Questions for preparation

Questions for preparation. Final test “Bioenergetics. Carbohydrates”
Question and answer variants
Choose a group of carbohydrates which is represented with glycogen:
1. Monosaccharids; 2. Disaccharids; 3. Homopolysaccharids; 4. Heteropolysaccharids;
Choose a group of carbohydrates which is represented with sucrose:
1. Monosaccharids; 2. Disaccharids; 3. Homopolysaccharids; 4. Heteropolysaccharids;
Choose a group of carbohydrates which is represented with hialuronic acid:
1. Monosaccharids; 2. Disaccharids; 3. Homopolysaccharids; 4. Heteropolysaccharids;
Choose a group of carbohydrates which is represented with galactose:
1. Monosaccharids; 2. Disaccharids; 3. Homopolysaccharids; 4. Heteropolysaccharids;
Choose a group of carbohydrates which is represented with lactose:
1. Monosaccharids; 2. Disaccharids; 3. Homopolysaccharids; 4. Heteropolysaccharids;
Choose a group of carbohydrates which is represented with heparin:
1. Monosaccharids; 2. Disaccharids; 3. Homopolysaccharids; 4. Heteropolysaccharids;
Choose a group of carbohydrates which is represented with maltose:
1. Monosaccharids; 2. Disaccharids; 3. Homopolysaccharids; 4. Heteropolysaccharids;
Choose a group of carbohydrates which is represented with glucose:
1. Monosaccharids; 2. Disaccharids; 3. Homopolysaccharids; 4. Heteropolysaccharids;
Choose a group of carbohydrates which is represented with fructose:
1. Monosaccharids; 2. Disaccharids; 3. Homopolysaccharids; 4. Heteropolysaccharids;
Choose a group of carbohydrates which is represented with dermatansulfate:
1. Monosaccharids; 2. Disaccharids; 3. Homopolysaccharids; 4. Heteropolysaccharids;
Sucrose is digested by…
1. Lactase (β-galactosidase complex); 2. Pancreatic α-amylase;
3. Sucrase-isomaltase complex;
4. Salivary α-amylase;
Lactose is digested by…
1. Salivary α-amylase;
2. Sucrase-isomaltase complex;
3. Pancreatic α-amylase;
4. Lactase (β-galactosidase complex);
Maltose is digested by…
1. Lactase (β-galactosidase complex); 2. Pancreatic α-amylase;
3. Sucrase-isomaltase complex;
4. Salivary α-amylase;
Starch and glycogen are digested by enzymes which represent class…
1. Oxydoreductases
2. Transferases
3. Hydrolases
4. Liases
Lactose is digested by enzyme which represent class…
1. Oxydoreductases
2. Transferases
3. Hydrolases
4. Liases
Glucose is absorbed in small intestine by…
1. Active transport
2. Facilitated diffusion
3. Simple diffusion
4. Micellar uptake
Galactose is absorbed in small intestine by…
1. Active transport
2. Facilitated diffusion
3. Simple diffusion
4. Micellar uptake
Fructose is absorbed in small intestine by…
1. Active transport
2. Facilitated diffusion
3. Simple diffusion
4. Micellar uptake
Ribose is absorbed in small intestine by…
1. Active transport
2. Facilitated diffusion
3. Simple diffusion
4. Micellar uptake
Xylulose is absorbed in small intestine by…
1. Active transport
2. Facilitated diffusion
3. Simple diffusion
4. Micellar uptake
The metabolic pathway in which glucose is synthesised from non-carbohydrate substances is…
1. Glycolysis;
2. Gluconeogenesis; 3. Pentose phosphate pathway; 4. Glucogenesis;
The metabolic pathway in which glucose is oxidized in anaerobic conditions is…
1. Glycolysis;
2. Gluconeogenesis; 3. Pentose phosphate pathway; 4. Glucogenesis;
The metabolic pathway of glucose oxidation in which NADPH+H+ is generated is…
1. Glycolysis;
2. Gluconeogenesis; 3. Pentose phosphate pathway; 4. Glucogenesis;
The metabolic pathway of oxidative breakdown of glucose resulting in production of 32 mol of ATP per 1 mol of
glucose is…
1. Glycolysis;
2. Aerobic oxidation of glucose; 3. Pentose phosphate pathway;
4. Oxidation to glucuronic acid;
The metabolic pathway of oxidative breakdown of glucose resulting in production of 2 mol of ATP per 1 mol of
glucose is…
1. Glycolysis;
2. Aerobic oxidation of glucose; 3. Pentose phosphate pathway;
4. Oxidation to glucuronic acid;
Choose intermediate of glucose oxidation pathway which may be used for nucleotides synthesis:
1. 3-p-glycerate
2. UDP-glucuronic acid
3. Ribose-5-p
4. Dihydroxyacetonphosphate
Choose intermediate of glucose oxidation pathway which may be used for detoxification of xenobiotics:
1. 3-p-glycerate
2. UDP-glucuronic acid
3. Ribose-5-p
4. Dihydroxyacetonphosphate
Choose intermediate of glucose oxidation pathway which may be used for synthesis of glycerol-3-p:
1. 3-p-glycerate
2. UDP-glucuronic acid
3. Ribose-5-p
4. Dihydroxyacetonphosphate
Choose intermediate of glucose oxidation pathway which may be used for synthesis of Ser:
1. 3-p-glycerate
2. UDP-glucuronic acid
3. Ribose-5-p
4. Dihydroxyacetonphosphate
NADPH which is formed in pentose phosphate pathway is used for synthesis of:
1. Fatty acids
2. Ser
3. Gly
4. Glycerol
Regulatory enzyme in glycogen synthesis is…
1. Phosphoglucomutase
2. Glycogen phosphorylase
3. Glycogen synthase
4. UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase
Regulatory enzyme in glycogen breakdown is…
1. Phosphoglucomutase
2. Glycogen phosphorylase
3. Glycogen synthase
4. UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase
Activity of glycogen phosphorylase is regulated by…
1. Allosteric modulation
2. Covalent modification
3. Protein-protein interaction
4. Competitive inhibition
Activity of glycogen synthase is regulated by…
1. Allosteric modulation
2. Covalent modification
3. Protein-protein interaction
4. Competitive inhibition
Elongation of glycogen chain require glucose derivative:
1. Glu-1-p
2. Glu-6-p
3. Glucosamine
4. UDP-glucose
Normal glucose blood level is a result of glycogen breakdown in…
1. Sceletal muscles
2. Liver
3. Adipose tissue
4. Brain
Most of glycogen in human body is accumulated in…
1. Sceletal muscles
2. Liver
3. Adipose tissue
4. Brain
Main function of glycogen is…
1. Storage of glucose and energy
2. Regulation of energy production
3. Source of non-essential aminoacids
4. Participation in immune defense
Addition of 1 glucose molecule to glycogen chain require…
1. 2 macroergic compounds
2. 4 macroergic compounds
3. 6 macroergic compounds
4. 8 macroergic compounds
How many ATP molecules are synthesised as a result of anaerobic oxidation of glucose which is formed during
glycogen breakdown (glycogenolysis)?
1. 1 ATP
2. 3 ATP
3. 5 ATP
4. 7 ATP
Choose reaction number (on scheme) which is catalysed by hexokinase.
, 11
Same question for other glycolysis reactions (question numbers 121-130)
Choose enzyme which catalyse irreversible reaction in glycolysis:
1. Hexokinase
2. Hexosephosphate isomerase
3. Aldolase
4. Glyceraldehyde-3-p dehydrogenase
Choose enzyme which catalyse irreversible reaction in glycolysis:
1. Enolase
2. Phosphofructokinase
3. Lactate dehydrogenase
4. Glyceraldehyde-3-p dehydrogenase
Choose enzyme which catalyse irreversible reaction in glycolysis:
1. Aldolase
2. Pyruvate kinase
3. Hexosephosphate isomerase
4. Triosephosphate isomerase
In questions 134-140 the task will be to choose correct combination of mechanism of regulation AND activator
(or inhibitor) for regulatory enzymes of glycolysis. Example of question:
Choose correct combination of mechanism of regulation AND inhibitor for hexokinase:
1. Allosteric modulation, glucose-6-p
2. Allosteric modulation, AMP
3. Covalent modification, inorganic phosphate
4. Competitive inhibition, NADH
Energetical effect of aerobic glucose oxidation is equal to…
1. 10 ATP
2. 24 ATP
3. 32 ATP
4. 38 ATP
Energetical effect of anaerobic glucose oxidation is equal to…
1. 1 ATP
2. 2 ATP
3. 3 ATP
4. 4 ATP
Process of oxidation of glucose to pyruvate is located in…
1. Cytoplasm
2. Motochondrial matrix
3. Endoplasmic reticulum
4. Intermembrane space of mitochondria
Process of oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA is located in…
1. Cytoplasm
2. Motochondrial matrix
3. Endoplasmic reticulum
4. Intermembrane space of mitochondria
Process of oxidation of pyruvate to lactate is located in…
1. Cytoplasm
2. Motochondrial matrix
3. Endoplasmic reticulum
4. Intermembrane space of mitochondria
Choose list of cofactors which includes all cofactors of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex:
2. Lipoic acid, HS-CoA, FAD, NAD
3. TDP, HS-CoA, FAD, NAD, Lipoic acid
4. HS-CoA, FAD, NAD, PLP, Lipoic acid
Glycolysis is the only one oxidative process which may generate (produce) ATP in anaerobic conditions because
in this process…
