the Proper Disposals of Medications. The event
was attended by Dan, Pamela S., Judy, and three students. Lunch was provided,
and it was a success.
i. There were mostly children at the event. The booth can be geared more
towards children for next year.
b. Educational dinner on March 24th, 2010 at the Depot – more attendees than
expected. There were many people who attended that did not RSVP. It was
difficult to account for all the attendees as some responded through the drug
representative on the flyer and some through Dan. Fees were not collected for
non-members as it was hosted by Otsuka America Pharmaceuticals. The flyer did
not have a fee. This was a missed opportunity to attract new members due to the
large amount of attendees.
c. Submit photos/bios to webmaster. Larry is still missing some photos and bios
from our BOD for the website. Please email him if you have not done so.
IV. New Business
a. Next BOD meeting date and location – Next meeting will be held on May 18th,
2010 at Torrance Memorial Medical Center. Dinner at 6:30pm and meeting will
start at 7:00pm. Room to be determined.
b. Community Health Fair at Bread of Life Church in Torrance on May 15th, 2010
from 9am-12pm. This is the first year for this event which is opened to the public
targeting the elderly, children, and the Asian American population organized by
Mei Tsai and Flora Lee.
i. Volunteers are still needed to host the booth for our chapter. We will have
an “Ask the Pharmacist” and “Proper Disposals of Medications” booth.
Please email Judy if you are interested in participating. Rebecca will also
send a sign-up sheet to members.
c. Revlon Walk for Women’s Cancer on May 8th, 2010. It is a 5K walk/run. Our
chapter has been invited by the San Gabriel Valley Chapter to join their team. It is
$30.00 to register to join the team, or you can just contribute to the cause. More
information can be found on the website It is too
late for our chapter to register, so we can consider this for next year.
d. Donations/volunteers for Seminar – We have $1500 budgeted specifically for
Seminar in 2010. This includes $500 for “coffee cart” and $250/delegate x4. We
can vote on how to break down the money at a later meeting. We also have $400
under miscellaneous items which include gifts, donations, and mailbox.
e. Chapter email/Evite/PayPal account – There has not been a lot of responses for
events through snail mail. Rebecca suggested utilizing the internet (i.e. Evite,
PayPal, chapter email) as another way of communication.
i. Having a chapter email can allow for communication between nonmembers and the BOD. A motion was made, seconded and approved by
vote to have a chapter email to be managed by the Secretary. The new
chapter email is The password will be emailed
separately to the BOD.
ii. Currently, checks are mailed and then returned for certain events. It was
suggested to set up a PayPal account for non-members to RSVP and pay
for events. A motion was made, seconded and approved by vote to set up
an account for these transactions. This PayPal account can be used for
members as well. Pamela S. will be setting up our account, and she has
provided some information on the account.
1. There is a discounted rate for business accounts/non-profits at
2.2% + $0.30 per transaction.
2. The PayPal account will be linked to our BofA checking, so
anyone with access can deposit and withdraw.
3. There are features that can allow SAFE multi-user access. There is
a master account/password, but we can set up other accounts with
VIEW ONLY privileges, etc.
V. Treasurer’s Report – Reported by Pamela Saelak.
a. Current balance as of 4/20/10 - $13,689.11.
VI. Membership – Loan Doan was absent. Reported by Rebecca.
a. Loan will be sending out a letter to welcome our new members and to encourage
them to renew their memberships.
b. As of March, our chapter has 114 members.
c. Lisa presented a chart of our chapter membership. We are very close to our goal
of 122 members.
Clinical/Educational/Industry Affairs
a. Clinical: The Leadership Conference will be held on May 28th, 2010.
i. Location, topic, speaker, and food has been set up and confirmed. Bill
will try to contact industry to sponsor. Currently, there is no industry
ii. Bill has sent out invitations to local hospital directors. Please forward to
your hospital director to draw more attendees. The fee is $20.00/members
and $40.00/non-members.
iii. More information can be found on CSHP’s InfoSource.
b. Educational:
i. April 27th, 2010 – First event sponsored by Eli Lilly.
1. Topic - Effient (prasugrel): Antiplatelet Therapy for Patients with
Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Managed with Percutaneous
Coronary Intervention (PCI) by Dr. Benjamin Rosin.
