Chapter 06 Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue

Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
Chapter 06
Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
True / False Questions
1. "F.O.B. destination" means that title to the shipped goods passes to the buyer on the
shipment date.
True False
2. Most companies record revenue when they ship goods to customers not when they are
delivered to customers.
True False
3. Credit terms "2/10, n/30" mean that if payment is made in two days, a 10% discount will be
given; if not paid within two days, the full invoice price will be due in thirty days.
True False
4. The sales returns and allowances account should be reported as a deduction from sales
revenue because it is a contra-revenue account.
True False
5. Sales returns and allowances should be included as a selling expense.
True False
6. Many merchants accept credit cards for the sale of goods because it can increase the
number of customers.
True False
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
7. A company is thinking of borrowing money at an 18% annual interest rate in order to pay a
$30,000 invoice within the discount period. The invoice terms are 2/10, n/30. They should
borrow the money because they will still have a net savings of 19.2%.
True False
8. An entry to bad debts expense and the allowance for doubtful accounts is made to write off
a customer's account during the year when it is determined to be uncollectable.
True False
9. When a particular account receivable is determined to be uncollectible, the entry to write
off the account requires a debit to the allowance for doubtful accounts.
True False
10. The allowance for doubtful accounts normally has a debit balance after the year-end
True False
11. An entry to write off an uncollectible account does not change the net realizable value
(book value) of accounts receivable.
True False
12. Accounts Receivables turnover is computed as net credit sales divided by net trade
accounts receivable at the end of the accounting period.
True False
13. When a company reports a higher accounts receivable turnover ratio, then the number of
days it takes to collect the receivables has also increased.
True False
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
14. While preparing the statement of cash flows, the reason that we must adjust sales revenue
for the change in accounts receivables to convert the figure to cash collected from customers
is that accounts receivable represent sales revenue not collected from customers at the
beginning and end of the accounting year.
True False
15. Effective internal control of cash should include the separation of the duties for receiving
and disbursing cash.
True False
16. If a check received from a customer that has been deposited by the seller is returned with
the bank statement marked not sufficient funds (NSF), it would appear on the seller's bank
reconciliation as a deduction from the ending bank statement balance.
True False
17. The primary purpose of preparing a bank reconciliation is to reconcile the bank balance at
the end of the period with the company's book balance at the end of the period.
True False
18. When completing a bank reconciliation, bank service charges should be deducted from the
company's cash balance.
True False
19. If a customer pays for merchandise using a credit card, the Sales Revenue recorded by the
retailer will be more than the amount of Cash recorded.
True False
20. Under the completed-contract method of accounting for long-term construction projects,
revenue is not recognized until the project is complete.
True False
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
Multiple Choice Questions
21. Which of the following statements is true?
A. revenue is usually recorded when goods are shipped
B. revenue is recorded when cash collection is made.
C. revenue is usually recorded upon delivery to the customer.
D. revenue is recorded either when the sale is made, collection occurs and/or delivery is
made. It is the company's decision.
22. A company that sells magazines and collects subscription fees prior to the publication and
distribution of the magazine. As the cash is received in advance from the customers, the
company should record a debit to Cash and a credit to
A. Sales revenue.
B. Prepaid expenses.
C. Unearned revenue.
D. Accounts payable.
23. Most companies usually recognize revenue as earned and record the revenue when
A. the customer's order is received
B. the order is shipped
C. the order is delivered
D. the return period is over.
24. When a company ships product to a customer with the terms FOB (free on board)
destination, which of the following is true?
A. The seller will pay the shipping charges and title will not be exchanged until goods are
received by the customer.
B. The buyer will pay the shipping charges and title is exchanged at point of shipment.
C. The seller will pay the shipping and title is exchanged at point of shipment.
D. The buyer will pay the shipping and title is exchanged when the goods are received by the
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
25. On the income statement, the amount of sales returns and allowances is normally
A. added into selling expenses.
B. subtracted from gross margin to determine net sales.
C. added in the calculation of cost of goods sold.
D. subtracted from gross sales to determine net sales.
26. Which of the following statements is false?
A. Sales returns and allowances is always treated as a contra-revenue.
B. Sales returns and allowances, sales discounts and credit card discounts are always treated
as selling expenses.
C. Credit card discounts and sales discounts can be treated as contra-revenue accounts or as
selling expenses.
D. Sales discounts are used to encourage early payment by customers.
27. Credit terms of 2/10, n/30 indicate that a
A. two percent discount for early payment is available if the invoice is paid before the tenth
day of the month following the month to of sale.
B. two percent discount for early payment is available within ten days of the date of sale.
C. ten percent discount for early payment is available if the invoice is paid within two days of
the date of the invoice.
D. two percent discount for early payment is available if the invoice is paid after the tenth
day, but before the thirtieth day of the invoice date.
