Early History Guided Review

Early History Guided Review
(Complete during presentation and fill in any missing information on your own)
Identify each of the following:
1. George Washington- First President of the United States that led forces during
the war for independence, President of the Constitutional Convention
2. The French and Indian War – the common U.S. name for the war between
Great Britain and France in North America from 1754 to 1763. The British and
Colonists won.
3. Motives of Spanish Explorers- the spread of Christianity, to gain wealth, to
win fame …gold, God and glory
4. Jamestown-the first successful English settlement in Virginia, nearly failed due
to starvation
5. Seneca Falls Convention – The first women’s rights convention in U.S. history,
held in 1848 – first time that women official requested the right to vote
6. The Indian Removal Act- 1830 law calling for the forced movement of Native
Americans to west of the Mississippi River…resulting in the Trail of Tears
7. Eli Whitney- The inventor who developed the Cotton Gin in 1793, led to the
increase in slavery in the south
8. Francis Scott Key- Writer of the Star Spangled Banner during the War of 1812
in Baltimore
9. Louisiana Purchase- Purchase by the U.S. of the Louisiana Territory from
France in 1803, doubled the size of the U.S….today 1/3 of the U.S.
10. Federalist- Supporters of the Constitution during the debate over ratification
11. Federalist Papers- a series of 85 articles or essays advocating the ratification of
the United States Constitution.
12. Thomas Jefferson- Third President of the U.S. and the main author of the
Declaration of Independence.
13. Declaration on Independence- Statement issued by the Second Continental
Congress in 1776 explaining reasons the colonies were seeking independence
from Great Britain, written primarily by Thomas Jefferson
14. Articles of Confederation- Plan of government under which the U.S. operated
from 1781 until its replacement by the Constitution in 1789.
15. Shay’s Rebellion- An uprising against taxes in Massachusetts in 1786 and 1787
which demonstrated the need for a stronger federal government
16. James Madison- The “father of the Constitution”, 4th President of the U.S.
17. Common Sense- Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine and published in January
1776 calling for American independence from Britain
18. The Bill of Rights- The first ten amendments to the Constitution
19. The War of 1812- War between the U.S. and Great Britain that resulted in the
boundaries between the countries being restored to their original positions.
20. The Monroe Doctrine- Declaration by President Monroe in 1823 that the U.S.
would oppose efforts by any outside power to control a nation in the Western
21. The Oregon Trail- Trail linking Independence, Missouri, and Oregon, used by
many pioneers during the 1840s.
22. Manifest Destiny- Argument that the U.S. was destined by God to expand
across North America from sea to sea
23. The Mexican War- Conflict between the U.S. and Mexico from 1846 to 1848,
ending in a U.S. victory
24. Sam Houston- Leader of Texas troops in war for independence from Mexico in
25. Santa Anna- Mexican dictator who led the government and troops in war
against Texas and won the Battle of the Alamo
26. Adams-Onis Treaty- 1819 treaty between the United States and Spain in which
Spain ceded Florida to the U.S
27. Gadsden Purchase- 1853 purchase by the U.S. of southwestern lands from
Mexico, extend the railroad to the Pacific Ocean
28. The Alien and Sedition Act- Laws passed by Congress in 1798 that enabled the
government to imprison or deport aliens and to prosecute critics of the
29. The Kansas-Nebraska Act- 1854 law that called on citizens in each territory to
decide the issue of slavery there, led to bleeding Kansas
30. The Compromise of 1850- Agreement designed to ease tensions over the
expansion of slavery into western territories…California is a admitted as a free
state but other territory from Mexico voters would decide the slavery issue
31. abolitionist movement- The movement to end slavery
32. Bacon’s Rebellion- Revolt in 1676 by Virginia colonists against the royal
governor, related to the Native American situation
33. Fort Sumter, SC- The Civil War began here in April 1861
34. Carpetbaggers- An insulting nickname for a Northern Republican who moved
to the South after the Civil War…to capitalize on the southern situation
35. Jefferson Davis- President of the Confederate States of America
36. Nat Turner- African American preacher who led a slave revolt in 1831 killing
57 whites
37. Harriet Beecher Stowe- Author of the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin which
contributed to anti-southern feelings among Northerners before the Civil War
38. Abraham Lincoln- 16th President of the United States and during the Civil War
39. Ulysses S. Grant- Commander of the U.S. forces during the Civil War and 18th
40. Robert E. Lee- Commander of the Confederate forces during the Civil War
41. William Tecumseh Sherman- Union general during the Civil War known for
his destructive march from Atlanta to Savannah
42. Emancipation Proclamation- Presidential decree of 1863 that freed slaves in
Confederate-held territory or the area in rebellion
43. John Wilkes Booth- Southern sympathizer that assassinated President Lincoln
in Ford’s Theatre in 1865
44. The Thirteenth Amendment- Constitutional amendment of 1865 that abolished
45. The Fifteenth Amendment- Constitutional amendment in 1870 that guaranteed
African Americans voting rights
46. Reconstruction- The federal government’s effort between 1865 and 1877 to
repair the damage to the South caused by the Civil War and to restore southern
states to the Union
47. black codes- Laws passed by the South after the Civil War to restrict freedman’s
rights…curfews, labor contracts, denial of vote
48. Congressional Reconstruction- plan to reconstruct the south after the Civil
War. It divided the south into 5 districts under military rule. Wade Davis Act in
1864 proposed putting the south under military rule.
49. Appomattox Courthouse- The Civil War ended here. Lee surrender to Grant.
50. Andrew Johnson- The first U.S. president to face impeachment charges… 17th
51. Fredrick Douglas- African American abolitionist that served as an advisor to
President Lincoln…former slave