Spanish 2/Spanish 2 acc - Maine East High School

Spanish 2/Spanish 2 acc.
Course Outline (2011-2012)
Ms. Englebert
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español 2/2 acc.! I am looking forward to teaching you
Spanish this year. Here are my classroom expectations, objectives and grading policy.
- Descubre2 Textbook
- On-line workbooks (you were provided a code with your textbook).
- Notebook for Spanish only.
**You must bring your notebook and textbook to class every day. Failure to do so will
result in a loss of points.
Course Description:
This year’s curriculum will focus on new vocabulary, grammar and culture, and
improving your speaking, reading and writing skills. I remind you that language learning
is a cumulative task, not unlike building a house. You laid the foundation in Spanish 1,
and now it’s time to add on a second floor! Remember that if your building has missing
bricks, it could crumble - so hold on to old knowledge as you acquire new! By the end of
the year, you should be able to have short, simple conversations in Spanish.
All of your assignments will be posted and completed on-line at
Your results will automatically be recorded into my grade book. Unlike traditional
workbooks, these activities will provide you with feedback and multiple attempts, thus
improving your chances of mastering the material. You will also find video and audio
materials, as well as links to online resources. I am confident that you will find this sort
of work more enjoyable, productive, and suited to the way we learn in the 21st century.
Assessments: 70%
Chapter tests will be given approximately every two weeks, with smaller vocabulary and
grammar quizzes in between. Some will be taken on-line, and others in class. All tests
will be announced in advance. There will also be a number of graded projects and some
homework assignments will be scored. Keep in mind that anything graded will fall into
the “assessment” category.
Homework: 15%
Expect homework every day, with occasional exceptions (such as the night before a test).
If you are absent or forget to jot down the assignment, you will be able to access this
information online. I will normally check the week’s assignments on Friday and enter
your grades in my book. You will NOT receive credit for any week’s work submitted
after Friday’s class period.
If you are experiencing internet problems, be aware that
you can print out copies of assignments at school and turn them in on paper. As a rule, I
recommend you do not let homework pile up until Thursday night, as you will be better
prepared for class if you do it when assigned, and will also have more time to deal with
any problems that may arise.
Participation: 15%
Speaking is perhaps the most important component of becoming fluent in a second
language. To this end, you are highly encouraged to participate in class and will be
awarded a point each time I call on you. You will also be scored on your preparedness,
effort and active engagement in the class and its activities.
Language Lab/C.A.L.L. Lab
We will go to the labs on a regular basis, where we will work on-line to improve your
language skills.
My expectations are simple:
- Respect yourself and others.
- Be seated and prepared to work* when the bell rings.
*prepared to work – you are quiet and have all your necessary materials. Failure to do
this will result in a 15 minute study session before or after school, or loss of points.
Academic Honesty:
It is the school policy that: “Students are expected to complete all tests and assignments
honestly and will not collaborate in dishonest actions. Students will not give or accept
answers or assignments unless directed to by the teacher.” Students caught cheating or
plagiarizing will be subject to discipline as stated in the Student Handbook.
You and your parents are able to access your grades online. As assignments, tests and
quizzes are graded, I will post them. Expect to see updated grades approximately every
two weeks. Should you or your parents have any questions about your progress, please
feel free to e-mail me or speak to me outside of class.
Quarters 1 & 3
Participation 15%
Grading Scale: **
Spanish 2:
A: 90-100
B: 80-89
Spanish 2 acc.:
A: 93-100
B: 85-92
Semesters 1 & 2
Participation 15%
Final Exam 20%
C: 70-79
D: 60-69
F- 0-59
C: 77-84
D: 69-76
F: 0-68
**Please note: If you are within .5% of the next grade, I will round up.