Business plan

Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Business plan
Submission details
Candidate’s Name
Phone No.
Assessor’s Name
Phone No.
Assessment Site
Assessment Date/s
The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this
arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for
Performance objective
You are required to develop a business plan in accordance with the template provided.
Assessment description
You are required to develop a business plan for either a small business or the
department of a larger organisation which you currently operate or propose to operate.
A template for a business plan is provided in the appendix of this assessment. Follow the
instruction provided at the start and throughout the template featured in italics.
The template is best completed in electronic format.
Evidence of the development of the business plan is required. Learning Activities one to
ten from your workbook are required to accompany the business plan submitted for
assessment. Your Assessor will advise you on the format that should be submitted.
The template for this assessment will be provided to you by your facilitator. It is based
upon the business plan available at:
Parts have been edited out and sections added to ensure relevance to and compliance
with evidence requirements of the unit of competency.
The template is suitable for use with a number of different business sectors, e.g.
manufacturing, services, retail, web based or a mixture of these.
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
1. Select a suitable case study (The one you have been using throughout this unit).
This case study should be the small business that you currently operate, propose
to operate or smaller department of a larger organisation.
2. Start at the Section 2 titled ‘The Business’.
The section titled ‘business plan Summary’ despite being at the front of the plan
this section should be addressed last as this offers a summarising snapshot of
the business and should be reflective of the plan as a whole.
3. If you need any guidance in addressing each section, undertake the following.
a. Refer to the explanatory notes in square brackets [ ] that accompany each
title. These notes provide advice to your assessor on the requirements of
your response when making a decision on competency within the bounds
of relevance to your case study. You need only address notes that are
relevant to your case study.
b. Request advice from your assessor.
4. If you need to explain to your assessor the reason for an inclusion or exclusion to
items covered in the explanatory notes, these should be in italics in a similar style
to the guiding notes.
You must provide:
a completed report in the timeframe set by your assessor
a completed report with the template provided.
Your assessor will be looking for:
development of the plan relating to the comparison of the Student Workbook
learning activities one to ten to the final business plan submitted for Assessment,
which should demonstrate a natural evolution or refinement of the different
features of the plan
that the purpose of the business plan has been identified
essential components of the business plan has been presented in the five
sections : i.e. the business plan Summary, The Business, The Market, The Future
and The Finances been satisfactorily addressed
business goals and objectives have been identified and documented as a basis
for measuring business performance
market research has been sufficient to indicate market needs, and market size
and market potential
sources and costs of finance have been identified from the financial plan, to
provide required liquidity and profitability for the business
methods of marketing strategies have been identified to promote and develop
market exposure of the business
methods/means of production/operation from the operations area of the plan
sufficient to produce the business goals and objectives
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
staffing requirements to effectively produce/deliver products/services as stated
have been identified
specialist services and sources of advice, where required, and cost in accordance
with resources available have been identified
support of relevant people have been sought and confirmed regarding their
specific interests and objectives in regards to the planned direction of the
business as outlined in the business plan
correct spelling and grammar.
Adjustment for distance-based learners:
No variation of the task is required.
A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).
Documentation can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.
Business plan template
This Assessment is based upon the business plan template developed by the Australian
Government’s principal business resource, located within the Department of Innovation,
Industry, Science and Research.
This template has been amended to address the requirements of the Assessment for this
unit. The latest version of the original template can be downloaded from:
Assistance or referral about a small business issue is available at Small Business Support
Line on 1800 77 7275.
Advice for completing this Assessment Task
1. Use the [italicised text] – The italicised text is there to help guide you by providing
some more detailed questions you should address when preparing your response.
Delete this guiding text when the section is completed.
2. Actual vs. expected figures – Existing businesses can include actual figures in the
plan, but if your business is just starting out and you are using expected figures
for turnover and finances you will need to clearly show that these are expected
figures or estimates.