28. Miranda Corp. received an order from a customer on October 1. The toys were shipped on
October 15. The customer sent a check for full payment on November 5. Miranda received the
check on November 10 and deposited it in the bank account. Miranda should record sales
revenue related to this series of transactions on
A. October 1.
B. October 15.
C. November 5.
D. November 10.
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
29. A customer purchased $5,000 of goods on credit from Discount Paper Supply on
September 1. The customer received the bill on September 13 and mailed a $5,000 check on
September 30. Discount Paper Supply received the check on October 4. In recording this
transaction, Discount Paper Supply should credit Sales Revenue for $5,000 on
A. September 1.
B. September 13.
C. September 30.
D. October 4.
30. When a credit sale is made with terms of 2/10, net 30 on May 10 and the customer's check
is received on May 19, which of the following is true about the May 19 journal entry?
A. The debit to cash will equal the credit to accounts receivable because the discount was
recorded on May 10.
B. There will be a debit to sales discounts on May 10.
C. The debit to cash will be less than the credit to accounts receivable on May 19.
D. There will be a credit to sales discounts on May 19.
31. When goods are sold to a customer with credit terms of 2/10, n/30, the customer will
receive a
A. 10% discount if they pay within 2 days.
B. 2% discount if they pay 10% of the amount due within 30 days.
C. 10% discount if they pay within 30 days.
D. 2% discount if they pay within 10 days.
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
32. A company had the following partial list of account balances at year-end:
The amount of Net Sales shown on the income statement would be
A. $91,900.
B. $90,700.
C. $89,900.
D. $88,600.
33. A company purchased goods on credit with credit terms of 3/15, n/45. Although the
company does not have cash available to pay within the discount period, the manager of the
company is considering borrowing money to take advantage of the discount. In order to make
the appropriate decision, the manager computed the annual interest rate associated with the
sales discount. This annual rate is approximately
A. 56%.
B. 38%.
C. 25%.
D. 18%.
34. When credit terms for a sale are 2/15, n/40, the customer saves by paying the bill early.
Approximately what percent would this savings amount to on an annual basis?
A. 18%.
B. 20%.
C. 30%.
D. 37%.
35. What is the annual interest rate of a sales discount of 3/10, n/60?
A. 21.9%
B. 22.6%
C. 18.8%
D. 14.6%
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
36. Which of the following accounts is not treated as a contra-revenue?
A. Sales discounts
B. Credit card discounts
C. Sales returns and allowances
D. Purchase discounts
37. By treating sales returns and allowances, sales discounts, and credit card discounts as
contra-revenues, we have the following impact
A. Gross margin is reduced by sales returns and allowances, sales discounts and credit card
B. Gross margin is increased by sales returns and allowances, sales discounts and credit card
C. Gross margin is unchanged by sales returns and allowances, sales discounts and credit card
D. Net income is increased by sales returns and allowances, sales discounts and credit card
38. In 2006, Deckers gross profit percentage was 46.4% while their competitor, Timberland's
percentage was 47.3%. Which was the most likely reason for Timberland's higher
A. Higher selling prices
B. Lower product cost as a percentage of sales
C. Ability to differentiate their product in consumers' eyes
D. Lower cost of goods sold
39. Which of the following is the most likely cause of a decrease in a company's gross profit
A. They discounted their prices.
B. They reduced product cost as a percentage of sales.
C. They reduced their operating costs.
D. They sold fewer products.
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
40. Which of the following is the most likely cause of an increase in gross profit percentage?
A. selling products for higher prices
B. selling products with lower margins
C. higher product costs
D. selling fewer products
41. In 2009, Worldwide Waffles reported net operating revenues of $18.2 billion and cost of
goods sold for $10.8 billion. Their gross profit percentage for 2009 was
A. 29.9%
B. 40.7%
C. 69.6%
D. None of these
42. Dillon Company uses the allowance method to account for bad debts. The entry to writeoff a bad account (one that will never be collected) should be:
43. When using the allowance method for accounting for bad debts, accounts receivable is
reported on the balance sheet at the expected net realizable value. When a particular
receivable from a customer ultimately is determined to be uncollectible and is written off, the
recording of this event will
A. decrease the net realizable value of the accounts receivable.
B. have an effect that is not determinable from the information given.
C. increase the net realizable value of the accounts receivable.
D. have no effect on the net realizable value of the accounts receivable.
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
44. Assuming the allowance method for bad debts is used, when a customer's uncollectible
account is written off, a credit should be made to
A. Bad debt expense.
B. Allowance for doubtful accounts.
C. Sales revenue.
D. Accounts receivable.
45. On January 31, 2009, Klein Company wrote off an uncollectible account of $5,000. The
allowance method is used. The write-off would cause bad debt expense to
A. decrease by $5,000.
B. increase by $5,000.
C. increase by $10,000.
D. not change.
46. Accrual accounting requires that the loss resulting from the failure of credit customers to
pay their bills should
A. not be recorded until cash is collected from the customer in settlement of the account
because that is the only sure event.
B. be estimated in the period in which sales are made but should not be recorded until the
customer defaults because of the matching principle.
C. be estimated and recorded in the period in which sales are made so that expenses are
matched with revenues.
D. be recognized in the period in which the account receivable proves to be uncollectible
because that is the only date when the loss will really be known.
47. Which generally accepted accounting principle best supports the establishment of the
account, allowance for doubtful accounts?
