
Unit 6: Anatomy and Physiology
Body Poster Project
Purpose: 1. Investigate your knowledge and understanding of the anatomy and
physiology of all 12 body systems.
2. Interact with peers do develop good interpersonal skills.
You will be required to work in assigned small groups to complete all necessary work on
your body poster. This assignment is a team effort. Your grade will depend on how well
each of you is able to work as a team player to solve problems, how to divide the work,
and integrate as a team.
The assignment: Measure a 6-7-foot piece of bulletin board paper. Trace an outline of
a group member’s body directly on the poster paper with black marker. You will be
responsible for making sure information pertaining to each section is represented on your
body poster. See attachment. As a group, it will be your decision making on how to
do the assignment. Making sure the correct information gets on the body poster is the
responsibility of each group member.
There are 14 sections in this assignment. For each section, you will be required to
draw on your body poster all organs and list the functions R/T that section. You will
be given the necessary information to include on the poster for these sections.
Assessment: You will receive a daily classroom grade for your work on the assignment.
Providing that all work has been completed for each section, each group will be allowed
to use the posters for their test grade.
Warning: Your teacher reserves the right to individually test a group member whom the
teacher feels is NOT pulling his/her weight. It is up to the discretion of the teacher to
give the class individual tests if it is apparent the body poster assignments are not being
completed in a timely fashion due to groups talking excessively, socializing, cutting up or
doing other work.
Section 6:1 Basic Structures of the Human Body
 Define anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, homeostasis, metabolism, cell,
tissue, organ, system.
 Draw and label a diagram of the cell to include their functions as basic parts of the
 Identify four main types of tissue, state the functions of each, and give examples
of each.
 Investigate all 12 body systems by giving the functions and major
 Define organ and system.
Section 6:2 Body planes, cavities, and regions.
 Draw, color, and label the directions of the body.
 Define the following: superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, ventral, dorsal, medial,
lateral, internal, external, superficial, deep, central, peripheral, proximal, distal,
parietal, and visceral.
 Examine the four abdominal quadrants and the organs located in each.
 Identify the eight abdominal regions.
Section 6:3 Integumentary System (Skin) Largest Organ!
 Discover the three layers of skin.
 Define dilate and constrict.
 Describe the 2 main glands of the skin and the functions.
 Identify 2 secretions produced by these glands.
 Examine the 7 functions of the skin and explain each one.
 Define the following: macules, papules, vesicles, pustules, crusts, wheals, and
 Investigate the following diseases of the skin: acne vulgaris, verrucae (warts),
dermatitis, impetigo, athlete’s foot, psoriasis, eczema, ringworm, and shingles.
 Explore the normal changes of aging R/T this system.
 Describe the NA role in caring for the older adult’s skin and the observations
she/he would need to report to the nurse.
 Research the Internet for current information R/T pressure ulcers, MRSA, and
Section 6:4 Skeletal System
 Name five functions of this system.
 Draw, color, and label the structures of a long bone (humerus or femur) and know
the functions of diaphysis, epiphysis, periosteum, endosteum, medullary canal,
yellow and red marrow.
 Compare and contrast the axial and appendicular skeleton.
 Study and be able to identify the major bones of the body: cranium, vertebrae,
ribs, sternum, clavicles, scapulas, humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals,
phalanges, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges, and
 Define joint, ligaments, ROM, contractures, atrophy.
 Define fracture and explore the types.
 Investigate the following diseases and abnormal conditions: arthritis, Rheumatoid
arthritis, bursitis, dislocation, sprain, Osteomyelitis, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis,
ruptured disk.
 Describe the normal changes of aging R/T this system and what the NA role is in
caring for the resident.
 Prepare a list of signs and symptoms to observe and report to the nurse.
 Research the pros and cons of knee and hip replacements.
Section 6:5 Muscular System
 Name three functions of muscles.
 Compare the three main types of muscles and know their functions.
 Describe the following characteristics of muscle tissue: excitability,
contractibility, extensibility, and elasticity.
 Know the structures that attach muscle to bone.
 Describe six major movements of muscles: adduction, abduction, rotation,
flexion, extension.
 Describe muscle tone, atrophy, and contracture.
 Identify the following disorders/diseases: muscular dystrophy, myasthenia gravis,
spasm, strain, fibromyalgia.
 Identify three muscle sites used for injections.
Section 6:6 Nervous System
 Identify two functions of the nervous system.
 Identify all structures that make up the nervous system.
 Know two main divisions of the nervous system.
 Draw, color, and label a neuron.
 Draw, color, and label three main sections of the brain.
 Identify the membranes that cover the brain and know what their function is.
 Compare and contrast the movement and function control of the left and right
 Examine the normal changes of aging R/T this system and how the NA helps.
 Create a list of signs and symptoms to observe and report to the nurse.
 Identify the following diseases/disorders: CVA, aphasia, encephalitis, epilepsy,
meningitis, MS, neuralgia, shingles, Parkinson’s, types of paralysis.
 Research information R/T Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia. Design a table to
compare and contrast this information.
Section 6:7 Special Senses
 Identify the major senses and their functions.
 Draw, color, and label the parts of the eye.
 Identify all structures/functions of the outer, middle, and inner ear.
 Identify where the taste buds are for: salt, sweet, sour, bitter.
 Prepare a collection of normal changes of aging R/T this system and how the NA
helps the resident. Include the S/S to observe and report to the nurse.
