RENISON CONSOLIDATED MINES NL ACN 003 049 714 2006 6th Annual Report On EXPLORATION LICENCE, EL 22068 Steve’s Hill Period Beginning 1st September 2005 And the Period Ending 30th August 2006. LICENCEE \ OPERATOR: STANDARD 1:250,000 SHEET: STANDARD 1:100,000 SHEET: AUTHOR: DATE: DISTRIBUTION: Renison Consolidated Mines NL SD5208 Pine Creek McKinley River 5271 Prue Kobiolke Exploration Geologist Scott Hall Project Manager September 2006 NT Department of Mines & Energy. Renison Consolidated Mines NL, Brisbane. Renison Consolidated Mines NL, Tom’s Gully. Ernie Chin, John Lewis. Tenement Details EL22068 is held by Arnhem Highway Estate Pty Ltd and John Michael Lewis. Renison Consolidated Mines NL signed an ‘Option to Purchase’ Agreement with the tenement holders in January 2004. Renison are now the Operators and Managers of the project. Table 1 Tenure Details EL 22068 2 Block Identification Map Marrakai 8/5 Blocks Date of Grant Date of Renewal 1 Expiry Date 1 Date of Renewal 2 Expiry date 2 58/33: 58/34; 58/35; 57/33; 57/34; 57/35; 57/36; 57/37; 57/38; 56/33; 56/34; 56/35; 56/37; 56/38 3rd August 2000 8th July 2004 2nd August 2006 3nd August 2006 2nd August 2008 SUMMARY Renison has been developing a regional exploration strategy in the NT, targeting dislocations within regional structures that intersect known stratigraphical and structural features that host economic gold mineralisation, within the northern Pine Creek Geosyncline. EL 22068 ‘Steve’s Hill’ forms part of a regional package of tenements that have a north-west trend, which covers what the Company has called the ‘Noonamah–Corroboree Trend’. The licence straddles a conspicuous zone of dislocation evident in processed aeromagnetic imagery. Several recently discovered gold prospects are aligned along this zone of dislocation over 2.5 kilometres strike extent within the Steve’s Hill tenement. The source of the significant surface mineralisation found by the local prospectors in the form of nuggets and specimen pieces has not as yet been located by any significant hard rock intercepts. Several low order anomalies have been found, but none significant enough to explain the amount found by prospectors. It is hoped through detailed geological mapping and further reprocessing of this data which is currently ongoing the source of this mineralisation will be located and define a resource which can be used as supplemental feed for the Tom’s Gully operation which is currently undergoing final commissioning. Due to the commitments of the final construction and commissioning phase of the Tom’s Gully operation Drilling was not completed during this year of tenure. 3 Table of Contents TENEMENT DETAILS ......................................................................................................................... 2 SUMMARY............................................................................................................................................ 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................... 4 TABLES & FIGURES ........................................................................................................................... 5 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 LOCATION & ACCESS ............................................................................................................................ 5 2. REGIONAL GEOLOGY.................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 THE MOUNT PARTRIDGE GROUP ................................................................................................................ 7 2.1.1 Wildman Siltstone ................................................................................................................................. 7 2.2 THE SOUTH ALLIGATOR GROUP ................................................................................................................. 7 2.2.1 Koolpin Formation ................................................................................................................................ 7 2.2.2 Gerowie Tuff ......................................................................................................................................... 7 2.2.3 Mount Bonnie Formation ..................................................................................................................... 8 2.3 FINNISS RIVER GROUP ................................................................................................................................. 8 2.3.1 Burrell Creek Formation ...................................................................................................................... 8 2.4 INTRUSIVES ................