CHAPTER 6 ANSWERS 6-1 Project classification schemes can be used to indicate how much analysis is required to evaluate a given project, the level of the executive who must approve the project, and the required rate of return that should be used to calculate the project’s NPV. Thus, classification schemes can increase the efficiency of the capital budgeting process. 6-2 The NPV is obtained by discounting future cash flows, and the discounting process actually compounds the interest rate over time. Thus, a change in the discount rate has a much greater impact on a cash flow in Year 5 than on a cash flow in Year 1. 6-3 This question is related to Question 6-2 and the same rationale applies. With regard to the second part of the question, the answer is no; the IRR rankings are constant and independent of the firm’s required rate of return. 6-4 The NPV and IRR methods both involve compound interest, and the mathematics of discounting requires an assumption about reinvestment rates. The NPV method assumes reinvestment at the required rate of return, whereas the IRR method assumes reinvestment at the IRR. 6-5 The statement is true. The NPV and IRR methods result in conflicts only if mutually exclusive projects are being considered because the NPV is positive if and only if the IRR is greater than the required rate of return. If the assumptions were changed so that the firm had mutually exclusive projects, then the IRR and NPV methods could lead to different conclusions. A change in the required rate of return or in the cash flow streams would not lead to conflicts if the projects were independent. Therefore, the IRR method can be used in lieu of the NPV if the projects being considered are independent. 6-6 Yes, if the cash position of the firm is poor and if it has limited access to additional outside financing. But even here, the relationship between present value and cost would be a better decision tool. 6-7 a. In general, the answer is no. The objective of management should be to maximize value, and as we point out in subsequent chapters, stock values are determined by both earnings and growth. The NPV calculation automatically takes this into account, and if the NPV of a long-term project exceeds that of a short-term project, the higher future growth from the long-term project must be more than enough to compensate for the lower earnings in early years. b. If the same $100 million had been spent on a short-term project—one with a faster payback—reported profits would have been higher for a period of years. Of course, this is another reason why firms sometimes use the payback method. ____________________________________________________________ 105 SOLUTIONS 6-1 a. PB = $52,125/$12,000 = 4.34, so the payback is about 4 years. b. Numerical solution: 1 1 (1.12 )8 NPV $52,125 $12,000 0.12 $52,125 $12,000 (4.96764 ) $7,486 .68 Financial calculator Solution: Input the appropriate cash flows into the cash flow register, input I = 12, and then solve for NPV = $7,486.68. Spreadsheet Solution: Be careful when using the NPV function that is available with Excel, because this function computes the present value of a series of nonconstant future cash flows only. If you highlight a series of cash flows, the NPV function assumes the first cash flow is CF1, not CF0. As a result, you should use the NPV function to compute the present value of the future cash flows and then subtract the cash flow in the current period, which is the net investment. For the current problem, you can use the PV function to compute the present value of the $12,000 annuity and then subtract the $52,125 cost. c. Let NPV = 0. Therefore, 1 1 (1 IRR )8 0 NPV $52,125 $12,000 IRR 1 1 (1 IRR )8 $52,125 $12,000 IRR Numerical Solution: Without a financial calculator, you must use a trial-and-error process— plug in values for IRR until the right side of the computation equals $52,125. Financial calculator: Input the appropriate cash flows into the cash flow register and then solve for IRR = 16%. Spreadsheet solution: Because this is an annuity, you can use the RATE function that is available on the spreadsheet. Pmt = $12,000 and Pv = -$52,125. d. Project L’s discounted payback period is calculated