Dirección de Educación Básica Coordinación General del Programa de Inglés “Progress” Coordinación Académica Activities suggested per grade Social practice of the language: Produce texts to participate in Academic Events. Specific competency: Write points of view to participate in a round table. Product: Round table. Grade Sec. 2nd Unit 5A Topic Civic and Ethical topic. Kind of activity Explanation of civic engagement and volunteering. Link http://www.findyouthinfo.gov/topic_civicEngagement.shtml Comments Interesting articles of civic topics with authentic material at an intermediate English level. Sec. 2nd 5A Civic and Ethical topic. http://www.engaging.ly/seven-strategies-to-engage-teens-inonline-civic-problem-solving/ Sec. 2nd 5A Civic and ethical topic. Reading exercise and writing guidelines. Reading. Sec. 2nd 5A General meaning and main ideas. Writing aids. http://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/ Sec. 2nd 5A Writing aids. http://edhelper.com/teachers/graphic_organizers.htm Sec. 2nd 5A Writing process. http://www.ksbe.edu/spi/PDFS/Reports/WritingProcessreport.pdf Sec. 2nd 5A General meaning and main ideas. Write points of view. Synonyms. http://www.synonyms.net/ Sec. 2nd 5A Connectors. Learning synonyms. Diagnostic quizzes. Sec. 2nd 5A Conditionals. Grammar exercises. http://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/ PDF doc with a step by step guide to help Ss engage in civic topics of their interest. Short texts explaining civic and ethical problems teenagers face a school. Excellent variety of graphic organizers to understand the general meaning and main ideas of a text. Fun graphic organizers that help Ss organize information in a clearer way. Useful and clear explanation of the writing process for teachers. Friendly page to find all the possible synonyms our Ss will use. Handy tool to identify what your Ss understood after working with the connectors. Exercises to reinforce conditionals. http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/index/your_family/education_ind ex_england/problems_at_school.htm#Bullying http://www.grammar-quizzes.com/connectsum.html Sec. 2nd 5A Punctuation. Sec. 2nd 5A Suffixes and prefixes. Punctuation worksheets. Suffixes and prefixes. http://englishforeveryone.org/Topics/Punctuation.htm http://www.esl-galaxy.com/prefixsuffix.html Printable punctuation worksheets to help Ss when writing. Complete lesson plans to teach suffixes and prefixes.