


HRS 020: Structure of Sports Organisations

Theories governing sports organizations. Structure of sports organizations, IOC, FIFA,

IAAF and their local affiliates. The National sports structure: National Federations and their branches; relationship between NOCK, KNSC and government vis-à-vis individual associations. Role of officials, leadership styles and skills. Application of leadership theories such as trait, behavioural and situational to provision of sports services. Management issues, meetings, office management, policies and procedures, personnel files, duties, budgeting and report writing.

HRS 021: Principles of Sports Management

Overview of Management Principles and Practice. Sports and modern management; development of management thought; nature and importance of management; functions of management; planning, decision making, staffing, organization, communicating, directing/leading and controlling, managing of sports at national, institutional, company, private enterprise levels, the politics of managing an organization, Office management, development of policies and procedures, correspondence, registry, data, filing, clients and programming.

HRS 022: Sports Events Management

Long and short term plans in a sports organization: principles of strategic planning, purpose and objectives of a national or institutional sports calendar. Practical orientation in scheduling and fixtures. Tournament organization and administration of sports meetings e.g. athletics meet, multi sport event organization and protocol. Pre-meet meetings, role assignment, officials, sub-committees, line of authority, methods of tournament organization, league knockout, ladder and double elimination. Evaluation methods and procedures.

HRS 023: Sports Marketing

Nature, scope and importance of marketing. Marketing and sports management. Strategic sports management and the marketing systems. The marketing mix: 4P’s product, price, place, and promotion. Market opportunity analysis, sports clients and market segmentation, sponsorship, proposal writing, corporate participation in sport, public relations, sports and the media. Marketing planning and implementation in sport. Model marketing in Kenya.

HRS 024: Sports Personnel Management

Nature and principles of personnel management. Personnel roles and functions. Manpower planning: advertisement, recruitment, selection, interview, placement, induction, training, description, evaluation, personnel supervision, appraisal and development. Terms and service, contracts, promotion and determination of services of coaches executive officers, and subordinate workers.

HRS 025: Management of Sports Facilities and Equipment

Management concepts, principles and skills as applied to a sports facility set up aquatic centre, sports club, fitness gymnasium and recreation centre. Acquisition, maintenance, repair, use and upgrading of facilities and equipment. Case studies of national and institutional facility installations. Equipment procurement procedures, storage, issuance use

and retrieval. Rules and regulations for use. Valuation of sports fields and equipment. Legal implications and facility supervision and safety.

HRS 026: Sports and Behavioural Science

Sport and group behavior. The individual and small groups in the context of a sports organization. Theories of motivation. Leadership, personality, perception and attitudes within sports set-ups. Socialization processes, Sport Hooliganism and crowd control.

HRS 027: Sports Politics and Economy

The relationship between sports and politics; sport as a political tool. The role of sport in international diplomacy such as IOC, apartheid and Olympic boycotts. Sports as an instrument of political peace and international understanding. Role of sport in national development, economic development and hosting of international competitions.

HRS 028: Legal Liability in Sports Management

The legal issues related to sports such as law of tort; liability, negligence, assumption of risk; the issues of safety of facilities and programmes; consent to participate; rules and regulations and policies. The role of supervision, qualifications and certification of the supervisors. The constitution as a base for sports organizations. Contracts in sport. Eligibility, traveling and risks.

HRS 029: History and Philosophy of Sport

The philosophy and value of sport in society. The history of sport with particular reference to modern sport and the Olympic movement – 1894 to the present. The impact of international sport on national sport in Kenya. The development of sport in Kenya. An administrative barrier to sort development at national and institutional levels. The challenges to sport development management at national and institutional levels.

HRS 030: Financial Management

Processes of financial management. Budgeting and financial accounting in sports budget appraisal and management in sport organization, control of purchases and expenditure.

Sources of income and fundraising in sports. Planning programming – budgeting evaluation system as related to sports (PPBES).

HRS 031: Conflict Management in Sport

Causes and nature of conflicts in sports, legal provisions and violations in sports; sports policy, government act and constitutions of sports organizations. Legal redress, arbitration and other procedures of conflict resolution in sports.

HRS 032: Management of Athletic programme of Persons with Disabilities

Causes and description of various human disabilities. Appraisal of abilities and limitations of people with disabilities. Designing and implementing sports programmes for individuals with disabilities. Organizing and conducting sports competitions for persons with disabilities. Facilities and equipment for people with disabilities.

HRS 033: Contemporary Issues in Sports

Gender issues in sports, socio economic and cultural issues affecting participation: drugs

HIV/Aids, racism and religion. Use of drugs in Sports, specificity i.e. steroids, depressants and stimulants. Recreational use and dependency.

RS 034: Sport Entrepreneurship

Theory and practice of Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship in sports services, approaches to entrepreneurship using SWOT analysis. Business plan in sport, case studies of successful sports enterprises.

HRS 035: Sports Leadership

Leadership styles, theories and group dynamics. Leadership roles, skills and competencies in sport. Application of leadership theories such as trait, behavioural and situational in the provision of sports services. Strategic planning and the leadership function. Evaluation of leadership effectiveness.

HRS 036: Computer Application in Sports

General instructions to the use of computer. The advantages of computer usage to sports.

Areas of application of the computer technology in sports management, improvement of performance based on analysis.

HRS 037; Practicum (8 weeks)

Practical application of theory in a relevant work environment. Each candidate to be assessed over a duration of 8 weeks in a busy sports/recreation office. They shall be supervised by a

University Lecturer and an industrial supervisor appointed by the university.