as follows: 106 Period 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cash Flows ($52,125) 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Annual Discounted @12% Cash Flows Cumulative ($52,125.00) ($52,125.00) 10,714.80 ( 41,410.20) 9,566.40 ( 31,843.80) 8,541.60 ( 23,302.20) 7,626.00 ( 15,676.20) 6,808.80 ( 8,867.40) 6,079.20 ( 2,788.20) 5,427.60 2,639.40 4,846.80 7,486.20 Discounted $2,788.20 6 6.51 years Payback $5,427.60 6-2 a. Compute the values for NPV at different required rates of return, k, by entering the cash flows for each project in the CF register of your calculator, then change the value for I and compute the NPV each time. k NPVA NPVB 0% 10 12 15 18 20 24 30 $970 297 207 91 ( 5) ( 60) (152) (256) $399 179 146 102 64 41 0 ( 51) If you use the Excel spreadsheet to compute NPV, be careful, because this function computes the present value of a series of future cash flows only. If you highlight a series of cash flows contained in the spreadsheet, the NPV function assumes the first cash flow is CF1, not CF0. As a result, you should use the NPV function to compute the present value of the future cash flows and then subtract (add the negative) the cash flow in the current period, which is the net investment. For the Project A, you might set up the spreadsheet as follows to compute net present value at a 15 percent required rate of return: 107 Using the spreadsheet NPV function will compute the sum of the present values of CF1, CF2, …, CF7: Note the description of the spreadsheet NPV function given below the table. The range entered into Value1 corresponds to CF1, CF2, …, CF7 in the spreadsheet setup. To compute the net present value we describe in the book, we need to add the initial investment of -$300 to the result given by the spreadsheet NPV function, which is $391.33. Therefore, net present value we want to compute is $91.33 = -$300 + $391.33 at 15 percent: 108 To compute NPVs for various required rates of return, simply change the value for the required rate of return in the spreadsheet (cell D1), and the result will be displayed immediately. If you set up your spreadsheet so that the NPVs for a series of required rates of return are displayed sequentially either in a single column or in a single row, you can use the graph function to draw the NPV profiles, which would look like the following: NPV ($ millions) 1.0 0.8 Project A 0.6 0.4 Crossover 0.2 Project B 0 4 8 12 14.5 16 17.8 -0.2 109 k% 20 24 28 b. For Project A, solve the following: $387 $193 $100 $500 NPVA $300 1 2 3 4 (1 IRR) (1 IRR) (1 IRR) (1 IRR) $500 $850 $100 0 5 6 7 (1 IRR) (1 IRR) (1 IRR) Numerical Solution: Without a financial calculator, you must use a trial-and-error process— plug in values for IRR until NPV = 0. Eventually you will find IRRA = 17.84% and IRRB = 23.97%. Financial calculator: Input the appropriate cash flows into the cash flow register and then solve for IRRA = 17.84% (IRRB = 23.97%). Spreadsheet solution: Use the spreadsheet function called IRR. For Project A, we would have the following: 110 In this case, note that the series of cells in the row labeled “Values” includes the cell that contains the initial investment—that is CF0. The result given at the bottom of the table indicates that Project A has an IRR equal to 17.84 percent: c. At k = 12%, Project A has the greater NPV, specifically $206.77 as compared to Project B’s NPV of $145.93. Thus, Project A would be selected. At k = 15%, Project B has an NPV of $102.12, which is higher than Project A’s NPV of $91.33. Thus, choose Project B if k = 15%. d. Looking at the NPV profile developed in Part a, the crossover rate is between 14 and 15 percent, or approximately 14.5%. To determine exactly where the crossover rate is, proceed as follows: Construct a Project Δ, which is the difference in the two projects’ cash flows: 111 Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Project Δ = CFA – CFB (521) (327) (234) 366 366 716 100 IRR = Crossover rate = 14.50%. Projects A and B are mutually exclusive, thus, only one of the projects can be chosen. As long as the required rate of return is greater than the crossover rate, both the NPV and IRR methods will lead to the same project