A. Matching principle.
B. Continuity principle.
C. Exception principle.
D. Revenue principle.
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
48. When the allowance method is used, the entry which is appropriate when a particular
account is written off as uncollectible should include a
A. debit to accounts receivable.
B. debit to bad debt expense.
C. debit to allowance for doubtful accounts.
D. debit to sales revenue.
49. Oakwood Company had accounts receivable of $750,000 and an allowance for doubtful
accounts of the $21,500 just prior to writing off as worthless an account receivable for Hyland
Company of $5,000. The net realizable value of accounts receivable as shown by the
accounting record before and after the write-off was as follows:
50. Woodland Company uses the allowance method to account for bad debts. During 2009, a
customer became bankrupt and a receivable of $10,000 was deemed uncollectible. The entry
to record the uncollectible amount is:
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
51. At year end, Chief Company has a balance of $10,000 in accounts receivable of which
$1,000 is more than 30 days overdue. Chief has a credit balance of $100 in the allowance for
doubtful accounts before any year-end adjustments. Chief estimates its bad debts losses at 1%
of current accounts and 10% of accounts over thirty days. What adjustment should Chief
make to the allowance for doubtful accounts?
A. $120 (credit).
B. $100 (credit).
C. $90 (credit).
D. No adjustment as the current balance is correct.
52. Which of the following is not an accurate description of allowance for doubtful accounts?
A. contra-account.
B. balance sheet account.
C. offset account.
D. income statement account.
53. LRP Company uses the allowance method to record its bad debt expense. When the
account of a particular customer is deemed to be uncollectible and is written off, LRP will
prepare a journal entry with a
A. debit to bad debt expense.
B. credit to bad debt expense.
C. debit to accounts receivable.
D. debit to allowance for doubtful accounts.
54. If a customer pays her bill after her account has already been written off, the company
receiving the payment should record the account reinstatement with
A. a credit to bad debt expense.
B. a credit to allowance for doubtful accounts.
C. a credit to cash.
D. a debit to bad debt expense.
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
55. When using the allowance method of accounting for bad debts, bad debt expense should
be recorded
A. as an adjusting entry at the end of the accounting period.
B. when a particular account is written off.
C. whenever the allowance for doubtful accounts has a debit balance.
D. whenever the allowance for doubtful accounts has a zero balance.
56. Bad debt expense should
A. appear on the balance sheet as a contra-asset.
B. appear on the income statement as part of selling expenses.
C. appear on the income statement as a contra-revenue.
D. not appear in the financial statements.
57. Upon completing an aging analysis of accounts receivable, the accountant for Rosco
Works estimated that $5,000 of the current $98,000 of accounts receivable would be
uncollectible. The allowance for doubtful accounts had a $400 debit balance at year-end prior
to adjustment. The amount of bad debt expense that should appear in Rosco's income
statement for the year is
A. $5,000.
B. $5,400.
C. $4,600.
D. $0.
58. Which of the following entries will affect both the balance sheet and the income
A. A debit to bad debts expense and a credit to the allowance for doubtful accounts
B. A debit to the allowance for doubtful accounts and a credit to accounts receivable
C. A debit to accounts receivable and a credit to the allowance for doubtful accounts
D. None of the entries affects the balance sheet and income statement
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
59. In 2009, Deckers reported an accounts receivables turnover ratio of 6.8 and their
competitor, Timberland's, reported a ratio of 8.4. Which of the following is false?
A. Deckers needs to increase their ratio in order to improve collection time.
B. Deckers needs to focus on improving their credit and collection process.
C. Deckers has done a better job of collecting their accounts receivables than Timberland's.
D. Deckers requires more time to collect accounts receivables than Timberland's.
60. An increase in the accounts receivable turnover ratio will have what type of effect on
A. Cause an increase in cash flow from operations
B. Cause a decrease in cash flow from operations
C. Cause no change in cash flow from operations
D. The effect on cash flow cannot be determined with the above information.
61. If Worldwide Waffles accounts receivable balance was $1,973 million in 2009 and $1,814
million in 2008, the impact on the statement of cash flows would be
A. An increase in cash flow from investing activities.
B. A decrease in cash flow from operating activities.
C. An increase in cash flow from operating activities.
D. A decrease in cash flow from investing activities.
62. Net income for Trex Outdoors in 2009 was $9,154 (in thousands). There was an addition
to net income on the statement of cash flows for $2,106 (in thousands) for the change in
accounts receivable. The accounts receivable balance on December 31, 2008 was $20,851 (in
thousands). How much was the accounts receivable balance on December 31, 2009?
