Environmental Health & Safety Department, Office of the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Regulatory Compliance 1784 Racine Street Post Office Box 6508 Campus Box F484 Aurora, Colorado 80045 303) 724-0345 FAX (303) 724-0388 Subject: ASBESTOS CONTROL PROGRAM Date: 21 April 2010 Document Table of Contents: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. Purpose Scope Responsibilities Medical Surveillance Respirator Protection Personal Protective Equipment Asbestos in Soils (RESERVED) Hazardous Communication Standard Pre-abatement Protocol Standard Protocol during Abatement Emergencies and Unexpected Discovery of ACM. Post Abatement Final Clearance Protocol Asbestos Waste Disposal Record keeping Appendix A (1): Appendix A (2): Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D: Appendix D-1: Appendix D-2: Appendix D-3: Appendix D-4: Appendix E-1: Appendix E-2: Appendix F: UCD Asbestos Bulk Sampling Data Sheet UCD Recording form for Asbestos Physical Assessment Data UCD Air Monitoring Contractor Requirements UCD Building Inspector Requirements Facilities Projects: Projects Request Form and Scope of Work Class I-III Asbestos Work Request Form Class I-III Asbestos Work Request Form Class I-III asbestos Work Evaluation Form (non-permit) Evaluation Form (State Permit) Air Sampling Data Sheet Asbestos Air Clearance Data Sheet Asbestos Building Materials Evaluation Form (non-mandatory) -1- I. Purpose: This document outlines responsibilities and practices to protect faculty, staff, students, patients, visitors, contractors and others from the release of airborne asbestos fibers during routine maintenance activities; remodels or renovations; new construction-related activities; information technology services; electronic security services; and abatement activities for damaged asbestos-containing materials (ACM) or for other activities in which contact with ACM may occur, and to comply with all applicable rules and regulations set forth by the local, state and federal government. II. Scope: This program applies to all University of Colorado Denver (UCD) Facilities Operations, Construction Programs, IT Services, Security Services, including UCD Contractor activities. Applicable asbestos regulations pertaining to this program are 40 CFR 763, Subpart G (EPA’s Asbestos Worker protection Regulation), 29 CFR 1910.1001, (Occupational Exposure to Asbestos in General Industry), , 29 CFR 1926.1101 (Occupational Exposure to Asbestos in Construction), and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) Regulation Number 8, Part B (Control of Asbestos). In order to protect the health of those individuals occupying UCD Buildings from the release of airborne asbestos fibers, prior to any renovation or demolition in any of the UCD Buildings which may disturb greater than the trigger levels (260 linear feet on pipes, 160 square feet on other surfaces, and the volume equivalent of a 55-gallon drum) and of material identified as a suspect asbestos-containing material (ACM), the UCD Facility shall be inspected to be determined if abatement is required. III. Responsibilities: To accomplish the purpose of this program, the following responsibilities are assigned: A. UCD Asbestos Program Coordination: The following are key coordination activities needed to effectively implement the asbestos program. 1. UCD Asbestos Coordinator: UCD Director of the Environmental Health and Safety Department or EHS Director Designee. The UCD Asbestos Coordinator (and designees) is ultimately responsible for the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center’s Asbestos Protection Program. The asbestos coordinator is responsible for ensuring the following: a. Employs a systematic approach to determine the hazards posed by the ACM and selects controls/response options for that hazard. -2- 2. b. Review abatement specifications, plans, drawings, scope of work (Appendix D), hazard evaluation checklist submitted by the project managers. c. Participate in selection of asbestos environmental consultants and abatement contractors. d. Review all Operations and Maintenance requests to perform Class I through Class III Asbestos Work (Appendix D-1) and if approved provide authorization for the Class I-III Asbestos Work by filling out “Class I-Class III Asbestos Work Authorization Form” (Appendix D-2). e. Reviews and interpret the results of the samples and their physical characteristics submitted by the building inspector. f. Responsible for communicating with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). g. Evaluate work practices employed during asbestos work not addressed in pre-approved abatement plan, “Class 1-3 Work Evaluation Form (non-permit)” (Appendix D-3). h. When assessing Colorado State Permitted projects the UCD Asbestos Coordinator or designee will evaluate the project by using the “UCHSC Asbestos Abatement Evaluation Form (State Permit Work Only)” (Appendix D-4). i. Responsible to ensure that identified ACM within the UCD Buildings on Campus are periodically evaluated and recorded on the “Asbestos Building Materials Evaluation Form” (Appendix F). j. Responsible for the disposal of asbestos waste in accordance with the local, state, and federal regulations and with the “Asbestos Waste Disposal” Section XIII of this document. k. Checks all waste manifests. l. Ensures proper record keeping for manifests. UCD Building Inspector(s): An individual certified with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to perform inspections and assessments of the suspect asbestos-containing material. a. Responsible for inspecting, assessing, and sampling for asbestoscontaining material (ACM) in all UCD buildings in accordance with the guidance in the “UCD asbestos Bulk sampling Data sheet” [Appendix A(1)] and “UCD Recording Form for Asbestos -3- Physical Assessment Data” [Appendix A(2)]; ensuring EHS receives the original asbestos sampling data sheet. b. Responsible for documenting building inspection reports in accordance with the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) Regulation # 8 (CDPHE-The Control of Asbestos). c. When it is necessary to hire an outside Building Inspector Contractor for an UCD internal project, ensure the inspector or inspection firm meets the criteria identified in the “UCD Air Monitoring Contractor Requirements” (Appendix C). Note: Formal inspections, assessments and sampling, as required by Colorado Regulation # 8, will generally be conducted by an outside contracted entity. 3. UCD Air Monitoring Specialist: Is an individual certified through the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to perform final visual clearance inspections or any air monitoring referred to in Regulation Number 8. a. Responsible for performing visual inspections of each work area where asbestos abatement was conducted to determine whether all dust and debris has been removed. b. Responsible for performing air monitoring to determine the Maximum Allowable Asbestos Level (MAAL) for final clearances as well as ambient samples. The “Air Sampling Data sheet” (Appendix E-1) and the Asbestos air clearance data sheet” (Appendix E-2) is to be used to document this monitoring. c. Responsible for performing air sampling for Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) personal and excursion requirements. d. When it is necessary to hire an outside Air Monitoring Specialist Contractor for an UCD internal project, ensure the individual or firm meets the criteria identified in the “UCD Air Monitoring Contractor Requirements” (Appendix B). B. Facilities Project Managers and Facilities Operations Managers: The UCD Facilities Project Manager, Operations Managers or Managers contracted by the university and shall be responsible for coordinating asbestos related projects, including informing the Environmental Health and Safety Department of work to be performed, notifications to affected parties, providing required regulatory information, serving as point of contact, resolving problems and other management/coordination responsibilities. To achieve this goal the responsibilities of the UCD Facilities Project and Operation Manager include, but are not limited to the following: -4- 1. Notify the UCD Asbestos Coordinator or designee of the project as soon as informed of the task. a. Provide written Scope of Work (SOW) (Appendix D) for the project. b. Supply drawings of the area to be renovated or altered. 2. Coordinate with the Building Inspector, that meets the criteria identified in Appendix C, a time to perform the inspection of the building area to be disturbed during the project to identify the potential ACBM with in the project boundaries and ensure that the asbestos survey has been performed and provides the information noted in Appendix A(1) and Appendix A(2). 3. The Project Manager or Operations Manager will perform due diligence when involved with projects that will disturb the soil. (RESERVED) 4. The project manager should contract with the environmental consultant separate from the asbestos abatement contractor and ensure that the environmental consultants meet the requirements in Appendix B and/or Appendix C. 5. Ensure that the UCD Competent Person as defined in this UCD Asbestos Control Program Document, Section III.G.4 is involved in Facilities Projects and Operations projects that involve asbestos materials. 6. Coordinate with groups, such as the Environmental Health and Safety Department, Facilities Operations Building Proctors and Client, to resolve questions and issues before beginning the bid process. 7. Invite the UCD Asbestos Coordinator or designee to walk-throughs. 8. Ensure that the UCD Asbestos Coordinator or designee is involved in the bid selection process for asbestos abatement contractors. 9. Ensure that the asbestos abatement contractor and all employees within their employment tasked to handle asbestos are certified in the State of Colorado. 10. The asbestos abatement contractor is to be independent to the air monitoring specialist and building inspector as defined in this document, Section III.11.c. 11. Ensure that the asbestos abatement contractor understands that they are responsible for the following: -5- a. Processing the asbestos notice and permit application for the asbestos project in accordance with Colorado AQCC Regulation # 8. b. Inform the CDPHE, Air Pollution Control Division of any permit modification, variances, etc. Inform the UCD Asbestos Coordinator or designee of those changes. c. When applicable, the contractor is responsible for supplying air monitoring specialist that are independent of the contractor to perform visual inspections of the regulated area and final air samples. d. 1. “Independent means that a person is not an employee, agent, representative, partner, joint venture, shareholder, parent or subsidiary company of another person.” 2. “Regulated areas are areas where Class I, II, and III asbestos work shall be conducted. These operations have the potential of causing airborne asbestos concentrations exceeding the PEL, which are 0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter. Responsible to ensure that all paperwork, such as permits, notifications, ambient air results, final clearances, and the visual inspection reports, etc. is provided to the UCD Project Manager or Operations Manager and Asbestos Coordinator or designee. e. Responsible to ensure asbestos waste and associated manifest is prepared in accordance with Section XIII, “Asbestos Waste Disposal” located in this UCD Asbestos Control Program. 12. If the project was a renovation of a whole or partial building the Facilities Project Manager or Operations Manager is responsible to get a signed statement from the architect, or project engineer or a certified building inspector that no asbestos was specified as a building material in any construction document for the renovation project, or to the best of his or her knowledge, no asbestos was used as a building material in the building during the renovation project. 13. If the project was a new building construction project. The Project Manager is responsible to get a signed statement from the architect or project engineer or a certified building inspector that no asbestos was specified as a building material in any construction document for the building, or, to the best of his or her knowledge, no asbestos was used as a building material in the building. 14. The Project Manager or Operations Manager shall provide a copy of the signed statement from the architect, project engineer or and certified -6- building inspector that no asbestos was used during the renovation or new construction as indicated in Section III.A.10.