3. Write your summary last – Use as few words as possible. You want to get to the
point but not overlook important facts. This summary version will often be the
most used and viewed document which enable prospective banks, investors,
partners or wholesalers to be able to quickly read your summary. Ensure it is a
reflective and motivating view of your proposition.
4. Errors – Errors will detract from meeting the above requirements; it is advisable
to ask an impartial person to proofread before submission of your final plan.
Your facilitator will provide you with an electronic copy of the template.
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Business Name]
[Main Business Address]
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
[Business Name]
Business plan
Prepared: [Date prepared]
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Section 1
Business plan summary
[Complete this section last]
Your business summary should focus on why your business is going to be successful.
Your answers below should briefly summarise your more detailed answers provided
throughout the body of this plan.
Identify the purpose of the business plan. This should communicate to your reader your
resolution for success ... e.g. ‘The purpose of the law is to control pollution’. The purpose
for which you are creating this business is to … or, in a simpler term, what does it need to
achieve for the outcome to be determined as a success?
The Business
Business name:
[Enter your business name as registered in your state/territory. If you have not registered
your business name, add your proposed business name.]
Business structure:
[Sole trader, partnership, trust, company.]
[Registered Australian business number? Write TBA if an application is pending.]
[Registered Australian company number, delete if not applicable.]
Business location:
[Main business location.]
Date established:
[The date you started or plan to start trading.]
Business owner/s:
[List all of the business owners.]
Relevant owner experience:
[Briefly outline your experience and/or years in the industry and any major
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
[What products/services are you selling? What is the anticipated demand for your
The Market
Target market:
[Who are you selling to? Why would they buy your products/services over others?]
Marketing strategy:
[How do you plan to enter the market? How do you intend to attract customers? How and
why will this work?]
The Future
Vision statement:
[The vision statement briefly outlines your future plan for the business. It should state
clearly what your overall goals for the business are.]
[What are your short and long term goals? What activities will you undertake to meet
The Finances
[Briefly outline how much profit you intend on making in a particular timeframe. How
much money will you need up-front? Where will you obtain these funds? What portion will
you be seeking from other sources? How much of your own money are you contributing
towards the business?]
Support from relevant people
The actual direction chosen for the business to proceed is summarised above. For that
direction to have every chance of success support is needed of the people relevant to the
Business and relevant to you. This needs to be confirmed. Summarise in the table
provided below what the relevant group is, what it is looking for from the business and
record that their support for the direction of the business plan has been sought and
confirmed. Explanatory notes are provided.
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Relevant people
Interest and objective
Use this column
to address those
relevant to your
business plan or
provide a short
explanation why
they are not
Use this column to address
what this person desires for the
business to achieve.
Use this column to briefly note
how agreement has been
established. Is support for the
planned business direction
outlined here confirmed and
e.g. Client – better quality
product that can be supplied
immediately on demand
Family members
Client may express their support
from a market survey and/or
placement of orders prior torelease
A family member may express
support verbally
(not required if
you fulfil this
Franchise agency
Financial backers
© 2010 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd
This may require an audit,
consultant inspection or
compliance process to be
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Assessment Task 3
Relevant people
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Interest and objective
A supplier may have a written
Trade or industry
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Codes of practice being met
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Section 2
Business details
[What products/services are you selling? What is the anticipated demand for your
Registration details
Business name:
[Enter your business name as registered in your state/territory. If you have not registered
your business name, add your proposed business name.]
Trading name:
[Registered trading name/s.]
Date registered:
[Date business name registered.]
Location/s registered:
[State/s you are registered in.]
Business structure:
[Sole trader, partnership, trust, company.]
[Registered Australian business number? Write TBA if an application is pending.]
[Registered Australian company number, delete if not applicable.]
[Are you registered for Goods and Services Tax? Date registered?]
Domain names:
[Registered domain names.]
Licences and permits:
[List all the licences or permits you have registered.]
