Art Curriculum Kindergarten


Art Curriculum


Essential Questions

What are elements of art?

Can I use my art tools safely?

What is my artwork about?

How does my picture (or colors) make me feel?

What words (vocabulary) do I know?


Explore the use of a variety of media, processes, and techniques that are age appropriate.

Demonstrate safe use of simple tools and materials.

Use visual structures or pictures to explain ideas.

Express how different art expresses different feelings, ideas, and moods.

Describe subjects found in artwork.


Demonstrate a beginning understanding of shapes, lines, color, texture, some processes and techniques appropriate for Kindergarten.

Show safety procedures for scissors, paintbrushes and other art tools.

Demonstrate understanding elements of shape, color, space (background), etc.

Describe and use art words appropriate at K level.


Have students use the different media to create an artwork.

Observe children using scissors, paintbrushes, etc.

Use pictorial and verbal means to recognize shapes, colors, etc.

Identify emotional use of colors (cool/warm colors).

Students use correct art words to explain his/her art picture.

1st Grade Art

Essential Questions

What are elements of art?

What is my art about?

Where do I see art?

How does art make me feel?

What words do artist use?

How do I make my art?


Elements of Art

Works of art

Art in the environment

Art vocabulary


Art techniques


Demonstrate a beginning understanding of shape, color, texture, form and line.

Create works of art with a variety of subjects, symbols and ideas.

Understand art conveys thoughts and feelings.

Understand art vocabulary for lessons studied.

Understand art can be created using a variety of media, techniques and processes.


Recognize shapes, primary/secondary colors, textures and lines in artworks.

Create artwork using shapes, line, texture and a variety of colors.

Create artwork that is a response to a story, describes an activity or relates to a subject.

Recognize patterns and shapes in the environment.

Identify colors and textures in their surroundings.

Describe and share feelings in their work and the work of others.

Understand the terms of landscape, portrait, and still life.

Create artwork using different media, techniques and processes through drawing, painting, etc.

2nd Grade Art

Essential Questions

Can you share the principles of design with others?

Can you express ideas using elements and principles of design?

Can you recognize and use principles of design?

Can you tell a personal story through your art?

Can you create art using many different ideas?

Can you tell how symbols are alike and different in history?

Can you use art vocabulary correctly?

Can you use art with reading, math, science, etc.?


Use visual structures of art to communicate ideas.

Recognize that meaning can be communicated through use of subject matter, symbols, and ideas.

Know that the visual arts have changed over the years and continue to change.

Describe general subjects, categories, and motifs found in works of art (landscapes, still lines, portraits, seasons and shelters).


Recognize evidence of principles of design existing in nature and present in works of art.

Use elements and principles of design to express feelings, ideas, moods, and/or messages in a variety of media.


Recognize and incorporate essential concepts into works or art including but not limited to overlap, perspective, positive/negative, relief, contour, gesture, landscape, portrait, layering.

Create works of art with a variety of subjects, symbols, and ideas.

Compare art forms from past and present cultures.

Define and use vocabulary appropriate to areas and processes studied.


Recognize patterns and identify patterns.

Distinguish between various types and qualities of line: straight/curved/jagged & thick/thin/broken.

Design a picture using foreground, middle ground and background.

Identify lines that show movement: rapid, slow, up and down.

Identify and create a picture using a center of interest.

Create a picture using geometric and free form shapes.

Explain emotional qualities of their work like happy, sad, and surprised.

Illustrate an event from a story.

Use symbols from a particular culture to create your own artwork.

Compare and contrast subject matter of various types of artwork (landscape, still life, portrait).

3rd Grade

Essential Questions

Can you demonstrate how to create a work of art using a variety of techniques? Can you demonstrate what you know about the elements and principles of design? Can you show how history, culture, and visual arts affect us?

Does your artwork show quality based on the elements and principles of design?

Can you create an activity that combines art with a subject you are studying?


Know the differences between materials, techniques, and processes.

Use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

Use various art media to create space techniques and processes.

Describe how different expressive features cause different responses.

Select and use subject matter, symbols with ideas to communicate meaning. Identify specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places.

Understand there are various purposes for creating works of art.

