BIO 306

BIO 306
1. What are the 3 types of muscle?
2. In addition to the actual muscle what are the other 3 "tissue" components of muscle?
3. Define & describe the location of the following
a. Fascia (general)
b. Tendon
c. Aponeuroses
d. Epimysium
e. Perimysium
f. Endomysium
4. A muscle cell is also known as a muscle ________________.
5. For the following terms, know what they are, where they are located, and where appropriate, their relation to
each other (i.e. a 'thingamajig' is part of a 'thingamabob' which is part of a 'whatchamadoodle' which is part
of the 'whole shebang').
a. sarcolemma
b. sarcoplasm
c. fascicle
d. myofiber
e. myofibril
f. myofilament
g. sarcomere
h. sarcoplasmic reticulum
i. transverse tubules (T-tubule)
6. What are the 2 myofilaments found in muscle? What are some characteristics of each?
7. What is the function (and importance) of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)?
8. What is, and what are the parts of a Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ)?
9. Know the following parts of a sarcomere & where appropriate, the myofilaments found in each:
a. border between one sarcomere and another
b. A-band
c. I-band
d. M-line
e. Z-line
f. H-zone
g. actin
h. myosin
10. What is the function of the T-tubules?
11. What is a motor endplate?
12. What is a motor unit? How many motor nerves are associated with a motor unit? How many muscle
13. How does the number of muscle fibers in a motor unit relate to the "sensitivity of movement" of a muscle?
14. Describe the myosin myofilament.
15. Describe the actin myofilament.
16. What is tropomyosin, where is it found, and what is its function?
17. What is troponin? What are the 3 subunits of the troponin molecule?
18. Give the function of the following:
a. Troponin C
b. Troponin T
c. Troponin I
19. Describe the entire arrangement between actin, myosin, tropomyosin, and troponin.
20. Describe/explain/list the events occurring in the process of initiating skeletal muscle contraction. (i.e.
the process of "Excitation-Contraction coupling")
21. After a skeletal muscle has contracted, what 3 things must occur for relaxation to occur?
22. Where are the following found, what are they and what is their function.
a. acetylcholinesterase
b. SR Calcium pump
c. Calsequesterin
23. What is the substance which supplies energy for skeletal muscle contraction, or is energy required?
24. Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism
25. Differentiate between hemoglobin and myoglobin.
26. Explain what is meant by "Oxygen debt". How and why does a person develop an oxygen debt?
27. Can an oxygen debt be repaid? If so, HOW? If not, WHY NOT?
28. What are some factors contributing to muscle fatigue?
29. When, why and where does the body make lactic acid? What happens to it after it's made?
30. Explain what is meant by the following
a. Recruitment
b. latent period
c. wave summation
d. tetanic contraction
e. twitch
f. muscle tone
g. isotonic contraction
h. isometric contraction
31. Why do muscles fatigue faster when lifting a heavier weight?
32. Compare the arrangement of myofilaments in smooth muscle vs skeletal muscle.
33. Where is smooth muscle found?
34. Compare and contrast the characteristics of the contractions of smooth and skeletal muscle.
35. What is "calmodulin"?
36. Compare and contrast skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle.