Iron Ion Lab: Testing Different Charges

Lab Investigation: Testing for Different Charges
Name ___________________________________Date _____________________ Period _____
QUESTION: What evidence is there that iron can form more than one possible ion?
INTRODUCTION: The periodic table shows that many metals have more than one possible ion.
Iron, for example, occurs as iron II (Fe+2) and iron III (Fe+3). As a result, iron atoms can have two
different reactions and form two different compounds when combining with the same nonmetal.
In this laboratory investigation, you will do qualitative tests to identify both forms of iron. Then
you will do a chemical reaction to convert one form of iron to the other.
MATERIALS (per group): Hydrogen peroxide (3%); 0.1M iron II sulfate solution; 0.3M iron III
chloride solution; 0.5M sodium hydroxide solution; test tube rack; 2 test tubes
1. Fill a test tube about ¼ of the way with iron III chloride solution and record your
observations in the data table below.
2. Add 3 squirts of sodium hydroxide. Gently swirl the test tube to stir the contents. Note
whether or not a precipitate forms and what color the solution is. Record your
observations in the data table.
3. Set the test tube containing the iron III chloride solution aside in a test tube rack for later
4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 using iron II sulfate solution. Record your observations in the data
5. Compare the colors of the cations in the test tubes containing the two forms of iron. Note
whether the colors are the same or different on the next page.
6. Using a medicine dropper, add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to the test tube
containing the iron II sulfate solution. Note whether or not there is a color change. Record
your observations in the data table on the next page
7. After the addition of hydrogen peroxide to the iron II sulfate, compare the colors of the
cations in the two test tubes again. Note whether the colors are the same or different on
the next page.
Test Tube Contents
Description of Mixture
Iron III chloride solution
Iron III chloride + sodium
Iron II sulfate solution
Iron II sulfate + sodium
Iron II sulfate + hydrogen
Compounds Formed
Color: Same or Different?
Iron III hydroxide and
Iron II hydroxide
Iron III hydroxide and
Iron III hydroxide
1. In step 2 the following chemical reaction is done:
Iron III chloride + sodium hydroxide  sodium chloride + iron III hydroxide
Write the chemical formulas below the words.
2. Compounds of iron and hydroxide are not soluble. What evidence did you observe that
showed that iron hydroxides formed when sodium hydroxide was added to test tubes
containing iron III chloride and iron II sulfate?
3. In step 4 the following chemical reaction is done:
Iron II sulfate + sodium hydroxide  sodium sulfate + iron II hydroxide
Write the chemical formulas below the words.
4. Both original iron compounds were reacted with sodium hydroxide to produce iron
hydroxides. As a result, the comparisons you made were between iron II hydroxide and
iron III hydroxide rather than between iron II sulfate and iron III chloride. Why was it
important to keep the anions the same if the iron cation was the only part that you wanted
to compare the colors of?
5. In step 6 the following chemical reaction is done:
iron II hydroxide + hydrogen peroxide  water + iron III hydroxide
Write the chemical formulas below the words.
6. What evidence is there that addition of hydrogen peroxide caused a chemical change to
the iron II hydroxide?
7. What physical evidence can be observed that iron can have more than possible ionic
8. After the final step, why are the colors of the solutions in the 2 test tubes now the same?