selection. However, if the required rate of return is less than the crossover rate the two methods lead to different project selections—a conflict exists. When a conflict exists the NPV method must be used. 6-3 a. k 0 5 10 12 15 17 20 22 25 30 NPVA 2,400,000 1,714,286 1,090,909 857,143 521,739 307,692 0 ( 196,721) ( 480,000) ( 923,077) NPVB 30,000,000 14,170,642 5,878,484 3,685,832 1,144,596 ( 181,689) (1,773,883) (2,633,441) (3,696,845) (5,036,832) These NPVs can be computed using a calculator or a spreadsheet as described in the solution to Problem 6-2a. The crossover rate is approximately 16 percent. If the required rate of return is less than the crossover rate, then Plan B should be accepted; if the required rate of return is greater than the crossover rate, then Plan A is preferred. At the crossover rate, the two project NPVs are equal. Thus, other criteria such as the IRR must be used to evaluate the projects. Using the same procedure as in Problem 6-2d, the exact crossover rate is 16.07 percent. 112 NPV (Millions of Dollars) 30 Plan B 24 18 12 Crossover rate = 16.07% 6 Plan A IRRA = 20.0% 2.4 k (%) 0 5 15 10 20 25 IRRB = 16.7% 6-4 b. Yes. Assuming (1) equal risk among projects, and (2) that the required rate of return is a constant and does not vary with the amount of funds raised, the firm would take on all available independent projects with returns greater than its 12 percent required rate of return. If the firm had invested in all available projects with returns greater than 12 percent, then its best alternative would be to repay capital. Thus, the required rate of return is the correct reinvestment rate for evaluating a project’s cash flows. a. Using a financial calculator or a spreadsheet (see the solutions to Problem 6-2a and b), we get: NPVA = $14,486,808. NPVB = $11,156,893. IRRA = 15.03%. IRRB = 22.26%. 113 b. NPV (Millions of Dollars) 80 Plan A 60 40 Crossover rate = 11.7% 20 Plan B IRRB = 22.26% 0 k (%) 5 10 15 20 25 IRRA = 15.03% -20 The crossover rate is somewhere between 11 percent and 12 percent. Using the procedure shown in 6-2 (d), the exact crossover rate is calculated as 11.7 percent. c. The NPV method implicitly assumes that the opportunity exists to reinvest the cash flows generated by a project at the required rate of return, whereas use of the IRR method implies the opportunity to reinvest at the IRR. All independent projects with an NPV > $0 should be invested in by the firm. As cash flows come in from these projects, the firm will either pay them out to investors, or use them as a substitute for outside funds that, in this case, costs 10 percent. Thus, because these cash flows are expected to save the firm 10 percent, this is their opportunity cost reinvestment rate. The IRR method assumes reinvestment at the internal rate of return itself, which is an incorrect assumption, given a constant expected future required rate of return, and ready access to capital markets. 6-5 See the solutions for Problem 6-2 for examples as to how to compute NPV and IRR using a spreadsheet. Pulley System: 1 1 (1.14 )5 $17,100 $5,100 (3.43308 ) NPV $17,100 $5,100 0.14 $17,100 $17,508 .71 $408 .71 The Pulley System project is acceptable. Financial calculator: Input the appropriate cash flows into the cash flow register, input I = 14, and then solve for NPV = $408.71. IRR 15%. (Accept) 114 Financial calculator: Input the appropriate cash flows into the cash flow register and then solve for IRR = 14.99% 15%. Payback period = PBPulley = $17,100/$5,100 = 3.35 years Truck: 1 1 (1.14 )5 $22,430 $7,500 (3.43308 ) NPV $22,430 $7,500 0.14 $22,430 $25,748 .10 $3,318 .10 The Truck Project is acceptable. Financial calculator: Input the appropriate cash flows into the cash flow register, input I = 14, and then solve for NPV = $3,318.10. IRR = 20%. (Accept) Financial calculator: Input the appropriate cash flows into the cash flow register and then solve for IRR = 20%. Payback period = PBTruck = $22,430/$7,500 = 2.99 3 years 6-6 See the solutions for Problem 6-2 for examples as to how to compute NPV and IRR using a spreadsheet. Electric-powered: 1 1 (1.12 )6 $22,000 $6,290 (4.11141) $3,860 .75 NPVE $22,000 $6,290 0.12 Financial calculator: Input the appropriate cash flows into the cash flow register, input I = 12, and then solve for NPV = $3,860.75. IRRE = 18%. Financial calculator: Input the appropriate cash flows into the cash flow register and then solve for IRR = 18%. Gas-powered: 1 1 (1.12 )6 $17,500 $5,000 (4.11141) $3,057 .05 NPVG $17,500 $5,000 0.12 115 Financial calculator: Input the appropriate cash flows into the cash flow register, input I = 12, and then solve for NPV = $3,057.05. IRRG = 18%. Financial calculator: Input the appropriate cash flows into the cash flow register and then solve for IRR = 17.97% ≈ 18%. Horrigan Industries should purchase the electric-powered forklift because it has a higher NPV than the gas-powered forklift. The company gets a high rate of return (18% > k = 12%) on a larger investment. 6-7 See the solutions for Problem 6-2 for examples as to how to compute NPV and IRR using a spreadsheet. a. Using a financial calculator: NPVS = $448.86 NPVL = $607.20 IRRS = 15.24% IRRL = 14.67% PBS = 6-8 3.3 yrs PBL = 3.4 yrs b. If the projects are independent, both are acceptable—both NPVS and NPVL are positive. If the projects are mutually exclusive, Project L should be chosen because NPVL > NPVS. a. The PV of costs for the conveyor system is –$556,717, while the PV of costs for the forklift system is –$493,407. Thus, the forklift system is expected to be –$493,407 – (–$556,717) = $63,310 less costly than the conveyor system, and hence the forklifts should be used. 1 1 (1.09 )5 PV costs of conveyor 300,000 (66,000) 0.09 300,000 (66,000 )(3.88965 ) 556,716 .90 b. 6-9 The IRRs of the two alternatives are undefined. To calculate an IRR, the cash flow stream must include both cash inflows and outflows. See the solutions for Problem 6-2 for examples as to how to compute NPV and IRR using a spreadsheet. NPVC $14,000 $8,000 $6,000 $2,000 $3,000 (1.12)1 (1.12) 2 (1.12) 3 (1.12) 4 $14,000 $8,000 (0.89286 ) $6,000 (0.79719 ) $2,000 (0.71178 ) $3,000 (0.63552 ) 116 $14,000 $7,142 .88 $4,783 .14 $1,423 .56 $1,906 .56 $14,000 $15,256 .14 $1,256 .14 Calculator solution: NPVC = $1,256.14 IRRC = 17.3% 1 1 (1.12 )4 $22,840 $8,000 (3.03735 ) $1,458 .80 NPVR $22,840 $8,000 0.12 Calculator solution: NPVR = $1,458.79 IRRR = 15.0% NPVR > NPVC, so Project R should be accepted. 6-10 See the solutions for Problem 6-2 for examples as to how to compute NPV and IRR using a spreadsheet. $2,000 $900 $100 $100 NPVD $2,500 1 2 3 (1.14) (1.14) (1.14) (1.14) 4 $2,500 $2,000 (0.87719 ) $900 (0.76947 ) $100 (0.67497 ) $100 (0.59208 ) $2,500 $1,754 .38 $692 .52 $67.50 $59.21 $2,500 $2573 .71 $73.61 Calculator solution: NPVD = $73.61 IRRD = 16.4% NPVQ $2,500 $0 $1,800 $1,000 $900 1 2 3 (1.14) (1.14) (1.14) (1.14) 4 $2,500 $0(0.87719 ) $1,800 (0.76947 ) $1,000 (0.67497 ) $900 (0.59208 ) $2,500 $0 $1,385 .05 $674 .97 $532 .87 $2,500 $2592 .89 $92.89 Calculator solution: NPVQ = $92.89 IRRQ = 15.6% NPVQ > NPVD, so Project Q is the better project, and its IRR is 15.6%. 6-11 See the solutions for Problem 6-2 for examples as to how to compute NPV and IRR using a spreadsheet. 117 NPVY $25,000 $10,000 $9,000 $7,000 $6,000 (1.10)1 (1.10) 2 (1.10) 3 (1.10) 4 $25,000 $10,000 (0.90909 ) $9,000 (0.82645 ) $7,000 (0.75131) $6,000 (0.68301) $25,000 $9,090 .90 $7,438 .05 $5,259 .17 $4,098 .06 $25,000 $25,886 .18 $886 .18 Calculator solution: NPVY = $886.21 IRRY = 11.8% NPVz $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $36,000 1 2 3 (1.10) (1.10) (1.10) (1.10) 4 $25,000 $0(0.90909) $0(0.82645) $0(0.75131) $36,000(0.68301) $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $24,588.36 $25,000 $24,588.36 $411.64 Calculator solution: NPVY = -$411.51 IRRZ = 9.5% NPVY > 0 and NPVZ < 0, so only Project Y should be accepted. 6-12 6-13 The solution is given in the Instructor's Manual, Solutions to Integrative Problems. Computer-Related Problem a. The NPV profiles are shown next. These profiles were created using the computerized model C06 and the data used to construct these profiles are given after the graph. 