NHS Guidelines 2014-2015 - Hinsdale Central High School

Membership in the Hinsdale Central High School National Honor Society is an honor bestowed upon a
student. Selection for membership is based on outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and
service. Once selected, members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate these qualities:
The student who serves:
 volunteers and provides dependable and well-organized assistance, is gladly available, and is
willing to sacrifice to offer assistance
 works well with others and is willing to take on difficult and inconspicuous responsibilities
 cheerfully and enthusiastically renders any requested service to the school
 is willing to represent the class or school in inter-class and inter-scholastic competition
 does committee and staff work without complaint
 participates in some activity outside of school, giving service to the community
 mentors persons in the school, community, or students at other schools
 shows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students
A student of character:
 takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously
 consistently exemplifies desirable qualities of behavior such as maturity, cheerfulness,
friendliness, poise, and stability
 upholds principles of morality and ethics
 cooperates by complying with school regulations concerning the property of others
 demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability
 regularly shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others
 observes instructions and rules, is punctual and faithful, both inside and outside the classroom
 has powers of concentration, self-discipline, and sustained attention as shown by perseverance
and application to studies
 manifests truthfulness in acknowledging obedience to rules, avoiding cheating on written work,
and showing unwillingness to profit from the mistakes of others
 actively helps rid the school of bad influences or environments
The student who exercises leadership:
 is resourceful in proposing new solutions to problems, applying principles, and making
 demonstrates initiative in promoting school activities
 exercises positive influence on peers in upholding school ideals
 contributes ideas that improve the civic life of the school
 is able to delegate responsibilities
 exemplifies positive attitudes
 inspires positive behavior in others
 demonstrates academic initiative
 successfully holds school offices or positions of responsibility, conducts business effectively and
efficiently, and demonstrates responsibility and dependability
 is a leader in the classroom, at work, and in school or community activities
 is thoroughly dependable in any responsibility accepted
 is willing to uphold scholarship and maintain a loyal school attitude
Sponsors: Ms. Janicek, Mrs. Hoeksema, and Mr. Strykowski
The requirements for membership in NHS include the following:
 each member must accrue 35 points by the end of 3rd Quarter
 each member must keep the grade point average necessary to be invited into NHS in the first
place (4.5 Weighted GPA)
 each member must be honorable in academics and in his/her dealings with others
 each member must adhere to the National Honor Society Code
On rare occasions, students can be dismissed from National Honor Society and in cases of pending
dismissal, the member will have a right to a hearing with the NHS Faculty Council.
National Honor Society leadership is held to a much higher standard, and dismissal from a leadership
position can be due to academic dishonesty, an activities code violation, dereliction of duties, or an inability
to uphold the standards of the Hinsdale Central High School National Honor Society.
8/26 7:15 am
Cafeteria – Kick-Off Meeting!
7:15 am
Auditorium – Officer speeches and voting****
7:15 am
Faculty Cafeteria (Pod Leaders and NHS Leadership ONLY)
7:00 pm
NHS Induction - Auditorium
10/7 7:30 am
11/4 3:10 pm
12/2 7:30 am
3:10 pm
7:30 am
3:10 pm
4/14 3:10 pm
TBD End of year breakfast/tassel distribution
Points are earned for attending meetings.
1. You must e-mail sponsors your intent to run for office by 12:00p.m. (noon) on 8/29 so your
name can be on the ballot
2. T-shirt designs are due to Ms. Janicek in the English Office by the end of the day on 8/29
Earning Points
Each member must earn 35 points during the first 3 quarters in order to earn a tassel for graduation and to
be noted in the graduation program as an active member of NHS.
Here are the different ways to earn points!
Easy points (10 points total):
 All members must fill out a Tutoring/National Honor Society Code Form – once completed you
earn 1 point
 Attend all NHS meetings – 9 meetings a year for 9 points
Each pod must complete a service project and a fundraising project (10 points total):
 Pod fundraising project (5 points)
 Pod service project (5points)
Every person must be involved in at least one large project (5 points):
 Date Auction
 Rock the Cash
 Turkey Bowl
 NHS Valentine’s sale (you decide what the sale will be)
 ????
If you do the above required projects you will have a total of 25 points. Here are some ways you
can earn those last 10 points:
 Party Planner for opening NHS meeting
 Direct traffic during Open House
 Help out the boosters club
 Volley for the cure
 Run for an office
 Tutor
 Volunteer somewhere in the community
 Do a second pod fundraising and/or service project
 Various other volunteer opportunities posted on Sharepoint
The points for these activities are based on the amount of time spent doing the activity. In general, each
hour you work is worth 1 point. You can only earn a maximum of 5 points per activity. So if you volunteer
every week at the animal shelter, the most points you can earn is 5 points. The only exception to that is
If you miss any of the required activities you can make up points through any of the activities listed for
earning extra points.
All forms are located on the Sharepoint site!