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Business premises
Business location:
[Describe the location and space occupied/required. What is the size of the space you
occupy/require? Which city or town? Where in relation to landmarks/main areas? If you
have a retail business, where are you in relation to other shops? What is the retail traffic
[If you have purchased a business premises or are currently leasing, briefly outline the
arrangements. If you are still looking for a lease, outline your commercial lease
requirements and any utilities/facilities required.]
Organisational chart
[Outline your business structure in a chart like that below.]
Figure 1: Organisational Chart. [Complete this chart or include your own. Identify at what stage of
the Business operation this structure will occur]
Management and ownership
Names of owners:
[List all of the business owners.]
Details of management and ownership:
[As the owner/s, will you be running the business or will a Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
be running the business on your behalf? What will be your involvement? If it is a
partnership briefly outline % share, role in the business, the strengths of each partner
and whether you have a partnership agreement/contract in place?]
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
[What experience do the business owner/s have? How many years have you owned or
run a business? List any previous businesses owned/managed. List any major
achievements/awards. What other relevant experience do you have? Don’t forget to
attach your resume/s to the back of your plan.]
Key personnel
Current staff
List your current staff in the table below.
Job title
Expected staff
Skills or strengths
E.g. Marketing/
Sales Manager
Mr Chris
12–18 months
Relevant qualifications in
Sales/Marketing. At least 5 years
experience in the industry. Award
in marketing excellence 2007.
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Required staff
List your required staff in the table below.
Job Title
Expected staff
Skills necessary
E.g. Office
2–3 years
Relevant qualifications in
Office Management. At
least 2 years experience.
Dec 09
Recruitment options
[How do you intend on obtaining your required staff? Advertising in the local paper,
online advertising, and/or training current staff members?]
Training programs
[Are there any training programs you will be organising in the event you cannot find the
required skills? Are these in-house or external providers? What training will you as the
business owner/manager undertake to keep your skills current?]
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Skill retention strategies
[What procedural documentation will you provide to ensure the skills of staff are
maintained? Do you have an appropriate allocation of responsibilities? How are
responsibilities documented and communicated to staff? What internal processes will
you implement to regularly check that the current skills of staff members are still
appropriate for the business?]
Specialist services
[Identify the specialist services that you have identified as being needed. These should
include both the set-up stage and during operations annually. You should consider both
services and/or sources of advice. Ensure you include the most accurate cost of these
available to you and ensure that these expenses are reflected in the financial section.
Items to consider may include auditing, legal advice regarding drafting of confidentiality
agreements, protecting your innovations including current trademarks and patents and
registering any domain names and setting-up your shop front on the worldwide web.]
Workers compensation:
[Provide details if you have workers compensation insurance? This is mandatory if you
have employees.]
Public liability insurance:
[Provide details if you have public liability insurance? This covers any third party death or
Professional indemnity:
[Provide details if you have professional indemnity insurance? This covers any legal
action taken out as a result of your professional advice.]
Product liability:
[Provide details if you have product liability insurance? This covers any legal action taken
out as a result of injury, damage or death from your product.]
Business assets:
[Provide details if you have insured your business assets in the event of a fire, burglary,
or damage? For example: building, contents, motor vehicles.]
Business revenue:
[Provide details if you have insured your business in the event of business interruption
where you cannot trade because of a particular event and are unable to make money?]
Risk management
List the potential risks (in order of likelihood) that could impact your business.
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Description of the risk
and the potential impact
to your business.
Highly Unlikely,
Unlikely, Likely,
Highly Likely
What actions will you take
to minimise/ mitigate the
potential risk to your
Legal considerations
[List the legislation and/or industry codes of practice which will have some impact on the
running of your business. For example: consumer law, business law, Health and Safety
legislation or specific legislation to your industry.]
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Production process
[What is the process involved in producing your products or services. This process will
vary depending on your product or service. Here are some examples of questions you
may consider. Is there a manufacturing process? Who is involved in the process? Are
there any third parties involved? What is involved in delivering the service to your
[Who are your main suppliers? What do they supply to your business? How will you
maintain a good relationship with them?]
