Declaration of Independence Analysis

Using the Declaration of Independence record phrases, words or ideas that relate to the following columns … What were the BASIC
RIGHTS of the colonists? What WRONGS were committed by Great Britain? Due to all these things, what did the colonists INTEND
to do?
Basic Rights
Wrongs Committed by Great Britain
Colonists’ Intentions
1. Which truths in the second paragraph are “self-evident”?
2. Name 3 unalienable rights listed in the Declaration.
3. From what source do governments derive their “just powers”?
4. In the series of paragraphs beginning, “He has refused his Assent,” to whom does the word “He” refer to?
5. According to the Declaration, what powers belong to the United States as “free and independent states”?
7. Why do you think the colonists were unhappy with the fact that their judges’ salaries were paid by the king?
8. What evidence is there that the colonists had already unsuccessfully voiced concerns to the king?
9. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
10. What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?
11. What philosopher does the idea of “unalienable rights” come from and what does the philosopher call that principle?
12. What philosopher does the idea of “consent of the governed” come from and what does the philosopher call that principle?