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Chapter 5: The Integumentary System
1. You will need to be able to explain the cutaneous membrane and the accessory structures.
2. What are the general functions of the skin?
3. Explain each of the layers of the epidermis. You must know the correct order of the layers. You must
understand the structure and function of the cells in each layer. Explain the condition of the cells at
each layer.
4. Stratum germinativum- epidermal ridges, dermal papillae, melanocytes, and basal cells.
5. Stratum spinosum- langerhans cells.
6. Stratum granulosum- keratin (what is the function of keratin?) Keratohyalin.
7. Statum lucidum- explain structure of cells in the layer.
8. Stratum corneum- how thick is this layer?
9. What is meant by insensible and sensible perspiration?
10. Explain the pigments carotene and melanin. What is a melanocyte? Explain location and function.
11. What are cyanosis, jaundice, and vitiligo?
12. Understand the function of vitamin D3. What is calcitiol? Explain rickets.
13. What is epidermal growth factor?
14. Explain the papillary layer and reticular layer of the dermis. Explain dermal strength and elasticity.
Know the function of collagen and elastic fibers.
15. What are lines of cleavage?
16. Explain the blood supply to the dermis. Know the cutaneous and papillary plexus.
17. What is the composition of the hypodermis? What is subcutaneous injection?
18. What is the composition of hair? Know the following terms- hair follicles, root hair plexus, hair root,
hair shaft, hair bulb, hair papilla, hair matrix, medulla, cortex, medulla, and cuticle.
19. How is hair colored?
20. What is a sebaceous gland? What is sebum?
21. What is a sweat (sudoriferous) gland? Explain the difference between apocrine and merocrine
(eccrine) sweat glands.
22. What do ceruminous glands produce?
23. What is the composition of a finger nail? Know the following terms- nail body, nail bed, lateral nail
grooves, lateral nail folds, free edge, hyponychium, nail root, eponychium, cuticle, and lunula.
24. Know the steps of repair to the integument on pages 176-177.
Chapter 6: Osseous Tissue and Bone Structure
1. List the main functions of the skeletal system.
2. How are bones classified?
3. List examples of long bones, short bones, sutural bones, irregular bones, short bones, and sesamoid
4. Understand the bone markings on page 187.
5. Where is compact and spongy bone found in a long bone? What are the epiphysis, metaphysis, and
6. What is hydroxyapatite?
7. What is the function of osteocytes? What are lamella and canaliculi?
8. What is the function of osteoblasts? What is osteogenesis?
9. What is the function of an osteoproginator cell?
10. What is the function of an osteoclast? What is osteolysis?
11. You must be able to explain the structure and histology of compact bone. Please be able to
describe figure 6-5 on page 192.
12. Explain the structure of spongy bone. Note figure 6-6 on page 193. What is red and yellow
13. What is the periosteum and the endosteum? Note figure 6-8 on page 194.
14. What is the definition of ossification and calcification?
15. What type of bones form as a result of endochondrial ossification? What are the steps of
endochondrial ossification?
16. What types of bone form as a result of intramembranous ossification? What are the steps of
intramembranous ossification?
17. What is the nutrient artery and vein, the metaphyseal vessels, and the periosteal vessels.
18. What is the effect of inactivity on bones? What is the effect of exercise on bones?
19. Where is most calcium stored in the body?
20. What is the function of parathyroid hormone? What is the effect on calcitonin? Know figure 6-16.
21. Know the steps of fracture repair on page 205.
22. What is osteopenia and osteoporosis?
Chapter 7: The Axial Skeleton
1. What is the axial skeleton? How many bones does it contain?
2. You will need to know the bones and major prominences listed on pages 88-93.
3. You will be given a test over these bones in lab. Some questions covering chapters 7 and 8 may
also show up on the lecture exam as well.
3. Frontal- supraorbital foramen/notch, frontal sinus, zygomatic process, orbital surface, superior
orbital margin, glabella.
4. Occipital- foramen magnum, occipital condyles, external occipital protuberance.
5. Parietal
6. Temporal- external/internal auditory meatus, mastoid process, mandibular fossa, zygomatic process,
and styloid process.
7. Sphenoid- sella turcica, body, greater and lesser wings.
8. Ethmoid- cribiform plate, crista galli, and ethmoid sinus.
9. Coronal, sagittal, squamosal, and lambdoidal suture.
10. Know the fontanels on the fetal skull. Page 230 of text book.
11. Maxilla- palatine process, zygomatic process, alveolar process and arch, maxillary sinus.
12. Palatine- vertical plate and horizontal plate.
13. Mandible- madibular ramus, mental foramen, alveolar process/arch/border, body, mandibular
condyle, and coronoid process.
