Writing Prompts for Of Mice and Men Choose one of the prompts below and write a thoughtful essay (see the scoring guide on the back) Prompt A: RELATIONSHIP OF GEORGE AND LENNIE The fact that they “string along together” is unusual in the world of ranch hands. Discuss the nature of George and Lennie’s relationship, their motivations for traveling together and explore both the positive and negative aspects of it. Support your ideas through concrete details and commentary, including a thoughtful evaluation of what George does to Lennie at the end. Prompt B: CONFLICTS Explore both the internal and external conflicts in Of Mice and Men. Identify the various minor conflicts through concrete details and analyze how they fit into the central conflict and move the plot along. Include a description of the climax, explaining how it is the turning point of the central conflict and what the outcome is. Conclude your essay with a brief analysis of how the outcome of the central conflict illustrates a theme in this novella. Prompt C: CHARACTER FLAWS or CIRCUMSTANCES? Just like the Burns’ poem states, many of the characters in Of Mice and Men have schemes that “come to nought.” What is the chief reason why they end up with “grief and pain” instead of “promised joy”? Identify the dreams of three to four of these characters: George, Lennie, Candy, Curley’s wife and Crooks. Explain why these plans are so important to each one and analyze whether it is their character flaws or the overpowering circumstances that doom each one’s dream. Prompt D: CIRCULAR PLOT STRUCTURE Much of the plot in the novel is cyclical, as are the lives of the characters. The story opens and closes in the same spot, the men’s lives consist of fruitless routines (work – earn money – spend money in the flop house), several chapters begin and end with the same setting and mood and chapter 3 and 4 mirror each other with hope of a bright future being ruined first by Curley and then by Curley’s wife. Your thesis should state Steinbeck’s purpose in using a circular structure (e.g. a dead end existence) and support it through detailed examples and commentary. Prompt E: ALLEGORY Of Mice and Men can be categorized as an allegory because the characters and plot represent concepts different from the literal meaning of the story. The ranch can be considered a miniature model of society. Discuss how at least three characters in this novella symbolize a particular group in society (e.g. the oppressors, the rulers, the handicapped, the working man, the outsiders, the segregated, the stereotyped, etc.) Include concrete details and commentary for each character as you support your ideas of what he/she symbolizes.