Nursingdiagnosis codes

Appendix A
Nursing Diagnoses Arranged by Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Physiological Needs
Activity Intolerance
Activity Intolerance, Risk for
Airway Clearance, Ineffective
Aspiration, Risk for
Breast-feeding, Effective
Breast-feeding, Ineffective
Breast-feeding, Interrupted
Breathing Pattern, Ineffective
Cardiac Output, Decreased
Confusion, Acute
Confusion, Chronic
Constipation, Perceived
Constipation, Risk of
Dentition, Impaired
Environmental Interpretation Syndrome,
Fluid Volume, Deficient
Fluid Volume, Risk for Deficient
Fluid Volume, Excessive
Fluid Volume, Risk for Imbalance
Gas Exchange, Impaired
Incontinence, Bowel
Incontinence, Functional
Incontinence, Reflex
Incontinence, Risk for Urge Incontinence, Stress
Incontinence, Total
Incontinence, Urge
Infant Behavior, Disorganized
Infant Behavior, Readiness for Enhanced
Infant Behavior, Risk for Disorganized
Infant Feeding Pattern, Ineffective
Intracranial, Decreased Adaptive Capacity
Memory, Impaired
Mobility, Impaired Bed
Mobility, Impaired Physical
Mobility, Impaired Wheelchair
Nutrition, Imbalanced: Less Than Body
Nutrition, Imbalanced: More Than Body
Nutrition, Imbalanced: Risk for More Than
Body Requirements
Oral Mucous Membranes, Impaired
Pain, Acute
Pain, Chronic
Protection, Ineffective
Self-Care Deficit, Bathing/Hygiene
Self-Care Deficit, Dressing/Grooming Self-Care Deficit, Feeding
Self-Care Deficit, Toileting
Sensory Perception, Disturbed (Specify) (Visual,
Auditory, Kinesthetic, Gustatory, Tactile,
Sexual Dysfunction
Sexuality Pattern, Ineffective
Skin Integrity, Impaired
Skin Integrity, Impaired, Risk for
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Pattern, Disturbed
Surgical Recovery, Delayed
Swallowing, Impaired
Temperature, Risk for Imbalanced Body
Thermoregulation, Ineffective
Thought Process, Disturbed
Tissue Integrity, Impaired
Tissue Perfusion, Ineffective (Specify) (Renal,
Cerebral, Cardiopulmonary, Gastrointestinal,
Transfer Ability, Impaired
Urinary Elimination, Impaired
Urinary Retention
Ventilation, Impaired Spontaneous
Ventilatory Weaning Response, Dysfunctional
Walking, Impaired
Safety and Security Needs
Communication, Impaired Verbal
Death Anxiety
Disuse Syndrome, Risk for
Dysreflexia, Risk for Autonomic
Falls, Risk for
Grieving, Anticipatory
Grieving, Dysfunctional
Growth, Risk for Disproportional
Health Maintenance, Ineffective
Home Maintenance Management, Impaired Infection, Risk for
Injury, Risk for
Knowledge, Deficient
Latex Allergy
Latex Allergy, Risk for
Perioperative Positioning Injury, Risk for
Peripheral Neurovascular Dysfunction, Risk for
Poisoning, Risk for
Sorrow, Chronic
Suffocation, Risk for
Therapeutic Regimen: Community, Ineffective
Management of
Therapeutic Regimen: Families, Ineffective
Management of
Therapeutic Regimen: Families, Ineffective
Management of
Therapeutic Regimen: Individual, Ineffective
Management of
Trauma, Risk for
Unilateral Neglect
Love and Belonging Needs
Adult Failure to Thrive
Caregiver Role Strain
Caregiver Role Strain, Risk for
Family Coping: Compromised, Ineffective
Family Coping: Disabling, Ineffective
Family Coping: Readiness for Enhanced
Family Processes, Interrupted
Loneliness, Risk for
Parent/Infant/Child Attachment, Risk for Impaired
Parental Role Conflict
Parenting Deficient Parenting, Deficient,
Risk for Relocation
Stress Syndrome
Social Interaction, Impaired
Social Isolation
Adjustment, Impaired
Alcoholism, Altered Family Process
Body Image Disturbance
Community Coping, Ineffective
Community Coping, Readiness for Enhanced
Coping, Defensive
Coping, Ineffective Individual
Decisional Conflict
Denial, Ineffective
Diversional Activity Deficit
Identity, Disturbed
Post-Trauma Syndrome
Post-Trauma Syndrome, Risk for Powerlessness
Powerlessness, Risk for
Rape-Trauma Syndrome
Rape-Trauma Syndrome: Compound Reaction
Rape-Trauma Syndrome: Silent Reaction
Relocation Stress Syndrome: Risk for
Role Performance, Ineffective
Self-Esteem, Chronic Low
Self-Esteem, Situational Low