A. $11,260 (in thousands)
B. $18,745 (in thousands)
C. $22,957 (in thousands)
D. $20,851 (in thousands)
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
63. The Mickey Company reported revenue of $30,752 million for 2009. Their accounts
receivable balance was $5,330 million in 2009 and $4,912 million in 2008. Cash collected
from customers equals
A. $25,013 million
B. $28,926 million
C. $30,334 million
D. None of the answers is correct
64. For accounting purposes, cash includes
A. notes receivable from employees.
B. supplies.
C. balances on deposit in banks.
D. a note received from a customer in settlement of an overdue account receivable.
65. When a depositor receives a bank statement indicating a "NSF check", he should
A. credit the cash account for the amount of the check.
B. record the amount as an expense of the current period.
C. credit a special receivable for the amount of the check.
D. debit sales revenue.
66. A deposit in transit on a bank reconciliation should be
A. added to the depositor's book cash balance.
B. subtracted from the depositor's book cash balance.
C. added to the bank statement balance.
D. subtracted from the bank statement balance.
67. Linetech Company's bank statement showed an ending balance of $8,000. Items appearing
in the bank reconciliation included: outstanding checks, $500; deposits in transit, $1,000;
bank service charges, $50; and Driver Company's check erroneously deducted from Linetech's
bank account by the bank, $250. The correct cash balance at the end of the month should be
reported as
A. $10,600
B. $8,750
C. $8,500
D. $8,250
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
68. Which of the following demonstrates a poor internal control procedure?
A. The bookkeeper makes cash deposits and records journal entries related to cash, while the
treasurer prepares the bank reconciliation.
B. The president, who does no bookkeeping, prepares the bank reconciliation each month.
C. The treasurer signs all checks after the bookkeeper prepares the supporting documents.
D. One bookkeeper prepares cash deposits and the other bookkeeper enters the collections in
the journal and ledger.
69. The cash records and the bank statement of Frankel Company showed the following at the
end of February 2009: Outstanding checks at the end of January 2009, $8,000; checks written
by Frankel Company during February 2009, $50,000; and checks cleared by the bank during
February 2009, $54,000. Therefore, the outstanding checks at the end of February 2009,
amounted to
A. $2,000.
B. $4,000.
C. $6,000.
D. $8,000.
70. The cash account and the December bank statement of Gomez Company showed the
following: Deposits made by Gomez Company during December 2009, $90,000; deposits
reflected on the December 2009 bank statement, $88,000; and deposits in transit on
November 30, 2009, $5,000. Therefore, the deposits in transit at the end of December 2009
amounted to
A. $10,000.
B. $ 7,000.
C. $ 5,000.
D. $ 2,000.
71. To aid internal control, the individual authorized to sign checks should be the
A. supervisor of receiving.
B. accounts payable bookkeeper.
C. treasurer.
D. purchasing agent.
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
72. Effective control of cash requires that
A. one person handle the receipts and disbursements of cash.
B. cash be deposited monthly in a bank.
C. there be approval of cash payments.
D. a reconciliation of the bank balance with the cash balance be prepared twice a year.
73. When preparing the monthly bank reconciliation, the accountant for Fareway Corporation
discovered that a check correctly written to one of Fareway's suppliers for $159 had been
incorrectly recorded in the books as $195. To correct the error, the accountant prepared an
adjusting entry which required a debit to
A. Cash.
B. Bad debt expense.
C. Accounts receivable.
D. Purchases.
74. When preparing a bank reconciliation, which of the following would be deducted from the
company's cash balance?
A. Interest paid by bank.
B. Deposits in transit.
C. Outstanding checks.
D. Bank service charges.
75. Merchandise was sold on credit for $10,000, terms 2/10, n/30. The entry to record the cash
collection should include a
A. debit Cash, $10,000, and credit Accounts Receivable, $10,000, if collected within the
discount period.
B. debit Cash, $10,000, and credit Accounts Receivable, $9,800, and Sales Discount, $200, if
collected within the discount period.
C. debit Cash, $10,000, and credit Accounts Receivable, $9,800, and Sales Discount, $200, if
collected after the discount period.
D. debit Cash, $10,000, and credit Accounts Receivable, $10,000, if collected after the
discount period.
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
76. A customer purchased a $2,000 item at ApplianceWorld, paying with a credit card
(VISA). The merchant is charged a 2% fee by the credit card company. When recording this
sale, the merchant would:
A. debit accounts receivable for $2,000.
B. credit sales revenue for $2,000.
C. credit sales revenue for $1,800.
D. credit unearned sales revenue for $2,000.
77. Under the installment method, revenue is recognized when the customer
A. orders the merchandise.
B. receives the merchandise.
C. receives the bill.
D. makes a cash payment.
78. Under the percentage-of-completion method, revenue is recognized
A. when construction begins on the project.
B. when the project is complete.
C. throughout the project, based upon the amount of work completed each year.
D. throughout the project, based upon the amount of cash received from the customer.
79. If a company uses the completed-contract method rather than the percentage-ofcompletion method, the total net income the company recognizes from the beginning of the
project throughout its completion
A. will be greater if the completed-contract method is used.
B. will be greater if the percentage-of-completion method is used.
C. will be the same for both methods.
D. will be greater for the completed-contract method only if the project takes longer than five
years to complete.
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
Chapter 06 Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash Key
True / False Questions
1. "F.O.B. destination" means that title to the shipped goods passes to the buyer on the
shipment date.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1
2. Most companies record revenue when they ship goods to customers not when they are
delivered to customers.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 1
3. Credit terms "2/10, n/30" mean that if payment is made in two days, a 10% discount will be
given; if not paid within two days, the full invoice price will be due in thirty days.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 2
4. The sales returns and allowances account should be reported as a deduction from sales
revenue because it is a contra-revenue account.
