Betchworth Parish Council meeting

MONDAY 1st OCTOBER 2012, at 8pm in the Hamilton Room
Present: Councillors Wilson, Hardy, Higgins, Stow, Taylor, the Clerk and District
Councillor Potter. Also present part time were the footpaths officer John Foreman,
County Councillor Helyn Clack, Hannah Gutteridge (SCC Countryside Access
Officer) and PCSO Ivor Williams.
(211) Apologies were received from Councillor Chalker and parishioner George
(212) Chairman welcomed Hannah Gutteridge and proposed taking Agenda item 8
(Transport, Highways and Footpaths) after Item 4 (Crime and Order). The Minutes of
.the Meeting held on 3rd September 2012 were approved and signed by the
Chairman as a true and correct record.
(213) Chairman advised that the proper procedure for advertising the Casual
Vacancy had not been followed and it would be necessary to offer an opportunity to
parishioners to request an election before a new Councillor could be co-opted.
Action Clerk
(214) PCSO Ivor Williams reported ten crimes in the parish since 2nd July (some of
which had previously been recorded). These consisted of two burglaries one of
which was a re-visit, two crime related deaths, two thefts (lead & money), two cases
of arson, a money theft and an assault following a dispute with a building contractor.
Councillors were aware of the arson which had occurred on the inside of a fence in
Wonham Lane, and additionally noted the recent “torching” of a transit van outside
The Rectory.
(215) The recent spate of burglaries from sheds in Buckland was discussed along
with the arrests which had followed. PCSO Williams highlighted the need to record
serial numbers and to indelibly mark desirable items with the post code. This to be
emphasised in the Parish Magazine.
Action Clerk
(216) A handbag had recently been recovered from Buckland pond. This had been
returned to a 90 year old who had suffered a distraction burglary in 2006.
New Applications and Appeals
(217) MO/2012/1227/ADV Betchworth Post Office, Old Reigate Road, Betchworth.
Erection of 1 freestanding post with non-illuminated hanging sign. No objection.
(218) MO/2012/1049/LBC
Replacement of lead flashing on 6 No. hips and 2 No. ridges of North Stables with
Ubiflex. Ubiflex approved by English Heritage, but application now withdrawn. No
(219) MO/2012/1136/TFC Units 1-8, Tanners Court, Strood Green. Crown reduce 2
unspecified trees by approx 30%, and reduce overhanging branches at 5 Brockham
Row to previous reduction points. (Brockham, Within 20m of Betchworth Parish) No
(220) APP/B3600/A/12/2180537
Reigate Road Quarry, Betchworth. Appeal.
Illumination during hours of darkness of two flood lights etc. Already dealt with at
previous meeting. No further comment.
(221) MO/2012/1049/LBC
Replacement of lead flashing on 6 No. hips and 2 No. ridges of North Stables with
Ubiflex. Withdrawn.
(222) MO/2012/0046/PLA
Land North of Wonham Manor, Wonham Lane,
Betchworth. Erection of equestrian/agricultural barn following demolition of existing
buildings. Allowed on Appeal
Other Matters
(223) Little Barn, Church Street
Regretted that this planning application had
been withdrawn as this would benefit the village by clearing up a longstanding
unsightly plot within a picturesque part of Betchworth, and would provide a new
modest dwelling with affordable rent. Details of PIC and CIL mechanisms for
developers to contribute to local infrastructure discussed. Councillors considered
making a request to waive the S106 charges in view of the benefit to the village.
Clerk to investigate mechanisms to establish if there was an opportunity to properly
influence the outcome.
Action Clerk
(224) Gatwick P-RNAV Consultation Councillors were invited to join the Leigh
Parish Council meeting on 3rd October to hear Mr Tom Denton from Gatwick Airport
explain the proposals. No one available at short notice.
(225) Highridge Wood Big Treehouse Project
Feedback from the open
afternoon on 19 September suggested that this was similar to facilities as Ashurst
Wood, was not as remote, and was less suited to this type of woodland. Likely to
have significant impact on wildlife, with access problems for coaches. Noted no
longer expected to be used for corporate events.
(226) ESWC Planned Water Trunk Scheme MO/2012/0739/EIA Understood that
the alternative route is most unlikely to be used. Legal agreement being prepared to
cover any changes to proposed details and ways of working. Buckland Clerk
monitoring progress.
Action Clerks to liaise
(227) Hartsfield Manor Signage Clerk had yet to contact the General Manager re
signposting of Hartsfield Manor. Buckland Parish Council has no wish to advertise
the route via Old Road. Confirmed that the post code was the same as that for
Sandhills, and that travellers and mail were regularly ending up at 1 Sandhills. More
prominence for the sign at Hartsfield entrance needed. Hartsfield literature also
needs improving.