Plant and equipment
List your plant and equipment purchases that you have currently identified to set-up
operations. These can include vehicles, computer equipment, phones and fax machines
other manufacturing, Mechanised Manual Handling or storing equipment.
Purchase date
Running cost
Technology (software):
[What technology do you require? For example: website server, point of sale software or
accounting package? What will be the main purpose for each? Will they be off-the-shelf
or purpose built? What is the estimated cost of each technology solution?]
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Trading hours:
[What are your trading hours? What are your expected peak trading times? Which times
do you expect to be more profitable? How will this change over different seasons? How
do your trading hours accommodate these changes?]
Communication channels:
[How will your customers get in contact with you? These channels can include: telephone
(landline/mobile), post box, shopfront, email, fax and/or internet blog/social networking
Payment types accepted:
[What payment types will you accept and need to set up cash, credit, cheque, gift cards,
Paypal, etc.]
Credit policy:
[What is your credit policy for customers/suppliers? How long is the credit period? What
are your collection strategies/procedures? What credit does your business receive? What
are the terms? Reflect this in your financial section.]
Warranties and refunds:
[If you manufacture certain goods delete if you are not, what are the warranty terms?
What is your business refund/exchange policy?]
Memberships and affiliations:
[Is your business a member of any particular industry association or club? Do you have
any affiliations with any other organisation? Any trading requirements like a code of
practice or special qualifications required for membership e.g. Master Builders
association. Can this assist your marketing?]
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Section 3
The market
Product/ service
Brief product/service description
Market position:
[Where do your products/services fit in the market? Are they high-end, competitive or
budget? How does this compare to your competitors?]
Unique selling position:
[How will your products/services succeed in the market where others may have failed?
What gives your products/services the edge?]
Anticipated demand:
[What is the anticipated quantity of products/services your customers are likely to
purchase? For example, how much will an individual customer buy in 6 months or 12
Value to customer:
[How do your customers view your products/services? Are they a necessity, luxury or
something in between?]
Growth potential:
[What is the anticipated percentage growth of the product in the future? What will drive
this growth? Created desire, population growth?]
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Market research:
[What statistical research have you completed to help you analyse your market? Did you
use a survey/questionnaire? If so, you may like to attach a copy of your
survey/questionnaire to the back of this plan.]
Market targets:
[Outline your planned sales targets. What quantity of your products/services do you plan
to sell in a planned timeframe? Are they monthly or yearly targets?]
Your Customers
Customer demographics
[Define who your target customers are and how they behave. You can include age,
gender, social status, education and attitudes.]
Key customers
[Identify your key customers. (These can be large consumers of your products or
individuals whose satisfaction is key to the success of your business.) How will you target
your products/service to them?]
Customer management
[How will you maintain a good relationship with your customers? What techniques will
you use? How will you keep your customers coming back? Have you introduced customer
service standards? Do you follow any particular code of practice?]
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
SWOT analysis
List each of your businesses’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities or Threats in the table below and then outline how you plan to address
each of the weaknesses/threats.
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Your competitors
[How do you rate against your competitors? How can your business improve on what they offer?]
Competitor details
List all competitors in the table below.
share (%)
Value to
When were they
Number of
staff and/or
of market
Unique value to
customers. E.g.
quality, price or
What are your
competitor's main
What are your
competitor's main
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Advertising and sales
Advertising and promotional strategy
What strategies do you have for promoting and advertising your products/services in the next 12 months?
Planned promotion /advertising type
Expected business improvement
Cost ($)
Target date
Print media advertising, online advertising,
mail-out, giveaway, media release or
How do you expect it will improve your business success?
E.g. Dec 09
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Sales and marketing objectives
[Who makes up your sales team? What sales techniques will they use? What tools/material will they use to help sell your products/services?