AACSB Tag: Communications
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 2
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
5. Sales returns and allowances should be included as a selling expense.
AACSB Tag: Communications
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 2
6. Many merchants accept credit cards for the sale of goods because it can increase the
number of customers.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 2
7. A company is thinking of borrowing money at an 18% annual interest rate in order to pay a
$30,000 invoice within the discount period. The invoice terms are 2/10, n/30. They should
borrow the money because they will still have a net savings of 19.2%.
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 2
8. An entry to bad debts expense and the allowance for doubtful accounts is made to write off
a customer's account during the year when it is determined to be uncollectable.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
9. When a particular account receivable is determined to be uncollectible, the entry to write
off the account requires a debit to the allowance for doubtful accounts.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4
10. The allowance for doubtful accounts normally has a debit balance after the year-end
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 4
11. An entry to write off an uncollectible account does not change the net realizable value
(book value) of accounts receivable.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 4
12. Accounts Receivables turnover is computed as net credit sales divided by net trade
accounts receivable at the end of the accounting period.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 5
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
13. When a company reports a higher accounts receivable turnover ratio, then the number of
days it takes to collect the receivables has also increased.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 5
14. While preparing the statement of cash flows, the reason that we must adjust sales revenue
for the change in accounts receivables to convert the figure to cash collected from customers
is that accounts receivable represent sales revenue not collected from customers at the
beginning and end of the accounting year.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 5
15. Effective internal control of cash should include the separation of the duties for receiving
and disbursing cash.
AACSB Tag: Ethics
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 6
16. If a check received from a customer that has been deposited by the seller is returned with
the bank statement marked not sufficient funds (NSF), it would appear on the seller's bank
reconciliation as a deduction from the ending bank statement balance.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 6
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
17. The primary purpose of preparing a bank reconciliation is to reconcile the bank balance at
the end of the period with the company's book balance at the end of the period.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 6
18. When completing a bank reconciliation, bank service charges should be deducted from the
company's cash balance.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 6
19. If a customer pays for merchandise using a credit card, the Sales Revenue recorded by the
retailer will be more than the amount of Cash recorded.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Sup A
20. Under the completed-contract method of accounting for long-term construction projects,
revenue is not recognized until the project is complete.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Sup B
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
Multiple Choice Questions
21. Which of the following statements is true?
A. revenue is usually recorded when goods are shipped
B. revenue is recorded when cash collection is made.
C. revenue is usually recorded upon delivery to the customer.
D. revenue is recorded either when the sale is made, collection occurs and/or delivery is
made. It is the company's decision.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1
22. A company that sells magazines and collects subscription fees prior to the publication and
distribution of the magazine. As the cash is received in advance from the customers, the
company should record a debit to Cash and a credit to
A. Sales revenue.
B. Prepaid expenses.
C. Unearned revenue.
D. Accounts payable.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 1
23. Most companies usually recognize revenue as earned and record the revenue when
A. the customer's order is received
B. the order is shipped
C. the order is delivered
D. the return period is over.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
24. When a company ships product to a customer with the terms FOB (free on board)
destination, which of the following is true?
A. The seller will pay the shipping charges and title will not be exchanged until goods are
received by the customer.
B. The buyer will pay the shipping charges and title is exchanged at point of shipment.
C. The seller will pay the shipping and title is exchanged at point of shipment.
D. The buyer will pay the shipping and title is exchanged when the goods are received by the
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 1
25. On the income statement, the amount of sales returns and allowances is normally
A. added into selling expenses.
B. subtracted from gross margin to determine net sales.
C. added in the calculation of cost of goods sold.
D. subtracted from gross sales to determine net sales.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 2
26. Which of the following statements is false?
A. Sales returns and allowances is always treated as a contra-revenue.
B. Sales returns and allowances, sales discounts and credit card discounts are always treated
as selling expenses.
C. Credit card discounts and sales discounts can be treated as contra-revenue accounts or as
selling expenses.
D. Sales discounts are used to encourage early payment by customers.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 2
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
27. Credit terms of 2/10, n/30 indicate that a
A. two percent discount for early payment is available if the invoice is paid before the tenth
day of the month following the month to of sale.
B. two percent discount for early payment is available within ten days of the date of sale.
C. ten percent discount for early payment is available if the invoice is paid within two days of
the date of the invoice.
D. two percent discount for early payment is available if the invoice is paid after the tenth
day, but before the thirtieth day of the invoice date.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 2
28. Miranda Corp. received an order from a customer on October 1. The toys were shipped on
October 15. The customer sent a check for full payment on November 5. Miranda received the
check on November 10 and deposited it in the bank account. Miranda should record sales
revenue related to this series of transactions on
A. October 1.
B. October 15.
C. November 5.
D. November 10.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 2
29. A customer purchased $5,000 of goods on credit from Discount Paper Supply on
September 1. The customer received the bill on September 13 and mailed a $5,000 check on
September 30. Discount Paper Supply received the check on October 4. In recording this
transaction, Discount Paper Supply should credit Sales Revenue for $5,000 on
A. September 1.
B. September 13.
C. September 30.
D. October 4.
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 2
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
30. When a credit sale is made with terms of 2/10, net 30 on May 10 and the customer's check
is received on May 19, which of the following is true about the May 19 journal entry?
