ROOT WORD REVIEW – SET 1 (For practice and flashcards visit and look for MHS - Root Word Review - Set 1) ROOT WORD REVIEW – SET 2 (For practice and flashcards visit and look for MHS - Root Word Review - Set 2) Root Definition Example Root Definition Example 1. hyper overly hyperactive 1. gam marriage polygamy 2. cycl circular, wheel bicycle 2. hab, habit have, live inhabit 3. derm skin dermatology 3. log, ology word, study biology 4. morph form, shape metamorphosis 4. bibli book bibliography 5. phobia fear arachnophobia 5. auto self automatic 6. dyn power dynamite 6. arch leader archbishop 7. geo earth geology 7. pod, ped foot podiatrist 8. gram, graph writing telegram, telegraph 8. path disease, feeling pathology 9. para alongside paramedic 9. ver, veri truth verify 10. psych mind, soul psychology 10. micro small microchip 11. anthro man anthropology 11. doc teach indoctrinate 12. bio life biology 12. fract, frag break fraction 13. cide kill homicide 13. chron time chronological 14. deca ten decade 14. hydro, hydra water hydroplane 15. fin end, finish infinite, final 15. manu hand manual ROOT WORD REVIEW – SET 3 (For practice and flashcards visit and look for MHS - Root Word Review - Set 3) ROOT WORD REVIEW – SET 4 (For practice and flashcards visit and look for MHS - Root Word Review - Set 4) Root Definition Example Root Definition Example 1. mania madness maniac 1. cred believe credible 2. multi, multus many, much multiply 2. demi half demitasse 3. pan all pandemonium 3. dom power dominate 4. port carry transport 4. endo within endocrine 5. sphere ball hemisphere 5. flex bend flexible 6. scribe, script write scribble 6. gastro stomach gastrointestinal 7. meter measure thermometer 7. grad step gradual 8. nov new novice 8. helio the sun heliography 9. phil love philosophy 9. hetero different heterogeneous 10 scope see, watch telescope 10. homo man, same homicide 11 zo animal zoo 11. loqu speak ventriloquist 12 dent tooth dentist 12. mar, mari water maritime 13. breve short abbreviate 13. mega large, great megabucks 14. chrom color chromatic 14. nocti, nox night nocturnal 15. corp body corpse 15. geron, geronto old age, old man gerontology