Identify connections between the visual arts and other disciplines in the curriculum.


Explain the differences between various media, techniques, and processes.

Demonstrate safe use of art tools and materials.

Demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles of design.

Recognize and incorporate a variety of compositional formats (symmetrical & horizontal) into works of art & demonstrate an understanding.

Create works of art by incorporating multiple elements & principles for a variety of purposes.

Explore and develop a working knowledge of art concepts.

Compare themes, styles, purposes with subject matter in their work.

Differentiate among the specific works of art.

Examine compositions of visual images using selected criteria.

Communicate connections between the visual arts and other disciplines.


Categorize line quality in art objects.

Give examples of variation in pattern, color, line and texture.

Create and use spatial concepts in 2D and 3D art.

Illustrate that value is the lightness or darkness of a color.

Use the color wheel as a tool.

Use contour line to describe the shape of an object.

Use color schemes, families, and mixing in their artwork.

Demonstrate how simple shapes are used to create more complex ones. Create a landscape that contains foreground, middle-ground, and background. Use various elements to create a balanced design.

Study an art medium or subject and compare a variety of cultural examples.

4th Grade

Essential Questions

Can you demonstrate how to create a work of art using a variety of techniques? Can you demonstrate what you know about the elements and principles of design? Can you show how history, culture, and visual arts affect us?

Does your artwork show quality based on the elements and principles of design?


Know the differences between materials, techniques, and processes.

Use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

Create works of art with a variety of media, techniques and process.

Describe how people's experiences influence the development of specific artworks.

Know that the visual art have a history with specific relationships to various cultures.

Understand there are various purposes for creating works of art.

Identify connections between the visual arts and other disciplines in the curriculum.


Demonstrate how to use specific media, techniques and processes.

Demonstrate safe us of art tools and materials,

Demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles of design,

Recognize and incorporate a variety of compositional formats into works of art.

Create works of art by incorporating multiple elements and principles for a variety of purposes.

Explore and develop a working knowledge of art concepts.

Identify the importance of visual arts in various cultures over time.

Communicate connections between the visual arts and other disciplines.


Categorize line quality in art objects.

Categorize styles of art (impressionism, expressionism, cubism, realism).

Give examples of variation in pattern, color, line quality and texture.

Compose a balance of forms in 2D and 3D art works.

Use the color wheel as a tool.

Use contour lines to describe the shape of an object.

Demonstrate, using still life and live model, the relationship of shape to mass.

Demonstrate the concept of positive and negative space.

Create a landscape that contains a foreground, middle-ground, and background.

Illustrate that overlapping tells one what is front and what is in back.

Demonstrate that some textures can be tactile or visual.

Study an art medium or subject and compare a variety of cultural examples.

5th & 6th


Essential Questions

How do visual arts relate to history and cultures?

How do we assess our work and the work of others?

What connections can one make between the visual arts and other subjects?

How do visual arts relate to history and cultures?


Take advantage of the qualities and characteristics of art media, techniques and processes to enhance communication of their experience and ideas.

Integrate visual, spatial, and temporal concepts with content to communicate intended meaning in their artworks.

Describe and place a variety of art objects in historical and cultural contexts.

Demonstrate ways in which the principles and subject matter of other disciplines taught in the school are interrelated with the visual arts.


Demonstrate an appropriate level of proficiency in traditional media and emerging technology.

Demonstrate safe use, control, and maintenance of tools and media.

Identify problem encountered while making art and develop possible solutions.

Demonstrate proficiency in synthesizing elements and principles with a variety of concepts.

Create art that reflects knowledge of other cultures.

Synthesize knowledge of other disciplines in creating and understanding artwork.

Explain the relationship of the principles and subject matter of other disciplines with the visual arts.


Create a 2D or 3D artwork that illustrates the use of positive and negative space.

Apply the contour technique of drawing to a selected theme or subject.

Explore methods and media for creating values in drawing.

Compose a painting with a given subject.

Create an armature for a sculpture and complete it with paper mache.

Critique personal artwork and artwork of others in terms of selected art elements and/or principles.

Identify, discuss, and produce works of art using any color scheme.