A. The debit to cash will equal the credit to accounts receivable because the discount was
recorded on May 10.
B. There will be a debit to sales discounts on May 10.
C. The debit to cash will be less than the credit to accounts receivable on May 19.
D. There will be a credit to sales discounts on May 19.
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 2
31. When goods are sold to a customer with credit terms of 2/10, n/30, the customer will
receive a
A. 10% discount if they pay within 2 days.
B. 2% discount if they pay 10% of the amount due within 30 days.
C. 10% discount if they pay within 30 days.
D. 2% discount if they pay within 10 days.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 2
32. A company had the following partial list of account balances at year-end:
The amount of Net Sales shown on the income statement would be
A. $91,900.
B. $90,700.
C. $89,900.
D. $88,600.
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 2
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
33. A company purchased goods on credit with credit terms of 3/15, n/45. Although the
company does not have cash available to pay within the discount period, the manager of the
company is considering borrowing money to take advantage of the discount. In order to make
the appropriate decision, the manager computed the annual interest rate associated with the
sales discount. This annual rate is approximately
A. 56%.
B. 38%.
C. 25%.
D. 18%.
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 2
34. When credit terms for a sale are 2/15, n/40, the customer saves by paying the bill early.
Approximately what percent would this savings amount to on an annual basis?
A. 18%.
B. 20%.
C. 30%.
D. 37%.
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 2
35. What is the annual interest rate of a sales discount of 3/10, n/60?
A. 21.9%
B. 22.6%
C. 18.8%
D. 14.6%
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 2
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
36. Which of the following accounts is not treated as a contra-revenue?
A. Sales discounts
B. Credit card discounts
C. Sales returns and allowances
D. Purchase discounts
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 2
37. By treating sales returns and allowances, sales discounts, and credit card discounts as
contra-revenues, we have the following impact
A. Gross margin is reduced by sales returns and allowances, sales discounts and credit card
B. Gross margin is increased by sales returns and allowances, sales discounts and credit card
C. Gross margin is unchanged by sales returns and allowances, sales discounts and credit card
D. Net income is increased by sales returns and allowances, sales discounts and credit card
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 2
38. In 2006, Deckers gross profit percentage was 46.4% while their competitor, Timberland's
percentage was 47.3%. Which was the most likely reason for Timberland's higher
A. Higher selling prices
B. Lower product cost as a percentage of sales
C. Ability to differentiate their product in consumers' eyes
D. Lower cost of goods sold
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 3
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
39. Which of the following is the most likely cause of a decrease in a company's gross profit
A. They discounted their prices.
B. They reduced product cost as a percentage of sales.
C. They reduced their operating costs.
D. They sold fewer products.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 3
40. Which of the following is the most likely cause of an increase in gross profit percentage?
A. selling products for higher prices
B. selling products with lower margins
C. higher product costs
D. selling fewer products
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 3
41. In 2009, Worldwide Waffles reported net operating revenues of $18.2 billion and cost of
goods sold for $10.8 billion. Their gross profit percentage for 2009 was
A. 29.9%
B. 40.7%
C. 69.6%
D. None of these
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 3
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
42. Dillon Company uses the allowance method to account for bad debts. The entry to writeoff a bad account (one that will never be collected) should be:
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 4
43. When using the allowance method for accounting for bad debts, accounts receivable is
reported on the balance sheet at the expected net realizable value. When a particular
receivable from a customer ultimately is determined to be uncollectible and is written off, the
recording of this event will
A. decrease the net realizable value of the accounts receivable.
B. have an effect that is not determinable from the information given.
C. increase the net realizable value of the accounts receivable.
D. have no effect on the net realizable value of the accounts receivable.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4
44. Assuming the allowance method for bad debts is used, when a customer's uncollectible
account is written off, a credit should be made to
A. Bad debt expense.
B. Allowance for doubtful accounts.
C. Sales revenue.
D. Accounts receivable.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 4
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
45. On January 31, 2009, Klein Company wrote off an uncollectible account of $5,000. The
allowance method is used. The write-off would cause bad debt expense to
A. decrease by $5,000.
B. increase by $5,000.
C. increase by $10,000.
D. not change.
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4
46. Accrual accounting requires that the loss resulting from the failure of credit customers to
pay their bills should
A. not be recorded until cash is collected from the customer in settlement of the account
because that is the only sure event.
B. be estimated in the period in which sales are made but should not be recorded until the
customer defaults because of the matching principle.
C. be estimated and recorded in the period in which sales are made so that expenses are
matched with revenues.
D. be recognized in the period in which the account receivable proves to be uncollectible
because that is the only date when the loss will really be known.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 4
47. Which generally accepted accounting principle best supports the establishment of the
account, allowance for doubtful accounts?