Self-Esteem: Situation Low (Risk for) Self-Esteem Disturbance
Self-Mutilation, Risk for
Suicide, Risk for
Violence: Self-Directed or Directed at Others, Risk for
Self-Actualization Needs
Effective Management of Therapeutic Regimen:
Energy Field Disturbance
Growth and Development, Delayed
Delayed Development, Risk for
Health-Seeking Behaviors
Spiritual Well-Being, Readiness for Enhanced
Spiritual Distress
Spiritual Distress, Risk for
Nursing Diagnoses Arranged by Gordon’s Functional Health
Wealth-Seeking Behaviors (Specify)
Ineffective Health Maintenance
Ineffective Management of Therapeutic Regimen
Disturbed Energy Field
Effective Management of Therapeutic Regimen:
Ineffective, Management of Therapeutic
Regimen: Families
Ineffective Management of Therapeutic
Regimen: Community
Latex Allergy
Noncompliance (Specify)
Risk for Infection
Risk for Injury
Risk for Latex Allergy
Risk for Trauma
Risk for Perioperative Positioning Injury
Risk for Poisoning
Risk for Suffocation
Altered Protection
Impaired Dentition
Imbalanced Nutrition: More Than Body
Imbalanced Nutrition: Risk for More Than Body
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body
Ineffective Breastfeeding
Interrupted Breastfeeding
Effective Breastfeeding
Ineffective Infant Feeding Pattern
Impaired Swallowing
Risk for Aspiration
Impaired Oral Mucous Membranes
Deficient Fluid Volume
Risk for Deficient Fluid Volume
Excessive Fluid Volume
Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity
Impaired Skin Integrity
Impaired Tissue Integrity
Risk for Imbalanced Body Temperature
Ineffective Thermoregulation
Constipation, Risk for Diarrhea
Bowel Incontinence
Functional Incontinence
Impaired Urinary Elimination
Perceived Constipation
Reflex Incontinence
Stress Incontinence
Urge Incontinence
Urge Incontinence, Risk for
Total Incontinence
Urinary Retention
Activity- Exercise
Activity Intolerance
Risk for Activity Intolerance
Adult Failure to Thrive
Delayed Surgical Recovery
Impaired Bed Mobility
Impaired Physical Mobility Impaired Transfer Ability
Impaired Walking
Impaired Wheelchair Mobility
Risk for Disuse Syndrome
Self-Care Deficit: Bathing/Hygiene
Self-Care Deficit: Dressing/Grooming
Self-Care Deficit: Feeding
Self-Care Deficit: Toileting
Diversional Activity Deficit
Impaired Home Maintenance Management
Dysfunctional Ventilatory Weaning Response
Inability to Sustain Spontaneous Ventilation
Ineffective Airway Clearance
Ineffective Breathing Pattern
Impaired Gas Exchange
Decreased Cardiac Output
Ineffective Tissue Perfusion (Specify Type) Dysreflexia
Dysreflexia, Risk for Autonomic
Disorganized Infant Behavior
Risk for Disorganized Infant Behavior
Readiness for Enhanced Organized Infant
Risk for Peripheral Neurovascular Dysfunction
Delayed Growth and Development
Risk for Altered Growth
Risk for Delayed Development
Wandering, Risk for Falls
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Pattern Disturbed
Cognitive-Perceptual Brain
Chronic Pain
Disturbed Sensory Perception (Specify)
Unilateral Neglect
Deficient Knowledge (Specify)
Disturbed Thought Processes
Acute Confusion
Chronic Confusion
Impaired Environmental Interpretation Syndrome
Impaired Memory
Decisional Conflict (Specify)
Decreased Adaptive Capacity: Intracranial
Body Image Disturbanc Chronic Low Self-Esteem
Death Anxiety
Personal Identity Disturbance
Risk for Powerlessness
Risk for Loneliness
Risk for Self-Mutilation Self-Esteem Disturbance
Risk for Relocation Syndrome
Situational Low Self-Esteem
Risk for Suicide
Role-Relationship Family
Anticipatory Grieving
Dysfunctional Grieving
Chronic Sorrow
Ineffective Role Performance
Social Isolation or Social Rejection
Social Isolation
Impaired Social Interaction
Relocation Stress Syndrome
Interrupted Family Processes
Interrupted Family Processes: Alcoholism Deficient Parenting
Risk for Deficient Parenting
Parental Role Conflict
Risk for Altered Parent-Infant/Child Attachment Caregiver Role Strain
Risk for Caregiver Role Strain
Impaired Verbal Communication