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.4.1 Dolerite .................................................................................................................................................. 8 2.5 DEFORMATION & METAMORPHISM ............................................................................................................ 8 3. PREVIOUS EXPLORATION .......................................................................................................... 10 4. CURRENT EXPLORATION ........................................................................................................... 10 4.1 GEOPHYSICS ............................................................................................................................................... 10 4.2 ROCK CHIP SAMPLING ............................................................................................................................... 10 6. EXPENDITURE DETAILS FOR EL22068 DURING 2005/2006 .................................................. 12 7. CONCLUSION AND PROPOSALS ........................................................................................ 13 7.1 CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................................................. 13 7.2 PROPOSALS & FORWARD PROGRAM ......................................................................................................... 13 4 Tables & Figures Table 1 Tenure Details EL 22068 ........................................................................................ 2 Figure 1 Tenement Location Map ....................................................................................... 6 Figure 2 Regional Geology Map ......................................................................................... 9 Section 7.2 Work program for the next twelve months: ................................................ 13 1. INTRODUCTION Previous exploration within the licence area has been successful in locating a NE–SW oriented ridgeline of Early Proterozoic metasediments that hosts coarse gold over 2.5 kilometres of strike. The gold was detected using hand held metal detectors, which located nuggets up to 30oz in size. The initial discovery was at Steve’s Hill on the northern boundary of the tenement; further coarse gold was detected at John’s Flat 1 kilometre to the south and at Chin’s Gully. All previous work is being compiled into GIS format for target generation. The objective of the Company within the licence area is to find resources suitable for the continuation of the dump leach operation at the nearby Quest 29 Project and more hopefully suitable grade material to supplement the underground mining being planned for Tom’s Gully. 1.1 LOCATION & ACCESS EL 22068 “Steve’s Hill” is located approximately 75 kilometres southeast of Darwin, south of the Arnhem Highway.(Figure 1) Access to the tenement is via the sealed Arnhem Highway and then the Marrakai Track; local vehicular access is via freehold property boundary fire breaks and interior bush tracks. These are only passable during the dry season. Access during the wet season is limited to light 4WD vehicles only. 5 Figure 1 Tenement Location Map 6 2. REGIONAL GEOLOGY EL 22068 is located within the Pine Creek Geosyncline, which has been interpreted as an intracratonic basin lying on an Archaen basement, and containing a 14 km thick sequence of Proterozoic sediments, accompanied by lesser volcanics, granitic plutons and dolerite intrusions. The northern portions of the project area contain the oldest sediments The Mount Partridge Group that is unconformably overlain by the South Alligator Group, which comprises most of the tenement areas. Cainozoic sediments overlie the Proterozoic units. Tertiary and Quaternary soils and gravel’s unconformably overlie all the lower lying portions of the tenement area, generally referred to as “Black Soils Regions”. All of the Early Proterozoic sediments and volcanics in the region were folded in a major deformation event dated around 1800 million years. The fold axes trend north-northeast, and generally plunging gently to the south. Syn and post tectonic granites have intruded the metasedimentary package. As can be seen in Figure 2. 2.1 The Mount Partridge Group 2.1.1 Wildman Siltstone The Mount Partridge Group is represented by the Wildman Siltstone, which is interpreted to be up to 1500m thick. The Wildman Siltstone consists of laminated and banded shale, carbonaceous and often pyritic siltstone inter bedded with undifferentiated volcanics in up to 100m interbeds, minor dolomitic sediments may also be present. The Wildman Siltstone is interpreted to be prospective for large tonnage, low-grade gold deposits and small tonnage, high-grade deposits. The Wildman Siltstone hosts the Tom’s Gully gold deposit. 