 Create a table of symptoms for the following diseases/disorders: cataract,
glaucoma, conjunctivitis, strabismus, astigmatism, Meniere’s disease,
otosclerosis, myopia, and otitis media.
 Define cerumen, lacrimal glands, rods, and cones.
Section 6:8 Circulatory System-Cardiovascular
 Trace the blood pathway as it enters the heart, goes through pulmonary
circulation, returns to the heart, and goes to body cells. Name each chamber and
valve in the heart.
Compare and contrast the following: arteries, arterioles, veins, venules,
capillaries, and their functions.
Investigate the electrical pathway for the heart. Identify structures electrical
impulses must travel through to make the heart contract (SA node, AV node,
Bundle of His, right and left bundle branches and purkinji fibers.)
Explore the components of blood and their functions for RBC, WBC, platelets,
and plasma.
Identify the following diseases/disorders: types of anemias, CHF, MI, CAD,
angina, leukemia, hypertension, thrombus, phlebitis, varicose veins,
atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, arrhythmias, and aneurysm.
Research the success of angioplasty and pacemaker implants.
Compare and contrast systole and diastole (two phases).
Examine the normal changes of aging R/T this system and the S/S to observe and
report to the nurse.
Section 6:9 Lymphatic System
 Identify the functions of the lymph system.
 Identify the structures and function of the following: lymph, lymph nodes, lymph
vessels, lymph capillaries, tonsils (3 and locations), spleen (know 4 functions),
and thymus (2 functions).
 Draw, color, and label the major areas of lymph nodes: cervical, axillary, thoracic,
abdominal, pelvic, and inguinal.
 Compare and contrast nonspecific and specific immunity.
 Identify the following diseases/disorders: adenitis, Hodgkin’s disease,
lymphangitis, splenomegaly, and tonsillitis.
 Research the types of Hepatitis and create a table R/T treatment for each.
 Prepare a list of normal aging changes, how the NA can help, and observations to
report to the nurse.
Section 6:10 Respiratory System
 Draw, color, and label the following: nares, nasal septum, nasal cavity, sinuses,
nasopharynx, oral cavity, epiglottis, pharynx, esophagus, larynx, and trachea.
 Draw, color, and label the bronchus: bronchiole, alveoli, and capillaries.
 Define cilia and septum.
 Investigate the two functions of this system.
 Teach this process to a peer. (inhalation and exhalation.)
 Explore the normal respiratory rate for: adults, children, and infants.
 Identify the diseases and disorders: pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis (acute and
chronic), COPD, emphysema, epistaxis, influenza, laryngitis, lung CA, pleurisy,
rhinitis, sinusitis, TB and URI.
 Prepare a list of normal aging changes and how the NA helps the resident.
 Examine the S/S to observe and report to the nurse.
Section 6:11 Digestive System-GI-Gastrointestinal
 Draw, color, and label the parts of the digestive system.
Define digestion, elimination, peristalsis, mastication, chyme, jaundice, and
Label the accessory organs: liver (five functions), pancreas (2 functions) and
gallbladder (1 function).
Examine the process of ingestion, digestion, and absorption for where the
function takes place in the digestive system.
Explore the function of bile, hydrochloric acid, and saliva during the digestive
Prepare a list of normal aging changes, how the NA can help, and the
observations to be reported to the nurse.
Identify the following diseases/disorders: appendicitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis,
constipation, diarrhea, diverticulitis, gastroenteritis, hemorrhoids, hernia,
pancreatitis, peritonitis, peptic ulcer, H. pyloria bacterium, and ulcerative colitis.
Research GERD and design a “tool” to share with others R/T signs and
symptoms, diagnosis, Rx, prevention, prognosis.
Section 6:12 Urinary System
 Draw, color, and label the structures of the urinary system: kidneys, ureters,
bladder, urethra, and urinary meatus.
 Define the nephron, cortex, medulla, polyuria, oliguria, anuria, hematuria, pyuria,
nocturia, dysuria, retention, and incontinence.
 Discover the two vital functions of this system, the normal changes of aging, and
the NA role.
 Prepare a list of signs and symptoms to observe and report to the nurse.
 Identify the amount of urine the bladder should hold.
 Identify the following diseases/disorders: cystitis, glomerulonephritis,
pyelonephritis, renal calculus, renal failure, and uremia.
 Research chronic kidney failure R/T including dialysis and transplant. Design a
flyer to share.
Section 6:13 Endocrine System
 Define hormones and how they regulate the body’s processes.
 Locate each gland and hormone in this system, investigate the function of each
and changes R/T aging.
 Name the master gland and the hormone it produces. Examine why it is called the
master gland.
 Discover the significance of the placenta.
 Explore each of the glands and the disease/disorders of each gland.
 Create a list of signs and symptoms to observe and report to the nurse.
 Research types of Diabetes, medications, signs and symptoms, diagnosis,
Section 6:14 Reproductive System
 Investigate each organ and the function of each.
 Examine the difference between the male and female urethra.
Discuss menstruation, lactation, and PMS with a peer.
Using a mannequin, identify the parts of the anatomy of the vulva and perineum
with a peer.
Choose any two female and two male disorders/diseases to investigate.
Define the following: sperm, vasectomy, semen, ejaculation, circumcision,
ovulation, endometrium, clitoris, STDs.
Discover what changes occur R/T aging.
Create a list of signs and symptoms to observe for and report to the nurse.
Research the following: syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes simplex II, vaginitis, benign
prostatic hypertrophy.