(f and g) of this document to the UCD Asbestos Coordinator or designee. 15. C. D. The Project manager or Operations Manager shall notify UCD Asbestos Coordinator of small Operations and Maintenance (O &M) projects that have potential of disturbing Asbestos Materials by submitting a “Class I through Class III work Request Form” (Appendix D-1). Facilities Operations Construction Services and Maintenance Supervisors and Personnel: UCD personnel assigned to or contracted by the Facilities Operations and tasked to perform small renovation jobs and general building maintenance. These individuals are responsible for the following: 1. Attend an annual asbestos awareness training program. 2. Notify their managers, supervisor or EHS of any suspect ACM that appears to be disturbed within their Work Boundaries or Building Zone. 3. Identify any suspect ACM that may be disturbed during any given maintenance task and notify their supervisor or EHS before starting that job that could disturb that suspect ACM. This will ensure the material is sampled and determined non-ACM before the material is disturbed during the task. 4. Notify the UCD Asbestos Coordinator or designee of tasks or projects that have potential of disturbing asbestos materials by filling out a “Class IClass III Asbestos Work Request Form” (Appendix D-1). UCD Facilities Operations Competent Person: A person identified to work in close coordination with the Environmental Health and Safety Department (EHS) who is on the job site and capable of identifying existing asbestos hazards in the workplace and selecting the appropriate control strategy for asbestos exposure and given authority to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them. 1. This individual must be certified with the state of Colorado at a minimum for Asbestos Worker/Supervisor. 2. Responsible to manage or oversee the asbestos jobs in accordance with the type of work performed (i.e. Class I through Class IV jobs as defined in Section IV of this procedure) and the standards that pertain to that type of work. 3. Responsible to provide frequent inspections of the asbestos job sites, and report the findings to EHS. 4. Responsible to set up the regulated area, enclosure, or other containment and ensure the integrity of the regulated and control entry to and exit from the enclosure and/or area. -7- E. F. 5. Responsible to inform EHS, occupants, contractors, and other UCD employees or visitors who may be in or adjacent to the area where the asbestos job is to be performed. 6. Ensure the disposal of asbestos waste is in accordance with the local, state and federal regulation and the amount of waste is reported to the UCD Asbestos Waste Manager in accordance with this program. Facilities Operations Asbestos Abatement Supervisor: An individual certified through the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to perform supervisor responsibilities during asbestos abatement projects. 1. Responsible to ensure the UCD Asbestos Coordinator of designee is informed of work that may disturb asbestos materials by filling out a “Class I-Class III Asbestos Work Request Form” (Appendix D-1). 2. Ensures that all asbestos abatement is performed in accordance with the local, state, and federal regulations and Sections IX through XIII in this document. 3. Ensure the disposal of asbestos waste is in accordance with the local, state, and federal regulations and the amount of waste is reported to the UCD Asbestos Waste Manager in accordance with “Asbestos Waste Disposal” Section XIII. 4. Responsible for identifying the amount of asbestos waste to the proper abatement job. 5. Ensure all asbestos workers are appropriately trained in accordance with local, state, federal regulations and “Hazardous Communication” Section VIII located in this document. Facilities Operations Repair and Maintenance Asbestos Workers (RMAW): UCD Facilities Operations Employees who have completed an approved OSHA 16 hour training program. 1.. Responsible for notifying the UCD Asbestos Coordinator of work that may disturb asbestos materials by filling out a “Class I- Class III asbestos Work request Form” (Appendix D-1). 2. Responsible for performing limited asbestos or repair work in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations and “Emergency and Unexpected Discovery of ACM” Section XI that pertain to UCD. 3. Work performed by the RMAW is considered to be Class III Work as defined in Section IV of this procedure, which is limited to emergency clean-up and repair jobs that are identified in a routine business day. -8- G. 4. The work is limited to 3 linear feet or 3 square feet of friable and nonfriable ACM. 5.. Responsible for the disposal of asbestos waste material in accordance with the local, state, and federal regulations and reporting the amount of waste to the Asbestos Waste Manager in accordance with “Asbestos Waste Disposal” Section XIII of this document. Custodial Services Personnel: UCD personnel assigned to or contracted by the Facilities Operations and tasked to perform house cleaning duties in buildings that they are assigned to. These individuals are responsible for the following: 1. Attend an annual asbestos awareness training program. 2. Notify their supervisor or EHS of any suspect ACM that appears to be disturbed and stop work before any more asbestos material becomes disturbed. 3. Review the information below concerning the use of burnishers. a. The use of burnishers to strip and polish floors can represent a potential hazard related to the release of asbestos fibers. Use of high speed (> 300 RPM) burnishers on floor tile or linoleum that contains asbestos fibers has the potential to release asbestos fibers. To minimize this risk, burnishers operating at less than 300 RPM should only be used on flooring containing asbestos material. The following is a listing of buildings where the floor tile or linoleum is known or suspected to contain asbestos material: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Research Bridge Hallways (All floors) School of Nursing Hallways (Old Building -All Floors) Old Child Daycare (Old Gym and Lunchroom) School of Dentistry Hallway (Basement) JFK Hallways (All Floors) Note: It should be recognized that not all possible areas have been listed above. However, any 9” X 9” floor tile should always be suspected and treated as containing asbestos. If there are any questions regarding specific campus locations, the H&S division should be contacted. b. Care of asbestos-containing flooring material is to comply with the following practices: 1. Sanding of flooring known to contain asbestoscontaining material (ACM) is prohibited. -9- 2. Stripping of finishes shall be conducted using low abrasion pads at speeds lower than 300 RPM and wet methods. 3. Burnishing or dry buffing may be performed only on flooring that has sufficient finish so that the pad cannot contact the flooring material. H. I. IV. Grounds Personnel: UCD personnel assigned to or contracted by the Facilities Operations and tasked to ensure that the grounds are kept groomed and clean and that he sprinkler systems are in good repair. These individuals ensure that the plants in the plant beds are healthy and resupplied when needed. These individuals are responsible for the following: 1. Attend an annual asbestos awareness training program with emphasis on the UCD Asbestos in Soil Protocol (Section VII: RESERVED). 2. Notify their supervisors or EHS of any suspect ACM identified with in their work area or suspect any asbestos in the soil on the UCD grounds. Information and Security Services: UCD employees assigned to or contracted by the IT Department and/or Security Services tasked to run communication cable through walls, above plenum and in the crawl spaces of the buildings located on the UCD Campus. In order to help prevent the possibility of asbestos contamination within our UCD buildings, the personnel employed in this program is responsible for the following: 1. Attend an annual asbestos awareness training program. 2. Notify their supervisor or EHS of suspect ACM that appears to be disturbed. 3. Identify any suspect ACM that may be disturbed during the placement of the cable and notify their supervisor or EHS before starting the task that could disturb the suspect material. This will ensure that the material is sampled and determined non-ACM before the material is disturbed during the task. Medical Surveillance: All UCD employees and Contractors performing Class I through Class IV work for more the 30 days in a given year or has been exposed to concentrations of asbestos at or above the TWA and/or the excursion limit shall be place under a medical surveillance program in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations and this program document. A. All UCD asbestos workers who have been exposed to asbestos concentrations at or above the OSHA Permissible Exposure TWA and/or Excursion Limit shall be placed in a medical surveillance program. The medical surveillance program consists of the following: - 10 - 1 Examination by a physician: UCD shall ensure that all medical examinations and procedures are performed by or under the supervision of a licensed physician, and shall be provided without cost to the employee and at a reasonable time and place. 2. Examinations: UCD asbestos workers who will perform class I, II or III work, for more than 30 days per year where exposure concentrations are expected to meet or exceed the OSHA permissible exposure limit TWA, shall have an examination. 3. Periodic Examinations: For those workers noted above, periodic medical examinations shall be made available annually. 4. Termination of Employment Examination: UCD shall provide, or make available, a termination of employment medical examination for any asbestos worker who has been enrolled, at anytime, in this medical surveillance program. 5. Recent Examinations: No medical examination is required of any employee if adequate records show that the employee has been examined in accordance with this guideline within the past year. 6. Information Provided to the Examining Physician: UCD shall provide the following information to the examining physician: a. A copy of 29 CFR 1910.1001 the Appendices D and E to the mentioned standard. b. A description of the affected employee’s duties as they relate to the employee’s exposure. c. The employee’s representative exposure level or anticipated exposure level. d. A description of any personal protective and respiratory equipment used or to be used. - 11 - e. 7. Physician’s Written Opinion: a. B. Information from previous medical examinations of the affected employee that is not otherwise available to the examining physician. UCD shall obtain a written opinion from the examining physician. This written opinion shall contain the results of the medical examination and shall include: 1. The physician’s opinion as to whether the employee has any detected medical conditions that would place the employee at an increased risk of material health impairment from exposure to asbestos. 2. Any recommended limitations on the employee or upon the use of personal protective equipment such as clothing or respirators. 3. A statement that the employee has been informed by the physician of the results of the medical examination and of any medical conditions resulting for asbestos exposure that require further explanation or treatment. 4. A statement that the employee has been informed by the physician of the increased risk of lung cancer attributable to the combined effect of smoking and asbestos exposure. b UCD shall instruct the physician not to reveal in the written opinion given to UCD, specific findings or diagnoses unrelated to occupational exposure to asbestos. c. UCD shall provide a copy of the physician’s written opinion to the affected employee within 30 days from its receipt. UCD asbestos workers who do not perform class I, II, or III work for more than 30 days per years and are not exposed above the OSHA permissible exposure limit TWA, are not required to enroll in this medical surveillance program. The supervisor is responsible to track the number of days their employees are involved in asbestos work. The following are Health and Safety Division’s requirements on setting up a program to monitor the exposure period for each UCD employee: 1. Develop a tracking system to record each day their employee is involved in asbestos work. 2. Track each asbestos worker for the full year. 3. When the employee reaches the thirty (30) day limit within the year period or air monitoring indicates exposures levels at or above an OSHA - 12 - permissible exposure and/or excursion limit, then full medical surveillance is required. V. 4. The tracking system must be used and kept current and made available for inspection by the Environmental Health and Safety Department. 