What sales goals/targets will they meet?]
Unique selling position
[Why do you have an advantage over your competitors? How will your products/services succeed in the market where others may have
Sales and distribution channels
Channel type
Percentage of
sales (%)
List all the
types sold
How will this line be
sold e.g. Shopfront,
internet, direct mail,
export or wholesale
What percentage
of overall sales do
you expect to sell
via this channel?
What advantages are there of
using this channel for these
What challenges do you expect
to face using this channel? How
will you overcome them?
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Section 4
The future
Mission statement
[What is your business’s mission statement? I.e. how will you achieve your vision?]
Goals/objectives and benchmarks for achievement
Business goals and objectives
Benchmark for achievement
What are your short and long term goals?
How will you know when this has been
E.g. sale of 10000 units in a month
E.g. stated on monthly profit and loss
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Section 5
The finances
Financial objectives
[List your key financial objectives. These can be in the form of sales or profit targets. You
could also list your main financial management goals such as cost reduction targets.]
Finance required
[How much money up-front do you need? Where will you obtain the funds? What portion
will you be seeking from loans, investors, business partners, friends or relatives, venture
capital or government funding? How much of your own money are you contributing
towards the business?]
The financial tables on the subsequent pages are based on the assumptions listed below:
[List your financial assumptions. These can include seasonal adjustments,
drought or interest rates, etc.]
Start-up costs for [YEAR]
[Attach a start up costing sheet like the example shown below.]
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Assessment Task 3
Business name
Domain names
Trade marks/designs/patents
Vehicle registration
Membership fees
Accountant fees
Solicitor fees
Rental lease cost (Rent
Utility connections & bonds
(Electricity, gas, water)
Phone connection
Internet connection
Computer software
Stock/raw materials
Building & contents
Public liability
Professional indemnity
Product liability
Workers compensation
Business assets
Business revenue
Stationary & office supplies
Marketing & advertising
Total start-up costs
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Cost ($)
Cost ($)
Business purchase price
Franchise fees
Start-up capital
Plant & equipment
Computer equipment
Computer software
Fax machine
Security system
Office equipment
Shop fitout
$0 Total equipment/capital costs
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Balance sheet forecast
[Attach a balance sheet forecast like the example shown below.]
Current assets
Petty cash
Pre-paid expenses
Fixed assets
Property & land
Furniture & fitout
Computer equipment
Total assets
Current/short-term liabilities
Credit cards payable
Accounts payable
Interest payable
Accrued wages
Income tax
Long-term liabilities
Total liabilities
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Profit and loss forecast
[Attach a profit and loss sheet like the example shown below.]
less cost of goods sold
Gross profit/net sales
Total expenses
Accountant fees
Advertising & marketing
Bank fees & charges
Bank interest
Credit card fees
Utilities (electricity, gas, water)
Lease/loan payments
Rent & rates
Motor vehicle expenses
Repairs & maintenance
Stationery & printing
Income tax
Wages (including PAYG)
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Expected cash flow
[Attach an expected cash flow sheet like the example shown below.]
Cash incoming
Asset sales
Debtor receipts
Other income
Total incoming
Utilities (electricity, gas, water)
Lease/loan payments
Rent & rates
Motor vehicle expenses
Repairs & maintenance
Stationery & printing
Membership & affiliation fees
Income tax
Wages (including PAYG)
Total outgoing
Monthly cash balance
Cash outgoing
Purchases (Stock etc)
Accountant fees
Solicitor fees
Advertising & marketing
Bank fees & charges
Interest paid
Credit card fees
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Assessment Task 3
BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning
Break-even analysis
[Attach a break-even calculator like the example shown below.]
Timeframe (e.g. monthly/yearly)
Average price of each product/service sold
Average cost of each product/service to make/deliver
Fixed costs for the month/year
Percentage of price that is profit
Total sales needed to break-even
Number of units sold needed to break-even
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