Darwinism & Christianity: Cartoon History (Part II) Darwin Caricature: Science versus Religion: All conflicts arising from the publication of Darwin’s theory were caused by traditional Christian doctrine. Sides: 1) All Christians & theologians were committed to God's direct design of creatures exactly as described in Genesis (i.e., fixity of species). 2) Charles Darwin rejected any & all belief in creation in the Origin of Species. 3) T. H. Huxley made Bishop “Soapy Sam” Wilberforce look like a complete fool at a meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1860. Result: Science (truth, freedom, progress) eventually wins a battle over Religion (ignorance, repression, biblical literalism) despite great resistance. Immediate Complications: 1) Not all Christians theologians embraced the doctrine of the fixity of species 2) Darwin left room for creation and a Creator in the Origin of Species 3) Wilberforce critiqued Darwin’s theory on scientific as well as theological grounds; Darwin acknowledged these comments as valid criticisms that needed to be addressed. General Complications: Punch cartoon (1881) 1) Scientific: There were genuine difficulties with Darwin’s theory had to be worked out. For example, the mechanism of heredity was not understood. 2) Methodological: Darwin interpreted evidence differently from his opponents. There were various answers to the question “What constitutes a valid scientific argument?” 3) Hierarchy of science: In the 19th century, mathematical physics provided the most respected model for proper science. Darwin’s use of evidence diverged from this widely accepted model. 4) Hermeneutics: Christian theology was not static in Darwin’s day; major challenges came from German biblical criticism which treated the Bible just like any other historical source. Christians had a great variety of responses to Darwinism. 5) Political: In the 19th century a new generation of professional scientists pushed for greater authority of science in society. 6) Personalities: Some scientists, like T. H. Huxley (“Darwin’s bulldog”) exacerbated already existing conflicts.