5. The UCD management/supervisor shall ensure that this record is maintained for the duration of the employee’s employment plus thirty (30) years. Respiratory Protection: All UCD employees and Contractors performing Class I through Class IV work will use Respiratory Protection in accordance with the local, state, federal regulations and this document. Respiratory protection for asbestos shall be selected and used in accordance with the below guidance: A. Applicability Respiratory protection for asbestos work shall be used in the following conditions: B. 1. During Class I asbestos work; 2. During Class II work where the ACM is not removed in a substantially intact state; 3. During all Class II and III work which is not performed under wet methods; 4. During all Class II and III work where there is no negative exposure assessment; 5. During all Class III jobs where TSI or surfacing ACM or PACM is being disturbed; 6. During all Class IV work performed within regulated areas where employees performing other work are required to wear respirators; 7. During all work covered by this Program where employees are exposed above the TWA or excursion limit; 8. In emergencies. Respiratory Selection When respiratory protection is required it shall be selected in accordance with Table 1 below. The following selection requirements shall also be implemented: - 13 - C. 1. Employees shall be supplied, at a minimum, with a half-mask air purifying respirator equipped with high efficiency particulate filters whenever the employee performs Class II and III asbestos jobs where a negative exposure assessment cannot be produced or Class III jobs where TSI or surfacing ACM or PACM is being disturbed. 2. Employees shall be provided full face piece supplied air respirators operated in `the pressure demand mode equipped with an auxiliary positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus for all employees within the regulated area where Class I work is being performed for which a negative exposure assessment has not been produced. Respirator Use UCD personnel using respiratory protection shall fulfill the following requirements: VI. VII. 1. Employee shall meet the medical qualification and certification by a medical physician to be physically fit to wear a respirator in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations. 2. Employee’s initial fit test for respiratory selection shall be at a location where quantitative fit testing can be conducted to ensure the best respirator is selected for the individual and a qualitative fit testing at least annually thereafter. 2. In use, filters shall be changed when personnel detect an increase in breathing resistance. 4. Employees may leave the area and wash their faces and face pieces when necessary to prevent skin irritation. Personal Protective Clothing: The following requirements shall be implemented when: 1) personnel are exposed in excess of the TWA or Excursion Limit; 2) when a negative exposure assessment cannot be produced. A. Whole-body clothing, head coverings, gloves, and foot coverings shall be worn; B. The Competent Person shall examine work suits worn by employees at least once per shift for rips or tears that may occur during performance of work; C. Rips and/or tears shall be immediately mended or the work suit shall be immediately replaced; Asbestos in Soil Protocol: RESERVED VIII. Hazardous Communications: - 14 - A. B. C. All UCD employees and Contractors performing Class I through Class IV work on the UCD Campuses shall follow the hazard communication s guide lines in accordance with all local, state, federal regulations and with this program document. All UCD employees and contractors performing Class I through Class VI work on the UCD Campuses shall be trained in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations and this program document. Facilities Owners and Operations 1. Installed Asbestos Containing Materials The University of Colorado Denver (UCD) is required to treat installed TSI and sprayed-on and troweled-on surfacing materials as ACM in buildings constructed no later than 1980 for purposes of this program. These materials are designated and ACM or PACM. 2. UCD Facilities (Projects & Operations) Management Responsibilities a. It is the responsibility of the UCD Facilities Management to acquire a signed statement from the architect, project engineer or state certified building inspector that no ACM was specified as a building material in any construction document for the building or no ACM was used as a building material in the building in accordance with AQCC Regulation #8. b. As noted in the AQCC Regulation #8, the CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division recommends that all buildings be inspected prior to any renovation or demolition activities, regardless of the date of construction. c. UCD Facilities Management shall determine the presence, location, and quantity of ACM and/or PACM at the work site by the use of state certified building inspectors and shall inform employees, and outside contractors of the presence and location of ACM and PACM. d. UCD Facilities Management shall maintain records concerning the presence, location and quantity of ACM and PACM in the building/facility. Such records shall be kept for the duration of UCHSC ownership and shall be transferred to successive owners. e. Building and facility owners shall inform employers of employees, and employers shall inform employees who will perform housekeeping activities in areas which contain ACM and/or PACM of the presence and location of ACM and/or PACM in such areas which may be contacted during such activities. - 15 - f. 3. UCD Facilities Management shall inform outside contractors who will perform construction, demolition, and renovation activities on UCD Buildings which contain ACM and/or PACM of its’ presence and locations within the project area. Warning Signs a. Warning signs shall be provided and displayed at each regulated area. In addition, warning signs shall be posted at all approaches to regulated areas so that an employee may read the signs and take necessary protective steps before entering the area. b. The warning signs shall bear the following information: DANGER ASBESTOS CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY c. Where the use of respirators and protective clothing is required in the regulated areas the warning signs shall include with Item 2 the following: RESPIRATORS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING ARE REQUIRED IN THIS AREA 4. d. If applicable, the UCD employer shall ensure that the signs are posted in foreign languages to ensure employee comprehension of the signs. e. Signs are to be posted just inside the entrance of the mechanical rooms/areas in which employees reasonably can be expected to enter and which contain ACM and/or PACM by the UCD Facilities Management to help ensure that ACM and/or PACM will not be disturbed. Warning Labels a. Warning labels shall be affixed to all raw materials, mixtures, scraps, waste, debris, and other products containing concentrations of asbestos fibers less than one (1) percent. b. The labels shall comply with the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1200 (f) of OSHA’s hazard Communications Standard, and shall include the following information: DANGER CONTAINS ASBESTOS FIBERS AVOID CREATING DUST CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD - 16 - 5. 6. Guidelines to UCD Employees and Outside Contractors after Discovery of Suspect Asbestos Materials a. When employee discovers building materials that look like suspect asbestos material, they are to stop work immediately before the material is disturbed. b. The employee is to notify the supervisor of the project.Note: 1. If the project is a Facilities Operation task the supervisor is to notify the UCD Environmental Health and Safety Department (EHS) or the supervisor of the UCD Asbestos Team to identify the material through sampling if there is no record of the material in the asbestos survey. 2. If the project is a Facilities Projects/Construction task the supervisor is to notify the UCD Project Manager and they are to inform the UCD Health and Safety Division or the supervisor of the UCD Asbestos Team to identify the material through sampling if there is no record of the material in the Project Asbestos Survey. Criteria to rebut the designation of installed material as PACM At any time, UCD Facilities Management, and/or outside contractors may demonstrate that PACM does not contain asbestos by having a completed building inspection conducted by state certified building inspectors in accordance with the requirements of AHERA (40 CFR 763, Subpart E) and AQCC Regulation #8 which demonstrates that no ACM is present in the material. D. Certification and Training Guidelines 1. Certification and Training a. UCD Asbestos Coordinator shall: 1. Be federally trained and certified in accordance with 40 CFR 763 Subpart E as a Building Inspector/Management Planner. 2. Be either a certified industrial hygienist (CIH), have a 4year degree in Industrial Hygiene or Environmental Health, or attend a state air pollution control division approved air monitoring specialist course. 3. Be state certified at least as a Building Inspector. - 17 - b. c. d. e. f. Building Inspectors shall: 1. Be federally trained and certified in accordance with 40 CFR 763 Subpart E as a Building Inspector. 2. Be state certified as a Building Inspector. Air Monitoring Specialist shall: 1. Be federally trained and certified in a building inspector course, asbestos abatement supervisor course, or asbestos abatement project designer course State certification in these disciplines is not required. 2. Have successfully completed a state air pollution control division approved air monitoring specialist course. 3. Have a 4-year college degree in industrial hygiene, a degree in environment health with a major concentration in industrial hygiene, or the possession of a certified industrial hygiene (CIH) certificate given by the ABIH may be substituted for the above courses. Competent Person shall: 1. Be Federally trained and certified in accordance 40 CFR 763, Subpart E, as an asbestos abatement supervisor if responsible for overseeing the State Permitted Projects under AQCC Regulation #8, or, 2. Be trained as a Repair and Maintenance Asbestos Worker (RMAW) in accordance with the guidance located in 40 CFR 763.92(a)(2) and 29 CFR 1101 (o)(4)(I) if responsible for overseeing Class III and IV projects. Asbestos Abatement Supervisor shall: 1. Be Federally trained and certified in accordance with 40 CFR 763, Subpart E. 2. Be state certified in accordance with AQCC Regulation #8. Asbestos Abatement Worker shall: 1. Be Is to be federally trained and certified as an asbestos abatement worker. 2. Be state certified as an asbestos abatement worker. - 18 - g. 2. Repair and Maintenance Asbestos Workers shall: Have completed training in accordance with 40 CFR 92(a)(1 and 2). This course will also include “hands-on” training and shall take at least 16 hours. Facilities Project Managers: Required to annually attend the UCD Asbestos Training for Project Managers. The course will consist of asbestos awareness information in accordance with AQCC regulation #8 (the control of Asbestos), and have information located in OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101(Occupational Exposure to asbestos in construction), and EPA 40 CFR, Part 61, Subpart M, Section 150 (National Emission Standard for Asbestos). 3. Facilities Operations/Projects Personnel shall: Be annually trained on asbestos awareness in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.1101(j)(7). 4. UCHSC Environmental Services Personnel shall: Be trained on asbestos awareness annually in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.1101(j)(7). IX. Standard Pre-Abatement Protocol: A. B. Asbestos abatement projects are divided into four classes in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.1101 (OSHA- Occupational Exposure to Asbestos). 1. Class I Asbestos Work - Activities involving the removal of TSI and Surfacing ACM and PACM. 2. Class II Asbestos Work – Activities involving the removal of ACM, which is not thermal system insulation, or surfacing material. This includes, but is not limited to, the removal of asbestos-containing wallboard, floor tile and sheeting, roofing and siding shingles, and construction mastics. 