Risk for Violence: Self-Directed or Directed at Others
Ineffective Sexuality Patterns
Sexual Dysfunction
Rape-Trauma Syndrome
Rape-Trauma Syndrome: Compound Reaction
Rape-Trauma Syndrome: Silent Reaction
Coping-Stress- Tolerance
Ineffective Individual Coping
Defensive Coping Ineffective Denial
Impaired Adjustment
Post-Trauma Response
Family Coping: Readiness for Enhanced
Ineffective Family Coping: Compromised
Ineffective Family Coping: Disabling
Ineffective Community Coping
Readiness for Enhanced Community Coping
Readiness for Enhanced Spiritual Well-Being
Spiritual Distress (Distress of Human Spirit)
Spiritual Distress, Risk for
Nursing Diagnoses
Through 14th NANDA Conference
Activity Intolerance
Insufficient energy for daily activities
Activity Intolerance, Risk for Adjustment, Impaired
Inability to modify lifestyle/behavior
Airway Clearance, Ineffective
Inability to clear secretions
Allergy Response, Latex
Allergy Response, Risk for Latex
Anxiety, Death
Uneasy feeling of apprehension and an autonomic response, but the source of the
apprehension is unknown
Aspiration, Risk for
Attachment, Risk for Impaired
Parent/lnfan t/Child
Body Image, Disturbed
Body Temperature, Risk for Imbalanced Hypothermia, hyperthermia, or ineffective thermoregulation
(fluctuation between
hypothermia and hyperthermia)
Bowel Incontinence
Breastfeeding, Effective
Breastfeeding, Ineffective
Breastfeeding, Interrupted
Breathing Pattern, Ineffective
Inspiration/expiration is not adequate
Cardiac Output, Decreased
Inadequate cardiac output
Caregiver Role Strain
Caregiver Role Strain, Risk for
Communication, Impaired Verbal
Conflict, Decisional
State of uncertainty about a course of
Conflict, Parental Role
Confusion, Acute
Confusion, Chronic
Constipation, Perceived
The patient believes that he or she is constipated and abuses laxatives,
enemas, and suppositories to ensure a daily bowel
Constipation, Risk for
Coping, Ineffective
Inability to appraise stressors or to use available stressors
Coping, Ineffective Community Community activities are unsatisfactory for meeting needs of the community
Coping, Readiness for Enhanced Community
Community activities to facilitate adaptation and problem solving to meet community needs
Coping, Defensive
The patient projects falsely positive selfevaluation to defend against perceived threats to self-esteem
Coping, Compromised Family
Behaviors of significant person to block the ability to adapt to the health challenge
Coping, Disabled Family
Behaviors of significant person to block the ability to adapt to the health challenge :j:Coping, Readiness for
Enhanced Family
Effective management of adaptive tasks by
family members involved in patient care
Denial, Ineffective
Dentition, Impaired
Development, Risk for Delayed
Disuse Syndrome, Risk for
Due to complications of immobility
Diversional Activity, Deficient
Dysreflexia, Autonomic
Dysreflexia} Autonomic, Risk for
Uninhibited sympathetic response of the nervous system to stressor with a spinal cord injury above T7
Energy Field, Disturbed
Disrupted flow of energy around the individual with disharmony of body, mind} or spirit
Environmental Interpretation Syndrome,
Lack of orientation to person, place, and time
over more than 3 to 6 months
Failure to Thrive, Adult
*Falls, Risk for
Family Processes, Dysfunctional: Alcoholism Family Processes, Interrupted
Sense of exhaustion
Response to a recognized and realistic danger
Fluid Volume, Deficient
Fluid Volume, Excess
Fluid Volume, Risk for Deficient
Fluid Volume, Imbalanced, Risk for
Gas Exchange, Impaired
Oxygenation impaired at the alveolar capillary membrane
Grieving, Anticipatory
Emotional responses to potential loss
Grieving, Dysfunctional
Unsuccessful responses at working through
the process of loss
Growth and Development, Delayed
Delayed norms for his or her age
Growth, Risk for Disproportionate
At risk for deviations in norms for his or her
Health Maintenance, Ineffective
Inability to maintain health
Health-Seeking Behaviors (Specify)
