
World Cultures Notebook Check #1 – Thursday, October 30
1. Please review this list and compare it to your notebook. If you are unsure what something is,
check your calendar and the wiki. Date are after each item wherever appropriate.
2. If you have the item, please put a checkmark, “  “ next to it on the line.
3. If you do not have an item or it is incomplete, please put a “O” (not there) or an “INC” (incomplete)
next to it on the line.
4. Please also count and record the # of green and red stamps you have and write them below.
# of Green Stamps:
# of Red Stamps:
Did you know reflection (8/25)
Notes about Maps, Mercator & Peters (8/28)
Types of Maps Activity & Map projections (8/29)
Icosahedron Map (9/2)
Latitude/Longitude Spy story (9/3)
Culture notes/Internal & surface culture (9/8)
Individualist/collectivist society notes (9/9)
Notes on how geography affects culture
Baranga Card Game reflection (9/17)
Review activity handout
Exam #1
Refugee notes
I am David introduction, “David’s World?” (9/22)
I am David Film Analysis
I am David Geography handout (9/24)
Elections Process Notes (10/3& 6)
Election news article with thin/thick/deep questions (10/1)
Election Project Packet
Big Era 3 Introductory notes (10/7)
Egypt video notes (10/9-10)
Notes on what happened in the online Egypt Game (10/13)
Bonus levels 3-5 on the Egypt Game
Big Era 3 Civilization comparison charts (10/14-15)
Big Era 4 Introductory notes (10/15)
Ancient Greece Handout/Notes on classmate presentations (10/24)
Big Era 4 Empire geography (10/23)
Axum Empire Crossword Puzzle (10/23)
Ancient Greece Daily Life Notes (10/27)
Ancient Greece City-State ads (all 5) (10/28)
Greece bonus video(s) – please put a post-it flag on this!
World Cultures Notebook Check #1 – Thursday, October 30
1. Please review this list and compare it to your notebook. If you are unsure what something is,
check your calendar and the wiki. Date are after each item wherever appropriate.
2. If you have the item, please put a checkmark, “  “ next to it on the line.
3. If you do not have an item or it is incomplete, please put a “O” (not there) or an “INC” (incomplete)
next to it on the line.
4. Please also count and record the # of green and red stamps you have and write them below.
# of Green Stamps:
# of Red Stamps:
Did you know reflection (8/25)
Notes about Maps, Mercator & Peters (8/28)
Types of Maps Activity & Map projections (8/29)
Icosahedron Map (9/2)
Latitude/Longitude Spy story (9/3)
Culture notes/Internal & surface culture (9/8)
Individualist/collectivist society notes (9/9)
Notes on how geography affects culture
Baranga Card Game reflection (9/17)
Review activity handout
Exam #1
Refugee notes
I am David introduction, “David’s World?” (9/22)
I am David Film Analysis
I am David Geography handout (9/24)
Elections Process Notes (10/3& 6)
Election news article with thin/thick/deep questions (10/1)
Election Project Packet
Big Era 3 Introductory notes (10/7)
Egypt video notes (10/9-10)
Notes on what happened in the online Egypt Game (10/13)
Bonus levels 3-5 on the Egypt Game
Big Era 3 Civilization comparison charts (10/14-15)
Big Era 4 Introductory notes (10/15)
Ancient Greece Handout/Notes on classmate presentations (10/24)
Big Era 4 Empire geography (10/23)
Axum Empire Crossword Puzzle (10/23)
Ancient Greece Daily Life Notes (10/27)
Ancient Greece City-State ads (all 5) (10/28)
Greece bonus video(s) – please put a post-it flag on this!