2.2 The South Alligator Group The Koolpin Formation, Gerowie Tuff and the Mount Bonnie Formation represent the South Alligator Group. The rocks of the South Alligator Group are considered to be prospective for either large tonnage, low grade gold deposits (such as that at the nearby Rustler’s Roost gold mine) or small tonnage, high grade deposits. 2.2.1 Koolpin Formation The Koolpin Formation comprises ferruginous siltstone and shale, which is commonly carbonaceous and pyritic. Chert bands and nodular horizons are common and lenses of ironstone occur occasionally, as haematitic breccias throughout the sequence into undisturbed quartz-veined siltstone and shale. Minor components of dolomite can also occur. The Koolpin is one of the most prospective units in the region, hosting gold mineralisation at West Koolpin, Taipan, BHS and North Koolpin at the nearby Quest 29 dump leach operation. 2.2.2 Gerowie Tuff The Gerowie Tuff conformably overlies the Koolpin Formation and has similar characteristics of siltstones and shales but is not as iron rich. It is dominated by graded beds of siliceous, tuffaceous mudstones grading to greywacke and arenite, diagenetically altered, up to 600m thick, and generally poorly mineralised. The highly siliceous component 7 of the tuffs and arenites make them resistant to erosion, and they tend to form areas of high relief. 2.2.3 Mount Bonnie Formation The Mount Bonnie Formation conformably overlies the Gerowie Tuff and is dominated by a shallow marine sequence of interbedded and graded siltstone, chert and greywacke with occasional BIF’s. The unit can be up to 600m thick and is generally iron rich and may be siliceous in places. The Mount Bonnie Formation hosts the Rustler’s Roost deposit. 2.3 Finniss River Group 2.3.1 Burrell Creek Formation Conformably overlying the Mount Bonnie Formation is the Burrell Creek Formation interpreted as a flysch sequence of fine to coarse marine sediments and appears to be part of continuous sedimentation process. Due to the lack of marker horizons and poor exposure the width of the unit is unknown but is thought to be >1000m. This Formation is considered prospective for large low-grade gold deposits as typified by the Batman deposit of Mount Todd. The potential also exists for small high-grade deposits similar deposits such as Bandicoot, Marrakai and the Ringwood line which all lie on a major deep-seated magnetic trend (the Noonamah-Corroboree trend). 2.4 Intrusives 2.4.1 Dolerite The Zamu Dolerite occurs as small bodies that are poorly exposed due to the easily erodable nature of the dolerite. It consists of altered quartz dolerite and gabbro and is generally narrow and broadly conformable to bedding as thin sills. The Zamu Dolerite is the only known suite of mafic intrusives that were emplaced prior to regional metamorphism and deformation. The Zamu Dolerite appears to have a controlling influence on the mineralisation at Quest 29 within the Koolpin sediments but this is not fully understood at this stage. 2.5 Deformation & Metamorphism Regional deformation at around 1800My resulted in the formation of regionally significant southwest plunging isoclinal to open folds. Regional metamorphism has resulted in the conversion of the sedimentary packages to greenschist and sometimes higher to amphibolite metamorphic assemblages. This event also resulted in the intrusion of thin sills of Zamu Dolerite, and the post – tectonic emplacement of felsic granitic suites at 1790 + 110 My in the region. Structural deformation of the metasediments is complex. 8 Figure 2 Regional Geology Map 3. PREVIOUS EXPLORATION The Carpentaria Exploration Company carried out a regional exploration programme for precious and base metals in the region in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s following the discovery of Tom’s Gully in 1989. Previously exploration carried out by Renison consists of: -Interpretation of Airborne Magnetic and Radiometric data. -Aerial Photo interpretation. -Gridding. -Regolith Mapping. -Soil Sampling. -Rock chip sampling. -Costeaning. -RAB Drilling. - RC Drilling 4. CURRENT EXPLORATION 4.1 Geophysics Previously a Sub-audio magnetics survey of two kilometres of strike at Steve’s Hill had been carried out during April of 2005. The objective of the survey was to highlight significant EM conductors, and to provide high resolution magnetics imagery over the ground from north of Steve’s Hill to south of John’s Flat, where coarse colluvial and supergene enriched gold had been discovered. Significant 8 amp EM conductor anomalies generated from the survey outlined current transmitting structures and /or stratigraphy. Similarly, the processed high resolution ground magnetics indicated a strong, fault bounded non-magnetic low structure trending northwest, and which passed under the John’s Flat gold prospect. This structure appears to have acted as a conduit for gold mineralising fluids.. Further analysis of the data is still taking place and detailed reprocessing and reinterpretation is currently being undertaken. It is hoped that with this information a source for the mineralisation can be found. 