Look at and discuss the paintings using pointillism. Design a city and render it using linear perspective. Create a selfportrait showing your own culture and time. Design a tessellation with organized subjects. Enlarge a composition using graph system.

7th Grade

Essential Questions

How does the artist arrange his composition using the elements?

How can the students expand their knowledge of watercolor and it's uses in understanding the mediums technique?

How can students arrange visual elements within a landscape setting.

Can students use clay to sculpt a work that would meet the standards.

Can the students use the internet to view works of art, research an artist and form an analysis of their work.


Visual verbalization

Painting Drawing



Collage Selfportrait


Linear perspective

Art cultures


The students will learn to use tempera paint and basic brush and blending techniques.

The students will demonstrate a knowledge of contrast through value and color differences.

The students will develop watercolor techniques.

The students will draw and paint a landscape.

The students will consider ground development within a 2D plain for landscape.

The students will produce a ceramic sculpture.

The students will illustrate in a single composition.


Finished painting

Finished landscape

Finished collage

Ceramic sculpture



Linear perspective drawing

8th Grade

Essential Questions

Can the student use the paint process and their plan to create an original painting?

Can students understand the difference between practice and the development of form in the drawing process?

Will students understand the concept and symbolism of expressionism so they can use materials to create a work with emotional context?

With proper instruction can students learn the possibilities and methods of creating ceramic sculpture with qualities that are creative and craftsmanship?

Can the student use ceramic tools and clay to form a small sculpture?

Can students use the slab method of ceramic construction to form a unique structure and glaze it?

Can students combine all their building processes to create a unique original form?

Can students apply color schemes and theory?

Can students use basic design principles to create an effective composition?

Can students understand the use of balance to build a strong composition?


Composition development

Medium development


Life drawing

Introduction to ceramic sculpture

Slab construction

Pinch pot construction

Design basics


Block print

Form drawings



The students will work on creating a plan for the development of a multi-layered painting that has good design principles.

Students will learn gesture controlled, blind contour and timed gesture drawing using live human models.

The students will learn the tools for and the possibilities of ceramics in its different stages of construction.

The students will learn how to texture a clay surface.

The students will learn the pinch construction techniques and form a pot.

The students will do blending exercises.

Students will compose and value structure a still life drawing.


Compositional plans




Mixed media


Design principles

Color wheel Linear perspective

Scratchboard Linoleum block prints

Still life drawing






Essential Questions

What is composition?

What are the various types of line?

What are ways to create value and texture?

What is perspective?

What are different types of printmaking?

What is registration?

What is value?

How can value be used to create the illusion of 3D space?

How are colors mixed?

What are color schemes?

What are the tools used in this process?

What is positive/negative space, shape?

What is 3D vs. 2D?

What are the hand building techniques?

What are the stages of clay?

What elements and principles have you used to create your artwork?

What steps do you take to throw on the potter's wheel?

What are the ways of pulling/forming handles?



Painting techniques



Art history

Shading techniques

1 pt. & 2 pt. Perspective

Size, foreshortening






Value scale

Grid reproduction


Shading techniques

Color/color schemes Shape





Positive/negative space

Hand building techniques (pinch, coil, slab, drape, press)



Elements & principles of design

Throwing on wheel



Create sculpture using one or more of the following: carve, cast, construction, model.

Create a painting using an artist or style as a reference.

Create a value scale.

Use one or more of the following: scratchboard, pen and ink.

Create grid to reproduce drawing.

Create shaded forms.

Identify color schemes.

Create/design using positive/negative space.

Create 3D project using one or more of the following: slab, coil, pinch, drape, press.

Create coils by rolling and extruding.

Create slabs by hand rolling.

Create press mold using molds, plaster, containers, etc.

Create clay hand built projects.

Finish projects using low fire glazes.

Practice centering, opening, and pulling using the potter's wheel.






Watercolor painting Acrylic painting

Tempera painting Oil painting


Pen & ink drawing

Drawings rendered in pencil, ink, colored pencil, pastel or charcoal Monoprint

Linoleum block Collagraph

Hand built clay pieces

Coil, slab, press/drape, and pinch projects

Designs/thumbnail sketches of project ideas