A. Matching principle.
B. Continuity principle.
C. Exception principle.
D. Revenue principle.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 4
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
48. When the allowance method is used, the entry which is appropriate when a particular
account is written off as uncollectible should include a
A. debit to accounts receivable.
B. debit to bad debt expense.
C. debit to allowance for doubtful accounts.
D. debit to sales revenue.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4
49. Oakwood Company had accounts receivable of $750,000 and an allowance for doubtful
accounts of the $21,500 just prior to writing off as worthless an account receivable for Hyland
Company of $5,000. The net realizable value of accounts receivable as shown by the
accounting record before and after the write-off was as follows:
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
50. Woodland Company uses the allowance method to account for bad debts. During 2009, a
customer became bankrupt and a receivable of $10,000 was deemed uncollectible. The entry
to record the uncollectible amount is:
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4
51. At year end, Chief Company has a balance of $10,000 in accounts receivable of which
$1,000 is more than 30 days overdue. Chief has a credit balance of $100 in the allowance for
doubtful accounts before any year-end adjustments. Chief estimates its bad debts losses at 1%
of current accounts and 10% of accounts over thirty days. What adjustment should Chief
make to the allowance for doubtful accounts?
A. $120 (credit).
B. $100 (credit).
C. $90 (credit).
D. No adjustment as the current balance is correct.
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 4
52. Which of the following is not an accurate description of allowance for doubtful accounts?
A. contra-account.
B. balance sheet account.
C. offset account.
D. income statement account.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 4
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
53. LRP Company uses the allowance method to record its bad debt expense. When the
account of a particular customer is deemed to be uncollectible and is written off, LRP will
prepare a journal entry with a
A. debit to bad debt expense.
B. credit to bad debt expense.
C. debit to accounts receivable.
D. debit to allowance for doubtful accounts.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4
54. If a customer pays her bill after her account has already been written off, the company
receiving the payment should record the account reinstatement with
A. a credit to bad debt expense.
B. a credit to allowance for doubtful accounts.
C. a credit to cash.
D. a debit to bad debt expense.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4
55. When using the allowance method of accounting for bad debts, bad debt expense should
be recorded
A. as an adjusting entry at the end of the accounting period.
B. when a particular account is written off.
C. whenever the allowance for doubtful accounts has a debit balance.
D. whenever the allowance for doubtful accounts has a zero balance.
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
56. Bad debt expense should
A. appear on the balance sheet as a contra-asset.
B. appear on the income statement as part of selling expenses.
C. appear on the income statement as a contra-revenue.
D. not appear in the financial statements.
AACSB Tag: Communications
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 4
57. Upon completing an aging analysis of accounts receivable, the accountant for Rosco
Works estimated that $5,000 of the current $98,000 of accounts receivable would be
uncollectible. The allowance for doubtful accounts had a $400 debit balance at year-end prior
to adjustment. The amount of bad debt expense that should appear in Rosco's income
statement for the year is
A. $5,000.
B. $5,400.
C. $4,600.
D. $0.
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4
58. Which of the following entries will affect both the balance sheet and the income
A. A debit to bad debts expense and a credit to the allowance for doubtful accounts
B. A debit to the allowance for doubtful accounts and a credit to accounts receivable
C. A debit to accounts receivable and a credit to the allowance for doubtful accounts
D. None of the entries affects the balance sheet and income statement
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 4
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
59. In 2009, Deckers reported an accounts receivables turnover ratio of 6.8 and their
competitor, Timberland's, reported a ratio of 8.4. Which of the following is false?
A. Deckers needs to increase their ratio in order to improve collection time.
B. Deckers needs to focus on improving their credit and collection process.
C. Deckers has done a better job of collecting their accounts receivables than Timberland's.
D. Deckers requires more time to collect accounts receivables than Timberland's.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 5
60. An increase in the accounts receivable turnover ratio will have what type of effect on
A. Cause an increase in cash flow from operations
B. Cause a decrease in cash flow from operations
C. Cause no change in cash flow from operations
D. The effect on cash flow cannot be determined with the above information.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 5
61. If Worldwide Waffles accounts receivable balance was $1,973 million in 2009 and $1,814
million in 2008, the impact on the statement of cash flows would be
A. An increase in cash flow from investing activities.
B. A decrease in cash flow from operating activities.
C. An increase in cash flow from operating activities.
D. A decrease in cash flow from investing activities.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 5
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
62. Net income for Trex Outdoors in 2009 was $9,154 (in thousands). There was an addition
to net income on the statement of cash flows for $2,106 (in thousands) for the change in
accounts receivable. The accounts receivable balance on December 31, 2008 was $20,851 (in
thousands). How much was the accounts receivable balance on December 31, 2009?