Person is trying to alter habits to move
toward a higher level of health
Home Maintenance} Impaired
Inability to maintaining safe home
Identity, Disturbed Personal
Incontinence, Functional Urinary
Incontinence} Reflex Urinary
Incontinence} Stress Urinary
Incontinence, Total Urinary
Incontinence, Urge Urinary
Incontinence, Risk for Urge Urinary
Infant Behavior, Disorganized
Infant Behavior, Risk for Disorganized
Infant Behavior} Readiness for Enhanced
Infant Feeding Pattern, Ineffective
Infection} Risk for
Injury, Risk for
Environment interacts negatively with
patient's ability to adapt
Injury, Risk for Perioperative-Positioning
Intracranial Adaptive Capacity, Decreased
The individual is experiencing increased
intracranial pressure
Knowledge} Deficient (Specify)
Loneliness, Risk for
Memory, Impaired
Mobility, Impaired Bed
Mobility} Impaired Physical
Mobility, Impaired Wheelchair
Neglect, Unilateral
Neurovascular, Peripheral Dysfunction, Risk for
Risk for experiencing lack of circulation,
sensation, or motion in an extremity
Failure to adhere to an agreed upon therapeutic plan
Nutrition, Imbalanced, Less Than Body
Insufficient intake of nutrients
Nutrition, Imbalanced, More Than Body
Excess intake of nutrients
Nutrition, Imbalanced, Risk for More Than Body
Oral Mucous Membrane, Impaired
Pain, Acute
Pain, Chronic
Parenting, Impaired
Parenting, Risk for Impaired
Peripheral Neurovascular Dysfunction, Risk for
Poisoning, Risk for
Post -Trauma Syndrome
Maladaptive response to trauma
Post-Trauma Syndrome, Risk for
Powerlessness, Risk for
Protection, Ineffective
Inability to protect self from internal or
external threats to illness or injury such
as with abnormal blood profiles or
Rape-Trauma Syndrome
Rape-Trauma Syndrome: Compound Reaction
Rape-Trauma Syndrome: Silent Reaction
Relocation Stress Syndrome
Disturbances resulting from transfer from one
environment to another
Relocation Stress Syndrome, Risk for
Role Performance, Ineffective
Self-Care Deficit, Bathing/Hygiene
Self-Care Deficit, Dressing/Grooming
Self-Care Deficit, Feeding
Self-Care Deficit, Toileting
Self-Esteem, Chronic Low
Self-Esteem, Situational Low
Self-Esteem, Risk for Situational Low *Self-Mutilation
Self-Mutilation, Risk for
Sensory Perception, Disturbed (Specify: Visual,
Auditory, Kinesthetic, Gustatory, Tactile, Olfactory)
Altered sensory perceptions with impaired response to stimuli
Sexual Dysfunction
Patient is experiencing a change in sexual function perceived as unsatisfying
Sexuality Patterns, Ineffective
Patient expresses concern about sexuality
Skin Integrity, Impaired
Skin Integrity, Risk for Impaired
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Pattern, Disturbed
Social Interaction, Impaired
Insufficient, excessive, ineffective social exchanges
Social Isolation
Sorrow, Chronic
Sorrow in response to continued loss such as throughout the trajectory of an illness
Spiritual Distress
Disruption in life principles that transcend nature
Spiritual Distress, Risk for
Spiritual Well-Being, Readiness for Enhanced Inner strength and harmony with self, others,
and higher power and the environment
Suffocation, Risk for
Suicide, Risk for
Surgical Recovery, Delayed
Swallowing, Impaired
Therapeutic Regimen: Effective Management
Therapeutic Regimen: Ineffective Management
Inability to integrate a treatment program into daily living
Therapeutic Regimen: Community, Ineffective
Therapeutic Regimen: Family, Ineffective Management
Thermoregulation, Ineffective
Thought Process, Disturbed
Disrupted cognition
Tissue Integrity, Impaired
Altered body tissues due to any cause
Tissue Perfusion, Ineffective (Specify Type: Renal, Cerebral, Cardiopulmonary, Gastrointestinal, Peripheral)
Decreased tissue perfusion at capillary level
Transfer Ability, Impaired
Trauma, Risk for
Urinary Elimination, Impaired
Urinary Retention
Ventilation, Impaired Spontaneous
Ventilatory Weaning Response, Dysfunctional
Violence, Risk for Other-Directed
Violence, Risk for Self-Directed
Walking, Impaired