Action Clerk
(228) Clerk advised that the 2001/12 Accounts had now been audited without any
comments being received. The details had been displayed on the parish notice
board and the Council now needed to formally accept the accounts. Acceptance
proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Councillor Hardy, and agreed unanimously.
(229) The monthly financial summary was tabled and the Clerk highlighted the
receipt of the second installment of the year’s precept, the consequent temporary
increase in the Reserve Fund and the fact that expenditure was exactly as predicted.
Burial Ground Income was continuing to rise ahead of expenditure although it was
agreed to exclude the costs of re-lettering of the war memorial from Burial Ground
Action Clerk to correct
(230) Budget 2013 Noted that the Finance Committee consisted of Councillors
Wilson, Hardy Taylor and the Clerk. Councillor Wilson agreed to act as Chairman
and the committee meeting was set for 8pm on November 12th at Ravenleigh
Action Councillors Wilson, Hardy, Taylor & Clerk
(231) . Councillors were requested to identify any items for inclusion in the Budget
to the Clerk before12th November. Suggested that provision should be made for
levelling the pavement at the top of The Street.
Action ALL Councillors
(232) Noted that the changes to the Council Tax Support mechanism would result in
MVDC having to absorb 10% of the budget Support Budget and that this could affect
the Band D equivalent in each Parish. Matter to be discussed at Forum of Parish
Councils on 24th October.
Action Councillor Wilson
(233) The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques duly signed.
Surrey Estate Mgt (Sept/Oct))
LBDO Audit Fee
£162.00 (incl’g £27 VAT)
Viking Direct Ink Cartridges
(incl’g £15.64 VAT)
(incl’g £24.07 VAT)
Shaws ERB/Receipts B’ks*
Sherlock’s (War Memorial)
£864.00 (incl’g £144 VAT)
* New ERB/Receipt books tabled for examination
(234) All Councillors except Councillor Stow had now attended a MVDC training
session on the new Code. She would attend a further session on 9 th October.
Action Councillor Stow
(235) Declarations of Interest had been received from all Councillors (except
Councillor Higgins), and these had been forwarded to MVDC Democratic Services
and were being added to the Parish Council website. Councillor Higgins provided the
missing signed copy of his declaration.
Note Item taken out of order after Item 4 with the agreement of the meeting.
Highway Matters
(236) Noted that Sarah Pearson had cleaned and removed the staples from the
signpost at the top of The Street. She suggested that it should be painted and bulbs
planted below.
Referred to Budget Meeting
(237) Pavement beside the Shadbolt’s wall in The Street was on two levels where
HGV’s had run over the kerb. SCC Highways had partially marked this up for
patching. Councillor Hardy to report additional details. Noted that individual
parishioner reports carried more weight than those from the Parish Councillors and
this needed advertising in the Parish Magazine. Action Councillor Hardy and Clerk
(238) An accident at the weekend had resulted in a car demolishing a buttress to
the brick wall at Betchworth House just north of the Bridge. Being dealt with by the
Hamilton Estate.
(239) Pebble Hill Meeting arranged for 1pm on 4th October at The Hive with Paul
Manwaring (Highway Maintenance Engineer MV). Councillors Wilson and Stow to
attend with the Clerk.
Action Councillors Wilson, Stow & Clerk
(Note District Councillor Clack joined the meeting here)
(240) Lengthman’s Scheme etc Following the SCAPTC AGM this initiative was
beginning to gather momentum. It would be on the Agenda for both the Dorking
Rural Highways and the Forum of Parish Councils meetings in October. Still
concerns that the finances wouldn’t follow the responsibilities.
(241) Clerk had emailed initial assessment sheets to all local Councils to see how
far they might wish to be involved. Chairman pointed out the difficulty with this in
differentiating between say manual drain clearance and professional jetting work. He
also queried how to cost the work and who would be responsible for meeting policy
and statutory obligations.
(242) Councillor Clack was keen to have the opportunity to locally implement the
DRHF policies of de-cluttering, no central white lines, no cat’s eyes and the clearing
of riparian edges. Finances were being devolved down from the Local Committee
and she was pleased to report that Beare Green Depot would remain open this
winter. She was also able to offer a hand spreader/gritter for use in the Parish with a
supply of salt if required.
Action Clerk
(243) Road Closures A road closure notice for Station Road Betchworth had been
received and caused considerable local concern as it affected village hall bookings
and didn’t identify the work, the precise location or date. It was listed as 5days over
the next 12 months starting from 5th October. The need for flexibility was
acknowledged but it was vital that better quality information was publicised. Clerk
had been unable to get any further information from the issuer or the help desk.
