Make Studying Fun with Quizlet

Penn State Pointers
Making Studying FUN using
How do I sign up?
It’s easy. Click on “Sign Up” in the upper right corner or connect with
Facebook and use your Facebook login information.
I recommend using your PSU (minus the and Password—makes
it easy to remember. (Then next time you just enter this information to log in.)
YES! There’s an APP for it!!
How do I get started?
Click on “Make Flashcards.” This is where you can enter your words and definitions. You might get
these from class notes, a study guide, or from the bolded words in a text book.
To enter more than 5 words, either click the + sign at the bottom, or hit “tab” in the last box.
Once you create a set, you will be taken to a set page that will give you 5 options for studying:
1. Familiarize - Basic flashcards. Use the arrow keys for quick navigation.
2. Speller – the computer will say the word for you while you type in the correct spelling of the word.
3. Learn - Powerful call-and-response-type learning. It keeps track of your right and wrong answers and
retests you on ones you get wrong.
4. Test - Generates a random test of written, matching, multiple-choice, and true/false questions. You can
customize the test with which types of questions and how many. And when you “Regenerate” it makes up
a whole new test on the same words.
5. Play Scatter – move the words on definitions on top of their match to make them disappear. You’ll be
timed, so you can try to beat your score each time.
6. Play Space Race – This is ideal for increasing your rapid recall once you know the terms pretty well. You
type the corresponding words as the definitions come scrolling across the page. Save this for after you’ve
already practiced a lot, and it’ll take you to the next level of being sure you know the words.
Special Features of Quizlet
Sharing sets with friends
Print note cards
Term List—to see a printable list of the terms and their definitions
Flashcards—and it will create flashcards for you that you can print out, fold over, and cut.
Sharing flash cards with friends
Quizlet has the ability to e-mail, create a html link or share on Facebook or Myspace. This is ideal in a
classroom setting where many people might have to know the same vocabulary for the same test.
Find Flashcards
Click on “Find Flashcards.” This page will take you to the Top 100 subjects with note cards available. You
can use the search feature to look for particular subjects.
Find or Invite Friends
If you are looking for your friend’s work, find it on the networking page. If you know their email or Quizlet
username, the networking page can tell you what groups they are in and what they are studying.
Networking with Facebook Friend s
If you signed in linked with Facebook, across the top of the page will be your Facebook picture, name and it
will tell you if you have any friends online. If you have a friend online, you can click here and see who is
online, what they have recently studied, and may have access to their note cards.
Revised for October 2013