118 NPV Profiles NPV ($ thousands) 50 40 Project A 30 20 10 0 Project B 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 k (%) -10 -20 -30 Data for NPV profile graph: Cost of Capital 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 22% 24% 26% 28% 30% b. Proj. A NPV $41,000 33,285 26,350 20,104 14,466 9,367 4,747 554 (3,260) (6,733) (9,902) (12,797) (15,446) (17,874) (20,102) (22,149) Proj. B NPV $25,000 20,702 16,777 13,185 9,891 6,862 4,072 1,496 (886) (3,092) (5,141) (7,045) (8,819) (10,474) (12,020) (13,466) For Project A, IRR = 14.28%. For Project B, IRR = 15.24%. INPUT DATA: Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 KEY OUTPUT: Expected Cash Flows Proj. A Proj. B ($45,000)($50,000) (20,000) 15,000 11,000 15,000 20,000 15,000 30,000 15,000 45,000 15,000 Required rate of return NPV IRR Proj. A $2,600 14.28% Crossover rate 13.00% 119 Proj. B $2,758 15.24% 12.81% c. At a required rate of return of 13 percent, NPVA = $2,600, while NPVB = $2,758. Therefore, Project B should be selected. From the data shown below, you can see that Project A is preferable if the required rate of return is 9 percent (NPVA = $11,853, NPVB = $8,345). At a required rate of return of 15 percent, Project B is preferable (NPVA = ($1,398), NPVB = $282). INPUT DATA: Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 KEY OUTPUT: Expected Cash Flows Proj. A Proj. B ($45,000) ($50,000) ( 20,000) 15,000 11,000 15,000 20,000 15,000 30,000 15,000 45,000 15,000 Required rate of return INPUT DATA: NPV IRR Crossover rate Proj. B $8,345 15.24% 12.81% 9.00% KEY OUTPUT: Expected Cash Flows Year Proj. A Proj. B 0 ($45,000) ($50,000) 1 ( 20,000) 15,000 2 11,000 15,000 3 20,000 15,000 4 30,000 15,000 5 45,000 15,000 NPV IRR Proj. A ($1,398) 14.28% Crossover rate Required rate of return d. Proj. A $11,853 14.28% Proj. B $282 15.24% 12.81% 15.00% The NPV profiles cross at 12.81%. The calculations used to determine this rate are given below: INPUT DATA: Expected Cash Flows Year Proj. A Proj. B 0 ($45,000) ($50,000) 1 (20,000) 15,000 2 11,000 15,000 3 20,000 15,000 4 30,000 15,000 5 45,000 15,000 Required rate of return 13.00% Crossover rate calculation: Delta’s Year CFs 0 $5,000 1 (35,000) 2 ( 4,000) 3 5,000 4 15,000 5 30,000 NPV Delta ($ 180) IRR Delta 12.81% Required Return 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 11.12% 20.00% 30.00% NPV of Delta $16,000 8,204 2,505 1,450 (4,761) (8,682) 120 e. Worst case scenario: Year 5 Cash flow = $40,000 INPUT DATA: KEY OUTPUT: Expected Cash Flows Year Proj. A Proj. B 0 ($45,000) ($50,000) 1 ( 20,000) 15,000 2 11,000 15,000 3 20,000 15,000 4 30,000 15,000 5 40,000 15,000 Proj. A ($114) 12.94% NPV IRR Proj. B $2,758 15.24% Crossover rate Required rate of return 9.30% 13.00% BEST CASE SCENARIO: Year 5 cash flow = $50,000 INPUT DATA: KEY OUTPUT: Expected Year Proj. A 0 ($45,000) 1 ( 20,000) 2 11,000 3 20,000 4 30,000 5 50,000 Cash Flows Proj. B ($50,000) 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Proj. A $5,314 15.55% NPV IRR Crossover rate Required rate of return Proj. B $2,758 15.24% 16.01% 13.00% Solutions to Appendix Problem 6B-1 a. The project’s expected cash flows are as follows (in millions of dollars): Time 0 1 2 Net Cash Flow $( 2.0) 13.0 (12.0) We can construct the following NPV profile: NPV (Millions of Dollars) 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 Discount Rate 0% 100 200 300 NPV $(1,000,000) 121 400 500 Discount rate (%) 10 50 80 100 200 300 400 410 420 430 450 ( 99,174) 1,333,333 1,518,519 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 120,000 87,659 56,213 25,632 ( 33,058) b. If k = 10%, reject the project because NPV < $0. Its NPV at k = 10% is equal to -$99,174. But if k = 20%, accept the project because NPV > $0. Its NPV at k = 20% is $500,000. c. Other possible projects with multiple rates of return could be nuclear power plants where disposal of radioactive wastes is required at the end of the project's life. d. MIRR @ k = 10%: PV costs = $2,000,000 + $12,000,000/(1.10) 2 = $11,917,355. FV inflows = $13,000,000 H 1.10 = $14,300,000. MIRR = 9.54%. (Reject the project since MIRR < k.) MIRR @ k = 20%: PV costs = $2,000,000 + $12,000,000/(1.20) 2 = $10,333,333. FV inflows = $13,000,000 H 1.20 = $15,600,000. MIRR = 22.87%. (Accept the project since MIRR > k.) Looking at the results, the MIRR calculations would lead you to the same decisions as the NPV calculations did. 122