4.2 Rock Chip Sampling Detailed geological mapping and rock chipping within the area is still ongoing and further detailed mapping will be undertaken. Rockchips were largely of sub-cropping and outcropping quartz veining, with some quartz float also being sampled. Several samples of laterite were also collected and outcropping magnetite Banded Iron Formation in the eastern part of the tenement was also examined. Several new prospects have been identified from the previous rockchip sampling; the Golden Pig prospect (which overlies a major northwest basement structure) and Howitzer Hill, both on the western boundary of the licence. East of the Steve’s Hill trend, the Jasons Rise and Mayo’s Ridge prospects occur on a parallel ridgeline and a major northeasterly lineament, all of which will have follow up mapping and sampling. 5. REHABILITATION & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Existing access tracks and bush tracks were used throughout the field exploration programme. Where travel across country was necessary to gain access to sample sites and outcrops, vegetation disturbance was kept to a minimum. 11 6. EXPENDITURE DETAILS for EL22068 DURING 2005/2006 Expenditure Type Covenant EL 22068 $ 85,000 Accommodation, Messing & Travel Total Acquisition of imagery Total Acquisition of maps and literature Total Administration Total Analysis of Data \ Results Total Assaying Total Computers & Software Total Consultants Total Consumables Total Data Acquisition Total Data Entry Total Drilling Total Earthworks Total Fuel Total Geo-Physics Total Geological Personnel Total Miscellaneous Total Rehabilitation Total Reporting Total Road works Total Site office costs Total Vehicle Expenses Total $491.25 $500.00 $448.50 $1326.60 $3,500.00 $225.5 $650 $4,750.00 $3300 $0 $662 $0 $0 $420.5 $0 $15127.2 $0 $1200 $1,480.00 $0 $783 $1826.4 Grand Total $36,690.95 I certify that the information contained herein, is a true statement of the operations carried out and the monies expended on the above mentioned tenement during the period specified as required under the Northern Territory Mining Act and the Regulations thereunder. X I have attached the Technical Report 1. Name: Position: Prue Kobiolke Exploration Geologist Signature: Date: 01/09/2006 12 7. CONCLUSION AND PROPOSALS 7.1 Conclusions Further fieldwork will continue at Steve’s Hill and John’s Flat in an attempt to locate the primary vein Au mineralisation. Follow up work may require a close spaced RAB drilling programme to blade refusal; further RC drilling is only recommended should significant and continuous gold mineralisation be encountered. Several large gold nugget specimens have also been found along the eroding flanks of Chin’s Gully. A close spaced soil/auger survey to several metres depth is planned, to determine the extent of gold anomalous colluvium, and to trace the supergene gold to the source veins. Rock chip sampling has identified several other gold anomalous prospects within EL 22068. These new areas will be further tested during the coming year with RAB drilling, costeaning and soil/auger survey. 7.2 Proposals & Forward Program Further detailed geological and traverse mapping is planned for existing prospects Steve’s Hill, John’s Flat and Chin gully, as well as all new prospects, the Golden Pig, Howitzer Hill, Jasons Rise and Mayo’s Ridge. A RAB drilling programme is proposed for Steve’s Hill and John’s Flat gold prospects to locate the auriferous primary veins, RAB drilling is also proposed for follow up at Golden Pig prospect, Howitzer Hill, Jasons Rise and Mayo’s Ridge. A soil/auger programme will be designed for the northern flanks of Chin’s Gully to determine the distribution of lateritic and colluvial gold, and to locate the buried auriferous quartz vein/veins shedding the gold. As well as study and interpretation of literature reviews and initial data entry to GIS of historical work will be recommenced. Section 7.2 Work program for the next twelve months: Activities proposed (please mark with an "X"): X Drilling and/or costeaning X Literature review Airborne geophysics X Geological mapping Ground geophysics X Rock/soil/stream sediment sampling Other: Estimated Cost: $60,000 13