2. Location - 555 East American Steak House in Long Beach.
3. We will attempt to make this dinner more organized than the last,
and attempt to recruit members. There is no fee for non-members
as the dinner is hosted by Eli Lilly.
ii. May 26th, 2010 – Education dinner by Dr. Shigemitsu at The Depot
sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis. Time/Topic to be determined.
iii. June 15th, 2010 – Roundtable: Antibiotic Stewardship sponsored by Merck
at 555 East American Steak House in Long Beach. We can consider
having the BOD meeting after the dinner.
c. Industry: Judy absent. Nothing new to report.
a. Next Newsletter: We will attempt to send out the next newsletter in time to
include the Leadership Conference. Deadline to submit is May 7th, 2010 to get the
newsletter out by May 14th, 2010.
b. Topics to be included: Earth Day, Leadership Conference, CE events,
membership news, new chapter email (can have members email updated contact
information), PayPal account, and Bylaw revisions.
c. The newsletter will still be delivered via email and regular mail. We will not
eliminate regular mail as there is positive feedback to receiving a hard copy of the
IX. Social – Joe Fligow was absent; no report.
X. Organizational Affairs
a. Bylaws revisions were continued and edited by Rebecca Chumbley, Kevin
Kaneko, and Judith Caspellan. The changes were emailed to each member for
b. Highlights of proposed changes to the bylaws:
i. Article III, Section 2: The mission statement needs to be our chapter
mission. Currently, our mission is CSHP’s mission statement.
ii. Article VI, Section 2: The authorized number of elected directors of the
corporation was changed from fourteen to seven.
iii. Article VI, Section 3(a): The number of elected directors was changed
from five to two. The elected directors may also hold committee chair
positions as authorized by the Board of Directors.
iv. Article VI, Section 3(c): The President may appoint additional directors as
he/she has determined are needed.
v. Article VI, Section 4: A nominating committee shall provide at least two
choices and submit their names to the Board of Directors at least 30 days
prior to the end of the current nomination period.
vi. Article VII, Section 2: The role of “mentor to President and PastPresident” will be added as a duty for the Immediate Past President. This
is based on the STP approved for Past President Responsibilities.
vii. Article XV, Certificate of Secretary: The Bylaws consist of nineteen
pages, not twenty.
c. These will be the final edits prior to submitting it to CSHP for review. It will then
be sent out to all our members.
XI. CSHP Liason
a. Lisa presented highlights from the CSHP BOD meeting.
i. CSHP is suggesting each chapter consider building a PAC contribution
into the 2010 budget. There is an article in the January/February 2010
issue of CJHP explaining why each chapter should donate to the PPCPAC on a yearly basis.
ii. There is a Regional Chapter Affiliation Agreement and Chapter
Responsibilities to CSHP which includes:
1. Chapter must be tax-exempt nonprofit mutual benefit corporation.
2. Chapter must have articles of incorporation and bylaws approved
3. Chapter must have minimum of 10 members.
4. Chapter must notify CSHP immediately when any legal problems
or claims are identified.
5. An affiliated Regional Chapter shall maintain responsible fiscal
management policies and practices.
6. Chapter is responsible for selecting its own delegates to serve in
CSHP House of Delegates, and one delegate attends meetings in
7. Chapter must adopt official CSHP professional policies.
8. Chapter to identify members willing to serve as elected and
appointed officials for CSHP.
9. Chapter should support and assist CSHP in efforts to communicate
with legislators and public officials.
10. Chapters are to provide minutes of board and general meetings,
copies of treasurers’ reports and annual audits, and proposed and
approved budgets.
11. Chapters are to maintain accurate records of pharmacy directors at
hospitals throughout the state.
iii. At its March 8th, 2010 meeting, the Committee on Finance approved the
following proposals:
1. The ability to modify, suspend, and/or pro-rate memberships to
federally employed CSHP members.
2. To eliminate the Pharmacist Spouse-Secondary membership
category to increase revenue and cut expenses.
iv. CSHP Peer Review Journal – the contract with eJournal Press was signed
and became effective March 1st, 2010. The web-based system is set to go
live on July 1st, 2010.
v. There were CSHP members appointed to ASHP Committee.
vi. The STP submitted by Lisa to change the date of the affiliate chapter
membership count for House of Delegates allocation to December 1 could
not be voted on because the dates are set in the Bylaws. The Bylaws will
need to be changed for this to be approved.
vii. Assemblyman Jose Solorio will be presented with the “Legislator of the
Year” award at CSHP’s Legislative Day.
Legal Affairs – Muno Bholat absent. Nothing to report.
Public Relations – Lisa provided Mike with a few links and documents from the
ASHP Pharmacy Week web site that could be used to publish in local "throw away"
newspapers. Some topics included proper use of antibiotics, medication safety, and
preventing errors.
XIV. Webmaster –
a. Larry has added the flyer for the Leadership Conference, and the website is
constantly updated with events. There are still some missing bios and photos.
Please send them to Larry.
Technician Liaison – Tatiana Barbic absent. Nothing to report.
XVI. Student Liaison – absent. Nothing to report.
XVII. Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm
XVIII. Next meeting will be on Tuesday May 18th, 2010 at Torrance Memorial Medical
Center. Dinner at 6:30pm and meeting at 7:00pm. Room to be determined.