A. $11,260 (in thousands)
B. $18,745 (in thousands)
C. $22,957 (in thousands)
D. $20,851 (in thousands)
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 5
63. The Mickey Company reported revenue of $30,752 million for 2009. Their accounts
receivable balance was $5,330 million in 2009 and $4,912 million in 2008. Cash collected
from customers equals
A. $25,013 million
B. $28,926 million
C. $30,334 million
D. None of the answers is correct
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 5
64. For accounting purposes, cash includes
A. notes receivable from employees.
B. supplies.
C. balances on deposit in banks.
D. a note received from a customer in settlement of an overdue account receivable.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 6
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
65. When a depositor receives a bank statement indicating a "NSF check", he should
A. credit the cash account for the amount of the check.
B. record the amount as an expense of the current period.
C. credit a special receivable for the amount of the check.
D. debit sales revenue.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 6
66. A deposit in transit on a bank reconciliation should be
A. added to the depositor's book cash balance.
B. subtracted from the depositor's book cash balance.
C. added to the bank statement balance.
D. subtracted from the bank statement balance.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 6
67. Linetech Company's bank statement showed an ending balance of $8,000. Items appearing
in the bank reconciliation included: outstanding checks, $500; deposits in transit, $1,000;
bank service charges, $50; and Driver Company's check erroneously deducted from Linetech's
bank account by the bank, $250. The correct cash balance at the end of the month should be
reported as
A. $10,600
B. $8,750
C. $8,500
D. $8,250
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 6
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
68. Which of the following demonstrates a poor internal control procedure?
A. The bookkeeper makes cash deposits and records journal entries related to cash, while the
treasurer prepares the bank reconciliation.
B. The president, who does no bookkeeping, prepares the bank reconciliation each month.
C. The treasurer signs all checks after the bookkeeper prepares the supporting documents.
D. One bookkeeper prepares cash deposits and the other bookkeeper enters the collections in
the journal and ledger.
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 6
69. The cash records and the bank statement of Frankel Company showed the following at the
end of February 2009: Outstanding checks at the end of January 2009, $8,000; checks written
by Frankel Company during February 2009, $50,000; and checks cleared by the bank during
February 2009, $54,000. Therefore, the outstanding checks at the end of February 2009,
amounted to
A. $2,000.
B. $4,000.
C. $6,000.
D. $8,000.
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 6
70. The cash account and the December bank statement of Gomez Company showed the
following: Deposits made by Gomez Company during December 2009, $90,000; deposits
reflected on the December 2009 bank statement, $88,000; and deposits in transit on
November 30, 2009, $5,000. Therefore, the deposits in transit at the end of December 2009
amounted to
A. $10,000.
B. $ 7,000.
C. $ 5,000.
D. $ 2,000.
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 6
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
71. To aid internal control, the individual authorized to sign checks should be the
A. supervisor of receiving.
B. accounts payable bookkeeper.
C. treasurer.
D. purchasing agent.
AACSB Tag: Ethics
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 6
72. Effective control of cash requires that
A. one person handle the receipts and disbursements of cash.
B. cash be deposited monthly in a bank.
C. there be approval of cash payments.
D. a reconciliation of the bank balance with the cash balance be prepared twice a year.
AACSB Tag: Ethics
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 6
73. When preparing the monthly bank reconciliation, the accountant for Fareway Corporation
discovered that a check correctly written to one of Fareway's suppliers for $159 had been
incorrectly recorded in the books as $195. To correct the error, the accountant prepared an
adjusting entry which required a debit to
A. Cash.
B. Bad debt expense.
C. Accounts receivable.
D. Purchases.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 6
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
74. When preparing a bank reconciliation, which of the following would be deducted from the
company's cash balance?
A. Interest paid by bank.
B. Deposits in transit.
C. Outstanding checks.
D. Bank service charges.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 6
75. Merchandise was sold on credit for $10,000, terms 2/10, n/30. The entry to record the cash
collection should include a
A. debit Cash, $10,000, and credit Accounts Receivable, $10,000, if collected within the
discount period.
B. debit Cash, $10,000, and credit Accounts Receivable, $9,800, and Sales Discount, $200, if
collected within the discount period.
C. debit Cash, $10,000, and credit Accounts Receivable, $9,800, and Sales Discount, $200, if
collected after the discount period.
D. debit Cash, $10,000, and credit Accounts Receivable, $10,000, if collected after the
discount period.
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Sup A
76. A customer purchased a $2,000 item at ApplianceWorld, paying with a credit card
(VISA). The merchant is charged a 2% fee by the credit card company. When recording this
sale, the merchant would:
A. debit accounts receivable for $2,000.
B. credit sales revenue for $2,000.
C. credit sales revenue for $1,800.
D. credit unearned sales revenue for $2,000.
AACSB Tag: Analytic
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Sup A
Chapter 06 - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
77. Under the installment method, revenue is recognized when the customer
A. orders the merchandise.
B. receives the merchandise.
C. receives the bill.
D. makes a cash payment.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Sup B
78. Under the percentage-of-completion method, revenue is recognized
A. when construction begins on the project.
B. when the project is complete.
C. throughout the project, based upon the amount of work completed each year.
D. throughout the project, based upon the amount of cash received from the customer.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Sup B
79. If a company uses the completed-contract method rather than the percentage-ofcompletion method, the total net income the company recognizes from the beginning of the
project throughout its completion
A. will be greater if the completed-contract method is used.
B. will be greater if the percentage-of-completion method is used.
C. will be the same for both methods.
D. will be greater for the completed-contract method only if the project takes longer than five
years to complete.
AACSB Tag: Reflective Thinking
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Sup B