3. Class III Asbestos Work – repair and maintenance operations, where “ACM” including TSI and surfacing ACM and PACM likely to be disturbed. 4. Class IV Asbestos Work – maintenance and custodial activities during which employees contact but do not disturb ACM and PACM and activities to clean up dust, waste, and debris resulting from class I, II and III activities. The following procedures are to be implemented for all routine abatement projects, whether conducted by the UCD abatement staff or by an outside Contractor: - 19 - 1. Notification to the UCD Asbestos Coordinator or designee, Facilities Operations Representative, and Client shall be made in advance as much as possible by the project manager in writing (Appendix A-1). 2. Signs shall be posted restricting access to the regulated area and providing emergency contact telephone numbers. 3. The Facilities Project Manager shall coordinate the scheduling of abatement work to accommodate the time needed for notifying the proper regulatory authorities of the project, for submission and approval of the asbestos abatement applications from CDPHE (if needed), and provide adequate and appropriate safeguards to help prevent the potential of asbestos spills during the project. 4. For internal asbestos projects on the UCD Campus that involve 160 square feet, 260 linear feet or an equivalency of a 55-gallon drum, the UCD Asbestos Team Supervisor shall submit to the UCD Asbestos Coordinator or designee a CDPHE Asbestos Abatement Application at least 15 days prior to the project planned start date. This is to ensure that necessary monitoring arrangements are scheduled, proper control procedures are planned and implemented, and appropriate permits, permit modifications, notifications, waivers, variances, etc., are filed with the appropriate regulatory agencies such as CDPHE and EPA. 5. Outside asbestos contractors are responsible for processing their own asbestos notice and permit applications, permit modifications, notifications, waivers, variances, etc., as required by regulatory agencies of work being performed on our property to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Pollution Control Division. When not contracted by the Health Sciences Center, the outside abatement contractors is then responsible for supplying an air monitoring specialist, who is independent of the contractor, to perform visual inspections of the contained area and final air samples for clearances as well as ambient air samples around the contained area. The outside abatement contractor is responsible to ensure the UCD Asbestos Coordinator or designee receives a copy of all paperwork, such as permits, notifications, final clearances and the visual inspection report, etc. 6.. For Small Scale Projects that involve friable asbestos-containing material less than 160 square feet, 260 linear feet, or an equivalency of a 55-gallon drum, OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101 (Occupational Exposure to Asbestos) shall be followed and the AQCC Regulation # 8, Appendix A should be used as a guide for the project. Contact the UCD Asbestos Coordinator for guidance. - 20 - 7. All Class II projects Class II Projects that involve wall board, resilient floor tile, mastics and sheet vinyl flooring and containing more than one percent asbestos, friable or not, in any amount that exceeds 160 square feet or the volume equivalent of one 55-gallon drum shall apply for a notice with CDPHE in accordance with AQCC Regulation # 8, paragraph III.B.1. Floor Tile Abatement shall be performed in accordance with AQCC Regulation # 8 Appendix B (Recommended Work Practices for the Removal of Resilient Floor Coverings). If using Appendix B for the removal of sheet vinyl flooring, any workers removing the flooring must have successfully completed an 8-hour course, which meets the training requirements in AQCC Regulation # 8, Appendix C. X. 8. In accordance to OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101 and AQCC Regulation # 8, prior to conducting an asbestos response action in and area of public access, an inspection must be conducted by a certified building inspector and an assessment report made to the UCD Project Manager and a copy provided to the UCD Asbestos Coordinator or the designee. Bulk samples must be collected in accordance with the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) Regulation No.8 and in accordance with EPA recommended bulk sampling procedures to identify any affected ACM. 9. Pre-abatement inspections must be arranged with the UCD Asbestos Coordinator or designee. The Facilities Project Manager is responsible for scheduling the pre-abatement inspection. The containment shall meet all criteria in the AQCC Regulation 8 and OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101. Any deficiencies noted by the Air Monitoring Specialist shall be corrected before abatement can begin. Standard Asbestos Abatement Protocol: All asbestos work performed on the UCD Campus shall be conducted in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations and with Appendix D and Appendix E located in this document. A. Class I, II, III Projects involving permitted quantities greater than or equal to 160 square feet, 260 linear feet or an equivalency of a 55-gallon drum must meet the following requirements: 1. Personal air monitoring shall be representative of the workers shift during large-scale projects requiring containment facility. Periodic personal air samples will be collected for glove bag removals per the air monitoring specialist’s recommendations. Air monitoring will be conducted by an air-monitoring specialist. A copy of the air monitoring results will be sent to the UCHSC asbestos coordinator. Abatement workers must be informed of these results as soon as possible following receipt of results. - 21 - 2. Area air monitoring will be conducted outside of the containment facility at potential leakage points during the abatement period in accordance to the AQCC Regulation #8 and OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101. Samples will be analyzed as quickly as possible to identify any leakage problems and so that appropriate corrective measures may be implemented. 3.Asbestos abatement work practices shall be in accordance with paragraph III.C2 of the AQCC Regulation No. 8, OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101, and with EPA Worker Protection Rule 40 CFR Part 763.120. B. 4. Abatement of asbestos-contaminated soil must be conducted in accordance with subparagraph III.C.3.b. and paragraph III.C.5 of AQCC Regulation No. 8. 5. Negative pressure air filtration units equipped with HEPA filters must: a. Exhaust to outdoors, away from air intakes, windows, pedestrian traffic, etc., unless length of exhaust duct required doing so would overburden the filtration unit. If exhausted to the interior of the building, daily air samples must be collected and analyzed daily. b. Be used in conjunction with a manometer that has a strip chart recorder or its equivalent, and alarms when the pressure differential between inside and outside the containment barrier drops below 0.02 inches of static water pressure. c Be provided for mini-containment barriers and for evacuating glove bags prior to removing. A HEPA filter-equipped vacuum cleaner may be used for these purposes, but in the case of the mini-containment barrier, the air-monitoring specialist must confirm a negative pressure differential by smoke tube test and/or pressure meter. d. Provide a minimum of one complete air change of the containment facility every 15 minutes. The static pressure differential for the containment facility shall be recorded through the duration of the project. Class I, II, Projects involving quantities less than 160 square feet and/or 260 linear feet and less than a 55-gallon drum which is not considered amounts enough to be permitted with CDPHE: 1. Small scale short-duration abatement projects shall be performed according to Appendix A of AQCC Regulation No. 8, OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101, and EPA Worker Protection Rule 40 CFR Part 763. Use of glove bags shall be in accordance with subparagraph III.C2.f. of AQCC Regulation No. 8, and OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101. - 22 - C. D. 2. Area monitoring shall be in accordance with local, state, federal regulations and Section XI located in this document. 3. Personal air monitoring will be conducted periodically to ensure the workers are within the federal personal exposure and excursion limits. Abatement workers must be informed of these results as soon as possible following receipt of results. Class III (Repair and Maintenance) 1. The UCD repair and maintenance program is in place to repair damaged asbestos material and remove asbestos material only if it is damaged beyond repairing in order to reduce the health risk to building occupants, UCD employees, contractors and the general public visiting our facilities. 2. Employees involved in repair and maintenance are limited to working with friable or non-friable asbestos material quantities of three (3) linear feet or three (3) square feet or less. 3. Area monitoring shall be in accordance with local, state, federal regulations and Section XI located in this document. 4. Periodic personal air monitoring may be conducted on the employees to ensure that they are within the federal personal exposure and excursion limits. Abatement workers must be informed of these results as soon as possible following receipt of results. Vinyl Asbestos Tile (VAT) Removal 1. VAT and sheet vinyl flooring will be removed in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.1101(Class III work) and CDPHE Regulations No. 8. subparagraph III.3.a. (Resilient Floor Tile and Sheet Vinyl Flooring). 2. VAT can be removed at any time provided the affected department wishes to do so and is willing to pay for the removal. 3. Floor mastic can remain on the floor as long as the building inspector has record of the material remaining, and there are no plans for grinding, sanding, bead blasting, sandblasting, mechanically powdering the material or otherwise damaging the material. 4. Important Note: For floor tile abatement projects on the UCD 9th Avenue and Colorado Blvd Campus involving the use of combustible liquids. As of September 8, 1999, the Denver Fire Department implemented a policy for cleaning floors (mastic removal) with combustible liquids. The use of a combustible liquid for the cleaning and removal of floor covering mastic must be approved in advanced by the Denver Fire Department. Also, the - 23 - use of flammable liquids for this purpose is prohibited, unless a permit from the City and County of Denver is obtained prior to the beginning of any work. XI. 5. Personal exposure monitoring shall be in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101. 6. Carpeting: a. Carpeting can be placed over VAT if the VAT is in good condition b. Clients that opted to place carpeting over VAT will be responsible for the cost of removing the carpet. During the removal of the carpet it the VAT is damaged, or the mastic sticks to the carpet backing the client will be responsible for the paying for the VAT and/or mastic removal and disposal of the carpet as asbestos contaminated waste. Emergencies and Unexpected Discovery of ACM: All Emergencies and unexpected discovery of ACM must be reported to the UCD Asbestos Coordinator immediately at 303-724-0345. A. If an emergency asbestos spill occurred at the UCD Anschutz Medical Campus, the UCD Downtown Campus (DDC), or the UCD Ninth Ave and Colorado Blvd the UCD Campus Police (303-724-4444) shall be notified and they will contact the Environmental Health and Safety Department Emergency Response On-Call Representative. B. All emergency response work conducted under this section will be performed in accordance with all local, state, federal regulations and with Appendix F located in this document. NOTE All emergencies and unexpected discoveries of disturbed ACM must be reported to the UCHSC Project Manager and the UCHSC Asbestos Coordinator immediately at 303-315-5890. If after hours the UCD 9th Avenue Campus Police (303-315-8888), shall be notified and they will contact the Health and Safety Division Emergency Response On-Call Person. If the emergency spill occurred at the UCD Fitzsimons Campus, the UCHSC Fitzsimons Campus Police (303-724-4444) shall be notified and they will contact the Health and Safety Division Emergency Response On Call Person. - 24 - C. Important Notifications 1. When an emergency event occurs involving damaged ACM, asbestos abatement work must commence as soon as possible. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) must be notified by the UCHSC Asbestos Coordinator or designee (i.e. the HSD On-call Person) as soon as possible after discovery of the event by telephone. A written notification explaining the event must be filed at the start of the next regular business day. An emergency event is defined as an unexpected situation or sudden occurrence of a serious and urgent nature that demands immediate action and that constitutes a threat to life, health or that may cause major damage to property. Delay of work does not constitute an emergency. The address to send this information to is: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Air Pollution Control Division APCD-SS-B1 ATTN: Asbestos Coordinator 4300 Cherry Creek South Denver, CO 80222-1530 Phone # (303) 692-3182 D. 2. When undisturbed ACM is discovered, but requires immediate abatement, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment must be notified and a request made to waive the 15-day notification requirement. 3. Any emergency release of friable ACM involving three (3) linear feet and/or three (3) square feet or more must be reported to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII, Asbestos Coordinator within 48 hours after the clean-up begins. Major Release: In the event of an asbestos fiber release incident involving 260 linear feet on pipes or 160 square feet on other surfaces or an equivalent of a one 55-gallon drum, the following procedures shall be followed per AQCC Regulation No. 8, paragraph III.C.5. 1. Restrict access to the area and post warning signs to prevent entry to the area by persons other than that necessary to respond to the incident. 2. Coordinate with a Facilities Construction/Operations representative to shut off or temporarily modify the air handling systems to prevent the distribution of asbestos fibers to other areas. - 25 - E. 3. Notify the UCD Asbestos Control Program Coordinator who will immediately contact the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment by telephone. 4 Notify the UCD Asbestos Control Program Coordinator who will contact the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII, Asbestos Coordinator within 48 hours after the project begins. 5. Using certified asbestos abatement supervisors and certified asbestos abatement workers, seal all openings between the contaminated and uncontaminated areas. This is to be accomplished using polyethylene sheeting to cover areas such as doorways, windows, elevator openings, corridor entrances, grills, drains, grates, diffusers, and skylights. 6. HEPA vacuum or steam clean all carpets, drapes, upholstery, and other non clothing fabrics in the contaminated area, or discard these materials. 7. Discard contaminated clothing in accordance with Section XII ( Asbestos Waste Disposal) of this program document. 8. HEPA vacuum or wet clean all non-fabric surfaces in the contaminated area. 9. Discard all materials in accordance with Section XII (Asbestos Waste Disposal) of this program document. 10. Following completion of steps a through i above, the air monitoring specialist will conduct air monitoring as described in Section XI of this program document. 11. Comply with any other measures deemed necessary by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to protect public health. Minor Release In the event of an asbestos fiber release involving less than 260 linear feet on pipes or 160 square feet on other surfaces, the following procedures should be followed per CDPHE Regulation No. 8, paragraph III.C.5. 1. Restrict access to the area and post warning signs to prevent entry to the area by persons other than that necessary to respond to the incident. 2. Shut off or temporarily modify the air handling system to prevent the distribution of asbestos fibers to other areas. 3. In the case of an emergency abatement involving ACM in the amounts exceeding three (3) linear feet or three (3) square feet, notify the UCD - 26 - Asbestos Control Program Coordinator who will notify the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII, Asbestos Coordinator within 48 hours after the project begins. F. 4. Seal all openings between the contaminated and uncontaminated areas. This can be accomplished by using polyethylene sheeting to cover all areas such as windows, doorways, elevator openings, corridor entrances, drains, grills, grates, diffusers and skylights. 5. HEPA vacuum or steam clean all carpets, draperies, upholstery and other non-clothing fabrics in the contaminated area or discard all contaminated materials in accordance with paragraph III.C.8. (Handling Waste Materials). 6. HEPA vacuum or wet clean all non-fabric surfaces in the contaminated area. Vinyl Asbestos Tile (VAT) Removal If resilient floor tile, sheet vinyl flooring, or gross amounts of mastic is being pulled up during carpet replacement projects, the employee or contractor performing the task must stop work immediately and inform the UCD project manager of the situation who will inform the UCD Asbestos coordinator or designee who will assess the situation. G. Post Abatement Visual and Final Clearance Protocol: 1. The air monitoring specialist and the asbestos abatement competent person and/or supervisor shall visually inspect the abatement area to determine whether all dust and debris has been removed. 2. Final clearances samples will be collected inside the containment facility or regulated area per CDPHE Regulation #8. XIII. Asbestos Waste Disposal: All disposal of asbestos waste will be conducted in accordance with this document. A. General Information for Asbestos Waste Handlers at UCD. Each UCD Facilities Projects/Operations Manager or outside asbestos contractor whose project generates asbestos waste at any UCD building must follow the following guidelines. 1. Asbestos waste will be disposed only at the Denver Arapahoe Disposal Site (DADS). Asbestos waste must be sent to the DADS asbestos landfill by the use of a hazardous waste manifest under a DADS approved waste profile. Asbestos waste generated at this campus cannot be sent to other - 27 - disposal facilities because we want to limit the possibility of our campus being required to pay for the clean up of contaminated landfills. 2. UCD approved asbestos disposal site: Denver Arapahoe Disposal Site (DADS) 3500 South Gun Club Road Aurora, CO 80013 (303) 690-4303 3. Use only UCD approved asbestos waste transporter: Waste Management, Inc. 2090 East 104th Avenue, Suite 300 Denver, CO 80233 (303) 280-9336 4. Asbestos projects that generate limited amounts (less than full roll-off) of asbestos waste at the UCD 9th avenue campus will be collected in the UCD asbestos trailer. Contractors will need to provide their own 55gallon drums (if necessary) for collecting asbestos waste. 5. If an asbestos contractor uses the UCD asbestos waste trailer, the contractor is responsible for using their own account number and profiles numbers for DADS on the hazardous waste manifest (for both friable and non-friable asbestos). The contractor will be responsible for paying for the disposal of asbestos waste. DADS will bill the contractor directly for the disposal of asbestos waste. UCD will pay the transportation fees associated with transporting the asbestos waste to DADS. If the asbestos abatement contractor does not have an account with DADS, it is their responsibility to get an account set up before the abatement project begins. 6. Asbestos projects located off the 9th avenue campus must have a plan developed for disposing of the asbestos waste. For large projects, an asbestos waste roll-off may need to be supplied by Waste Management, Inc. at the cost of the asbestos abatement contractor. For smaller asbestos projects, the waste may be transported by the contractor back to the UCD asbestos waste trailer located in the School of Medicine horseshoe. Contractors must contact the UCD Asbestos Program Coordinator (303315-5890) prior to transporting the asbestos waste to the UCD asbestos waste trailer. A hazardous waste manifest must be completed prior to transporting the asbestos waste to the trailer. 7. Small quantities of asbestos waste, generated at the Fitzsimons campus may be collected, bagged and stored at the Fitzsimons hazardous waste room. 8. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires a hazardous waste manifest to be made out for each permit number. Asbestos abatement - 28 - contractors must keep track of the number of barrels of asbestos waste (and other volumes of asbestos waste) generated for each permit number. Abatement contractors must report the quantity of asbestos waste generated for each permit number to the UCD Project Manager. B. 9. If a project on campus generates a limited amount of asbestos waste that does not require a permit in accordance with AQCC Regulation #8, but involves an outside asbestos contractor, the contractor must fill out a hazardous waste manifest with both the contractor’s account number and asbestos waste profile numbers. 10. The UCD Facilities Projects/Operations Manager must report the quantity of asbestos waste generated along with permit number or the project location if a non-permitted project to the UCD Asbestos Program Coordinator (303-315-5890) so that the proper hazardous waste manifest can be prepared and/or reviewed. 11. Important note: Every completed hazardous waste manifest must be signed by the contractor generating the asbestos waste. Copies of the manifests must be maintained by the Health and Safety Division. Contact the UCD Asbestos Program Coordinator (303-315-5890) to supply the manifest or if you have any questions or concerns regarding asbestos waste disposal. 12. Once the asbestos waste trailer is full, the asbestos contractor must notify the UCD Asbestos Program Coordinator or designee 24 hours prior to scheduling an asbestos waste pick-up by Waste management. It is at the discretion of the UCD Asbestos Waste Manager or designee to check the asbestos waste trailer before it is picked-up and transported to DADS. Guidelines for Collecting Asbestos Waste 1. Asbestos Waste must be properly prepared prior to being transported to DADS. Many types of waste are prohibited from being placed into asbestos landfills. (See Items 7-10) 2. UCD Operations personnel are responsible for lining the UCD asbestos waste trailer with two layers of 6 mil polyethylene sheeting or greater. If the asbestos waste trailer is not double lined with polyethylene sheeting, all friable asbestos waste must be stored in strong outside containers (55gallon drums). 3. All asbestos waste must be double wrapped and sealed with 6 mil of polyethylene sheeting or greater (or 3 layers of 4 mil). 4. If the asbestos waste trailer is not double lined with polyethylene sheeting, the friable asbestos waste must be placed into 55-gallon drums or other strong outside containers. - 29 - 5. Friable asbestos waste that is too large to fit into drums must be double wrapped in polyethylene sheeting. A strong secondary container is required for all friable asbestos if the asbestos waste trailer is not double lined with polyethylene sheeting. Non-friable asbestos items must be double wrapped in polyethylene sheeting, however secondary containers are not required. 6. Every friable asbestos waste container must be labeled with the following labels: a. b. c. d. e. 7. TSCA asbestos warning; UCD Address; DOT shipping name and Identification number; Place DOT class nine label within six inches of the DOT shipping name and identification number; and Outside contractors will also mark the outside of the asbestos waste container with their company name and address. Every non-friable asbestos waste container must be labeled with the following labels: a. b. c. d. TSCA asbestos warning label; UCD address label; marked as non-friable asbestos; and Outside contractors will also mark the outside of the asbestos waste container with their company name and address. 8. Asbestos waste containers cannot contain free standing liquids of any kind including water. Care must be taken when removing friable asbestos so excessive amounts of wetting agents are not used. 9. Asbestos waste containers cannot contain free standing liquid wastes which are flammable, corrosive, reactive, or toxic. Flammable liquids include any materials that have a flashpoint of less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit (xylene, toluene, etc.). Corrosive materials include acids (hydrochloric acid) and bases (sodium hydroxide, caustic soda). Toxic wastes may also include materials such as lead sheeting, lead based paint, PCB oil from outdated fluorescent light ballast’s, and metallic mercury in switches, thermostats or thermometers. 