Research Groups Related to Integrated Circuits & Systems

olumbia UniversityThe Fu foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
Electrical Engineering
Information on research being done by the Electrical Engineering Department can be
accessed through five general categories:
Signal and Information Processing
Networking and Communications
Integrated Circuits and Systems
Systems Biology
Micro Devices, Electromagnetics, Plasma Physics, Photonics
This area focusses on the integration of circuits and systems on semiconductor chips.
It encompasses design, analysis and simulation of analog, RF, digital, and mixed
signal VLSI circuits and systems, and expands into the related areas of
semiconductor device modeling and signal processors. Research activities in this area
are carried out at the Columbia Integrated Systems Laboratory (CISL).
CISL (Columbia Integrated Systems Laboratory)
Bioelectronic Systems Laboratory
Peter Kinget
Associate Professor
Harish Krishnaswamy
Assistant Professor
Ken Shepard
(My target)
Associate Professor
Yannis Tsividis
Charles Zukowski
(My main target)
Teachers’ info are quite detailed on their pages, so there’s no need for me to type them
Both Ken and Charles’s interests are OK for me, especially Charles since he is
currently working on designing high-speed and low-energy digital ICs for
communications networks. What I am now involved with is the optimization of
FIR filter which deals with lower complexity and smaller number of adders
while maintain the PSR satisfying. I assume this is related to low-energy digital
ICs and also my teacher now is doing LDPC which is important for coding in G4
which I believe that has something to do with communications. All in all, I think
what I’m doing and gonna do match the professor totally.
niversity of California, Los Angeles
Faculty in Circuits and Embedded Systems
Danijela Cabric, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., UC Berkeley, 2007
Wireless communications system design; Cognitive radio networks; VLSI
architectures of signal processing and digital communication algorithms;
Performance analysis and experiments on embedded system platforms.
Office: 56-147C Engr. IV, Phone: 310.206.8856, Email
Babak Daneshrad, Professor
Ph.D., UC Los Angeles, 1993
Digital VLSI circuits: wireless communication systems, high-performance
communications integrated circuits for wireless applications.
Office: 6731G Boelter Hall, Phone: 310.825.7792, Email
Lei He, Associate Professor
Ph.D., UC Los Angeles, 1999
Computer-aided design of VLSI circuits and systems, interconnect modeling
and design, power-efficient computer architectures and systems, and
numerical and combinatorial optimization.
Office: 6731D Boelter Hall, Phone: 310.206.2037, Email
Dejan Markovic, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., UC Berkeley, 2006
Power/area-efficient digital integrated circuits, VLSI architectures for
wireless communications, optimization methods and supporting CAD flows.
Office: 56-147E Engr. IV, Phone: 310.825.8656, Email
Sudhakar Pamarti, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., UC San Diego, 2003
Mixed-signal IC design, signal processing and communication theory,
especially the design of highly integrated wireless and wireline
communication systems with particular emphasis on lowering cost and power
consumption; design, silicon IC implementation, and verification of
mixed-signal blocks.
Office: 6731F Boelter Hall, Phone: 310.825.2657, Email
Henry Samueli, Professor
Ph.D., UC Los Angeles, 1980
Digital signal processing, communications systems engineering, and CMOS
integrated circuit design for applications in highspeed data transmission
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2004
National Academy of Engineering, 2003
Fellow, IEEE, 2000
Office: 58-121 Engr. IV, Phone: 310.825.2647, Email
Majid Sarrafzadeh, Professor
Ph.D., UI Urbana-Champaign, 1987
Embedded and reconfigurable computing; VLSI CAD; design and analysis of
Fellow, IEEE, 1996
Office: 3532C Boelter Hall, Phone: 310.825.7158, Email
Mani B. Srivastava, Professor and Vice Chair
Ph.D., UC Berkeley, 1992
Mobile and multimedia networked computing systems, design and synthesis
of DSP systems, and low-power systems.
Office: 6730E Boelter Hall, Phone: 310.267.2098, Email
Alan N. Willson, Professor
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1967
Theory and application of digital signal processing including VLSI
implementations, digital filter design, nonlinear circuit theory.
Fellow, IEEE, 1996
Office: 66-147H Engr. IV, Phone: 310.825.7400, Email
Chih-Kong Ken Yang, Professor and Area Director
Ph.D., Stanford University, 1998
High-speed data and clock recovery circuits for large digital systems,
low-power, high-performance functional blocks and clock distribution for
high-speed digital processing, and low-power high-precision capacitive
sensing interface for MEMS.
Office: 56-147A Engr. IV, Phone: 310.206.3665, Email
201A. VLSI Architectures and Design Methodologies. (4)
201C. Modeling of VLSI Circuits and Systems. (4)
M202A. Embedded Systems. (4)
M202B. Distributed Embedded Systems. (4)
204A. Advanced Compilers. (4)
205A. Matrix Analysis for Scientists and Engineers. (4)
208A. Analytical Methods of Engineering I. (4)
208B. Functional Analysis for Applied Mathematics and Engineering.
M208C. Topics in Functional Analysis for Applied Mathematics and Engineering. (4)
209AS. Special Topics in Circuits and Embedded Systems (4)
209BS. Seminar: Circuits and Embedded Systems (2 to 4)
209S. Special Topics in Embedded Computing Systems. (4)
210A. Adaptive Filtering. (4)
210B. Optimal Linear Estimation. (4)
211A. Digital Image Processing I. (4)
211B. Digital Image Processing II. (4)
212A. Theory and Design of Digital Filters. (4)
212B. Multirate Systems and Filter Banks. (4)
213A. Advanced Digital Signal Processing Circuit Design. (4)
M214A. Digital Speech Processing. (4)
UCLA 在数字电路以及通讯方面实在不错,研究方向和我比较 match 的有 10 位~~另外我发
最近产生的疑惑就是可不可以也申请 communication 呢?