1. NADH is utilized in reaction of lactate formation
2. NAD+ is utilized in reaction of lactate formation
3. FADH2 is utilized in reaction of lactate formation
4. NADH is utilized in reaction of pyruvate formation
Choose correct combination of reactions represented in glycolysis scheme which are defined as glycolytic
1. And
2. And
3. And 11
4. And 11
Choose glucose oxidation product which is utilized in Krebs cycle:
1. Succinate
2. Fumarate
3. Acetyl-CoA
4. α-ketoglutarate
Choose final products of glucose oxidation:
1. NH3, CO2
2. H2O, CO2
3. H2O, NH3
4. H2O, CO2, NH3
Choose bypass way for glycolysis reaction  (on scheme):
1. Pyruvate→oxaloacetate→phosphoenolpyruvate
2. Pyruvate→lactate→phosphoenolpyruvate
3. Glu-6-p+H2O→glucose+inorganic phosphate
4. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate+H2O→fructose-6-p+inorganic phosphate
Choose bypass way for glycolysis reaction  (on scheme):
1. Pyruvate→oxaloacetate→phosphoenolpyruvate
2. Pyruvate→lactate→phosphoenolpyruvate
3. Glu-6-p+H2O→glucose+inorganic phosphate
4. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate+H2O→fructose-6-p+inorganic phosphate
Choose bypass way for glycolysis reaction  (on scheme):
1. Pyruvate→oxaloacetate→phosphoenolpyruvate
2. Pyruvate→lactate→phosphoenolpyruvate
3. Glu-6-p+H2O→glucose+inorganic phosphate
4. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate+H2O→fructose-6-p+inorganic phosphate
Choose enzyme which catalyse gluconeogenesis bypass reaction for hexokinase reaction in glycolysis:
1. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
2. Glucose-6-phosphatase
3. Pyruvate carboxylase
4. PEP-carboxykinase
Choose enzyme which catalyse gluconeogenesis reaction in which oxaloacetate is formed:
1. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
2. Glucose-6-phosphatase
3. Pyruvate carboxylase
4. PEP-carboxykinase
Choose enzyme which catalyse gluconeogenesis bypass reaction for phosphofructokinase reaction in glycolysis:
1. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
2. Glucose-6-phosphatase
3. Pyruvate carboxylase
4. PEP-carboxykinase
Choose condition in which gluconeogenesis is active:
1. High ATP level in hepatocyte
2. Low ATP level in hepatocyte
3. Postabsorbtive state
4. Carbohydrate-rich diet
Choose condition in which gluconeogenesis is active:
1. Low ATP level in hepatocyte
2. Postabsorbtive state
3. Carbohydrate-rich diet
4. Starvation
Choose condition in which gluconeogenesis is inactive:
1. High ATP level in hepatocyte
2. Postabsorbtive state
3. Starvation
4. Low carbohydrate diet
Process of gluconeogenesis is located in…
1. Sceletal muscles
2. Heart
3. Liver
4. Adipose tissue
Gluconeogenesis is stimulated by…
1. Cortisol
2. Insulin
3. High concentration of glucose in blood
4. Low ATP level inside the cell
Gluconeogenesis is stimulated by…
1. Insulin
2. Low ATP level inside the cell
3. Glucagon
4. High concentration of glucose in blood
Gluconeogenesis is inhibited by…
1. Epinephrin
2. Insulin
3. Glucagon
4. Cortisol
Glycogen breakdown in sceletal muscles is stimulated by…
1. Epinephrin
2. Insulin
3. Glucagon
4. Cortisol
Glycogen breakdown in liver is stimulated by…
1. High concentration of glucose in blood
2. Insulin
3. Glucagon
4. Cortisol
Glucose concentration in blood is decreased as a result of action of…
1. Epinephrin
2. Insulin
3. Glucagon
4. Cortisol
Blood glucose level is increased due stimulation of both gluconeogenesis and glycogen breakdown in liver by…
1. Thyroxin
2. Insulin
3. Glucagon
4. Cortisol
Glucose transport from blood into the cell (adipocyte) is stimulated by…
1. Epinephrin
2. Insulin
3. Glucagon
4. Cortisol
Insulin-independent glucose transport is specific for…
1. Adipocytes
2. Sceletal myocytes
3. Hepatocytes
4. Cardiomycytes
Insulin-independent glucose transport is specific for…
1. Adipose tissue
2. Heart
3. Liver
4. Brain
Choose a reason for hypoglucosemia:
1. Glycogen storage diseases
2. Excessive producion of cortisol
3. Insufficient production of insulin
4. Neurogenic stress
Choose a reason for hypoglucosemia:
1. Long-term intensive physical work
2. Excessive producion of cortisol
3. Insufficient production of insulin
4. Neurogenic stress