10. Do not discard aerosol cans (full, partially full, or empty) into any asbestos waste containers. Do not discard free flowing chemical solvents or chemical containers into asbestos waste containers. 11. Whenever chemical solvents or removal products are to be used in an asbestos abatement project (i.e. mastic remover) the contractor must provide two current copies of the material safety data sheets (MSDS) for every chemical product to be used. The copies of the MSDS’s must be provided along with the bid when it is submitted. The UCD Project - 30 - Manager will forward one set of the MSDS’s to the UCD Asbestos Program Coordinator (Box C-275) for approval. Due to land ban restrictions, some organic solvents cannot be buried in more than a few parts per million concentration. No chemical product can be used in an asbestos abatement project without approval from the UCD Asbestos Waste Manager (303-315-5890). 12. Important Note for Floor Tile Projects on the UCD 9th Avenue Campus: The Denver Fire Department implemented a policy for cleaning floors (mastic removal) with combustible liquids. The use of a combustible liquid for the cleaning and removal of floor covering mastic must be approved in advanced by the Denver Fire Department. Also, the use of flammable liquids for this purpose is prohibited, unless a permit from the City and County of Denver is obtained prior to the beginning of any work. XIV. Record Keeping: UCD will conduct record keeping practices in accordance with all local, state, federal regulations and this program. A Building Inspections/Surveys University of Colorado Denver (UCD) is required to keep building Inspections records and surveys performed by certified inspectors for the buildings that are owned and/or leased by the UCHSC. 1. 2. B All asbestos surveys are to be conducted by using the Sampling forms located in Appendix A-1 and Appendix A-2. a. The original sampling forms are to be kept by the asbestos coordinator (and designees) at the Environmental Health and Safety Department (EHS). b. Copies of the sampling forms may be kept with the project file if applicable. An asbestos survey is not needed if the architect or project engineer responsible for the construction of a new state building built after October 12, 1988, or a certified inspector signs a statement that no ACM was specified as a building material in any construction document for the building, or, to the best of his/her knowledge, no ACM was used as a building material in the building. A copy of the signed statement shall be kept on file at the Environmental Health and Safety Department (EHS). Response Actions 1. For each response action taken (i.e. removal, encapsulation, enclosure, repair, operations and maintenance), the Asbestos Coordinator (and designee) shall document and keep on file a detailed written description of - 31 - the measure or action on the form located in Appendices D 1-4, which includes the following: 2. C. D. a. Methods used, b. The location where the measure or action was taken, c. Reasons for selecting the measure or action, d. Start and completion dates of the work, e. Names and addresses of all contractors involved and certification numbers, and f. If ACM is removed, the name and location of storage or disposal site of the ACM. For each response action conducted by an outside contractor, Appendices D 1-4 should be used to document the above information. The form is to be provided to the UCHSC- EHS. Air Monitoring 1. Any air monitoring conducted as required by this program shall be documented using the air monitoring forms located in Appendix E-1 and/or E-2. 2.. The original air monitoring form is to be kept by the UCD-EHS, when monitoring is conducted by UCD. Copies of area air monitoring results conducted by contractors are to be forwarded to UCD-EHS. 3. UCD-EHS shall maintain this record for at least thirty (30) years. Medical Surveillance 1. UCD shall establish and maintain an accurate record for each employee subject to medical surveillance as required by this program. The record shall include the following: a. The name and social security number of the employee, b. Physician’s written opinions, c. Any employee medical complaints related to exposure to asbestos, d. A copy of the information provided to the physician as required in Section IV, the medical surveillance section of this document . - 32 - 2. E. UCD shall ensure that this record is maintained for the duration of employment plus thirty (30) years. Training Documents Training documents for all employees trained shall be maintained for one (1) year beyond the last date of employment of that employee. Generally such training records are to be kept by the employee’s supervisor. F. Asbestos Waste Records 1. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires a hazardous waste manifest to be made out for each permit number and /or project assigned. Asbestos contractors must keep track of the number of asbestos waste (and other volumes of asbestos waste) generated in accordance with Asbestos Waste Disposal Section XIII. Abatement contractors must report the quantity of asbestos waste generated for each project to the UCHSC Project Manager. 2. If UCD does not receive the waste manifest with in 35 days from the time the waste was transported, the UCD Environmental Health and Safety Department (EHS) will contact the landfill operator. 3. If the waste manifest is not received by UCD-EHS within 45 days, Environmental Health and Safety will report the issue in writing to the EPA Regional Office administering the NESHAP program. The address to send the information is: United States Environmental Protection Agency Region 8 Mail Code: 8ENF-T 999 18th Street/ Suite 500 Denver, CO 80202 4. G. UCD shall retain a copy of all waste manifests records to include the signature of the landfill operator for at least two (2) years. Record Accessibility UCD shall make the records available to applicable regulatory agencies as required for examination and copying. - 33 - Appendix A(1): University of Colorado Denver Asbestos Bulk Sampling Data Sheet I. A. B. C. D. E. F. General Information: Project:__________________________________________________ Location:_________________________________________________ Building:_________________________________________________ Room Number:______________________ Sampling Date:_____________________________________ a. Sample Number:_______________ b. Lab Results:___________________ II. Location of Sample: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ III. Type of Material: G. Surfacing:_____ H. TSI:_____ I. Misc.:_____ J. Description: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ IV. Condition: K. Friability: 1. Friable:_____ 2. Nonfriable:_____ L. Percent Damage:__________ % 1. Localized:_____ 2. Distributed:_____ M. Type of Damage: 1. Deterioration:____ 2. Water:____ 3. Physical:____ 4. Description: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 5. Overall Rating: a. Good:____ b. Damaged:____ c. Sig. Damaged:____ V. Inspector information: Print Inspector Name:______________ Inspector Signature:____________________ Insp. Accreditation No.:_____________ Insp. Affiliated Company:_______________ - 34 - GUIDANCE INFORMATION ON THE CATEGORIES LISTED ON FRONT PAGE I. General Information: A. Write the Project Name if there is a project associated with the survey. B. The location is the address where the survey is being performed. C. Write the name of the building where the survey is being conducted. D. Functional Space Room Number is the actual room number of the space where the survey is being conducted. Functional space such as Hallways, lobbies, crawl spaces and stairway will be assigned a functional space room number by the Asbestos Manager or representative. E. Functional space is the defined as room, or homogeneous area (including crawl space or between dropped ceiling and the floor or roof deck above) such as a class room, laboratory, or office designated by a person certified to prepare management plans, designed abatement projects, or conduct response actions. F. Write the date the survey took place. II. Location of Sample: The actual point where the sample is taken. The point should be determined by recording the distance the sampling point was from fixed building structures such as from walls, floors or support columns. III. Type of Material: G. Surfacing: Material that is sprayed on, troweled on, or otherwise applied on surfaces. H. TSI: Thermal System Insulation found on pipes. I. Misc: Interior material on structural components, structural members or fixtures, such as floor and ceiling tiles, and does not include surfacing materials or thermal system insulation. J. Briefly describe what the material is. IV. Condition: K. Friability: 1. Friable: Material when dry can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure and contains more than one percent asbestos by weight. 2. Nonfriable: Material when dry may not be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. L. Percent Damage: The amount of damage noted on the material being sampled. - 35 - 1. Localized: Damage noted concentrated in one area of the material being sampled. 2. Distributed: Damage noted spotted throughout the material being sampled. M. Type of Damage: 1. Deterioration: Material integrity falls from high quality to a state of disrepair. 2. Water: The cause of the damage is from water. 3. Physical: The damage is caused from continual impact from employees (an example would be workers hammer continually hitting an asbestos fitting causing damage). 4. Describe the damage. 5. Overall Rating: a. Good: Material with no or very limited visible damage or deterioration. b. Damaged: The surface crumbling, water stain, blister, marred or otherwise abraded over less than one-tenth of the surface (damage is evenly distributed), one quarter (damage is localized). c. Significantly Damaged: The surface crumbling, water stained, blister, marred or otherwise abraded over equal to or greater than one-tenth of the surface (damage is evenly distributed), one quarter (damage is localized). V. Inspector Information: Information on the individual Asbestos Building Inspector performing the building inspection in order to identify different projects with the inspection survey forms in case there are questions on the survey. - 36 - Appendix A(2) University of Colorado Denver Recording Form for Asbestos Physical Assessment Data I. General Information: A. Building:__________________________________________________________ B. Functional Space Room Number:________ Functional Space Type:___________ C. Reason for Survey: (1) Initial:____(2) Routine:____(3) Before Renovation:____ (4) After Renovation:____(5) Other:____ (6) Comments:________________________________________________________ II. Asbestos Details: D. Type of Material: (1) Surfacing:_______(2) TSI:_______(3) Misc:___________ (4)Discription:_______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ E. Asbestos Percent Content:____________________ % F. Approximate Amount of Material (linear, square, or cubic ft.):_______________ G. Condition 1. Friability: (a) Friable:____ (b) Nonfriable:____ 2. Percent Damage:_____ % (a) Localized:_____ (b) Distributed:_____ 3. Type of Damage: (a) Deterioration:____(b) Water:____(c) Physical:____ (d)Description:______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (e) Overall Rating: (1) Good:___(2) Damaged:___(3) Sig. Damaged:___ H. Potential for Disturbance 1. Frequency of Potential Contact: (a) High:____(b) Moderate:____(c) Low:___ (d) Description:____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 2. Influence of Vibration: (a) High:____ (b) Moderate:____ (c) Low:____ (d) Description:____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 3. Potential for Air Erosion: (a) High:____ (b)Moderate:____ (c)Low:____ (d) Description:__________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ III. Overall Disturbance Potential Rating: (a) Damage:____ (b) Sig Damage:____ (c) Minimal or No Damage:_____ (d) Comments:__________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Inspector Information: Inspector Signature: _______________________________________________ Print Inspector Name: _____________________________________________ Inspection Date: _________________________________________________ Inspector Accreditation Number: ____________________________________ Inspector’s Affiliated Company: _____________________________________ GUIDANCE INFORMATION ON THE CATEGORIES LISTED ON FRONT PAGE - 37 - I. General Information: A. Write the name of the building where survey is being conducted. B. Functional Space Room number is the actual room number of the space where survey is being conducted. Functional space such as Hallways, Lobbies, crawl spaces, and Stairways will be assigned a functional space room number by the Asbestos Manager or representative. Functional space is the defined as room, group of rooms, or homogeneous area (including crawl space or between dropped ceiling and the floor or roof deck above) such as a class room, laboratory, office designated by a person certified to prepare management plans, design abatement projects, or conduct response actions. C. Check the appropriate identifier that would best explain the reason for the survey. II. Asbestos Details: D. Check the space that best identifies the material being surveyed and give a description of the material: 1. 