Action HC & Clerk to pursue
Footpath Matters
(244) Hannah Gutteridge introduced herself to the meeting as the new Countryside
Access Officer. Noted that John Foreman, the Parish Footpaths Officer, was seeking
to attend a training course offered at the recent SCAPTC (now SALC) meeting and
was becoming a Volunteer Warden under the SCC scheme.
(245) Footpath 455 Reported that this needs re-surfacing in/out of Dendys Wood
and again at the corner of Oldpark Wood, (muddy quagmires). John Foreman
agreed to strim this area shortly. Hannah would consult Claire Saunders re funding
and she and John would liaise on site re a course of action.
Action CAO & FO
(246) Footpath 547. Situation somewhat confused. Councillor Stow was meeting
with the Webster-Smiths to upgrade the Brockham part of FP 457 to a Bridleway.
Council had recently resurfaced the Betchworth end to cycleway standard (i.e. not
suitable for horses), and had rejected any work on the stepped bridge to make it
traversable by mobility scooter (too expensive). This had been advised to Brockham
Parish Council, but the Country Access Officer was pursuing this objective, She
would complete a feasibility study over the next 2 months and report back to the
December 3rd Betchworth Parish Council meeting.
Action CAO
(247) New Quarry Footpath Rumoured that this was nearing approval by SCC.
Details of final route and time frame still uncertain, but path could be formerly
dedicated in about a month. Hannah was thanked for her assistance.
Action CAO to expedite
Transport Matters
(248) Details of changes to local bus timetables to be placed on the Council
(249) Memorials A karin grey ashes tablet and wording was approved for John
Francis Nelson.
Action Clerk
(250) Agreed that slate or coloured slate should not be used for memorials in the
Burial Ground.
Action Clerk
(251) A complaint from a distressed relative regarding removal of a memorial cross
was discussed. The grounds maintenance contractor had confirmed that he had
removed the crosses whilst strimming but had failed to replace them.
Action Clerk letter to contractor, Chairman letter to relative
(252) The water tap in the Burial Ground was now turned off as we had a significant
leak. Possible solutions discussed including relaying the pipe and seeking help in the
Parish Magazine locate the leak.
Action Chairman & Clerk
(253) Agreed that Councillor Taylor would lay the Parish Council wreath on
Remembrance Sunday.
Action Councillor Taylor
(254) Refined pavilion design offered by Councillor Chalker was accepted (outward
facing). Project was in need of a Project Manager and the Chairman wished to limit
the number of interfaces needed for local construction. Councillor Chalker to obtain
outline estimates. Councillor Clack thought this was an ideal project to benefit from
the Community Infrastructure Fund (£10k-£50k with matched funding). Costs etc to
be advised to her as soon as possible.
Action Councillor Chalker
(255) Circular seat details and costs now with the Clerk.
Action Clerk to contact Kelly family
(256) SCAPTC, (now SALC), had a new website and this could be accessed by
Councillors. Clerk to establish new arrangements.
Action Clerk
(257) Jacquie Sims was continuing to make good progress with updating the
website, although this was being frustrated by timeout problems.
Action Clerk
(258) Councillor Stow had collated website information from local organisations and
would be passing this over shortly.
Action Councillor Stow
(259) Councillor Hardy queried if any other Councillors had been aware of a yellow
film in and around The Street Betchworth on 1st October. Not observed.
Active Papers
(260) Seminar “Reliable Water, Healthy Trees 9th Oct, Gt. Bookham. Declined
(261) SCA AGM 9th October at 10am in Betchworth Village Hall. No-one available.
(262) Dorking CAG Annual Public Meeting 18/10/12 7.30pm Dorking. Declined
(263) MVDC Community
Runnymede. Declined
(264) Surrey Hills AGM/Harvest Supper 20/10/12 (£19.50) Declined
(265) Leaflets “Starting School in 2013” distributed for Councillors to disperse.
Passive Papers
(266) Other Communications received as per Appendix 4 (Passive Items) were
distributed for Councillors to peruse and report back as appropriate, at the next
Other Matters
(267) Councillor Hardy would investigate the merits of joining the Local Health
Watch scheme.
Action Councillor Hardy
(268) Future meetings of the Council are Mondays 5th November & 3rd December
(269) Clerk to prepare the November magazine article (deadline 15/10/12).
Action Clerk
(270) The next meeting of the Dorking Rural Highways Forum was due on 18th
October in Newdigate at 10.00am.
Clerk & Councillor Hardy to attend
(271) The next meeting of the Forum of Local Councils is set for October 24th at
7.30pm in the Geoffrey Browne Room at Betchworth Village Hall.
(272) Chairman closed the meeting at 10.28pm.