Literal Language: Exact meaning of words (“Go jump off a bridge” literally means you would and jump!) Figurative Language: describing something by comparing it with something else (“Go jump off a bridge” figuratively may mean, leave me alone, you’re not telling the truth…..) Examples of Figurative Language: Simile: A comparison using “like” or “As” Ex. Lennie was as strong as an ox. Metaphor: A comparison NOT using “like” or “As” Ex. Lennie was an ox. Lennie was a tank. Personification: The attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman Ex. The engine purred. feline and cannot pur!) (Engines are not Ex. The wind howled. Idioms: Figures of speech that belong to a special region, time, activity, or occupation Ex. Ski terms: Gaper, Pow-Pow, Shredding, Scorpion (people in the South would probably not know what these mean!) Ex. Football terms: Pig skin, hike, turnaround