其中 Allan Wilson 教授研究滤波器,我刚刚彻底读完一片滤波器的论文,大概可以陶瓷了。
浏览了 UCLA 的 Doctoral Degree Prerequisite,发现必须有 MS 的学位。我现在直接去做研究
实在是不靠谱,这学校还挺理解像我这样的人的,呵呵。去申 MS 吧!!!!
Electronic Circuits and Systems (ECS) in the ECE Department is a division of study which
involves the analysis, design and synthesis of electronic circuits and systems, with emphasis
on analog and digital integrated circuits, Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) systems, Digital
Signal Processing (DSP) implementation, and multiprocessor algorithms and architectures.
ECS includes the following areas: analog, digital, and microwave electronic circuits and
systems, parallel and multiprocessor computing, electronic neural networks and associative
memories, VLSI and Algorithmic or Application-specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) design,
Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits (MMIC), Ultra-High Speed Integrated
Circuits and Devices (UHSIC), algorithms and architectures for signal processing,
asynchronous circuits and systems, high-speed HBT based technology for digital
communication electronics, computer arithmetic and numerial analysis of finite word length
processors, fault-tolerant VLSI systems, design for testability Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) of DSP and communications systems.
The ECS faculty participate in the NSF sponsored Industry/University Cooperative Research
Center (IUCRC) in Ultra-High-Speed Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICAS) resident at
UCSD's ECE Department.
The research facilities include VLSI and CAE design laboratories with modern computer
workstations and the latest in CAD tools. Hardware platforms include HP and Sun Unix
Workstations, Macintosh, and IBM-PC Microcomputers. A variety of both commercial (Mentor,
Cadence, Synopsis, Comdisco, etc.) and academic software are available. Supporting
hardware such as PostScript and Imagen laser printers, HP color pen plotters and a Calcomp
color electrostatic plotter are used for output, while a variety of electronic instrumentation
equipment (HP, Tektronix, etc.) are available for hardware testing. Specialized DSP boards in
tandem with personal computers are used for signal processing.
Affiliated Faculty
P. M. Asbeck
(research group: High Speed Devices Group )
P. M. Chau
S. Dey
I. Galton
(research group: Mobile Embedded System Design and Test
(research group: Center for Wireless Communications)
W. H. Ku
L. Larson
(research group: Radio Freqency Integrated Circuit Research)(target)
B. Lin
B. Song
K. Y. Yun
urdue University
Kaushik Roy (Area Chair) !!!!!!b
V. "Ragu" Balakrishnan !!!!!!
Raymond A. Decarlo
Byunghoo Jung
Cheng-Kok Koh
Yung-Hsiang Lu !!
Saeed Mohammadi !!!!!
Irith Pomeranz
Anand Raghunathan !!!!!!
Vijay Raghunathan !!!!!!!
T. N. Vijaykumar !!!!!!!
Oleg Wasynczuk
he university of Texas At Austin
Professors Interested in Integrated Circuits & Systems
Area Advisor: Abraham, Jacob
Abraham, Jacob
Akinwande, Deji
Gerstlauer, Andreas !!!!!!!系统级设计,建模
Gharpurey, Ranjit
Ambler, Tony
Aziz, Adnan !!!!!!
Hassibi, Arjang
John, Lizy 系统级设计 SOC 嵌入式处理器(女的有叫 John 的??)
McDermott, Mark 此人业内职务超级多,而且是 PowerPC 架构设计中心的 director
Orshansky, Michael
Pan, David Z. 此人在 IBM 研究所工作过,对软件改良贡献颇多
Touba, Nur
Viswanathan, TR
Yan, Shouli
个人感觉 austin 分校的 faculty 的研究方向比较奇怪。TI 的 DSP 芯片多强悍啊,结果德州的学校没有
prof 去搞 DSP 的。
Research Groups Related to Integrated Circuits & Systems
Computer Engineering Research Center 介绍太少了,学生队伍很庞大,老师也很多,我的放向
Embedded Signal Processing Laboratory !!
High Performance Substrate/High Performance Systems
Integrated Sensors and Biosensors Laboratory
Laboratory for Computer Architecture
UT VLSI Design Automation Laboratory (UTDA)
Wireless Networking and Communications Group (WNCG)
niversity of Michigan
VLSI and Digital Circuits
This area covers a wide range of topics and mixes applied research, supported by test chips and measurement
results, with far reaching conceptual projects. In particular, the major topics currently under investigation include
low-power design techniques, design for manufacturability (DFM), wire-centric design, and nanoscale CMOS
mixed-signal design.
Blaauw, David T.
Dick, Robert
Najafi, Khalil
Sylvester, Dennis low power design &EDA
Wentzloff, David D.
Wise, Kensall D.
Yoon, Euisik
Zhang, Zhengya 信号处理,算法分析,架构优化
Affiliated Faculty
Brown, Richard
Perkins, Noel
Related Labs, Centers, and Groups
Advanced Computer Architecture Laboratory 里面的 faculty 很多 Todd Austin, Scott Mahlke,
Center for Wireless Integrated Microsystems (WIMS)
Solid-State Electronics Laboratory
VLSI Design/Automation Laboratory