Module 3, Lesson 5: Neanderthal

Module 3, Lesson 5: Neanderthal: The Stereotype, The Reality
Student Handout #20: Fossil Evidence of Neanderthals
NAME: ______________________________ PERIOD: ________ DATE:
Directions: For each piece of fossil evidence about Neanderthals, provide a
corresponding conclusion about their lives. Read P. 199-201
Lived in caves
Weather conditions required shelter
1. Bones of elk, bears, oxlike animals found near Neanderthal habitation
2. Few skeletal remains of individuals over forty years old
3. Head injuries
4. Layers of ash in caves
5. Axes conforming to hand shape
6. Locations with hundreds of animal bones and tools
7. Brains larger than our own
8. Broad noses
9. Lived during periods of glaciation
10. Buried dead
11. Found in Europe, Middle East, and Central Asia
12. Front teeth excessively worn
13. Knives, scrapers, points, blades
14. Bear claws in caves near hearth sites
15. Serious injuries to eyes, head, leg bones, arm bones with breaks or wounds that
16. Stocky build with massive bones
17. Cut marks on skulls
18. Burial sites with scattered pollen
19. Large leg bones broken open
20. Hyoid bone (bone at back of mouth, which attaches to voice box)