14. Zygomatic- frontal process and temporal process (zygomatic arch).
15. Also be able to identify the lacrimal, nasal, inferior concha, vomer, and hyoid.
16. Cervical vertebrae- atlas (C1), Axis (C2), odontoid process/dens, transverse foamina, and vertebra
17. Thoracic vertebrae- vertebral foramen, body, spinous process, transverse process, superior/inferior
articular process, demifacits, intervertebral disks, vertebral canal, pedicle, lamina.
18. Lumbar vertebrae- make certain that you know the difference between each type of vertebrae.
19. Sacrum- dorsal and ventral sacral foramina, sacroiliac joint, and sacral promontory.
20. Coccyx
21. Explain kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis.
22. Sternum- manubrium, gladiolus, and xiphoid process.
23. Ribs- know how the ribs attach to the thoracic vertebrae and the sternum, true rib, false rib, floating
rib, head, neck, tubercle, costal cartilage, sterna end.
Chapter 8: The Appendicular Skeleton
1. What is the axial skeleton? How many bones does it contain?
2. You will need to know the bones and major prominences listed on pages 94-97 that are included in
this study guide.
3. You will be given a test over these bones in lab. Some questions over this chapter may also show
up on the lecture exam as well.
4. Clavicle- acromial end, body, and sterna end.
5. Scapula- coracoids process, acromial process, glenoid fossa, and spine.
6. Humerus- greater/lesser tubercles, medial/lateral epichondyles, trochlea, capitulum, olecranon fossa,
and coronoid fossa.
7. Ulna- olecranon process, coronoid process, trochlear notch, head, radial notch.
8. Radius- head, neck, radial tuberosity, ulnar notch.
9. Carpals- scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitates, and hamate.
10. Metacarpals.
11. Phalanges- proximal, middle, and distal.
12. Os coax-Know the ilium, ischium, and pubis. Also know the pelvic brim, greater/false pelvis, lesser
true pelvis, and differences between male and female pelvis.
13. Ilium- iliac crest and iliac fossa.
14. ischium
15 Pubis- obturator foramen, acetabulum, pubic symphysis, pubic crest.
16. Femur- greater/lesser trochanters, head, fovea capitis, medial/lateral condyles, and medial/lateral
17. Tibia- medial/lateral condyles and medial malleolus.
18. Fibula- lateral malleolus and head.
19. Tarsals- talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid, medial cuneiform, intermediate cuneiform, and lateral
20. Metatarsals.
21. Phalanges- proximal, middle, and distal.
Chapter 9: Articulations
1. Know table 9-1: functional and structural classifications of articulations.
2. What is a synarthrosis?
3. What is an amphiarthrosis?
4. What is a diarthrosis?
5. Synarthrosises- explain each: suture, gomphosis, synchrondrosis, and synostosis.
6. Amphiarthroses- explain each: syndesmosis and symphysis.
7. Diarthrosis- explain a synovial joint. Be able to describe all of the accessory structures in figure 9-1.
8. What is a meniscus? What is a bursa? What is a fat pad?
9. What are the functions of synovial fluid? Where is it produced?
10. What is a ligament?
11. What is a tendon?
12. How are synovial joints stabilized?
13. Be able to describe dynamic motion. What is linear motion? What is angular motion? What is
circumduction? What is rotation?
14. Be able to explain: flexion and extension, hyperextension, abduction and adduction, circumduction,
rotation, supination and pronation, inversion and eversion, dorsiflexion and plantar flextion, opposition,
protraction and retraction, elevation and depression, and lateral flexion.
15. Be able to name the types of synovial joints. Gliding joints, hinge joints, pivot joints, ellipsoid joint,
saddle joints, and ball and socket joint.
16. What is an intervertebral disc? What is the anulus fibrous and the nucleus pulposus?
17. You will need to know 5 representative articulations: vertebrae, shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee.
18. Name all of the bones and major prominences involved in the intervertebral articulations.
19. Name all of the bones and major prominences involved in the shoulder joint. What is the glenoid
labrum? What is its function? What is the rotator cuff? What is its function?
20. Name all of the bones and major prominences involved in the hip joint. What is the acetabular
labrum? What is its function?
21. Name all of the bones and major prominences involved in the knee joint. What is the function of
the anterior and poster cruciate ligaments?
22. What is arthritis?