Choose a reason for hypoglucosemia:
1. Insulin overdosage in patients with diabetes mellitus
2. Excessive producion of cortisol
3. Insufficient production of insulin
4. Neurogenic stress
Choose a reason for hypoglucosemia:
1. Low cortisol production in patients with bronze disease
2. Excessive producion of cortisol
3. Insufficient production of insulin
4. Neurogenic stress
Choose a reason for hypoglucosemia:
1. Toxic injury of liver
2. Excessive producion of cortisol
3. Insufficient production of insulin
4. Neurogenic stress
Choose a reason for hyperglucosemia:
1. Glycogen storage diseases
2. Long-term intensive physical work
3. Low cortisol production in patients with bronze disease
4. Diabetes mellitus
Choose a reason for hyperglucosemia:
1. Glycogen storage diseases
2. Long-term intensive physical work
3. Toxic injury of liver
4. Excessive cortisol production
Choose a reason for hyperglucosemia:
1. Glycogen storage diseases
2. Long-term intensive physical work
3. Toxic injury of liver
4. Absorbtive period (after dinner)
Choose a reason for hyperglucosemia:
1. Glycogen storage diseases
2. Long-term intensive physical work
3. Toxic injury of liver
4. Neurogenic stress
Choose a reason for hyperglucosemia:
1. Glycogen storage diseases
2. Long-term intensive physical work
3. Toxic injury of liver
4. Pheochromocytoma (excessive epinephrin production)
Galactosemia is a result of…
1. Gene defect of galactokinase
2. Abnormal regulation of galactokinase
3. Gene defect of hexokinase
4. Abnormal regulation of galactose-1-p uridylyltransferase
Galactosemia is a result of…
1. Gene defect of galactose-1-p uridylyltransferase
2. Abnormal regulation of galactose-1-p uridylyltransferase
3. Gene defect of hexokinase
4. Abnormal regulation of galactokinase
Milk intolerance is a result of low activity of enzyme…
1. Pancreatic α-amylase
2. Salivary α-amylase
3. Lactase
4. Sucrase-isomaltase complex
Diabetes mellitus may be caused by…
1. Starvation
2. Malabsorbtion of monosaccharides
3. Glycogen synthesis disorders
4. Insufficient insulin production in pancreas
Diabetes mellitus may be caused by…
1. Glycogen breakdown disorders
2. Low level of physical activity
3. Excessive alcohol consumption
4. Abnormal function of insulin receptors
Glucose enter blood circulation after glycogen breakdown in…
1. Sceletal muscles
2. Adipose tissue
3. Brain
4. Liver
Choose enzyme whose low activity (inborn defect of synthesis) cause accumulation of glycogen in liver and low
concentration of glucose in blood (hypoglucosemia):
1. Hexokinase
2. Glucokinase
3. Glycogen synthase
4. Glycogen phosphorylase
Choose enzyme whose low activity (inborn defect of synthesis) cause decrease of glycogen amount in liver and
high concentration of glucose in blood in absorbtive period (hyperglucosemia):
1. Hexokinase
2. Branching enzyme
3. Glycogen synthase
4. Glycogen phosphorylase
Glucose is found in urine when its concentration in blood is higher than…
1. 5,5 mmol/l
2. 6,5 mmol/l
3. 7,5 mmol/l
4. 9,5 mmol/l
Choose product of glucose oxidation which participates in detoxification processes:
1. Pyruvate
2. Lactate
3. Glucuronic acid
4. Glyceric aldehyde
Choose monosaccharide which is pentose:
1. Galactose
2. Glucose
3. Fructose
4. Ribose
Choose monosaccharide which is hexose:
1. Xylose
2. Ribulose
3. Fructose
4. Ribose
Choose monosaccharide which is aldose:
1. Glucose
2. Ribulose
3. Fructose
4. Sorbose
Choose monosaccharide which is ketose:
1. Xylose
2. Galactose
3. Fructose
4. Eritrose
Disaccharide lactose is composed of…
1. Glucose and glucose
2. Glucose and galactose
3. Glucose and fructose
4. Galactose and fructose
Disaccharide maltose is composed of…
1. Glucose and glucose
2. Glucose and galactose
3. Glucose and fructose
4. Galactose and fructose
Disaccharide sucrose is composed of…
1. Glucose and glucose
2. Glucose and galactose
3. Glucose and fructose
4. Galactose and fructose
Specific function of heparin is…
1. Plasticity
2. Structural
3. Deposition
4. Direct anticoagulant
Ribose is a structural component of…
1. Nucleotides
2. Proteins
3. Glycogen
4. Starch
Glucose is a structural component of…
1. Nucleotides
2. Proteins
3. Glycogen
4. Inulin