2. 3. Surfacing: Material that is sprayed on, troweled on, or otherwise applied on surfaces. TSI: Thermal System Insulation found on pipes. Misc: Interior material on structural components, structural members or fixtures, such as floor and ceiling tiles, and does not include surfacing materials or thermal system insulation. E. Annotate the asbestos percent content of the sample taken. If multiple samples were taken list the highest percent content identified from the samples. F. Identify the approximate amount of material in which the samples were found in the functional space. G. Describe the condition, percent damage and type of damage found on the material that was sampled. 1. Friability: a. Friable: Material when dry can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure and that contains more than one percent asbestos by weight. b. Nonfriable: Material when dry may not be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. 2. Percent damage: The amount of damaged noted on the material being sampled. a. Localized: Damage noted concentrated in one area of the material being sampled. b. Distributed: Damage noted spotted through out the material being sampled. 3. Describe the type of damage noted on the material being sampled. a. Deterioration: Material integrity falls from high quality to a state of disrepair. b. Water: The cause of the damage is from water c. Physical: The damage is caused from continual impact from employees (an example is a workers tool keeps hitting an asbestos fitting causing damage). d. Describe the damage. e. Overall rating: 1. Good: Material with no or very limited visible damage or deterioration. 2. Damaged: The surface crumbling, water stained, blistered, marred or otherwise abraded over less than one-tenth of the surface (damage is evenly distributed), one quarter (damage is localized). 3. Significantly Damaged: The surface crumbling, water stained, blistered, marred or otherwise abraded over equal to or greater than one-tenth of the surface (damage is evenly distributed), one quarter (damage is localized). H. Potential for Disturbance: The potential for the material being sampled to be influenced or effected by the potential for contact, influence of vibration (i.e. mechanical, sound, etc.), potential for air erosion (i.e. supply grills, fan units, etc.), and the overall disturbance potential rating of that material. III. Inspector: Information on the individual Asbestos Building inspector performing the building inspection in order to identify different projects with the inspection survey forms in case there are questions on the survey. - 38 - Appendix B: Air Monitoring Contractor Requirements UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO DENVER All Air Monitoring Contractors bidding for University of Colorado Denver (UCD) Asbestos Jobs are to be certified by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment for Building Inspector, Project Manager, and Air Monitoring Specialist. The contractor may be called upon to conduct asbestos inspections in areas where demolitions are planned. The inspections are to be conducted and documented in accordance with the Asbestos Control Program. The asbestos inspection must be conducted prior to providing a firm estimate for the project. A report of findings will be furnished to the UCD-EHS Industrial Hygienist, UCD Asbestos Team Supervisor, and the UCD Project Manager for that project. UCD-EHS and the Air Monitoring Contractor shall be notified of all projects involving asbestos abatement in the planning stages. Asbestos Projects that are permitted with CDPHE will require a preliminary abatement plan describing how containments will be constructed in the area affected, where decontamination facilities, negative air discharge from the containment, dressing rooms, and clean and dirty equipment areas will be located. The plan will also identify what asbestos containing material (ACM) will be removed and what ACM, if any will remain. Information on the method of removal and the occupancy of the surrounding areas will also be supplied in the plan. The UCD FACILITIES PROJECT MANAGER for the project shall be responsible for supplying the Air Monitoring Contractor of information and any help needed during the project. The Air Monitoring Contractor is to conduct a pre-abatement visual, to inspect the adequacy of the construction of the containment facility and provisions for containment control and decontamination prior to the commencement of gross asbestos removal. This inspection may not be conducted at the discretion of the Air Monitoring Contractor. A representative of the Air Monitoring Contractor will be present on the job site at all times while abatement of asbestos is in process. Personal and ambient air monitoring, conducted in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.1101 and Colorado Air Pollution Regulation 8, shall be performed for every project. A copy of the results will be furnished to the UCD-EHS Industrial Hygienist. The Air Monitoring Contractor, under the guidance of UCD-EHS, must inspect the adequacy of ACM removal by visual inspection prior to the application of encapsulant for any removal project. The Air Monitoring Contractor will provide written documentation of that inspection to the UCD-EHS Industrial Hygienist. Any deficiencies must be corrected to the satisfaction of the Air Monitoring Contractor before encapsulant can be applied and clearance monitoring can be performed. Final Clearance Monitoring shall be performed by the Air Monitoring Contractor under the guidance of UCD-EHS in accordance with Colorado Air Pollution Regulation 8 and procedures approved by UCD-EHS. A report of the sampling results will be furnished to the UCD-EHS Industrial Hygienist. - 39 - Appendix C: UCD Building Inspector Requirements All building inspector contractors bidding for University of Colorado Denver asbestos survey projects are to be certified by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment for performing Building Inspections. The Building Inspector may also be required to identify other potential environmental safety and health hazards to include but not limited to lead-containing paint and shielding in walls, PCB ballasts and mercury-containing fluorescent light bulbs, and alkaline and nickel-cadmium batteries found in emergency lighting in accordance with the UCHSC guidelines. The contractor may be called upon to conduct asbestos inspections in areas where demolitions and renovations are planned. The contractor(s) bidding for the contract will be given a specification document and a set of drawings for that project. The inspections are to be conducted and documented in accordance with all applicable federal standards, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Regulation # 8 and guidelines approved by the UCHSC Health and Safety Division. Asbestos inspections must be conducted prior to providing a firm estimate for the project. A report of findings will be furnished to the UCD-EHS Industrial Hygienist, UCD Asbestos Team Supervisor, and the UCD Project Manager for that project. - 40 - Appendix D: FACILITIES PROJECTS-SCOPE OF WORK Proposed modifications resulting in the addition of or change in space configurations; the change in mechanical, electrical or plumbing service; or any exterior alterations requires the initiator to submit a Project Request Form to the UC DENVER Facilities Projects Department. It is the responsibility of an assigned UCD Project Manager to ensure appropriate review of the proposed alterations and facilitate either 1) management of the design and construction of the UCD occupied project or 2) provide oversight to ensure that all UCD policies, procedures, standards and guidelines are adhered to where a facility is leased from the UCD. - 41 - Facilities Projects Project Request Form and Scope of Work Questionnaire UC DENVER PRF Project # Project Manager Assigned: Project Location (Campus, Building, Room Number, Area) Brief Description: Client Contact: Operations Representative: Transmittal/Routing This form is to be initiated by the Project Manager. The completion is mandatory prior to the distribution of the scope of work. Distributed from Project Manager to PRF Review Group Date: After completing this form, Project Manager is to submit copies to the following. It is the responsibility of the individuals listed below to distribute to the appropriate person(s) in their department. Health & Safety –Christina Aguilera SAM - Paul Fass Operations – Mike Boroviak Operations – Dave Turnquist Major Projects – Mike Barden Construction Services – Don Taipalus Telecommunications – Rob Lee Code Official – Henry Dietz Project Manager Supervisor – Sharon Anthony Architect (Design Review Board) – Noel Copeland Finance & Administration – Diana Taipalus Division of Infrastructure – Ken Neeper Space & Property Acquisitions – Melissa Kelley AVC Facilities Projects – John Allison Facilities Director SOM - Don Aldrich Client: Other: University Police – Chief Doug Abraham Security – Robin Brown Institutional Planning – Jerry Scezney Date Distributed: Response from PRF Review Group to the Project Manager Response will be anticipated within five (5) working days once received by the reviewer. Response Instructions: • Each comment should correspond to its respective question on the form provided. • Responses should be sent back electronically using form provided. • Enter your name and date on the bottom of THIS page. Will a Certificate of Occupancy be required? Yes Responder: No Date: - 42 - Appendix D-1: Class I-Class III Asbestos Work Request Form Name: ______________________________Date: __________________________ Telephone No. ______________________ Job Request No. Requested starting date: _______________________ __________ Anticipated finish date: _________________ Address, Building, and Room Number(s) (or description of area) where work is to be performed: ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Description of Work: ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Description of any asbestos-containing material being affected (include location and type, if known): ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Name and telephone number of requestor: ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Name and Telephone number of supervisor: ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Submit this application to: UCD Environmental Health and Safety 1784 Racine Street, Room 202, Bldg 401 Aurora, CO 80045 Ph #: (303) 724-0345 Fax #: (303) 724-0388 E-mail: Christina.Aguilera@UCDenver.edu - 43 - Appendix D-2: Class I-Class III Asbestos Work Request Form Authorization: Authorization is given to proceed with the following (Class I, Class II, and Class III) work: __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Type of asbestos-containing material(s): 1. Sprayed- or Troweled-on ceiling or walls 2. Sprayed- or Troweled-on structural members 3. Insulation on pipes, tanks, or boiler 4. Other (describe): ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Work Practices and procedures for the response action taken: The following work practices shall be employed to avoid or minimize an asbestos spill or contamination. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Personal Protection Equipment required for the Response Action: The Following equipment/ clothes shall be used/ warn during the work to protect the UCD employees: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Special Practices and/ or Equipment Required: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Signed: ___________________________________ Date:_______________________________ (Asbestos Coordinator) - 44 - Appendix D-3: Class I-Class III Asbestos Work Evaluation Form (non-permit) Location of Response Action (address, building, room number(s), or general description): ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Date(s): _________________________________________________________________ Description of work: _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Evaluation of work practices employed to minimize disturbance of asbestos: ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Evaluation of work practices employed to contain released fibers and to clean up the work area: ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Evaluation of equipment and procedures used to protect workers: ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Handling or Storage of ACM Waste: ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Personal air monitoring results; (in-house worker or contract?) Employee Name _____________________Results:______________________________ Employee Name _____________________Results:______________________________ Signed: _____________________________ Date: _______________________________ (Asbestos Coordinator) - 45 - Appendix D-4: UCD Asbestos Abatement Evaluation Form (State Permit Work Only) Type of work activity:____________________________________________________________ Reason for selecting the measure or activity: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Location where measure or activity was taken: ______________________________________________________________________________ Project(s) start date: __________________ Project(s) Completion Date: ___________________ Current Abatement Phase: Pre _________ Active _________ Post ________ More than one project? Y N Comments:____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Type(s) and *total quantity of ACM removed/to be removed * as reported by the abatement contractor: Pipe insulation __________ Spray on __________ Fireproofing __________ Ceiling Tile __________ Boiler Insulation __________ VAT __________ Transite __________ Other (describe)_______________________________________ *Pipe insulation is reported in lineal feet, all other materials including ductwork are reported in square footage regardless of the thickness of the ACM. PART I – SECTION A – Outside the work area(s) Certification and Permit/Notification Requirements, etc. Pg # Citation Description of Citation 17 II.A.1.a On site supervisor state certified? 18 II.A.1.c All workers on site trained/certified? 8 II.A.S./& 6. II.B.1.g. All training certs/documents on site – and photo Ids? Air Monitoring Spec. trained/qualified (NOTE – this requirement may apply during pre or active abatement phases, e.g. monitoring NAM exhaust inside a building or checking for the “MAAL”)? 19 - 46 - OK V N/A RG 110 110 1-4 6 Pts 32 III.C.1. Permit valid (i.e. start/stop dates)? 410 1 33 III.C.1.d. Original permit posted at work site? 47 III.C.4. 310 57 III.C.9. 20 II.B.1.d. 34 III.C.1.h. If a variance has been granted for any work practice(s), are the conditions of this variance being followed? Project Manager/Design required (>1,000 lin. / 3,000 sq. ft.)? Project Manager-credentials ok (certified as proj. designer, completed AMS training, HS diploma, 1 yr. Experience, independent)? Permit signed by project manager? 58 30 III.C.9.b. III.B.1.a.( I) Project design on site No false, inaccurate, misleading information? 1-4 110 110 110 1 List of all abatement workers in containment today: NAME SSN EXP. DATE - 47 - COMMENTS Total number of persons performing active abatement today: __________ Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ PART I – SECTION B – OUTSIDE WORK AREA (cont.) Pg # Citation Description of Citation 35 III.C.2.a. View port present (12” x 12”)? III.C.2.a. 36 37 III.C.2.b. III.C.2.b. (I) (B) OK V N/A RG 3 Negative Air Machines (NAMs) – operating continuously? 110 NAMs – monitored if exhausted inside building? 4-6 Decon Unit – 3 stages? Clean room – adequately sized? 110 1-4 Shower – hot and cold at the tap? 3-6 Shower – waste water filtered to 5 microns, sanitary sewer discharge? Shower – leakage? 6 Shower and Clean room – ACM debris present? Entry and exit procedures ok? 110 110 1-5 “ “ “ “ “ 40 III.C.2.b. (ii) III.C.2.h. “ “ .02” H2O or better on Manometer? “ Continuous readout on Manometer? “ “ Air flow – outside to inside ok? 44 III.C.2.s. Waste load out separate from Decon? 110 1-3 36 III.C.2.b. Self closing flaps/doors? 3 “ “ 2 chambers separated by airlocks? 1-3 Manometers and smoke tubes present? - 48 - 1-6 110 3 Pts Miscellaneous Comments – Part I, Section B: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ PART II – SECTION A – INSIDE WORK AREA Pg # Citation Description of Citation 34 III.C.2.a. Critical barriers – 1 layer 6 mil? OK V N/A RG 310 110 110 1-5 35 “ Floors – 2 layers 6 mil? “ “ Walls – 2 layers 4 mil? “ “ Fixed objects – 1 layer 6 mil? 36 “ Ceilings – 1 layer 4 mil? 3-5 35 “ 1-5 37 “ No seams present (wall/floor, wall/ceiling, 12” overlap)? 6 mil disposal bag present in Dirty room? 38 III.C.2.c. Pre-Cleaning – Neg. Air established, criticals and decon, HEPA Vacs, wet cleaning, proper disposal? 110 “ “ 38 III.C.2.e. 110 1-5 39 III.C.2.f. 38 “ 39 “ “ “ Movable objects pre-cleaned before removal from the work area? All contaminated surfaces wet-wiped prior to disassembly of containment barriers? Glovebags – secondary containment(s) in place if removal > 3 lin./sq. feet? Glovebags – proper useage (useable without causing fiber release)? Glovebags – propersly sealed to the area, no bottom seam? Glovebags – smoke tested prior to use? 38 “ Glovebags – pipes cooler than 150 degrees? 1-3 39 “ Glovebags – material in bags adequately wet? “ “ Glovebags used only once? 110 1-6 39 “ Glovebags – evacuated w/HEPA Vac prior to removing the bag? - 49 - 2 1-6 1-5 1-5 1-3 1-3 Pts “ “ Glovebags – “rough edges” encapsulated? 1-3 40 III.C.2.g. 1-3 40 III.C.2.i. “ “ “ “ Airless sprayers used for applying amended water or encapsulant? Amended water being used (surfactants) before ACM is removed? Material adequately wet and/or kept wet ;until bagged for disposal? Are the surfactants a commercial product designed specifically for ACM removal? 41 “ Disposable clothing worn by workers? 5 41 III.C.2.n. 1 III.C.2.n. 110 110 43 III.C.2.r. 43 “ Facility component removal – w/o containment, material well adhered to surface? Facility component removal – adequately wet and wrapped in 6 mil poly prior to removal from the work area? Air cleaning equipment – HEPA filters properly installed, equipment operating, maintained adequately, etc.? Adequate equipment in place to ensure 4 air changes per hour? 1-5 110 3 110 110 Miscellaneous Comments – Part II, Section A:____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ PART II – SECTION B – WASTE HANDLING REQUIREMENTS (Waste storage area) Pg # Citation Description of Citation OK V N/A RG Pts 40 III.C.2.j. 6 mil bags? 1-6 56 III.C.8. Containers – material adequately wet in bags? 56 “ No breakage, rupture or leakage? 56 III.C.8.d. Visible emissions – anywhere on job site? “ III.C.8.b. Proper warning labels on bags? 57 III.C.8.f. “ III.C.8.g. All waste water filtered to 5 microns AND discharged to a sanitary sewer? Are ACWM bags labeled w/ generator labels in accordance w/40 CFR 61.150? 110 1-4 “ “ Transport to a proper disposal site? 10 - 50 - 110 110 110 1-3 “ “ “ “ Waste storage vehicles placarded during loading/storage at job site? Are appropriate waste shipment records being maintained (40 CFR 61.150)? 1 310 Miscellaneous Comments – Part II, Section B: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Name and Location of Storage or Disposal Site of the ACM: PART III – POST ABATEMENT REQUIREMENTS Pg # Citation Description of Citation 51 III.C.7.a. Work area reduced to only critical barriers in (i) place? OK V N/A RG 1-6 51 III.C.7.a.( i) Has all dust and debris been cleaned/removed from the work area, including areas behind the critical barriers? 110 “ III.C.7.a. (i) (A) Aggressive sampling conducted pursuant to 40 CFR Part 763 Appendix A? 410 53 TEMs – Lab properly accredited (by NIST)? 10 55 III.C.7.c. PCMs – Lab successfully participating in the AIHA PAT program? Is the Air Monitoring Specialist properly trained pursuant to Section II.B.1.g. (NOTE: this requirement also pertains to “background air sampling” and sampling conducted near NAM exhausts if the NAMs are exhausted inside a building, i.e. sampling for the MAAL.)? MAAL, sample(s) outside containment >.01 f/cc, PCM? 10 19 III.C.7. (i) (B) III.C.7. (i) (C) II.B.1.g. 55 “ 52 III.C.7.a. 110 10 52 “ MAAL, if yes to above, re-analyzed TEM within 24 hours and/or area treated as a spill? Satellite labs – proper prodedures (NIOSH 7400 method) followed, and is the analyst properly trained pursuant to Section II.B.1.g.? Satellite labs – directly under the control of properly accredited “parent” lab pursuant to 53 - 51 - 6 10 Pts 53 III.C.7.a. (iii) 52 III.C.7.a. (iv). 51 III.C.7.d. subclause III.C.7. (i) (B)? “TEM air sampling – 1,199 Liters of air drawn (25 mm cassette) and average of the required 5 samples is below 70 structures/mm2?” *PCM air sampling – 1,199 Liters of air drawn (25 mm cassette) and each sample of 5 required samples is below 0.01 f/cc?* Is the air monitoring specialist performing the final clearance procedures completely independent of the asbestos contractor? 1-5 110 10 *There are 2 possible exceptions to these rules – see page 8.117 for details* Miscellaneous Comments – Part III: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Comments - General: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ - 52 - Appendix E1: AIR SAMPLING DATA SHEET PROJECT LOCATION AREA DATE EMPLOYEE SSN DESCRIPTION COMPOUNDS SAMPLED SPECIAL CONDITIONS INSTRUMENT POST-SAMPLE AVG CAL TIME OFF TOTAL TIME VOLUME SAMPLE # PRE-SAMPLE AVG CAL TYPE TIME ON AREA DATE EMPLOYEE SSN DESCRIPTION COMPOUNDS SAMPLED SPECIAL CONDITIONS INSTRUMENT POST-SAMPLE AVG CAL TIME OFF TOTAL TIME VOLUME SAMPLE # PRE-SAMPLE AVG CAL TYPE TIME ON - 53 - Appendix E2: ASBESTOS CLEARANCE DATA SHEET (Required for Permitted work) PROJECT LOCATION CONTAINMENT DESCRIPTION VISUAL INSPECTION BY: COMMENTS: INSTRUMENT SAMPLE# TYPE TIME ON PRE-SAMPLE CAL. / / TIME OFF / / / POST-SAMPLE CAL. / / TOTAL TIME / VOLUME LOCATION OF SAMPLE AIR CONCENTRATION: INSTRUMENT SAMPLE# TYPE TIME ON PRE-SAMPLE CAL. / / TIME OFF / / / POST-SAMPLE CAL. / / TOTAL TIME / VOLUME LOCATION OF SAMPLE AIR CONCENTRATION: INSTRUMENT SAMPLE# TYPE TIME ON PRE-SAMPLE CAL. / / TIME OFF / / / POST-SAMPLE CAL. / / TOTAL TIME / VOLUME LOCATION OF SAMPLE AIR CONCENTRATION: INSTRUMENT SAMPLE# TYPE TIME ON PRE-SAMPLE CAL. / / TIME OFF / / / POST-SAMPLE CAL. / / TOTAL TIME / VOLUME LOCATION OF SAMPLE AIR CONCENTRATION: INSTRUMENT SAMPLE# TYPE TIME ON PRE-SAMPLE CAL. / / TIME OFF / / / POST-SAMPLE CAL. / TOTAL TIME / / VOLUME LOCATION OF SAMPLE AIR CONCENTRATION: BLOWER ON: OFF: BLANKS: LOCATION: SAMPLES CONDUCTED BY: SENT TO: - 54 - Appendix F: Asbestos Buildings Materials Evaluation Form (Non-mandatory) Locations of asbestos-containing material (address, building, room, or general description): ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Type of asbestos-containing material(s): 1. Sprayed- or Troweled-on ceilings or walls 2. Sprayed- or Troweled-on structural members 3. Insulation on pipes, tanks, or boiler 4. Other (describe): ____________________________________________________________________________ Evaluation Status: 1. Evidence of physical damage: _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Evidence of water damage: ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Evidence of delamination or other damage _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Degree of accessibility of the material ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Degree of activity near the material ______________________________________________________________________ 6. Location in an air plenum, air shaft, or airstream: __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ - 55 - 6. Other observations (including the condition of the encapsulant or enclosure, if any): Recommended action: ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Signed: _____________________________________________ (Evaluator) Date: _______________________________________________ - 56 -