HEALTH EDUCATION MRS. CARROLL CONTACT INFORMATION Teacher: Amy Carroll Email: Phone: 630.570.8491 Office location: Northeast corner of main gym Times available: 2, 5, 7, 8 COURSE DESCRIPTION The goal of this course is to promote and develop attitudes and behaviors related to the overall wellness of Hinsdale Central students. Students are taught how to access valid health information and health-promoting products and services. The students will also learn how to analyze the influence of culture, media, technology and other factors on health. Topics of study within the Health Education program include: Introduction to Wellness, Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs, Nutrition and Fitness, Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases, and Human Reproduction. The curriculum is aligned with District 86 program goals, Illinois and National Health Education Standards. CHECK SHAREPOINT (most useful) FOR POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS, DUE DATES, SPEAKER DATES, AND OTHER INFORMATION! REMEMBER TO CHECK WHITE BOARD FOR DAILY ASSIGNMENTS! PLEASE BE SURE YOUR CELL PHONES AND MUSCIAL DEVICES ARE OFF DURING CLASS! What to bring to class EVERYDAY: *writing instrument *folder with lined paper GRADING Health class is graded strictly on points earned versus the points available. The class is composed of activities, lectures, group work, homework, individual work, projects, tests and quizzes. Health is included in your GPA! You will have a weekly participation grade that will be explained by your teacher. Grading scale: 100%-90% 89%-80% 79%-70% 69%-60% 59% and below A B C D F TARDIES and ABSENCES It is your responsibility to get make-up work from your teacher when you are going to be or have been absent from school. Failure to do so will result in a “0” for those assignments, tests, quizzes, and projects. BE RESPONSIBLE! Students need to be in the classroom by the time the second bell sounds. If you are not in the room by the correct bell you need to visit the closest tardy station to obtain a tardy slip. You will also be marked tardy. If you arrive to class more than 15 minutes after the start of class you are marked absent, regardless if you have a tardy slip. We will be following the school policy regarding tardies and cell phones. HONOR CODE Please refer to pages 26-28 in the Student Handbook regarding Hinsdale Central’s honor code on academic integrity. HOMEWORK-Check Sharepoint and white board in classroom for assignments and calendars Homework needs to be turned in on the assigned due date in order to receive full credit. Late assignments will be accepted for half credit up until the date of the unit test. UNITS Wellness Models of health Self-esteem/goals Stress Mental/emotional health Decision making SPEAKER:National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Medicines Tobacco Alcohol Drugs Drug Abuse/addiction SPEAKER: Recovering alcoholic provided by Alcoholics Anonymous Nutrition and Fitness Nutrients Food Pyramid Diets and weight control/eating disorders Fitness Disease Communicable diseases Non-communicable disease Disease Discovery project Human Reproduction Dating, Marriage, Divorce, and Families Healthy Relationships Reproductive Systems and Life cycle Sexually Transmitted Diseases Abstinence and Contraceptives SPEAKER: Amplified: Youth Development SPEAKER: Tom Santoro-“Dear Lisa” SPEAKER:TeenParent Connection