Name: Chapter 2 Study Guide: Of Mice and Men Idioms: (use

Chapter 2 Study Guide: Of Mice and Men
Idioms: (use website to find definitions)
Canned (or get the can)—to lose your job, to get fired
Got the eye—looking around at other men or women, showing interest
Pants rabbits—parasites, lice
Pick a scrap—get into a fight, pick a fight
Poke—wallet or purse
Sore as hell—extremely angry
Two bits—25 cents (a quarter)
Skeptically (19)—doubtfully, unbelievingly, suspiciously
Mourned (29)—expressed sadness at something or someone lost
Timidly (30)—shyly, hesitantly
Apprehensive (32)—uneasy, nervous
Scowled (37)—frowned, revealed negative feelings
Study Questions:
1) Why is the boss so suspicious of George and Lennie? What 2 things initially make him question
The boss doesn’t understand why George is doing all the talking and Lennie is quiet even when the boss
directs questions at Lennie. The boss wants to know why they left their last job, and George hesitates
when he answers him. George only says good things about Lennie, which makes the boss wonder why
they are traveling together. The boss thinks George is taking Lennie’s pay. Plus, George and Lennie are
2) What does George tell the boss to convince the boss to trust him?
George says that Lennie was kicked in the head by a horse when he was little. They travel together
because they are cousins, and George told Lennie’s mom that he would take care of him.
3) Describe the old man and his dog. (Page 24)
a. What is the old man always carrying around?
A broom (he’s like a janitor)
b. What is the old man called?
Swamper (old guy, he only has one hand; he physically can’t do as much work)
c. What does the dog look like?
Old, shaggy dog that looks like a mop; blind, gray or pale eyes; white/gray muzzle; moth-eaten
coat (grimy, patchy fur); dragging his feet, limp
d. What impression do you get after reading about the dog?
The dog is very old and probably won’t live much longer.
4) Describe Curley. (Page 25-26)
a. What does his body language/position tell us about him?
Has “ants in his pants” (constantly moving around), gets in Lennie’s face, acts tough; he’s a
small guy; becomes tougher when he realizes that there are two new guys, makes his hands
into fists, becomes defensive
b. What kind of mood is he in?
Angry, grumpy,
c. Who is he related to?
He is the boss’s son. He’s never going to get canned (fired).
d. What is his reputation on the ranch?
Curley wears high-heeled boots like the boss and wears a glove full of Vaseline. People don’t
seem to like him because he’s cocky and arrogant. Plus, he always tries to pick fights,
especially w/big guys to prove he’s stronger.
5) According to the old man, why is Curley worse to deal with lately?
Curley recently got married, and his wife flirts w/other men (she’s got the eye!). This stresses him
6) What is the problem with Curley’s wife, according to the old man? How could that be a really
big problem on the ranch from what we know so far?
He calls her a tart (a slut or whore). There are a lot of SINGLE men on the ranch, and she’s
flirting w/them.
7) What directions does George give Lennie in regards to Curley? Why?
He tells Lennie to stay away from Curley. If Curley’s in the room, Lennie should go to the
opposite side. He tells Lennie not to talk to Curley. If Curley socks him, though, Lennie should hit
back. If Lennie gets in trouble, then he should go to the river and hide. Lennie is not supposed to
talk to Curley’s wife, either. George tells Lennie this because he knows anything could happen
with Lennie and he wants to be prepared in case something does happen. He wants to avoid
repeating the mess they had in Weed. Plus, fighting Curley would cause them to get canned
8) Describe Curley’s wife. (Page 31)
a. What does she look like?
Curly hair (tight like sausage), wearing a housedress, wide spaced eyes that had a lot of
make up on them, nasally brittle voice, red nail polish, red shoes with ostrich feathers, red
full lips
b. How does she act around George and Lennie?
Acting innocent, but really flirting w/them
c. What does Lennie say about her?
He says that she’s “purty” (32)
9) Describe Slim. (Page 33)
a. What is his “role” at the ranch? Why?
Mule driver, everybody respects him, he’s a high authority on the ranch; he’s the leader
b. What is his manner like?
Quiet, insightful, follows the golden rule
c. What is he called?
Prince of the ranch
d. How can we tell that George seems to trust him?
George acts nicer around Slim than he did around Curley, so they talk kindly to each other.
Plus, he didn’t lie to Slim about Lennie.
10) Describe Carlson. (Page 35)
a. What does he look like?
Big-stomached, has a potbelly or large belly
b. What does Carlson seem to be concerned about? Why?
He’s concerned about Candy’s dog because it’s old and it smells.
11) At the end of the chapter, what does Lennie want?
He wants a puppy from Slim’s dog’s litter.
Practice Time!
Match the characters with the word the description that most accurately describes them.
____B_____1. Slim
a. Innocent, naïve, a follower
____D_____2. George
b. The “leader” on the ranch, respected by all
____A_____3. Lennie
c. Seems to see and know all that happens
____C_____4. Candy
____F_____5. Curley
d. Apprehensive about the ranch, but willing to
stay and make it work there
e. A flat character at this point
____E_____6. Carlson
f. Feisty, arrogant, territorial